May 31, 2017


Have you followed the "covfefe" kerfuffle?

More here (at the NYT).

Personally, I find it easy to decipher the typo. Trump tweeted: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." That much-pondered tweet is now gone, I think, but he now has: "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"

Well, I can. He meant to write "Despite the constant negative press coverage." It still needs more work, being an introductory clause with no payoff, but "covfefe" is "coverage." And "covfefe" is comedy. I'm not going to say it was comic genius to type it, but it's pretty interestingly comical not to explain it and to run with it and encourage us to "Enjoy!" like he's serving up a big plate of tasty food....


Jason said...

Dulce et covfefe est pro patria mori.

Jason said...

Romani ete covfefum.

Anonymous said...

It's how "covsese" is spelled in our nation's founding documents.

Jason said...

Veni, vidi, covfefi.

eric said...

So. Freaking. Awesome.

I love when Trump causes #nevertrump heads to explode. And this is working.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Covfefe iacta est.

Tank said...

Entertainment LOL !!!!


We're having feckin fun.

I mean covfefe fun.

Nonapod said...

"Covfefe" sounds vaguely Eastern European, like a word for some kind of holy oil receptacle or maybe some kind of ancient burial mound.

Jim said...

It's English for "macaca" a word designed to drive liberals crazy. Particularly Washington Post reporters.

Yancey Ward said...

Like Althouse, I also thought the word was meant to be "coverage"- this is almost 100% certain to be the case. I think what happened is that he was trying to backspace out the error, and accidentally hit the post button. I don't use Twitter, but I have accidentally hit send in trying to correct an error in a phone text more than once in just the last year- my youngest sister loves to reply "Are you drunk texting again?"

Anonymous said...

It's like one of those not-quite-acronyms they use in the Navy. Run this up the chain of command through COMSUBPAC, CINCPAC, and COVFEFE.

Jason said...

And so I have sailed the seas and come/
To the holy city of Covfefium.

rhhardin said...

It means pussy grabbing.

Ann Althouse said...

I want covfefe with my potizza.

Browndog said...

Trump sends tweet about negative media coverage,with typo.

News media go ballistic with wall-to-wall negative media coverage over typo.

Inside the bubble this is proof that Trump is incompetent, and needs to be Impeached.

Outside the bubble, Trump just proved his point.

Ann Althouse said...

It's such a hilarious word. It will never go away. But it's making Trump funny. It undercuts the Trump-is-evil agenda.

Jason said...

wv: covfefe.

It's like it knows.

Jason said...

Gleeben, globin, glüben, covfefe.

Jason said...


Bay Area Guy said...

I just came across "fakakta" in a book by this obscure Hollywood producer, who was yapping about all the coke and sex she had in Tinsel Town in the 70s.

I had heard this word numerous times, particularly from my dear Jewish grandmother who died 20 years ago.

But I had never seen it in print form. It's Yiddish for "all fucked up"

"Why don't you clean your room and make your bed, Junior -- the bed sheets are all fakakta!"

Something like that.

"Covfefe" presents some entymological challenges. My first thought is a slang word for "bad coffee."

"This coffee tastes horrible, Jeez! What are you serving here? It should be called, Covfefe"

Maybe, something like that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If Obama could make fun of himself, he'd tweet "I just saw Donald's tweet. How do I say covfefe in Austrian"?

Virgil Hilts said...

Despite the constant negative press chant of victory, evil forges evil

Tank said...

Trump is funnier than Griffin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

mmmm taco salad

walter said...

See? He's slipping into Russklish!

Virgil Hilts said...

Despite the constant negative press chant of victory, faithless evil forges evil

traditionalguy said...

It could be a Russian code for the invasion to begin in Twitter War. Either that or it was a Tiger Woods tweet for help from his friend accidentally re-tweeted by DJT.

Bill said...

I thought he might be referring to the poet.

Yancey Ward said...

Perhaps we will see an analysis of what it translates into in Russian.

tcrosse said...

Off with his head !

Bob Boyd said...

Covfefe is Bukake for schadenboners.

Anonymous said...

And "covfefe" is comedy.


Browndog said...

Don't we need some sort of official pronunciation?

Bob Boyd said...

The artist should name the pissing pug Covfefe.

JAORE said...

Now if THAT doesn't invoke the 25th nothing will.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Nonapod said...
"Covfefe" sounds vaguely Eastern European"

It's Slovenian for "gotcha, suckers!"

Renee said...

Thanks urban dictionary

CStanley said...

Like Althouse, I also thought the word was meant to be "coverage"- this is almost 100% certain to be the case. I think what happened is that he was trying to backspace out the error, and accidentally hit the post button. I don't use Twitter, but I have accidentally hit send in trying to correct an error in a phone text more than once in just the last year- my youngest sister loves to reply "Are you drunk texting again?"

I have a Polish keyboard installed and it's too easy to accidentally switch languages, so I often send out nonsensical texts that have autocorrected to Polish words.

For giggles I ran "covfefe" thru google translate. It parses it as Samoan, but then translates it to English as "covfefe." So I guess he accidentally toggled to his keyboard to Samoan.

Bay Area Guy said...

This discussion is turning into a "Covfefe-esque" nightmare........

Franz Kafka, The Trial, ..oh never mind.

n.n said...

All the English teachers hate Twitter, SMS, and other stream of consciousness messaging modes. Well, what are you going to do. [unqualified] Progress.

And if you're really desperate...

Achilles said...

Inga said...
And "covfefe" is comedy.


Impeach Trump!

Enjoy the next 7.5 years.

le Douanier said...

Following this felt a little icky last night. Finding this stuff funny while the Afghanistan news was breaking seemed wrong.

But, what could a person do re Kabul?

= nothing

BTW, Wapo kicked ass early and with deep coverage re responses to this (the Tweet), even when compared to the pure entertainment websites, not to mention Twitter's own roundup.

And, they beat the NYT re Kabul coverage, too.

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...

Following this felt a little icky last night. Finding this stuff funny while the Afghanistan news was breaking seemed wrong.

You mean they are covering Afghanistan again after ignoring it for 8 years? What could have possibly changed?

But, what could a person do re Kabul?

= nothing

Some of us tried.

BTW, Wapo kicked ass early and with deep coverage re responses to this (the Tweet), even when compared to the pure entertainment websites, not to mention Twitter's own roundup.

And, they beat the NYT re Kabul coverage, too.

WAPO is a pure entertainment site. It is a sarcastic take on what the media has turned into.

Ann Althouse said...

"Following this felt a little icky last night. Finding this stuff funny while the Afghanistan news was breaking seemed wrong."

I remember on 9/11 thinking that nothing would ever be funny again.

Then I found myself making a humorous remark before noon. (I said: "I guess we don't have to talk about Chandra Levy anymore.")

Barry Dauphin said...

Omnia Gallia in tres covfefe divisa est.

dreams said...

Yeah, you can laugh and at the same time think about yourself laughing when an awful thing has recently happened. I'm sure anyone who has ever suffered a tragedy has had that experience.

dreams said...

If Trump ever visits Ky again, he should visit the covfefe museum in Bowling Green.

Snark said...

I`m 100% sure that he tweeted this from bed in old man pyjamas, and that he fumbled it when Kislyak walked in.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

That's a change, 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson. You were in pretty good humor after the Manchester bombing.

Limited blogger said...

You can not run the Taco bowl pic enough!

Drago said...

Inga: "And "covfefe" is comedy."

It's code.

In Russian.


Maddow is on it!

Achilles said...

Snark said...
I`m 100% sure that he tweeted this from bed in old man pyjamas, and that he fumbled it when Kislyak walked in.

53% of likely voters think leaks of classified information to the media are treason

It is certainly against the law. The only people going to jail are Obama's cronies.

walter said...

It's amusing to see the circle jerk of comments and memes regarding a typo by the left.
Keeps them distracted from CAGW to, two, too...

Trumpit said...

You should have been a detective. I would have to agree that the word was "coverage." One has to be motivated, perserverant, and smart to figure out clues to a crime.

When my mother was murdered in the emergency room/hospital from a morphine overdose while I was at her bedside, the clues from the fruad were abundant, but most of them had to be flushed out.

For example, the Critical Care Time(CCT) was 45 minutes, except that the number had been obviously change. No one could figure out what the original number was. It took me a long time to figure out that the ER physician changed the number twice! My mother had a brief crisis when her heart slowed and she become "unresponsive." The ER doctor gave her atropine to increase her heart rate. So, she put down 15 minutes as the CCT, and left my mother bedside to phone my sister. When she returned to mother and saw that she was awake and talking, she ran a bunch of blood tests. She changed the 15 minute CCT to 25 minutes. No problem so far. My mother had a bad reaction to Ativan foolishly given for anxiety, and the ER physician abandoned my mother in a panic and then agreed to kill my mother in a phone call to a "hospitalist" who saw my mother for less than 3 minutes, and had placed her on observation rather than admit her to the hospital. The ER physician then fraudulently changed the CRC to 45 minutes. The "5" was never changed.

The time was changed the last time to make it seem like my mother was a dying patient who needed "comfort care," i.e. a lethal morphine overdose. When I deposed the ER Physician, I naturally asked her about the changed CRC. Because she murdered my mother, she said she didn't change the time even once! You'd have to be blind in both eyes to believe her.

Christopher said...

Spicer apparently said the following when asked about the tweet:

“The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant."

The number of people who apparently don't understand this is a joke is disturbingly high.

furious_a said...

It's not a "kerfuffle", it's an improv challenge and a,marketing opportunity. Trump's "enjoy!" was brilliant, because his humorless scolds will look like the little Savoranolas that they are.

Plus a nice palate cleanser after that disteubing glimpse into the empty basement of Kathy Griffin's soul.

I'm your covfefe.

Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not covfefe thy neighbor's wife.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Covfefe: feverous, overwrought, frenetic, hallucinatory (and for those of the female sex or feminine gender, hysterical) press coverage.

The Vault Dweller said...

I thought it was a typo for coverage as well. But I will play the President's game and try to come up with a definition for covfefe. My working idea is that covfefe is a combination of coverage, feelings, and fest. It describes a situation whereby the press in their coverage ignore contradictory facts and evidence and instead engage in speculation and rationalizations that is largely based on their own feelings, and each member of the press builds off and is fueled by the other press members similar actions in what collectively can be called a fest.

For example: The ongoing stories about possible Trump campaign and administration collusion with Russia is a coverage feelings fest. It is an absolute covfefe.

I would like to think covfefe could also be used as a verb as well. Rather than cover the President's recent trip, the press covfefed about Russian collusion.

Lyle Smith said...

I hug Trump bigly covfefe.

n.n said...

covfefe = coffee

Birkel said...


All. the. way. down.

Steven said...

The specific mechanics of the typo likely being one part misspelling it as "covrege", one part letter substitution from using a phone's 'swiping keyboard' (where 'f' borders both 'r' and 'g'), the combination overcoming the ability of autocorrect to auto-fix.

Anonymous said...

The President of the United States sends out a completely nonsensical Tweet that contains a typo and is also a sentence fragment. Rational people might find that disturbing and wonder if he had a stroke while Tweeting and also why no one checks these Tweets before he sends them out. But no, Althouse expects us to believe this all part of Trump's master plan. You people are living in an alternative reality.

tcrosse said...

You people are living in an alternative reality.

Which is to Scott Adams point: we both are.

furious_a said...

Rational people might find that disturbing and wonder if he had a stroke while Tweeting... Hillary wearing seizure glasses and getting tossed like a sack of rice into an evac vehicle after collapsing in 70d weather.

Please, tell us more about your vicarious Ischemic Event diagnosis.

jaed said...

The President of the United States sends out a [...] Tweet that contains a typo... Rational people [...] wonder if he had a stroke.

This new "Vinegar" character has to be satire. Has to be.

h said...

My iphone has a little microphone button to allow me to enter message text by speaking. I don't tweet, so I'm not sure if people do this in tweeting. My first thought at seeing this spelling was that Trump had used that kind of utility instead of typing a message (with his incredibly short and stubby thumbs). and "coverage" might well come out covfefe from voice recognition.

Michael said...

I'd go with a mash-up of coverage and kerfuffle.

walter said...

He sneezed while dictating "coverage"..

walter said...

h said...with his incredibly short and stubby thumbs.

Ya seems like the only lasting memory of Rubio's run is his brief foray into standup, giving dick jokes a umm..err..shorthand.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Plus a nice palate cleanser after that disteubing glimpse into the empty basement of Kathy Griffin's soul.

I'm your covfefe.
5/31/17, 2:51 PM

You misspelled "impacted bowels."

eric said...

Not that anyone is reading this thread anymore. But if someone is, here is the best take on covfefe. In my never to be humble opinion.

Sammy Finkelman said...

How is it that so many people did not say the obvious- that word Trump meant to type was "coverage"

Now some people were pretending not to understand.

northierthanthou said...

Well Covfefe is certainly one of the least objectionable things Trump has ever texted.

Anonymous said...

Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Telephone +1 646-652-6107

friscoda said...

It is Arabic. He had just returned from Saudi Arabia . It means I will stand up. Look at American Thinker article on google algorithm on this. Surreal.

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