May 3, 2017

At Meade's Garden Café...


... it's all very purple and pink. Talk about anything you want, and, please, if you're doing any shopping, use Amazon through The Althouse Portal. Maybe a nice biography of Andrew Jackson to get you up to speed on what the hell Trump is talking about.


JohnAnnArbor said...

It's been a good spring for flowers.

David said...

I bit. American Lion on my Kindle.

rhhardin said...

Wherever I have gone
The blues are all the same

David Baker said...

It's true; you can't go home again, especially when it comes to your favorite restaurants. Even the best of them were lucky to last 30 years. In fact, 30 years is extraordinary, a full generation, but also the mile-marker when they inevitably exit the highway.

For me, it's one of the drawbacks of getting old, the inability to satisfy a specific craving. Like a hamburger made a certain way, made by a certain person, who has since moved on to hamburger heaven.

In my case the place was called "Greasy Nick's." That wasn't the legal name, but that's how his hole-in-the-wall burger joint was known. Nick himself was the Mad Max of the local restaurant business; mad when he lost at the track, mad if he had to make too many burgers. But still, mad or happy, never before and never again will there be such hamburgers; freshly ground, perfectly greasy, and unforgettably delicious.

Over the years there were many places, some you may even remember. So, if there's any way I can go "home," you must, please, let me know. Like some secret back-street where the small neon sign blinks off-and-on; “Open 24hrs.”

Mad Dog said...

Wish you'd always identify the principal flora of interest for those of us who can't get plant names to stick. I see the redbud in the background, but I don't know what's in the foreground. Thanks!

Rick.T. said...

Mad Dog said...

"Wish you'd always identify the principal flora of interest for those of us who can't get plant names to stick. I see the redbud in the background, but I don't know what's in the foreground. Thanks!"

If you mean the purple, they appear to be a variety/species of grape hyacinth. My guess would be the common Muscari botryoides but the angle and the sun make identification uncertain.

Deb said...

I've tried to grow hydrangeas and every single time they just up and die on me. What am I doing wrong? I plant them in the dirt and give them water. What more do they want?

MathMom said...

Is that a redbud tree? Beautiful.

madAsHell said...

I've tried to grow hydrangeas and every single time they just up and die on me.

My 91 year old mother grows hydrangeas. She claims it has to do with the soil pH. I think it supposed to be acid......but I'm still waiting for the flashbacks they promised me.

Meade said...

"What more do they want?"

Drainage. In other words, air to their roots. Compost -- as a soil amendment, conditioner, mulch, pH balancer, carrier of humic acid -- is, in my experience, the #1 cure-all for all things horticultural.

Meade said...

Rick is close. They are grape hyacinths Muscari armeniacum "Dark Eyes." Past their peak.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gorgeous day... lovely flowers.

traditionalguy said...

Meanwhile, back at the Rose Garden, Trump just won The Nobel Peace Prize with oak leaf cluster.

The Palestinians just reversed 70 years of negotiating practice in 7 minutes. They now want peace with The State of Israel, and they plan to teach their children to love Israeali children, and they renounced ISIS as not their religion.

And he gave Trump the entire credit for it.

The Heavens have moved.

Meade said...

"Is that a redbud tree? Beautiful."

Yes. Thanks. That particular one is a wildling that sported from 2 Redbuds Mrs, Meade had planted in the front yard 15 years ago which I transplanted to the back yard when I arrived here 8 years ago. This has been an especially good spring for Redbuds in the Upper Midwest -- cool and sunny which translates to a long slow steady bloom period. Very satisfying.

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

Another good audio book listen on the History of Andrew Jackson's influence is " What Hath God Wrought- the transformation of America from 1815 to 1848."

J. Farmer said...


The Heavens have moved.

Actually, no. This is insignificant. Abbas signed the Dershowitz plan over four years ago, and the Palestinian National Authority has limited control in Gaza, where more than half of the Palestinians live. Also, it is very unlikely that an agreement can be reached by both sides without it being imposed by an outside party. Israelis are not going to give up on a unified Jerusalem and has no political will to dismantle the civilian settlements it has built deep into the west bank. Similarly, Palestinians are not likely to give up the right of return, which would demographically alter Israel.

traditionalguy said...

J. Farmer. You really need to listen to Abbas. What you said is correct history. That is the way it has been for 50 years. But now Abbas has changed all of the intentional failures in negotiations, always waiting until the day all Jews are dead or sent back to Europe.

At the very least there is Peace coming to Israel, for a season. How long that will last we can debate.

Christopher said...

This is the Andrew Jackson biography I'm reading: Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times. It's quite good--it's a long book but it moves along very well.

Apologies for not using Althouse's portal for that link--I couldn't figure out how to do that. Definitely use that portal if you order it.

Love these Althouse photos.

J. Farmer said...


J. Farmer. You really need to listen to Abbas.

I have listened to him, for years. He said nothing new today. He has been saying these things for years, including back in 2012 when he signed the Dershowitz plan.

At the very least there is Peace coming to Israel, for a season.

The West Bank has been cooperating with Israeli security services for years, and rocket attacks do not originate from the West Bank but from Gaza, where Abbas has no authority. The attacks that do occur in the West Bank are usually lone wolf attacks that involve stabbings and shootings and most are aimed at IDF in the west bank. Abbas still wants the 1967 lines and East Jerusalem as a capital.

Ann Althouse said...

To use he portal, just click on the link, which is always in the banner at the top of the blog as well as in posts like this. Then all you need to do is complete a transaction before leaving the Amazon site. That is, don't just put something in the shopping cart for later.

David said...

Deb said...
I've tried to grow hydrangeas and every single time they just up and die on me. What am I doing wrong? I plant them in the dirt and give them water. What more do they want?

Location, location, location.

David said...

The Palestinians just reversed 70 years of negotiating practice in 7 minutes. They now want peace with The State of Israel, and they plan to teach their children to love Israeali children, and they renounced ISIS as not their religion.

And he gave Trump the entire credit for it.

So they say. We will see,

David said...

My wife's sister lives in Redbud, Illinois. So at least I know what a Redbud is. We have them here in South Carolina, and in Wisconsin. Versatile.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I often wonder who Pete is and why we do things for his sake.

J. Farmer said...

@Annie C:

I often wonder who Pete is and why we do things for his sake.

"Pete" is just a non-blashphemoui stand-in for "Christ."

Trumpit said...

I pray for the splendid monkeys of Brazil, and deplore their senseless killing due to human ignorance.

There is also this story about how the oceans of the world are being depleted of fish by Chinese trawlers. The human species is truly a plague on earth.

J. Farmer said...

There is also this story about how the oceans of the world are being depleted of fish by Chinese trawlers.

See tragedy of the commons.

Jaq said...

The human species is truly a plague on earth.

I wan't this guy and people who think like him running the country! Yes sirree! How could Trump lose to people like this?

Lucien said...

Having had occasion to listen to and read opinions from both sides of the political spectrum I have observed that one thing they have in common is the assertion that "the other side plays hardball and plays to win no matter what, while the folks on our side are too nice and play by the rules". The speakers keep hoping that the folks on "our side" (whatever side that may be) will get tough with the "other side" and stop getting rolled by being too namby-pamby.

No surprise, then, when politics, and political opinion pieces get more and more hostile.

JackWayne said...

David Baker, Bellaire Broiler Burger in Houston.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

David Baker said...

For me, it's one of the drawbacks of getting old, the inability to satisfy a specific craving. Like a hamburger made a certain way, made by a certain person, who has since moved on to hamburger heaven.

I know that exact feeling. For me, it's craving 20 year old women. But yeah, sure, a good burger would be nice too.

J. Farmer said...

Not sure how I missed this from a few days ago:

The Man Who Invented Identity Politics for the New Right

This is as fair and flattering an article Steve Sailer is likely to get in the mainstream press. I must confess that at an emotive level, I much prefer Sailer's citizenism to the more explicit white identity politics of Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer, though I still broadly consider myself an ethno-nationalist. In any event, Sailer is a smart and funny writer and should be read more widely than he currently is. Hopefully the New York Magazine article will help.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tim in vermont said...
The human species is truly a plague on earth.

I wan't this guy and people who think like him running the country! Yes sirree! How could Trump lose to people like this?"

You'd think that people who think the human race is a plague would set the rest of us an example by selflessly removing themselves from the planet. Alas, it's always other people they're talking about. Never them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Annie C said...
I often wonder who Pete is and why we do things for his sake.

5/3/17, 12:45 PM

We also do things for Heaven's, God's and Christ's sake as well. Pete ought to feel flattered to be included in that company.

Bob Ellison said...

It needs more post-modernism, J. Farmer. Much could be said, but probably won't be, of the lack of je ne sais quoi in literary critique these days. Neo-paleoists pale to their forebeings, the great antebellum wackjobs.

Much more will be written, and less said.

Bob Ellison said...

It's probably...'scuse me while I get out the Google...yes, it's a reference to Peter, one of those good guys.

Nobody says "for Bob's sake". They could do that when going to the grocery store, maybe.

J. Farmer said...

@Bob Ellison:

It needs more post-modernism, J. Farmer. Much could be said, but probably won't be, of the lack of je ne sais quoi in literary critique these days. Neo-paleoists pale to their forebeings, the great antebellum wackjobs.

Much more will be written, and less said.

I have no idea what this means.

Titus said...

I just finished Big Little Lies and abs adored it.

Nicole Kidman tour de force.

Titus said...

Latinos tend to the landscaping at my building. they also clean my house, shovel my driveway, bus my dishes at 4 star restaurants. The list goes on and on. I give them nice holiday bonuses.

I would be lost without them.


David Baker said...

Ignorance is Bliss said: "For me, it's craving 20 year old women. But yeah, sure, a good burger would be nice too."

A 20-year old woman remains a possibility as long as you're breathing. But a "Greasy Nick's," not even diamonds and pearls will bring him back. And did I mention the toasted Kaiser Roll, the slice of yellow onion grilled in butter? I'm tellin' you, "better" than sex.

Besides, what could I do with a 20-year old, now? It would be suicide.

The very last girl in my bed was, believe it or not, a 20-year old. That was a "few" years ago, and I'll never forget her opening words while lying there in all God's glory; "You won't be able to keep up with me."

And I had to admit she was right, that is, after I regained consciousness many,many minutes later.

Titus said...

I was reading New York Magazine and they had all these articles about the Alt-right. The cast of characters were fascinating. There is this muscle gay who is a big alt-right. He is hot. I would go alt-right for a night with him. His name is Jack Donavan and he is meaty.

mockturtle said...

Trumpit declares There is also this story about how the oceans of the world are being depleted of fish by Chinese trawlers. The human species is truly a plague on earth.

Perhaps you should reduce the number of humans by one, making the ultimate sacrifice for endangered species.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Just in case you missed it - on the sidebar I read that avocados are fatal and that to prevent Alzheimers and dementia you should eat - well, the picture looks like eggrolls to me, but when I clicked on the link it showed a picture of what is either mashed potatoes and gravy or vanilla ice cream with caramel topping.

So I'd say play it safe and eat eggrolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, and caramel sundaes to avoid Alzheimers. America's TOP DOCTOR says so!

mockturtle said...

Uh-oh! Exiled beat me to it.

Rick.T. said...

Blogger Deb said...

"I've tried to grow hydrangeas and every single time they just up and die on me. What am I doing wrong? I plant them in the dirt and give them water. What more do they want?"

You don't say when they die or where you live (north or south), but if it's over the winter you are planting the wrong ones.

Hydrangea plant color of blue or pink is linked to the Ph of your soil unless you have planted the white ones. In my yard, I have a mixture (when the deer don't get them) but I have an odd soil mix on top of the ridge. I have dug up rocks that are half limestone/half shale, either of which affects the Ph.

Trumpit said...

"Perhaps you should reduce the number of humans by one, making the ultimate sacrifice for endangered species."

I will agree to that if you go first.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

David Baker said...

A 20-year old woman remains a possibility as long as you're breathing.

You try explaining that to my wife.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "I will agree to that if you go first"

Trumpit will live by his own declared principles (maybe, fingers crossed) as long as others who disagree with him are forced to live by his principles first, before he has to.

This is standard operating procedure for leftists.

David Baker said...

Jack Wayne said; "Bellaire Broiler Burger in Houston."


I ideal for me is cooked on the old-style grill. But flame-broiled has its merits, too. My favorite was the "Hippopotamus" in San Francisco during the 60's. They also had a location in Palo Alto/Menlo Park - and both offered just about every type of hamburger under the sun. Like a chocolate burger, or cinnamon burger! But their "secret" was the sirloin.

Although my reference to burgers, while true - it's really about the subject of lost restaurants in general. I could have just as easily mentioned "Doria's" Italian in Hallandale Beach Florida, or the "Bavarian" on 86th Street in NYC. In fact, my list is a mile long.

Still, I'd settle for a real Greasy Nick's the next time around!

mockturtle said...

"Perhaps you should reduce the number of humans by one, making the ultimate sacrifice for endangered species."

I will agree to that if you go first.

Why should I, Trumpit?? I'm not the one moaning about how destructive the human race is.

Gahrie said...


Is the Rocky Horror Picture Show still a cult classic...or is it hate speech now?

le Douanier said...

The Bumped out section of Meadehouse is more interesting than the neighbor's flat façade.

The building department in a place I live requires such architectural features for new construction. This is a place w/ tons of libs (not Seattle, though) where it's really easy for a handful of gov folks to make laws and requirements because it satisfies their sensibilities. Incl architecture re new construction.

OOH, this makes stuff more expensive and may shutout folks not able to afford such.

OTOH, this makes stuff more expensive and may shutout folks not able to afford such!


Bad Lieutenant said...

Mock et al, May I suggest that you let trumpet be. He is a deeply Disturbed individual who is fighting one of those battles we know nothing about. I would just pity him and leave him alone.

Rusty said...

Guess what.
Remember all that cash that Obama dropped on the Iranians?
Remember that?
Guess what they're buying with it.
That's right.
Pre-paid phone cards and rocket launchers.
Mostly rocket launchers.

Meade said...

"My wife's sister lives in Redbud, Illinois"

The sound of "Redbud, Illinois" is so lyrically appealing. It's like "Story, Indiana," "Paris, Kentucky" or "Sweetwater, Tennessee."