April 26, 2017

"Wild boars mauled three Islamic State (Isil) fighters to death near the Iraqi city of Kirkuk...."

"Some refugees saw the bodies on the edge of a farm when they were fleeing and they told us. A few days later Isil started to kill pigs around the area...."


Michael K said...

Maybe the pigs have heard about Islamic attitudes and are pissed.

le Douanier said...

Thanks Doc Mike.

Althouse wasn't sure if the baiting re trite P grabbing comments was enough lameness lure, so she invented this post too.

Couldn't even get one comment in.


gspencer said...

Bummer, touched by a pig on the way out.

As the Virgin Nazi put it,

"No pussy for you!"

rcocean said...

Boars are nasty brutes. They make good game animals. Good eating too - if cooked right.

buwaya said...

Fake news I think.

Bob Boyd said...

Allahu Akbar

Clyde said...

I wrote about that story in the tulip café post from yesterday. That story made me smile, and think that their Allah has a sense of humor, even if they don't. Scratch three orcs.

MAJMike said...

No professional courtesy among swine.

MaxedOutMama said...

I suspect this didn't happen the way it is described, but wild boar can be very, very dangerous and they can and do kill humans.

But I suspect that perhaps they were killed by others, and it is being blamed on the boars. They really had no weapons? Unlikely.

Meade said...

Roots on the ground.

Earnest Prole said...

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I asked my Muslim friend why he doesn't eat pork. "Heck," I said, "it won't kill you."

Fernandinande said...

MaxedOutMama said...
I suspect this didn't happen the way it is described,

They have other stories with 3 dead guys and 5 injured guys, and different groups, so probably fake. I don't think pigs could kill guys with guns.

Etienne said...

Obviously a pig killing a Muslim is going to be a story Christians will relish. The truth is that relish is just a pork condiment.

Rusty said...

I hope the pigs didn't get sick.

John henry said...

"Be wary of any man who keeps pigs"


So what is the theological impact if the boars eat the ISIS folks? Now they show up in Paradise ready for virgins after having been processed into pig shit. How do they even get there? Do they get piled into little baggies?

Is pigshit allowed in paradise?

Seems like this would be even worse than touching or eating a pig.

John Henry

Gahrie said...

I don't think pigs could kill guys with guns.

It happens to boar hunters all of the time.

We're not talking babe here.....

The Godfather said...

Thanks Earnest Prole for the "Babe" link. One of my favorite movies (and James Cromwell is one of my favorite actors, although our politics, uh, differ).

traditionalguy said...

That is a story. Muslim Fundies killing and eating the porkers that killed and ate them first.

I don't think the Koran covers this. May the best attack pig win.

Fernandinande said...

Gahrie said...
"I don't think pigs could kill guys with guns."
It happens to boar hunters all of the time.

I think it's quite rare: one google report for "hunter killed by boar" and 26 for "hunter killed by wild boar", most of which were "pinterest" posts not containing the word "boar" - so figure maybe a dozen.

And that's because "Actual attacks on humans are rare, but can be serious, resulting in multiple penetrating injuries to the lower part of the body.
A 2012 study compiling recorded attacks from 1825–2012 found accounts of 665 human victims of both wild boars and feral pigs, with the majority (19%) of attacks in the animal's native range occurring in India."

So about 3.6 per year, probably mostly unarmed farmers.

Richard said...

I don't think pigs could kill guys with guns.

You are right. I have it on good authority that pigs are really bad shots.

William said...

Some days you shun the pork and other days the pigs kill you. The circle of life.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shawn Levasseur said...

To quote from Instapundit, "David Barron, call your office!"

Reference https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/262767/