And I listened to that crabby former governor grousing from a diner in the hinterlands. I was listening from further into the hinterlands than he was talking from, but I — like my fellow hinterlanders as I imagine them — was yelling "Who the hell are you?" at the TV screen.
And I'm scanning the headlines this morning. Here's how the NYT — of late so hostile to Trump — presents it:

Hopeful? Vision? He didn't just get hopeful or vision. He got hopeful and vision. Well, maybe this is a setup for a later takedown:
He was so good that one time. All that promise. Crushed. What happened to the man who stirred our hearts? I thought it might be love. I thought we could be so happy together. But it was just a one night stand. He lied to me.
Maybe Van Jones got the same memo. If this is political theater, let's be sharp figuring out who's faking it. I think they're all faking it, and everybody wants something.
As for Carryn Owens, I don't think anyone short of Renee Maria Falconetti in "The Passion of Joan of Arc" can fake emotion like that. But she participated in theater and chose to do it. She put herself in a position where millions would look at her face as the President of the United States bathed her in words about her dead beloved. Real emotion poured forth with melodrama beyond anything I have ever seen on television. It was real emotion appropriated for a political purpose, but there is no necessary connection between the meaning of that emotion for her and the political meaning that found its way into the mind of the people.
Ah, but the ecstasy! It penetrated deep. Grabbed our pussy. What a night! Many words were spoken. Was this a lasting treasure or just a moment's pleasure?
Will you still love Trump tomorrow?
Van Jones has a pretty bald head. How often does he have to shave it? Do they do that in the Green Room?
The media has decided Trump became president last night. Nope. He became the fifth head on Mt. Rushmore.
I kid, I kid ... but not by much. Oh how clever the Trump team is, turning him from monster to master in one speech. Delicious.
Quiet. Too quiet.
The former Governor of Kentucky is the new face of the Democrat party. They don't have anyone else.
Van Jones is at heart a nihilist whose political views will adapt to whatever makes him the most money.
Bob Ellison said...
Van Jones has a pretty bald head. How often does he have to shave it? Do they do that in the Green Room?
Nah, he just pops into the local bowling alley and uses the ball polisher.
Van Jones is bald enough to qualify for a Trump military/intelligence appointment. Maybe he has a secret one!
Rule #1 in negotiating: Only you know what you really want.
Trump, baby. Keep 'em wondering.
The Democrats have a political strategy for flipping the Rust Belt states back to their side. Their strategy is to advocate the establishment of "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens.
The strategy might work. Inspired by the "sanctuary city" cause, many Rust Belt citizens who voted for Trump in 2016 might change to voting for the Democrat candidate in 2020.
Mike Sylvester--good one!
Why didn't the GOP think of that?
Ann may be right about the MSM faking a swoon, but it don't mean a thing. The Hitler frame, once broken can't be put back together. Even if it turns out to be a one night stand, no self-respecting MSM is going to admit, I slept with HITLER!
It was real emotion appropriated for a political purpose, but there is no necessary connection between the meaning of that emotion for her and the political meaning that found its way into the mind of the people.
I'm not sure if I understand this sentence, I'm seeing it as saying there's no connection between her emotion and political meaning that people may take from it. I imagine a lot of people do see political meaning in her emotion.
At least the impeachment and 25th Amendment removal talk by the Dems will stop for a day or two.
Dow crosses 21,000. Once Bitten... hardest hit.
Professor (Ret.), please stop with the lefty talking points about a random comment the President made years ago and for which he apologized.
Besides, its beneath you to repeat that crap and disrespect this grieving widow.
Speeches. Over them.
Repeal the Un-affordable Care Act.
Stop illegal immigration.
Get illegals out.
Build a wall.
Tax reform.
If not - bah - just another democrat.
" no necessary connection between the meaning of that emotion for her and the political meaning that found its way into the mind of the people."
Disagree. Pride and gratitude for the military. For her obviously there was a much more personal component, but the nation (at least the great majority) also feels. And by extension, for law enforcement, which was also a big part of the speech, and where there is a very clear difference between the right and left.
Did a shift -- an intensity to the applause -- come when the Democrats sat down? The Congress wasn't on camera, only the SEAL wife. Did the Republican side go nuts when the Left stopped clapping?
Based on what I'm reading this morning, the Left has decided that Mrs. Owens is the hill they want to die on. She was a political prop, they say.
Man, a fresh widow, so emotional, and you think criticizing her presence is good politics? Yikes.
Whether you love Trump, like Trump, are meh about him, or actively dislike him, it's hard not to acknowledge he did what he had to do last night. The bar on the negative side has been set so low, raving lunatic, fascist, Hitler re-incarnated, that a calm, measured speech that laid out an agenda with something for everybody to like was going to be a win. Bringing a lot of folks to tears was a bonus. There are some people who only would have been happy with a resignation speech last night so there's no reason to even try with them, but a lot of mildly worried people had their fears allayed, and no one who has been a Trump all along was disappointed with the agenda he laid out. He and his team had a win last night.
Yes, if you make Cleveland a sanctuary city full of hobos and designated transgender bathrooms, $$$ is next.
Seriously, though, Cleveland, there are certain characteristics you should look into regarding technology and design, supply chains and scalability. Can't promise what will happen culturally...
Did you catch the look on McConnell's face when Trump was talking about a merit based immigration system?
Pelosi and the white coats were ridiculous. That's the best they've got? Matching outfits?
Of course they're faking it. But even these idiots know that empathy is inseparable from persuasion. That's why the Althouse Lefty trolls always get laughed out of the room. The dullards can't even feign understanding. If folks are feeling better because of the speech, the MSM knows they have to mirror that to some degree, lest they lose even more credibility regarding the insensate negative bullshit they spew a few second later.
RE: Warren's purple attire last night, isn't purple the color for Alzheimer's awareness?
That seems fitting for the current state of the Democratic geriatrics.
I expected the old guy who did the Dem response to tell me to "Buy Silver!"
Gusty Winds said...
That's the best they've got? Matching outfits?
It was their nod to black history month. Just like NFL teams sometimes wear throwback uniforms. They decided to skip the hoods this time.
DJIA over 21000--damn! Why did I listen to Paul Krugman on election night? They tell me he won a Nobel Prize in economics. Do they give that out for being good at what you do, or is it a participation trophy? Oh, yeah--Obama got one too, for promoting world peace after he had been in office of a week.
It's a participation trophy.
Trump was elected nearly 4 months ago.
Trump has been President for 6 weeks.
His achievements so far? One BIG ZILCH.
Go fact-check what he promised to do in his first 30 days and you'll find he has done piddly squat.
Trumpies, have another Trump Sandwich: White bread, full of baloney, with Russian dressing and a small pickle.
Well, as long as the Dumbocrats keep trying to influence people by applying snark (like Once written) and throwing outright hatred at the rest of us (ARM), Trump love is only going to grow in the US.
BTW, purple tie on Mr. Clinton and now Van Jones, purple outfits on Hillary for her concession speech and Elizabeth Warren last night. Could someone explain the symbology for this poor, deplorable mathematician.
"The former Governor of Kentucky is the new face of the Democrat party. They don't have anyone else."
The former Governor of Kentucky is the new old face of the dying Democrat party. Good riddance to both, I say.
As someone said last night, they were wearing white because they want women to be able to vote in federal elections. I guess they haven't heard about the 19th amendment.
When Trump said he was going to build more nuclear weapons, I decided he had no clue how to fight savages. Nuclear weapons, unless they are used, offer no military value.
Savages don't care if you have them, they will kill us slowly and never trigger their use. The secret of the savage, is to inflict casualties at a rate that doesn't trigger nuclear response. In this, they are good at it.
So, whoever is advising him on this, has nothing more than money on their mind. Nuclear weapons are expensive, and they make millionaires. The only problem is, young Americans don't want to live in a silo, and practice the launch checklist 12,000 times before their service tour is up.
It's a scam.
Inga still prefers her Democrat shit sandwich.
CNN poll last night after the speech: 78% approval.
CNN poll.
Go eat your shit sandwich, Inga.
It needed more needling of the press.
All the talk commentators are praising its absence. Morons.
Beat political correctness. If PC creeps back into the editors' chair, nothing will get fixed.
"Trump has been President for 6 weeks.
His achievements so far? One BIG ZILCH"
Yeah, I thought that wall would be done by now.
"no necessary connection between the meaning of that emotion for her and the political meaning that found its way into the mind of the people."
exhelodrvr1: "Disagree. Pride and gratitude for the military. For her obviously there was a much more personal component, but the nation (at least the great majority) also feels. And by extension, for law enforcement, which was also a big part of the speech, and where there is a very clear difference between the right and left."
I agree with this. The President is clearly slamming down on the accelerator for Military support, Military praise, support for Law Enforcement, etc all the while really slamming down on the accelerator in explicitly naming our "enemy" and calling it by it's name, ISIS, while simultaneously looking the Mexico drug cartels, Mexican Govt and Central American gangs in the eye and naming them as well.
The contrast with the last administration and the current dems as well as some lifelong republicans could not be greater.
And to think, the dems are actually going to have ANOTHER "Womyns March" led by actual terrorists on March 8 where they are calling for MORE militant actions. Including one "leader" who participated in the murder of 2 students in 1970.
Since Nov 8, one is continuously presented with hard evidence that we dodged the biggest political bullet in the history of our Republic on that day (with Lincoln's election the sole point of contentioon).
This army of lefty lunatics was preparing to consolidate and cement their political power and ascendency when Trump, with all his faults, showed up like the cavalry to "carpe diem" and take it away from the entire establishment firmament.
I don't know, that seems like kind of a big deal, or something.
Trump looked great.
The Democrats looked like they were once again hacked by the Russians.
Trump schlonged a bunch of doubters last night -- democrats and "lifelong Republicans" hardest hit.
Unknown--Trump gave a detailed list of what he has done so far, mostly by executive order, the second favorite activity (after golf) of your favorite, President Obama. So Trump and Obama share hobbies, golf and executive orders. Who says Americans can't find common ground?
Big Mike,
I think there is something to the purple. The Clintons are using it as a branding device, maybe to claim the "middle" which is accurate for Bill, but certainly NOT for Liz Warren or Hillary. It could be royal purple, you know because they are the reality for the little guy.
I'm watching CNN, and while it is a good sign that they are fact checking, but of course they are because Trump is a Republican, and they don't seem to be making an effort at neutrality, they have such a damaged brand. An ad in the corner is advertising McCain and Graham's Town Hall. I wonder if McCain and Graham will wear purple. When will Graham be done with it and come out?
Unknown: "Go fact-check what he promised to do in his first 30 days and you'll find he has done piddly squat.
Trumpies, have another Trump Sandwich: White bread, full of baloney, with Russian dressing and a small pickle."
Your hilariously petty commentary and tone-deaf response is music to my ears. May every lefty embrace your opinion and run with it at full speed until the end of times!
Make sure you have your p****-Hat on when you celebrate with your actual, convicted, terrorist leaders on Mar 8! Between them, Rosie O'Donnell and old, nearly dead, last white guy dem in Kentucky, your team is on a roll!
From Russia With Love.
Trumpies, have another Trump Sandwich: White bread, full of baloney, with Russian dressing and a small pickle.
That is really funny!
I think Chuck was OK with a lot of what happened last night. He always has his own unique point of view, but many of his comments seemed appreciative.
exiledonmainstreet said...
"I expected the old guy who did the Dem response to tell me to "Buy Silver!""
Thread winner!
The nation anxiously awaits Chelsea's reaction.
Etched in eternity is from Reagan's Challenger speech.
Jones finds many of Trump's statements 'counterfactual'. As if he would know a fact if he heard one. But he looooooved the emotional moments. So did I but, then, I loved the entire speech.
I prefer the Shirelles version. Carole King's cover of her own song was also good.
A speech is just a speech, and the State of the Union address (whether called that or not) is always nothing but political theater.
What's puzzling is that so many seem to think a scrubbed-up President presenting a tightly-scripted and carefully-rehearsed speech amounts to an actual accomplishment, rather than just another campaign speech by a candidate who has won office.
Every SOTU speech by every president is bullshit.
"Could someone explain the symbology for this poor, deplorable mathematician."
people who know me
are not too shocked and surprised,
When suddenly I am old
and start to wear purple!
Jenny Joseph
"Trump schlonged a bunch of doubters last night...."
Yep...he schlonged the nation last night, as he will continue to do.
You can tell Cookie misses the days when REAL leaders wielded REAL power to solve the REAL peoples problems!
Alas the Soviet model is no longer with us and we must muddle through with this ridiculous Republic.
Sorry comrade.
I'm just hoping the Democrats will merge Joe Crowley's pin with the White Ladies Brigade uniform into their new party identifying fashion statement:
By way of comparison, here are the people who gave Republican responses to Obama's speeches:
2016 - Nikki Haley, Governor, South Carolina
2015 - Joni Ernst, Senator, Iowa
2014 - Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Representative, Washington (Spokane)
2013 - Marco Rubio, Senator, Florida
2012 - Mitch Daniels, Governor, Indiana
2011 - Paul Ryan, Representative, Wisconsin
2010 - Bob McDonnell, Governor, Virginia
2009 - Bobby Jindal, Governor, Louisiana
As you can see, some of them have gone on to other positions of prominence in the Republican party, including presidential candidacies. Giving the official party response is an opportunity for national exposure, which makes it all the more puzzling that the Democrats wasted it on a former governor. They had no one available who offers more of a future to demoralized Democrats? That was the best they could do? Sad!
exiledonmainstreet: "I expected the old guy who did the Dem response to tell me to "Buy Silver!""
I was thinking catheters.
BTW, I sure do hope those sweet, cutting edge and relevant democrat representative ladies win their battle for the Right to Vote.
They seem to really have their finger on the pulse of what America needs at this time.
The grieving widow obviously drew the most attention, but I expect the Trump guest who really made Dem sphincters tighten was the black man whose son was murdered by an illegal - because it's a reminder that illegal alien criminals do not just prey on white people. The Dems - and the nation - got a look at the victims of liberal policies and those victims are not just "hillbillies."
The last thing the Dems want is for blacks to figure that out. Hence the ridiculous screeches about "Jim Crow" and whitey-white Inga's sneer about "white bread."
Sorry. Your con isn't working any more.
That was the best they could do? Sad!
You're telling me!
I will give Trump these props, at least: he is a more compelling speaker than Obama, whose thick frosting of condescension and self-satisfied smugness was always sick-making.
I sense a trap somewhere. Or an attempt at a trap.
That, or some deal has been struck with someone.
You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard but you don't understagnd
Just what you will say when you get home
Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Van Jones?
JRoberts said...
RE: Warren's purple attire last night, isn't purple the color for Alzheimer's awareness?
As I understand it, it is the SEIU Union color and the dress was chosen accordingly.
My Facebook feed says he did an A+ job, or an F, depending on political view.
"I prefer the Shirelles version."
I love the music, but it wasn't right for this occasion. I wanted a more sexual presentation, more of the conventional stupidity of hoping a one night stand will turn into eternal love.
The Shirelles inspire you to feel the hope (and also work to keep you from thinking that they actually had sexual intercourse). Amy's properly dirty.
Imagine all the tatted, gauged, man-bunned and pussy-hatted young progs who tuned in hoping to see someone like Kamala Harris give the Dem response. Instead they got Gramps at Cracker Barrel.
...and a small pickle
There is no problem with the size of his pickle, believe me.
"I will give Trump these props, at least: he is a more compelling speaker than Obama, whose thick frosting of condescension and self-satisfied smugness was always sick-making."
Those words fit Trump too.
Talking about the speech afterwards, one of us accidentally called Trump "President Obama."
"I will give Trump these props, at least: he is a more compelling speaker than Obama, whose thick frosting of condescension and self-satisfied smugness was always sick-making."
Trump is certainly egotistical, but he has never struck me as smug.
Blogger AprilApple said...
Speeches. Over them.
Repeal the Un-affordable Care Act.
Stop illegal immigration.
Get illegals out.
Build a wall.
Tax reform.
If not - bah - just another democrat.
I am with you, April. I smell larger, less affordable government in our future. "Family Leave benefit"? More money slathered on education? OK, whatever.
Smug is for the little people.
Oh, Trump has his own swollen self-regard, to be sure. I suppose I was just always particularly irritated by Obama's particular manner. Trump is what he is, a braggart and a showman and a salesman. As such, I can't be as irritated with his manner, even as I think he's (another) bullshitter.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"I prefer the Shirelles version."
I love the music, but it wasn't right for this occasion. I wanted a more sexual presentation, more of the conventional stupidity of hoping a one night stand will turn into eternal love.
The Shirelles inspire you to feel the hope (and also work to keep you from thinking that they actually had sexual intercourse). Amy's properly dirty.
3/1/17, 9:37 AM
The song you really want is Romeo Void's "Never Say Never". Contains the immortal line "I might like you better if we slept together." I think that is the vibe from last night.
I prefer the Shirelles version.
Me 2.
I've said it before, the left has a look in their faces of abject panic and the anger of being somehow cheated. They furiously rub the lamp but the genie no longer appears. They light more and more incense, and speak their usual incantations, but the solid and sure miracle doesn't happen. They keep pressing - even now pounding - all the former effects buttons, but the once-reliable results no longer happen.
The little yapping dog has pulled back the curtain, and the big impressive magic show is up. They look old, frail, and exasperated. They look near to beat.
Their kitsch buttons and cutesy coordinated outfits- the hats and ribbons and signs and symbols - the tiresome careening from sanctimony to self righteousness, from contrived outrage to just plane grumpy and crotchety - all look more and more like dusty sentimental souvenirs hung and aligned with the doilies and the carpet runners - the clutter of a bygone time.
I am not Laslo.
I will give Trump these props, at least: he is a more compelling speaker than Obama, whose thick frosting of condescension and self-satisfied smugness was always sick-making.
Thanks, Cookie. Obama was probably the most condescending President since Wilson.
Do you think the widow felt compelled to be apart of the political theater because her father in law went all Cindy Sheehan? If he had kept things private, she could have too.
Just a thought.
Quayle, you should be doing commentary for the NYT. A new version of the NYT.
America really isn't divided into liberal coastal elites and conservatives in flyover country. My state went for Hillary 2:1 over trump, that means that 1/3 of the voters in my state, which has a Democrat governor, a 100% Democrat state senate, and 85% Democrat state house, voted for Trump.
Geez, I didn't even vote for Trump :)
Giving the official party response is an opportunity for national exposure, which makes it all the more puzzling that the Democrats wasted it on a former governor.
What other kind of governor have they got these days?
"The former Governor of Kentucky is the new face of the Democrat party. They don't have anyone else."
The only good thing I can say about him is that he doesn't look like a turtle.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow......
Dreams comments: The only good thing I can say about him is that he doesn't look like a turtle.
Hey, I resemble that remark!
exiledonmainstreet said...
I expected the old guy who did the Dem response to tell me to "Buy Silver!"
3/1/17, 8:53 AM
Or a reverse mortgage!
Well, I, for one, am relieved to know we're not marching on the Sudetenland or uniting with Canada to form a greater Anglophone Reich.
I guess I just have lower expectations of my politicians than most folks do.
BTW, purple tie on Mr. Clinton and now Van Jones, purple outfits on Hillary for her concession speech and Elizabeth Warren last night. Could someone explain the symbology for this poor, deplorable mathematician.
Re Purple. Purple is a color of power. It was once restricted to Royalty and the very very rich because the process of creating purple, before aniline dyes, was extremely difficult.
The white worn by the Democrat cloned women was a mistake in that white can be thought to symbolize ghosts. The Dimocrat party is fading away just like ghosts will eventually. Powerless to scare us when you no longer buy into the fantasy of the ghost.
Boo! says Trump!!!
>>the left has a look in their faces of abject panic and the anger of being somehow cheated. They furiously rub the lamp but the genie no longer appears. They light more and more incense, and speak their usual incantations, but the solid and sure miracle doesn't happen. They keep pressing - even now pounding - all the former effects buttons, but the once-reliable results no longer happen.
Exactly right! Therefore, we should expect even louder cries of racism, sexism, and privilege. Surely the problem is that they just haven't gone to that well often enough.
>>I expected the old guy who did the Dem response to tell me to "Buy Silver!"
I can't. I spent all my money on Robot Insurance.
The little yapping dog has pulled back the curtain, and the big impressive magic show is up.
This was a comment heard at my house last night. Washington DC is Oz.
It's astonishing to me that the Dems didn't anticipate how petty, desperate, and panicked they looked. I mean rushing the doors at the end...really? Why not just hold up signs saying, "Man, we're really screwed now"
"Every SOTU speech by every president is bullshit"
True enough. Historically three-quarters of what they talk about will never see daylight. Kennedy got lucky with Wernher von Braun. Of course, a lot of other people didn't...
About purple; isn't purple the widely-observed liturgical color for the Lenten season, which starts today?
Just asking.
I didn't love him yesterday, I don't love him today, nor will I love him tomorrow.
"And when we fulfill this vision; when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American Greatness began."
"Only I can fix it!"
This is pathologoical narcissism.
I was watching some late night talk/variety show years ago, & some male singer performed "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" accompanying himself at the piano.
It just doesn't work. A clean interpretation, a dirty interpretation, it doesn't matter. It's a song from the girl's point of view. Even if the lyrics were written by a man, which they were (Gerry Goffin, Carole King's husband at the time, wrote the lyrics, Carole King the music).
Unknown: "I didn't love him yesterday, I don't love him today, nor will I love him tomorrow."
Okaaaaaaay (glancing at clipboard), we'll put you down as a "Maybe".
Unknown: "This is pathologoical narcissism."
You keep using this term. I do not think it means what you think it means.
"Nuclear weapons, unless they are used, offer no military value."
That's the idea. A fact which has been acknowledged since Joe-1.
The introduction of Special Guests turns these speeches into a odd kind of National Vaudeville where these people, chosen for their conformity to a rhetorical need, are parachuted in for a moment of complete nudity under the spotlight. I cringed at their predicaments, especially the widow of the SEAL. But they chose to go, and I think they went not for personal gain but in service to a cause, whether that is memory of their lost loved one or some larger movement. Leaders use these moments and these people, but it is not all one-way. Part of leadership is inspiring such service, in many, who are moved by these few, who are willing to bring their loss into the public eye.
Very tricky stuff, full of emotional power. I think Trump handled it better than most. Maybe because he is not as "cool" a personality as his predecessor, for whom everything seemed (IMHO) a little off-hand, abstract.
What's funny is the entire dem establishment is attempting to adjust it's public stance re: Trump after last night but the hilarious foot soldiers and cannon fodder of the left don't have the sense to look and listen to their dem betters to pick up the cues that something, even if it is subtle, has shifted.
I asked this question many times over the past 3 to 4 years: Is it a real advantage for the dems that their base behaves like voice-actuated automatons robotically spewing talking points?
On the one hand, ready-made army of idiots who will do what you say.
On the other hand, the lefty hive-mind is not capable of feedback induced adapativeness.
This "advantage vs disadvantage" for dems in possessing this drone army didn't look to have any downside in 2008.
It's quite a different story today, isn't it?
In the republic purple was used by consuls, generals in a triumph. In the time of the Roman Empire, a full-purple toga was worn by the emperors. I think the high-Dems wearing purple are gently reminding us they are our rightful emperors and we the horses they allow in the senate.
I didn't love him yesterday, I don't love him today, nor will I love him tomorrow.
So what ? You're unknown.
Pelosi and the other she-drones of the D party wore white like the Heaven's Gate Cult used to wear. The Dem response was given by a Marshall Applewhite look-alike. And Fauxcahontas dressed in purple like the blankets the death cult used to cover themselves when they committed mass-suicide.
Are ALL these coincidences?
I don't think so.
I'm one of the very few who loves Linda Ronstadt's version, which I understand even Linda didn't like.
Robert Cook : I will give Trump these props, at least: he is a more compelling speaker than Obama, whose thick frosting of condescension and self-satisfied smugness was always sick-making.
100% agree with Cook here. There was some weird cult-of-personality quality to the way people reacted but for me, Obama was plain old boring. Rote. Mechanical. Relied too much on empty phrases and trite formulation. Who, outside of party hardliners, did he ever convince with his speeches? My contention is he was elected twice despite his horrendous speaking abilities!
As for Mrs. Owens, I have a son in the military and I can just about guarantee that her husband loved serving his country regardless of who the commander in chief was and that he would have approved of the recognition of his service to the country last night as he would see it as recognition of his comrades' service and sacrifices as well. I also bet that Mrs. Owen's husband would have been proud of her being at the speech. Being the parent of someone in the military, I always paid attention to how Obama and the press treated fatalities during Obama's administration and I never got the impression that Obama felt any personal responsibility for the fatalities or that he appreciated the sacrifices that the members of the military make on behalf of their country. But then I think I read that something like 80% of the military vote republican. . . But this morning on the news they were looking for something bad to say about Trump and they couldn't really trash the speech so that were trashing the operation that got Mr. Owen's killed--it had been planned for months but didn't get presidential approval until after Trump came into office and of course it was all Trump's fault.
Common Ann, admit your age!
We ALL bought the Album.
"With issues like school choice, and the emphasis on law and order, they are even losing the blacks..."
Which is why they tried to make the news yesterday be about sitting on the couch, and not about the President meeting with the black educators.
"Pelosi and the other she-drones of the D party wore white like the Heaven's Gate Cult used to wear. The Dem response was given by a Marshall Applewhite look-alike. And Fauxcahontas dressed in purple like the blankets the death cult used to cover themselves when they committed mass-suicide.
Are ALL these coincidences?
I don't think so."
Purple is, of course, the sign for royalty. Anciently it was a difficult color to get, I believe. She sat as the anointed Queen, having the Hamlet-like embarrassment of watching the usurper hold court.
Owen's widow was used voluntarily, just as her husband was used voluntarily, just as DJT is being used voluntarily. All of them used by the American Spirit who occasionally uses his people up fighting evil for our freedom, but then He also honors their sacrifices.
Last night she was the one honored with a dose of God's Glory upon her seen all over the world. Trump was merely being an honest commentator...something the press refuses to do.
Except for Van Jones, who was also an honest commentator on CNN, of all places.
And now Lent Season begins in honor of a Man who was voluntarily used up fighting evil for our freedom, but He was then honored, along with his believers, on Ressurrection morning, the Ascension day and the initial Pentecost day with God's Glory.
Trump should follow through and determine the who, what, where, why, and how our forces were ambushed. This isn't the first time. Hopefully, it will be the last.
Amy Winehouse died young, blessed with infinite promise and burdened with every known demon. The song takes on added poignance given the nature of her brief life. This song leaves a cleaner aftertaste than that catchy little number about never gong to rehab, nope, nope, nope...... I wonder if the Trump presidency will be defined by its blessings or its curses.
Walking off the floor last night, surrounded by stern-looking, eagle-eyed security, Trump was handed papers and pens to sign them with by numerous people. In one instance the pen was dropped as the requester handed it off to Trump. Trump, the 70 year old billionaire developer, luxury hotel owner, TV star, President of the United States of America, and according to some, smug, ego-maniacal tyrant, immediately bent over and picked the pen up off the floor.
That brief moment gave us a look into the real Donald Trump that impressed me more than the speech.
The widow was very powerful. My wife cried. I was choked up.
A lot of commenters here know people who died in war. If not personally, maybe one or two steps removed.
None of those who died deserve any less respect. All cannot be recognized nationally.Every family suffers from the loss.
This week, a body was returned from Viet Nam.
When I saw the headline, I hoped it was the son of an acquaintance, who has been missing since the '60's. It was not. She is in her eighties, and still cries for him.
Repeating from upthread, purple is the service workers union color.
Dems wear it in solidarity because they get votes and money from the union.
That woman's face was a passion play. I've never seen so much grief and anguish gouged so clearly on a woman's face. That was Mary at the foot of the cross. Then that grief was softened by the applause, and her grief became gracious and grateful. That was Mary at the Resurrection.......Trump bore witness to that woman's anguish and said the right thing. He can be loutish and crude, but his response to that moment was eloquent and eloquent in a language beyond words.
That's going too far IMO William but the sacrifice and grief were poignant. While it was a manipulation on Trump's part (magnificent manipulation at that), it was perhaps healthy for the country to have the tragic loss of young men out in front of our collective faces. It was shocking, probably in much the same way it was when Americans first started seeing the carnage of the Vietnam war. Note that I'm not comparing then to now with respect to the military missions, not drawing any conclusions at all about the controversy of why we fight and whether we should. It's just that when we do, we ought not be able to easily look away.
As for Trump's response, it was good that he broke the tension and she was visibly relieved to have the moment end....but his comment was not eloquent. It was pure Trump, boorish and crude but often effective.
Will DJT at 70 outlive FDR who died at 63. Trump doesn't smoke or drink, and using modern antibiotics and diagnostics, Medicine is near miraculous.
The 2 term limit is all that will stop Trump.Only death could stop FDR. The voters loved him.
traditionalguy said...
Will DJT at 70 outlive FDR who died at 63. Trump doesn't smoke or drink, and using modern antibiotics and diagnostics, Medicine is near miraculous.
The 2 term limit is all that will stop Trump.Only death could stop FDR. The voters loved him.
Only the tenor of your post causes me to write this; Obama, given a third term, would have beaten Trump. I have no doubt. Obama would have clearly and easily carried Michigan.
A week or so ago I saw video of President Trump at a meeting (maybe with various CEOs) and there was a woman to be seated on his left.
He pulled out her chair for her. I'm not sure he thought of it as anything more than good manners.
Doesn't the title get things backward? Seems like the idea is that Trump will be accused of having a one night stand with us,
Comparing the different covers of that song makes for interesting social commentary on the times. The older versions hint that the man is (probably) a cad while the Winehouse version is not only more raw but also evokes self loathing on the part of the woman, who knows she's being used but can't help herself.
At least that's my reaction, YMMV.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Only the tenor of your post causes me to write this; Obama, given a third term, would have beaten Trump. I have no doubt. Obama would have clearly and easily carried Michigan"
The value of your predictive capabilities is somewhat reduced since Nov 8.
Trump would likely have lost Pennsylvania but he would still have carried Wisconsin and MI would be a tossup.
Trump would also have won Ohio, FL and NC.
After 8 years that obama "magic" (which so mesmerizes some "lifelong republicans") was wearing might thin in those key battleground states.
The days of the Greek columns and receding oceans were themselves receding rapidly in reverse. FDR established a bond with the working classes which was celebrated and enhanced.
Obama threw the midwest into a pit to die and walked away, and the people there knew it.
Not having to run for a 3rd term and lose will save what little legacy of obama's programs remain.
Drago said...
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Only the tenor of your post causes me to write this; Obama, given a third term, would have beaten Trump. I have no doubt. Obama would have clearly and easily carried Michigan"
The value of your predictive capabilities is somewhat reduced since Nov 8.
Trump would likely have lost Pennsylvania but he would still have carried Wisconsin and MI would be a tossup.
Wrong, as usual. Michigan is the one easiest call to make. There were 130,000 fewer votes in all-Democrat Wayne county in 2016, than what Obama turned out in 2012. Obama would have won Michigan (Trump took it by about 10,000 votes; about 3 votes per precinct) going away. A 3rd term candidate Obama would have won by a much bigger margin, than what Trump actually won in 2016.
@Chuck...If Obama had faced Trump, he would have been exposed as a fraud by the Intel guys arranging Wiki-Leaks of Data showing Hillary's continuous corruption. Then there would have been no need for DJT to discuss anything except the Jobs-Jobs-Jobs issue.
Or you may be referring to upping the Black voters turn out.
But what stopped the Dems from running another Black man again? Racism? No they are now 100% hitching the Dem wagon to Hispanics, Hispanics and only Hispanics. But DJT would have spotted that and crushed them anyway.
And then there is always the magic of the moment and the great man, which is all that matters. That 2 term limit has been there for 70 years.
And at 10:25 AM on June 4, 1942 Japan's Navy ruled the Pacific Ocean and half the earth, but in 5 minutes Chester Nimitz ruled it.
And BTW Chuck... How did you know that I sing tenor?
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Wrong, as usual."
Yes, "lifelong republican" Chuck, the 2016 election Nostradamus, actually wrote that.
Thanks for the laugh.
Sad that you cannot accept that a spouse of a service member that was killed doing his duty would want to honor his life, and sacrifice, on a large stage. This was also for his comrades though you would not understand as you have not worn the uniform or made any sacrifice for America.
traditionalguy: "And at 10:25 AM on June 4, 1942 Japan's Navy ruled the Pacific Ocean and half the earth, but in 5 minutes Chester Nimitz ruled it."
Admiral "lifelong republican" Chuck would have been busy explaining to the General Staff why confronting the Japanese fleet at Midway was not a smart way to go and perhaps laying back and looking for small potatoes victories elsewhere would be more prudent.
That is, assuming "lifelong republican" Chuck wasn't all in on pre-emptive surrender like he was in the 2016 election.
Ron Snyder, I think Mary Katherine Ham sums it up nicely:
But what stopped the Dems from running another Black man again? Racism?
No; it was "seniority." The succession rights, or rites, as dictated by the Democratic establishment.
Everybody is jabbing me over my prediction that Trump could not win Michigan, and would not win the election. Fine. As often as anybody does that, I am going to own it. Honestly. I never thought it was possible.
It wasn't my only wrong prediction. I had made another prediction, about Hillary's running mate. I predicted that she'd pick Cory Booker for Veep. I now think that she'd have done better, and might have won, if Cory Booker had been the running mate and had spent time in PA, MI and WI.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Everybody is jabbing me over my prediction that Trump could not win Michigan, and would not win the election. Fine."
Purposefully mischaracterizing?
Lots of people make predictions that do not come to pass.
Few make predictions with such vehemence and use their supposed superior knowledge and understanding to blast others who believe differently with every dem talking point slur.
And, oddly enough, even after being proved wrong in spectacular fashion, you continue unabated.
Drago said...
That guy was a not "Negotiator".
Seriously, how does any, ANY, American male get that wrong?
3/1/17, 11:20 AM
Assumes facts not in evidence, droog Drago.
As for Carryn Owens, I don't think anyone short of Renee Maria Falconetti in "The Passion of Joan of Arc" can fake emotion like that. But she participated in theater and chose to do it. She put herself in a position where millions would look at her face as the President of the United States bathed her in words about her dead beloved. Real emotion poured forth with melodrama beyond anything I have ever seen on television. It was real emotion appropriated for a political purpose, but there is no necessary connection between the meaning of that emotion for her and the political meaning that found its way into the mind of the people.
Ann, what do you think you are saying here?
Your inability to grok this moment is...
...well, typical of you, actually, so as the lefty jerk says, Carry on.
Bad Lieutenant: "Assumes facts not in evidence, droog Drago"
Point taken.
Nice use of "droog" BTW.
>> I now think that she'd have done better, and might have won, if Cory Booker had been the running mate and had spent time in PA, MI and WI.
Having been completely wrong about the REAL election, now you are making predictions about pretend elections.
I can't wait to hear your take on Reagan/Ford versus RFK/Cher.
How many mini strokes did the California raisin, Pelosi, suffer last night during Uncle Donny's tour de force? I thought she was going to tip over kaput a couple of times. You could practically hear the blood vessels in her brain bursting - like bottle rockets exploding underwater. And the coven of lefty nags, draped in their white finery and hatching their hands like the gang of pouting, Maoist toddlers that they are? Jesus! Given their behavior since November 9, the lefties must have had seriously nasty plans for us once Hillary was in office. They were sooooooooo close to squashing us for good. They could feel it! And then, whoosh! Uncle Donnie is in THEIR house! Delicious.
Professor (Ret.), please stop with the lefty talking points about a random comment the President made years ago and for which he apologized.
Our hostess certainly doesn't need any defense from a commenter on her blog, but I think you missed the entire point. I read her reference to the pussy-grabbbing as thoroughgoing irony. While not dismissing the justified disgust, she turned it around nicely to credit his effective political seduction performance art. The "pussy-hatted progs" (VERY nice!) are mocking him, but he demonstrated that he has the skill and scope to return the favor and finger our collective clits without the use of small hands to make physical contact.
In that regard, it was more like cunnilingus. He fingered us with his tongue. Sketchy Guy Who Works at The Adult Bookstore would tell us that is more effective anyway.
Her question was, will we love him in the morning? I will. I think he's doing a great job, and I have a chubby to prove it.
- Krumhorn
Chuck said...
Only the tenor of your post causes me to write this; Obama, given a third term, would have beaten Trump. I have no doubt. Obama would have clearly and easily carried Michigan.
There are many analyses that showed Trump would have beaten Obama in 2012. He certainly would have won in 2016.
The GOPe handed the election in 2012 to Obama by nominating Romney.
The only other Republican candidate that could have possibly beaten Clinton was Kasich, and he was basically the fifth place choice of the primaries (had Rubio and Bush both stayed in through all the primaries, Kasich finishes behind them, too).
However, I don't believe Kasich could have carried Florida or North Carolina, though he might have been able to duplicate Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Now I have the sads after watching that Amy Winehouse video. Sigh, poor Amy.
Will the media still love him tomorrow?
Achilles said...
The GOPe handed the election in 2012 to Obama by nominating Romney.
You love to degrade "the GOPe." But Republicans -- "establishment" Republicans by your account -- keep winning. We won the Senate, and held it, and stand a good chance of increasing that majority in 2018. Republican Senators are winning despite -- or maybe because of -- their distancing themselves from Trump. Rubio. McCain. Toomey. Johnson. Portman. Paul. Murkowski.
Same thing, in the biggest House races. Paul Ryan above all.
And in the critical governor's races, we just finished a year in which all three governors from Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio spent all or part of the year refusing all contact with Trump.
Chuck said...
Achilles said...
The GOPe handed the election in 2012 to Obama by nominating Romney.
You love to degrade "the GOPe." But Republicans -- "establishment" Republicans by your account -- keep winning. We won the Senate, and held it, and stand a good chance of increasing that majority in 2018. Republican Senators are winning despite -- or maybe because of -- their distancing themselves from Trump. Rubio. McCain. Toomey. Johnson. Portman. Paul. Murkowski.
So you admit that Romney was a failure in 2012. That is a start.
But you still can't see why Trump won and how we are going in the right direction now. Mostly because you don't want to go in that direction. If Rubio was the nominee republican turnout would have crashed because we don't want open borders. Just like we lost in 2012 because we didn't want Obamacare.
And we won the house and senate because of us teabaggers. Sure the GOPe was able to trash some republicans in primaries and the huge money advantage they give party pets is very difficult to overcome. But we have the party now.
We will have a wall. We will have honest trade agreements. We will have tax reform. The only people that can stop us are douchey "republicans" like McCain who don't want those things and would rather get into the nice cocktail parties and be told how they are the "good" republicans.
@unknown: "And when we fulfill this vision; when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American Greatness began." Wait, wasn't it: "...this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal....?"
And: "A" for effort, "C" for communication.
Sound familiar? Think about it. This is vintage Obama!
Trump keeps pimping Obama and the Democrats and they don't get it. If the leftmediaswine and the celebs weren't carrying the Democrats' water, they would cease to be a factor in America.
Republican Senators are winning despite -- or maybe because of -- their distancing themselves from Trump. Rubio. McCain. Toomey. Johnson. Portman. Paul. Murkowski.
They rode in on Trump's coattails. People wanted a GOP President as well as a GOP Congress. But if these GOP anti-Trumps think they'll will in 2018 by obstructing Trump's policies, they are in for a rude shock.
I noticed the dour, sour faces of Pelosi and Ellison and a few others, seated, when most were applauding the widow of a veteran. "Screw the widows and orphans" is losing politics.
I could see it.
Actually I didn't love Trump yesterday. Or any time before that. Matter of fact I see Politicians like light bulbs. You go buy some, screw them in and when they burn out you unscrew them and toss them in the trash. All of them.
ah, Renee Maria Falconetti. You know she never acted again (or very very little) after that star turn as Jeanne d'Arc?
Same way you see men?
Fishy, fishy, bike, bike?
Or, if you're affluent;
L.C.D. is squick, squick.
Sweet dreams.
Wash your hands.
Tap, tap... Is this on?
They haven't received their talking points yet.
Achilles: "The only people that can stop us are douchey "republicans" like McCain who don't want those things and would rather get into the nice cocktail parties and be told how they are the "good" republicans."
And to that end, Lindsay "McCain Mini-me" Graham, despite having the Senate accomplish nothing thus far, is focused on a bill to force all candidates to release their tax returns prior to the 2020 election (like that couldn't wait until next year) and just tonight Tucker quizzed Cornyn on why so little is getting done as well as why Cornyn is publicly saying he didn't want a wall (Cornyn backtracked on that).
You should have seen Cornyn's face when Tucker asked him whether or not so little is getting done because so many of the republican staffers don't agree with Trumps agenda, including some of Cornyn's staff who, according to Tucker, told him they had voted for Hillary.
Cornyn looked like a deer in the headlights on that one.
So, bottom line, there are many many "Chucks" and other establishment dems right smack in the middle of the republican operation who are slowing down the republican efforts.
Not that we didn't know that already.
mockturtle said...
They rode in on Trump's coattails. People wanted a GOP President as well as a GOP Congress. But if these GOP anti-Trumps think they'll will in 2018 by obstructing Trump's policies, they are in for a rude shock.
Exactly. Trump got a few more votes than Romney but not by much. He did that despite a bunch of shitheads that voted for McMuffin and some "republicans" like George Will who voted for Hillary. Those shitheads voted for their vichy friends though so yeah they got a few more votes than Trump.
But Trump replaced those traitors votes and then some with Blue Collar workers that had voted for democrats previously. He took votes from democrats an that is why he would have defeated Obama as well.
And now as Drago demonstrates the "life-long republicans" n DC are turning out to be just as traitorous after the election as before it. If those "republicans" tank border security and tax reform they are in for some rudeness and evictions. There is no reason the senator from Arizona or South Carolina or Alaska should be a hindrance to any of the Republican Agenda.
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Only the tenor of your post causes me to write this; Obama, given a third term, would have beaten Trump. I have no doubt. Obama would have clearly and easily carried Michigan"
The value of your predictive capabilities is somewhat reduced since Nov 8.
Trump would likely have lost Pennsylvania but he would still have carried Wisconsin and MI would be a tossup.
Trump would also have won Ohio, FL and NC.
After 8 years that obama "magic" (which so mesmerizes some "lifelong republicans") was wearing might thin in those key battleground states.
The days of the Greek columns and receding oceans were themselves receding rapidly in reverse. FDR established a bond with the working classes which was celebrated and enhanced.
Obama threw the midwest into a pit to die and walked away, and the people there knew it.
Not having to run for a 3rd term and lose will save what little legacy of obama's programs remain.
3/1/17, 1:30 PM
Sorry but I will need to disagree with you on this one. As much as I have bottomless contempt for Obama and his (and his administration's) actions over the course of his two terms, there are a remarkable number (and percentage) of folks in this country that would have gladly voted for him and his again, if given the chance. In an Obama / Trump race, I do not know... I think Trump's percentage of the "non-white" vote would have been significantly less if he were running against Obama instead of Hillary. How other demographic groups would have shifted, I can not say but I do not see any way that Trump would have done better across these groups than he did if he were up against Obama versus Hillary.
As for Carryn Owens, I don't think anyone short of Renee Maria Falconetti in "The Passion of Joan of Arc" can fake emotion like that. But she participated in theater and chose to do it.
Ann, if you think Mrs. Owens was faking anything what. so. ever. in that moment, you are a dead soul.
as for all the snarky comments on OUR President, they mostly come from a group we here in Maryland call "losers."
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