He's not "President Obama". He's Mr. Obama. He ceased being president earlier this year. We need to realize that as citizens of a republic, we "outrank" presidents, House members, Senators, governors, mayors, etc. It's not a title for life, it's a job title. Job over, no title.
Unknown: "Trump's 8th consecutive weekend at a Trump owned property playing golf"
That's alot of golf courses for a guy who is supposedly a business fraud and doesn't really own anything.
Are these real courses? Potemkin courses? Maybe they don't even exist!
Is playing golf on a fake course an impeachable offense? What if they serve russian made vodka at this fake course? Should we get a FISA warrant to check it out?
No but it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held. It will continue to be Secretary Clinton, Senator Kennedy, Senator Mondale, Governor Dukakis. Kerry gets an upgrade from Senator Kerry to Secretary Kerry. Count your blessings.
Michael K said... "Orgasmic" is how I would describe the press relationship with Obama.
Cory Booker is next and was surprised that Hillary did not choose him fro VP to keep the blacks on the plantation.
Another in my year of badly mixed results in the prediction game; I also predicted Booker as Hillary's running mate. People said that rumors that Booker was gay was a problem for him. I figured that with today's Democrats, that might be a feature, and not a bug.
Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you For the things you do endear you to me You know I will I will.
Unknown: "On a much nicer note, the tweets setting up a date between Booker and Kaling is really sweet."
And completely spontaneous.
And certainly not contrived in any way for public consumption.
Like that time the guy with the camera somehow snuck up on the Clintons and the Secret Service and local security in a private setting to capture Bill and Hil in a lovely little dance together on the beach...right about the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Ha, "no one"? You mean Trumpists here on Althouse, Disinformation Troll Drago? Oh there are plenty of people out there in the rest of the country paying attention to it, you can't count on it.
Unknown: "Oh there are plenty of people out there in the rest of the country paying attention to it, you can't count on it."
Well, as long as there are "plenty of people" paying attention I guess that will just have to suffice for you in lieu of evidence and icky stuff like that.
As I recall there were "plenty of people" wanting Rove frog-marched out of the White House. Those people are probably still sitting around somewhere sipping wine from a bottle in a brown paper bag.
"Judge Andrew Napolitano may be temporarily sidelined at Fox News, but he’s been telling friends and associates that he could be in for a big promotion — to the Supreme Court.
After meeting with President Trump twice during the transition, first in December and again in mid-January, the Newark, N.J.-born television personality told several people that Trump said he was on the list of judges from whom he was selecting a nominee for the high court.
“He said, ‘Trump said I’m on the list,’” said a source who spoke with Napolitano shortly after one of his meetings with the then president-elect. “He’s been saying that since the transition.”
Friends warned Napolitano not to take the president too literally – or seriously. “He'll take your call and invite you to the Oval Office, but he just wants you to say nice things about him on TV,” the source says he told Napolitano at the time. But that didn’t sink the ambitious judge’s hopes."
The lefties needed a new one since Che, Castro and Chavez are dead and, lets face it, the nation that most epitomizes the left, Venezuela, ain't exactly something to brag about right now.
In fact, the fawning visits by lefty celebrities to Venezuela have dried up almost completely now that, you know, the population is starving and without medicine or electricity.
Unknown, Are you a citizen of the United States? If so President Trump is your President like it or not. If you are not a citizen let us know so we can respond to you accordingly.
"You knew the Republicans were full of hot air. They haven’t had to pass anything in a long time, and they have no aptitude for governing. To paraphrase an old Barney Frank line, asking the Republicans to govern is like asking Frank to judge the Miss America contest — “If your heart’s not in it, you don’t do a very good job.”
You knew that Paul Ryan’s vaunted reputation as a policy wonk was fake news. Republicans have been running on repealing and replacing Obamacare for years and they never even bothered to come up with a valid alternative.
And neither did you, despite all your promises to replace Obamacare with “something terrific” because you wanted everyone to be covered.
Instead, you sold the D.O.A. bill the Irish undertaker gave you as though it were a luxury condo, ignoring the fact that it was a cruel flimflam, a huge tax cut for the rich disguised as a health care bill. You were so concerned with the “win” that you forgot your “forgotten” Americans, the older, poorer people in rural areas who would be hurt by the bill."
I NEVER WRITE IN ALL CAPS! That's the other Unknown, although I don't think he's got any loose screws. I'd say it was people who repeatedly tell other commenters that if they write a word in all caps, they are screwy. People who are so concerned about the use of an occasional all caps word have 🦇In their belfry.
Booker and Kaling. Corey's ongoing search for a Beard before 2020. My bet is on him landing a slinky and nubile African American with whom to procreate before the primaries.
Poor Reince, he always gets the blame. Bannon and Trump were just innocent bystanders.
"From the NYT's Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush:
On Friday evening, a somewhat shellshocked president retreated to the White House residence to grieve and assign blame. He asked his advisers repeatedly: Whose fault was this? ... Increasingly, that blame has fallen on Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, who coordinated the initial legislative strategy on the health care repeal with Speaker Paul D. Ryan, his close friend and a fellow Wisconsin native, according to three people briefed on the president's recent discussions."
readering said: "Obama's popularity will be in the stratosphere by 2020."
And his Nobel Peace Prize trophy case will need to be expanded. Or he could just stack them skyward in the shape of the Tower of Babel.
Coming on the heels of the Obama surveillance caper, I suspect Obama being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Trump is on thin ice. At the rate the Big O was handing them out the last eight (8) years, there may not be any left to bestow anyway.
Muslim Ban- Fail TrumpCare-Fail Mexicans will pay for the Wall-fail Budget- "Dead on arrival" NSA head-fired in disgrace Under a counterintelligence investigation.
Humperdink: "And his Nobel Peace Prize trophy case will need to be expanded. Or he could just stack them skyward in the shape of the Tower of Babel."
I'm afraid the obambi will have to be prepared to take a backseat to the next mostest beautiful, mostest brilliant, mostest "gal-y-est" gal ev-uh: Chelsea Clinton.
A Lifetime Achievement Award for her because...er....uh....just BECAUSE H8Ters!
obambi will be yesterdays news when the Clinton Machine kicks into high gear. There will be Academy Awards, Literary Awards, about 50 or so Honorary Degrees, stuff like that.
Right around last fall it was very very very important to Unknown that everyone voting for Trump give up and walk away.
That didn't happen.
Right around January it was very very very important to Unknown that everyone supporting President-Elect Trump give up and accept he wouldn't be inaugurated.
Now, just over 60 days in it's very very very important to Unknown that everyone who supports the republicans give up and accept that all is already lost and just surrender!
Hmmmmmm. I think I'll give it a just a teensy weensy more time!
Mountain Maven said... Booker and Kaling. Corey's ongoing search for a Beard before 2020. My bet is on him landing a slinky and nubile African American with whom to procreate before the primaries.
What's Rachel Dolezal doing these days?
David said... Edmund said... He's not "President Obama".
No but it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held. It will continue to be Secretary Clinton, Senator Kennedy, Senator Mondale, Governor Dukakis. Kerry gets an upgrade from Senator Kerry to Secretary Kerry. Count your blessings.
I don't care how high they were in office, and some of their performances suggests very, Edmund is right. Using a title to refer to former office holders makes them royalty. If we referred to the highest office held we would call Ms. Clinton Bagman.
Apparently, there is an immutable Law Of The Universe that no substantive legislative achievement matters unless it occurs in the first 100 days of a new administration.
Einstein discovered this Immutable Law which led to his Nobel Prize in Physics. And you dummies thought he won it for his work on the Photoelectric effect!
Oh, just as a reminder: Obamacare passed into law on March 10, 2010, which was just a teensy weensy past the 100 day mark of the obambi Administration!
So to summarize, dems take over 14 months to pass obamacare and they are WONDERFUL! Republicans don't pass a repeal/replace bill out of the House in 61 days and ALL IS LOST!!
It's almost like there is a double standard or something.
What if obambi changes gender from a man to a woman (not a huge leap, just look at the video of him throwing a baseball and missing about 20 shots in a row on the basketball court), could he run against Trump in 2020 as a different person?
Unknown: "Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm. Take a look at Trump's rounded derrière and bulging gut, whilst golfing."
Another solid policy critique and substantive offering.
Anyone read the first comment following the article? This is the end of it: "He'll always be our true love! Our true love! Our true love! From now until forever! Forever! Forever!"
I suspect that the comment poster was invoking the song from its appearance in "Sister Act," but for those of us who are a bit further along, the sentiment goes all the way to 1963.
"Obama was cruising the South Pacific with David Geffen", hope he brought plenty of condoms. Can hardly wait for Mitchell's new single "Free Man in the Pacific".
Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm.
Yeah Obama's floss arms are really hawt! Actually Michelle has the guns in the family and the balls.
This is so Let them eat cake. Doesn't anyone see how badly the optics will resonate with working class voters who struggle to pay Obamacare price increases and aren't terribly impressed by pecs, trendy eateries or precious lettuces.
I hope the media continues to drool over and and idolize Obama as the Sun King. It will lessen whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 by comparison.
Here's something to think about. Has Trump thrown Flynn under the bus? Where is Flynn? There are some very interesting rumors floating around regarding Flynn.
Drago, The Pentagon is currently investigating why over 200 civilians have been killed in recent bombings in Mosul.
And what Inga will never grasp is that it is obnoxious harridans like her who helped turn this state red. During the Walker recall, the good citizens of Wisconsin got a good look at the Inga-like headcases infesting the capitol and began turning against them.
Good job, Inga! You and yours disgust all sane people.
it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held
No, it's not. It was not done (except in the case of governors) until very recently, and for good reason. A government job is not a title of nobility, whether our throne-sniffing media overlords think it ought to be or not.
LOL, Obama, the guy who can't throw a baseball, shoot hoops, got stuck trying to carry an open umbrella though a gate, lifts 5 lb. weights at the gym, and wears mom-jeans and a bike helmet and he makes Inga wet! Just goes to show you what pathetic males Inga is attracted to. I suppose that if you're the sort of castrating bitch who runs around in a pussy hat, that's just the sort of dickless thing that appeals to you.
Trump was handsome as a young man and was genuinely athletic, as compared to Obama, who went 0-23 when he tried to throw hoops. Trump was a first baseman - Obama's athletic pursuit then was limited to rolling spiffs.
Not that such Tiger Beat crap matters to me, but Inga sure seems stuck on it. An old lady drooling over a politician - good Christ. I'm sure she piddled her panties over horseface Kerry as well.
Oh, why, oh why, can't conservatives have hunks of man like this representing them?
"Judge Andrew Napolitano may be temporarily sidelined at Fox News, but he’s been telling friends and associates that he could be in for a big promotion — to the Supreme Court.
Who says President Trump (I love saying that phrase) doesn't read?
In Christopher Buckley's novel Supreme Courtship (2008) the president is trying to fill a Supreme Justice slot. Two eminently qualified jurists get Borked and the Prez decides "Fuck 'em" and nominates a female TV judge who seems modeled on Judge Judy.
I forget the details but he manages to get her confirmed and she works out pretty well.
From the Amazon description:
President of the United States Donald Vanderdamp is having a hell of a time getting his nominees appointed to the Supreme Court. After one nominee is rejected for insufficiently appreciating To Kill A Mockingbird, the president chooses someone so beloved by voters that the Senate won't have the guts to reject her -- Judge Pepper Cartwright, the star of the nation's most popular reality show, Courtroom Six.
Maybe that is what President Trump has in mind if he can't get Gorsuch approved?
We could certainly do far worse than a Justice Napolitano. History has demonstrated that time after time.
Christopher Buckley is an excellent writer of caper/comic type novels. Right up with Donald Westlake if not so prolific.
Women always feel protective of the little man who cant quite compete physically with his peers.
3/25/17, 8:03 PM
Some do, I suppose. In my case, I found myself watching the video and wondering if he was hung over or had smoked weed before the workout, 'cause that's one low energy workout. I use heavier dumb bells than that. So does Michele, I'm sure - she's the Obama with the impressive biceps.
Perspective: It's hard to overstate the magnitude of the Day 64 defeat. President Trump, who made repeal-and-replace a central theme of his campaign,
Do you remember when he said he was going to repeal and replace? In the first 100 days. He has 36 days left.
Now that he has gotten Obamacare light off the table, and made Ryan look stupid in the process (Yaaaaay!) he can actually do repeal and replace. He can challenge the repos to send him one of the repeal and replace bills that they already passed.
Then he can sign off on it.
Perhaps too much to hope for but still a possibility. ("Look, folks, I tried to be reasonable and fix Obamacare but you didn't want wanted it. Now we should just get rid of the whole megillah and start from ground zero.")
People betting against President Trump politically for the past 2 years have a whole buncha teeth marks in their buns.
"This time we've REALLY got him! He'll NEVER survive (McCain, pussygate, rape charges, bankruptcies, whatever, pick one)!!!!!!"
He was having lunch with Bono. I know which one I'd be mentioning to the great-grandkids. (And they'd say, "Who's Bono?")
It was very big of Obama to give them a smile and a wave. One time during W's second term, we were at a restaurant he was visiting. (A Chicago diner, nothing California-inflected about it.) He came around and shook hands and talked with everyone there.
So to summarize, dems take over 14 months to pass obamacare and they are WONDERFUL! Republicans don't pass a repeal/replace bill out of the House in 61 days and ALL IS LOST!!
It's almost like there is a double standard or something.
Good point. & ObamaCare was passed using a stolen seat (Franken), procedural shenanigans, phony promises (cornhusker kickback, etc..) w/ ZERO support from the other side.
Now - we all pay for cheap-ass feminists free stuff.
"The Russian state-owned news website Sputnik has applied for a White House hard pass and is seeking membership in the White House Foreign Press Group in order to become a part of pool rotations.
Sputnik, which Foreign Policy magazine described as the "BuzzFeed of propaganda," would be part of a rotating group of roughly 22 overseas outlets following President Donald Trump in his everyday interactions along with pool reporters from American print, TV, and radio outlets."
So I'm at this Diner with some friends, and -- midway through the meal -- something doesn't settle in my stomach quite right. I excuse myself from the table and head with purpose to the restroom, when I am stopped at the door by two men in black suits.
"Sorry, sir, you can't go in there."
"What? Why?"
"We're Secret Service. President Obama is currently in there."
"I promise I won't bother him or anything; I just really need to use the bathroom."
"Not while The Man is in there, sir."
"He'll be done in a minute, right? 'Cause I REALLY need to take a crap."
"President Obama is currently occupying the stall. For as long as he believes it necessary."
"Obama is in there? Taking a shit?"
"Yes, sir."
"That's funny. You never think of a President taking a shit."
"WE think of it constantly, sir, and it is our job to be prepared and to protect him while he is indisposed."
"Was it the food? Because the food here is getting REALLY funky in my stomach."
"We are not at liberty to say, sir."
"How about the Women's Restroom? Can I use that? 'Cause I'm about to explode, if you know what I mean."
"'Explode' is not a good world to use in the proximity of the President. It has connotations: we might have to write a report."
"Okay, okay: what I meant was I'm about to fucking shit my pants, all right? Can I PLEASE use the Women's Restroom?"
"We can't let you do that, sir. ALL facilities are closed when the President is conducting his business."
"What the Hell am I supposed to do then? Shit in the parking lot?"
"If you do that, sir, we'll have to file a report. We report on all suspicious activity surrounding the President."
"Suspicious activity? There won't be anything suspicious about it -- it'll be a MOUNTAIN of crap."
"We cannot be sure of your motivations with such an action."
"Motivation? How about I am motivated to NOT SHIT MY PANTS?"
"Sir, your tone can be construed as threatening..."
"Sorry -- sorry: my mistake. Uh -- how long does he normally take?"
"We document the duration of his visits, but the Information is Classified."
"You time how long it takes the President to shit?"
"It helps us in Our Planning. We keep a strict schedule."
"Oh God, this is crazy! This is -- uh oh..."
"I'm shitting my pants."
"You are?"
"Sir --"
"Wait -- Still shitting, here..."
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to file a Report. I'll need to see some Identification."
"Not finished yet..."
"Sir --"
"It's still going. I haven't been like this since I was a tourist in Mexico..."
"Sir -- be quiet for a moment -- they're talking to me on the earphone."
"Is something wrong?"
"It looks like we got a Code Eight."
"Code Eight?"
"Yes. The President has signaled that he requires Air Freshener..."
To Inga: Not only did Trump marry two Eastern Europeans (not at the same time!), Bill and Hillary were guests at Trump's wedding to Melania. How deep does the conspiracy go? Wheels within wheels, my friend. Wheels within wheels.
They are difficult to read and see what the image related to the text might mean. Avatars are tough. Only a few (well, a couple hundred) pixels. Maybe just a big capital "I". What do I know?
Good Morning Viet Bam. The incompetence meme is being used on Trump now just like Scott Adams said it would. The Dem talking heads almost seem to feel sorry for Trump this morning. I think they will support him soon.
Maureen Dowd put it all in writing in a beautiful column...and she too feels sorry for Mr Incompetence.
"Corrections & Amplifications The youngest artist in the top 10, Justin Bieber, 23, brought in $163 million, or 40% less revenue than Mr. Springsteen. An earlier version of this article and a graphic incorrectly stated Mr. Bieber’s revenue was 60% less. (March 25, 2017)"
The WSJ can't even get the math right when it is about Money?
The Democrats spent literally decades pushing for health care reform. They actually come close under Clinton. Then, when Obama gets in office and they have large majorities in the House and Senate, it still took them, as Drago said, 14 months to pass Obamacare. Which is now crashing and burning.
But those incompetent Republicans can't undo it in 60 days! Tsk, tsk.
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Well Trump is also out swinging this weekend:
Trump is now at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia.
Trump's 8th consecutive weekend at a Trump owned property playing golf.
"Orgasmic" is how I would describe the press relationship with Obama.
Cory Booker is next and was surprised that Hillary did not choose him fro VP to keep the blacks on the plantation.
Next will be Kamala Harris who proves that, even in 2016, you can still sleep your way to the top if you are a pretty girl.
How many of us read "California-infected"?
California inflected?
A better writer would have said California infected.
So when did this happen? I though Obama was cruising the South Pacific with David Geffen.
He's not "President Obama". He's Mr. Obama. He ceased being president earlier this year. We need to realize that as citizens of a republic, we "outrank" presidents, House members, Senators, governors, mayors, etc. It's not a title for life, it's a job title. Job over, no title.
Hah, Dave! Beat you by a hair.
"Trump's 8th consecutive weekend at a Trump owned property playing golf."
Good. He needs the exercise.
"Orgasmic" is how I would describe the press relationship with Obama.
I prefer the phrase "a continuing series of unnatural acts". At least, when I'm making some attempt to be polite, I do.
Unknown: "Trump's 8th consecutive weekend at a Trump owned property playing golf"
That's alot of golf courses for a guy who is supposedly a business fraud and doesn't really own anything.
Are these real courses? Potemkin courses? Maybe they don't even exist!
Is playing golf on a fake course an impeachable offense? What if they serve russian made vodka at this fake course? Should we get a FISA warrant to check it out?
mockturtle said...
Hah, Dave! Beat you by a hair.
Yeah but my comment was more arty, a critique of the writer's lack of imagination.
So there.
Edmund said...
He's not "President Obama".
No but it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held. It will continue to be Secretary Clinton, Senator Kennedy, Senator Mondale, Governor Dukakis. Kerry gets an upgrade from Senator Kerry to Secretary Kerry. Count your blessings.
New Love? Booker invited her to dinner in Newark.
Michael K said...
"Orgasmic" is how I would describe the press relationship with Obama.
Cory Booker is next and was surprised that Hillary did not choose him fro VP to keep the blacks on the plantation.
Another in my year of badly mixed results in the prediction game; I also predicted Booker as Hillary's running mate. People said that rumors that Booker was gay was a problem for him. I figured that with today's Democrats, that might be a feature, and not a bug.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I figured that with today's Democrats, that might be a feature, and not a bug"
At least 4 elections too soon.
Obama will always be President Obama. Trump will never be President to many people.
On a much nicer note, the tweets setting up a date between Booker and Kaling is really sweet.
"Trump is now at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia."
You mean he didn't fly all the way across the country, tie up traffic in LA, attend a posh fundraiser and THEN play golf?
What a piker.
"Trump will never be President to many people."
304 to 227
Choke on it.
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart.
And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
You know I will
I will.
Unknown: "Trump will never be President to many people."
Some people don't believe in Gravity.
"Trump's 8th consecutive weekend at a Trump owned property playing golf."
He's letting the resistance have weekends off. That's a good thing, right?
MSM aren't even trying anymore, are they.
Before he finished the salad, he asked them what kind of dog they served and whether it was fresh.
Unknown: "On a much nicer note, the tweets setting up a date between Booker and Kaling is really sweet."
And completely spontaneous.
And certainly not contrived in any way for public consumption.
Like that time the guy with the camera somehow snuck up on the Clintons and the Secret Service and local security in a private setting to capture Bill and Hil in a lovely little dance together on the beach...right about the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
So wonderfully romantic and not at all staged.
Trump under counter intelligence investigation for possible collusion with Russia. Choke on it.
Unknown: "Trump under counter intelligence investigation for possible collusion with Russia. Choke on it"
We are being buried under evidence and indictments!
Unknown can see Russia from her house. In Wisconsin.
We aren't privy to what the FBI has found, as the investigations aren't yet completed.
Darrell can't see a thing from his vantage point, up Trump's ass.
Now, now Inga. You can't see anything from Hillary's colon.
Unknown:"We aren't privy to what the FBI has found, as the investigations aren't yet completed"
It's been non-stop leaking of nothing-ness.
Which is why no one is even listening anymore except the lefty loony base.
Like you.
I wonder if Trump uses Russian made golf clubs and serves borscht at his golf clubs, which of course don't exist.
'cuz Trump is a fraud and doesn't own anything.
But he owns so much he has zillions of conflicts of interests. Which makes him impeachable!
But those are fake conflicts, since he doesn't own anything.
'cuz Trump is a fraud and doesn't own anything.
But he owns so much....
Another day in the life of a Maddow Show "True Believer".
Ha, "no one"? You mean Trumpists here on Althouse, Disinformation Troll Drago? Oh there are plenty of people out there in the rest of the country paying attention to it, you can't count on it.
Unknown: "Oh there are plenty of people out there in the rest of the country paying attention to it, you can't count on it."
Well, as long as there are "plenty of people" paying attention I guess that will just have to suffice for you in lieu of evidence and icky stuff like that.
As I recall there were "plenty of people" wanting Rove frog-marched out of the White House. Those people are probably still sitting around somewhere sipping wine from a bottle in a brown paper bag.
Speaking of loony...
"Judge Andrew Napolitano may be temporarily sidelined at Fox News, but he’s been telling friends and associates that he could be in for a big promotion — to the Supreme Court.
After meeting with President Trump twice during the transition, first in December and again in mid-January, the Newark, N.J.-born television personality told several people that Trump said he was on the list of judges from whom he was selecting a nominee for the high court.
“He said, ‘Trump said I’m on the list,’” said a source who spoke with Napolitano shortly after one of his meetings with the then president-elect. “He’s been saying that since the transition.”
Friends warned Napolitano not to take the president too literally – or seriously. “He'll take your call and invite you to the Oval Office, but he just wants you to say nice things about him on TV,” the source says he told Napolitano at the time. But that didn’t sink the ambitious judge’s hopes."
Obama's popularity will be in the stratosphere by 2020.
readering: "Obama's popularity will be in the stratosphere by 2020."
You're putting a hardcopy poll into a weather balloon?
Cult of personality.
J Severs: "Cult of personality"
The lefties needed a new one since Che, Castro and Chavez are dead and, lets face it, the nation that most epitomizes the left, Venezuela, ain't exactly something to brag about right now.
In fact, the fawning visits by lefty celebrities to Venezuela have dried up almost completely now that, you know, the population is starving and without medicine or electricity.
Or, as I like to say, at "Peak Leftism"!
Let Booker and Kaling flirt on. We'll always have Althouse and Meade.
Anyone read the first comment following the article?
This is the end of it: "He'll always be our true love! Our true love! Our true love! From now until forever! Forever! Forever!"
Booker better arrange a sham marriage if he wants to preserve his political viability for his 2020 presidential run.
If Obama is convicted of sedition and treason, I would lean toward the firing squad. It sends a better message.
Darrell: "If Obama is convicted of sedition and treason, I would lean toward the firing squad. It sends a better message."
Not a chance. That lets him off far too easily.
If convicted of sedition obambi should be sentenced to life as Babs Streisand's personal pancake preparer.
Presidents are not elected to TRY, they are elected to get things done.
Trump is FAILING. Get used to it Trumpies.
The WORST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the WORST 100-days of any President.
Stop making excuses for Trump and the lousy decision Trumpies made in electing a doofus.
Are you a citizen of the United States? If so President Trump is your President like it or not. If you are not a citizen let us know so we can respond to you accordingly.
Obama won a gold medal in the Giant slalom in his first hundred days. Judges never saw anyone go downhill as fast.
People who write in all caps on the internet have a loose screw. fyi
Obama won a gold medal in the Giant slalom in his first hundred days.
Don't forget that time when Dear Leader got a hole-in-one on the first hole the first time he ever played golf.
Dowd to Trump:
"You knew the Republicans were full of hot air. They haven’t had to pass anything in a long time, and they have no aptitude for governing. To paraphrase an old Barney Frank line, asking the Republicans to govern is like asking Frank to judge the Miss America contest — “If your heart’s not in it, you don’t do a very good job.”
You knew that Paul Ryan’s vaunted reputation as a policy wonk was fake news. Republicans have been running on repealing and replacing Obamacare for years and they never even bothered to come up with a valid alternative.
And neither did you, despite all your promises to replace Obamacare with “something terrific” because you wanted everyone to be covered.
Instead, you sold the D.O.A. bill the Irish undertaker gave you as though it were a luxury condo, ignoring the fact that it was a cruel flimflam, a huge tax cut for the rich disguised as a health care bill. You were so concerned with the “win” that you forgot your “forgotten” Americans, the older, poorer people in rural areas who would be hurt by the bill."
As we recall, President Obama's first order was to close Guantanamo. Nice.
I NEVER WRITE IN ALL CAPS! That's the other Unknown, although I don't think he's got any loose screws. I'd say it was people who repeatedly tell other commenters that if they write a word in all caps, they are screwy. People who are so concerned about the use of an occasional all caps word have 🦇In their belfry.
Oh, and "fyi" should be written in all caps. FYI.
Booker and Kaling. Corey's ongoing search for a Beard before 2020. My bet is on him landing a slinky and nubile African American with whom to procreate before the primaries.
Unknown said . . .
Trump is FAILING. Get used to it Trumpies.
The WORST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the WORST 100-days of any President.
There is only one way to respond to such highly reasoned and effective argumentation.
Trump is WINNING. Get used to it Trump haters.
The BEST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the BEST 100-days of any President
You see how I did that with the emboldening? That's your college education shining through, right there!
Poor Reince, he always gets the blame. Bannon and Trump were just innocent bystanders.
"From the NYT's Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush:
On Friday evening, a somewhat shellshocked president retreated to the White House residence to grieve and assign blame. He asked his advisers repeatedly: Whose fault was this? ... Increasingly, that blame has fallen on Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, who coordinated the initial legislative strategy on the health care repeal with Speaker Paul D. Ryan, his close friend and a fellow Wisconsin native, according to three people briefed on the president's recent discussions."
"Trump is WINNING. Get used to it Trump haters.
The BEST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the BEST 100-days of any President"
Stop using all caps, people who use all caps have a screw loose.
I like emboldening words too.
I like using italics on occasion too.
How about hyperlinks Lewis, I bet you don't know how to make them, do you?
He can run but he can't hide.*
He'll always be Obozo to me.
*classical reference.
Unknown: "Trump is FAILING. Get used to it Trumpies.
The WORST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the WORST 100-days of any President."
Trump is not Hillary.
Best. 60+ days of a President EVER!
And the really good news?
Tomorrow, Hillary will still not be President! Happy Days are here again, the skies above are clear again...
Oh, and Schumer and the dems are going to filibuster Gorsuch!
Thank you!
readering said: "Obama's popularity will be in the stratosphere by 2020."
And his Nobel Peace Prize trophy case will need to be expanded. Or he could just stack them skyward in the shape of the Tower of Babel.
Coming on the heels of the Obama surveillance caper, I suspect Obama being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Trump is on thin ice. At the rate the Big O was handing them out the last eight (8) years, there may not be any left to bestow anyway.
I thought New Yorkers were the sort of sophisticates who were used to seeing celebrities on the street and in restaurants.
The really really good news?
Muslim Ban- Fail
Mexicans will pay for the Wall-fail
Budget- "Dead on arrival"
NSA head-fired in disgrace
Under a counterintelligence investigation.
Unknown, if you were half as clever as you think you are, you would have inserted a hyperlink in your last taunt.
Humperdink: "And his Nobel Peace Prize trophy case will need to be expanded. Or he could just stack them skyward in the shape of the Tower of Babel."
I'm afraid the obambi will have to be prepared to take a backseat to the next mostest beautiful, mostest brilliant, mostest "gal-y-est" gal ev-uh: Chelsea Clinton.
A Lifetime Achievement Award for her because...er....uh....just BECAUSE H8Ters!
obambi will be yesterdays news when the Clinton Machine kicks into high gear. There will be Academy Awards, Literary Awards, about 50 or so Honorary Degrees, stuff like that.
Right around last fall it was very very very important to Unknown that everyone voting for Trump give up and walk away.
That didn't happen.
Right around January it was very very very important to Unknown that everyone supporting President-Elect Trump give up and accept he wouldn't be inaugurated.
Now, just over 60 days in it's very very very important to Unknown that everyone who supports the republicans give up and accept that all is already lost and just surrender!
Hmmmmmm. I think I'll give it a just a teensy weensy more time!
Perspective: It's hard to overstate the magnitude of the Day 64 defeat. President Trump, who made repeal-and-replace a central theme of his campaign, and House Republicans, who made it the central theme of every campaign since 2010, lost in a publicly humiliating way despite controlling every branch of government and enjoying margins in the House rarely seen in the past century.
This virtually guarantees no substantive legislative achievements in the first 100 days. And it creates rifts and suspicions and second-guessing that make governing much harder.
Mountain Maven said...
Booker and Kaling. Corey's ongoing search for a Beard before 2020. My bet is on him landing a slinky and nubile African American with whom to procreate before the primaries.
What's Rachel Dolezal doing these days?
David said...
Edmund said...
He's not "President Obama".
No but it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held. It will continue to be Secretary Clinton, Senator Kennedy, Senator Mondale, Governor Dukakis. Kerry gets an upgrade from Senator Kerry to Secretary Kerry. Count your blessings.
I don't care how high they were in office, and some of their performances suggests very, Edmund is right. Using a title to refer to former office holders makes them royalty. If we referred to the highest office held we would call Ms. Clinton Bagman.
Just give up and come out with your hands up.
Office? Really? Man, you got some stone cold skillz. Try this.
Apparently, there is an immutable Law Of The Universe that no substantive legislative achievement matters unless it occurs in the first 100 days of a new administration.
Einstein discovered this Immutable Law which led to his Nobel Prize in Physics. And you dummies thought he won it for his work on the Photoelectric effect!
Oh, just as a reminder: Obamacare passed into law on March 10, 2010, which was just a teensy weensy past the 100 day mark of the obambi Administration!
So I guess it doesn't count or something.
I'm disappointed he didn't then receive a Nobel Prize for Salad Eating.
Those around him these days are clearly slacking and need to up their game.
Next up, they declare the three-foot radius around Obama at any time to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
I see that fellatio is still popular in New York.
So to summarize, dems take over 14 months to pass obamacare and they are WONDERFUL! Republicans don't pass a repeal/replace bill out of the House in 61 days and ALL IS LOST!!
It's almost like there is a double standard or something.
"They saw President Obama — gracious, handsome, tieless — while taking forkfuls of little-gem salad" is practically fellatio.
BJs all around!!!!!
What if obambi changes gender from a man to a woman (not a huge leap, just look at the video of him throwing a baseball and missing about 20 shots in a row on the basketball court), could he run against Trump in 2020 as a different person?
And would the Russians let him?
They'd rather drool over Trump wolfing down a Big Mac.
Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm. Take a look at Trump's rounded derrière and bulging gut, whilst golfing.
Unknown: "Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm. Take a look at Trump's rounded derrière and bulging gut, whilst golfing."
Another solid policy critique and substantive offering.
DI Troll Drago,
One topic of this blog post is the love affair with Obama. I'm just adding my observations about his wonderful attributes.
Reading the first two paragraphs was like eating sugar lumps with honey. Had to stop. Gah.
I think he took those "mom jeans" jabs to heart..
Humperdink said...
Anyone read the first comment following the article?
This is the end of it: "He'll always be our true love! Our true love! Our true love! From now until forever! Forever! Forever!"
I suspect that the comment poster was invoking the song from its appearance in "Sister Act," but for those of us who are a bit further along, the sentiment goes all the way to 1963.
I Will Follow Him - Little Peggy March
Unknown: "DI Troll Drago,"
tsk tsk.
A bit lazy, isn't it?
You are where you are in life because you don't give 100%.
"Obama was cruising the South Pacific with David Geffen", hope he brought plenty of condoms. Can hardly wait for Mitchell's new single "Free Man in the Pacific".
Unknown: "One topic of this blog post is the love affair with Obama. I'm just adding my observations about his wonderful attributes."
Kill Lists, including an American citizen without due process. And children.
Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm.
Yeah Obama's floss arms are really hawt! Actually Michelle has the guns in the family and the balls.
This is so Let them eat cake. Doesn't anyone see how badly the optics will resonate with working class voters who struggle to pay Obamacare price increases and aren't terribly impressed by pecs, trendy eateries or precious lettuces.
I hope the media continues to drool over and and idolize Obama as the Sun King. It will lessen whomever the Dems nominate in 2020 by comparison.
Here's something to think about. Has Trump thrown Flynn under the bus? Where is Flynn? There are some very interesting rumors floating around regarding Flynn.
The Pentagon is currently investigating why over 200 civilians have been killed in recent bombings in Mosul.
OK, sorry, Disinformation Troll Drago. I know how hard you worked for that title.
Darrell said...
Unknown can see Russia from her house. In Wisconsin."
Ha. What Inga sees, when she looks outside, is a red state and a red county - she lives in Walker-sha, which went for Trump.
And yeah, she's been choking on that since November.
And what Inga will never grasp is that it is obnoxious harridans like her who helped turn this state red. During the Walker recall, the good citizens of Wisconsin got a good look at the Inga-like headcases infesting the capitol and began turning against them.
Good job, Inga! You and yours disgust all sane people.
it's traditional to continue to address and refer to former high office holders with reference to their highest office held
No, it's not. It was not done (except in the case of governors) until very recently, and for good reason. A government job is not a title of nobility, whether our throne-sniffing media overlords think it ought to be or not.
Pardon the Anglo-Saxon, but what the fuck is little-gem salad?
Never mind.
"Blogger readering said...
Obama's popularity will be in the stratosphere by 2020."
If only he could be there in person.
After reading the comments - put me on Team Drago.
Lest anybody think I'm too hard on Inga, witness what she wrote yesterday about an investigation into those who ordered surveillance of Trump:
Drago, they are all arrogant enough to lie under oath. Good, I hope they do.
Inga is not only a fool, she is an amoral, souless one who approves of corrupt bureaucrats lying under oath to evade justice.
Every so often the mask slips and reveal the really ugly, morally bankrupt person under the banal exterior.
And in Inga's case, "banal" does rhyme with "anal."
what the fuck is little-gem salad?
Check the urban dictionary for "pearl necklace"!!
Exiled quips: And in Inga's case, "banal" does rhyme with "anal."
:-D :-D :-D
LOL, Obama, the guy who can't throw a baseball, shoot hoops, got stuck trying to carry an open umbrella though a gate, lifts 5 lb. weights at the gym, and wears mom-jeans and a bike helmet and he makes Inga wet! Just goes to show you what pathetic males Inga is attracted to. I suppose that if you're the sort of castrating bitch who runs around in a pussy hat, that's just the sort of dickless thing that appeals to you.
Trump was handsome as a young man and was genuinely athletic, as compared to Obama, who went 0-23 when he tried to throw hoops. Trump was a first baseman - Obama's athletic pursuit then was limited to rolling spiffs.
Not that such Tiger Beat crap matters to me, but Inga sure seems stuck on it. An old lady drooling over a politician - good Christ. I'm sure she piddled her panties over horseface Kerry as well.
Oh, why, oh why, can't conservatives have hunks of man like this representing them?
Unknown: "Just look at pics of Obama shirtless, look at those pecs, mmmm, mmmmm."
Gay guys do seem to spend inordinate amounts of time staying in good shape.
When they aren't drawing and erasing Red Lines, that is.
Obama's workout vid. Somehow, I find this less than impressive.
Everything is about news audience.
The tastes of the news audience determine what stories do not go away, have legs, and what stories don't.
No story that confuses that audience survives unmodified.
Politics is very secondary.
As far as "little gem salad," it sounds like a twee, pretentious term for a salad made with baby vegetables.
exiledonmainstreet: "Obama's workout vid. Somehow, I find this less than impressive."
Women always feel protective of the little man who cant quite compete physically with his peers.
Snip: "Tiger Woods says he was impressed by Trump's golf game"
But then again, what would Tiger Woods know about golf?
Blogger Unknown said...
"Judge Andrew Napolitano may be temporarily sidelined at Fox News, but he’s been telling friends and associates that he could be in for a big promotion — to the Supreme Court.
Who says President Trump (I love saying that phrase) doesn't read?
In Christopher Buckley's novel Supreme Courtship (2008) the president is trying to fill a Supreme Justice slot. Two eminently qualified jurists get Borked and the Prez decides "Fuck 'em" and nominates a female TV judge who seems modeled on Judge Judy.
I forget the details but he manages to get her confirmed and she works out pretty well.
From the Amazon description:
President of the United States Donald Vanderdamp is having a hell of a time getting his nominees appointed to the Supreme Court. After one nominee is rejected for insufficiently appreciating To Kill A Mockingbird, the president chooses someone so beloved by voters that the Senate won't have the guts to reject her -- Judge Pepper Cartwright, the star of the nation's most popular reality show, Courtroom Six.
Maybe that is what President Trump has in mind if he can't get Gorsuch approved?
We could certainly do far worse than a Justice Napolitano. History has demonstrated that time after time.
Christopher Buckley is an excellent writer of caper/comic type novels. Right up with Donald Westlake if not so prolific.
You can buy the book via Ann's portal.
John Henry
Trump tweeted earlier to say to watch Judge Jeanine, she's on now, very interesting. She not being very nice to Trump.
Women always feel protective of the little man who cant quite compete physically with his peers.
3/25/17, 8:03 PM
Some do, I suppose. In my case, I found myself watching the video and wondering if he was hung over or had smoked weed before the workout, 'cause that's one low energy workout. I use heavier dumb bells than that. So does Michele, I'm sure - she's the Obama with the impressive biceps.
Blogger Unknown said...
Perspective: It's hard to overstate the magnitude of the Day 64 defeat. President Trump, who made repeal-and-replace a central theme of his campaign,
Do you remember when he said he was going to repeal and replace? In the first 100 days. He has 36 days left.
Now that he has gotten Obamacare light off the table, and made Ryan look stupid in the process (Yaaaaay!) he can actually do repeal and replace. He can challenge the repos to send him one of the repeal and replace bills that they already passed.
Then he can sign off on it.
Perhaps too much to hope for but still a possibility. ("Look, folks, I tried to be reasonable and fix Obamacare but you didn't want wanted it. Now we should just get rid of the whole megillah and start from ground zero.")
People betting against President Trump politically for the past 2 years have a whole buncha teeth marks in their buns.
"This time we've REALLY got him! He'll NEVER survive (McCain, pussygate, rape charges, bankruptcies, whatever, pick one)!!!!!!"
How's that been working out for you, Inga?
John Henry
Blogger Clyde said...
I see that fellatio is still popular in New York.
Fellatio is always popular everywhere.
Is it even more popular when you eat a lot of pineapple? Or is that just cunnilingus?
John Henry
Ah, yes, surely the NBA lost a great player when Obama decided to go into politics instead:
Mindy Kaling has got a lot of love if you know what I mean (and I think you do).
"a story they could tell their great-grandkids"
He was having lunch with Bono. I know which one I'd be mentioning to the great-grandkids. (And they'd say, "Who's Bono?")
It was very big of Obama to give them a smile and a wave. One time during W's second term, we were at a restaurant he was visiting. (A Chicago diner, nothing California-inflected about it.) He came around and shook hands and talked with everyone there.
Has Chelsea been awarded the Nobel yet? If anyone has met the high bar for nobelity set by Obama, it is Chelsea Clinton.
Anybody enthralled by a shirtless Obama must Luuv Putin -- Shirtless AND on horseback!
Because this story took place at a Diner does this make this post a cafe?
It's a long time until morning.
I am Laslo.
Inga said what?
Drago, they are all arrogant enough to lie under oath. Good, I hope they do.
Hillary voter. Lying liars support other lying liars who lie. It's progressive.
I'm not supporting them lying April, I hope they do get caught lying though. There's a difference.
Drago -
So to summarize, dems take over 14 months to pass obamacare and they are WONDERFUL! Republicans don't pass a repeal/replace bill out of the House in 61 days and ALL IS LOST!!
It's almost like there is a double standard or something.
Good point. & ObamaCare was passed using a stolen seat (Franken), procedural shenanigans, phony promises (cornhusker kickback, etc..) w/ ZERO support from the other side.
Now - we all pay for cheap-ass feminists free stuff.
Not surprising.
"The Russian state-owned news website Sputnik has applied for a White House hard pass and is seeking membership in the White House Foreign Press Group in order to become a part of pool rotations.
Sputnik, which Foreign Policy magazine described as the "BuzzFeed of propaganda," would be part of a rotating group of roughly 22 overseas outlets following President Donald Trump in his everyday interactions along with pool reporters from American print, TV, and radio outlets."
The WORST first 50-days of ANY President. On course for the WORST 100-days of any President.
William Henry Harrison didn't survive to 50 days. I dare say this might be hyperbole!
"Obama Made Me Shit My Pants."
So I'm at this Diner with some friends, and -- midway through the meal -- something doesn't settle in my stomach quite right. I excuse myself from the table and head with purpose to the restroom, when I am stopped at the door by two men in black suits.
"Sorry, sir, you can't go in there."
"What? Why?"
"We're Secret Service. President Obama is currently in there."
"I promise I won't bother him or anything; I just really need to use the bathroom."
"Not while The Man is in there, sir."
"He'll be done in a minute, right? 'Cause I REALLY need to take a crap."
"President Obama is currently occupying the stall. For as long as he believes it necessary."
"Obama is in there? Taking a shit?"
"Yes, sir."
"That's funny. You never think of a President taking a shit."
"WE think of it constantly, sir, and it is our job to be prepared and to protect him while he is indisposed."
"Was it the food? Because the food here is getting REALLY funky in my stomach."
"We are not at liberty to say, sir."
"How about the Women's Restroom? Can I use that? 'Cause I'm about to explode, if you know what I mean."
"'Explode' is not a good world to use in the proximity of the President. It has connotations: we might have to write a report."
"Okay, okay: what I meant was I'm about to fucking shit my pants, all right? Can I PLEASE use the Women's Restroom?"
"We can't let you do that, sir. ALL facilities are closed when the President is conducting his business."
"What the Hell am I supposed to do then? Shit in the parking lot?"
"If you do that, sir, we'll have to file a report. We report on all suspicious activity surrounding the President."
"Suspicious activity? There won't be anything suspicious about it -- it'll be a MOUNTAIN of crap."
"We cannot be sure of your motivations with such an action."
"Motivation? How about I am motivated to NOT SHIT MY PANTS?"
"Sir, your tone can be construed as threatening..."
"Sorry -- sorry: my mistake. Uh -- how long does he normally take?"
"We document the duration of his visits, but the Information is Classified."
"You time how long it takes the President to shit?"
"It helps us in Our Planning. We keep a strict schedule."
"Oh God, this is crazy! This is -- uh oh..."
"I'm shitting my pants."
"You are?"
"Sir --"
"Wait -- Still shitting, here..."
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to file a Report. I'll need to see some Identification."
"Not finished yet..."
"Sir --"
"It's still going. I haven't been like this since I was a tourist in Mexico..."
"Sir -- be quiet for a moment -- they're talking to me on the earphone."
"Is something wrong?"
"It looks like we got a Code Eight."
"Code Eight?"
"Yes. The President has signaled that he requires Air Freshener..."
I am Laslo.
To Inga:
Not only did Trump marry two Eastern Europeans (not at the same time!), Bill and Hillary were guests at Trump's wedding to Melania.
How deep does the conspiracy go?
Wheels within wheels, my friend.
Wheels within wheels.
I'd be ... of this Inga#99.
A Joker.
En garde!
Probably just Ann, drunk sock pup.
Little silver TT.
Boo Jonny!
Who knows Lewis? Anything is possible....
Boo Inga! 8)
I know these things.
I'm aged.
You're right, I'm not Inga.
Obama will always be President Obama. Trump will never be President to many people.
Those people have no influence on the real world.
I could tell.
You did a good job, trying to emulate our patron devil, Inga.
But you needed to be incoherent.
That's a tough thing to fake.
Oh, I could try really hard.
Well, I look forward to your stylings!
Break a leg!
OK Jonny, just for you.
I am honored!
Here's another, how do you like my outfit?
Gonna do the Hoochie Coochie?
Or just the Mashed Potatoes.
That's nice.
Are you a fan of the french?
Oui, oui.
Jonny, I'm trying out my new avatars on you, so do you like this one? I think this is the one I'll use, it's fitting.
Bone Swa
Inga is admitting she is Inga because she's had a little box wine tonight.
She'll be hiding behind "Unknown" tomorrow like the coward she is. Too bad for her we can always spot "Inga." Stupidity like hers is easy to spot.
They are difficult to read and see what the image related to the text might mean.
Avatars are tough.
Only a few (well, a couple hundred) pixels.
Maybe just a big capital "I".
What do I know?
RE: exiled
Naw, she's #99.
A clean slate so to speak.
Oh, Good Lord. I did that extra space thing! Aieeee!
Oh no, it's my stalker, good night Jonny.
My very favorite avatar. Bonne nuit Jonny.
Good night, stalked!
I'll try again tomorrow. (stalk, stalk)
You were fun until you signed off.
We all use pattern recognition software to
determine who the "new" commenters are.
So welcome back!
Huge or ample.
That is the question.
Inga said...My very favorite avatar. Bonne nuit Jonny.
That one of you was my favorite as well. Didn't you have a "colorized" version?
Theme Song
Jonny, one last question. Why are my avatar pics so fuzzy!? I used to be able to get nice clear pics, don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Yes I did Chickie! But I can't find it now and I'm having trouble with getting a nice clear picture.
Jonny, one last question. Why are my avatar pics so fuzzy!?
Phurry blottos to drive us crazy?
Oh and Chickie, you have to make a nicer song for me.
What a great thread.
Yikes, Meade and Althouse will be mad at us in the morning. Too much silliness. Gute Nacht Chickie.
@Inga: This was pretty neutral.
Inga: You could c & p this and crop it: link
Ooh! Inga-schnookums!
My favorite cookie!
i woke up
Where have all the Unknows gone?
Long time passing.
Gone to Ingas, every one.
And all the girlies say "I'm pretty fly 'for a white guy'."
Actually, that is not true.
Though I view her with Contempt, even Gwyneth Paltrow joins Laslo's America:
Gwyneth answers all your burning questions about anal sex
I am moving the Overton Window, one comment at a time.
I am Laslo.
Good Morning Viet Bam. The incompetence meme is being used on Trump now just like Scott Adams said it would. The Dem talking heads almost seem to feel sorry for Trump this morning. I think they will support him soon.
Maureen Dowd put it all in writing in a beautiful column...and she too feels sorry for Mr Incompetence.
Correction in the Wall Street Journal:
"Corrections & Amplifications
The youngest artist in the top 10, Justin Bieber, 23, brought in $163 million, or 40% less revenue than Mr. Springsteen. An earlier version of this article and a graphic incorrectly stated Mr. Bieber’s revenue was 60% less. (March 25, 2017)"
The WSJ can't even get the math right when it is about Money?
Funny until it is Sad.
I am Laslo.
ObamaCare - Won't you help pay for Ashley Judd's abortions?
The Democrats spent literally decades pushing for health care reform. They actually come close under Clinton. Then, when Obama gets in office and they have large majorities in the House and Senate, it still took them, as Drago said, 14 months to pass Obamacare. Which is now crashing and burning.
But those incompetent Republicans can't undo it in 60 days! Tsk, tsk.
I'm late to this party, but as an aside, I've been to Upland. It's overpriced and underwhelming. Perfect for Obama.
"Maureen Dowd put it all in writing in a beautiful column...and she too feels sorry for Mr Incompetence."
Yes, this is true. We are beginning to feel sorry for him, we're all only human afterall.
Didn't Dowd have a man-crush on Obama?
Trumpies: Watching your man going down, down, down is a wonderful spectacle.
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