February 11, 2017

Like this time?


Original Mike said...


Michael K said...

I was kind of disappointed to learn he will be the Dartmouth commencement speaker this year,

Another reason not to go.

I go to reunions in the fall every five years or so.

Jaq said...

Faint praise, I know, but Jake is probably the best of them. I could live with a press full of Jakes.

Curious George said...

"tim in vermont said...
Faint praise, I know, but Jake is probably the best of them. I could live with a press full of Jakes."

Dream on. He went "native" when he got the big bucks from CNN. Now just another MSM whore.

Meade said...

Forget it, Jake, it's Althouse town.

buwaya said...

Try gab.
Go dark, and edgy.

Jaq said...

The fact that he reads Althouse tells me he is not irredeemable.

Lauderdale Vet said...

I'd certainly enjoy/appreciate it.

I keep twitter open most of the workday just to keep up with the news.

Jaq said...

All I can see coming from going on Twitter is to subject yourself to one of those lefty honor killings like what they are trying to do to Ivanka Trump.

FleetUSA said...

Professor, A nice compliment, but don't do it. You need more words to clearly express your thoughts.

Bob said...

he blocked me long ago - - I can't even remember why at this point. Probably I left a reply of "Oh, horseshit!" on one of his tweets. I am wont to do that on occasion.

Jaq said...

I haven't seen CNN in forever though, so you may be right.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

tim in vermont said...
The fact that he reads Althouse tells me he is not irredeemable.


My guess is he has a Google alert on his name.

David Begley said...

Tapper could garner some credibility if he would tap Althouse for some on-air wisdom. Ann is way smarter (and more interesting) than his regular liberal Sunday hacks. Cruel neutrality and clear speech are added bonuses.

paminwi said...

I'm not blocked but probably muted. It's amazing how thin skinned most media types are.
Since the election Jake has gotten much snarkier on Twitter-kind of like he doesn't care anymore about being a "journalist".

Jaq said...

When I used to do Twitter, he replied to me once with a good natured put down. I got about 100 attempted insults from the peanut gallery, and five new followers.

Ann Althouse said...

"The fact that he reads Althouse tells me he is not irredeemable."

Yeah, well, now I feel like clicking the Jake Tapper tag and reading old posts thinking about how it would make him feel.

Ann Althouse said...

"I know Wordpress has a plug-in feature that will automatically send a tweet whenever a blog post appears. Blogger may have the same thing -- it's automated and requires no extra effort, and it can be a good way to increase readership."

I wouldn't tweet like that. That's really spamming. I've seen people set up Facebook to copy all their tweets and I hate that.

If I'm going to tweet after a post, it will be written specially for Twitter, to be cool and interesting IN THAT FORM.

Bay Area Guy said...

Tapper is the best of a sorry lot. However, CNN has been stung by Trump's tweets and mockery, so they have decided to fight back. Tapper had this unwatchable interview of KAC, where he was trying to grill her unfairly about this and that. Quite awkward. Will the fake news ever cease?

Mike Sylwester said...

Tapper should just do what I do -- look at this blog about a dozen times a day.

David Begley said...

Jake Tapper

You and your producers can check out Althouse's TV presence on bloggingheads TV. But you will have to fly her and Meade to DC for the Sunday show. Ann can be your token flyover person. She's from Wisconsin.

Mike Sylwester said...

Tapper must earn a ton of money. Tell him he has to donate and to buy a lot stuff through your portal.

sunsong said...

Nice complement for Althouse!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's impressive. Hi Jake! I love your Trump/ Russia coverage. Keep up the great work despite the pushback from Trump. We need to get to the bottom of what's going on and we need networks that aren't intimidated by Trump.

richard mcenroe said...

he blocked me long ago - - me, too, can't imagine why unless it's because I equated journalists with whorehouse piano players, whose job is to drown out the nasty noises coming from upstairs...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jake has gotten much snarkier on Twitter-kind of like he doesn't care anymore about being a "journalist".

2/11/17, 3:11 PM

I think Twitter (and the Wikileaks revelations about media collusion with the DNC) has put the final nail in any remaining pretense to objectivity journalists and talking heads claim to have. The weird thing is that while the media could do nothing to stop people from checking out Wikileaks (except ludicrously claim it was "illegal" for non-journalists to do so), they certainly have control over their tweets. They keep demanding we respect and believe them but can't refrain from airing their pissy little opinions about Trump on Twitter. It's as they think if nobody will reach the conclusion that they are primarily motivated by spite and anger, not by the responsibility of impartially informing the public.

And my, do they get mad when you point that out.

Anonymous said...

IMO most Althouse commenters don't like networks that report the truth anymore. They prefer fake news from Breitbart.

richard mcenroe said...

You mean hard charging real news like the "Frank Trump Campaign Videos" or the NBC assault rifle story the other night>

Seeing Red said...

" All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."

MayBee said...

Jake Jake Jake:: More light, less heat!! Don't get Tapper Trapped in Twitter! Rise above and bring us light.

I got off twitter because I sounded like a crazy cat lady, getting all involved in things that didn't matter. But the news media is still stuck in there, and they are all beginning to report like crazy cat ladies.

Quayle said...

"Althouse commenters don't like networks that report the truth anymore."

I have a personal policy to not rely on glorified English majors for anything, be it fact or opinion.

David Begley said...

Jake Tapper, "With us for the first time today is recently retired University of Wisconsin constitutional law professor Ann Althouse. Ann is a long time blogger known for her cruel neutrality and clear speech. Welcome Ann."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

They prefer fake news from Breitbart.

2/11/17, 3:34 PM

Can you provide an example and a link to a fake news story from Breitbart?


Jaq said...

Good job burying the whole Clinton Cash Russia thing too.

Anonymous said...

"Can you provide an example and a link to a fake news story from Breitbart?"

Oh hahahahahaha, oh dear God.

David Begley said...

I am fairly certain Linda Greenhouse has been on the Sunday shows. I rest my case for Althouse.

Seeing Red said...

Or anything that comes out of Andrea Mitchell's mouth at this point.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Oh hahahahahaha, oh dear God."

So in other words, you're talking out of your ass again, as usual.

Patrick said...

Once Iowahawk hung it up, Twitter became wholly useless.

Anonymous said...

And you dear Exile have crawled so far up Trump's ass you'll never see daylight again.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

SockPuppet#55 said...

IMO most Althouse commenters don't like networks that report the truth anymore. They prefer fake news from Breitbart.

Thanks for sharing that. It lets us know what your opinion is worth.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

SockPuppet#55 said....(insert juvenile insult here)

I asked for proof and you have none. No links, no proof, nada, zilch, zip. Just like your IQ.

Don't you ever get tired of being the Resident Bozo here? Tell us how BRAVE you are again. That was entertaining.

Jaq said...

CNN seems like they are still feeling butt hurt over getting exposed by Wikileaks as hacks and shills.

MayBee said...

Wasn't the name of the Dan Rather movie "Truth"?

During the Bush admin, the word "truth" because a euphemism for "Making Bush look as bad as possible". Truth can mean many things, and it can mean leaving out other truths.

Give me facts, details, and broad knowledge. Don't recount to me the daily drama that, as Althouse points out, we could all follow by ourselves anyway.

Anonymous said...

Tapper's practically the only MSM reporter who kept doing his job during the Obama years. Running through the credit he banked with me is going to take some time.

rhhardin said...

Tapper is doing better than Megyn Kelly did, I hear. Who is his audience?

Are men watching cable news?

Sorry, that's Tucker Carlson, google says.

Which one goes on Imus? Jake Tapper I think.

It's the generic actress problem all over again.

David said...

saves him having to visit the site and be grossed out by the commenters

wildswan said...

AnnAlthouse - Condense what you have to say into a headline for me. I'm too busy to think. Thanks, Jake the CNN snake.

But I still think everyone would benefit if you and Meade ever took time to gather together posts on the Walker elections, recalls, demos etc. Because now the country is facing the Wisconsin scenario and I know people who are very interested in what happened but they would never go back through a blog. But what if you gathered just three or four posts each on main incidents? And now and then published a new selection of old posts on an old incident? Like the assassination threats against Walker and the attacks on the Capital building and the shouting of "Shame" at lawmakers as they signed Act 10 and the dirty drum circle takeover and when the media left town and a young lefty realized no one cared and the John Doe endless investigation and the attack on Judge Prosser - which you could illustrate as I remember it with the only honest photos and videos.

Really people should realize that this has been done before and how will they know unless you gather illustrated selections of your stuff? Because otherwise the whole thing wasn't really covered.

And you could tweet Jake: Installment 1 in The Left Loses An Election in Wisconsin, Installment 2-126 The Left Loses Its Mind in Wisconsin

MayBee said...

Tapper is great and tries to play straight down the middle but here's the thing:

During the Obama years, he was one of the few to question or criticize the Obama Administration's line
But during the Trump days, he is one of the many to question or criticize the Trump Administration's line

To stand out like he used to, he would have to not criticize *everything*, which is the mode of the day

Freeman Hunt said...

"Thank you. No."

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm enjoying the retirement of Althouse. I feel like this already unsurpassed blog has reached a new level.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jake Tapper couldn't hold a candle to Althouse. He is way overrated because he hides his liberal agenda better than the competition.

And Just think if a mgt consultant compared Althouse's output to the typical MSM talking head or reporter. So Althouse did an average of 11 (?) blog posts a day for like 12 straight years and never missed posting at least one story a day and a newspaper has maybe 250 editorial staff who generate maybe 600 stories combined a week. And they wonder why they are going out of business.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm enjoying the retirement of Althouse. I feel like this already unsurpassed blog has reached a new level."

Wow. Thanks a lot. I do sense a new spirit.

Fabi said...

I agree with a comment above that Tapper is one of the better talking heads amongst the cesspool. If he reads here on a regular basis then that's credit enough.

A fine and deserved compliment, Ann.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Not to inflate an already sizable ego, but, yeah, Althouse is about the best filter for current events around. A truly formidable commentariat, too, though we seem to just get the scrapings of the Left. Odd that serious Lefty thinkers (not many left, I know) avoid locking intellectual horns with their conservative counterparts. I think they realize they're doomed to lose anything resembling real debate. So we're left with the ghetto-brand Left, whose idea of debate is linking to wing nut websites or oozing about feelings.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am glad people have noticed the extent that I have upped my game, and you're welcome.

It can be spiritually fulfilling for reasons odd, and even too I suppose.

JPS said...

Prof. Althouse:

Nice bit of recognition, well deserved.

AJ Lynch:

"He is way overrated because he hides his liberal agenda better than the competition." As MayBee pointed out, he tries to play straight down the middle. I think he's one of the last major figures in the media to even believe that's important, so I'm grateful to him for trying scrupulously to be fair.

Also I cheered his disgusted reaction to a cheaply insulting tweet about Jeff Sessions' adorable Asian-American granddaughter: Delete your account and find some humanity.

cf said...

i commented a lot on tapper's articles back in the day, under who-knows what handle. he always adapted to the new means of communication, and I appreciated the venue to express my view. on twitter, though, with a different identity than on his abc posts, he did not know/trust me and it seemed i was muted.

it is a terrible, tough job, to honorably navigate the news world these days, i can bear him no ill will, and am glad he is reading Ms. Ann.

godspeed, mr. tapper. while we are at it, mostHighGood, how about cnn lift their sights and become all new, all true? dream and dream and dream i will.

[ann, we are all blessed by you and your clear speech, ever-expanding it seems.]

MaxedOutMama said...

Twitter and Althousian analysis don't go together. It's as if Tapper were asking Monet to do cartoons.

Jon Ericson said...

He'll get you into a twitter fight with Amanda Marcotte.

Nota bene The letters in "Amanda Marcotte" can be rearranged to spell "Madame Taco Rant"

Eric said...

Ann, he seems to think that it's important for you to make his life easier.

Jon Burack said...

Please, Ann, continue to not tweet enough. Every little bit less helps.

David Begley said...


Althouse would have vastly improved the panel this morning. Pair Ann opposite the insuferable Neera Tanden. Althouse would carve her up.

David Begley said...

Althouse v. Tanden would be a beat down.

Tanden is so, so annoying.

Ann Althouse said...

I would not fit on a panel like that.

You have to be in a position and argue it standing your ground.

I'm not in any of these positions and I have an ironic/sarcastic distanced attitude. It just doesn't fit shows like that.

David Begley said...


Don't limit yourself. Your presence would only improve Tapper's panel. And in the words of candidate Trump, "What the hell (do Tapper and Allthouse) have to lose?"

Personally, I want to see Neera Tanden destroyed.

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