February 25, 2017

"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

Trump tweets.

It's enemy territory.


Rt41Rebel said...

Seems redundant. Isn't every day a WHCD now?

Michael said...

Cool. Disruption all around.

Jupiter said...

When you think about it, it is rather peculiar that there is a small, self-selected group of people who get to ask the President questions, and make tons of money by reporting his answers to the rest of us. I wonder why we have tolerated it as long as we have? I suppose it was because they told us it was a good idea.

Michael K said...

Wise move. The Democrats will obsess on this for a week.

Meanwhile, Perez the mastermind of the DNC was saying that Trump has already done enough to be impeached.

This reminds of the punchline from a joke about a guy who kept buying penny stock as the price rose. Finally, he called his broker and said "Sell!"

The broker said, "To who ?" That's who will impeach Trump.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Nice to see a President acting Presidential. Make America Great Again.

mishu said...

That thing's jumped the shark long ago.

Ambrose said...

Break some rules. Remember who is President and who is not. MAGA.

n.n said...

The psychos will classify, and the JournoLists will report, he is narcissistic if he does and narcissistic if he doesn't.

Tarrou said...

Last time he went to the correspondent's dinner, Obama went after him pretty hard.

So Trump decided to take Obama's job.

Who's the bitch now?

Humperdink said...

Trump should invite a few, select correspondents to the White House for dinner.

FullMoon said...

Some of the press were planning on not attending, in order to disrespect President Trump. He just told them to get fucked.

Humperdink said...

Maybe a gaggle.

pkay said...

He's doing the press a favor here, even if they don't know it.

Mark O said...

Without the President, the dinner becomes irrelevant.
As Michael said, disruption. Faster.

Freder Frederson said...

Pussy who can't take a joke.

Mark said...

To thin skinned to handle it.


Freder Frederson said...

The adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, told the staff of the National Security Council on Thursday, in his first “all hands” staff meeting, that the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic,” according to people who were in the meeting.

Well, he ain't gonna last long.

Michael K said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Pussy who can't take a joke.

If you think that is all a joke, Freder, you're not as smart as I think you are.

Mental illness is not a joke.

mockturtle said...

So much winning. So much to love. :-)

mockturtle said...

The adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, told the staff of the National Security Council on Thursday, in his first “all hands” staff meeting, that the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic,” according to people who were in the meeting.

McMaster was not a sound choice. The only bad one so far, IMO. He has a lot to learn and he'd better learn fast.

Freder Frederson said...

Mental illness is not a joke.

Are you saying Trump is mentally ill?

Freder Frederson said...

McMaster was not a sound choice.

Maybe not a sound choice for this administration, since he is apparently sane, thoughtful and professional. But he would certainly be a sound choice for any sane administration.

Mattis is the other odd man out. He won't last long either.

Anonymous said...

That's good. It would've been terribly uncomfortable for everyone had he attended.

Paddy O said...

Trump should be forced to attend, because that's what the Constitution requires.

Static Ping said...

Why hang out with the uncool kids when they hate you and are stupid.

Anonymous said...

"Mental illness is not a joke."

"Are you saying Trump is mentally ill?"

Hahahaha! But no we shouldn't laugh at Trump's condition.

Anonymous said...

Who knows Freder, they may last longer than him.

mockturtle said...

What would you know about sanity, Fredo?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Good article on what afflicts the country.

n.n said...

He's reducing his carbon footprint. The JournoLists should applaud his leadership.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Let all the democrats with bylines have their own party. They can invite Hillary and Obama to gush over while they diddle themselves.

Trump has work to do.

Original Mike said...

Blogger FullMoon said..."Some of the press were planning on not attending, in order to disrespect President Trump. He just told them to get fucked."

They got Trumped.

Etienne said...

I think the whole affair was fake.

Fake affairs.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Who knows Freder, they may last longer than him"

Make sure you close your eyes and click your heels together 3 times as you repeat that.

It's gotta work!

That or the ever effective Witches Curse!


Remember, the dems are the "reality" party!

Carry on!

Freder Frederson said...

Trump has work to do.

Yeah, like playing a round of golf with Rory McIlroy.

Drago said...

AReasonableMan: "Good article on what afflicts the country."

Eberstadt was on with Tucker yesterday I believe. Fascinating interview.

Too many "big" words for Freder I'm afraid. Better for him to stick with Dem talking points and just doing whatever his dem establishment "betters" dictate.

David said...

Really his only choice, and a good one. He's making more rope available to them, and they likely will use it.

Chuck said...

I am thinking about how the left-leaning mainstream media will play this; as a breach of tradition, a break with protocol, an affront to the free press, etc.

And at the same time, I am thinking about one of the most determined, brutal critics of Trump anywhere in all of America will react. That critic is Bob Garfield, a co-host of the fascinating (and now unabashedly anti-Trump) public radio program, "On the Media."

Because while Bob's instinct might just be to use this as yet another occasion to bash Trump, it wasn't so long ago (2014, to be exact) that he went to Washington to do several segments that were turned into an entire show on the "Nerd Prom." And Bob was brutal on the whole spectacle back then. Pointing out the inherent conflicts in expensive celebrity-studded tables where supposedly serious journalists were hobnobbing with the people they were supposed to be covering the other 364 days that year.

It's a funny and fascinating OTM show; you can listen to a podcast here:

My favorite line was when Bob Garfield asked Wolf Blitzer, "Who are you wearing tonight?" "Armani," was the answer.

Drago said...

Freder: "Yeah, like playing a round of golf with Rory McIlroy."

Uh oh. It appears as though playing golf is now a "bad" thing as of January 20th.

I wonder what might have happened on that day that would account for that sudden, very very sudden, "shift" in thinking?

Anonymous said...

McMaster and Mattis differ with Trump on Russia too. They see it as an adversary, not an ally, unlike Trump. Dunford, McMaster and Mattis may save the nation from the President Bannon.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "...and now unabashedly anti-Trump..."


Yeah. It's only "now" that this PBS fella is "unabashedly anti-Trump".


Etienne said...

Perez the mastermind of the DNC was saying that Trump has already done enough to be impeached.

I haven't seen a high crime yet. A yes, I don't think Clinton should have been impeached.

I don't think perjury is a high crime in non-capital cases.

A capital crime is a high crime.
A death penalty crime is a high crime.

Other than that it is an attempted coup.

Luckily the Senate did the right thing and nullified the lower house.

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, I thought Trump was a tough guy who relished staring down his enemies

Luke Lea said...


I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse

Correspondents chorus:

We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse.

Don't know why this is the song that plays at all Trump's rallies, but it is, and his evangelical supporters don't seem to mind.


Drago said...

Unknown: "McMaster and Mattis differ with Trump on Russia too. They see it as an adversary, not an ally, unlike Trump. Dunford, McMaster and Mattis may save the nation from the President Bannon"

I love it when lefty memes and narratives collide!

Self-refuting posts by Unknown are the best!

eric said...

You can tell how pissed off the liberals all by the amount of vitriol they spew.

Still not tired of all this winning.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "Wait, I thought Trump was a tough guy who relished staring down his enemies"

He does that everyday.

What you apparently are insisting he do is sit there for several hours disarmed.

Hey, I have an idea: no thanks!

Drago said...

It will be important to get those articles of impeachment moving within the Dem caucus.

I'd be willing to financially contribute to the effort.

Anonymous said...

Drago's fat little fingers are just flying across his keyboard tonight, he just can't respond quickly enough to all the lefties! Greased lightening!

mockturtle said...

ARM, this paragraph from your linked article caught my attention:

"Most well-informed readers know that the U.S. currently has a higher share of its populace in jail or prison than almost any other country on earth, that Barack Obama and others talk of our criminal-justice process as “mass incarceration,” and know that well over 2 million men were in prison or jail in recent years.4 But only a tiny fraction of all living Americans ever convicted of a felony is actually incarcerated at this very moment. Quite the contrary: Maybe 90 percent of all sentenced felons today are out of confinement and living more or less among us. The reason: the basic arithmetic of sentencing and incarceration in America today. Correctional release and sentenced community supervision (probation and parole) guarantee a steady annual “flow” of convicted felons back into society to augment the very considerable “stock” of felons and ex-felons already there. And this “stock” is by now truly enormous."

So many Progressives have lamented that we have too many people incarcerated. I would argue that we don't have nearly enough. Too many early releases because of 'prison overcrowding'. Building more prisons and staffing them would make a good jobs producer.

buwaya said...

N. Eberstadt in Commentary.
Yes, good article. I saw it a few days ago. Fits in very well with Codevilla et al.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left's obsession with Bannon is hilarious. Echo chamber group-think paranoia on steroids.

Anonymous said...

"The left's obsession....Echo chamber group-think...."

Hahahahahaha! What do you call this place?

bagoh20 said...

Who cares? What really matters is that I will not be attending, and their begging will not change my mind. It's not a matter of principle. I just don't have the bus fare.

Anonymous said...

I bet they're all relieved he won't be there. The man has no sense of humor.

Michael K said...

"Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Mental illness is not a joke.

Are you saying Trump is mentally ill?"

No, the left. a mass delusion. Sort of like the Middle Ages.

You, too.

ARM's link didn't work for me.

Earnest Prole said...

This is a rip-off. The Trump bargain is that we accept that the world may suddenly end in a blinding flash of light due to twitter miscalculation, and he agrees to distract us by feuding and dueling with the dopey, insufferable journalists we've always hated. Not cool, Donald!

victoria said...

He's just plain Chicken.


Vicki from Pasadena

eric said...

Blogger victoria said...
He's just plain Chicken.


Vicki from Pasadena


You mad bro?

Bob Loblaw said...

That's the dinner where Republican presidents are subjected to crude abuse from people who haven't been funny in decades? I wouldn't go either.

traditionalguy said...

We just spent the last 20 months hearing interminably that the doofus DJT never acts Presidential enuff. So he makes a pro Presidential Dignity move, and all we get is an instant 180 from the usual suspects here.

It's all Rigged Rigamarole.

Bob Loblaw said...

I like how these people are always agreeing with each other that Trump is thin skinned. "I know, right? So thin skinned! Look how upset he got when we said he was literally Hitler."

And yet, when privileges they don't warrant but still take for granted are questioned, the indignation rolls off of them in waves.

JackWayne said...

A new meme circulated by Journolist. Boring.

Curious George said...

Maybe they can all jerk off to some taped Obama speech.

Seeing Red said...

Trump should hold a press conference at that time.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Peter Irons said...

It should be called "The Democrat Correspondents Dinner."

The dinner is a symptom of what is wrong with the MSM. It is all about journalists as overpaid celebrities who pretend to a depth and wisdom that they don't have and about fostering cozy relationships with politicians that create access.

It is much better for Trump if he doesn't go. Attending would compromise him now that he is President.

Leave it as a dinner for Democrats.

Anonymous said...

All the right people are acting like they are not upset. Another win.

Original Mike said...

They'll need a replacement. Obama has time on his hands.

Peter Irons said...

The MSM are so self-important and stupid that they probably think Trump's not going is an attack on the First Amendment.

Drago said...

Unknown: "I bet they're all relieved he won't be there. The man has no sense of humor"

Those grapes were probably sour anyway....

Original Mike said...

What's Alec Baldwin doing that night?

Drago said...

Victoria: "He's just plain Chicken.


Vicki from Pasadena"


So lets summarize the lefty talking points:

We, the left, are very very very happy that Trump will not be attending and why won't he attend, darn it??!!

Drago said...

Maybe Trump should play a late round of golf that day given that according to Freder, as of January 20th of just this year, a President playing golf is probably now an impeachable offense.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Drago's fat little fingers are just flying across his keyboard tonight, he just can't respond quickly enough to all the lefties! Greased lightening!"

I appreciate that you appreciate the speed and rapier-like wit of my responses.

However, I should caution that your time would be better spent in developing posts wherein you do not contradict yourself within 2 sentences.

Of course, the fact that internally consistent logic is clearly beyond your grasp will undoubtedly mean my advice falls on deaf ears.

Still, it is my obligation to attempt to assist you.

Noblesse oblige, as it were.

chickelit said...

Who did not see this coming?


chickelit said...

victoria said...He's just plain Chicken.

I resemble that remark!

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
They'll need a replacement. Obama has time on his hands.

They should put Hillary in a chair and give her a couple bottles of wine so she can get all sauced up liked she did on election night.

Nyamujal said...

It's not like there's a dearth of conservative comedians who'd be willing to perform at Trump's WHCD. I hear Milo and Dennis Miller are available.
Despite all his alpha male posturing, Trump really comes off as a whiny little pipsqueak most of the time...

SukieTawdry said...

As they say over at Instapundit: Troll level: Grand Master.

Drago said...

Is there anything funnier than the safe space crew lecturing others on being a wuss in dealing with opposing opinions?


Hey lefties, Trump will show up when you get rid of your safe spaces, micro-agressions, playdough, coloring books, scented candles and playful puppies to pet which are all needed whenever the delicate lefty snowflakes encounter a differing opinion!

Drago said...

Remember, nothing says intellectual "courage" like "waaaaaaah, I need my safe space!!"

Anonymous said...

"....playful puppies to pet which are all needed whenever the delicate lefty snowflakes encounter a differing opinion!"

Hahahahahaha! Another doozy. You think us lefties who come here to righty tighty land are afraid of opinions that are different from ours?

Anonymous said...

Do you think this place is a safe space for lefties? Hahahahahaha! Drago, you're on fire tonight with your rapier like wit.

Nyamujal said...

"Hey lefties, Trump will show up when you get rid of your safe spaces, micro-agressions, playdough, coloring books, scented candles and playful puppies to pet which are all needed whenever the delicate lefty snowflakes encounter a differing opinion!"

Oooh sounds awesome. I might warm to Trump if we worked on an adult coloring book together. Unfortunately, he'd just end up drawing boobs and little penises everywhere.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" Break some rules. Remember who is President and who is not. MAGA."

Just so. Never fear, they will eventually come crawling to him. They crave being close to the seat of power lest they be thought irrelevant.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Oooh sounds awesome. I might warm to Trump if we worked on an adult coloring book together. Unfortunately, he'd just end up drawing boobs and little penises everywhere. "

Which is a great way to keep the Left gibbering while you kick Hillary to the curb, grow the economy, secure the borders, keep dudes from exposing themselves to 12-year old girls, and grind goose-stepping political correctness to dust. Now try to stay within the lines.

Bob Loblaw said...

Which is a great way to keep the Left gibbering while you kick Hillary to the curb, grow the economy, secure the borders, keep dudes from exposing themselves to 12-year old girls, and grind goose-stepping political correctness to dust. Now try to stay within the lines.

"Gibbering". I think you have selected the right word for our lefty friends since the election.

Scott said...

Next he needs to cancel that trained seal act called the State of the Union Address....

Yancey Ward said...

This is a smart move- much smarter than his enemies probably realize.

Some journolists had already floated the idea of boycotting the dinner themselves, but Trump beats them to the punch. Also, this plays on another level: had Trump attended it is unlikely in the extreme that he would have actually been the butt of much ill-tempered humor, you simply don't take vile cheap shots at the president when he is sitting right there. By not attending at all, Trump gives license to his enemies to make complete fools of themselves, and I bet they do just that.

Yancey Ward said...

There goes brave, brave Unknown venturing into the dangerous, dangerous non-safe space of an internet comment board. Bravo!

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Unknown: "Do you think this place is a safe space for lefties?"

It's a blog, so, yes.

Besides, who is to say you don't have a puppy on your lap, a cat on your head, scented candles lit, a coloring book next to your kayboard with a playdough rendering of Rachel Maddow positioned centrally in your home shrine to Hugo Chavez?

Drago said...

Scott: "Next he needs to cancel that trained seal act called the State of the Union Address."

I would cancel it in lieu of a televised Presidential statement from the oval office.

Darrell said...

The White House Correspondents Dinner should be a picnic on the White House lawn this year. Catered by Chick-Fil-A. Regardless of weather.

Jon Ericson said...

unk#98, former #11, #51 or nasty miss#55.
Never change.

Roy Lofquist said...

That State of the Union thingy?

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper;"

Kinda looks like, to me, he could send them a tweet saying that the State of the Union is fair to middling and that maybe they should take some time off while he fixes things.

Jon Ericson said...


Achilles said...

This has been a glorious first month. Just think how much fun it will be in 2018 with 60+ republican senators.

Jaq said...

I had my doubts about Trump, but so far he's been doing great.

Bruce Hayden said...

Yes - theoretically Trump could skip the SoTU speech before Congress, but he won't. Maybe if the Dems controlled both Houses, but not now, with both in Rep hands. He needs them to fulfill his campaign promises, so has to show them proper respect. He doesn't need the WH press corps, as it is now constituted, but they need him. He is in the process of retraining them as to their proper place in the world, as it became on Jan 20 (not coincidentally the same day that Presidents were no longer allowed by the left to play golf). It isn't going to be pleasant for them in the interim, esp. for those whose organizations engage in what he calls "fake news". Telling them that he won't attend this year, but might in the future, tells me that he is playing them. Using the carrot, just after using the stick a day or two ago when the press gaggle got cut back to a pool plus (or whatever the call it). I expect more slights and insults until their networks and papers start covering him honestly. I think that he was saying to them, behave this year, and I will attend next year. Maybe. We shall see. I do expect that he will rub this in a bit with special access, maybe small dinners, with reporters and the like from more sympathetic media outlets, like Brietbart, Fox, etc.

sinz52 said...

Trump boycotting the dinner is similar to how President Carter boycotted the Moscow Olympics.

And just as inconsequential.

traditionalguy said...

DJ Trump reminds me of the excitement in DC in 1864 when the new top rank of Lieutenant General of the Army was enacted and appointed. US Grant was summoned and put in charge.

Grant got his fill of diners and honor in two days. He had an armed Rebellion to put down.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump afflicts the comfortable?

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

My hope is that President Trump watches live coverage of the Dinner and relays a multitude of Tweets in reply. Kind of like trolling...

Bad Lieutenant said...

Nyamujal said...

Despite all his alpha male posturing, Nyamujal really comes off as a whiny little pipsqueak most of the time...

2/25/17, 10:46 PM

Still afraid of a well deserved curb stomping, Nyah? Not an alpha male like you!

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"....playful puppies to pet which are all needed whenever the delicate lefty snowflakes encounter a differing opinion!"

Hahahahahaha! Another doozy. You think us lefties who come here to righty tighty land are afraid of opinions that are different from ours?
2/25/17, 11:00 PM

White with fear, 98.

Rusty said...

ictoria said...
He's just plain Chicken.


Vicki from Pasadena

Here's a tip Vicki.
When the mob calls you out for your own lynching,
don't go.

It's a smart move.
The proof is your reaction.
You continually uderestimate him.

Hagar said...

I think the WHCA will now hold the dinner with an empty chair and a cardboard cutout of Trump and prove why it was a wise move for him not to go.

Now, if Trump would go full George Washington and just send Congress a written message full of dry numbers for his State of the Union.
One can only dream!

veni vidi vici said...

It is remarkable how quickly Trump has succeeded in making the media bigs so neurotic.

The "supreme galactic overlord troll" move by the White House would be to have an "emergency" or otherwise sudden announcement and presser during the WHCD - with Spicer, Trump, or whoever - so the C-stringers from the media would be on the job. This would frontline the irrelevance of the A- and B-stringers "wearing Armani" that night across town, and likely precipitate mass paroxysms of job insecurity!

veni vidi vici said...

After all, the "gaggle-gate" thing the other day was nothing more or less than saying, "Hey guys, anyone can do the job you're doing. Opinions are, after all, like bungholes - everybody's got one. Up your news coverage game or you won't be distinguished here in the press pool either."

And the WH was correct about that. We'll see whether the NYT and CNN have it in them or if they take on the mantle of bias-journalism like 100+ years ago, which to be fair may be where the money is anymore, anyway.

Bob Loblaw said...

Also, this plays on another level: had Trump attended it is unlikely in the extreme that he would have actually been the butt of much ill-tempered humor, you simply don't take vile cheap shots at the president when he is sitting right there.

That's exactly what they did when Bush was president.

Unknown said...

Trump is a coward.

Professional lady said...

Trump is not afraid. He just refuses to play by the MSM's rules. Why should he when they're out to get him?

readering said...

The dinner is supposedly to raise money for charity. This gives them a chance to rethink imaginative ways to attract attendance and bring in the big bucks.

Martin said...

Smart move by Trump. If he goes, they'll all insult him while he has to sit and take it, and that'll be all over the fake news for days. If he responds, they'll call him thin-skinned or whatever, and THAT will be all over the news. If he doesn't respond, he will get no credit and probably we will all hear about how THEY showed HIM!!!

If you can't win, don't play.

He has every reason no to go.

At the daily briefing next day, Spicer should say the Pres and he were busy but he hoped they had a good time.

pious agnostic said...

Trump shouldn't go himself.

He should send Kellyanne with a big matching check for the charity.

Signed by Jr., of course.

Gk1 said...

Hah, I love how condescending the trump folks have been about the whole event. Like "enjoy your little pretend speaking truth to power circle jerk or whatever that is. Got lots of important things to do in the White House. Have fun sweeties!" Grand Master Troll Eleventy thousand.

Robert Cook said...

"'Perez the mastermind of the DNC was saying that Trump has already done enough to be impeached.'

"I haven't seen a high crime yet."

Impeachment can be for "...high crimes and Misdemeanors," according to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Sigivald said...

I am amused by the Left and Press freaking out and acting like "not being invited to press conferences" is equivalent to -this was the BBC take - "being banned from reporting".

BBC reporters are banned in NK and Zimbabwe... and the White House!

Sure, they can freely operate in the entire United States, but who cares about that compared to being able to be ignored when asking questions at a presser?!

Laugh or cry. I choose laugh.

Mick said...

Making idiot heads explode... again

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