February 10, 2017

At the Frozen Lake Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

The photo is from 2 years ago.

Please remember The Althouse Amazon Portal. You might want to ccounteract the anti-Ivanka forces by shopping on this page. But I'm keeping it cruelly neutral here, so let me point you also to some Hillary stuff. And here are some Trump socks. And Trump haters and lovers alike need one of these.


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Hillary Clinton is a Badass". What kind of deluded, twee world does a person live in where they think this is a bold statement about....anything?

GWash said...

Yeah, we need one of those cutouts of his majesty ... for pin the tail on the donkey at next weeks deportation hearings...

n.n said...

Ivanka Trump's clothing: tasteful, even elegant, and feminine.

On Clinton's page, I didn't see: What difference, at this point, does it make?
or the progressive truism: She chose. She conceived. She ... Oh, never mind. Amazon probably censors culturally taboo subjects and political hot potatoes. Although, they do advertise the liberal fantasy, if ever slightly euphemistic.

Life-size Donald? No. This is a mortal god-free zone.

Bob Ellison said...

I dunno...those shoes...OK, I'll try them on, but they're not gonna work.

Michael K said...

In 1993, I had a Hillary cutout like that in my office with a stethoscope around her neck.

Clark said...

The Ninth Circuit opinion in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi v. Trump (October 18, 2019) is well worth a read. "The Government's motion for a stay pending appeal is DENIED. The war is enjoined."

It will no doubt usher in an era of perpetual peace.

Bob Boyd said...

Love the photo. It looks like a water color painting

Big Mike said...

I liked the third item down when I followed the Hillary link: "Don't Stop Fighting Hillary Clinton T-shirt." No, Professor Althouse, I never shall stop fighting Hillary Clinton.

wildswan said...

Just got finished listening to a talk on Islam and slavery by a scholar at Georgetown. An article on the talk said that the scholar who is a Moslem made the statement that: “It’s not immoral for one human to own another human” and also argued that sex did not have to be consensual. This was by way of justifying Islamic attitudes toward slavery. He did indeed say those things.

His overall argument was that slavery in Islam was not like American chattel slavery and that women's consent to sex had never been required through most of human history in most places. His arguments actually were all, without exception, used in my hearing in my lifetime to justify slavery as it once existed in America. Except when he said that the Prophet Mohammed owned slaves and, he asked, are you going to set yourself up as the moral superior of that great religious leader? His arguments about women were just contemptible and reminded me of why feminism used to be great cause.

rcocean said...

Seeing that, I'm so cold - I'm buying a pair of mittens. From Amazon.

wildswan said...


William said...

I'm not that knowledgeable about clothes,and I make the following observations tentatively. I get the sense that the people who voted for Trump are not the kind of people who would buy Ivanka's clothes. Land's End, on the other hand, looks more of a fit for Trump voters. I'm not sure about Under Armor--their customers probably don't care either way......Too many things are being politicized. Chicken sandwiches and underwear should exist in a dimension beyond politics.

Curtiss said...

"I get the sense that the people who voted for Trump are not the kind of people who would buy Ivanka's clothes."

Then, the people who voted for Hillary would? Yet the people who voted for Hillary don't want anyone to buy Ivanka's clothing.

Fernandinande said...

wildswan said...

"Georgetown Islamic Studies Professor: Slavery OK, So is Non-Consensual Sex"

"... under Islamic teachings."

Everyone already knows that. Slavery is generally A-OK in old-timey religion books.

I guess the phrase "where he shared his alarming beliefs" is supposed to misleadingly imply either that he personally thinks slavery etc is OK, or that it's alarming to believe that it's Islam approved. The rest of the article is probably equally misleading and can't be verified or denied, so ignore it.

Kathryn51 said...

I bought my first Ivanka Trump item tonight - a pair of shoes. On Amazon. The tote bag I wanted was a link to Zappos - and that site said it wasn't available. I'm wondering if Amazon is now playing games.

For what it is worth, I refuse to purchase Tory Burch items because of something obnoxious she once said about a high-profile Republican. Can't remember who (McCain? Romney), but it was obnoxious.

Jon Ericson said...

Chip Ahoy! could do something with that shot. (Alas).

Jon Ericson said...

K51: If she said it about McCain, she might have been correct.

Bay Area Guy said...

To cover my political bases in the Bay Area, I'm going to market and sell pink pussy hats stenciled with "MAGA" in the front. Who's with me? We'll make a fortune!

le Douanier said...

If you use the Althouse portal, you're sending dough to lib Seattle and DJT enemy Mr. WaPo. To really hit those libs you must avoid Amazon, Boeing (commercial HQ), Starbucks, Nordstrom, Microsoft, Costco, REI and all sorts of other tech/bio companies.

To support Ivanka, you should buy directly from one of her companies, that way you'll make sure you're directing the maximum amount of money to Ivanka, and then those libs in Seattle will go broke.

Carry on.

Jon Ericson said...

Wow, I'm convinced.
Deep Thoughts, Pee-Wee.

Theranter said...

"Bay Area Guy said...
To cover my political bases in the Bay Area, I'm going to market and sell pink pussy hats stenciled with "MAGA" in the front. Who's with me? We'll make a fortune!"


Seriously though, I think the young pro-Trump crowd on reddit The_Donald would love them--you might be on to something.

Churchy LaFemme: said...


Lake Geneva cartoonist Joe Martin is shopping a satirical, political, adventure, continuity strip about a president obviously inspired by Donald Trump.

Martin is probably best known for his comic strip "Mr. Boffo". I tend to think that strip was brilliant in the 80s. It was not a strip with "heart" like "Calvin & Hobbes", "Pogo", or "Peanuts", but was just strip after strip of spot on jokes. That makes Martin's Shrink Wrapped (an Althouse portal link if I did it right) possibly the funniest single comic strip book I have read.

After that, I think he spread himself too thin, trying to do 3 or 4 daily strips by himself, though he still has moments of genius in "Mr. Boffo" and "Willy'n Ethyl" from time to time.

Anyway, the new strip will irritate big Trump fans because the President is pretty clueless even if well meaning and it will irritate the strong anti-Trump crowd because he's not a villan. Not sure who's left because it's definitely not Martin's strongest material which might pull in the broad middle.

Regardless, 12 weeks of continuity are at:


Don't try to read it all at once, remember it would be a strip a day in a paper.

Earnest Prole said...

Sadly, use of the Amazon portal is indeed aiding and abetting the enemy.

Jon Ericson said...

Maybe Mister Big can cut a deal with Mister Amazon-WaPo.

BudBrown said...

so what's the lake look like now?

Jon Ericson said...

Dark. Very dark.

Jon Ericson said...

Dark, dark dirty sneaky shit that is deplorable!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Look, you can see what is going on here, I hope.
Althouse posts an image of three people on the ice.
We all believe that the three people have a 'relationship'. Only two will are destined to return to land.
But Althouse is going all Cohen Brothers on us.
The truth is none of them are coming back.

Jon Ericson said...

Ingmar Bergman vs. Joel and Ethan Coen.
Next year at Sundance.

Jon Ericson said...

Silence versus a wood chipper.
Not my bailiwick.

Jon Ericson said...


Etienne said...

It is my sad duty to inform you that Packy the Elephant has died.

Packy (the pachyderm) was born in 1962, lived almost 55 years, and was put to sleep as he had an incurable TB. People say they should have let him die naturally, but I repeat what Michael Sarrazin once reasoned to the police after shooting Jane Fonda in the head: "They shoot horses don't they?"

I still remember my parents taking us to the Zoo to see Packy. I think it was in 63.

He was the cutest Elephant you ever saw. I even got an Packy the Elephant-bank for Christmas. Sadly my Elephant-bank did not live many years before I cashed out by using a hammer on the old Packy relic.

Ann Althouse said...

"(an Althouse portal link if I did it right)"

Yes, you did. Thanks! I appreciate your taking the time.

Seeing althouse09-20 in the code is key.

Humperdink said...

William said: " I get the sense that the people who voted for Trump are not the kind of people who would buy Ivanka's clothes. Land's End, on the other hand, looks more of a fit for Trump voters."

In rural NW Pa, I find that Trump voters get their hats from the NRA, their clothing from Gander Mountain, their footwear from Tractor Supply, and their sporting goods from Gunbroker.com.

Jaq said...

South Florida not a landing spot for Althouse. T-shirt and shorts seems like the uniform for boys 7 to 77.

Jaq said...

We get it, PB&J, Hillary supporters have a stranglehold on the economy. Republicans are economically powerless trailer trash who should be happy for any scraps their wealthy betters let fall from the table.

Jaq said...

PB&J can not figure out why people at the bottom of such an economic structure would be unhappy. Don't they know that they are naturally inferior? Hillary's social Darwinist base.

Humperdink said...

Speaking of casual dress (@tim in v), what I find interesting is the new dress code at funeral homes for visitation/memorial services. What was somewhat formal is now anything goes.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Is Bad Lieutenant around?

I am sad to report that I'm here in New York on a recon expedition and we had some of that famous NY pizza and I didn't really care for it. I think it was the real deal (Sunrise Pizza in Rye, where my husband grew up; a charming hole in the wall run by surly Italians) and it was so flat and greasy. :(

Bad Lieutenant said...

Hey Pants! I have to admit (my folks live next door to you in PC) that the particular genius of *Westchester* is not pizza.

In fact I'm a bit down on W as a whole; the best parts of W cuisine are (well, are not, but are as if they were) trucked up from NYC so they're 2 hours old and you have to pay for the trucking. That is how I would envision Westchester food. Reflected glory of NY. There are some individual spots in PC, lots of Latino ethnics. Depending on how long you're here, look for Restaurant Week is Hudson Valley-you just missed it in NYC, it ended Friday.

Back to your deal... Buddha in Rye Ridge is nice for sushi/fusion Asian. Erm, Best pizza I know of around here is Coals on Main Street in PC. Italian restaurant we usually do is Frankie & Louie's. The city or LI are much better for food. Don't judge NY on food in Rye.

A nice ordinary place in Rye to eat, near the train, is called the Town Dock. Next to that is another shiny sushi joint called, IIRC, Koo's. Oh, my mother would fill you in if desired. I don't eat around here so much.

Nearest food magic zone to you (to W) is the Bronx, Arthur Avenue. Italian survivals. Your average pizza should be real.

OK, to put our good name on the line...go to Patsy's in East Harlem.


Order there and eat there and tell me if that is flat and greasy. Plenty of other places but that's my go-to.

Also in Brooklyn, near Ditmas Park where I told you to buy a house. go to Di Fara's. 1424 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230

You really should go there. Go while the old man is alive, God bless him.

If you don't like his pizza, or Patsy's (or, or, or), I have nothing else to offer you. I honestly can't vouch for every joint in the sticks. But even so, the flat greasy pizza was way better than Domino's, wasn't it?

Will search and LYK if I find a place in Rye proper for you to have a decent slice. But you should go where I told you. Honest.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Or tell me where you are/are going and I'll pick spots 4u.