January 30, 2017

Who'll be Trump's Supreme Court nominee? "I’d put my money on Judge Neil Gorsuch."

Writes David Lat.
First, Judge Gorsuch is a “winner” — brilliant, pedigreed, tall, handsome — and Trump likes winners.... Trump goes with privilege in the end. And Judge Gorsuch, the Ivy League- and Oxford-educated son of a former top government official — Anne Gorsuch, the first woman to lead the EPA — oozes privilege.

A second reason to predict Gorsuch: rumor has it that that the Denver-based judge is currently in, or on his way to, Washington, D.C....


Fabi said...

How is it pronounced -- just like it's spelled?

MadisonMan said...

It's pronounced Throatwobbler-Mangrove.

madAsHell said...

Didn't Trump throw some other names out when Obama was nominating Merrick Garland??

David Begley said...

I bet he gets ambushed interviewed at the D.C. Airport.

"Judge, why are you in DC?"

"How does it feel to get nominated by President Trump?"

"Any comment on the Muslim travel ban?"

"Were there any Muslims on your flight?"

"Will you overrule Roe v. Wade?"

traditionalguy said...

Another win for DJT. This Gorsuch guy even writes in favor of Old People Living.

Fabi said...

Or does it sound like what happens when you hook your drive in Scotland, look for your ball, and then have gorse itch?

SayAahh said...

The three finalists are all terrific. My favorite is Judge Gorsuch.
It will be a nasty slog for anyone of them as the Merrick Garland offended Democrats are extremely angry.
It is going to be difficult to observe all the negativity.
This is Sen. McConnell's opportunity to show us what he can do.

Hagar said...

Yep. The left is going to have a collective asthma attack regardless of who is nominated.

Nonapod said...

Can/Will cloture be used to get him through?

Michael K said...

I would prefer Janice Rogers Brown, even if she is too old. The Democrats blocked her and Miguel Estrada to prevent a Republican from nominating a black woman and the first Hispanic USSC justices.

Humperdink said...

"This is Sen. McConnell's opportunity to show us what he can do."

Kiss this nominee goodbye.

Trumpit said...

There would have been a bruising fight if Trump had picked another hard right (Sc)alito or dufus Clarence Thomas. Trump knows it, and he was trying to avoid putting a goober(Southern evangelical) on the court. Trump could not stand the sight of Schumer crying again.

I Callahan said...

Kiss this nominee goodbye.

Everyone thought McConnell would cave on Merrick Garland also, and he didn't. Don't be so quick to judge.

Humperdink said...

Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, has said he will fight "tooth and nail" any nominee who isn't "mainstream."

Mainstream = Interning for Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump is too like Chuck knows he is to nominate other than his sister. You gamble bro?


Seriously, the idea Trump, the know nothing non-reading mouth-breathing steak overcooking gold trim loving Hitler, could even consider other than his sister is Goebells level newspoop.

Adolph Eichman.

Ilsa Koch.


Now, are we clear?

I Callahan said...

There would have been a bruising fight if Trump had picked another hard right (Sc)alito or dufus Clarence Thomas.

Please, Trumpit, you're beclowing yourself. You ain't fit to wear Clarence Thomas' used holy socks.

SayAahh said...

As is typical Trump, he is pushing Mitch to unleash the nuke.
What is your bet?

Known Unknown said...


Just thought I'd get some outrage in. You know, it's so rare these days.

mccullough said...

Lets face it. The guy looks like he came from central casting to play the role. Trump knows media.

PB said...

I'd make sure to end the Harvard/Yale/Ivy League pipeline. There are brilliant jurists that have come from other schools.

mccullough said...

If McConnell can't get Trump's nominee through, then he's useless.

Michael K said...

"another hard right (Sc)alito or dufus Clarence Thomas."

Were you born this way or were you dropped on your head in the delivery room ?

New born babies are really slippery. A friend of mine, who trained at Charity in New Orleans back in the day, told me that if they dropped the baby on its head, they would say, "well there's another Democrat."

Where were you born trumpit ?

Tarrou said...

This may or may not be correct, but the reasoning is the worst strawmanning I've seen in public in quite some time. What a total ideological Turing Test fail.

Real American said...

News from Tomorrow: Democrats will declare Gorsuch or anyone else Trump picks as out of the mainstream, radical, extreme and wanting to do away with women's rights, gay rights, tranny rights, union rights, minority rights, environment protection, etc. It will be the usual parade of horribles they trot out every time a Republican makes a SCOTUS nomination. It will be the same old plays from the same old playbook.

Big Mike said...

The nominee hasn't even been formally proposed and the Dumbocrats announced their filibuster? Way to show that your party deserves to govern.

Humperdink said...

"Everyone thought McConnell would cave on Merrick Garland also, and he didn't. Don't be so quick to judge."

McConnell's been in DC since the last ice age, so to say: "Don't be so QUICK to judge" is rather humorous. I've watched his life's work and he's spent more time caving than an experienced spelunker.

However, you could be entirely correct here and I would be thrilled if you are. Man up Mitch!!!

Fabi said...

Get yer 48-Hour Rage Fuel! 48-Hour Rage Fuel!

(Limited availability. While supplies last.)

SayAahh said...

Mitch owes Trump for Elaine. Plus it is a different movie for Sen McConnell with the GOP Senate, House and the Oval.
The wily senator can play things like Glenn Gould played Bach and Trump plays the media.
Stay tuned.

Unknown said...

I personally hope that Trump picks Tom Lee from the Utah Supreme Court. 1) a good pick. 2) That son of a **** denied my petition for Cert within the last couple of weeks, and I have a couple more on that same issue. Getting him off the court might help my chances.


Crimso said...

If only we could find someone who:

a) knows something about the Constitution

b) isn't currently occupying a job we'd have to pry them out of

Think, think, think...

LYNNDH said...

Judge Gorsuch's father was high power attorney in Gorsuch Kurgis law firm in Denver. Big law firm and influential in Denver and CO.

readering said...

I still have my money on Pryor. If the Democrats say they are going to oppose anyone, why not go with the one who will anger them the most.

rcocean said...

Sigh. Another Harvard Law. Another SCOTUS clerk.

Chuck said...

And young! Don't forget young. Gorsuch's prematurely graying hair has been such a joke; he was kidded that he dyed it gray for more gravitas when he was in private litigation practice.

Young and healthy, for a long tenure on the Court.

JackWayne said...

My money says this guy is as conservative as Roberts. I remember when he was sold as the model of a conservative judge. I think we're being sold a bill of goods again.

eric said...

I wish he would pick Ann Coulter.

The sheer pleasure I'd get from heads exploding on TV would be worth the price of admission.

Chuck said...

I see some commenters doubting Mitch McConnell's determination to get a Trump nominee confirmed. That, I do not understand.

My feeling -- without having been part of the decision, of course -- is twofold:

1) Mitch McConnell quite possibly knew who the nominee would be, before Trump did, and;
2) Mitch McConnell will be more determined than Trump, to get a confirmation.

DO NOT listen to idiots in the mainstream media telling you that it takes 60 votes to confirm. That is wrong. The vote on any nominee is a simple majority. Justice Altio was confirmed 58-42. Justice Thomas was confirmed 52-48.

It is a very much separate issue, to filibuster a Supreme Court nomination. It has only been done once, in the case of the nomination of Justice Abe Fortas to the seat of Chief Justice. The case of Abe Fortas was exceptional in the extreme, as one of the few Justices ever forced to resign from the court under an ethical cloud.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Well then Chuck, is it done, or are we going to have any crap out of McCain or Collins or whoever? Is McConnell likely to peel off any Ds or is this going to be a straight line thing and if so can he manage his people or not?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bork the corruptocrats back.

Fabi said...

Mitch knew before Trump knew? Sounds rather inside-baseball, Chuck -- tell us more!

Chuck said...

Bad Lieutenant said...
Well then Chuck, is it done, or are we going to have any crap out of McCain or Collins or whoever? Is McConnell likely to peel off any Ds or is this going to be a straight line thing and if so can he manage his people or not?

That's the thing; no Democrats have to vote for the Republican Court nominee. The nominee can sail in on a 52-48 party-line vote.

All that McConnell has to do, is to get eight (8) Dems to decline to filibuster. They won't be voting for any nominee; they will get to say later on that they voted "Nay" on the confirmation. But they need to vote to just allow a vote.

The usual thinking is that Republicans pick up the moderate Dems who will be up for election in 2018 in states that voted Trump. But that's only about four. There will need to be an appeal to some of the Senate institutionalists in the Dem conference. To them, we say, "Hey we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You wanna filibuster? We go nuclear. And thee will never again be a Senate as we knew it."

JackWayne said...

Life-long Republican is wrong in my opinion. This early in the election cycle is too soon for Senators to worry about their votes. McCain has shown for 30 years that you can wait til the 5th year to fool the base. My bet is that McConnell has to go nuclear.

The Godfather said...

Whoever the nominee is, there's another potential nominee who the Democrats would consider worse. (Remember the liberals' argument, pre-election, that the Repubs ought to confirm Garland because the inevitable Hillary! would nominate someone who wasn't as "moderate" as Garland?) So Trump will let it be known, if Gorsuch (or whoever his first choice is) isn't confirmed, who the next nominee for that seat would be. That nominee will be yuuge! If he can dig up and revivify Roger B. Taney (a Democrat, by the way), he'd be a great choice for the "next nominee".

SukieTawdry said...

...or dufus Clarence Thomas. And another fuckwad heard from.

Trumpit said...

Clarence Thomas IS a well-known dummy on the Supreme Court.

Google: Justice Clarence Thomas’s Solitary Voice (NYT) by Linda Greenhouse

He is also a well-known workplace sexual harasser who lied during his confirmation hearing.

Amazon: Speaking Truth to Power by Anita Hill (1998)

See also: Lawyer Accuses Justice Thomas of Groping Her at Party in 1999 (NYT)

An idiot-judge like him has a lifetime appointment on the bench. He is an embarrassment to the country, and is usually damaging to the cause of justice for the powerless and poor. He's a bad hombre.

Michael K said...

I'd still like to see Janice Rogers Brown, just to stick it to the damn Democrats who filibustered her nomination to the DC Circuit because they feared Bush would ha]name her to the Supreme Court.

President George W. Bush nominated her to her current position in 2003. However, her nomination was stalled in the U.S. Senate for almost two years because of Democratic opposition. She began serving as a Federal Appellate Court Judge on June 8, 2005.

That was 14 years ago and then Obama came along.

In a speech to the Federalist Society, Brown called the group a "rare bastion (nay beacon) of conservative and libertarian thought" and that the "latter notion made your invitation well-nigh irresistible."

In the same speech, she gave hints of her philosophical foundations. She described private property as "the guardian of every other right." That might have been a reference to a book published late 2007, "The Guardian of Every Other Right: A Constitutional History of Property Rights." Later in her speech, she described collectivism as "slavery to the tribe" and that government was a "leviathan [that] will continue to lumber along, picking up ballast and momentum, crushing everything in its path."

No fear of a Roberts "conversion" there.

Michael K said...

Trumpit once again demonstrates the brain damage incurred from a drop in the bucket in the delivery room.

David Baker said...

"...son of a former top government official — Anne Gorsuch, the first woman to lead the EPA..."



Scott Gustafson said...

Don't know much about Neil Gorsuch, but my Father served in the Colorado Legislature with his mother. She was very smart, very driven and very conservative.

Gahrie said...

It has only been done once, in the case of the nomination of Justice Abe Fortas to the seat of Chief Justice.

And he was done in by his fellow Democrats too......

Gahrie said...

LBJ wanted Fortas to get a majority of support on the cloture vote to help Fortas try to retain his Associate Justice seat. They could only find about 45 Democrats to vote in favor of him, so they had to convince twenty or so Democrats to simply not vote instead of voting no, allowing the cloture vote to fail, but allowing Fortas to maintain some small shred of dignity.

SweatBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@Trumpit, unless, of course, it was Anita Hill who was lying.

You do realize that Thomas could get a lobotomy and still be smarter than you?

David Baker said...

For the Armageddon clocks ticking down on cable news, you'd think President Trump was about to launch Ted Cruz.

It would be priceless too, just to see their reaction. Truly, dogs and cats living together.

SweatBee said...

Or maybe Trumpit is just racist.

Here's some other reading for you:
Americas Most Influential Thinker on Race

A History Lesson from Clarence Thomas: Correcting a Liberal Smear about the Supreme Court Justice

"But behind the slings and arrows of politics and punditry, Justice Thomas has been this term’s workhorse, and not for the first time...This is the second time in three years that Thomas has written the most opinions, and they are not filled with breezy rhetoric, but thick with citation to the roots of our constitutional system, from the Magna Carta to John Locke to Blackstone’s Commentaries.
But mere volume is not the measure of Thomas’s jurisprudence. For that, one must take a closer look at the many times he has stood against the prevailing winds, warning his colleagues that the Court should consider its own errors and limitations. The cases in which he has split from Scalia—his closest colleague philosophically—are telling." www.weeklystandard.com/article/giving-thomas-his-due/988078

"Barnett and others hope that Thomas’s lone dissent has planted the seeds for a constitutional reawakening rooted in the Privileges or Immunities Clause." blogs.wsj.com/law/2010/06/28/is-his-gun-control-concurrence-justice-thomass-finest-hour/

Amazon: First Principles: The Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas

Amazon: My Grandfathers Son

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