January 29, 2017

"White House Official, in Reversal, Says Green Card Holders Won’t Be Barred."


Here's how it looks on the front page of the NYT:


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CWJ said...


Exactly! It's of a piece with the Park Service closing the WWII memorial because they were pissed off by the sequestor. Small minded people putting the lie to the notion that they serve the public rather than theirselves.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Chuck's disappointment notwithstanding, it's not impossible that this is Trump taking a sounding on the Muzzie issue. He doesn't give a rat's ass about the media's outrage. If this polls well then there may very well be further restrictions on immigration from Musl...er, countries that are state-sponsors of terrorism. Here's hoping.

Fabi said...

That makes me feel better, Paco!

roesch/voltaire said...

Birkel,-- no kidding the Silence is exactly what you described and my recommendation was not a rebuttal but an example of where your plan was tired and obviously did not work as there were plenty of Christians in Japan when we bombed them. If you read the novel, or view the recent movie then we can have a discussion.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"You're more likely to be killed in a car crash or even in a bathtub fall than by a foreign terrorist."

You're awfully cavalier about other people's lives, Cookie.

The obvious difference is not being able to prevent all accidents is not the same thing as being unwilling to take preventative measures to stop a known threat.

HT said...

"Adding to the confusion, Trump administration officials seemed to at times contradict themselves during appearances on Sunday news shows. In mere minutes during an interview with NBC, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said the order "doesn't affect" green card holders, then later said "of course" it affects green card holders from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia -- the seven countries Trump has temporarily stop immigration from for 90 days."

Hagar said...

325 out of 325,000 is how many per cent?

If you can answer this correctly, you may be too smart to be a journalist.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Chuck here's another National Review piece worth reading. I am interested in Ann's take as well., http://www.nationalreview.com/article/444371/donald-trump-executive-order-ban-entry-seven-muslim-majority-countries-legal

Birkel said...


I have no idea why your last was addressed to me.
Try again?

Birkel said...


Chuck Todd was hilarious as he willfully misunderstood Reince Priebus. It was truly funny stuff.

Chuck Todd is a dull boy.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Christopher Souza, I'm not at all surprised. I've been a reader for several years and I've seen this many times.

See, Karine or Inga Binga Banga Bonga or whoever you are or were, this is not the case. This is not demonstrable. You cannot go back several years and find Karine here. That's because you change your name like you probably should change your underwear. See, that goes to credibility. Chuck argues that he should be paid attention to because he's been here since blahdy blah. Now, I haven't bothered to check, but perhaps it is true and you can find Chuck posts from 2004. But nobody will find you.

Laslo Spatula said...

Take both Christian and Muslim refugees from the Middle East and intern them here (separately).

Some of the Muslims will be Mad because they feel infringed and might prefer returning home.

Most of the Christians will be Happy because an internment camp in America is a hell of a lot better than being slaughtered in their homeland in the Middle East.

Figure out the details later. When my check clears.

I am Laslo.

Drago said...

HT would prefer to read other lefty's characterization of a conversation instead of actually viewing and/or reading the transcript.

Once you see and hear the exchange it becomes clear that the "confusion" charge is the MSM adopting a fallback position from their earlier mischaracterizations.

The Lefts only hope is that everyone remain hopelessly ill-informed.

HT is certainly playing his/her part in that regard.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I find it funny that many of the same people who fret about non-organic food and carry on about passive smoke if someone lights up a cigarette within 100 yards of them dismiss the terrorist threat with a wave of their hands. Especially people who live in a city which not only experienced 9/11 but a more recent attack.

Chuck said...


Thanks for posting the link to Andy McCarthy's latest, on the subject at hand. I saw it earlier today. Andy, as you know is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney in the New York Southern District; he's a good writer and an even better legal thinker. I like him a lot.

He also was part of the National Review's "Against Trump" campaign.


It's not unimportant; but like the Guantanamo Bay and enhanced interrogation cases, I actually see this immigration/executive order story playing out very much unlike a legislative or executive or even a campaign issue (reaching a crescendo within a few days); instead, it will drag out for years in the U.S District Courts and Circuit Courts of Appeal, over two or three years. Or more.

This whole story is going to get obliterated in about 72 hours, with the impending nomination of a ninth Supreme Court Justice to fill the Scalia seat.

Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
"I wonder how many Americans have to be killed by 'Green card holders' and 'Refugees' before we stop with the tears and hair-pulling over restricting a few people from coming here."

Really? Are you truly concerned about being killed by a green card holder or refugee? You're more likely to be killed in a car crash or even in a bathtub fall than by a foreign terrorist. "

This is the idiocy of the left. First, there are more risks that death, although that's a real one. That said, car crashes and bathtub accidents are accepted risks of modern life. As such, they are not avoidable. Getting killed by some foreign muzzie can be mitigated.

As for the additional risks, Muslims bring huge problems in every western nation they have been allowed. EVery single one. and the problems get worse daily.

Fabi said...

Who is your guess for the nomination, Chuck? I've heard rumors that Pryor is fading at the rail.

Robert Cook said...

"Getting killed by some foreign muzzie can be mitigated."

I have not the slightest fear of being killed by a foreign terrorist, and I live in NYC. I don't think any of the people I know here are worried about being killed by foreign terrorists, (or even domestic terrorists, for that matter). Frankly, the likelihood any American will die by terrorist acts is infinitesimally small, and freaking out about it and demonizing an entire cohort of people and turning America into a garrison state is insane and self-immolating.

Michael K said...

Muslims bring huge problems in every western nation they have been allowed. Every single one. and the problems get worse daily.

The Democrats, as usual, have no idea how this will play out. Trump hatred is enough to get the Soros funded crowds out in a flash.

There is a lot of virtue signaling going on with lefties who are sure they will never be raped in a swimming pool or attacked by a mob of Muslim men.

I don't see this working for the 2018 election. Europe is burning. Do they want it here ?

Michael K said...

freaking out about it and demonizing an entire cohort of people and turning America into a garrison state is insane and self-immolating.

So, everyone in the world has the right to come here and live ?

I used to think you were fairly smart for a far lefty.

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie, you could have gotten a job wit the Hillary campaign."

Now why would I have wanted to work for a person I deplore, whose politics I oppose, and who I did not vote for?

Robert Cook said...

"So, everyone in the world has the right to come here and live?"

Who says the only options are Trump's recent executive order or allowing "everyone in the world" to come here and live? That's not even the argument.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
Who is your guess for the nomination, Chuck? I've heard rumors that Pryor is fading at the rail.

Me too. And while I have casually talked about Pryor being my "dream nominee," I was also the guy who noted that Sen. Susan Collins is the one Republican still in the Senate who voted against Pryor in his narrow confirmation win to get to the 11th Circuit. If she did it again, it really narrows the window.

I don't think it will be Pryor. The safe bet seems to be Judge Neil Gorsuch on the 10th Circuit, who was confirmed there on a voice vote. My saying that is no news or any great insight.

Here's one very good reason to like Neil Gorsuch; he wrote for the aforementioned National Review Online:


Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
"Getting killed by some foreign muzzie can be mitigated."

I have not the slightest fear of being killed by a foreign terrorist, and I live in NYC. I don't think any of the people I know here are worried about being killed by foreign terrorists, (or even domestic terrorists, for that matter). Frankly, the likelihood any American will die by terrorist acts is infinitesimally small, and freaking out about it and demonizing an entire cohort of people and turning America into a garrison state is insane and self-immolating."

The fact you or others don't fear being killed by a terrorist is moot. And it's based on today's environment, not post immigration. Which is why you ignore the experience of every single country in Europe that has allowed Muslim and refugee immigration.

Fabi said...

I have no special insight either, Chuck, and I still hope for Pryor. Gorsuch would be fine, although I admit that I rely on blogs to vet or grade the list, not having the time to read or decipher all the legal opinions and musings.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook:
How many people 15.5 years ago were worried about Islamists murdering New Yorkers?

You remain an evil son of a bitch.

Robert Cook said...

"You remain an evil son of a bitch."

Yes, Birkel, I am evil, because I think all people named Birkel who post on this blogsite are silly hysteric nincompoops.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Who says the only options are Trump's recent executive order or allowing "everyone in the world" to come here and live? That's not even the argument"

Cookie should be happy as a lark right now after Obama changed the Cuban escapee policy to force those lucky enough to escape from a Robert Cook Peoples Paradise in Cuba right back into their dictators loving embrace.

So, to summarize the lefts latest immigration desires: throw the innocents back to the communist dictators and let in all the muslims so we can be just like Europe!

CWJ said...


As usual, you cut past the feelz to the nub of a situation. Thank you for that.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Cook, what do we gain from Muslim culture, besides Middle Eastern restaurants? What advantage do we get from permitting them to enter that we could not get from anybody else?

There is no upside for us and a lot of potential downside. I don't feel that way about Hindus and Sikhs.

Drago said...

With any kind of luck within a year or two we too can have thousands of women sexually assaulted right out in the open all on one night!

Drago said...

Cook: "Really? Are you truly concerned about being killed by a green card holder or refugee? You're more likely to be killed in a car crash or even in a bathtub fall than by a foreign terrorist."

Well, considering there are over 280 million passenger vehicles and commercial trucks (280 million is quite low) in the US and there are hundreds of millions of tubs.

Now how many muslims are there in the US? 5 to 7 million?

So, you know, a really great comparison there Cookie. Remember, when you are an apologist for mass murdering communist dictators and their regimes, statistics is something you try to avoid.

Quaestor said...

Tom Friedman... pulled out his iPhone and noted that Steve Jobs' biological father was a Syrian immigrant.

When Marlo Thomas as a subject of our discussion I did a little reading up on Danny Thomas. His father was also a Syrian immigrant, but not officially since at that time Syria was a part of the Ottoman Empire. So, was he a Syrian or a Turk? If we could ask him, Charles Yakhoob Kairouz would say he was an immigrant from Lebanon. However, a Syrian contemporary might disagree saying that the Lebanon is just a geographic region of Syria, which is a province of the Turkish dominion.

Identities are very fluid in the Middle East, among the Arabs this is especially true. T. E. Lawrence in his Seven Pillars of Wisdom points out that the term Arab was quite confusing to the bedouin tribesmen he visited. Arabs? Who are they? We haven't heard of this tribe before. There have been brief moments when Arab meant something, such as the lifespan of the United Arab Republic (b. 1 Feb. 1958, d. 28 Sept. 1961) but the only consistent identity has been confessional. Are you a believer or an infidel? You aren't a heretic, are you? You look like a Persian.

We live in a period of fluidity unmatched since the fall of the Sublime Port, which is the reason the ban is needed and is likely to be much too brief.

Robert Cook said...

"So, you know, a really great comparison there Cookie."

Yes, exactly.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Yes, exactly"

Yes, exactly. As in exactly not comrade.

Birkel said...

Robert is indifferent to human suffering so long as greedy capitalists get theirs first.

Drago said...

Leftist and islamist regimes have been the most powerful population control mechanisms ever devised by man.

Which is why the left's objectives so completely align with the islamists in the destruction of western civilization.

Hagar said...

What is with this "Moslem majority country" that the TV personalities all use?
What is that supposed to mean?

On the TV news tonight it looked like most, if not all, of the "chaos and confusion" at the airports were caused by local demonstrators and not the arriving passengers unless they were provided with signs and current slogans, etc., wherever they were coming from.

Drago said...

Hagar: "On the TV news tonight it looked like most, if not all, of the "chaos and confusion" at the airports were caused by local demonstrators and not the arriving passengers unless they were provided with signs and current slogans, etc., wherever they were coming from"

Soros has deep pockets.

It's all astro-turf.

Sam L. said...

NYT: We didn't get our story right the first time. This time it's maybe closer.

Quaestor said...

You're more likely to be killed in a car crash or even in a bathtub fall than by a foreign terrorist.

For shame, Robert Cook. To make such a jejune argument one would think your education was cut short. Flunked out, did we? It shows.

Taken to its logical end you have made a devastating argument against the so-called Affordable Care Act. We're all dead in the end, ergo all means taken to ameliorate our mortality, including the reasonable ones, but especially the absurdly expensive ones, are futile.

Under the Constitution, the United States has no explicit mandate to subsidize our health insurance or to restrain our automobiles or to post a lifeguard over our bathtubs, but it does have an obligation to protect the citizens from foreign aggression. Most reasonable people agree that a foreign national among us, legally or otherwise, who seeks to do us or our society harm in the name of a foreign power — ISIS though not recognized is a power none the less — and should be prevented from succeeding in his goal. Excluding him in the first place accomplishes this more humanely for all concerned.

Really, Cook, the most annoying thing about your contributions is the fact that I end up doing the thinking for you. Be advised that you're running a tab, and it's a doozy.

Big Mike said...

You know, at some point Donald Trump really will screw up (most of us who voted for him, no matter how reluctantly, agree that he hasn't -- the green card issue is a quickly-fixed blip). Humans being, who are by definition human, make it inevitable. At that point, what? The lefties can't possibly jump up and down screaming in rage much more than they already do, so what do they do then? What do they do when something real happens, given their rage at the fact that Trump even draws breath?

Next time the cub scouts come around selling popcorn I'm gonna have to buy extra.

Chuck said...

Now appearing on the Trump Facebook page:

"We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows, but refuses to say. My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror. To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting.

This is not about religion - this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order. We will again be issuing visas to all countries once we are sure we have reviewed and implemented the most secure policies over the next 90 days. "

Like I said earlier in this thread; this is an improved explanation from Trump himself. But again, I don't really think Trump and his supporters were at all excited about the best explanation and rationalization. They were more interested in this being somehow a fulfillment of the "total and complete shutdown of all Muslims entering the United States."

Which it isn't. As all of Trump's critics noted when he uttered that trashtalk, it was never going to happen.

n.n said...

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

In a strange reversal, or rather progression, the Left judges people by the "color of their skin" (e.g. [class] diversity), rather than the content of their character (e.g. principles).

A Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy is a first-order cause of progressive corruption, confusion, dysfunction, human rights violations, civil rights violations, scientific mysticism, social justice adventurism, refugee crises, immigration reform, and JournoListic sophistry.

Michael said...


Dear boy, you really thought that Trump's supporters believed that there would be a ban on all Muslims? Really? You still don't get it.

It must be very confusing to you.

Chuck said...

Michael said...
Dear boy, you really thought that Trump's supporters believed that there would be a ban on all Muslims? Really? You still don't get it.

I try not to think too much about what Trump's supporters believe. Gives me a headache.

le Douanier said...


BTW, was the original language of this EO supposedly a Bannon influenced deal, or was it drafted by folks who understand more than the Breitbart-simplistic grasp of the gov?

Anywho, maybe this fiasco and retreat (or, as tradguy sees it: brilliant deal making) will get the DNI and chair of JCofS back at Bannon's NSC table. Or, maybe y'all will, as you've done in this thread, take the opportunity to provide backup to the Bannon bandwagon. Then the T&B train can steam on w/ you brilliant cons on board.

If so, it'll be nice to see that cons have found a choo choo that they like. Of course, the Blizzard of Oz album got there before ya.

Carry on.

buwaya said...

The US gets a disproportionately high-quality fraction of the Muslim world vs what Europe gets, and always has. With a few exceptions like the Somalis of course. There are no real Muslim ghettos here full of Muslim unemployables such as is the case in France, Belgium, Britain.

That said, its best that this development be avoided.

Btw, Steve Jobs Syrian father had a Phd from UW-Madison.

n.n said...


The few Somali Muslims I have encountered are self-moderating and responsible. This is despite the efforts of the welfare industry to corrupt them through instant gratification. Unfortunately, the secular lucre and other benefits are great for both the providers and recipients, and there has been negative progress. Time will tell if this is a prelude to a dysfunctional convergence.

Quaestor said...

I try not to think too much about what Trump's supporters believe. Gives me a headache.

The void starts to throb, eh?

n.n said...


Not a void per se, but the twilight zone (a.k.a. penumbra) is a source of conscience mollification. Their cognitive dissonance is caused by the resonance of tell-tale hearts beating ever louder. Not even the Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy will long endure unqualified progress.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck and no doubt "thoughtful" Christopher along with the left cannot wait to import the Islamic rape culture, which includes the systematic rape of girls along with boys.


Whatevs. Lets get them in here, pronto!

Drago said...

Poor Chuck. No amount of spinning and after the fact justification of moronic commentary can hide his mountain of prediction and results failures.

Still, when you are that deep in the hole that no one can see you keep digging, what's the harm?

Lewis Wetzel said...

You're more likely to be killed in a car crash or even in a bathtub fall than by a foreign terrorist.
Jeez, Cook, do you think that this is intelligent commentary?
Bathtubs aren't trying to kill you. Cars aren't trying to kill you, but a terrorist driving it might be.
only 2,400 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. We killed millions of Japanese in World War 2.
No Black man has been lynched in the US in over three decades -- why are we wasting money and effort going after the KKK? Black people are more likely to die from falling in a bathtub or a car accident than a police shooting, so who cares if cops shoot Black people?
Seriously, Cook, this is about the stupidest bit of "reasoning" coming from the Left. Obama looked especially foolish when he made this argument. He's a graduate of HLS, he's supposed to have the ability to reason.

From Burton's Anatomy of Mealncholy:

Dearths, tempests, plagues, our astrologers foretell us; Earthquakes, inundations, ruins of houses, consuming fires, come by little and little, or make some noise beforehand; but the knaveries, impostures, injuries and villainies of men no art can avoid. We can keep our professed enemies from our cities, by gates, walls and towers, defend ourselves from thieves and robbers by watchfulness and weapons; but this malice of men, and their pernicious endeavours, no caution can divert, no vigilancy foresee, we have so many secret plots and devices to mischief one another.

Big Mike said...

I see the left-wing loonies are trying to dust off the playbook from fifteen years ago and claim that Brannon is the secret string puller on puppet Trump the way Rove -- or was it Cheney? -- supposedly supplied the evil genius of the Bush administration. I think a lot of otherwise intelligent individuals bought you schtick back then, but no one is buying it now. Have Soros send you a new talking point.

le Douanier said...

Big M,

Ok, Bannon is awesome.

I was using evil trickery to disparage someone who is a great asset to DJT and the country.

You got me, you're too smart.

Carry on.

le Douanier said...


You're also correct that Soros is my secret string puller.

Projection on.

Big Mike said...

Well, Cookie, I'm certain that the fact that they were, a priori, unlikely to be killed by a terrorist was of considerable comfort to those men trying to hide in that Orlando nightclub from young Mr. Mateen.

Big Mike said...

@Lyin'PB, we mathematicians really are really, really smart. Thank you for noticing.

I was really targeting Chuck, though. OTOH, if you aren't getting paid to be a leftie troll then you're missing a great source of revenue.

Did you see that I used the othe cafe post to answer you regarding Aikido?

buwaya said...

Actually PB&J, I had you down for a Tom Steyer man.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
why are we wasting money and effort going after the KKK?

Are we really going after the KKK? They seem to be having a bannon year.

"Dr David Duke, founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), described 2017 as the “greatest year ever” after Trump signed the executive order (banning muslims)."

"This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!", David Duke.

walter said...

Paid per line? That explains



But yes, this one seems to have been hastily rolled out or lacking in proper communication. The elders from the country where "Death to America" is a refrain were held for a few hours. I just hope they weren't subjected to TSA abuse like U.S. elders under non-profiling cavity searches.

walter said...

Betsy Woodruff ‏@woodruffbets 5h5 hours ago
#Dulles protesters chanting "Can't build a wall, hands too small"

le Douanier said...

Big M,

I saw your initial reaction. I posted a link to Joe Rogan saying that Aikido is only useful against folks who are incompetent fighters. And, I tossed in a link to illustrate Rogan's martial arts background.

Did you dispute Rogan's POV later in the thread?

le Douanier said...


I do that because Althouse says we're not supposed to.

le Douanier said...


Speaking of something we're not supposed to do, e.g. jabbering about off-topic Joe Rogan here.

This is a classic:


Lewis Wetzel said...

ARM wrote:
"Dr David Duke, founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), described 2017 as the “greatest year ever” after Trump signed the executive order (banning muslims)."
Why do you pay attention to Duke?
All the KKK/neo-nazi types I've known thought that the Muslims were their natural allies in the struggle against the Jews.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
All the KKK/neo-nazi types I've known

Exactly how many members of the KKK and neo-Nazi organizations do you know? Rounded numbers would be fine.

Lewis Wetzel said...

How many do you know, ARM?
You seem to think that you are some sort of an expert on the topic.
What the Hell is the KKKK? Cointelpro?

le Douanier said...


I'll bet ARM's number is zero.

Big Mike said...

I read up on Joe Rogan. He's entitled to his opinion. My impression was that he used as his criterion whether Aikido was any good inside the octagon. It isn't. It's a defensive martial art and not suited to attacking. Did you not see how awkward that Aikidoka looked trying to go on offense? OTOH if three people comparable to Joe in fighting skill attacked him simultaneously -- not sequentially like old Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris flicks -- then he'd be toast. A nidan or sandan or more senior Aikidoka is a decent bet to win.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
I'll bet ARM's number is zero.

Got me there. You're a sly one.

walter said...

Well Jelly,
What's your summary of that Rogan episode? I got to the point where Rick Rosse says his teachers passed him because he made no trouble and his buddy turns him onto "the new thig", crack.

le Douanier said...

Big M,

I know nothing about martial arts. I do watch some of the big UFC fights because I occasionally hang w/ folks who like to turn those into excuses for big gatherings, like football.

So, I'll assume you know what's what.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Robert Cook said...
I think all people named Birkel who post on this blogsite are silly hysteric nincompoops.

Leave Birkel alone.

walter said...

Birkel lives matter

le Douanier said...


I don't know. IIRC, the good parts could be boiled down to 20 mins. It was interesting to hear from a dude who moved more than a half a billion dollars of crack in the 80s, but couldn't read. After getting his third strike (life), he learned to read and eventually found a loophole that his Harvard lawyer missed, so he got out, eventually. He also, had a view that it was important to get to kids in the hood when they're young because after a certain age it's impossible to course correct. At one point Freeway explicitly described how his biz was distributed re different level buyers, which seemed like the hierarchy of a real business. He talked about driving a junky car, if he wanted to roll in a Ferrari, he'd borrow one from one of the folks who worked for him.

The thing that was consistent through all of the above and the entire interview was the low-key earnestness that defined Freeway's demeanor. I thought that was interesting.

Here's a new one that may be worth a try:


Dude drives a Mazda 6, goes around the world w/ a tent, hopes friends won't call him, and sits in front of a pair of speakers that cost $200 grand, w/o the other parts of the system. Odd.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I meet all kinds of people. I know some really hard core commies.
The commies I met in college.
The neo nazis I met in motorcycle gatherings.
They are all the same to me. Loudmouths who think that they are original thinkers.
Anyone who thinks Duke speaks for some organized group of racists is fuckin' nuts. The hard cores on that side look to the Aryan Brotherhood. Duke would shit his pants if he found himself alone in a room with those guys.

walter said...

Well..Henry..managed to carve out a niche in speechifyin'.Had to do something after a much older Iggy Pop shamed him at his own game (what Henry says).
It is interesting how well spoken Ross comes across, despite Joe or someone riding his mic level down so low. Damn racists..

le Douanier said...


At some point I recall Rogan going over and adjusting the mic.

One other thing about Henry was that he's read Coulter and Cheney and other cons, but he's still crazy lib. If nothing else, nobody can say he stays in a bubble.

Big Mike said...

@Lyin'PB, well I thank you. I think any martial art has to be evaluated on how good is your sensei, so how good is your training, and what is your criteria for success. My criteria is based on defending myself on what I'm apt to encounter on the street as a middle-aged or elderly man. Others might focus on different aspects or want to compete in Judo, karate tournaments, taekwondo, or octagons.

The thing about Aikido is that there are a lot of people who get caught up in the spiritual aspects of this martial art ("ki" is like the Chinese "chi," referring to a great force surrounding all living things*) and this goes back to Morihei Ueshiba, Osensei (the Great Teacher), who founded the martial art. This is where I assumed Joe was coming from. I had the great good fortune to study under a sensei who understood kinesiology, and who explained why the various throws worked and how to move so that your opponent's balance is in your hands. Other Aikido senseis are into meditation and teach the throws more like a magic incantation. But if Joe wants to complain that Aikido has no ability to attack, well, he's right. And that suits me right down to the soles of my feet.

* Sounds familiar to "Star Wars" fans?

walter said...

The Rollins brand would suffer should he stray..

walter said...

(As would Brand Russel)

wholelottasplainin said...

Upchuck said: " They were more interested in this being somehow a fulfillment of the "total and complete shutdown of all Muslims entering the United States."

"Which it isn't. As all of Trump's critics noted when he uttered that trashtalk, it was never going to happen."


So...what's yer beef? What DID happen, what Trump DID was smarter, more effective, practical and reasonable.

You gotta problem with that, too?

Did you have a problem with the "like your doctor, keep"....stuff?

And of course you leave out the rest of what Trump said, the "until we figure out what's going on" part.

Dull tool, man, dull tool.

And, of course, your mindless confreres like Robert Cook et al claim that (a) it's a ban against Muslims, AND (b)ask why it's NOT a ban against Muslims in Saudi and Egypt.

Cognitive dissonance doesn't slow you morons down one bit, does it?

wholelottasplainin said...

ARM: why not show us a map of all KKK chapters in America, and their membership?

C'mon, SHOW US how prevalent and numerous they are!!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Richard 🐸 Spencer Verified account

Refugees welcome, y'all #QuebecCity

Gospace said...

Slightly related topic: Shooting at a mosque in Quebec City. Eyewitnesses state attackers were yelling Allahu ackbar" during attack. Police have suspects in custody but haven't released names. Were the attackers being sarcastic? Or is it muslim on muslim? Or are the eyewitnesses mistaken as they often are? Place your bets and spin the wheel. First time we've seen this in North America, but likely not the last. Regardless of which scenario plays out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jay Elink said...
ARM: why not show us a map of all KKK chapters in America, and their membership?

C'mon, SHOW US how prevalent and numerous they are!!

1/29/17, 10:02 PM

ARM will never do that. Instead, he'll lie and evade and change the topic. He's a coward who can't deal with direct questions.

damikesc said...

Note that Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries with business ties to Trump are not on the list.

Note that they won't touch these refugees.

damikesc said...

There is no upside for us and a lot of potential downside. I don't feel that way about Hindus and Sikhs.

My view also. In the end, an immigration policy's only goal should be to improve the country.

"Dr David Duke, founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), described 2017 as the “greatest year ever” after Trump signed the executive order (banning muslims)."

"This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!", David Duke.

Odd that the CURRENT head of the KKK supported Clinton, ain't it?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
ARM will never do that.

On what planet would that be my responsibility. I made no claims beyond agreeing that I personally know none.

Anonymous said...

ARM now reduced to quoting the pathetic aging attention-whore David Duke as a serious, reliable source.

ARM, what's up? Your trolling has been way below your standards for the last couple of days, really shit-grade stuff.

You feeling OK? Hope you get out of your slump soon.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Thanks for your concern. I also quoted Richard Spencer, from the photos he seems quite young.

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