It is actually funny watching how much hate is thrown at Assange for revealing true records of Podesta and the DNC. He is guilty of exposing explosive Truth. His horrible record is that for eight years he has never published a single false item. Compare that with Intel-Agencies/ CIA whose greatest claim to fame is creating and protecting at all costs thousands of false narratives, cover stories, crazy making stalking and murders, all disguised.
The only thing Trump has done wrong is risk triggering the wet work squads of the "Patriotic" killers. But he has no fear, and that is not playing fair.
i think a lot of people are way ahead of Greenwald. The skepticism over the "intelligence communities'" conviction that there was a Russian hack is a good example. Clapper's testimony today did nothing to convince me that there is any proof that the Russians, rather than a Clinton staffer, were the hackers. The people are generally not as stupid as many in the MSM have convinced themselves. I do appreciate Greenwald's chapter and verse review of the fake news, regardless of what my overall opinion of him might be.
Well, whatever, but "least untruthful answer" Clapper & Co. showing up for the Senate show today just about made me doubt "the Russians" have hacked anything at all.
Julian Assange may be a dubious character, but that is better than leaving no doubt!
Wyden asked whether the National Security Agency (NSA) collected “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” The question clearly left Clapper uncomfortable, scratching his head and looking downward. But he replied, “No, sir….” Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect. But not wittingly.”
Drago's comment, leading this page, is so funny. I dare say that Althouse is going to find it as funny as I did.
Because, unbeknownst to "Drago," I emailed this link to Professor Althouse this afternoon. With little commentary apart from the fact that it was a very dense, very nuanced bit of writing by Glenn Greenwald. I said to Althouse that I often found Greenwald's writing objectionable, and also found it occasionally brilliant and incisive. I said that this column seemed to be trending, hard.
Little surprise; Althouse had looked at the column last night, before I sent her the link. She had already started to consider a blog post.
So Drago, I don't know what to make of you or your taunting, but I am rather satisfied to be on the same page with the hostess and proprietress of this wonderful blog.
To the rest of you, I suggest that you read the Greenwald column with an open mind. I say that to conservatives who resist anything coming from Glenn Greenwald. I say it to lefties who may have heard that Greenwald has gone off their reservation with his very recent writing on the mainstream media's bogus reporting on supposed Russia "hacking."
Read it; you are almost guaranteed to be interested, informed and surprised.
Except Drago. He knows everything already. Even the stuff that he obviously never knew.
The concept of fake or false news is both fake and false.
All news, even that labeled "true" by hucksters and earnest observers, is subject to scrutiny and revision, whereas Satanic propaganda has been around for so long calling it news, no matter the term or terms modifying, is news to me.
Regular old bullshit news: mainly fake but slightly false, with a smidgen of truth thrown in to fool the rubes and falsely naive fakers.
Gotta hand it to you Chuck, that's impressive. I'd read and bookmarked this piece off Drudge sometime this morning in my perusal of his page, and I found it to be a good read. The history and links within made it more than worth the archiving.
OK, so Greenwald and Assange, good progs both, are getting the lefty treatment for going off the reservation and devoting from The Narrative.
But, as yours truly has speculated before, what if the Russians really aren't behind the phishing and the "hacking"? What would they be thinking in the Kremlin about the ineptitude of the yankees and the willingness of US operatives to lie to the public and the cynicism of the US elite?
" yours truly has speculated before, what if the Russians really aren't behind the phishing and the 'hacking'?"
You state that as if you assume the Russian really or very probably are behind the phishing and the hacking. I don't. I assume they are not behind the phishing and the hacking...until proof is provided to the public that proves the Russians are behind it. The more they insist--without proof--the Russians did it, the more they convince me they're lying.
I'd ask why Obama is so worked up over Russia when China stole, what, a couple of millions people's personal data from the OPM. He didn't --- and still does not --- seem to give a shit about that.
To the rest of you, I suggest that you read the Greenwald column with an open mind. I say that to conservatives who resist anything coming from Glenn Greenwald. I say it to lefties who may have heard that Greenwald has gone off their reservation with his very recent writing on the mainstream media's bogus reporting on supposed Russia "hacking."
I do try to read Greenwald with an open mind. Don't agree a lot, but I do try to, at least, comprehend his argument. You get an unfair deal here, Chuck, but you're right.
Also, as conservatives, people need to actually understand what the "other side" is saying and arguing and it makes sense to find people who are, at least, consistent in their beliefs. We cannot mock Progressives who have, literally, no clue what conservatives think or believe if we cannot explain what Progs think or believe ourselves.
It's why I don't bash Cook here. More than just about anybody else, he is probably the most consistent poster here. I don't agree, but I know he means what he writes.
You state that as if you assume the Russian really or very probably are behind the phishing and the hacking. I don't. I assume they are not behind the phishing and the hacking...until proof is provided to the public that proves the Russians are behind it. The more they insist--without proof--the Russians did it, the more they convince me they're lying.
I think a lot of people seem unwilling to comprehend that tools developed in Russia does not mean that Russia actually used them. It'd be like blaming Germany for every single car wreck, because the first cars originated in Germany.
America has the most robust hacking operation in the world. Russia has a good one and the tools developed in Russia tend to get sold online to other hackers once those tools are defeated by state actors. There's an excellent chance that the "hacks" used here were originally from Russia.
It does not remotely mean Russia used them this time. I have serious doubts that they did and I do not get this "Rush to War" mentality of the Left over this. Even if EVERYTHING they said happened is true, I don't think this warrants a single troop.
I woke up this morning to BBC World News on the radio and they were saying that there was some sort of explosive evidence revealed yesterday, then proceeded to say nothing about what that evidence was. They played a clip of a Trump advisor saying he was no longer a Trump advisor but only because he was no longer an advisor, his role in the transition was over, not that he resigned or anything over the supposed Russian hacks. Then the commentator/news reader said the man was being diplomatic. What exactly got revealed yesterday that was so shocking or different than the stuff that has been slung about all along?
"There's an excellent chance that the "hacks" used here were originally from Russia."
-- My understanding is that there were zero "hacks" in the traditional sense; just bad password security and possible physical access to the "hacked" system by people with legitimate permissions.
Dems apparent desperate need to brand all Podesta e-mails as coming from "Russian hacks of our election" is an out of proportion cover up. But everybody in DC's CIA complex is waiting for the other shoe to fall out of the NYPD's seizure of the Weiner & Abedin computers.
The FBI now says they never investigated them at all , but turned that job over to an outside contractor out of fear. And the NSA and the CIA have had a running gun battle for access to an NSA secret computer complex in NYC, located 2 miles from Trump Tower. But we will not likely see anything on it, because secret blackmail material used to control others is the DC currency, which once revealed loses its power.
Meanwhile Trump's guys are taunting the Dems by wearing a Secret Service ID Lapel Pin that looks like a slice of pizza. That SOB Trump cannot be bought or controlled by blackmail.
You get an unfair deal here, Chuck, but you're right.
No Mike, I think I get a fair deal here because I am treated fairly (graciously, it would be better said) by the one person who matters: Althouse.
I am frustrated by spammish attacks on me from a very small handful of commenters, that I "supported Hillary," that I am a Democrat supporter, et cetera. But those folks don't matter, and Ann Althouse does.
I thank you very sincerely for your comment. You are someone who seems to bring a lot to the table, and while we may disagree occasionally, I never see you making outlandish personal attacks, and so I hope and expect that you will find me treating you with the same respect.
JON KARL, ABC: So when the Chinese hacked OPM in 2015, 21+ million current and former government employees and contractors had their personal data stolen by the Chinese. Why did the White House do nothing publicly in reaction to that hack? Which in some ways, was even more widespread than what we saw here from the Russians?
JOSH EARNEST: These are two cyber incidents that are malicious in nature but materially different.
KARL: 20 million people had their personal data taken... fingerprints, social security numbers, background checks. This was a far-reaching act--
EARNEST: I'm not downplaying the significance of it, I'm just saying that it is different than seeking to interfere int he conduct of a U.S. national election. I can't speak to the steps that have been taken by the United States in response to that Chinese malicious cyber activity--
KARL: But nothing was announced. There was not a single step announced by the White House. '
EARNEST: It is true that there was no public announcement about our response, but I can't speak to what response may have been initiated in private.
KARL: But no diplomats expelled, no compounds shut down, no sanctions imposed, correct?
You don't do that stuff secretly. Karl asks Earnest the question. Earnest fumbles the answer pretty badly.
There are such good answers to this whole "hacking" kerfuffle. There is of course no evidence that any votes were miscounted, not counted or changed by any Russian "hacking."
And mostly, Trump isn't doing any of the good answers. Trump is doing the "Well, the CIA was wrong about WMD's" kinds of answers. In 140 characters.
I read this today on ACE of Spades blogsite. It too speaks for itself and for me:
I have watched people on this blog chase after Russian boogiemen these past few days with more fervor than a leprechaun after his Lucky Charms. Why are you doing this? Why are you buying this narrative that is being pushed by Democrats? Democrats like Hillary Clinton who's SOP is to lie and blame their failures on others. These are the same Democrats who lied about Benghazi to grieving families and blamed a video. Or how they lied about Hillary's private email server in the bathroom. That nothing but yoga emails were on it when in fact it seemed everyone was hacking it to read classified government documents. So again I have to ask, why should I, or anyone, believe these same Democrats now? They are courting war with a bellicose Russia instead of admitting that all their cheating still did not get Hillary elected.
The MSM and Intelligence network are trying to cover up the contents of the Wikileaks emails, such as the Treason of pay for play done by the Clinton Foundation during the time the Crooked Old Lady was SOS (SOS in violation of the emoluments clause), the fixing of the election in favor of HRC, debate questions pre-given to HRC, media members colluding with the Crooked Old Lady campaign, and of course pedophile activity involving John Podesta. They are also covering up the FACT that the Usurper Birth Certificate at has been definitively found to be an utter fake, copied whole cloth in some areas from a real birth certificate from 16 days later.
The whole Presidency of the Usurper is now found to be an absolute fraud perpetrated on we the people by the scum in our government and the 4th Estate. Of course I was right all along, and the "law prof" STILL refuses to acknowledge her complete failure as an alt media journalist, and as a "law prof" (she voted for the Usurper).
What is the penalty for Treason?
They are desperate to cover up these things that NO ONE HAS DENIED (because they are true).
There is no proof that the Russians were involved in "hacking" or changing the results of the election, despite the desperate narrative (which continually changes) put forth by the politicized "Intelligence" network of the US, and by the lapdog media.
In fact the DNC says that the FBI NEVER INSPECTED THE DNC SERVER, and that the actual study was done by a 3rd party. You mean to say that the Intelligence network is recommending sanctions on Russia and Obama has put troops on the Russian border, and has issued sanctions, based on an investigation done by a private 3rd party?
Jeezus, Mick; it just occurred to me that the Trump years are going to be easier for me, than they will be for you.
You are NEVER going to get a President who subscribes to all the batshit nuttiness to which you devote yourself. You'll go on, listening to Alex Jones and all of that freakish conspiracy crap, and you will always be frustrated and tilting at the Tea Party windmills. You'll be raging at the fact that Clintons aren't in jail, and Vince Foster's "murder" remains unsolved, and that we can no longer impeach the Kenyan-born Barack Obama because his two terms are over.
Meanwhile, I am going to luxuriate in twin GOP majorities, and replacement of Justice Scalia that might just be worthy of the seat. And Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.
Ford, GM and FCA will still be making cars, and will be freed from the worst of the Obama-era EPA constraints. There won't be any fucking wall, and no mass deportations, and no Muslim ban. We'll grow the economy at a little better than 3%, which might actually drive Mexican immigration back up again (after falling during much of the Obama Adminstration) for the simple reason that the U.S. economy will be picking up steam.
Republican majorities will figure out some improvements in the tax code, but they will also figure out that erasing the Affordable Care Act is not doable. And instead they will work around it, passing good Republican reforms like medical malpractice tort reform.
I really think I am going to like Trump more than you will, Mick. You can read his Tweets and get off on those. I'll ignore Twitter, and think about the U.S. Code.
"I really think I am going to like Trump more than you will, Mick. You can read his Tweets and get off on those. I'll ignore Twitter, and think about the U.S. Code".
So you are saying that the Crooked old lady did not sell her office to foreign interests, or that the DNC fixed the primary for her, or that the media colluded with her, or that she was fed the debate questions beforehand? Notice no one is talking about that now...
As for Podesta, the evidence is there that he is a depraved pedophile and he has not denied it, and has been basically in hiding. If true, what does that say about the Usurper, whom he served as Chief of staff?
SUUUUURE you are a "lifetime Republican". How does it feel to be a bootlicker of the Usurper, who has posted a fake birth certificate at
Mick, the difference between us is that I am not going to worry about any of that. I am going to worry about healthcare, and federal judicial nominations, and CAFE standards for auto manufacturers, and tort reform.
I am going to try to forget the Clintons and the Obamas.
And in fact, I hope that Trump gets nowhere close to the kind of "usurping" of the executive/legislative balance, that Obama engaged in.
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Uh oh.
"lifelong republican" Chuck is not going to like this. Not one bit.
Green wale should create a section on his site for the WaPo. He could call the section The Pick Six
Broken clock syndrome
Deep Plunger exposed WaterCloset and upstaged the partisan Washington Post.
Leftists love them some WaPo. The real fake news - home of the DNC.
It is actually funny watching how much hate is thrown at Assange for revealing true records of Podesta and the DNC. He is guilty of exposing explosive Truth. His horrible record is that for eight years he has never published a single false item. Compare that with Intel-Agencies/ CIA whose greatest claim to fame is creating and protecting at all costs thousands of false narratives, cover stories, crazy making stalking and murders, all disguised.
The only thing Trump has done wrong is risk triggering the wet work squads of the "Patriotic" killers. But he has no fear, and that is not playing fair.
i think a lot of people are way ahead of Greenwald. The skepticism over the "intelligence communities'" conviction that there was a Russian hack is a good example. Clapper's testimony today did nothing to convince me that there is any proof that the Russians, rather than a Clinton staffer, were the hackers. The people are generally not as stupid as many in the MSM have convinced themselves. I do appreciate Greenwald's chapter and verse review of the fake news, regardless of what my overall opinion of him might be.
I'm damned if I can think of a major issue in my lifetime that the CIA got right. The CIA is "special", IYKWIMAITYD.
Yeah they ginned up war in 2002 all it's Aleppo: "OMG somebody dooo something!" and here we go again...
Well, whatever, but "least untruthful answer" Clapper & Co. showing up for the Senate show today just about made me doubt "the Russians" have hacked anything at all.
Julian Assange may be a dubious character, but that is better than leaving no doubt!
First thing I would've asked Clapper: Are you lying? Because, you know, you did that already.
Clapper tries not to lie willingly.
Wyden asked whether the National Security Agency (NSA) collected “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” The question clearly left Clapper uncomfortable, scratching his head and looking downward. But he replied, “No, sir….” Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect. But not wittingly.”
Drago's comment, leading this page, is so funny. I dare say that Althouse is going to find it as funny as I did.
Because, unbeknownst to "Drago," I emailed this link to Professor Althouse this afternoon. With little commentary apart from the fact that it was a very dense, very nuanced bit of writing by Glenn Greenwald. I said to Althouse that I often found Greenwald's writing objectionable, and also found it occasionally brilliant and incisive. I said that this column seemed to be trending, hard.
Little surprise; Althouse had looked at the column last night, before I sent her the link. She had already started to consider a blog post.
So Drago, I don't know what to make of you or your taunting, but I am rather satisfied to be on the same page with the hostess and proprietress of this wonderful blog.
To the rest of you, I suggest that you read the Greenwald column with an open mind. I say that to conservatives who resist anything coming from Glenn Greenwald. I say it to lefties who may have heard that Greenwald has gone off their reservation with his very recent writing on the mainstream media's bogus reporting on supposed Russia "hacking."
Read it; you are almost guaranteed to be interested, informed and surprised.
Except Drago. He knows everything already. Even the stuff that he obviously never knew.
The concept of fake or false news is both fake and false.
All news, even that labeled "true" by hucksters and earnest observers, is subject to scrutiny and revision, whereas Satanic propaganda has been around for so long calling it news, no matter the term or terms modifying, is news to me.
Regular old bullshit news: mainly fake but slightly false, with a smidgen of truth thrown in to fool the rubes and falsely naive fakers.
Gotta hand it to you Chuck, that's impressive. I'd read and bookmarked this piece off Drudge sometime this morning in my perusal of his page, and I found it to be a good read. The history and links within made it more than worth the archiving.
OK, so Greenwald and Assange, good progs both, are getting the lefty treatment for going off the reservation and devoting from The Narrative.
But, as yours truly has speculated before, what if the Russians really aren't behind the phishing and the "hacking"? What would they be thinking in the Kremlin about the ineptitude of the yankees and the willingness of US operatives to lie to the public and the cynicism of the US elite?
"lifelong republican" Chuck: " Even the stuff that he obviously never knew."
And what would be the "stuff" I obviously never knew, and how did you establish that?
Gee, it's almost as if you never knew and don't know what I've ever known or do know yet felt compelled to right it anyway!
Well played MI electoral genius. Well played.
" yours truly has speculated before, what if the Russians really aren't behind the phishing and the 'hacking'?"
You state that as if you assume the Russian really or very probably are behind the phishing and the hacking. I don't. I assume they are not behind the phishing and the hacking...until proof is provided to the public that proves the Russians are behind it. The more they insist--without proof--the Russians did it, the more they convince me they're lying.
I'd ask why Obama is so worked up over Russia when China stole, what, a couple of millions people's personal data from the OPM. He didn't --- and still does not --- seem to give a shit about that.
To the rest of you, I suggest that you read the Greenwald column with an open mind. I say that to conservatives who resist anything coming from Glenn Greenwald. I say it to lefties who may have heard that Greenwald has gone off their reservation with his very recent writing on the mainstream media's bogus reporting on supposed Russia "hacking."
I do try to read Greenwald with an open mind. Don't agree a lot, but I do try to, at least, comprehend his argument. You get an unfair deal here, Chuck, but you're right.
Also, as conservatives, people need to actually understand what the "other side" is saying and arguing and it makes sense to find people who are, at least, consistent in their beliefs. We cannot mock Progressives who have, literally, no clue what conservatives think or believe if we cannot explain what Progs think or believe ourselves.
It's why I don't bash Cook here. More than just about anybody else, he is probably the most consistent poster here. I don't agree, but I know he means what he writes.
You state that as if you assume the Russian really or very probably are behind the phishing and the hacking. I don't. I assume they are not behind the phishing and the hacking...until proof is provided to the public that proves the Russians are behind it. The more they insist--without proof--the Russians did it, the more they convince me they're lying.
I think a lot of people seem unwilling to comprehend that tools developed in Russia does not mean that Russia actually used them. It'd be like blaming Germany for every single car wreck, because the first cars originated in Germany.
America has the most robust hacking operation in the world. Russia has a good one and the tools developed in Russia tend to get sold online to other hackers once those tools are defeated by state actors. There's an excellent chance that the "hacks" used here were originally from Russia.
It does not remotely mean Russia used them this time. I have serious doubts that they did and I do not get this "Rush to War" mentality of the Left over this. Even if EVERYTHING they said happened is true, I don't think this warrants a single troop.
I woke up this morning to BBC World News on the radio and they were saying that there was some sort of explosive evidence revealed yesterday, then proceeded to say nothing about what that evidence was. They played a clip of a Trump advisor saying he was no longer a Trump advisor but only because he was no longer an advisor, his role in the transition was over, not that he resigned or anything over the supposed Russian hacks. Then the commentator/news reader said the man was being diplomatic. What exactly got revealed yesterday that was so shocking or different than the stuff that has been slung about all along?
"There's an excellent chance that the "hacks" used here were originally from Russia."
-- My understanding is that there were zero "hacks" in the traditional sense; just bad password security and possible physical access to the "hacked" system by people with legitimate permissions.
Dems apparent desperate need to brand all Podesta e-mails as coming from "Russian hacks of our election" is an out of proportion cover up. But everybody in DC's CIA complex is waiting for the other shoe to fall out of the NYPD's seizure of the Weiner & Abedin computers.
The FBI now says they never investigated them at all , but turned that job over to an outside contractor out of fear. And the NSA and the CIA have had a running gun battle for access to an NSA secret computer complex in NYC, located 2 miles from Trump Tower. But we will not likely see anything on it, because secret blackmail material used to control others is the DC currency, which once revealed loses its power.
Meanwhile Trump's guys are taunting the Dems by wearing a Secret Service ID Lapel Pin that looks like a slice of pizza. That SOB Trump cannot be bought or controlled by blackmail.
Stay tuned.
It needs to be mentioned, every time this comes up.
Obama did not give one iota of a shit when China stole the personal records of 4M people from their OPM hack.
Fucking over 4M people is fine.
Fucking over DEMOCRATS is a crisis.
You get an unfair deal here, Chuck, but you're right.
No Mike, I think I get a fair deal here because I am treated fairly (graciously, it would be better said) by the one person who matters: Althouse.
I am frustrated by spammish attacks on me from a very small handful of commenters, that I "supported Hillary," that I am a Democrat supporter, et cetera. But those folks don't matter, and Ann Althouse does.
I thank you very sincerely for your comment. You are someone who seems to bring a lot to the table, and while we may disagree occasionally, I never see you making outlandish personal attacks, and so I hope and expect that you will find me treating you with the same respect.
JON KARL, ABC: So when the Chinese hacked OPM in 2015, 21+ million current and former government employees and contractors had their personal data stolen by the Chinese. Why did the White House do nothing publicly in reaction to that hack? Which in some ways, was even more widespread than what we saw here from the Russians?
JOSH EARNEST: These are two cyber incidents that are malicious in nature but materially different.
KARL: 20 million people had their personal data taken... fingerprints, social security numbers, background checks. This was a far-reaching act--
EARNEST: I'm not downplaying the significance of it, I'm just saying that it is different than seeking to interfere int he conduct of a U.S. national election. I can't speak to the steps that have been taken by the United States in response to that Chinese malicious cyber activity--
KARL: But nothing was announced. There was not a single step announced by the White House. '
EARNEST: It is true that there was no public announcement about our response, but I can't speak to what response may have been initiated in private.
KARL: But no diplomats expelled, no compounds shut down, no sanctions imposed, correct?
You don't do that stuff secretly.
Karl asks Earnest the question. Earnest fumbles the answer pretty badly.
Great post, damikesc.
There are such good answers to this whole "hacking" kerfuffle. There is of course no evidence that any votes were miscounted, not counted or changed by any Russian "hacking."
And mostly, Trump isn't doing any of the good answers. Trump is doing the "Well, the CIA was wrong about WMD's" kinds of answers. In 140 characters.
I read this today on ACE of Spades blogsite. It too speaks for itself and for me:
I have watched people on this blog chase after Russian boogiemen these past few days with more fervor than a leprechaun after his Lucky Charms. Why are you doing this? Why are you buying this narrative that is being pushed by Democrats? Democrats like Hillary Clinton who's SOP is to lie and blame their failures on others. These are the same Democrats who lied about Benghazi to grieving families and blamed a video. Or how they lied about Hillary's private email server in the bathroom. That nothing but yoga emails were on it when in fact it seemed everyone was hacking it to read classified government documents. So again I have to ask, why should I, or anyone, believe these same Democrats now? They are courting war with a bellicose Russia instead of admitting that all their cheating still did not get Hillary elected.
MSM is the "Real Fake News".
The MSM and Intelligence network are trying to cover up the contents of the Wikileaks emails, such as the Treason of pay for play done by the Clinton Foundation during the time the Crooked Old Lady was SOS (SOS in violation of the emoluments clause), the fixing of the election in favor of HRC, debate questions pre-given to HRC, media members colluding with the Crooked Old Lady campaign, and of course pedophile activity involving John Podesta. They are also covering up the FACT that the Usurper Birth Certificate at has been definitively found to be an utter fake, copied whole cloth in some areas from a real birth certificate from 16 days later.
The whole Presidency of the Usurper is now found to be an absolute fraud perpetrated on we the people by the scum in our government and the 4th Estate. Of course I was right all along, and the "law prof" STILL refuses to acknowledge her complete failure as an alt media journalist, and as a "law prof" (she voted for the Usurper).
What is the penalty for Treason?
They are desperate to cover up these things that NO ONE HAS DENIED (because they are true).
There is no proof that the Russians were involved in "hacking" or changing the results of the election, despite the desperate narrative (which continually changes) put forth by the politicized "Intelligence" network of the US, and by the lapdog media.
In fact the DNC says that the FBI NEVER INSPECTED THE DNC SERVER, and that the actual study was done by a 3rd party. You mean to say that the Intelligence network is recommending sanctions on Russia and Obama has put troops on the Russian border, and has issued
sanctions, based on an investigation done by a private 3rd party?
Jeezus, Mick; it just occurred to me that the Trump years are going to be easier for me, than they will be for you.
You are NEVER going to get a President who subscribes to all the batshit nuttiness to which you devote yourself. You'll go on, listening to Alex Jones and all of that freakish conspiracy crap, and you will always be frustrated and tilting at the Tea Party windmills. You'll be raging at the fact that Clintons aren't in jail, and Vince Foster's "murder" remains unsolved, and that we can no longer impeach the Kenyan-born Barack Obama because his two terms are over.
Meanwhile, I am going to luxuriate in twin GOP majorities, and replacement of Justice Scalia that might just be worthy of the seat. And Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.
Ford, GM and FCA will still be making cars, and will be freed from the worst of the Obama-era EPA constraints. There won't be any fucking wall, and no mass deportations, and no Muslim ban. We'll grow the economy at a little better than 3%, which might actually drive Mexican immigration back up again (after falling during much of the Obama Adminstration) for the simple reason that the U.S. economy will be picking up steam.
Republican majorities will figure out some improvements in the tax code, but they will also figure out that erasing the Affordable Care Act is not doable. And instead they will work around it, passing good Republican reforms like medical malpractice tort reform.
I really think I am going to like Trump more than you will, Mick. You can read his Tweets and get off on those. I'll ignore Twitter, and think about the U.S. Code.
"I really think I am going to like Trump more than you will, Mick. You can read his Tweets and get off on those. I'll ignore Twitter, and think about the U.S. Code".
So you are saying that the Crooked old lady did not sell her office to foreign interests, or that the DNC fixed the primary for her, or that the media colluded with her, or that she was fed the debate questions beforehand? Notice no one is talking about that now...
As for Podesta, the evidence is there that he is a depraved pedophile and he has not denied it, and has been basically in hiding. If true, what does that say about the Usurper, whom he served as Chief of staff?
SUUUUURE you are a "lifetime Republican". How does it feel to be a bootlicker of the Usurper, who has posted a fake birth certificate at
Mick, the difference between us is that I am not going to worry about any of that. I am going to worry about healthcare, and federal judicial nominations, and CAFE standards for auto manufacturers, and tort reform.
I am going to try to forget the Clintons and the Obamas.
And in fact, I hope that Trump gets nowhere close to the kind of "usurping" of the executive/legislative balance, that Obama engaged in.
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