January 13, 2017

Paul Anka takes the highway.

It won't be "My Way."

Who got to him?


Curious George said...

What a pussy.

Carter Wood said...

Who got to him? Diana.

Michael K said...

Somebody is orchestrating this. It would be interesting to learn who.

We are approaching coup d'etat territory now.

Maybe there are a few patriots below the level of political appointees.

Bay Area Guy said...

Who got to him? His Hollywood friends

Curious George said...

"Michael K said...
Somebody is orchestrating this. It would be interesting to learn who.

We are approaching coup d'etat territory now."

Coup d' etat? Seriously do not go off the deep end like the left. We need you man.

David said...

Mostly he got to himself.

Or maybe he is not in good voice. Yeah, that's it.

traditionalguy said...

People do what you want them to do for you out of love or out of fear. Since he loved his old friend Donald, he must have faced threats creating a FEAR of some event happening or secret being disclosed. That comes from the Clinton playbook 101.

buwaya said...

"Somebody is orchestrating this. It would be interesting to learn who."

Yes indeed. Not coup d'etat territory, but there is an organized system.
See the behavior of the press.
Paranoia, up to a point, is simply common sense.

wildswan said...

I started to do it my way but then I did it their way because highway

wildswan said...

I started to do it my way but then I did it their way because highway

Crimso said...

Trump nixed the shirts.

And Joe finally showed up. Turns out he's a Never-Trumper and talked Anka out of it.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Paul Anka changing his decision to perform is further evidence of the Generals taking over power?

Koo koo da coup.

Man, it's crazy out here.

buwaya said...

"he must have faced threats creating a FEAR of some event happening or secret being disclosed."

Yes. Its unlikely that a man in his 70's who really isn't performing and who is living on his assets could be pressured by "you won't work in this town again".
He does however have children, in-laws, and grandchildren.

John said...

Who got to him?: Christopher Steele

boycat said...

Somebody is orchestrating this. It would be interesting to learn who

Maybe Trump himself.

buwaya said...

"Paul Anka changing his decision to perform is further evidence of the Generals taking over power?'

Not the generals, but most certainly a cabal of powerful people who are coordinating actions to further, or currently, to protect their interests. There is no other reasonable explanation why organizations with entirely different ownership structures so regularly seem to coordinate action and even details of messaging.

mockturtle said...

And people thought HUAC was coercive.

madAsHell said...

Somebody is orchestrating this.

I'm really surprised you would suggest this. Conspiracy is always easiest to see in the vacuum of facts, and a dearth of facts is all we have. Other than that, I enjoy reading most everything you write.

I would've guessed that Paul Anka has his "fuck you" money, and doesn't need to kow-tow to the Hollywood mind set.
I also see that he has six kids, and at least one in show business. Maybe the kids told him to stand down.

Bay Area Guy said...

At this rate, we'll have to settle for Clint Eastwood or Sylvester Stallone playing the Banjo at the Inauguration.

madAsHell said...

CNN is reporting that Cher will be replacing Paul Anka at the Trump inauguration.

GWash said...

lol... you folks are funny... there's a conspiracy behind every event... paranoid much? i guess hillary has the compromising pictures ... coup d'etat? funny.. and trumpmeister doing it himself for the paranoid sympathy vote? what?

buwaya said...

"Conspiracy is always easiest to see in the vacuum of facts"

Most of what we have to work with is incomplete information. And its certain, to a student of history, that a great deal passes unknown to the public, unrecorded, and entirely obscure while it was going on. On this business we have quite a lot of information actually, relatively speaking.

madAsHell said...

Update: CNN is now reporting that Cher will be singing at the Obama farewell party. Her play list will include "Half-Breed", and "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves".

Nonapod said...

I've always found it very hard to care about inaugural parties. They always seem needlessly ostentatious (so, right up Trump's alley I guess). Why do people care so much about who plays them?

buwaya said...

"there's a conspiracy behind every event... paranoid much?"

There are causes behind every event. If you see a pattern, or patterns, of behavior, then its perfectly reasonable to assume a likely common cause. You do this when diagnosing disease or determining a pattern of failure in some mechanism. It doesn't tell you, at a cellular or metallurgical level precisely whats happening, but thats definitely step 1 in knowing where to look.

victoria said...

Seriously? You all think someone got to him to get him to pull out of the inauguration?
Please, he is not influential enough or popular enough to warrant interference and, could it be that people just don't want to perform at the inauguration?

I know that possibility will just blow some peoples minds but.....Maybe they don't WANT to.

Vicki from Pasadena

Wilbur said...

Maybe he'll show up and sing "Take the Highway", my fave Marshall Tucker song.

madAsHell said...

that a great deal passes unknown to the public, unrecorded, and entirely obscure while it was going on

The last eight years has been a crisis in competence. I just don't see ANY of those players being competent, or capable of holding a conspiracy together. See Hillary's home brew email system.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, I think the trolling of saying he'd do it had the intended effect. Actually singing it would be gauche. Which doesn't mean that Trump wouldn't be all for it, but who knows.

Michael K said...

"Seriously do not go off the deep end like the left."

OK. Would you believe a retired career foreign service officer ?

I don't know the origins of this trash report. There are stories out there about an ex-MI6 man engaged by NeverTrumpers in the GOP to do "oppo" research. He, apparently, claimed to have anonymous well-placed sources in Moscow who provided him all sorts of lurid details of Trump's behavior while in Moscow for a beauty pageant and of Trump's alleged financial links to the Russians. Once Trump won the primary, this version goes, our intrepid Brit then flogged his story to the Dems, and even to some media. Another version has the story being made up out of whole cloth on a website and basically trolled to the Dems and the media. I don't know.

The names are starting to trickle out.

Kim Strassel, whose reporting is always excelletn, has some names.

We traced this investigator to an opposition-research chop shop called Fusion GPS.

Fusion is run by a former Wall Street Journal reporter, Glenn Simpson. When we asked how he could justify dumpster-diving into the divorce records of private citizens, he said only that Mr. VanderSloot was a “legitimate” target. He refused to tell us who’d paid him to do this slumming, and federal records didn’t show any payments to Fusion from prominent Democratic groups or campaigns. The money may well have been washed through third-party groups.

Why does this matter? Guess who is behind that dossier against Mr. Trump: Fusion GPS. A Republican donor who opposed Mr. Trump during the primaries hired Fusion to create a file on “the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses,” according to the New York Times. After Mr. Trump won the GOP race, that donor pulled the plug. Fusion then seamlessly made its product available to “new clients”

There is more to come.

I didn't say the coup would be successful. Not like the one that took Nixon out.

We now know that Mark Felt, who died last week, was the “Deep Throat” source for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their coverage of the Watergate scandal. Felt was the number #3 man in the FBI hierarchy at the time J. Edgar Hoover died. He expected to be named as Hoover’s successor but Nixon appointed an outsider, L Patrick Gray. Gray had had an outstanding career but was vilified in the Watergate story. He never spoke of it again until he commented on Felt’s admission of his role three years ago.

Trump will not be as easy to take down as Nixon was even though he is as hated as Nixon was.

Some people might get hurt, though.

buwaya said...

"people just don't want to perform at the inauguration?"

ALL people in entertainment, including many who were his political supporters or who mainly sell into the market of his political supporters? This seems very unlikely.

Granted this is a not-too important bit of propaganda, but its clear that someone is working quite hard to make a propaganda point during a propaganda event. Part of the great cultural-economic power struggle.

bagoh20 said...

"Anka says that Trump is a long-time friend of his and personally invited him to perform at the inauguration gala ball at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, where he would have perform “My Way” as Trump danced with his wife, Melania. Instead, Anka had to cancel due to a scheduling change in an ongoing custody case for his son. Anka said that he had always been planning to perform on Jan. 20 “for the office and for our country.” ~ Yahoo News

buwaya said...

"I just don't see ANY of those players being competent"

You are looking at the pawns and tools. Those are not "players".
The "players" made a gross error in choosing at least one tool, but failures in other ways assume, perhaps wrongly, what the objectives actually are.

buwaya said...

"Anka had to cancel due to a scheduling change in an ongoing custody case for his son. "

The kids are the levers. Works all the time.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Grab him by the pussy

SayAahh said...

Trump's 37% approval rating pre-inauguration.
Not enough remaining to make it worth Anka's time plus there is the personal safety risk.

samsondale said...

"Anka had to cancel due to a scheduling change in an ongoing custody case for his son. "

Is it the "Having My Baby" kid?

Krumhorn said...

The lefties are behaving like Scientologists when a congregant attempts to leave the fold. This is also how the warmingists (but I'm being redundant)operate when anyone dissents from the 'consensus'. This was borne out in the Climategate emails and more recently in the Podesta emails. The looselugnut libruls are ruthless bullies.

- Krumhorn

samsondale said...

"Anka had to cancel due to a scheduling change in an ongoing custody case for his son. "

Is it the "Having My Baby" kid?

Nonapod said...

If I entertain the notion that there's an organized conspiracy against Trump within the US Intelligence Community or whatever... and this group was behind the recent events, then I can only conclude that they failed pretty badly and embarrassingly.

People seem to have a very difficult time understanding that the standard attacks that would destroy normal politicians not only have no effect on Trump, but often actually increase his popularity. It's odd. It's like they haven't been paying attention at all or something.

Drago said...

SayAahh: "Trump's 37% approval rating pre-inauguration."

Ah yes. Of course.

Come get your approved polls here! Fresh off the griddle! Guaranteed satisfaction! Much improved over our polls from 2 months ago! Would we steer you wrong? Seriously guys, this time you can believe us and THIS time it MATTERS!!

There really aren't enough safe spaces for all the lefties, are there?

GWash said...

nonapod... first trump's popularity is decreasing not increasing... and sooner or later his personality and egotism is going to catch up to him... he's really only been around a short period of time (in this realm).. he is a master showman but he will get his comeuppance... just a matter of time.. a person so full of himself always self destructs... watch your wallets the republicans are coming for them...

Comanche Voter said...

How about a Lincoln style inauguration? Since when was it necessary for a Presidential inauguration to be a reprise of a Super Bowl half time show with some superannuated female singer shaking her booty and grabbing her crotch before there was a wardrobe malfunction? Throw in some marching bands, dancing elephants and a buncha clowns (no need for that, the Democrats will be there), and you've got the equivalent of a bad Super Bowl half time show.

DanTheMan said...

Remember when blacklists were a *bad* thing in Hollywood?

Rosalyn C. said...

If he has a custody battle he probably is worried, and rightly so, how a "Leftist" judge would be biased against him for singing at the Inauguration.

n.n said...

The kids are the levers. Works all the time.

It worked with Perot.

wendybar said...

Liberals, or progressives, or communists or whatever they call themselves these days suck....I hope the same thing that has always happened with progressives in history happens again, and they scurry into their little rat holes

Nonapod said...

After this past election I put about as much stock in the validity and meaningfulness of approval rating polls as I would in phrenology or a seance. I mean, I don't know where the error is but clearly there's something deeply flawed about them.

YoungHegelian said...

Sadly, the NeverTrumpers will win these little victories such as boycotting the inauguration, but they will lose the war.

The Americans who voted for Trump, many very reluctantly, now see themselves vilified by a cultural Left that can be called, without hyperbole, "frothing at the mouth". They now understand, it's war. The Left will not give quarter & wants nothing less than full throated assent to the twists & turns of the party line. Sides have to be chosen, because if you don't choose a side, one side or the other will choose your side for you, often to your considerable disadvantage.

What amazes me is that the Left feels so sure of victory, in spite of the state map by party & their incompetence in the election, that they feel confident enough to start this cultural war. I really think it's one they are going to lose. It's not going to help the country in general, but it's really not going to help them. Cultural boycotts can go both ways, and their economic base is geographically & industrially shakier than the heartland Right's.

lemondog said...

If Donald pays me enough $$$$$ I will lip sync My Way to the music of the celeb he prefers.

Michael K said...

and sooner or later his personality and egotism is going to catch up to him... he's really only been around a short period of time (in this realm).

Gwash, do you have any stock picks to offer ? I'm always in the market for a guy (sorry a xe) who can predict the future.

How is your record ? Did you do better than Soros ?

Michael K said...

Cultural boycotts can go both ways, and their economic base is geographically & industrially shakier than the heartland Right's.

California, always an indicator of the left's prosperity and financial success, is having a big budget deficit this year.

The state is totally dependent on high taxes on the leftist "knowledge economy" like Google and Silicon Valley.

The Middle Class is leaving and the poor, one third of the state now, are not paying taxes.

Do parasites always kill their hosts ? Eric Holder better cash those checks quick.

GWash said...

young, i don't buy your assessment of the state of affairs... first for the 1000th time 3 million more of your fellow citizens voted for hillary and a couple of million more voted 'not trump'... we are supposed to be on the same team here.. we are all in the same boat so there is no cultural 'war'.. my guess is that culturally you are closer to your fellow american leftists than you are to any other cultural group... i think that a lot of folks that voted for trump did so NOT because they supported his policies (if you can figure out what his policies were) but because they wanted a change from the same old same old.. there is no victory unless we all win.. that is, unless YOU want to eliminate people that disagree with you... the younger generation is more liberal (and will remain that way) and the country as a whole is more centrist than the current party masquerading as republicans...

Kevin said...

No, the custody case is not the "having my baby" kid, since the song was released in 1975 so the kid would be at least 40 years old.

FullMoon said...

GWash said... [hush]​[hide comment]

nonapod... first trump's popularity is decreasing not increasing... and sooner or later his personality and egotism is going to catch up to him... he's really only been around a short period of time (in this realm).. he is a master showman but he will get his comeuppance... just a matter of time.. a person so full of himself always self destructs... watch your wallets the republicans are coming for them...

OMG! Will the rethuglicans kill medicare and social security, again?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Paul Anka wants to distance himself from Trump because of the rumors of a Trump/ Putin connection. Maybe we'll be seeing more people jumping ship before long, who knows?

buwaya said...

"Trump's 37% approval rating pre-inauguration."

Well, this is the point of the whole thing really.
People are creatures of fashion and consensus. Its a human fault, except among us evolved alien Vulcan Catholics of course.

If some charismatic person publicly approves of some other person, that is persuasive and leads to some "approval". If "nobody likes Trump" then fewer will like Trump, or change their negative impression. This endorsement game didn't work on its own in the election, even with the massively lopsided celebrity endorsement balance, but that doesn't mean its not a factor, it may simply have been overwhelmed by other factors. The non-endorsement game is the mirror image.

buwaya said...

"Anka had to cancel due to a scheduling change in an ongoing custody case for his son. "

Interesting that he said this. I suspect this bit is much like the kidnap victim blinking in morse code on the video sent by the kidnappers. He's letting everyone know how they got to him.

When you are dealing with this level of corruption and impunity, this is the sort of thing that you have to consider.

GWash said...

buwaya, is the 'level of corruption' going to decrease or increase after 1/20? just curious to see if its 'them' that are corrupt?

Anonymous said...

Anka belatedly realized that he and Trump can't both be the only important one on that stage.

sojerofgod said...

I believe that it was Ben Stein who said after the Rodney King events that White middle Americans don't riot in the streets, they riot at the ballot box...

Well sports fans, you just experienced a major riot in November and I don't believe that it is over. For the last six months I have tried to engage people I meet in a business or social setting about the election and in most cases I got mostly noncommittal answers and wary looks. My conclusion, people were PISSED but had seen so many careers destroyed and had seen such public stigma attached to open support of Trump in the media, that they were simply not going to talk about it as much as just do something -vote.

Now we are seeing the media put on such a shameful, disgraceful display with this Moscow "Watergate" nonsense, and the feeling I get is that this is it for them. I told a friend about it a few days ago who didn't even let me finish the story. She instantly said, "I don't believe it. I don't believe a word they say now." The dumbasses and sacrificed the last of their credibility in the election. I don't think they can recover it ever again.

sojerofgod said...

Bah. That should have read, The dumbasses HAVE sacrificed the last of their credibility

YoungHegelian said...


don't buy your assessment of the state of affairs... first for the 1000th time 3 million more of your fellow citizens voted for hillary and a couple of million more voted 'not trump'.

Oh, Lord. Do I have to post this map yet again? Clearly, I do. The USA is a federation of states, & right now, Republicans very much hold sway there, with Democrats having bled losses of over a thousand state offices in Obama's eight years. That California has a lot more Democrats than Republicans means only that California has many more Democrats than it electorally needs. At every layer of state government, Republicans run this country.

Trump won. Trump won in an electoral blow-out. Trump didn't drill a hole in the "Blue Firewall". He walloped it with a wrecking ball. And nobody saw it coming. Some NYC schmuck can out of nowhere, & beat all the government types & media people at their own game. Even when they had 8 years & a billion dollars to plan it!

the younger generation is more liberal (and will remain that way)

Sez who? The "younger generation" will some start finding out just how poorly they were served by their teachers & mentors when they get out into the world & find jobs, have kids, & start paying taxes. Let's see how they remember their youthful idealism then.

my guess is that culturally you are closer to your fellow american leftists than you are to any other cultural group.

Yes, & I see their hypocrisy up close & personal. I know that they would not be caught dead saying, like some trailer park redneck, "I don't want my little Jimmy going to school with a buncha niggers & spics". But, they may not say those words, but they will spend $30,000 a year on private school tuition to make goddamn sure that their little Courtney or James doesn't end up at a school with "an excess of people of color".

buwaya said...

"buwaya, is the 'level of corruption' going to decrease or increase after 1/20?"

I certainly hope it will decrease, and, making assumptions here, benefit of the doubt and all, so do you. Its a drag on the country. It increases costs for everything, its a "tax" on the economy as a whole in every way. It increases risk, discourages investment and consumption.

And there are general business climate metrics, which include these factors.

This is a very important issue in development economics, and outfits like the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (I used to consult for the ADB yea these decades ago) have put a great deal of effort into analyzing it.

The US has suffered considerably over the last decade in business climate measures, but notably has had a post election improvement in expectations of business climate in most I have seen lately. So there are a lot of people hoping for improvements.

Unknown said...

Trump started the Birther movement against Obama which led to Trump as President. Trump indirectly started the "Mole" movement as in "is Trump a Russian asset or not and where is the proof, the public wants to see it?". The Mole movement will run through Trump's unpresidented Presidency. The Mole movement will be 100 times bigger than the Birther movement.

Gotta hand it to Obama for playing the long game.

Btw, have you noticed that Trump looks like a mole.

It is not a war between the Left and Right. It will be a war between the Trumpeteers and the NotMyPresdient and NeverTrumpers who cover both Left and Right.

Unknown said...

The 200 counties Hillary won generate nearly 70% of the GDP.

The 3000 counties Trump won generate about 30% of GDP.

The anger is rising in NotMyPresident country.

GWash said...

i hear ya youngh. but there is no getting around that the fact that you cannot push minority solutions down the throats of the majority of the population without them having some buy in.. this is a moment in time brought about by forces like redistricting, making it harder to vote for certain segments of the population.. i agree with you that trump won based on an antiquated system .. .now what? did these red states vote to privatize medicare and SS? did they vote to end insurance coverage for 20 million of their fellow citizens? and i say the younger generation will stay more centrist and liberal when they see what is going to happen to social fabric of this great country when it is run outright by business... the bottom line will rule all and tax cuts for the extremely wealthy all around... i would rather we work together and get the benefits of economies of scale.. i get it the plan is to pit us against one another so that profits can be made. but it could be better if we cooperated and came up with a plan that benefits us all ..

Drago said...

GWash appears quite resistant to the states concepts which form the foundation of our Republic.

Not surprising given his/her past performance regarding our Constitution.

Worse, I am not sure that level of ignorance can really be repaired in any reasonable time frame.

Drago said...

GWash: "..this is a moment in time brought about by forces like redistricting,.."

Which states were redistricted prior to the last election?

Oh well. More disappointment ahead for these guys.

Hey, remember all those articles lamenting Obama's victories within such an antiquated system?

YoungHegelian said...


...NeverTrumpers who cover both Left and Right

Nope. Right now, everyone on the Right now knows that the Left will settle only for ideological capitulation, & capitulation in matters that every Rightie holds dear.

The Left is pushing the Right, all of it, into the Trump camp. To quote Trotsky "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you". Is there anyone on the Right who now thinks that after Trump leaves the stage that the Left will spare them? Since the GOP is the "Stupid Party", there probably are quite a few GOPe-ers who do think exactly that.

sojerofgod said...

"Trump started the Birther movement against Obama..."
Boy, don't we love us some conspiracy theories there.
I think I feel left out. I need to start my own conspiracy.
Hey, how about this? I'm going to start a movement. We'll call it, the

All you got to do to join, is to sing along next time it comes up on the git-tar...

(singing) you leave me, the fuck alone,
or I'm gonna break your face. (bum bum bum,)
you leave me, thee fuck alone,
I just really need my space - just go away, just go back home. don't text or write or use the phone- you leave me, the fuck alone or I'll, yeah I'll just breaaaak your faaacccee!!! (bum bum bum, bum diddy bum!)

Sung to the tune "Alice's Restaurant"
Hat tip to Arlo Guthrie for the song, but not really.

tcrosse said...

The 200 counties Hillary won generate nearly 70% of the GDP.

The 3000 counties Trump won generate about 30% of GDP.

Which suggests that Hillary's vote came from the much-reviled 1%.
It must be infuriating that somebody presumably as smart as Hillary was stupid enough to lose an election to that short-fingered vulgarian while getting millions more votes and spending twice as much money. No wonder they're pissed off.

le Douanier said...

"The Left is pushing the Right, all of it, into the Trump camp."

Sure, turning the right and conservatism into Trumpism makes sense, from the left's POV. You'd think y'all (out of wisdom, brain power, common sense, or maybe even steadfast principles) wouldn't be so easily manipulated. But, nope. It's cake.


Carry on.

GWash said...

i believe that there are not many (outside of this blog and some fanatical states rights friends) that think of themselves as virginians or ohioans any more... we are firmly identifying ourselves are americans and i for one would like to laws of the nation to apply whether i'm at home or somewhere else on vacation... as far as no one complaining when obama won regarding the EC totals... i think i remember obama actually winning 51% of the vote both in 2008 and 2012... when was the last republican president to do that? i'm sure you'll refresh my memory..

YoungHegelian said...

The 200 counties Hillary won generate nearly 70% of the GDP.

The 3000 counties Trump won generate about 30% of GDP.

The anger is rising in NotMyPresident country.

Tell me, Unknown, which counties grow the food that those 200 counties eat?

Which counties own the lion's share of those 300 million guns in this country?

Get angry all you like, but don't be surprised when the other guy gets angry right back, shit gets ugly right quick.

Dude1394 said...

Well, with this crap being pulled by the democrats, it is getting to the point where if trump did shoot someone I would still support him. I sure as hell do NOT care about pulling any political punches about getting what I want. No filibusters for anything, fine. Targeting of democrat support groups, fine. Tax policy designed to punish democrat supporters, fine. You people think this is not going to blowback? You are as stupid as you appear.

They may get the scorched earth they seem to desire.

le Douanier said...

"The 200 counties Hillary won generate nearly 70% of the GDP.

The 3000 counties Trump won generate about 30% of GDP.
Which suggests that Hillary's vote came from the much-reviled 1%."

At first folks in the economic powerhouse states may be worried that DJT won't be doing his meddling w/ businesses and supposed gov benefits to "help" them because they're not in the supportive states, and DJT is vindictive. Ironically, that means we'll be left alone to let winners and losers develop sans gov intervention/selection. So, we win. Let the DJT states have all his largess and fake economic factors. Good luck w/ that.

GWash said...

much of the food is now produced by big corporations.. not so many family farms around anymore so the idea that some kind of dispute between food producers and the rest of the country would occur is not really that reasonable... anyway if the non food producers decide to buy their food elsewhere who are the food producers going to sell it to and how are they going to get it there?

Rick said...

Unknown said...
The anger is rising in NotMyPresident country.

Since the nutty left has been at 11 for decades this increase must be to twelve.


Anonymous said...

"The Left is pushing the Right, all of it, into the Trump camp."

Funny. No one had to push the Right into the Trump camp. You willingly went there.

Rick said...

GWash said...
we are firmly identifying ourselves are americans and i for one would like to laws of the nation to apply whether i'm at home or somewhere else on vacation..

Apparently gwash hasn't heard of flyover country.

le Douanier said...

"anyway if the non food producers decide to buy their food elsewhere who are the food producers going to sell it to and how are they going to get it there?"

That's the sorta thinking that noticed that when we were massively pumping out fossil fuels not too long ago, the prices dropped out and folks couldn't make money. Drill baby, drill.

Rick said...

GWash said...
there is no getting around that the fact that you cannot push minority solutions down the throats of the majority of the population without them having some buy in.

He's talking about Obamacare but I'm not sure he knows it.

YoungHegelian said...


anyway if the non food producers decide to buy their food elsewhere who are the food producers going to sell it to and how are they going to get it there?

Isn't that the case with any boycott? That those who boycott, whether consumer or producer, suffer some economic privation by it? I mean, since I never have eaten at Chik-Fil-A, my boycott of CFA means nothing to anyone. However, if an ardent consumer of CFA products thinks their attitudes abhorrent & acts on it, both parties suffer privation. The only question is who blinks first.

And those "big corporations" who provide the food, are they stocked with Hillary fans? And who drives the trucks & railroads that take their produce to processing? Card carrying Democrats?

GWash said...

rick, the dems practically begged the republicans to offer amendments.. it was another of mitch's scorched earth tactics... the ACA was mostly a republican plan but they refused to participate... and as it turns out the ACA by and large had a lot of good features that helped keep the costs down and helped a lot of people along the way... so, not so much they rammed it down throats but that the republicans played hardball politics... in order to defeat obama.. it didn't work..

YoungHegelian said...


rick, the dems practically begged the republicans to offer amendments.. it was another of mitch's scorched earth tactics... the ACA was mostly a republican plan but they refused to participate...

Uhhhm, do you think that Belgium invaded Germany in WWI? 'Cause, you're pushing some seriously revisionist history there.

Fabi said...

I eagerly await a citation regarding the GDP of the counties won by Clinton.

GWash said...

not that revisionist... there are more similarities than differences between the heritage plan and what ended up being the ACA... however the republicans are unable to agree on any plan to help the insurance problem people are having in this country ... there have been many promises about how great its going to be but so far after 6 years of plans, plans, plans.. nothing.. Left to their own devices the dems should have come up with a single payer plan like the rest of the industrialized world and we would ALL be better off... paul ryan is the biggest fraud next to newton and trump...

le Douanier said...

"I eagerly await a citation regarding the GDP of the counties won by Clinton."

How could she possibly capture the high GDP counties since we know that her strength was w/ the dense elitist urban areas, but DJT cleaned up w/ the rural counties where true conservative reigns, e.g. Alabama?

Even if there is a citation, this must be Fake news. Everybody knows Oneonta trumps San Fran, re economic output.

le Douanier said...


Make America Mississippi Again!

wild chicken said...

Anka still tours and used to play Vegas a lot. These guys usually live large right up to the end so he's got something to lose.

Probably got a call from his agent.

Fabi said...

So you can't support the claim either, Jelly -- only offering your continued regional bigotry. Sad!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said... MAMA Make America Mississippi Again!

If I say "Manhattan isn't the real America" I'm met with howls of outrage. If I sniff at "coastal values" I'm a racist/regressive and my slander against my fellow Americans is shameful.

LPBO, though, can say whatever he likes about Mississippi and it's cool, it's cool. By your standards isn't that super-racists, man? Might even be ugly...

mockturtle said...

I'd rather live anywhere in Mississippi than live in Los Angeles, NYC or Chicago.

Fabi said...

I had to search for "Oneonta". How did you pick that obscure town, Jelly?

le Douanier said...

Oneonta sounds funny, to me.

BTW Mock, LA is an awesome place to live. There are tons of extremely smart, hard working and good natured folks. And, there are gorgeous neighborhoods.

Living in LA between Venice, Santa Monica and West Hollywood means never seeing a highway. Awesome.

Good weather, too.

Fabi said...

I can't figure out how to pronounce it. ;-)

Michael K said...

the dems practically begged the republicans to offer amendments..

I wondered how long it would take for the lie to appear.

First it was "The Heritage Foundation/ Romney invented Obamacare."

That was easily refuted.

Now it's just lies.

buwaya said...

The county GDP thing is stupid.

It measures, with no control, where money is recorded to be spent, such as corporate spending/investment that actually physically ends up elsewhere, etc. Corporate HQ's are in big cities/MMA's almost always. This is similar, but probably worse, than similar taxation maps.

It does not take into account actual residence (for voting purposes for instance) of the workforce, which badly skews all major metropolitan areas. Consider all those Long Island (Republican) commuters coming in to NYC.

And then, properly, you have to apply COLAs (good luck finding a county index) to do a PPP (purchasing power parity) comparison, as is properly done when comparing countries. Price levels often artificially boost GDP. Your NYC high cost of living needs to be adjusted away.

And then, just the cherry on top, the bulk of Democratic votes in large counties is by the local lower class, as the GINI coefficients in big cities are off the charts. Even within the big counties the actual people generating the GDP are not correctly identified. They are "Democrats" because the mass of the poor vote Democrat?

This thing came from a pair of idiots at Brookings, apparently for the consumption of bigger idiots on their side.


If thats all it takes to be a PHD and a "Senior Director" at Brookings - Good Lord. America, your "expert class" could stand a bit of outsourcing.

YoungHegelian said...


I haven't been in Oneonta since I was a kid in northern Alabama, but I've heard it pronounced a thousand times. It's Oh-nee-ohn-TAH, with the last stressed syllable being not so much metrically stressed as said with a decidedly hard "T".

It's like Arab, AL. It's not pronounced "air-rhab"; it's "Ay-rab". As in "Ahab the Arab". Apparently, in older English usage, the word "arab" could mean an itinerant merchant or peddler.

Also, Havanah, FL is pronounced "Hay-va-na". But, Athens, AL & Sparta, GA are pronounced just like you think they should be, so there's that.

sojerofgod said...

"Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...

Make America Mississippi Again!"

Hey PB;

Come on down and let me show you around!

Miss'sippi IS America. Damn near smack in the middle.

buwaya said...

"LA is an awesome place to live. There are tons of extremely smart, hard working and good natured folks. And, there are gorgeous neighborhoods."

Good luck finding a public school.
Good luck finding housing you can afford.
And this wishes away a lot of LA. The vast bulk of it really, which will not seem so interesting, and more of it will not bear examination.

LA is a nice place to be wealthy, like San Francisco. Its also for the most part better natured, culturally speaking, its got that going for it. And the ocean is a lot warmer on the beach.

YoungHegelian said...

And I don't want to hear any of you Wisconsin cheese fuckers talking about those dumb hicks in Alabama & their pronunciations.

I know your dirty secrets. I do. I know that even you guys have so much trouble with Wauwatosa that it becomes "Tosa".

Seriously, having my French relatives try to pronounce Wauwatosa when my brother lived there was worth the plane fare to France all by itself.

le Douanier said...



What time of year is the best for a visit?

le Douanier said...


Say I plan to drop in for a week. Are there two or three cities (towns) to hit?

MPH said...

No one has made this much of a fuss over Paul Anka in 55 years.

Michael K said...

The left thinks it very important to assert that it is smarter, richer, more productive and better looking than the right.

The evidence of this is limited since places like California, which are supposed to be smart, waste billions on idiot theories like global warming and bullet trains to nowhere.

The GDP and other indicators of social success are so mixed up that I don't think anyone can sort them out in real data.

The level of intelligence, while certainly not a valid sample, can be judged by the left/right commenters here. I hate to tell you folks but the left does not look smart based on this limited sample.

What I do see is a herd mentality on the part of very narrowly educated people with high incomes. If I can write good code, I can probably run the world better than those dopes who run oil companies.

I think we are going to see a nice experiment of nature. We have watched the foreign and domestic policy results of 8 years of the left in control. Let's watch the next 8 years for comparison.

It's not perfect because Democrats thought Bill Clinton's policies were responsible for the prosperity of the 90s but look at the stock market charts from the time and look back to 1982.

If Trump and his government fails, you might have an argument. But, if it turns things around, will you admit it? You don't often get this sharp a contrast in policies. Even leftists often exercise caution. Not the past 8 years.

le Douanier said...

"We have watched the foreign and domestic policy results of 8 years of the left in control. Let's watch the next 8 years for comparison.

It's not perfect because Democrats thought Bill Clinton's policies were responsible for the prosperity of the 90s but look at the stock market charts from the time and look back to 1982."

I'm doing the math by counting toes and fingers, but it seems like there's an eight year gap where someone came in w/ big tax cuts for rich folks (w/o offsets) and slashing regulation to the point that WaMu and IndyMac and Countrywide regulator shopped for the most "free market" regulator (OTS).

Anywho, I'm sure I've miscalculated a toe, so you couldn't have missed anything. Or, this phantom eight years is Fake news.

Fabi said...

I appreciate that, YoungHegelian -- next time I'm in Alabama I'll try to swing through!

le Douanier said...

"No one has made this much of a fuss over Paul Anka in 55 years."

You obviously don't know gals who are obsessed w/ the their own kind, in particular the Gilmore variety of their own kind.

Michael K said...

Or, this phantom eight years is Fake news.

No, you just don't know what you are talking about.

big tax cuts for rich folks (w/o offsets) and slashing regulation to the point that WaMu and IndyMac and Countrywide regulator shopped for the most "free market" regulator (OTS).

Two things unrelated but I'm not surprised you don't know.

The CRA began with Jimmy Carter but was widely expanded by your hero Bill Clinton. The Democrats put the pedal to the metal in 2006 when they took over Congress.

You pretend you know all this but, like most "Studies majors" you know only what you read in the NY Times or Daily Kos.

You could read this, or you could read Nicole Gelinas explanation of the crisis.

You could even read my review of her book on Amazon.

But you won't. You, like most of the left, give yourself an undeserved reputation for intelligence and knowledge.

le Douanier said...

Mike K,

I've sold hundreds of millions of dollars of mortgage instruments to Wall Street.

But, thanks for your insight. Good to know that CRA was the problem.

Carry on.

sojerofgod said...


Late July or early August if you want to get the full flavor of the area.
But I doubt you would last more than a few days. My daughter had friends in last year from San Diego for Memorial day and I thought they were going to melt into little puddles. And that is when the weather is still nice.
In august we slice the air with a butcher knife and put it on a plate.
That is of course, when we aren't suppressing the colored or sniffing around after our sisters.

le Douanier said...


I don't like the 'run from-to' thing. E.g., run from AC plane to AC car to AC building to AC car to AC etc.

When can weaker folks, like me, come by w/o feeling like showering every other hour? A little less beauty and grandeur is ok, if it means a bit less sweating.

mockturtle said...

Last time I was in Mississippi it was October and perfect weather.

sojerofgod said...

Mid to late October ain't too bad if you get here before the rains come. After that it rains every few days until sometime in mid May or so. As far as towns go, there are 3 distinct cultures I see in the state. North MS, where I live is considered the "Mid South" and has a lot of ties to the large city of Memphis, TN. A very busy commercial/industrial area. Jackson is the capital and overshadows the entire center of the state. They pretty much keep to themselves (and ignore the rest of us) The other area is the Gulf region. They have a lot of retirees and more of an artsy feel to it. Unfortunately much of the coast is a wasteland of empty lots and ruined buildings, because after Katrina in 2005 the Insurance industry refused to reinsure damaged homes and in some cases, screwed the policyholders to the point they could not rebuild.
As for grandeur, this ain't exactly the Rockys. Hell it ain't even the Smokeys. Low rolling hills with pine forests, a lot of honest plain people who just want to be left the hell alone.
Mississippi is a place that has a long history full of sorrow. We remember the grief of our fathers, and they theirs. We have never been rich. We never will be. So we are left with little but our poor dirt and our pride and our honor.

cf said...

I hate to think what pressure was put on this good old singer, so sad.

So sad all around, this rigid, frigid "BaKe the Cake!" jackboot intolerance. So rigid. what the heck?!

Goodspeed, Amerrica.

( and shalom shalom this lunar new year season)

cornroaster said...

Yes. Its unlikely that a man in his 70's who really isn't performing and who is living on his assets could be pressured by "you won't work in this town again".

For someone who really isn't performing, he has a pretty busy schedule.

December 16, 2016
New Jersey PAC, Newark, NJ

December 17, 2016
Westbury, NY, NYCB Theater Westbury

March 11, 2017
Fort Pierce, FL, Sunrise Theatre

March 12, 2017
Clearwater, FL, Ruth Eckerd Hall

March 13, 2017
The Villages, FL, The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center

March 17, 2017
Hollywood, FL, Hard Rock Live

March 18, 2017
Hollywood, FL, Hard Rock Live

March 30, 2017
Indianapolis, IN, Clowes Performing Arts Center

April 1, 2017
Wabash, IN, The Honeywell Center

April 26, 2017
San Antonio, TX, Tobin Center for the Performing Arts

April 28, 2017
Grand Prairie, TX, Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie

April 29, 2017
Durant, OK, Choctaw Casino - Grand Theatre

May 13, 2017
Staten Island, NY, St. George Theatre

See www.paulanka.com

WarrenPeese said...

Who got to Paul Anka? Paul Anka! Starting at the 3:40 mark. It would've been a facepalm moment had he sung at the inaugural.

Joe said...

Trump started the Birther movement against Obama...

John Podesta literally started it, though one could argue Obama figuratively started it by claiming to be from Kenya and/or at least allowing that claim to go unchallenged.

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