January 30, 2017

"Obama, who left office vowing to uphold the presidential tradition of not criticizing his successor..."

"... but also promising to speak out when he saw core values under threat by Trump, made it all of 10 days before releasing a statement following Friday's executive order that temporarily halted the nation's refugee program and severely restricted immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries."

Politico reports.

Here's my post from January 19, when Obama made his statement which, as I noted at the time was not much of a promise.
He's not promising to withdraw and leave the presidential stage to his successor, which is what George W. Bush did for him.
Obama had said: "There’s a difference between that normal functioning of politics and certain issues or certain moments where I think our core values may be at stake." But we knew very well, I said, that "there's this meme that the new President is not normal."
Bush, like his father, adhered to an absolute principle. Obama respects the principle by cushioning it with a malleable escape clause: where core values may be at stake. And what a wide door that is! Not only is the concept "core values" subject to infinite debate, but — whatever these values are — they don't have to be severely threatened, only "at stake." And they don't even need to be at stake. It's enough that they "may" be at stake. Well, then there's really no one-President-at-a-time principle of withdrawal at all.


Bad Lieutenant said...

Obama who?

No, seriously, I have almost forgotten Obama and Hillary. They are beyond irrelevant. Next I won't be able to pronounce his name correctly. Then I'll forget his Easter Island face. Then that voice of his. Last of all will be the middle finger slyly scratching his head while he insults people...

Interesting if Trump ignores him rather than tweeting back. Obama who, Don! Obama who?

Michael K said...

It's the scorpion and the frog agains. He can't help it.

Community organizer.

YoungHegelian said...

Like Obama can keep his mouth shut for ten minutes!

He's always the smartest guy in the room, donchaknow, & what he has to say can only enlighten us benighted savages.

Obama & Trump are very much alike in that way -- all of us are entitled to their opinion, wanted or not.

Fabi said...

Ten days of silence was about eight days more than I expected from the former First Golfer.

Sebastian said...

"Obama respects the principle by cushioning it with a malleable escape clause." In other words, he has no principle (as you rightly conclude). I'm shocked, shocked.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

LOL- The first President Trump policy the moron decides to criticize is one that he himself enacted. Too funny. What a maroon! I just might enjoy having Li'l Barry around constantly stepping on the rake.

David Begley said...

We need a new poll. How long until Obama appears and speaks at an anti-Trump rally?

Under 30 days.

n.n said...

Obama had an opportunity to prevent or mitigate the refugee crises. His methods and motives are not viable, they are unworthy of life.

Darrell said...

American core values include keeping Americans safe and letting in immigrants that share our core values. I don't know what the values are in Kenya or whatever planet he is from.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Obama's social smoothness is the merest veneer. At his core is none of the true charity a normal human has and which is the basis of manners. It amounts to sociopathy.

Comanche Voter said...

There never was much promise in Obama. He's a lightweight with no substance there. All surface glitter, and a bit of a glib line of patter. A smile and a shoeshine can take you a long way in life, but when you get there, you have to deliver. And he couldn't and didn't--deliver anything of real worth.

pchiles said...

This is the same guy who defined Sin as anything that clashed with his values, so the only surprise is that it took him this long to start shooting off his mouth.

Original Mike said...

Ten whole days. I figured it would be a lot longer than that. I gave him too much credit.

Trump is trying to clean up your mess, Barry. He may fail miserably but the fact remains, it's your mess. You had your chance but it's out of your hands now. Shut. Up.

JPS said...

Some years ago I had two friends at work who enjoyed verbally abusing each other. The senior of the two once made a New Year's resolution: No more unprovoked insulting of his friend.

Sometime before January 7 he entered the break room where our friend sat reading silently the paper, and uncorked a flood of paint-peeling obscenity at him.

"I thought you weren't going to do that anymore?" a bystander asked innocently.

"I wasn't, but - just look at him!"

Obama's restraint kind of reminds me of this.

Roughcoat said...

Then I'll forget his Easter Island face.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect! Thread winner!

wendybar said...

George W had class, when he NEVER spoke out against Obama, even when Obama bashed and blamed him for everything. Obama has no class...He is a narcissist, who needs constant attention and praise...and it looks like his puppet protesters are making him very happy!!
I wonder where these protesters were when the Cuban ban was placed, and Cuban refugees were SENT home (where they will end up in a Cuban prison)

MAJMike said...

Every statement Barry makes has an expiration date. This one was about average.

Bad Lieutenant said...


In which religious context was that vow formed? Maybe it was taquiyya so he's off the hook.

Remorse said...

As Trump's numbers sink to new depths, President Obama sends a signal that if this incompetent administration doesn't quickly get its act together he will add his voice the growing opposition choir, which now includes Americans on all ideological points of the compass. And when that happens count on it, these poseurs are finished. The GOP leadership certainly won't shed tears for Trump's self-induced demise. They just want Trump to hang on long enough so they can get as much of their agenda as possible before they're forced to impeach him - get what they can while the gettin's good. But it's really no matter to them, they'd be more comfortable with Pence at the helm anyway.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Remorse said...

Bobby! Professor Reichchchchhchchchhh! Is that you?

steve uhr said...

The tradition of the ex president going silent is silly. Why shouldn't Obama defend his polices or criticize the policies of his successor if he wants? Everyone else can but not him?

The conversation should be about substance, not process.

Once written, twice... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Pawlak said...

Barrack Hussein Obama lies with every breath---Setting an example so closely followed by "Hillary".

Once written, twice... said...

Of course you feel threatened Ann. You went all of last year and wrote only just one (half-heartedly) critical post of Trump. Over the last fifteen years there has been on average in this country less than fifteen deaths due to Islamic inspired terrorism. (There has been many more due to domestic terrorism like Sandy Hook). But Trump has in a classically demagogic fashion exploited a small religious minority and has demonized Muslims to serve his own political ends. I am glad President Obama has had the courage to speak out when so many like yourself can not empathize with the minority, but instead, probably find good sport in them being targeted.

wholelottasplainin said...

"Over the last fifteen years there has been on average less than fifteen deaths due to Islamic inspired terrorism."


Leaving out, of course, the Big Ones on September 11, 2001.

eric said...

Blogger David Begley said...
We need a new poll. How long until Obama appears and speaks at an anti-Trump rally?

Under 30 days.

We could only be so lucky.

It'll be much worse than that. He'll be at the academy awards probably. Talk shows. Leading marches on Washington.

I fully expect Obama to become the figurehead of the anti Trump movement.

David Begley said...

Better yet. When does Obama go on MSNBC and bitch about Trump? Under two weeks.

JackWayne said...

I welcome the insanity. Lefties are very poor at figuring out consequences. If Obama wants open war in this country then all he has to do is go to a protest and speak out. Urge his followers to resist with everything they have. Bring a gun to a knife fight. Punch back twice as hard. Then Mr. Chaos just needs to sit back and watch the results. It will not be what he expects. If he limits himself to poorly written fake news messages, then it will pass. Question is, how smart is Obama?

rehajm said...
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wholelottasplainin said...

steve uhr said...
The tradition of the ex president going silent is silly. Why shouldn't Obama defend his polices or criticize the policies of his successor if he wants? Everyone else can but not him?

I guess you conveeeniently forgot what Obama said to the GOP when HE took office...

"I won".

He was obviously trying to shut them up, and here you come saying that he should now become a political heckler, after HIS candidate lost.

So Trump should simply tell him, "Look, asshole, I won". STFU. I hope he does that.

ESPECIALLY when Obama engaged in exactly the same practices that he now accuses Trump of!!!

He's not "defending" his policies, he's criticizing Trump for doing things HE did!

Just how hypocritical can you azzholes be???

Once written, twice... said...

Since 9/11, both Republicans and Democrats have worked to keep our country safe from terrorism, while not compromising our nation's most sacred values. Trump in the last week has surely made us less safe and has reduced our moral standing in the world. Even Republicans are saying that.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...

Anyone else notice the lefty focus of "deaths" as the terror metric? I guess the 260+ people injured and maimed at the Boston Marathon bombing are just a bunch of whining nobodies.

gspencer said...

POS before,

POS during,

POS after,

YoungHegelian said...


And when that happens count on it, these poseurs are finished. The GOP leadership certainly won't shed tears for Trump's self-induced demise. They just want Trump to hang on long enough so they can get as much of their agenda as possible before they're forced to impeach him

Uhhh-huh. You may not have noticed, but the GOP leadership got its ass handed to it by Trump in the last election, every bit as bad as the Democrats.

The truth is that the folks who put Trump in office don't give a shit about any of these tempests in a teapot. They just don't. Trump not only held together the standard Republican base of interest groups, he expanded them into the blue collar Democrats. Therefore, if you think the Republican led House will attempt to impeach Trump, I have two words for you --- "Eric Cantor". Unless the economy goes into the crapper big time or Trump gets us into a war we're clearly losing at, any Republican who bucks Trump too bigly is looking at a primary challenge from the right flank of the party.

Ain't gonna happen.

Jeff Brokaw said...

That'll be the day, when I need *Obama* of all people to alert me to "our" core values being threatened. He spent 8 years threatening them, now he pretends he is worried about them. Right.

Remorse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

The GOPe will attempt to impeach Trump at their own peril. If they don't know this by now, they are as clueless as the Dems.

steve uhr said...

Jay -- Name calling is really not necessary. The cure to bad speech is more speech. No reason for anyone to shut up. Obviously Obama doesn't agree with your assertion that Trump is doing the same thing. But Obama isn't allowed to defend himself because your ears can't handle it? Toughen up.

PB said...

You can never believe anything Obama says.

Once written, twice... said...

The number of U.S. citizens murdered by terrorists who are Muslims since 9/11 (fifteen years plus years ago) is less than the number killed by toddlers with guns. But Ann and her Althouse Hillbilly fools lather at the mouth when Trump sticks it to this American generation's religious minority to hate.

SukieTawdry said...

What took him so long?

Kevin said...

“With regard to comparisons to President Obama’s foreign policy decisions, as we’ve heard before, the president fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion,” Lewis added, highlighting November 2015 comments from Obama about a Muslim ban."

Obama's six-month ban on immigrants from Iraq - not about faith or religion. Core values maintained. No demonstrations warranted.

Trump's 90-day ban on immigrants from Iraq - all about faith or religion. Core values at risk. Demonstrations warranted.

Got it. Now the media can put up his words to make the difference clear to all who would conflate the two.

BJM said...

Joe Wilson was right about ex-President Pantsonfire.

Gk1 said...

Does anyone, other than a democrat, really give two shits what Obama has to say about anything? After the shambles he left the democratic party in, you would think he would have the decency to keep his trap shut for a few years. Why feel the need to feed the ever shrinking liberal base? Is it just ego?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Wait, I thought the Media had changed--when a powerful person does the opposite of what they say they'll do aren't they supposed to say "X Lied!" now?
Or, no, wait; that's still racist if the liar is a black person?
Damn, I'm always behind.

Anonymous said...

ob,t...: "...our nation's most sacred values..."

...so sacred they were apparently taboo, as most Americans never spoke of or even knew about of most of 'em 'til some time late in the 20th century.

(Did you know that this nation was on founded on "welcoming the stranger"? Founded, my friends, founded? Me neither. But this nice spokeslady from the refugee-industrial complex told me it was. She must have had access to the secret texts, since I don't remember coming across that in any of the founding documents I ever had access to. Gnostic Gnationalism.)

wholelottasplainin said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Jay -- Name calling is really not necessary.


No, but sometimes it's very, very satisfying

Some of us haven't had our emotions neutered by thorazine, or been turned into eunuchs by hypocritical claims to calm down.

In this case, you said the tradition is "silly" while attempting to explain away Obama's OWN PLEDGE to honor that tradition.

On top of that, Obama was URGING and approving of outrage about a policy HE had followed.

Did you advise the people in those rent-a-mobs not to name-call on their placards?

Pah! Hypocrite!

mccullough said...

Droning the shit out of these 7 Muslim countries is upholding American values. Sticking 40,000 Americans in the TSDB is upholding American values. Obama's view is that the ones the government doesn't kill should be allowed in and placed in an ever-growing database of suspected terrorists. Trump's view is to ban them in the first place. It will be interesting to see how Trump approaches drone warfare and kill lists. If he offered to trade foregoing drone strikes and kill lists for a ban, would liberals accept that?

Anonymous said...

Obama accomplished a great deal as President. It took a lot of hard work and planning to improve Jimmy Carter's reputation as a failed President.

Having accomplished that miracle, Obama is off to tackle an even tougher assignment. To rehabilitate Jimmy's standing as the worst ex-President of modern history...

Fernandinande said...

"[W]hy should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion f ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind." -- Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.

rehajm said...

As Trump's numbers sink to new depths...

I had to look that one up. Looks like Trump's numbers are way up relative to his predecessor.

But we don't look at polls anymore now, do we?

Fernandinande said...


Fernandinande said...

rehajm said...
Looks like Trump's numbers are way up relative to his predecessor.

"47% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
That’s up nine points from the previous week and the highest level of optimism in over 12 years of regular surveying. "

Curious George said...

"Once written, twice... said...
The number of U.S. citizens murdered by terrorists who are Muslims since 9/11 (fifteen years plus years ago) is less than the number killed by toddlers with guns. But Ann and her Althouse Hillbilly fools lather at the mouth when Trump sticks it to this American generation's religious minority to hate."

So is the number who died from global warming.

Anonymous said...

Fernandinande @5:23 PM:

Benjamin Franklin. Founder. Scientist. Statesman. Diplomat. Inventor.

Visionary Troll.

Jersey Fled said...

When Obama was in office, everything was his predicessor's fault.

Now that he is out of office, everything is his successor's fault.

There's a certain symmetry to that.

Rusty said...


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump said ...
“My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.”

“President Obama never imposed a six-month ban on Iraqi processing. For several months in 2011, there was a lower level of Iraqi resettlement, as the government implemented certain security enhancements. ... there was never a point during that period in which Iraqi resettlement was stopped, or banned.”

The guy should be allowed to defend himself if someone is lying about him, which is what just happened.

Mark O said...

There has always been a sense that Obama was duplicitous. There was a certain shiftiness that made the "birther" controversy even possible. After all, the advertisements for his book said he was from Kenya. He hid his grades and was the HLR "President" who never authored anything. He seemed untethered from the truth.

I will be interested in the books that come out now that he is out of office.

steve uhr said...

Jay -- I think in the abstract the policy is silly. I also think in the abstract people should keep their word. If Obama said he wouldn't speak then he should keep his word.

As for the "rent-a-mobs" I will talk to them and tell them to be more respectful going forward. Name calling has no place in politics.

FullMoon said...

Once written, twice... said... [hush]​[hide comment]

The number of U.S. citizens murdered by terrorists who are Muslims since 9/11 (fifteen years plus years ago) is less than the number killed by toddlers with guns. But Ann and her Althouse Hillbilly fools lather at the mouth when Trump sticks it to this American generation's religious minority to hate.

All the talk about this and that is beyond me. What I do appreciate, though, is being given permission by media and celebrities to assault people I dis agree with. Far as I am concerned, anyone out marching and lumping me and my pals in with KKK, Nazis, Fascists, and other stuff, is going to get some teeth knocked out and some broken facial bones.
We been chompin' at the bit and keepin' cool for too long. I thank Trump for finally goading you lefties into starting the fight.
Good times ahead, on a local level !

Michael K said...

" there was never a point during that period in which Iraqi resettlement was stopped, or banned.”

I'm sure you must have a link to that story as it is at variance with what I have read about the secret Obama pause of Iraqi immigration.

It couldn't possibly be you are just talking and have nothing to back it up.

I suppose Kim Strassel can't be trusted.

Barack Obama put a pause for six months on refugees coming from Iraq back in 2011. I don’t remember protestors and I don’t remember lawsuits. So I think the bigger question if this is a temporary pause, which is designed for us to improve and look at our vetting processes, and indeed temporary, I don’t necessarily think that’s an outrageous idea. But the bigger question should be implementation. Did you get it right from the start?”

Maybe that was because it was kept secret until 2013.

johns said...

I hope that the esteemed ex-President will continue to perceive that his core values have been violated. He will be needed to campaign for Senate Democrats who are gravely threatened in the coming mid-term elections. My progressive friends assure me that to understand the current situation, you have to realize that it is all about white privilege and racism, although it is conceded that the racism is just out of sight below the surface. Nevertheless, progressives can smell it, feel it and tell it like it is. The hole is being dug deeper and deeper. ex-President I-need-to-make-my-case-better is sorely needed.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
It couldn't possibly be you are just talking and have nothing to back it up.

The quote was from the WP Fact Checker, not a hack like Strassel. But, no doubt your prefer your alternative facts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"there's this meme that the new President is not normal."

It's not a meme. It's a fucking fact, lady.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Far as I am concerned, anyone out marching and lumping me and my pals in with KKK, Nazis, Fascists, and other stuff, is going to get some teeth knocked out and some broken facial bones.

Having trouble defending your case on its merits, are you?

Gretchen said...

Go away Barack, your ideas were rejected.

Remorse said...

The White House says it consulted with State Dept. for "many weeks" before issuing order; Dept. officials deny this.

Achilles said...

I really hope Obama jumps in with both feet. Please Mr. Obama lecture the American people about why.we need more Muslims. Please call us deplorable and act like we are worse people than illegal immigrants and practitioners of sharia law.

The democrat party hasn't been this randy since we freed their slaves.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
readering said...

Two big differences between now and 2009. 1. Obama was continuing Bush's policies on dealing with the financial crisis/great recession. Indeed, he was closer to Bush than Congressional Republicans were. 2. Bush's approval ratings had tanked at the end of his presidency while Obama's were sky high.

Still I don't expect Obama to be doing this a lot. No shortage of voices to oppose Trump's worst policies.

cubanbob said...

There are 57 Islamic countries. The refugees from the 7 countries have 50 countries who are far more compatible for the refugees than the US.

Matt Sablan said...

I hope we don't normalize this.

Achilles said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Michael K said...
"The quote was from the WP Fact Checker, not a hack like Strassel. But, no doubt your prefer your alternative facts."

You are pathetic. Is your pussy hat whispering these brilliant things in your ear?

You are part of the trump 2020 team at this point. Keep up the good work. In less then a year the wapo will be a footnote.

FullMoon said...

Remorse said...

The White House says it consulted with State Dept. for "many weeks" before issuing order; Dept. officials deny this.

1/30/17, 6:16 PM

Which officials? Obviously Trump consulted with other "officials"

Roughcoat said...

"How dangerous is [Islamist] ideology? Ask yourself this: Why is it that since 9/11/2001 there he have been 30,209 terror attacks in the name of Allah? There have been 38 in the last six days alone, resulting in 425 killed and 419 injured. There were also nine suicide bombings during that time frame."


mockturtle said...

There seems to be a notion that the principal threat of Muslim presence in the US is terrorism. The real threat is to our freedoms. Europe has found that increase in Muslim population leads to diminished freedom of speech and religion as well as to creeping Sharia law.

'Creeping Sharia' can be sung to the tune of 'Waltzing Matilda', by the way.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
You are pathetic.

Dealing with reality rather than swallowing Trump's BS is pathetic? Not sure that world view is going to work out that well for you.

I agree with Trump's stated aims with respect to US manufacturing but I will believe that he is something other than a huckster when he does something of genuine value towards achieving those aims. So far he is blowing it. All we have had is a bunch of executives blowing smoke up his ass. Instead he is focusing on divisive racial/ethnic/religious bullshit that is just a distraction and wastes the very small amount of political capital that he has.

Politicians use racial/ethnic/religious bullshit to win elections. Only idiots govern that way.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

FullMoon said...All the talk about this and that is beyond me. What I do appreciate, though, is being given permission by media and celebrities to assault people I dis agree with. Far as I am concerned, anyone out marching and lumping me and my pals in with KKK, Nazis, Fascists, and other stuff, is going to get some teeth knocked out and some broken facial bones...
1/30/17, 5:46 PM

I'm with you, Full Moon- It's clobberin' time!

Achilles said...

1/30/17, 6:18 PM
Blogger readering said...

"Still I don't expect Obama to be doing this a lot. No shortage of voices to oppose Trump's worst policies."

I hope you are wrong. Obama needs to be out there embarrassing himself with the rest of you. Maybe you can get him a giant pussy hat to wear.

By the way the only poll out there on the temporary visa pause from 7 countries shows 57% support 37% disapproval. You are all on the wrong side of history. But please keep telling us how awesome sharia law is. Maybe the democrats could throw some gay people off a roof to show solidarity with their Muslim allies.

readering said...

So for Achilles it's a Muslim ban.

roesch/voltaire said...

Since Trump stepped on Obama before he took office, I guess it is fair play, but really this executive order could have been better vetted and taken some time before being issued as no terrorist can rush in to the USA-- it takes up to two years for the vetting process in place now, which, yes, could be improved. And why these seven? Most of the terrorist,so far, have come from Saudi and Tunisia, and Egypt; it just looks so bald and self serving.

bgates said...

Since Trump stepped on Obama before he took office

Did he have an Office of the President Elect podium? Were there people publishing editorials asking the lame duck to step down so the newly elected person could assume office sooner? BC that's what happened when Obama was elected.

And why these seven?

For the thousandth time, the list was taken verbatim from Obama's DHS.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

bgates said...
For the thousandth time, the list was taken verbatim from Obama's DHS.

So thus it was written in stone?

Original Mike said...

"So thus it was written in stone?"

No, but it's a good place to begin.

Anonymous said...

mockturtle: There seems to be a notion that the principal threat of Muslim presence in the US is terrorism. The real threat is to our freedoms. Europe has found that increase in Muslim population leads to diminished freedom of speech and religion[...]

Among other, er, enriching phenomena. But hey, hey! look over here, my huddled masses yearning to breathe free, amirite? Not that there's anything bad going on in Europe anyway, that's all far-right propaganda meant to divide us. Pas d'amalgame! They deserve to lose their countries and cultures anyway the othering racist colonizing bastards um not that anything like that is really happening, bigot...

donald said...

So once bitten...The Patriot Act.

I'm sure you were a big fan.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So for Achilles it's a Muslim ban.

Shhhhhh! The courts might hear. Or listen to what Giuliani said.

Remorse said...

If there was any question about who is largely in charge of national security behind the scenes at the White House, the answer is becoming increasingly clear: Steve Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, a far-right media outlet, and now White House advisor.

Even before he was given a formal seat on the National Security Council’s “principals committee” this weekend by President Donald Trump, Bannon was calling the shots and doing so with little to no input from the National Security Council staff, according to an intelligence official who asked not to be named out of fear of retribution.

“He is running a cabal, almost like a shadow NSC,” the official said. He described a work environment where there is little appetite for dissenting opinions, shockingly no paper trail of what’s being discussed and agreed upon at meetings, and no guidance or encouragement so far from above about how the National Security Council staff should be organized.

The intelligence official, who said he was willing to give the Trump administration the benefit of the doubt when it took office, is now deeply troubled by how things are being run.

Foreign Policy "Steve Bannon is Making Sure There is No White House Paper Trail, Says Intel Source

chickelit said...

Obama's core values no longer resonate with a majority of states. We saw this in the midterms, three times in a row. We saw it in the defeat of his acolyte -- the one who promised a third term. I hope he is ignored.

Jupiter said...

mockturtle said...
"There seems to be a notion that the principal threat of Muslim presence in the US is terrorism. The real threat is to our freedoms. Europe has found that increase in Muslim population leads to diminished freedom of speech and religion as well as to creeping Sharia law."

You don't need to look at Europe. The Seattle woman who tried to start Everyone Draw Mohammed Day in 2010 was advised by the FBI to change her name and go into hiding. And in hiding she remains, because whatever freedoms the First Amendment may pretend to protect, the reality is that disrespecting Mohammed is a capital crime in what used to be our country.

Jupiter said...

Any American who publicly criticizes Islam can expect to need bodyguards 24/7 for the rest of his life. And Obama has the gall to run his fuckhole about "our values".

chickelit said...

And in hiding she remains, because whatever freedoms the First Amendment may pretend to protect, the reality is that disrespecting Mohammed is a capital crime in what used to be our country.

Protection of Mohammed's image is an Obama core value as he himself stated as POTUS before the UN.

chickelit said...

@Remorse: These days, FP is as partisan as Breitbart so think your point is moot.

mockturtle said...

Remember the 'hot cross buns' traditionally served in British schools? Scrapped due to Muslim complaints that they were 'Christian'. Neither Trump nor his supporters are willing to allow this constant whining to impact our life this way, although, as Jupiter points out, dhimmitude is already taking shape here, as well.

Remorse said...

These days, FP is as partisan as Breitbart so think your point is moot.

Good thinking. Just say "fake news" to anything you don't like.

mockturtle said...

Protection of Mohammed's image is an Obama core value as he himself stated as POTUS before the UN.

Right you are, chickelit! The future must not belong to those who insult the Prophet of Islam.

bgates said...

The intelligence official, who said he was willing to give the Trump administration the benefit of the doubt when it took office, is now deeply troubled

I don't anyone could accuse that unnamed source of conducting a malicious politically motivated attack. He said he was willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, and he stubbornly stuck to that position for literally dozens of hours into the term.

Remorse said...

He said he was willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, and he stubbornly stuck to that position for literally dozens of hours into the term.

Yes, Trump's incompetence burned a lot of bridges for the administration in the first few nine days.

Jupiter said...

Remorse said...

"Foreign Policy "Steve Bannon is Making Sure There is No White House Paper Trail, Says Intel Source".

Hmmmm... Sounds serious. Has he set up an e-mail server in someone's bathroom?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's great to have armchair Islam theologians pretending that they're here to devise American national policy.

damikesc said...

Islamic terrorism is no big deal...but the KKK is always ready to rise up and kill people.

Anonymous said...

Remorse to chickelit:

"These days, FP is as partisan as Breitbart so think your point is moot."

Good thinking. Just say "fake news" to anything you don't like.

So what you're saying is that, unlike chickelit, who views both publications skeptically, you regard both Breitbart and FP as reliable sources of information?

Jupiter said...

Commander Crankshaft said...
"It's great to have armchair Islam theologians pretending that they're here to devise American national policy."

Actually, the subject of the thread is Barack Hussein Obama and his inability to recognize that he is no longer the President of the United States. In fact, he is the armchair Islamic theologian pretending to have a role to play in American national policy. And no, it's not great to have him around. His doctor should up his meds.

Remorse said...

So what you're saying is that, unlike chickelit, who views both publications skeptically, you regard both Breitbart and FP as reliable sources of information?

If you can't tell the difference in credibility between these two publications then don't bother me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks, Jupiter! You might want to tell that to Barack's fellow armchair Islam theologians: chickelit and mockturtle.

wholelottasplainin said...

Wait a minute...I thought Bannon was supposed to be anti-Semitic....now the progs are telling us he's anti-Muslim too...????

Anonymous said...

"Remorse" (aka Unknown #546)

If you can't tell the difference in credibility between these two publications then don't bother me.

Don't worry, just checking to see if the DNC sock-puppet on the clock right now would give the predictably mindless Red Guard response.

Not disappointed.

Remorse said...

Wait a minute...I thought Bannon was supposed to be anti-Semitic....now the progs are telling us he's anti-Muslim too...????

Arabs are Semites.

Remorse said...

Don't worry, just checking to see if the DNC sock-puppet on the clock right now would give the predictably mindless Red Guard response.

Sock puppet? Why aren't you a sock puppet for Trump?

Jupiter said...

Commander Crankshaft said...
"Thanks, Jupiter! You might want to tell that to Barack's fellow armchair Islam theologians: chickelit and mockturtle."

It's not their theology that concerns us, although you have to wonder about people so twisted they dream up an imaginary playmate so they can be his slaves. You don't want your kids playing with these sickos. But it's their ideology that is the real problem. They claim it is their right and indeed their duty to force everyone on Earth to be slaves of their imaginary playmate. I'm OK with them enslaving you, I wish they'd chain you up in a basement. But I'm not OK with them enslaving me.

chickelit said...

@Crank: You should know that none of the chairs I use on a regular basis have arms. So the stale metaphor doesn't apply to me.

chickelit said...

So Trump fired his acting AG.

Dig, he stuck a fork in her. Wild!

chickelit said...

Remorse regretted: "Arabs are Semites"

Are Syrians Semitic too? that would explain why they get away with murder in Europe. All the laws are couched in terms of "Semites" and "anti-Semitic". Thus cracking down or otherwise policing Syrians is "anti-Semitic."

Paul said...

Obama is just a left wing agitator. No more, no less.

He's the new Al Sharpton.

Drago said...

Re: "Sock puppet? Why aren't you a sock puppet for Trump?"

That's like asking why it is that conservatives don't protest in makeshift camps where women get raped and body lice makes a comeback bigly, defecate on police cars all the while destroying and looting local businesses.

The answer?

'cuz that's your gig lefty baby.

CWJ said...

Where are the "Miss me yet" posters.

Big Mike said...

It never crossed my mind that Obama would maintain a dignified silence. For starters he would have to have an innate sense of dignity, which he sadly lacks. Some sense of humility and reality would help, but he's missing those too.

Joe said...

It was pretty weak tea.

As I've said before; Obama doesn't care about politics, is going to get bored really fast and go golfing.

BJM said...

I'm beginning to think that Bannon's primary role is to take stray voltage. That the left must create a bogeyman is the tell that they have no argument or rebuttal.

Crank, re Chickelit, you're punching way above your weight.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If you're gonna sock 'em when they call you Nazi, hit 'em so they stay plastered.

Big Willy (Buckley) Style.

stan said...

Obama is a no class dumbass

Achilles said...

readering said...
"So for Achilles it's a Muslim ban."

Please tell me what part of the Muslim religion is compatible with a free classicly liberal society.

Is it the widespread practice of female genital mutilation?

Is it the persecution and execution of gay people? or apostates?

Is it the institutionalization of child rape?

Is it the proclivity to kill and terrorize minority religions? Is it the genocide?

Is it the treatment of women as property?

I love watching democrats tell us how much better off we are with all of that. I really think you all need to stick with this one. It is electoral gold.

Of course I have 2 young daughters and the thought of them growing up in a country where Muslims who believe in sharia law have any influence on society makes me have impure thoughts. Fortunately supermajorities of voting US citizens agree with me and they disagree with you.

Achilles said...

Commander Crankshaft said...
So for Achilles it's a Muslim ban.

"Shhhhhh! The courts might hear. Or listen to what Giuliani said."

So are you liking yourself some sharia law now? I thought you were brighter than that.

And you know good and well we as people 100% get to determine who does and does not come here. We don't have to ban Muslims. But we can damn well ban people who believe gay people should be tossed off buildings.

damikesc said...

He had his chance. We have to pull this car out of the ditch. He just needs to go to the back and shut up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The American government has no role to play in resolving theological conflicts. That's for civil society, which Achilles would know if his side wasn't so fucking bad at it. Until then, he's free to go back to his home in Old Europe, where they still love that sort of stuff and spent centuries killing each other over it. But this is America. Let the Muslims sort out their own problems. If Achilles and Jupiter want to take part, let them go on over and do that, then. Over there. They can't get it off their mind.

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