January 23, 2017


A trending hashtag.

I refuse to accept the results of the AFC and NFC championship games.Tomorrow I'll be protesting, looting, and rioting. #NotMySuperBowl

But the Packers won the popular vote #NotMySuperBowl

We demand Tom Brady release his football air pressure statements. #NotMySuperBowl


PB said...

Protest everything!

Brando said...

Amusing, but that actually is the way I've been feeling about the playoffs! Once the teams you give a crap about are out, the rest is just watching for distraction. I'll root for the Falcons because they haven't won one yet (and my NE pals have been pretty insufferable over the years and will only get worse with more Super Bowl victories) but otherwise it's hard to feel any stake in it.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I will just say personally that I was hoping for a Green Bay/Patriots matchup, with two legendary quarterbacks. I lived in Minnesota for 6 years, and if the Vikings are out of it, I pretty much have to go with Green Bay. Having said that, I accept the results of football contests that are duly carried out according to known rules, with no documented irregularities. To do otherwise would potentially undermine our entire system of laws, and in fact might be a small step toward fascism. I believe Brady when he says he wants balls that are inflated on the low end as opposed to the high end, but within the rules; he has never knowingly cheated.

damikesc said...

I've watched no NFL football this year.

I feel I've missed little.

Darrell said...

Enough of that point shit. How about total yards?

rehajm said...

I'm glad the Soros/Russian backed Jim Nance failed in his campaign to get the ball to Pittsburgh after the Brady fumble and recovery. Nobody fell for Nance's alternative facts campaign!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

OT: "Thousands took to San Francisco’s streets to voice their opposition to abortion Saturday at an annual event that coincidentally coincided with the city’s Women’s March."

I thought Ann might have something to say about "coincidentally coincided." And maybe something about crowd size :-) Though the photo actually attached to the article seems obviously Photoshopped.

Birkel said...

I hope the team that will most hurt the NFL brand wins. If there is a chance for The Fighting Colin Kaepernicks to win the Super Bowl, that is my favourite team.

Perhaps the Wife Abusers can play the Sexual Assaulters in the consolation round. Ray Lewis can referee.

Brando said...

"I hope the team that will most hurt the NFL brand wins."

Maybe then that would be the Patriots--another victory for a dominant team isn't much of a story, and I figure Atlanta represents the longest standing deep south team which has yet to win a Super Bowl.

Birkel said...

What other deep South team is there?

campy said...

John Lewis represents Atlanta. Ergo all opposition is racist. QED

ddh said...

Superbowl--The Festivus of Football!

Michael K said...

I thought Ann might have something to say about "coincidentally coincided." And maybe something about crowd size :-)

One theory of the crowd size spat is that Trump is trolling the media about crowd size for the "March For Life" next weekend. The media never covers it but the crowds may be larger than the abortion march they just had.

We'll see. Ben Rhodes bragged about how stupid reporters are. Trump has more media experience than 99% of them

Michael K said...

John Lewis represents Atlanta. Ergo all opposition is racist. QED

Somebody said that game proved Trump right about Lewis's district. The Packers were getting murdered in his district and he did nothing about it.

Wince said...

Interesting to look at the origins of the "not my" meme.

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
The downfalls of controlling what is not ours to control.
Margaret Wehrenberg Psy.D.
Depression Management Techniques
Psychology Today Dec 18, 2014

"Not my monkeys" is code to let other people do their own work and not get in the middle of it. Whether they succeed or fail is their responsibility. Your stress will go down. Ask yourself:

1. Do I have some responsibility? What exactly is it for? (Which monkeys are mine?)

2. Who is the ringmaster? (To whom am I accountable?)

3. Am I doing my own actual work or taking over work that others are responsible for?

Learning to let others do their part and let them succeed or fail is actually kinder than taking it over. Most of us learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. Being allowed to do our own part of a job helps us learn it, as we see what part we have mastered and what monkeys we still need to train.

The next time you are feeling negative, expecting a situation to fall apart, take charge of the correct set of problems and lower your stress, by asking yourself:

Is this my circus?

Are these my monkeys?

mockturtle said...

One of my granddaughters is a Steelers fan [for some unknown reason] so I told her I would root for Pittsburgh for her sake. But I am actually pleased to get the opportunity to watch the Falcons pulverize the Patriots.

traditionalguy said...

The ATL is suddenly on a roll. Same owner, same QB, same Luke warm fans, but all has changed with Coach Dan Quinn. What happened at Seattle happened here. That is the interesting part of NFL teams. The coaches who get players to play well together and like one another will win.

So this Super Bowl is the best we could get. Bellichek v Quinn. The Self Respect Bowl is the The Leadership Bowl. Now about that Trump team winning too much.

Big Mike said...

@Brando, both Jacksonville and Houston are south of Atlanta and neither has even been to a Super Bowl.

Hope it's a good game. Both teams have so many offensive weapons! Should be very high-scoring. NTTAWWT

Dude1394 said...

Well the democrats have shown us that nothing should ever be accepted again. Let's riot, shoot, punch, kick and burn stuff because our team didn't win.

Comanche Voter said...

Ah well Ms. Althouse; we mourn with you. I'm not a Cheese Head type--but Aaron Rodgers did play for California, and I'm always pulling for him.

As for Tom Brady and Matt Ryan--meh. Great quarterbacks and I suppose their teams belong in the Super Bowl. But I think I'll go shovel leaves or something during this year's Super Bowl.

mccullough said...

I'm pulling for the Patriots. I want to see the look on Goodell's face on the dais when he has to hand the Lombardi Trophy to the Patriots. If Robert Kraft is devious, he'll tell Goodell to hand it the trophy directly to Brady.

khesanh0802 said...

Gives you a pretty good idea of how seriously the Dem BS is being taken by the average American.

khesanh0802 said...

@rejahm I am sure you noticed that Nance very carefully corrected himself after about a quarter had gone by.

Brando said...

"What other deep South team is there?"

I guess New Orleans, and arguably Jacksonville (as being close to the GA border). Atlanta's right in the center of the region though.

"@Brando, both Jacksonville and Houston are south of Atlanta and neither has even been to a Super Bowl."

Yes, but they're both a lot newer--Atlanta's been around since at least the early '70s. I don't know if I'd count Houston as Deep South, though Jacksonville would be close. I'd also add New Orleans.

Big Mike said...

@Brando, New Orleans won in 2010 (Super Bowl XLIV). Houston is very clearly south of Atlanta, and Texas was part of the old Confederacy. Other teams that I'd consider in the deep south are Miami and Tampa. Going just by latitude, San Diego is south of Atlanta, but Southern California isn't really the south.

rehajm said...

khesanh0802 said...
@rejahm I am sure you noticed that Nance very carefully corrected himself after about a quarter had gone by.

Yes. My sarc aside, it means it took someone 40 minutes to explain to the game's play by play announcer what happened. It's a recurring theme with Nance, as if he's not watching the game or can't see the game where he's sitting.

It's like my Nana calling the game.

traditionalguy said...

Atlanta started as the Hub city for travel literally a mile or so from the southern tip of the continuous mountain barrier between the Atlantic coast and the interior running from Maine to Georgia. Travel by Rail first brought in warehouses, sales distribution, finance and banking and a mixture of folks from everywhere. Post WWII's travel by Air and travel by Interstate Highway has only reinforced that.

From Dallas/Houston east, only Charlotte has become a southern competitor. But the Olympics helped market Atlanta, along with the East coast location for getting many of the Big International Companies American HQs. The Air Travel back to Europe, Middle East and India is shorter and direct from ATL.

Locally raised companies include Coca-Cola, Delta, Home Depot (Falcon's owner's gig) and Chik-Fil-A. Education levels are high from Georgia Tech, Emory and Georgia State. And the legal community now has to compete with hoards of graduates from Chicago, New York and Boston. They have brought their own ways down here, but we try to civilize them.

Brando said...

"@Brando, New Orleans won in 2010 (Super Bowl XLIV). Houston is very clearly south of Atlanta, and Texas was part of the old Confederacy. Other teams that I'd consider in the deep south are Miami and Tampa. Going just by latitude, San Diego is south of Atlanta, but Southern California isn't really the south."

I forgot that Super Bowl--we had terrible reception in our apartment that year and spent more of the night getting drunk than watching it (I think we had a snow day the next day?). Deep South got that one.

Though you consider TX and FL "deep south"? I know they're both southern, and confederate, but I always thought "Deep South" meant LA, MS, AL, GA and SC, with the rest being "near south" even if parts of some were technically farther south than those.

Birkel said...

Houston is in Texas. Texas is not the South.

New Orleans is not the South, although some parts of Louisiana is.

Jacksonville is rumored to have a professional team, but nobody can find evidence of professional play there. The jury will remain out.

Nashville has a team that used to be in Texas. Houston is in Texas. The Oilers do not count as the South.


(just messing around)

Rosalyn C. said...

Exactly what I was thinking yesterday -- take a poll on which team people believe should be the winner and if they lose, refuse to accept the results of the game. Use that as an analogy on how the press is treating the last presidential election. Who knew others would have the same thought? Interesting.

Brando said...

Don't forget the Panthers!

mockturtle said...

Houston is in Texas. Texas is not the South.

East Texas is the South. West Texas is not.

Milwaukee said...

Sorry "EDH said...
Interesting to look at the origins of the "not my" meme.

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
The downfalls of controlling what is not ours to control.
Margaret Wehrenberg Psy.D.
Depression Management Techniques
Psychology Today Dec 18, 2014"

But Jennifer used that monkey line on me years before 2014.
However, that is a good explanation. In therapy we also speak of taking care of your own business, or your side of the street.

#NotMySuperbowl. Didn't Atlanta lose to the Denver Broncos? After Dan Reeves left Denver and went to Atlanta. HAHAHAHAHA. Let New England win and show people how it is done.

Porkov said...

Sorry - I want Tam Brady to succeed at everything he does.

Jaq said...

The Patriots dissected Pittsburgh so easily, it looked like they had given them anesthesia.

PD Quig said...

No NFL for me this year. Zero. While I don't particularly like New England, it would be glorious for chickensh*t Commissioner Roger (the Dodger) Goodell to have to hand the SB trophy to Tom Brady and Belichick. He can't avoid showing up at the SuperBowl.

Titus said...

I am thrilled that New England is going to The Super Bowl again- never gets old flyovers! It is nice to have a coastie state in the bowl too.

I was hoping it would be the Packers against the Pats.

Green Bay sucked big cock yesterday.

Go New England!

Big Mike said...

@Birkel, there are professional teams in nearby Gainsville, FL, and two even better ones in Tuscaloosa, AL, and Clemson, SC.

Big Mike said...

Having been in numerous Texas cities in my career I concur with mockturtle.

bobby said...

Where the hell is "New England"?

It's not on any of my maps.

Todd Roberson said...

Key on Texas:

If the vegetation is green it's the south.

If the vegetation is tan or brown it's the southwest.

Todd Roberson said...

Dallas is the border town between south and southwest.

donald said...

I watched the game At The Coast Bar in the Back of the Beau Rivage in Biloxi. The important thing here is that my dad was with me at the Coast Bar in Biloxi. Ain't neither one of us getting any younger!

Anywho, there we are, sitting next to the only two Green Bay fans there. A couple. Who were delightful and fun. Of course the husband left in the third quarter, but the wife stayed till the bitter end.

Dad, who has never stayed in any kind of Suite (I'm a helluva guy every now and then) payed ours and their''s tabs...and tipped big enough that the waitress molested him. It was super cool.

What a night! The Falcons are gonna beat New England. And its gonna be pretty awesome.

donald said...

By the way he left because he was a gambling degenerate who knew that the $10.00 craps table was going to $25.00 at 8:00. So that's cool.

jaed said...

"Not my circus, not my monkeys" isn't the origin of "Not my president". Democrats were saying (in some cases screaming) "Not my president!" back in 2000, and every year since that there's been a Republican president in office.

Additionally, the two sayings mean different things. "Not my circus" is an invitation to detachment and to realizing that there are things you don't control, and this is all right. "Not my president" is a statement that you don't recognize someone as being the President of the United States, and as for realizing that you don't control this, and that being all right... on the contrary.

The whole "my president" thing has always struck me as strange, tone-deaf. You don't have a personal president. I don't like seeing a few Republicans start to adopt it, either. Until a few weeks ago, the only people I'd ever heard refer to "my president" were Democrats, and not the saner contingent either.

Jamie said...

This actually makes me want to tweet something. It's been YEARS since I've tweeted anything.

mockturtle said...

If Trump is not their President, that means they are not American citizens and should be deported.

Steve said...

We need to change the NFL rules so Time of Possession determines the ultimate winner of the contest. The best team can keep the ball longer and are the rightful winner of the game.

Bandit said...

Can't wait to see Roger Goodell hand TB12 the SB trophy

Captain Beancounter said...

So close ... my Detroit Lions almost made it, but unfortunately, there were other teams in the league. Still we did well for having a rebuilding year ... for the 58th year in a row ...

Captain Beancounter said...

So close ... my Detroit Lions almost made it, but unfortunately, there were other teams in the league. Still we did well for having a rebuilding year ... for the 58th year in a row ...

Bad Lieutenant said...


Burn Chuck alive on a bonfire next to some Trump Steaks, and the Lions are a lock next year. If you don't...don't say I didn't warn you.

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