It happened today: The victory of Donald Trump in the Electoral College was certified in a joint session of Congress.
Freshman Democratic Reps. Jamie Raskin (Md.) and Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) also tried to raise objections, but Biden cut them off. Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) attempted to voice protests as well.ADDED: Video:
As Jayapal tried to make her case, Biden cut in: "There is no debate, and if it's not signed by a senator the objection cannot be entertained."
Democrats should be shown acting like spoiled children during this whole thing.
At least Slow Joe was an Adult today.
Who could have guessed Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, and Sheila Jackson Lee would have been involved.
But, props to Slow Joe for finally getting one right before heading out the door.
Cracked him up!
If memory serves, Vice President Al Gore, in his capacity as president of the Senate, was also a stickler for procedure when it came to certifying George W. Bush's Electoral College victory in 2001.
At least Slow Joe was an Adult today.
Yes, at least somebody was...
LYNNDH: "At least Slow Joe was an Adult today."
That's the Biden that could have made it more difficult for Trump to win. I don't think Trump would have won PA with Biden running.
MI/WI? I still Trump would have pulled them out but there is no way to gauge the very different campaign that would have been run.
At least Slow Joe was an Adult today.
He was one during the Clarence Thomas hearing too. I doubt Thomas would be a Justice today if Leahy, Metzenbaum or the murderer had been in the chair.
But the Russians!
"Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz)"
What a confederacy of dunces. Maxine Waters is practically Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son, and Sheila Jackson Lee once complained that hurricanes were given too many "white names."
Looks like its over. Maybe the dems should call it a day...
I'm really sorry it had to end this way.
Jayapal is actually a socialist but has run as a Democrat. Definitely on the leftward fringe of the party.
J. Farmer: "What a confederacy of dunces."
Hank Johnson is still worried about Guam capsizing due to the all the Americans wandering about the island!!
Always remember, the dems are the Party of Science!!
The disrupters - although deplorable - could literally show up to congress naked, kill a man, or run a whorehouse out of their basement and they would get re-elected by their mind-numbed Robot constitutions.
Democrats should be shown acting like spoiled children during this whole thing.
Sad! even.
Biden should have added: "Save your outrage for the Golden Globes awards"
This year's award shows should be peak Trump bashing. Especially the Grammys next month.
Pelosi said, "In some cases, members are concerned about voter suppression, some cases they are concerned about Russian influence on our election. There are a number of concerns." Let's not forget concerns over global warming and the heartbreak of psoriasis.
The State of Georgia cast its 16 votes for Donald J. Trump, causing Biden to forcefully declare, " It is over."
Obviously, Biden is KGB, and he thought it was Soviet Georgia.
traditionalguy: ""The State of Georgia cast its 16 votes for Donald J. Trump, causing Biden to forcefully declare, " It is over."
Obviously, Biden is KGB."
Much more likely he is NKVD. He could never be GRU.
These are all the same Dems WHO WERE THE MOST OUTRAGED when (in what would have been thoroughly routine parliamentary debate behavior in Her Majesty's house of Commons) Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina interrupted with "You lie!" during the Obama 2011 State of the Union Address.
In. The. Very. Same. Room.
So I guess they aren't going to the inauguration?
That's right Drago. Biden is an old Cold Warrior and he dreams of his glory days when he was helping Reagan to fight the Soviet Union. Nobody tell Biden, or the Intelligence gurus, but the Soviet Union actually went away 20 years ago.
What do you expect from a twit like Primila Jayapal?
She replaced Jim McDermott (D - Fifth Column).
"She replaced Jim McDermott (D - Fifth Column)."
Washington 7th - complete SWPL country. Swine who'd elect Lenin if they could.
"The disrupters - although deplorable - could literally show up to congress naked, kill a man, or run a whorehouse out of their basement and they would get re-elected by their mind-numbed Robot constitutions."
Now HRC knows where she should move to for a Congressional run.
It is left to Joe Biden to throw in the towel!
Now the JournoLists can move on. Baby, it's cold outside.
stever: "So I guess they aren't going to the inauguration?"
They are playing "hard to get" in order to obtain tickets to a better inaugural event.
They got the idea by reading "The Art Of The Deal" by DJT.
Unwatchable. It just reveals the swamp that needs draining.
Just do the business without the posing.
Either that of bring in Punxsutawney Phil.
I watched it on C-Span. It was fun to watch the mic being cut off each and every time...and the gavel banging for order..and the noisy protesters being walked out. And--each time Paul Ryan, who was seated behind Biden, would smile. At the end Biden, too, smiled and looked as if he wanted to burst out laughing. A little bipartisan humor.
My take is very different. I think "Slow Joe" realized that those clowns were wrecking the Democrat brand, and he was doing what he could to salvage what he could. Biden may not be the sharpest tack in the bulletin board, but he can read election returns.
If Joe Biden is the voice of sanity in the Democrat Party, that's pretty much all you need to know about 2016.
At some point y'all will stop falling for distractions re out of power folks and you'll focus on keeping cons' feet to the fire re con-atism.
That won't happen.
Anywho, I hear that Bernie is a socialist. Expand.
Anywho, I hear that Arnold sucks at TV. Expand.
P.S. the NYT is fake news. Expand.
Teddy killed a gal. Expand.
BLM = cop killer. Expand.
Repeal O-care (i.e. remove the taxes on rich folks that fund it, but sans-funding still keep the Medicare/caid expansion forever, and keep the exchange subsidies for at least a couple years) = con victory. Don't expand, look at Bern = socialist.
Carry on.
"Teddy killed a gal. Expand". No need. You said it all.
Chuck, For a long time in the Houses of Parliament it has been against the rules of the House of Commons (leaving aside the fact that, formally, only the Speaker is addressed, not another Member) to address another Member as 'liar': so Mr Wilson's 'you lie' would have been out of order. Mr Wilson's interjection was needlessly ungracious in any event, however much I may have agreed with him about the fact of the matter or politically (not that I recall now what he was going on about).
The most intelligent thing Slow Joe has ever said. I wonder who wrote it for him.
Obviously, Biden is KGB, and he thought it was Soviet Georgia.
Not possible. The KGB only took the best and the brightest.
That's why Putin was able to run rings around our community organizer.
"i.e. remove the taxes on rich folks that fund it, but sans-funding still keep the Medicare/caid expansion forever, and keep the exchange subsidies for at least a couple years"
Considering the "art of the possible" and "the art of the deal", thats about what it would take to unwind this mess as much as it can be unwound. Life, sadly, is compromise.
The benefits to the general public and businesses in general in reducing complexity and reducing coverage costs (through removal of mandatory coverage standards), thats a large net positive even with the extra Medicaid. A big deal to small&medium business in particular. Its definitely worthwhile to bury as much of this monster as possible.
The joker here is the pre-existing conditions mandate. A very expensive item but very desirable to much of the Trump electorate, and its much harder to take something away than to refuse to give it in the first place. A nice political problem.
It would be interesting to see what you, LPBO or PB&J, would suggest as a realistic fix.
BTW, the fact that Teddy, as an elite lib, got away w/ murder (or at least manslaughter) is a phenomenon that only benefits libs. That is, elite libs (like Teddy and HRC) get away w/ special passes from the gov. But, cons don't get this because of the librul msm and other such evil liberalness.
Obviously the elite cons, like DJT and many of the folks he's putting in charge of the gov, are nobly working for the benefit of all Americans. It makes sense to fuss about the out of power libs rather than hold folks holding the levers to account. Elite cons can't be corrupt or motivated by ulterior, self-serving motives. In fact, they're not even susceptible to getting things wrong, even though, as we all know, they only have honorable motivations. So, it makes sense to focus on out of power libs.
Logic motivates the minds of y'all.
Smart thinking.
Carry on.
I'd change the O-care mandate to make it super expensive and impossible to be removed by Congresscritters.
IOW, make people feel the costs of healthcare. Only then will the cost be contained. The Rs repeal plan which is to keep the benefits and get rid of the revenue that pays for them is F-ed up, imho.
Also, I'm in favor of data gathering to find the best practices that save and improve people's lives w/o throwing away dough, aka death panels.
"He was one during the Clarence Thomas hearing too. "
No, he was the one who ambushed Thomas, promising him a quick fair hearing when he know that they were planning an Anita Hill ambush. Proof is the fact that there were witnesses who knew them both and who were black and supported Thomas. They were not allowed to testify.
He was right. It was a lynching and Biden had hold of the rope.
The joker here is the pre-existing conditions mandate. A very expensive item but very desirable to much of the Trump electorate, and its much harder to take something away than to refuse to give it in the first place. A nice political problem.
The French system tales care of this by setting up a fund to provide care for a list of diagnoses, like diabetes, that are expensive. The care of that diagnosis and its complications are covered but the rest of care is in the usual system. If a diabetic gets gangrene, it is covered. It a diabetic gets appendicitis or colon cancer, it is subject to the usual rules.
For example, I had a patient who needed a breast biopsy but had had thyroid cancer years before treated and cured. She could not get insurance. What should be done is require her to go to the fund for thyroid cancer care but allow usual care for everything else.
"It makes sense to fuss about the out of power libs rather than hold folks holding the levers to account. "
The "elite libs" are very much in power. The Republicans have the overt democratic offices, but so far the libs are firmly atop the institutional pyramids where the real power lies. They still make the rules and live by manipulating them. This is the result of power migrating from politicians to the bureaucracies. Gramsci's "Long March" is still crawling along.
Until the tumbrils roll and the guillotines are greased up, this will be so.
Mike K,
Not sure that's the slam dunk that the stuff between you ears seems to think it is.
Fine Buwaya,
Keep your eye on those sneaky libs, like DJT tells you to.
Carry on.
"I'd change the O-care mandate to make it super expensive and impossible to be removed by Congresscritters."
? I don't get it.
"The Rs repeal plan which is to keep the benefits and get rid of the revenue that pays for them is F-ed up, imho."
Some of the 'benefits' which weren't that expensive. Or nowhere as expensive as the economic damage involved in allegedly paying for them. This thing is like the thief who does a smash and grab into your car, costing you $thousands to steal a $100 phone. You know, if the Dems had simply expanded Medicare to the same degree and slapped on an extra tax for it it would have slid through painlessly in 2009-10 and nobody would be bitching now.
"Fine Buwaya,
Keep your eye on those sneaky libs, like DJT tells you to."
You know I'm right, man. Admit it, your soul will be cleaner.
And they aren't sneaky at all. They sue and prosecute and cover us with truckloads of paper every chance they get.
Blogger Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
Keep your eye on those sneaky libs, like DJT tells you to.
That's Notorious DJT to you, fella!
Mike K,
So, when the French gov covers something, is that a single payer (i.e. the gov directly paying) situation, or does the gov give dough to a private insurance company who then filters the dough down to the care provider?
Aside from this, I do recall one thing from the French system when all this was a hot topic in 08, some of the gov funded benefits were arranged so that the patient needed to pay upfront, and then they were later reimbursed (at least partially) by the gov. I remember this because it did what I like, i.e. make the folks consuming healthcare aware of the costs of what they're consuming.
That's why I love the mandate, and hate cons giving away stuff w/o anyone paying for it or knowing what it costs.
Lyin'PB believes Lyin'PB will be on the better side of the firing squad when it gets to that (proverbial?) point.
Meanwhile, the power of government rests in the alphabet soup of regulatory agencies that feign to control every facet of our lives. They control our bathrooms, kitchens, child rearing, old age and everything in between.
Blogger buwaya said...
The "elite libs" are very much in power. The Republicans have the overt democratic offices, but so far the libs are firmly atop the institutional pyramids where the real power lies. They still make the rules and live by manipulating them.
The federal bureaucracies are supposed to be under the control of democratic institutions. That is what makes us a republic. The EPA is not allowed to determine its own agenda, and neither is the Department of Education, the CIA, the NSA, etc.
Intro to vectors & scalars, One-dimensional motion, Physics
Nobody pays the mandate except the unwary. The mandate only gets paid if a refund is owed. Anybody with a brain claims extra deductions and owes taxes. And then the mandate is never paid.
So you prefer a tax on the stupid, and only the stupid? This seems likely.
And Mike K,
Can you think of a problem if the gov picks up the expensive, unprofitable costs, and leaves the profitable stuff for the private companies so they can make dough for shareholders?
I don't think I need to spell out the problem for you, as a tax payer.
Lewis Wetzel: "The EPA is not allowed to determine its own agenda, and neither is the Department of Education, the CIA, the NSA, etc."
You missed the two important words: in theory.
Practice is different. If it were not so, the fight to maintain the strategic positions of government power would not be so pitched.
This two words swallow your whole premise.
I just want folks to pay (i.e. realize) the true cost of health care.
If a mandate only catches dopes, then it's a starting point. People need to be exposed to the costs of the care they're using, then there'll be an incentive to make tough decisions that restrain costs. The R's plan to give everything away w/o generating revenue to pay for it is counterproductive, imho.
Congress is the ultimate self-licking ice cream cone. Hard to take them serious except that they have so much influence on our lives.
BTW, I'd be ok w/ making it less easy for folks to sue docs who kill or injure them, if this was a way to allow poor/normal people to get docs who couldn't practice in an environment where they'd be responsible for their shittyness.
But, we'd need to find a way to also have a higher tier of legal protections for folks who aren't poor/normal. IOW, if folks don't care about the costs of care, and they don't want docs who can only exist if there are fewer legal penalties for F-ups, these folks should be allowed to have more accountable docs.
Your larger point is the correct one. Those who consume a good or service must internalize the costs of the activity. Otherwise we get overconsumption and outsized inflation.
And now we must disentangle insurance from employment and allow catastrophic-only policies. Then we must decide how much charity can solve societal issues VS how much government is allowed to take by force to pay for others' benefits.
"And now we must disentangle."
There's no reason to bring particle physics into this.
“What the fuck was I thinking? I could had this thing!”
“Joe, take it easy. It was a hard decision…”
“I can see it now: Joe Biden, President…”
“You can’t let this eat at you, Joe…”
“If I knew the fucking Russians were going to release that Hillary shit I would’ve jumped in. Why did I cave in to that bitch?”
“Because she had the power to ruin lives?”
“I’ve been around the block. I just figured no one would finally tell the truth about her…”
“It WAS a surprise…”
“I mean, I woulda kicked Bernie’s wrinkled ass, no problem. And Trump? I’d smile like a shark —“
“You DO have great teeth, Joe —“
“—thank you: worth every dollar, just like the hair plugs. Though — as I was saying — I’d smile like a shark and knock the sonuvabitch OUT.”
“You would, Joe: there is no question about that.”
“Did you know Huma called me to ’suggest’ that I didn’t run?”
“No! Really?”
“Yeah: Hillary’s lesbian lover tried to tell ME what to do. I still get mad, just thinking about it.”
“I understand, Joe…”
“Did you know someone offered to sell me a video of Hillary fucking Huma in the ass with a strap-on cock?”
“Yeah. I saw it, and Hillary was really ramming it in there: the woman has some serious anger issues. I shoulda paid the quarter-million: I could’ve made it look like the Russians leaked it….”
“You took the High Road, Joe…”
“Maybe. But the High Road doesn’t lead to the White House.”
“That is SO true, Joe…”
“I still can’t get the image of Hillary butt-fucking Huma with a strap-on cock out of my head, though. Those sounds: Dear Lord, it haunts me…”
“I can only imagine…”
“Well, what’s done is done. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be President, that’s all.”
“It’s a roll of the dice, Joe.”
“You know, when you’re President they let you do it,”
“What’s that, Joe?”
Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything…”
I am Laslo.
After PB's incoherent comments derail the thread, Laslo brings us back to the subject. God bless Laslo.
I suppose that there are warehouses full of papers examining the problem of health care costs in the US.
The reason the system -- including the pre-Obamacare system -- was so hard to reform is that any meaningful reform would require Americans to accept things that they do not want to accept. Less individual treatment options. The loss of the freedom to go w/o health insurance (aka'self coverage'). Ruthless triaging by bureaucrats. The end of the practice of medicine as an entry into the upper middle class. No more storefront breast enhancement and facelift clinics, no more good doctors and hospitals within driving range.
I don't know what a GOP replacement for Obamacare will look like, but I don't think that the metric should be anything devised by the Democrats.
Pre-Obamacare, something like 85% of Americans said that they were happy with their health care. That didn't stop Obama from turning the system upside down with a mad, untested law written by corporations, backbenchers, and congressional staff.
Requiring people to carry health insurance will always produce a higher measure of insured people, so it's not a good metric. Gallup shows that people satisfied/dissatisfied with health care costs has basically been unaffected by Obamacare -- but unpopular provisions of Obamacare were backloaded.
Barbara Lee represents a district that includes Berkeley California. Nuff said.
Sheila Jackson Lee is a space cadet--and Democrat--from Houston.
Maxine "Gatemouth" Waters represents Watts. Now that should be a mortal lock for a black woman who ain't too smart; neither are her voters---they keep sending her back.
But the color complexion of Watts is changing slowly. Many of the black folks are moving to Riverside and San Bernardino. Watts is getting browner. Viva La Raza! They'll say adios muchacha to Maxine some day and install a Latina. Can't come soon enough for me.
Laslo, you're writing scripts for Jack Webb, you magnificent bastard.
Washington 7th
I live in Washington 7. It's gerrymandered to capture N.E. Seattle, and burden it with Vashon Island 20 miles to the S.W.
Vashon is where you go to wear Birkenstocks with socks, and shorts.
BTW, thinking of 08, do folks remember what candidate BHO proposed for healthcare reform?
If you guessed that he was strongly against the mandate (which HRC was for in the primary), but for the other stuff that Rs now say they want to leave = you're right.
Ironic that the R sweep of 16 is planning to replace HRC/HeritageF/Romney-moderated-O-care w/ the pure O-care that BHO ran on when he beat McCain.
Cool stuff.
Carry on.
Don't forget skis.
Why aren't the Sergeants at Arms armed with tasers for those protesters? If CSPAN wonders about how to get their ratings out of the toilet, that could be a good start. Hell, if the Democrat Congresscritters stage another sit-in, you could put that on pay-per-view.
"you could put that on pay-per-view."
Joe Rogan can do the play-by-play.
Goes to show, PB&J, that the Democrats in general were even dumber/more corrupt than their boss. And so they remain. It also shows that their boss was merely a figurehead, unable to even attempt to beat sense into that herd.
That, or O's skill set was to appear responsible/reasonable. He was great at wearing his mask.
Don't forget Mrs. terrorist fist bumper who hates America, Mooochelle:
PB&J wrote:
"If you guessed that he was strongly against the mandate (which HRC was for in the primary), but for the other stuff that Rs now say they want to leave = you're right."
So what? That's not the law he eagerly signed. During the primary Trump said he was in favor of doing a lot of things the Dems are dinging hinm for not doing, even though he has not been sworn in yet.
It turned out that Obama knew even less about how to reform health care than he knew about the constitution.
I think most of them really do hate America PB&J. They have a burning, urgent hatred of the volk, if not the actual real estate. They can, in public, pretend to mask it, but the rage comes easily, especially these days.
They wont admit it as such, being even more frightened of self-examination than they are of the truck drivers and the residents of Tulsa OK.
I have lived in the belly of the beast for thirty years and I know them very well.
Your larger point is the correct one. Those who consume a good or service must internalize the costs of the activity. Otherwise we get overconsumption and outsized inflation.
That's the theory, but in practice it doesn't work unless you're prepared to let people who can't pay for services die. There are people out there who will never, ever make enough money to cover their medical care. We need to provide a mechanism to cover these people, repeal EMTALA, or limp along with the whole cost-shifting thing. Those are pretty much the options.
If you want to know another clever Dem with reservations, to say the least, about Obamacare, search for Bill Clintons comments on it last year, from Oct 3-4 or so.
He called it everything we have said here, and more so, citing a doubling of premiums and coverage cut in half, "its the craziest thing in the world".
One wonders what he was advising, privately, back in 2009-10.
It was and is a ridiculously bad system, forced on the country against its will besides, and the cause of ill feeling beyond any government policy since 1860. Anything, at all, that is likely to be passed at this point is sure to be an improvement.
"Anything, at all, that is likely to be passed at this point is sure to be an improvement."
Right, keeping the benefits while getting rid of the funding (i.e. deficit spending) while also turning the system into BHO's original goal (i.e. no mandate) is a great victory for Rs.
Con is as con does.
Carry on.
Anything that removes the mass of cost-escalating process and perverse incentives is an improvement, cost what it may. You are living with the full measure of the direct costs as it is.
Oh come PB&J, you can do better than repeating rhetoric you have already used several times on this thread.
Did you do debate in high school?
"Did you do debate in high school?"
I got to grade four, but it took twelve years. Does that count?
You know the Democrats have gone off the deep end when Biden looks like the intelligent adult.
PB: "Right, keeping the benefits while getting rid of the funding (i.e. deficit spending) while also turning the system into BHO's original goal (i.e. no mandate) is a great victory for Rs"
Yeah, that obambi. He sure didn't want any sort of individual mandate!
That's the ticket. Keep telling yourself that!
PB seems very well informed about a republican plan that other democrats say doesn't even exist yet!
Well, if it wasn't possible to keep multiple contradictory thoughts in ones mind while simultaneously believing they are all "TRUE" then he wouldn't be a lefty!
It's because of folks like you that we have arrived at the precipice of the Trump inauguration!
Do carry on! We beg of you!
The lefties are screaming bloody murder at the republicans and practically begging them for a detailed republican plan (14 days prior to Trump being inaugurated!) to take the focus off of their monumental Obamacare failure.
Bless their hearts!
Can you blame them really?
Perhaps the republicans will call their repeal and replace plan the "We have to pass it to see what is in it Plan".
I would.
Not to worry lefties. Obama's endless Farewell Tour will yield tens of thousands of words which will be sweet sweet healing balm for the masses who are experiencing massive obamacare premium rate increases.
What's the dems answer to all this?
Hilariously, it's a version of Pythons Black Knight where the dems demand to call this a "Draw" and then lets just accelerate to a point where we turn our entire health care system into a "VA for everyone!!".
What could go wrong?
If you memory is failing you, go back to stuff from 08. BHO was strongly anti-mandate. He used HRC's support for it against her.
Or, don't understand reality.
I.e., carry on.
Right, keeping the benefits while getting rid of the funding (i.e. deficit spending) while also turning the system into BHO's original goal (i.e. no mandate) is a great victory for Rs.
It wasn't that long ago that PB&J was certain that Obamacare was Romneycare. Or that it was a conservative plan hatched by the Heritage Foundation.
Joe being adult, my ass. Five minutes after it was over, he was chatting and laughing with the reps he had just gaveled silent. They knew damn well that without a Senator's signature their petitions were no good. It was all Outrage Theater done for the benefit of their idiot constituents in Berkeley and Watts, so they could say they "spoke truth to power." They knew it, Biden knew it, Ryan knew it, everyone knew a game was being played except for the idiot protesters who had to be pulled out of there.
We'll see lots and lots of Outrage Theater during the next 4 years.
Those folks, and HRC, were all for the mandate. BHO campaigned and won being explicitly anti-mandate in 08. Now the Rs will give him what he wanted, i.e. all the good stuff sans mandate.
Carry on.
Blogger Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said..."Teddy killed a gal. Expand."
Bob Loblaw:
See my comment about charity and redistribution through threat of governmental force.
Yeah, that obambi. He sure didn't want any sort of individual mandate!
I think Jelly is right on this one. Obama wanted free healthcare for freeloaders like Stanley Anne. She spent her entire adult life abroad scorning the US and its politics and economics and payed nothing into its welfare. But when her turn to die came, she came home and faced some terrible music. Watching that hardship is what convinced Obama that we owed the world "free" healthcare with absolutely no mandate to pay into it.
obambi wants nationalized healthcare.
He was happy to get there in incremental steps.
First step: Obamacare (designed to fail) with the only remaining alternative being nationalized care. The left wasn't even subtle about it.
Under obambi's nationalized health care vision, EVERYONE would be in the mandate.
Everything else is semantics and, unfortunately for LyinPB and his pals, the jig is up.
Oh, and Carry On!
My best friend in high school was the scion of a well-known Madison medical family. He'd tell me stories of depression-era poor people paying doctors in chickens, hogs, crops, whatever. You'd think that today's poor could get a clue and pay doctors in perpetual yard and/or housework. I think they would, but for ingrained racism: Too many doctors are asians or gringos.
I have tutored kids taking the GED.
You can just go ahead and take that you know, there is no need for an adult to complete grades 5-12.
If you need adult tutoring I think it shouldnt take much to get you hooked up even in Seattle.
Dear God! Putin has replaced Joe Biden with a clone!!!!
It's over? The DNC's last bray? The party is not viable?
At the moment, you are correct. The DNC is not viable and those few people still hanging around seem to revel in their irrelevance. If the Republicans were interested in leading a one-party state, now would be the time to finish them off. I want a two-party state and would like the Republicans to finish them off to clear the field for someone else.
If the Democrats aren't interested in governing, they need to get out of the way.
Those were some of the least-intelligent people in Congress making the objections. (At least one of them is dumber than a box of rocks.)
@tom, I wouldn't mind s two party state consisting of Republicans and Libertsrians.
BHO was strongly anti-mandate. He used HRC's support for it against her.
Right, we all know that Obama's plan was to bankrupt the insurance companies and pave the way for single payer.
You know how Canada pays for single payer? Regressive taxation. Sales taxes that hit the poor the hardest. If Democrats want single payer, they are going to have to step up to the plate on that one. That's the only place where the huge dollars required are available.
And now we find out the real reason that Trump is backing Taiwan. A good reason, if you ask me!
"I just want folks to pay (i.e. realize) the true cost of health care."
That's the problem. No one knows the true costs. For decades third, fourth and fifth parties have been getting between the buyers and sellers.
Political theater. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone knew their role and carried it out. Ryan included.
For decades third, fourth and fifth parties have been getting between the buyers and sellers.
And hospitals no longer send itemized statements. If you want one, you have to submit a written request. Health care has become the biggest racket in the US.
Blogger Ron Snyder said...
"Congress is the ultimate self-licking ice cream cone. Hard to take them serious except that they have so much influence on our lives"
And why I voted for Ted in the WI primary.
Ted Cruz wants term limits for Congress, offers constitutional amendment
One can hope.
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