January 22, 2017

I live-blog my reading of the transcript of Trump's remarks at the CIA Headquarters.

I saw bits of this speech yesterday and heard it critiqued by freakily emotive commentators on CNN. I had to look away. I'm up for watching/reading the whole thing now. Here's the full transcript. I'm going to read it and live-blog my reactions.
Well. I want to thank everybody. Very, very special people. And it is true: this is my first stop.
I don't remember seeing other Presidents speak in this location. Clearly, Trump intends the very fact of his appearance here to convey meaning.
Officially. We’re not talking about the balls, and we’re not talking about even the speeches. Although, they did treat me nicely on that speech yesterday [laughter]. I always call them “the dishonest media”, but they treated me nicely.
Trump immediately distracted himself. This seems almost like the way many speakers tell a joke or anecdote before getting to the real topic. Trump is warming himself up — and drawing the crowd in collusively — by voicing what is always between the lines: The press won't be fair to him. The press is listening to this speech, and hearing the challenge: I don't think you can be fair. And I don't just want fairness. I want niceness. If you won't give me good press, I'm going to push the dishonest media meme.

He gets into and then out of his sidetrack quickly. Perhaps it's a device to get us to lock into attention. He's the one that does distractions for you, so your mind doesn't wander. If you wander, you'll get confused. And if you do get confused, you might blame him. That's what his opponents do. His digressions drive them mad. He's accused of serving a "word salad" and of lacking any attention span. But he's keeping track. He cuts in a side issue and jumps back to continue where he left off:
But, I want to say that there is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the CIA than Donald Trump. [applause]. There’s Nobody. Nobody. And the wall behind me is very very special. We’ve been touring for quite a while. And I’ll tell you what: twenty … nine? I can’t believe it.. No. Twenty eight. We’ve got to reduce it. That’s amazing. 
Yikes! He got back to the topic only to digress again — and it sounds really incoherent. I think the 29/28 may refer to the number of months he's been touring. 
And we really appreciate it what you've done in terms of showing us something very special. And your whole group. These are really special, amazing people. Very, very few people could do the job you people do. And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. 
That's the message, the message already delivered by the choice of location, repeated in a few simple words. And then he repeats the verbal message, with a tinge of criticism to his predecessor:
And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. 
And he repeats it again as a self-effacing joke:
And you’re going to get so much backing.  Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”.
Returning to seriousness, he repeats it again:
But you’re going to have that. And I think everybody in this room knows it.
He's now done all that he showed up to do, I believe, and has maxed out the repetitions of the message. He supports the CIA. Noted.

Now what can he talk about?
You know, the military, and the law-enforcement generally speaking, -- but, all of it -- but the military, gave us tremendous percentages of votes. 
Oh, why did I even have to ask?! His go-to conversational topic is his great, great victory in the election:
We were unbelievably successful in the election with getting the vote of the military and probably almost everybody in this room voted for me, but I will not ask you to raise your hands if you did. [laughter] But I would guarantee a big portion. Because we’re all on the same wavelength, folks. We’re all on the same wavelength. [applause] All right? [pointing to the crowd] He knows. Took Brian about 30 seconds to figure that one out, right? Because we know. We’re on the same wavelength.
That's not really the right material for the location, and I think he knows it. He's scanning the mental files for something appropriate to say, something Trumpropriate.
We’re going to do great things. We’re going to do great things. 
Say it twice!
We’ve been fighting these wars for longer than any wars we’ve ever fought. We have not used the real abilities that we have. We’ve been restrained.
We have to get rid of ISIS. We have to get rid of ISIS. 
Say it twice!
We have no choice. [applause]
The go-to argument that is no argument.
Radical Islamic terrorism - and I said it yesterday - has to be eradicated. 
He loves to say the phrase that Barack Obama would not say. He loves to say it and then stop and look at his having said it and comment that he has said it.
Just off the face of the Earth. This is evil. This is evil.
Say it twice!
And you know, I can understand the other side. We can all understand the other side. 
Say it twice! You know, this claim to understand other perspectives — or at least one other perspective — is out of whack with reliance on the argument-that-is-not-an-argument we have no choice.
There can be wars between countries. There can be wars. You can understand what happened. This is something nobody could even understand. 
Radical divergence from the say-it-twice rule of Trump rhetoric: Say it and then say exactly the opposite with equal conviction as if you haven't contradicted yourself.

But you know me. I am almost always eager to attempt a sympathetic reading to get some perspective on something that sounds so wrong. Here's me, doing that: Trump seems to have meant that with some wars, both sides have reasons to fight, and it's complicated figuring out what America ought to do, but radical Islamic terrorism is simply plain evil, so there's nothing to understand: Just eradicate what is plainly evil.
This is a level of evil that we haven’t seen. You’re going to go to it, and you’re going to do a phenomenal job. But we’re going to end it. It’s time. It’s time right now to end it.
The CIA has a job to do. But is "end it" really their job? Isn't Trump misunderstanding what they do? Or is he speaking so simply that it doesn't feel enough like an offer of understanding to warrant the label "misunderstanding"?

He finds a new topic in his mental file: The new CIA director:
You have somebody coming on who is extraordinary. 
And he's immediately drifting into other territory:
You know for the different positions, of secretary of this and secretary of that and all of these great positions, I’d see five, six, seven, eight people. And we had a great transition. We had an amazing team of talent.
Great, great, amazing. 
And by the way, General Flynn is right over here. Put up your hand, Mike. What a good guy [applause]
Compliments. Compliments. Everybody loves compliments. Let's see, who else can I compliment?
And Reince, and my whole group. Reince. You know Reince? They don’t care about Reince. 
He knows this isn't a good topic! Why is he telling the CIA about Reince Preibus? They don’t care about Reince. Ah, what the hell? It's a thing to talk about and he hasn't talked long enough yet.
He’s like, this political guy that turned out to be a superstar, right? We don’t have to talk about Reince. But, we did. We had just such a tremendous, tremendous success. So when I’m interviewing all of these candidates that Reince and his whole group is putting in front, it went very, very quickly, and in this case went so quickly. Because I would see six or seven or eight for secretary of agriculture, who we just named the other day. 
Suddenly, it's not about Reince anymore. It's about agriculture. He's telling the CIA about the Secretary of Agriculture!
Sunny [sic] Perdue. Former Governor of Georgia. Fantastic guy. But I’d see six, seven, eight people for a certain position. Everybody wanted it.
It's like he's talking in his sleep, babbling impressionistic memories of the last few weeks. Maybe this will get to why Flynn Pompeo* is great. Hang on.
But I met Mike Pompeo, and he was the only guy I met. I didn’t want to meet anybody else. I said “cancel everybody else”. Cancel. Now he was approved, essentially. But they’re doing a little political games with me. 
"They" are the Democrats in the Senate, I assume. But this is what I mean about babbling. There's a positive side to this: He gives us the feeling that we are now inside his head, seeing his thoughts. But there's something almost insane about the assumption we know what the references are. Pronouns without antecedents? A disembodied "they" is playing games with him. He makes it so easy for his antagonists to cry: Paranoid!
You know, he was one of the three.
The three? The three what? I have to try to construct a thought that he thought that I was not privy too, despite the feeling of being inside his brain. 
Now, last night, as you know, General Mattis - fantastic guy - and General Kelly got approved [applause] And Mike Pompeo was supposed to be in that group; it was going to be the three of them. 
Okay. The three nominees the Senate was going to vote to confirm on Friday.
Can you imagine? All of these guys. People respect … they respect that military sense. All my political people? They’re not doing so well. The political people aren’t doing so well… 
See? It's like he's talking in his sleep! He's trying to say that the nominees with a military background are advancing in the confirmation process more quickly than the ones with a political background, such as Mike Pompeo.
... but you … We’re going to get them all through. But some will take a little bit longer than others.
He finally gets back to the CIA-appropriate material — Mike Flynn Pompeo*:
But Mike was literally -- I had a group of, what, we had nine different people? -- Now. I must say, I didn’t mind cancelling eight appointments. That wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
That is, there were 9 people set to interview for CIA director, and he interviewed the first one, and decided that's the guy. Tough luck to you other 8.
But I met him, and I said “he is so good”. Number one in his class at West Point. Now, I know a lot about West Point. I’m a person that very strongly believes in academics. 
Oh, no. Here it comes:
In fact, every time I say, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for 35 years, who did a fantastic job in so many different ways academically. He was an academic genius.
Had to say that. Just had to say that. And then you know what comes next? He must add an assertion about his own genetic gift:
And then they say: “is Donald Trump an intellectual?” Trust me. I’m like a smart person....
He snaps out of the digression:
And I recognized immediately. So he was Number 1 at West Point. And he was also essentially number 1 at Harvard Law School. And then he decided to go into the military. And he ran for Congress. And everything he’s done has been a home run. People like him. But much more importantly to me, everybody respects him.

When I told Paul Ryan that I want to do this, I would say, he may be the only person that was not totally thrilled, right, Mike? Because he said “I don’t want to lose this guy."

You will be getting a total star. 
A star? And when you’re a star... you can do anything.
You going to be getting a total gem. He is a gem. 
Say it twice!
And I just …. [applause] You’ll see. You’ll see. And many of you know him anyway. But you’re going to see. And again: we have some great people going, but this one is something, going to be very special, because this is one of -- if I had to name the most important, this would certainly be, perhaps, you know, in certain ways, you could even say my most important. You do the job like everybody in this room is capable of doing. And the generals are wonderful and the fighting is wonderful. 
Wonderful wonderful.
But if you give them the right direction? Boy, does the fighting become easier. And boy do we lose so fewer lives, and win so … quickly.
I know he just means to compliment everyone and give respect to the lower-downs and the higher-ups. But this is scarily babbly when he's talking about human lives.
And that’s what we have to do. We have to start winning again.
A familiar line circled around to the front of the brain and flew out. Yeah, we need to win wars. But forget that, Trump wants to muse about when he was young...
You know what? When I was young, And when I was … of course, I feel young. 
And his digression provoked a digression. He suddenly doesn't want to talk about when he was young but how young he feels today:
I feel like I’m 30. 35. 39. [laughter]. Somebody said “are you young?” I said “I think I’m young."
Somebody said something, and then I said something and then....
You know, I was stopping when we were in the final month of that campaign. 
And now we're back at the original digression, the story of the campaign.
Four stops, five stops. Seven stops. Speeches -- speeches -- in front of twenty five, thirty thousand people. Fifteen thousand, nineteen thousand, from stop to stop.
Numbers numbers numbers. Say some numbers. And they add up to...
I feel young.
Back to the when I was young digression:
But when I was young -- and I think we’re all sort of young -- when I was young, we were always winning things in this country. We’d win with trade. We’d win with wars. At a certain age I remember hearing from one of my instructors “The United States has never lost a war.”
Oh, I remember hearing that live yesterday. I remember remembering that I always heard "The United States has never lost a war." And the other thing I remember remembering yesterday when Trump was remembering always hearing "The United States has never lost a war" is how important that perfect record was in getting us deeper and deeper into the hell of Vietnam. If Trump remembers that, he doesn't say it.
And then, after that, it’s like, we haven’t won anything. We don’t win anymore.
The campaign slogan cycles to the front of the brain again. And then another old idea:
The old expression: “to the victor belong the spoils” - you remember? You always used to say “keep the oil”. I wasn’t a fan of Iraq. I didn’t want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you. When we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said: “In addition to that, keep the oil”.
Let's see what Mike thinks about that:
Now I said it for economic reasons, but if you think about, Mike, if we kept the oil we would probably wouldn’t have ISIS, because that’s where they made their money in the first place. So we should have kept the oil. But okay. [laughter] Maybe we’ll have another chance. But the fact is: we should’ve kept the oil.
Mike doesn't get to engage on this interesting policy question, but maybe Trump and Flynn have talked about keeping the oil.

Trump gets back to his core message, suggesting he's bringing this speech in for a landing:
I believe that this group is going to be one of the most important groups in this country towards making us safe, towards making us winners again. Towards ending all of the problems -- we have so many problems that are interrelated that we don’t even think of, but interrelated -- to the kind of havoc and fear that this sick group of people has caused.

So I can only say that I am with you 1000%. 
Numbers. Fake numbers. Fake on their face. It's okay. Numbers are beautiful. Fantastic. I love numbers!
And the reason you’re my first stop is that as you know, I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. [laughter, applause]
I'm having deja vu. 
And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the Intelligence Community. And I just want to let you know, the reason you’re the number 1 stop is exactly the opposite. Exactly. And they understand that too.
Ah, this connects 2 topics that seemed disconnected at the beginning of the speech. But he drops that to bring in another example of media dishonesty:
And I was explaining about the numbers. We did a thing yesterday...
A thing. The Inauguration!
... the speech, and everybody really liked the speech, you had to right? [applause] We had a massive field of people. You saw that. Packed. I get up this morning. I turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field. I say: “wait a minute. I made a speech. I looked out. The field was…. It looked like a million, a million and a half people.” They showed a field where there was practically nobody standing there. And they said “Donald Trump did not draw well”. And I said “well it was almost raining”. The rain should have scared them away. But God looked down and he said “we’re not going to let it rain on your speech”.
Now, he's switching to the subject of the rain, about which there is no dispute with the media and no possible connection to the CIA.
In fact, when I first started I said “oh no”. First line, I got hit by a couple of drops. And i said “oh, this is too bad, but we’ll go right through it”. But the truth is: that it stopped immediately. It was amazing. And then it became really sudden, and then I walked off and it poured right after I left - it poured.
At least he resisted additional speculation about God's expressing his opinion through precipitation.
But you know, we have something that’s amazing because, we had, it looked honestly, it looked like a million and a half people. Whatever it was. But it went all the way back to the Washington Monument. And I turn on, with my steak … and I get this network shows an empty field. And it said we drew 250,000 people.
With my steak?! Come on, Washington Post! He didn't suddenly inject the subject of what he was eating for dinner as he watched the news. He said: "And I turn on, and by mistake, I get this network and it shows an empty field."
Now that’s not bad. But it’s a lie. We had 250,000 people literally around, you know, the little bowl that we constructed. That was 250,000 people. The rest of the 20 block area all the way back to the Washington Monument was packed. So we caught them. And we caught them in a beauty. And I think they’re going to pay a big price.
And a lot of people think that right here he's getting caught in a beauty and he's going to have to pay a big price. But it's like those thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops of Jersey City. He doesn't have to pay a big price. He got a big reward. He doesn't have to stick to facts. He can waft stories and call other people liars. He's probably right that the others are lying (or somewhere on the continuum between truth and lies). And he knows he can win by rousing us all from the dream of truth. It's all fake news, so pick the story you like. And he only needs half of the people to like his storytelling to get all of the power.
They had another one yesterday which was interesting. In the Oval Office there’s a beautiful statue of Dr Martin Luther King. And I also happen to like Churchill.
Churchill digression:
Winston Churchill. I think most of us like Churchill. He doesn’t come from our country. But he had lot to do with it. He helped us. A real ally. And as you know, the Churchill statue was taken out. The bust. And as you probably also have read, the Prime Minister is coming over to our country very shortly, and they wanted to know whether or not I’d like it back. And I said “absolutely, but in the meantime we have a bust of Churchill”.

So a reporter for Time magazine. And I have been on their cover like 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all time record in the history of Time magazine. Like it Tom Brady is on the cover of Time magazine, it’s one time, because he won the Superbowl or something, right? [laughter]. I’ve been on for 15 times this year. I don’t think that’s a record, Mike, that they can ever be broken, do you agree with that? What do you think?
A digression in the middle of a digression.  Trump's face on Time. And I've heard he got it wrong that this was a record, but I don't really care anymore. It's just an idea. His face is on Time a lot.

Getting back to MLK:
But I will say that, he said something that was very interesting: that “Donald Trump took down the bust, the statue, of Dr Martin Luther King”. It was right there. But there was a cameraman that was in front of it.

So Zeke - Zeke - from Time magazine writes a story about how I took it down. But I would never do that, because I have great respect for Dr Martin Luther King. But this is how dishonest the media is: a big story. And the retraction was like -- was it a line? Or did they even bother putting it in?
The MLK statue story. Man, that's a long story. But it's a memorable chapter in The Story of How Truth Died.
So I only like to say that because I love honesty. I like honest reporting. 
Truth was dearly loved.
I will tell you the final time: although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that had been trying to come in, because I am coming back. We may have to get you a larger room. [laughter, applause] We may have to get you a larger room. And maybe - maybe - it’ll be built by somebody that knows how to build and we won’t have columns [laughter] You understand that? We’d get rid of the columns.
He's talking about the CIA Headquarters and implying that he'd like to put on his construction hat and build them a better building — one where thousands can amass and columns do not obstruct their gaze upon the face that has launched a thousand TIME magazines.
I just wanted to really say that I love you. 
That's disarming. You forget all the abuse.
I respect you. There’s nobody that I respect more. You’re going to do a fantastic job. And we’re going to start winning again. And you’re going to be leading the charge. So thank you all very much. Thank you, beautiful. Thank you all very much. Have a good day. I’ll be back. I’ll be back. Thank you.
Goodbye. Thank you. Have a nice day.

* I got confused about the 2 Mikes. I'm sure the CIA people in the room did not.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 336 of 336
HT said...

Busiest days on metro WMATA:
-2009 inauguration

Anonymous said...



Birkel said...

Chuck, who supports anything anti-Trump, is furiously denying the existence of any so-called PURPLE ELEPHANT.

The message seeps through the blockade.

Birkel said...

HT and MackM just cannot allow for the possibility of a PURPLE ELEPHANT. They are sure their denials will keep rumours about a PURPLE ELEPHANT out of the public consciousness.

The little Dutch boy puts another finger in the MSM dike.

Chuck said...

Should have typed, It makes Kellyanne Conway, who (when she worked for the Ted Cruz campaign) once called Trump "vulgar" and "unpresidential"...


buwaya said...

To bring some perspective on just how underreported the ongoing conflicts of the world are- this was usually done better in the 19th century, with, usually, detailed pieces by professional war correspindents in the London Times, picked up by the US papers.

These odd wars included such matters as the Egyptian-Ethiopian war of 1874-76, the capture of Saigon in 1859, etc.

Paul J said...

This speech and also the inaugural speech, taken together, show you just how different this is going to be.

It's an opportunity. Because he is so very different, we can also be different. Instead of running along the well-worn tracks of "being presidential" that we are all so very familiar with, and the limitations of that mode...we are now, alarmingly, without a script.

I remember telling my wife something that seems so ludicrous--that Trump is going to win because he is so full of love.

We live in interesting times.

Michael K said...

"If the Press would stop reporting on Trump he'd have a nervous breakdown,"

Boy, the DNC must have hired a bunch of minimum wage types since the election. How many have shown up here ?

Chuck said...

Birkel I don't think I support all things that are anti-Trump. Just most of them. Because, on a personal level, there is so much about the guy that is, in Kellyanne Conway's words, "vulgar" and "unpresidential."

There is a bit of overlap, between what defines Trump, and what describes mainstream Republicans. On that sliver of the Venn diagram, I expect to support Trump.

Feel better now?

jacksonjay said...

Quick, round up the Troll Patrol, AGAIN!

Birkel said...


Imagine if Trump tweets "wish the press would report on the ongoing civil war in (insert place here) instead of focusing on crowd sizes and other PURPLE ELEPHANTS"

They would double down on PURPLE ELEPHANT talk and ignore the real issues. People would notice.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. The MSM narrative breaks.

Anonymous said...

Birkel: The MSM believed the speech was for them to interpret. Now they are in an ice chest onboard the U.S.S. Trump.

Lol. Great image.

(I have the feeling some of them will keep taking the bait even after they've been filleted.)

MayBee said...

Althouse said:
critiqued by freakily emotive commentators on CNN

That just gets right to the heart of it.
You're gonna need a tag for that.

Birkel said...

I feel quite well. Your stupidity is of no consequence to my wellness. You are great sport to those of us who wish for political victory leading to political success.

You are boring if not for the mockery.

Guildofcannonballs said...

ON THE RIGHT by William F . Buckley Jr .
When Henry Kissinger went down to Washington last
week to address a meeting of academicians at what he thought
was a closed meeting, he spoke of Ronald Reagan and his
administration in terms he would not have used addressing a
Republican rally. But if you listened carefully to everything
Kissinger said, and weighed it comprehensively, you would
find him much more shocking to academicians than to Reaganite
Of Ronald Reagan Kissinger said that, just to clear
the air, he was in no way "indebted" to Reagan -- in the
sense, let us say, that Henry Kissinger would be bound to
acknowledge being indebted to Richard Nixon. He went on:
Moreover, if you meet Reagan and talk with him briefly, you
wonder how he managed to be elected governor of California,
let alone president of the United States.
One can hear the academic audience purring at this
point; but it did not anticipate what was to come.

HT said...

Timelapse of inauguration


Meade said...

Darrell said (minus the personal abuse)...
"The media showed a picture taken at 9AM and misrepresented that as the crowd listening to Trump's Inauguration speech. When Trump walked to the podium, the crowd extended back to the Washington Monument--as cellphone pictures showed. You can find those at Facebook. There was no empty space between people, but they may not have been as tightly packed as with Obama's ceremonies--most likely because Trump didn't bus people in at taxpayers' expense."

Birkel said...

Can you describe the size of the PURPLE ELEPHANT in front of you? Trump has described the PURPLE ELEPHANT as Yuge! What is your position on this claim about the PURPLE ELEPHANT?

traditionalguy said...

Cut the man some slack. He is having trouble focusing. There are too many things happening at once. And he is one man, plus his sidekick, Kellyann, up against two hundred trained Professional Propagandists going at one time.

The Propagandists' method is to "report" a wild fake news story that gets discussed on all outlets for a week until its totally debunked. Then for the next 7 election cycles it is glibly referred back too as proof of bad Character, as if a real event happened.

Wrestler Trump pulls those pin holds off his neck, rolls the opponent and pins these Fake News stories faster than a New York second.But it does wear on his focus.

Zach said...

I wonder: does Trump write his speeches or work from bullet points?

In this very wandering speech, there are two or three paragraphs that sound prepared and a lot of blather that sounds like he got distracted and went back to his old reliable speech topics.

So I wouldn't be surprised if there were a teleprompter or a set of notecards saying something to the effect that
1) This is my first stop, to show what a high priority you are.
2) There's no war with the intelligence community.
3) Flynn is very qualified.
4) You're doing an important job, and fighting a war we've got to win.

and then he fills in the gaps with wandering Trumpisms.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Here's a link to CNN's gigapixel view of the Inaugural crowd at the time Trump was speaking.


Anonymous said...

"Cut the man some slack. He is having trouble focusing. There are too many things happening at once."

If he isn't up for the job, he should resign. All other new Presidents were able to do it. At what point do you people admit you made a yugggggge mistake?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" At what point do you people admit you made a yugggggge mistake?"

We're certainly not going to admit it before his first full week on the job.


And while he might disappoint, his worst cabinet pick is 100 times better than any of Hillary's choices. So, given who the alternative is, I don't think I'll ever believe I made a mistake on Election day.

buwaya said...

One thing that keeps the MSM in action is simply money.
They can afford to hire reporters to go have a look and chase people down, and writers to consolidate a tranche of stories from wire services and other news sources.
The Web based alternatives are not funded to do this, or nowhere near as much.

In the old days if the London Times wanted to cover a war somewhere it would send a retired officer/correspondent, an artist, and a large expense account for bribes, interpreters, dragomen, bodyguards and camel rental.
Its no cheaper these days.

Running around the Tigris valley trying to figure out whats going on in Mosul isnt going to be cheap.

Its interesting that much of this basic reporting is being picked up by the likes of Al Jazeera, Xinhua and RT. The business of Yemen for instance. Nobody really knows what happened there. Most available info is from RT or Presstv(Iranian), saying that the Saudis had their heads handed to them. This may be true, but both of these back one side.

Anonymous said...

General Mattis certainly provides comfort to us who see this incoherent babbling loon speaking of oil and wars and feel dread. General Mattis also said if NATO didn't exist, someone would have to invent it. Mattis also sees Russia in a very different light that does Trump.

Drago said...

Chuck: "It makes Kellyanne Conway, an intelligent person who, when she was doing work for the Ted Cruz campaign, look like she was dodging the question"

You are so far behind you will never catch up.

And that inability to catch up is why you sound like a standard issue Lefty out of central casting and will continue to do so.

Your cluelessness during the primary, followed by your cluelessness during the general, followed by your cluelessness during the transition is now continued into governance.

Well, at least you are consistent.

Drago said...

MackM: "If he isn't up for the job, he should resign."


We'll get right on that!

buwaya said...

Anyway, its clear that the US MSM is centrally controlled and coordinated, both in their areas of focus and deliberate lack if focus (such as re ISIS) as well as their messaging.

There are so many interesting matters not mentioned. It seems that a resident of London in 1876 had a better idea of the state of affairs at home and in the world, reading just a few newspapers in the morning, against us moderns hunting through the Internet all day. And its deliberately that way.

What we get, in the broadcasts, are tendentious bits of foolishness, almost exclusively. MackM, you would do well to understand how our betters did things, and how far we have fallen. You are actually aiding the fall, which is tragic.

Drago said...

MackM: "General Mattis certainly provides comfort to us who see this incoherent babbling loon speaking of oil and wars and feel dread."

What a load.

The left hates the military which is why the military votes the way it does.

Your faux support for Mattis will fool no one...But yourself. But hey, "low bar".

Anonymous said...

"MackM: "If he isn't up for the job, he should resign."

"We'll get right on that!"

It's not up to you, it would be his choice.

Chuck said...

God, he's doing it again; the Trumpian free-association rambling. Right now live on FNC. Except that they gave him a little speech, which he can't even stuck to.

The guy has the attention span of a puppy.

Anonymous said...

"The left hates the military which is why the military votes the way it does."

False premise. You are dismissed.

Anonymous said...

Incoherent rambling, again. They need to keep him off stage and let Pence do all the speaking. What a joke of a President. Just pathetic.

roesch/voltaire said...

Let me ramble about how I love the CIA I compared to Nazi Germany, and the great size of all my audiences, and my red tie, and Reince, and my high IQ, beautiful, thank you, I will be back.

AllenS said...

JournOlist never unassembled.

Anonymous said...

Poor Reince, but he signed up for it.

Chuck said...

I guess that FNC is going to live-cover every little thing that happens with Trump from now on.

Even MSNBC never did that with Obama.

Pisses me off; it interrupted the 2:00pm rebroadcast of Fox News Sunday.

Freder Frederson said...

as a clear sign to the UK that the "Special Relationship" was going to be restored and as a rebuke to Obama's deliberate, petty slight.

How does the "Special Relationship" jibe with "America First". As for the second half of your statement, that is just a silly lie.

Anonymous said...

He has a "special relationship" with Russia too.

Freder Frederson said...

What we get, in the broadcasts, are tendentious bits of foolishness, almost exclusively. MackM, you would do well to understand how our betters did things, and how far we have fallen.

Would those be our "betters" who made the first half of the twentieth century the bloodiest and most destructive in history.

Jon Ericson said...

Woah! looks like the dam broke on shit creek!

Darrell said...

Any picture that doesn't show Trump at the podium, or walking up to the podium, is not to be believed. Sorry, the Media has lost all credibility. The Daily Mail has the cellphone picture showing a full Mall (one of the ones I saw on Facebook). And they have the others. Go there. The CNN "gigapixel" isn't showing on my computer. I'm using Epic--a privacy browser. Given that professional photographers aren't flooding Google images--and one has to rely on cellphone pics for accuracy--one could begin to suspect a conspiracy. Hmm.

Birkel said...


HT said...


"Thousands descend on half-empty National Mall with ponchos and umbrellas for Trump's inauguration – as figures reveal more than SEVEN times as many people attended Obama's in 2009

"The National Mall expected nearly 900,000 people to witness Donald Trump become the next president, despite the gray skies and cold rain - in fact only 250,000 turned out to see the billionaire become president"

Darrell said...

HT said Timelapse of the Inauguration
(From our "friends" at The Guardian)

Did you watch that, HT? There is no visible time clock and it just stops while people are still entering the area. Trump is not seen at the podium.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How does the "Special Relationship" jibe with "America First".

I don't get it how people who 'seem' reasonably intelligent can't understand that you can do both things at once, or more than one thing at a time.

You can have a special relationship with some of your friends but that doesn't mean that you are not going to put your family first. You can be friendly with your neighbors but be more specially friendly with some than others. Even those neighbors with whom you have unfriendly relationships, you can still get along. No need to burn down their house or call names. After all, you may decide to be friends again in the future as long as it is a benefit to your own family. Family first...America first...doesn't mean you lock yourself into your house, ignore your neighbors or fight with them.

Geeze people. Can't you walk and chew gum at the same time?

I think this inability to understand that there can be multiple levels of actions, multiple trains of thoughts and that things can actually run parallel and simultaneously and run a different speeds. Not one after the other like trains on a track. This is why some people are unable to "grock" Trump's speaking style. He is thinking of many things at once and doesn't use the speaking style of 1...2...3....4 It is more like 1...6...3...8...2 etc.

Try to keep up and not be such rigid thinkers :-)

Anonymous said...

I actually feel sorry for those people who believed Trump would eventually "pivot" to become more presidential.

grackle said...

John Brennan, it has been reported, is spitting mad about this speech.

Fake anger is almost as fun as fake news.

If you don't like him and disagree with his basic message, make america great again, he isn't talking to you. You won't understand a word he says …

Yes, it will go over your head and you will be driven to make to silly pronouncements, like the one below:

… he is potentially a dangerous criminal …

The CIA speech, which was a message to America as well as the CIA workers gathered there to hear him, was indeed filled with ordinary speech patterns and habits such as repetition and asides. What we are saw and heard at the CIA speech is one person speaking to a group of people as if they were people and not the parroting of the usual bland cliches and colorless parsing by the usual politician. I believe this common touch is one reason that Trump won.

This, of course, is indeed unsettling to those who are accustomed to conventional politic-speech by conventional politicians.

The CIA people who went to their office building on a Saturday just to watch this speech must be pissed.

They were so pissed that they applauded and cheered Trump.

The country I'm from built two atom bombs from scratch and dropped on cities full of civilians. That's who we are.

That’s who we USED to be – winners of wars. It sure is nice to have a POTUS who believes in winning. Maybe we’ll be winners again.

Anonymous said...

Drago: And that inability to catch up is why you sound like a standard issue Lefty out of central casting and will continue to do so.

Nah, Chuck is the glass and mold of cuckservative; he doesn't come across as a lefty to me at all. True, when it's time to do something, there isn't much daylight between the acts of one and the acts of the other. But you can tell them apart by noting, to use Chuck's own favorite metaphor for political process, which one is blowing the other.

Another differentiator is that lefties are sniffy and snot-nosed in presentation, whereas "true conservatives" are prissy and pretentious. Chuck's autistic-level literal-mindedness and obsessive focus on irrelevancies, though, is his alone.

buwaya said...

Yes indeed, they were better. They were able to fight such a war in the first place, which is not possible in the modern world, even without nuclear weapons.
They had the moral values and morale to make such a fight, self destructive as it was. Us moderns are incapable. We have peace for very bad reasons, as we also have degeneracy of all kinds, and a terrible stagnation.
And more to the point, they were better informed and better educated to boot.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger Jon Ericson said...
Woah! looks like the dam broke on shit creek!

1/22/17, 1:43 PM"

Interestingly, "Schitt's Creek" season 1 episode 7 is where the gay guy from Indy got the "hey a gay hunting is so 2017" idea he thought would help his career in the Democratic party.


Drago said...

Angelyne: "Nah, Chuck is the glass and mold of cuckservative; he doesn't come across as a lefty to me at all."

That's my point.

Chuck is not a lefty but one who suffers from the same framework/vision limitations. That's why he sounds just like them and bites at the same chum.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I actually feel sorry for those people who believed Trump would eventually "pivot" to become more presidential.

I feel sorry for those people who think that this skill of "acting Presidential" and adopting the mannerism and speech patterns of traditional politicians matters. What matters is that you get things done and make progress and stop the insanity that has been happening for the last few decades.

Maybe you do sometimes drink from the finger bowl. Maybe you don't crook your little finger just correctly. But, if you accomplish what you set out to do, what you said your would do..who cares?

Freder Frederson said...

I don't get it how people who 'seem' reasonably intelligent can't understand that you can do both things at once, or more than one thing at a time.

What you don't get is the history of "America First". If Trump doesn't understand the significance of repeating "America First", he is a complete moron. "America First" was a movement that specifically believed that no longer would the U.S. become embroiled in a European war. It was a big "Fuck you" to Britain especially. "Hey, if you lose to the Nazis, it ain't our problem."

Drago said...

MackM: "I actually feel sorry for those people who believed Trump would eventually "pivot" to become more presidential."

I feel sorrier for those who mistake "presidential" for "establishment" and can gather evidence for 2 years and still themselves out of obvious implications.

MackM is like those who insulted Churchill for decades right up until the moment the nation was forced to turn to him.

Lefties never change.

Anonymous said...

Obviously history means as much to these Trumpists, as a US President who is turning the US into a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

That's my point.

Chuck is not a lefty but one who suffers from the same framework/vision limitations. That's why he sounds just like them and bites at the same chum.

That's my point. Cucks are craven and submissive to lefties, and thus a distinct form of political fauna.

Kinda like aphids and ants.

Freder Frederson said...

They had the moral values and morale to make such a fight

And what exactly were the moral values that we (and my Great Grandfather was killed in the Great War) were fighting for in World War I?

Drago said...

Freder: "What you don't get is the history of "America First". If Trump doesn't understand the significance of repeating "America First", he is a complete moron. "America First" was a movement that specifically believed that no longer would the U.S. become embroiled in a European war. It was a big "Fuck you" to Britain especially. "Hey, if you lose to the Nazis, it ain't our problem."


Yeah, this is Lindbergh redux! Sure it is. Sure it is.

What was McCains campaign theme? "Country First"

Of course, the left called John McCain "George Wallace".

Biden himself said Romney would put blacks back in chains.

Yeah, we are really buying Trump as anti-Semitic.

Hey, speaking of virulent anti-Semitism, how's that secret deal with Iran working out?

Freder Frederson said...

MackM is like those who insulted Churchill for decades right up until the moment the nation was forced to turn to him.

Churchill was not God. And he really did fuck up in World War I. The whole Gallipoli fiasco was his idea.

Birkel said...

Anglelyne and Drago:

Can you explain to the Leftist Collectivists that I have revealed Trump's communication strategy and they are incapable of understanding?

Alternatively, why is Trump blessed with such terrific foils?

Hagar said...

This is not 1938; the situation is different, and Trump's "America First" is not Father Coughlin's "America First."

"America First" may also serve as a keel for the ship of state, enabling it to hold a steady course.
That the U.S. intentions and actions become more predictable also helps the rest of the world to figure out what their responses should be.

Freder Frederson said...

What was McCains campaign theme? "Country First"

And what is your point? If anything it acknowledges that McCain was aware of the negative connotation of "America First".

"America First" would be a wonderful slogan if not for its considerable historical baggage.

Birkel said...

You typed anti-Semitism and the next words out of your keyboard were not Keith Ellison.

Please explain.

Drago said...

WL: "Obviously history means as much to these Trumpists, as a US President who is turning the US into a laughing stock to the rest of the world."


Here we see what the left really thinks about history:


The Sovietization of the left in the West is just about complete.

mockturtle said...

Trump's 'America First' is not the exclusionary and isolationist ideology of early 20th Century. He is putting our national interests ahead of global interests. I get the sense from reading European newspapers that many, if not most, average citizens believe their countries should act similarly. European elites would love to blame Trump for the problems brought forth by their own stupid and short-sighted immigration policies.

Trumpit said...

The man is nauseating to listen to, so I stopped after he called some military man a "gem" more than once. He essentially said nothing of significance for the first five minutes.

If you can stomach looking at him, & his ineloquent manner of speaking, then you have a higher threshold for pain, and nonsense than I do.

So, I won't listen to him again except very briefly. I will rely on Althouse's palatable filter of his speeches and statements. I will definitely ignore his insults, and his "so sad" tweets.

He is an insignificant man with a lot of power, but he won't affect me except indirectly through his bad governance. There are a lot of other things that I will occupy myself with - all vastly more interesting and entertaining than an uncultured, uncouth, unrefined, uneducated, & unrepentant guttersnipe.

Drago said...

Freder: "And what is your point? If anything it acknowledges that McCain was aware of the negative connotation of "America First"."

And your side still called him George Wallace and a Nazi.


Anonymous said...

Freder: What you don't get is the history of "America First".

This is a complete non sequitur response to DBQ's comment, but hey, it's Freder. One would be surprised if it weren't.

But I think it would be great if more people were now going to bother to read up on the the actual history of the "America First" movement, instead of the cartoon, God-of-Hindsight, "presentist" version most people were fed, if they were taught about it at all.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "The man is nauseating to listen to, so I stopped after he called some military man a "gem" more than once"


The military and CIA personnel did not stop listening.

But thanks for your "courageous" snowflake "defense" of these personnel!

buwaya said...

Their moral values were such that they knew their own lives mattered not, in the service of their people. The war was more costly than it was worth, in the big picture, but for the man going over the top, for the most part, that wasnt known or considered.
This is not the case in the modern world, where ones physical and psychological comfort matter more than the whole, in the value system of most.
In those days men were lions, now they are sheep. Sheep fight very little. But would you rather be a sheep?
This all extends to technological advance and artistic creativity, a society of sheep, living off what the old lions left them.

Anonymous said...

"The Sovietization of the left in the West is just about complete."

Yes indeed and Trump will see it happens!

Drago said...

WL: "Yes indeed and Trump will see it happens!"

Yes he will as the left was 90% there prior to the election and they have accelerated their Stalinist behavior since.

Which is astonishingly advantageous for Trump.

Darrell said...

Yeah, the Media is right. The Mall was empty on Friday. Some of us from flyover States had a tractor pull on the Mall and the kids were racing around on ATVs and dirt bikes.

Anonymous said...

"So, I won't listen to him again except very briefly. I will rely on Althouse's palatable filter of his speeches and statements. I will definitely ignore his insults, and his "so sad" tweets."

Althouse is providing us with this tremendous service. Not many people could so succinctly put a pretty face, or coherence, on Trump's words. But sometimes his words are such a clusterfuck even Althouse can't do it.

Rance Fasoldt said...

Note to rcocean: I had to steal your comment and tweet it out. Couldn't include attribution because of the character limit. "The MSM believed the speech [at the CIA] was for them to interpret. Now they are in an ice chest onboard the U.S.S. Trump." Hope that's OK with you. Anyway, thanks.

buwaya said...

The teaching of history in the US is a scandal, even at the highest level. I know what goes on in AP US history and AP world history; my kids who went to Catholic middle schools got better than that.

Consider what the schoolboy was expected to know; I point you to two things, both popular (very popular), very silly, very schoolboyish Edwardian and inter-war works - both free online

"The Toys of Peace" Saki (H.H.Munro, killed on the Western Front)

" 1066 and All That" Sellar&Yeatman

Saki's lads knew all about Louis IV, Madames de Maintenon and du Barry, and Marshal Saxe. If this all wasnt common knowledge the joke wouldnt have worked.

As for "1066 and all that" read it, and consider what you'd have to know to get it.

Achilles said...

MackM said...
If the Press would stop reporting on Trump he'd have a nervous breakdown, or he'd an invent an "alternate" Press. There are those "alternate facts" to "report", right Kellyann?

I have something you need. It will remind you to breath. It will make sure you don't die! It might look like a simple rock with "breath" written on it in crayon but it will save your life! Only 72 payments of $19.99! If you call in the next 15 minutes we will send you an extra one for your friend for free!

Drago said...

WL: "But sometimes his words are such a clusterfuck even Althouse can't do it"


Keep telling yourself that.

I hear your Messiah shot a decent round of golf in Palm Springs yesterday. So you have that to keep you warm along with all of obambi's pretty, pretty words which amounted to.....Nothing.

narciso said...

The crowdstrike report, which didn't pinpoint the Ukrainian nature of the software. The dossier was something out of get smart.

JML said...

On a more serious note: Has anyone seen Greenbay's Defense? They appear to have not made it to Atlanta...

Hagar said...

The whole Gallipoli fiasco was his idea.

No. Gallipoli resulted from one of Churchill's ideas, which was for Admiral de Robeck to make a quick dash through the Dardanelles to the Black Sea and find and sink the German warship "Goeben" while the straits were still undefended. De Robeck misunderstood the order and the mission misfired, but the Germans caught on immediately and fired up the Ottomans to man the defenses. By that time the British Navy Admiralty had gotten in touch with the Army, and then the military bureaucracies just snowballed it into one disaster after the other.
This is hard to understand today, but in 1915 communications were still by Morse code, and that not very reliable depending on reception conditions.

Anonymous said...


WL: "Yes indeed and Trump will see it happens!"

Yes he will as the left was 90% there prior to the election and they have accelerated their Stalinist behavior since.

Which is astonishingly advantageous for Trump.

Drago - to cap off our exchange about sock-puppets in previous thread, please say hello to Louisa aka LW aka Will's fresh new moniker, "WL".

Darrell said...

Yeah. When I hear "America First," I think of some asshole movement from the turn of the last Century. You cocksucking Lefties have your finger on the pulse of truth, that's for sure.

Chuck said...

I feel bad for Kellyanne Conway. By all accounts I know of, she's a friendly, intelligent an professional person.

But she is going to get skewered over her "alternative facts" line.

"Alt-facts" will become the meme of 2017.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...
as a clear sign to the UK that the "Special Relationship" was going to be restored and as a rebuke to Obama's deliberate, petty slight.

How does the "Special Relationship" jibe with "America First". As for the second half of your statement, that is just a silly lie.

You can't possibly be this stupid.

Darrell said...

When Lefties see a baseball fan holding up a "KKK" sign, they won't accept "Strikeouts" for an answer. No Siree, Bob.

Anonymous said...

Karma! I can't wait to hear what Trump will have to say about this one.

Quayle said...

It is a pointless exercise to analyze a speech or a text or a gesture, until and unless one first establishes who was the intended audience of such.

Think about it.

Who exactly was the intended audience of Trump's trip to Langley and of the publically broadcast speech.

Then ask yourself what that audience heard and took away from the trip and speech - what they think it meant.

Then you'll be is a position to evaluate whether it was "good" or "effective".

Freder Frederson said...

The Mall was empty on Friday.

Nice strawman. Nobody claimed that the Mall was empty. It was pointed out, correctly and accurately, that the crowd was not as big as some in the past, including Obama's first inauguration (and the crowd was probably bigger than Obama's second). Sean Spicer came out with guns blazing on Saturday, claiming " “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe.” That is a verifiable lie.

Add this to Trump's statements at the CIA and Trumps claim that his Friday night concert at the Lincoln memorial: “We thought it would be a small concert and tens of thousands of people were there. It went all the way to the back. They never had so many people." Which of course is simply untrue. Then there was the picture of Trump "writing" his speech at the concierge desk of Mar-a-Lago with a Sharpie. This administration, in just the first couple days, is lying about insignificant matters and blowing a gasket when people don't accept their lies.

This is truly disturbing.

Achilles said...

MackM said...
He has a "special relationship" with Russia too.

MackM was talking about Obama obviously.

It would be mean for me to think you guys had no intellectual honesty.

Freder Frederson said...

Yeah. When I hear "America First," I think of some asshole movement from the turn of the last Century.

Hey it ain't my problem if you are ignorant of American history (and it was the middle, not the turn of the century).

When Lefties see a baseball fan holding up a "KKK" sign, they won't accept "Strikeouts" for an answer. No Siree, Bob.

I don't know where you watch your baseball, but here in America, the box score designation for a strike is a single "K" not three,

Michael K said...

"It seems that a resident of London in 1876 had a better idea of the state of affairs at home and in the world,"

Have you read an 1860 newspaper ?

The world is drowning in fools opinions and the blog comments seem to be drowning in trolls today.

Back to my unpacking.

Quayle said...

Two additional suggestions for some thought:

1. Doesn't it appear that Trump knows exactly the buttons to push to get the no-depth preeners in the press to spend 48 hours mindlessly chuckling and sputtering about the topic Trump chooses.

2. Why Chuck Schumer speaking at the inauguration ceremony? Could it be that Trump is playing a game of over-exposure of Schumer?

3. Time to get on amazon video and rewatch all the old Columbo episodes, I suggest.

Rance Fasoldt said...

Advice to Trump: Don't release your tax forms. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh lord, they're letting him talk again!

Anonymous said...

"Advice to Trump: Don't release your tax forms. Ever."

He won't have to, Wikileaks will do it for him.

Quayle said...

Sorry, three additional......

Dr Weevil said...

Poor Freder quotes the very words that refute his statement: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe" (emphasis added). The bolded words show that Spicer was not talking about only the crowd on the Mall, but including those watching on television or the web or listening on the radio. People who quote him as saying "crowd" when he said "audience" (and I've seen dozens of them on Twitter) are liars or fools.

I don't see how Freder or anyone can say that the statement he quotes is "simply untrue": there may be some way of estimating those who saw it on television, but millions of us (me for one) watched quite a bit of it on a couple of different web-sites. Does anyone have a count? Does anyone doubt that the number was huge and much much larger than the number of the crowd, or the total of the crowd and those antiquarians who watched it on network television?

Paco Wové said...

"1066 and all that"

One of my favorite books as a young lad, even though I only got about 50% of the references. Imagine that book being one of your primary introductions to English history...

I often wondered, when young, if someone could make a U.S. version of that book. Unfortunately, the general level of knowledge about American history would make it impossible now.

Earnest Prole said...

Sleeptalking. You've found the word I was looking for.

Jon Ericson said...

Hey! Welcome back ol' '55. (WL)! You were always the standout!

madAsHell said...

“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe.” That is a verifiable lie.


Do you know who was counting? NOBODY!!

They divide crowd photographs into grids, and then assign percentage values to partially full grids. They make an assumption of X people/grid.

Television scores are just as bad. Have you ever met a Neilson family?

So, good luck with your verification.

mockturtle said...

Freder whines: I don't know where you watch your baseball, but here in America, the box score designation for a strike is a single "K" not three,

Freder, maybe you don't watch baseball at all! Fans in the stands will hold up a K sign for each strikeout their pitcher has made. It can be as many as KKKKKKKKKK or even more, or as few as K. But there is usually a point when there is KKK.

Birkel said...

"MSM: I command you NOT to talk about the PURPLE ELEPHANT. And you must obey me!"

"We MUST investigate the PURPLE ELEPHANT and get to the bottom of that like to find the diamond it is hiding underneath."

Freder Frederson said...

So, good luck with your verification.

You can find photos of the Mall during Obama's (first) and Trump's inauguration, and there were clearly fewer people at Trumps.

But even if I grant you that the photographic evidence is unreliable, then what justifies Spicer's claim?

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see Trump's taxes! Should we encourage Wikileaks? Nah, that would make us like Trump.

mockturtle said...

Quayle suggests: 3. Time to get on amazon video and rewatch all the old Columbo episodes, I suggest.

I was thinking Columbo, too.

Unknown said...

"Quayle suggests: 3. Time to get on amazon video and rewatch all the old Columbo episodes, I suggest.

I was thinking Columbo, too."

Whaaat? Too many dissenting voices? Oh sorry.

Jon Ericson said...

Wow, and Karen is UNK#51, AKA "Sugartits". It's like a reunion!

Birkel said...

Let it be known that Freder Frederson willfully and wantonly discussed any PURPLE ELEPHANTS he wishes, Trump be damned!!

Anonymous said...

buwaya: The teaching of history in the US is a scandal, even at the highest level. I know what goes on in AP US history and AP world history; my kids who went to Catholic middle schools got better than that.

Consider what the schoolboy was expected to know; I point you to two things, both popular (very popular), very silly, very schoolboyish Edwardian and inter-war works - both free online

"The Toys of Peace" Saki (H.H.Munro, killed on the Western Front)

" 1066 and All That" Sellar&Yeatman

Saki's lads knew all about Louis IV, Madames de Maintenon and du Barry, and Marshal Saxe. If this all wasnt common knowledge the joke wouldnt have worked.

As for "1066 and all that" read it, and consider what you'd have to know to get it.

Re Saki's lads: even "progressive" parents of the day didn't seem willing to tolerate blank brains in their kids, in the name of "creativity" or whatever.

Not just fictional progressive parents, either, apparently - reading Patrick Leigh Fermor's memoirs, I remember being impressed by how much old school larnin' had been stuffed into the fellow before he reached early adulthood, even though his proto-hippy-dippy parents seem to have provided him with a very irregular, at best, formal education.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Consider also that, in early Colonial New England, five-year-olds had to memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism which is not all that short. Little is expected from students today and, not surprisingly, little is produced.

mockturtle said...

JML asks: On a more serious note: Has anyone seen Greenbay's Defense? They appear to have not made it to Atlanta...

They must have missed the plane. Sad, isn't it? But maybe an amazing comeback?

Since the Falcons beat my Seahawks last week, I guess it's somewhat comforting that their offense looks unstoppable. Theirs is the best offense in the NFL. WOW! There goes Julio Jones again!

madAsHell said...

But even if I grant you that the photographic evidence is unreliable, then what justifies Spicer's claim?

To ask the question is to answer it.
Because Spicer knows that no one will be able to absolutely refute his statement.
Some people call that politics.

rcocean said...

Note to rcocean: I had to steal your comment and tweet it out. Couldn't include attribution because of the character limit. "The MSM believed the speech [at the CIA] was for them to interpret. Now they are in an ice chest onboard the U.S.S. Trump." Hope that's OK with you. Anyway, thanks.

Rance: The quote wasn't mine. The good ones never are.

Gk1 said...

I need to dig and re read my copy of "Boss" by Mike Royko describing Mayor Daly and his reign in Chicago. It seems like Trump shares many similarities with Daly. They may not have been the most articulate men but there wasn't any ambiguity in what they meant or are trying to say. This CIA meeting was about virtue signaling to the rank in file his beef is not with them, but with their politicized bosses. I want to see more of this.

rcocean said...

It seems to have been Birkel's.

Seeing Red said...

I don't think Ann is used to the way he talks.

He wasn't talking about the Sec of AG.

He was talking about his/the process and used that dept. as the example to lead into Pompeo.

Geez, I must talk/think like him, I understand him.

This is off-the-cuff, he's having a convo.

over 25 years of marriage and hubby still can't follow.

I think and speak faster than he does. Donald has a fast brain, he's formulating thoughts 3-4 times ahead of the comment.

The next 4 years get more entertaining every day.

Seeing Red said...

I totally ignored the election and how the spoke so this is all new to me.


Seeing Red said...

Why do people expect a huge turnout for an old white dude?

It's not like we haven't sworn in 43 of them before Obama.

Chuck said...

mockturtle said...
Freder, maybe you don't watch baseball at all! Fans in the stands will hold up a K sign for each strikeout their pitcher has made. It can be as many as KKKKKKKKKK or even more, or as few as K. But there is usually a point when there is KKK.

I watch baseball. Never, do fans put up "KKK" on the third strikeout. They do one of two things. They wait, until the fourth strikeout and put up "KKKK"; or they put up a backwards K.

Always. Without fail. Okay, now that I have declared the never-broken rule, it is also time to acknowledge that Cleveland fans (of course, Cleveland) don't know how to do it, and did it wrong in the World Series (those fans had ONE JOB!) and so naturally some lefty journalist thought that someone decided to suddenly honor the Ku Klux Klan in the bottom of the eighth inning of World Series Game 7.


The stupidity there piles up so high, with so many contributors, I don't know where to begin. MLB did. The gave up on "K" as the official scoring abbreviation in 2015.

Chuck said...

Not sure if I've ever quoted myself before:

Chuck said...
I feel bad for Kellyanne Conway. By all accounts I know of, she's a friendly, intelligent an professional person.

But she is going to get skewered over her "alternative facts" line.

"Alt-facts" will become the meme of 2017.

It has officially begun. #alternativefacts


Birkel said...

Never, Chuck? Not one time?

mockturtle said...

or they put up a backwards K

Not all observe that convention, Chuck. In fact, last year at the World Series some Twitterers went ape-shit over some KKK signs after three strike-outs.

Birkel said...

Chuck was trading in #alternatefacts and it is best to let him hang himself.

Sell him the rope.

Jon Ericson said...

I don't know what we'll do when Chuck gets rotated out and a new moby starts mobying us.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

MayBee said...
Althouse said:
critiqued by freakily emotive commentators on CNN

That just gets right to the heart of it.
You're gonna need a tag for that.




damikesc said...

You can spin it all you like, but Trump is seen as a Nazi by 50% of the world if not more.

Most of the world caved to the Nazis and gave them what they wanted. That guy who Obama removed the bust of, Churchill, was one of the few at the time who was saying that this was a mistake.

damikesc said...


"Thousands descend on half-empty National Mall with ponchos and umbrellas for Trump's inauguration – as figures reveal more than SEVEN times as many people attended Obama's in 2009

"The National Mall expected nearly 900,000 people to witness Donald Trump become the next president, despite the gray skies and cold rain - in fact only 250,000 turned out to see the billionaire become president"

Trump made it an issue. Remember. Not the media. Trump.

Never forget.

This is not 1938; the situation is different, and Trump's "America First" is not Father Coughlin's "America First."

For starters, Coughlin was WAY off to the Left.

The man is nauseating to listen to, so I stopped after he called some military man a "gem" more than once. He essentially said nothing of significance for the first five minutes.

He should be applauded. He did in 5 minutes what Obama would take an hour to do.

The man is nauseating to listen to, so I stopped after he called some military man a "gem" more than once. He essentially said nothing of significance for the first five minutes.

I treated our prior President, the empty suit, the same way.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am surprised that few pundits compare Trump's vocal hostility to the press to Jesse Ventura's.
When Trump started his nomination run, I wrote several screeds on another blog mocking him as Jesse Ventura's political protege. I only gradually muted this criticism and I never did vote for Trump.
The contrast between Trump and Ventura, and what makes Trump a more effective politician (so far) is Trump's close alliance with GOP party regulars (aka Priebus). It was a smart move on the part of Priebus to embrace Trumpism, but only when it was obvious Trump would win the nomination. It's easy to see how Trump, if elected, but rejected by the GOP, could become a tool of Chuck Schumer.

LW said...

"The number referred to (28/29) at the beginning of Trump's speech is the number of CIA officers killed in the line of duty since the War on Terrorism began, starting with Johnny Micheal Spann in November 2001. ... See the Wikipedia article on the CIA Memorial Wall."

That number isn't in the Wikipedia article. It says only 27 of the stars were added since 2009. Do you have a source for that being what he was referring to?

But what really stands out is what he says next: "We’ve got to reduce it." How do you reduce the number of people who have already died?

Clearly he's trying to say, "We need to reduce the number of people who get killed in this endeavor," but what an inelegant way to eulogize those who have already died.

Joanne Jacobs said...

There's a wall at the CIA with the names of agents killed in the line of duty. I'd guess the 28/29 was a reference to the number of names on the wall. Trump said he wanted it to be lower. (Which must mean fewer killed, not more resurrected.)

Rusty said...

Once written, twice... said...
"If this was Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama you wouldn't do the "always eager to attempt a sympathetic reading" thing. You would have -- rightfully -- ripped it apart.

Trump is going to be scary erratic over the next four years. It was obvious during the campaign that he would be a scary President. But you did not write one critical post about Trump during his rise tho power in 2016. You were just another person who unthinkingly jumped on the Trump bandwagon."

How can you make such a prediction? You know nothing of economics or psychology.
Trump , so far, has been focused and deliberate. He appears to know exactly what he wants and how to achieve it.

Martin said...

imho, Trump was using Spicer to troll the media on the crowd size non-issue. That was Trump's playbook all of 2016, they fell for it every time, why should he stop using it as long as it works?

I was impressed by the CIA crowd's positive response, though I cannot tell to what extent that noise and applause was from CIA people or Administration plants (if any). But if it was legit, I would guess it reflects serious concern by career people, that the last 8 years have besmirched their individual and collective reputations, and the hope that a new team will treat them more respectfully and not make them compromise their work and then embarrass them for short-term political reasons--as Obama and Brennan did, repeatedly.

That hope may be misplaced, but I suspect it is there and while it's too early to draw any conclusions about Trump, it speaks volumes about the people in charge since 2009.

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