On Tuesday, the comic wrote in a since-deleted tweet, "When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well."Does Martin think this one appeasement will end the insane, pointless bullying? How could it? It doesn't even save his ass today. By deleting, he confesses to a nonexistent political crime. Now, it is what we will remember him for. What a sexist! That awful man! He called Carrie Fisher a "beautiful creature" and marveled that she was also smart and funny.
Media outlets and fans immediately turned on the comedian saying Martin’s tweet had a sexist undertone.
Imagine the first thing you notice about a person being how they look! Unless you're meeting people by telephone or blind, it's always the first thing you notice.
Wow. That's a tweet to attack someone about? Wow.
PC police. Eventually they will all turn on each other. The left's attacks on Israel, Sarah Palin, blacks who stray off the Democratic plantation are other examples.
Exactly. Now that more people have caught on to the game it would seem counterproductive to discourage them.
Steve Martin is no longer a wild and crazy guy. And hasn't been for years. So yeah, he ducked and ran for cover.
The arts are controlled mostly by gays and lesbians. The men are mostly short and puny and the women are mostly fat and ugly. Both have at best 2nd rate intelligence.
Lookism rears its beautiful head.
Beauty, baby. It's bad.
Leftists are pathetic!! I am embarrassed for them, as they think they are the ones being compassionate...when they are acting like asses!
By the way, Althouse, that picture of you on your blog is gorgeous.
So sue me.
When I was a younger old man, Ann Althouse was the most witty and bright blogger I had ever read. She turned out to be a beautiful creature as well.
"So sue me."
She won't but I might.
Wilbur won't argue with that, Meade.
Ann nailed it. Trump didn't win because people want to go out and burn crosses in their neighbors' yards, but because they'd like to be able to look at a Dior ad on TV and say "That is sooo gay" without losing their job.
Well, sometimes they lose their job, their friends, or their positions in organizations.
Mark Steyn, hosting for Rush, did a segment or so on that tweet yesterday.
A riff on totalitarianism and its meaning, for which that is an example.
Other Deleted Tweets by Steve Martin…
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was a very beautiful woman. As she got older she was witty and bright as well, and I didn’t want to fuck her as much.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. But I mainly fucked street-hookers.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was Jail Bait. After awhile I was simply eleven years older than her.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. By ‘creature’ I mean ‘Fuck Monster’.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I also fucked Mark Hamill. Not really something to brag about, to be honest.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was witty and bright. I preferred stupid nasty blondes with big tits, myself.”
"When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was known for her blowjobs. As she got older other younger women were known for THEIR blowjobs. I’m looking at you, Emma Stone.”
“Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, both dead. When I die I hope that there are Threesomes in Heaven. And that Debbie does Anal.”
I am Laslo.
I liked Sky King's daughter when I was a kid, but can't say I now find her intelligent or funny, whoever she was.
Steve Martin has the cred and the opportunity to perform a tremendous service to society, right now. And he has to know how insane this is. I like to think he'll take it, but alas, Diogenes would have better luck finding an honest man than a brave man in Hollywood.
"The arts are controlled mostly by gays and lesbians."
For the moment.
Transgenders will prevail.
I don't remember any tits on Sky King's daughter, so evidently I didn't like her for her body.
Steve Martin tweets as "Steve Martin" but comments on blogs as "Laslo Spatula."
When I was a baby boy my mother was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and I objectified her for her breasts. She turned out to be a pretty good cook as well.
Laslo Spatula??
I come here to read Laslo. Too funny.
Pretty little Penny was Sky King's niece, not his daughter. He was a cowboy after all.
Sky King's daughter: Gloria Winters. She has large breasts and looks good in a hat. But not as good as Carrie Fisher did when Carrie was in buns. Meade, I'll not risk a lawsuit and compare her to your beautiful and lovely and witty and intelligent wife.
The PC Warriors do take the easy way out. After we developed dozens of complex sexual boundary rules to protect sexual activities, the PC crowd just Bans everything
I wonder if Steve Martin has stopped doing his famous joke that starts "my girlfriend has the best . . ."
Sounds like Ann is coming around to the idea that Trump won (of course for many reasons but maybe primarily because of) PC culture. It's the theory that explains everything. I thought it was proposed first/best by professor Gelertner last February. http://www.weeklystandard.com/the-elephant-in-the-room/article/2001170
Poor Steve. Once you lose your balls your ass is sure to follow.
Washington Examiner today also reiterates Galertner's points. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-death-throes-of-political-correctness/article/2610446
"I liked Sky King's daughter when I was a kid, but can't say I now find her intelligent or funny, whoever she was."
From Bill Bryson, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: A Memoir (p. 30):
"Sky was a rancher by trade, but spent most of his time cruising the Arizona skies in his beloved Cessna, The Songbird, spotting cattle rustlers and other earthbound miscreants. He was assisted in these endeavors by his dimple-cheeked, pertly buttocked niece Penny, who provided many of us with our first tingly inkling that we were indeed on the road to robust heterosexuality."
Wasn't she (Gloria Winters) also Mrs. Mitchell, the mother of Dennis the Menace?
The first Cessna was the best, the classic bamboo bomber. The 310 upgrade was probably a product placement deal.
Pennny flew either a 120 or a 140, I was never interested to figure out which.
I don't know Steve Martin personally, but despite his "wild and crazy guy" act he seems shy. You can really get a sense of it on Seinfeld's Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. Maybe he removed it because he didn't want to be part of a fuss.
Sometimes just quietly receding to let the storm pass is the best way to handle things.
Presumably Steve should have said Carrie was witty and bright, and left it at that. Which is like saying he just reads Playboy for the articles.
. . . . and it Hollywood of all places!
It's well known that show business moved past "lookism" a long time ago. Mr. Martin is a sad throwback to those better forgotten dark days when how one looked had some currency in the entertainment industry.
progress is awesome.
Tweet deletion is an act of supreme cowardice.
Speaking of Steve Martin, I thought The Jerk was hilarious. I still think of the 'cat juggling' video and chuckle.
I wonder how many PC Police there really are. Maybe, like Drudge, it's one asshole holed up in an attic somewhere.
Sort of like "Oz the Magnificent."
"Does Martin think this one appeasement will end the insane, pointless bullying? How could it? It doesn't even save his ass today." Paying the Dane-geld doesn't get rid of the Dane.
What a disappointment. I had hoped Martin would have issued a hearty FU to the SJWs.
The Danes only want their Danegeld, after all.
Sen. Biden 2/8/07: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.
Sen. Reid 2007: "...especially one such as Obama--a light skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Barbara Feldon would be an example of a woman popular with men for personality rather than looks, in Get Smart.
She always showed Max she was satisfied with him.
Same thing from Steve Martin three years ago (was it really three years ago?) when the crybullies attacked him for another tweet and he had to spend a week apologizing. The Lasonia Incident
Martin seems like a genuinely nice guy. It pisses me off when I see what these degenerates do to nice people.
Amanda Marcotte was the one who said you shouldn't comment on the dead girls that gave you boners. Not that she'd have to worry about that.
Here's another tweet he deleted 3 years ago after similar outrage:
When asked, “Is this how you spell lasonia?” Martin replied: “It depends. Are you in an African-American neighborhood or at an Italian restaurant?”
I loved the look of Barbara Feldon.
Even a Jerk can be a great banjo player.
The only reply needed.
At least we won't have to worry about anyone getting in trouble for a similar tweet when Roseanne Barr or Lena Dunham pass away.
I wish I had a pencil thin mustache
The "Boston Blackie" kind
A two toned Ricky Ricardo jacket
And an autographed picture of Andy Devine
I remember bein' buck-toothed and skinny
Writin' fan letters to Sky's niece Penny
Oh I wish I had a pencil thin mustache
Then I could solve some mysteries too
Jimmy Buffet - Pencil Thin Mustache
"When I was a young man, Steve Martin was a decent-looking guy. Nothing special. Turns out he was also funny!"
Is there anybody in the world how has made good, useful, uplifting, worthwhile use of Twitter?
If your answer is, "Donald Trump," you'll need to do a lot better to convince me. Leave Trump out of it. Twitter, it seems to me, is a vast broadcast mechanism for people who have nothing to say that is worth broadcasting.
I follow a University of Michigan football blog in large part because I am interested in the team (and have season tickets and just like going to the games), and I have neither the time nor the inclination to follow high school football recruits' (or collegiate players', or even Jim Harbaugh's) Twitter accounts. I want somebody to compile, archive and curate Twitter for me. And to a great extent, the rest of the Internet does that for me.
Explained here.
When I was a baby boy my mother was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and I objectified her for her breasts. She turned out to be a pretty good cook as well.
Lucky guy. My mom was objectively beautiful, a real looker, but a rotten cook. She was Irish.
If only someone could have predicted that Leftist/feminist/SJW cry bullying would harm innocent, well-meaning people! Totally unforseeable; completely unexpected.
I envision thousands of little SJWs glues to their computers. Continually scanning twitter, Face Book and other sources to find something to be outraged about.
Then they strike!
Oh to be the first, the very first, to take down that sexist pig, that racist, that homophobe.
And to be at the top, the very first retweet of the howling mob. What glory, what honor.
Spent, they lie back and revel in their feelings. Then, like the aces of WWII, they rise to paint another symbol of victory on mother's basement wall.
Carrie was more than a colorful clump of cells that escaped Planning. She was self-evidently beautiful, but turned out to be witty and bright, too. And through better and worse, her mother loved and cherished her daughter until death did them part.
This story is wrong on so many levels.
"dead girls that gave you boners"
OMG, let's pray that Laslo doesn't see this comment...
There is another problem with acknowledging Carrie's physical beauty. It is counter to the female chauvinist message that women should not strive, but accept themselves as they are. It also exposes the insidious class diversity schemes, the reconstitution of institutional racism and sexism, where people are judged by the "color of their skin". Apparently, the social justice complex, unlike normal people, and, apparently, Martin, cannot reconcile the fortunes of Nature and nurture, recognize the diversity of individual human lives, and offer equal treatment on principle.
"Unless you're meeting people by telephone or blind..."
Shame! You mean "differently sighted."
Carrie Fisher wasn't Hollywood Hot. Princess Leia's badassery, bralessness, and bikini made her hot. Of course we all only became aware of her being funny later because it was later that she started writing. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
Hey now,don't diss that 310.
And i can say that cuz my favorite is the 195.
No guts, no glory.
Once you give away your testicles, there is no going back- you will always be balless.
Women are beautiful. Men are handsome. Oh, the controversial semantics of a patriarchal past. We must gouge out both eyes lest we acknowledge Mother Nature's good, yet selective fortunes. Or abort all the beautiful and handsome women and men, respectively, lest their good fortunes cause our self-esteem to be lowered. And witty and bright, too? Out damned spot. Never more.
n.n: Carrie was more than a colorful clump of cells that escaped Planning. She was self-evidently beautiful, but turned out to be witty and bright, too. And through better and worse, her mother loved and cherished her daughter until death did them part.
For a day. It's like you hear about some married couples. One of them passes, and then, in short order, the other. No disease, no ailment, no degenerative condition. Just a readiness to leave behind a dramatically diminished life.
Donald Sutherland, Invasion of the Body Snatchers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEStsLJZhzo
I don't see any difference between his acting and anything said by SJWs.
I don't recall thinking that Princess Leia was beautiful at the time. I did think she was a heroic Princess though, a main player in that epic space fantasy that captured our imaginations.
40 years later? Yeah, she was beautiful. And pretty darn funny in real life.
The PC police must be ignored or mocked relentlessly. They are horrible.
Martin is a leftist, as well.
I don't feel sorry for people when the monster they helped create turns on them.
I watched on Twitter the other day a film clip of Carrie Fisher's screen test for the first Star Wars movie. She was sitting in street clothes, having a dialogue from the movie with Harrison Ford. My first thought was that she was so beautiful, far prettier in real life than in the movie. That was my second and third thought as well. She was a pretty good actress, too, just right for that role.
Paul Snively:
An intricate link is formed between people intimately intertwined that cannot be characterized in the scientific domain. People have grown closed-minded since the discovery of "fire" and wild speculation from assumptions derived from assumptions ad infinitum. That's one possible explanation. A romantic conception. It's something that can be discussed but not established.
Another explanation involves two systems developing a mutual, inextricable dependence.
Both, however, are viable explanations since origin and expression cannot be discerned in the scientific domain.
The same urge that gets us together with a partner to make a family makes it impossible to ignore beauty. The claim that we should never acknowledge physical beauty is insane. It is of course true that we may be shocked to find out that the beautiful person that just caused us to walk into a lamp post turns out to be mean, ignorant, and whiny. But this is only a reason to remember that appearances can be deceiving, not to claim that we should never admit that someone is beautiful. Yes of course, the beautiful person did not earn their beauty, but nevertheless nature did good work in creating them, so we are pleased to look at them.
The self-acceptance mantra (appearance doesn't matter) is self-contradictory because they also don't want to be judged on their inner beauty or lack of. They want to be praised and loved even if they are a rude, mean, self-absorbed jerk who is slovenly.
Bryson is a great chronicler of Americana. Love the Thunderbolt Kid and his Big Book of Science. Alas, Bill is a reflexive leftist. He gives many an example of the science never being settled, but then goes on to say how man-made global warming is a fact. Always wondered at that striking contradiction.
So this is where we are now:
The first thing liberals notice about a person is the color of his/her skin. And then they tell us we can't judge that person by the content of his character.
MLK is rolling over in his grave.
Martin was afraid that lefties will ruin his career so he deleted the tweet. Hard to blame him for not being brave enough to risk that. The problem is that this appeasement probably will only embolden them and they will take further steps to humiliate him. Sometimes the safest course is also the one that appears to be the bravest. Maybe his experience will teach others to refuse to be bullied.
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