December 1, 2016

"University of Wisconsin-Madison officials say Chancellor Rebecca Blank doesn't have the authority to declare the school a sanctuary for students who entered the country illegally as minors."

"The Associated Students of Madison passed a resolution Wednesday calling on Blank and UW System President Ray Cross to declare UW-Madison and all system schools sanctuaries for students who entered the country illegally before President-elect Donald Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration."


JackWayne said...

Doesn't Blank have a pen and a phone? That's power enough, right?

Brent said...

What!!! Rule of law respected at the University of Wisconsin!!!!!

Did something freeze over??!!

traditionalguy said...

Lawlessness uber alles.

This will not stop until some one is actually fired and loses their precious triple-dip, multiplied with escalators, super pension...which is the only thing these Edu. Administrators live for.

eric said...

Aren't you supposed to learn something in college?

Maybe someone should do a thought experiment with these young adults.

Why could your university become a safe space for illegal aliens, but not Baker's of cakes who refuse service to certain homosexual celebrations?

Rob said...

I believe my landscape company is a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.

Big Mike said...

What good is the Law School faculty if they can't counsel Dean Blank on how to get around the rule of law?

dwick said...

Did these 'Associated Students of Madison' also pass a resolution to open their own homes and wallets to foot the bill (including tuition) to house/support students who entered the country illegally as minors?

Thought not...

Sigivald said...

... do they imagine that ICE can't deport someone "if they're at a sanctuary school" or the like?

Because they can.

And as is pointed out elsewhere, tons and tons of people got deported in the last 8 years, yet somehow these students didn't pass this then.

It''s like they had no idea because they only know when someone tells them it's time to be outraged.

(The people pushing "sanctuary _____" before the Election are at least consistent.)

David said...

The Packers need an upgrade at punter. Please apply if you are interested.

Comanche Voter said...

The name describes her mind.

Owen said...

"Sanctuary" is the perfect word for this phenomenon. Because the original context (and the etymological backbone) is religious. A fugitive could escape secular capture and punishment if he could get inside the church. High drama as the priest brandished a crucifix at the sheriff and his minions, forced to turn away at the last moment.

The only problem is, while the current drama tries to borrow that religious authority and theatrical power, it won't work. A university is not a magical space. Crimes are still crimes when committed on campus. There may be a voluntary understanding with the law enforcement authorities about how given crimes are handled, but if the campus cop has been ordered by the Dean to ignore a violation of immigration law, that in no way limits the ICE or other police from coming in and arresting whomever. Anybody who hinders their efforts is going to face charges as well.

So "sanctuary" is a dangerous term to borrow. It may encourage these impressionable kids to get all righteous and start something with the police. Bad idea. And for the school authorities to posture like this is an even worse idea. If some kid gets hurt confronting the authorities, or is booked for assaulting an officer and faces jail for it, what will the Dean do then? Will the Trustees vote to use the endowment for bail and lawyers?

Quaestor said...

Fill in the Blank. Preferably with 144 cubic feet of earth.

Nah. That's too drastic. Nevertheless Dr. Blank needs to be made an example of. It's activist like her who are destroying academia. Blank and her like-minded co-conspirators have pushed the cost of education to rise much faster than inflation, primarily by loading the university payroll with non-academic "administrative" (read POLITICAL) positions, and by giving intellectual credence to bullshit degree programs like gender studies, African-American studies, etc. that produce young adults carrying worthless yet cripplingly expensive diplomas straight from matriculation into the unemployment benefits queue.

Kellogg's delenda est.

Peter said...

"But will they come when you do call for them?"

Presumably anyone can declare anything at any time for any reason. At the risk that no one pays any attention to the declaration.

Nonetheless, there are some issues here.

What does "Sanctuary Campus" mean?

1. The mild version of "Sanctuary Campus" is, administrators somehow compel students and faculty to refuse to assist ICE. Blank probably lacks the authority to compel faculty, although students could be expelled and perhaps some non-tenured faculty might not get a contract renewal. Blank may lack the personal authority to do this but the school's administration might be able to, at least until ordered to stand down by UW Regents.

2. The radical version of "Sanctuary Campus" is, students and/or faculty actively interfere with lawful activities by ICE on campus. This might be viewed as civil disobedience, at least if those interfering are willing to accept punishment.

And then there's the possibility that The Empire (aka federal gov't) may strike back, most obviously by withholding discretionary federal funds from schools that engage in the mild version (and perhaps may send troops into schools that engage in the radical version).

Mike Sylwester said...

This is what happens when Scientific Progressives are allowed to become voting members of the Associated Students of Madison.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Owen said...

I have been reading Robert Caro's excellent bio of LBJ and in Volume 3 (covering his Senate career, 1948-1960) there is some good stuff on civil rights. Eisenhower sent National Guard to schools in the South to protect kids --who had every legal right to attend the school-- from those who would refuse them entrance and hurt them.

Here we have at least the outside possibility of the reverse. Schools giving entrance and shelter to those whose very presence is a violation of the law, and doing so in defiance of Federal law enforcement officers; maybe, if the trouble gets ugly enough, in defiance of National Guard troops.

We've come a long way.

Mike Sylwester said...

From the linked article:

In November, Blank signed a statement calling on the federal government to protect undocumented students on campuses across the country.

The correct expression is students who are illegal aliens.

Owen said...

Mike @ 5:21: "...How many voted last month? How many did Donald say could be illegals?..." Very interesting.

OK, let's try the math here. Suppose 2% of votes are cast by non-citizen/non-eligible. There were at least 120 million votes. So 2% is 2.4 million.

I don't know what The Donald said, but right there you have the "popular vote margin" that HRC's supporters say is evidence that she "won."

How solid are these numbers?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

In related news (pay attention fact-based community):

A postelection survey conducted by Americas Majority Foundation found that 2.1% of noncitizens voted in the Nov. 8 election. In the battleground states of Michigan and Ohio, 2.5% and 2.1%, respectively, of noncitizens reported voting.

This was part of a larger article on non-citizens voting and I chose this section because it is current, as in THIS election. Start running the numbers, skeptics, because the percentages stay pretty consistent across surveys that 2.1% to 2.9% of any random voting sample is non-citizen non-eligible voters. How many voted last month? How many did Donald say could be illegals? Say it loud now!

[put the link in]

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I rate Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund very solid. Check at Powerline blog for more links and sources. (I have a thing for blogs by lawyers/professors I guess.)

tcrosse said...

Hillary is so brilliant she figured out how to lose the election while getting the most votes at the greatest expense. Stooopid Trump figured out how to win with fewer votes and at lower cost. Evidently the road to the White House does not run through LA alone.

mccullough said...

The Trump administration is going to have control of the Dreamers database on the afternoon of Jan 20,2017.

If Congress agrees to actually take major actions to secure the border (crack down on employers and sanctuary cities, enhance databases, etc. and block immigration from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.) then the non criminal dreamers will get a path to citizenship and their parents will get legal status but no citizenship.

YoungHegelian said...

University of Wisconsin-Madison officials say Chancellor Rebecca Blank doesn't have the authority to declare the school a sanctuary for students who entered the country illegally as minors.

The state of Arizona is forbidden by the courts to enforce current US immigration law on its own because that's a power reserved to the federal government. But, for these clowns at UW, a university gets to make immigration policy?

Do these people believe that you can clap Tinkerbell back to life, too?

Dude1394 said...

Those federal dollars that they never thought would go away are suddenly looming large.

Crimso said...

Does Wisconsin charge higher tuition to out-of-state students? What's that? 3X what in-state students pay? Hmmmm.....

Bay Area Guy said...

These Wisconsin Leftists never learn.

Look, there are thousands of Wisconsin plumbers, carpenters, contractors, drywallers, electricians who are working their butts off to support their families, none of whom are going to college.

Do you really think they like paying taxes to subsidize the tuition of these obnoxious snowflakes at the University, some of whom are here illegally?

I would bet not.

The results of November 8 bear this out.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
From the linked article:

In November, Blank signed a statement calling on the federal government to protect undocumented students on campuses across the country.

Someone should break into Blank's home and tell her not to worry, they're just an undocumented house guest.

Wince said...

To drive the left even more bonkers, Trump should adopt the following waterboarding policy: "safe, legal and rare".

Original Mike said...

"In November, Blank signed a statement calling on the federal government to protect undocumented students on campuses across the country."

Shouldn't the federal government be enforcing federal laws?

Crazy, I know.

Michael K said...

I have been reading Robert Caro's excellent bio of LBJ and in Volume 3 (covering his Senate career, 1948-1960)

I should probably read that. I have volume I and got discouraged since I disliked Johnson so much. However, I voted for him in 1964 so I should take my punishment.

shoplifting has been renamed "undocumented shopping."

These academic idiots need to be slapped around by some federal funds vanishing.

Jupiter said...

That's not what Janet Napolitano says in California.

Owen said...

Michael K: "...disliked Johnson so much." Oh yes. There is much to dislike. He was a cruel, dissembling, selfish genius. A desperately incomplete creature. Able to read people at a glance and use them and break them without scruple or remorse. And an absolute master of the dirty art of politics.

The bio is a good look at the times he lived through and shaped, the figures he worked with and fought, and the nasty necessary business of getting and keeping political power.

Real American said...

I'm declaring my paycheck a tax sanctuary.

Paco Wové said...

Re: Non-citizen voting... I think this is one of the studies referred to in the Powerline blog post linked above:

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?

Only the abstract is available for free, but it says (among other things)

...We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.

Seeing Red said...

At this rate, Chicago will turn into Acapulco because it's a sanctuary city.

walter said...

Big Mike said...
What good is the Law School faculty if they can't counsel Dean Blank on how to get around the rule of law?
Fill in the..Blank.

Gretchen said...

Yes precious snowflakes, next semester the school will enroll 20,000 illegals! Your tuition and room and board will increase 100%. Any Americans currently receiving aide will no longer get any, so please check your American privilege. Your 2 person dorm room is now a 4 person room, so get used to sleeping on the floor, remember gender is fluid, so ladies, your new roommate might have been assigned a male gender at birth, please ignore that, he told us he identifies as female now. In his, errr her country everyone showers together, and it is customary to help bathe your roommates, so in the name of cultural diversity, please shower up! Your classes will be conducted in what ever language the illegals choose so brush up on your Spanish and Somali. If your new illegal roomies commit any crimes, including stealing your stuff or sexual assault, they won't be subject to prosecution, so check your privilege.

Thanks for cooperating.

Zach said...

The activist as toady: demand something the authorities want, but don't want to take responsibility for.

It works great, until the powers that be change hands. Then the rank and file keeps expecting easy victories -- and how do you explain that you were colluding with The Man all along, and that the protests were just street theater?

n.n said...

Placing global interests before Americans' Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. As if Planning was not bad enough, the Pro-Choicers compensate with immigration "reform". This is why the anti-native factions and outsourcers/insourcers lose elections, despite redistributive change, promises of instant gratification, and freedom from responsibility being potent opiates. The class diversitists that discriminate by "skin color" locally, and the anti-native factions that condone the causes of refugee crises and mass emigration globally, only exacerbate the progression with their political, social, and secular ambitions.

Etienne said...

I think they should have sanctuary for child molesters and rapists as well. Let these people be educated along side your sons and daughters.

Laws are for other people!

jaydub said...

Rather than providing a direct answer to the Associated Studentsof Madison, Blank should be asking how did these students come to think that an arbitrary position taken by the UW administration before 20 January becomes inviolable after 20 January, and what curriculum changes should be made to prevent this type of ignorance from continuing to infect the campus?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Just how much is UW Madison willing to pay for its dudgeon?
Reduce state and fed subsidies a significant amount for each illegal alien they are harboring. See what happens.

MayBee said...

I have this great idea for people who want to pay for illegal immigrants to go to college:

Create a scholarship fund to send them to school in their home countries.
This way, they get re-aquainted with the country of their citizenship. They will find a way to be free of the cycle that illegal immigrants get caught up in. They can possibly create a better life for their families in their home countries. They can create better home countries, so people in the future won't be motivated to leave for the US and become illegal immigrants.

PB said...

a scholarship in their home country would be waay less expensive.

cubanbob said...

The problem with getting old is one tends to forget how wonderful it was to be young, idealistic, absolutely certain about things and stupid.

" Real American said...
I'm declaring my paycheck a tax sanctuary."

Amen brother. I'm stealing that line.

JAORE said...

The new DOJ powers that be are going to be pretty busy drafting those "Dear Colleagues" letters.

Jaq said...

The University now sees itself as the church. Teacher of morality, "Truth" with a capital 'T', and shepherd of the people, and is now demanding all of the ancient rights and prerogatives appertaining thereto.

damikesc said...

Given that the school takes federal money, they shouldn't have the choice which federal laws they decide to follow. If the Citadel had to go co-ed because they took federal money, all schools should be under the same obligation to abide by the rules or forfeit all federal monies. Including loans for students and research grants.

If it is such an important thing, they will find a way to make it without that money.

And as is pointed out elsewhere, tons and tons of people got deported in the last 8 years, yet somehow these students didn't pass this then.

Far less than the reported numbers, since they reported people being turned around at the border as deportations.

lemondog said...

Being Chancellor is ya know, haaaarrrrd.......

Steve M. Galbraith said...

It's fascinating (in a car accident sort of way) how the left says America is a thoroughly racist, xenophobic and unjust country - especially for "people of color" - and yet demand that it lets "people of color" in with no restrictions.

Again: "people of color" must be let into the very same nation that they think oppresses and kills "people of color."

Well, which is it: A terrible country that oppresses "people of color" or a safe haven for "people of color" to live in?

Yeah, I know: it's all posturing; there's no logic or consistency behind it. Feelings count not facts.

walter said...

Blogger MayBee said...
They can create better home countries, so people in the future won't be motivated to leave for the US and become illegal immigrants.
Hard to see how that will help businesses that "have to" use illegal immigrants to fill their jobs, create more burdens on public resources or, of course, create eventual Dem voters.

walter said...

(that "or" should be "and")

mikee said...

I lived in Baltimore in the 1990s. On one street I often drove, right at the city limits demarcating Baltimore from suburban Towson, there was a slightly rusted sign from the 1980s hanging forlornly among the traffic lights.

"Baltimore is a nuclear free city!" the sign proudly proclaimed. Apparently, declarations by the City Council and/or Mayor that Baltimore would allow no nuclear weapons within the city limits, via virtue signalling or perhaps just an impermeable aura of self-righteousness, made it impossible for nuclear blasts to occur had a nuclear war broken out.

Of such ridiculousness is the left's subjectively-created reality formed. And illegal immigrant sanctuary sites, whether founded by someone with authority or not, will still have the problems associated with illegal immigrants within themselves.

Enjoy the blast when it comes, for I expect you won't have anticipated even its possibility, I say.

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