My phone's camera doesn't do much in low light. Yesterday morning, I went out around 5:45 and the super moon was in the west, wreathed in morning fog. There was a ring of luminescence around it, golden shading to reddish at the edges of the circle of light. It was very cool and I tried snapping a couple of pictures, but they came out looking like an impressionist painting.
Yesterday, a little after 2 pm, with the temp at +3ยบ, all of a sudden my electricity shut off. Luckily, I had the wood stove going in the basement. Before 3:30 pm it came back on. I was getting ready to set up the Army cot in the basement, and already had candles burning so I could see my way around down there.
Is it just me, or does Althouse's photos of her quiet neighborhood make you think of stealthily moving about in dark clothes and peering into open windows?
Just be careful, Laslo. Paraphrasing Nietzsche: "He who fights with blog monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a blog monster. And if thou gaze long into an open window, the barrel of the firearm on the other side of the open window will also gaze into thee."
it is hard to disagree that what floated in the sky this morning was a supermoon -- just look at your grand photo, did the moon not call you to it?
it called me, I did not realize why I was going out in the cold so early, because our house has no windows to the west, but once outside, ahhh! every place I stood was an Alignment, all things made new.
Ray Nitschke said "It was the character of the Packers, man. We played for sixty minutes. We let it all hang out. There was no tomorrow for us. We got the adrenaline flowing, and we just let it go, man."
"No tomorrow for us": could be Nitschke or Nietzsche.
"Astronomers all cringe when they hear "supermoon" or "zodiac".
The one on Nov 14 I was on a flight back from Sydney, Australia. We were over the Pacific and the pilot comes on says people have asked to see the supermoon. The moon was to starboard he said (actually he said "right") if people on that side of the plane want to look. Then he said, "after the folks on the right get a look, I'll turn the plane around for a few minutes so you can see it out the left side". Silly. I had come to Australia for the astronomy, but I made no effort to look.
I did wonder if anyone on the ground observed the plane flying backwards for a few minutes. "Did he forget something?". "Do we have another Flight 370?"
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My phone's camera doesn't do much in low light. Yesterday morning, I went out around 5:45 and the super moon was in the west, wreathed in morning fog. There was a ring of luminescence around it, golden shading to reddish at the edges of the circle of light. It was very cool and I tried snapping a couple of pictures, but they came out looking like an impressionist painting.
Yesterday, a little after 2 pm, with the temp at +3ยบ, all of a sudden my electricity shut off. Luckily, I had the wood stove going in the basement. Before 3:30 pm it came back on. I was getting ready to set up the Army cot in the basement, and already had candles burning so I could see my way around down there.
nice catch, professor.
Astronomers all cringe when they hear "supermoon" or "zodiac".
Althouse should have a year-end post where she selects her five favorite photos of the year and attach the most relevant Dylan lyric to them.
Maximum Althouse.
I am Laslo.
Getting my little grandson Curious George IV a peddle car fire truck. Among other things. Nothing like a grandchild to make Christmas exciting again.
... but they came out looking like an impressionist painting.
People pay a lot of money for impressionist paintings!!!
Is it just me, or does Althouse's photos of her quiet neighborhood make you think of stealthily moving about in dark clothes and peering into open windows?
Probably just me. I know, I know.
I am Laslo.
@Laslo, is that how you come up with some of your ideas for comments?
Just be careful, Laslo. Paraphrasing Nietzsche: "He who fights with blog monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a blog monster. And if thou gaze long into an open window, the barrel of the firearm on the other side of the open window will also gaze into thee."
Snow makes it possible to see the dog in the dark. With the moon you also get tree shadows.
You need to see the dog so you know if she's done her business or is just sniffing around for rabbits.
Nietzsche also said "Blog comments are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler."
Nietzsche understood the Internet.
I am Laslo.
it is hard to disagree that what floated in the sky this morning was a supermoon -- just look at your grand photo, did the moon not call you to it?
it called me, I did not realize why I was going out in the cold so early, because our house has no windows to the west, but once outside, ahhh! every place I stood was an Alignment, all things made new.
Hip Hip Hooray for the Reality of Being.
More free advice for Laslo: While peering into windows, the big hairy supermoon you observe might not be the supermoon you were hoping to observe.
Ray Nitschke said "It was the character of the Packers, man. We played for sixty minutes. We let it all hang out. There was no tomorrow for us. We got the adrenaline flowing, and we just let it go, man."
"No tomorrow for us": could be Nitschke or Nietzsche.
I am Laslo.
Monday evening the moon passed in front of the 1st magnitude star Aldebaran (in Taurus). Fun little event to watch.
"Astronomers all cringe when they hear "supermoon" or "zodiac".
The one on Nov 14 I was on a flight back from Sydney, Australia. We were over the Pacific and the pilot comes on says people have asked to see the supermoon. The moon was to starboard he said (actually he said "right") if people on that side of the plane want to look. Then he said, "after the folks on the right get a look, I'll turn the plane around for a few minutes so you can see it out the left side". Silly. I had come to Australia for the astronomy, but I made no effort to look.
I did wonder if anyone on the ground observed the plane flying backwards for a few minutes. "Did he forget something?". "Do we have another Flight 370?"
That's a truly great photograph.
"My phone's camera doesn't do much in low light."
And it probably doesn't do time exposures either, nor does it have a socket for a tripod.
But if it did you could get a photo showing a moonlight-illuminated landscape that looked not much different than the same scene in full sunlight.
And why wouldn't you expect that? After all, moonlight is just reflected sunlight; it's just our low-light perception that makes it look silvery.
That is one REALLY cool picture!
As I said, a REALLY cool picture.
The moon is not as big as it looks, is it?
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone....
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