December 19, 2016

It's Wisconsin, so we've got to have some protesting.

Today, at the announcement of the the vote of the Wisconsin electors — 10 votes for Donald Trump — a woman stands up and shouts "'This is my America' and other slogans, and was quickly escorted outside by security." Others present provided a background chant — familiar from the 2011 protests — "shame shame shame."

ADDED: One of the woman's "slogans" is "Listen to your heart!" which reminded us of one of our favorite 2011 Wisconsin-protest moments — a young man orating from the top of the stairs of the Capitol: "Remember, you were young once and you had a heart and you loved everybody" (stop the video after 40 seconds if you don't want to hear the words "Walker, you fucking son of a bitch"):


LYNNDH said...

Shame? No, I am astounded that these people do not understand the Constitution. But I guess I should not be given the educational system we now have, from kindergarten to university. Even law school does not seem to educate anymore.

eric said...

This is my America is a slogan?

Unknown said...

Scratch a liberal, find a crybaby wannabe-fascist, apparently.

Sane liberals like Ann seem to be a dying breed.


n.n said...

Trump promises an effort to revitalize, rehabilitate, and reconcile. Listen to your heart, indeed.

rehajm said...


(rehajm fights to take in air laughing so hard)

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left has folks who are so passionately stupid, they fail to recognize how stupid they are.

The lady had more than 2 years to passionately campaign for her chosen candidate. She could spend her time, her energy, her money (with some restrictions) to convince Wisconsin voters to choose Hillary. Whether she did or not, the time for politicking is OVER.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

That is your America--voted down and escorted out. Embrace your minority status and enjoy the cold air outside the room where work is to be done.


HoodlumDoodlum said...

Sounds a lot like she wants to TAKE HER COUNTRY BACK.
Hell, I remember just a few years ago saying something like that'd get a fella branded a racist--those were ugly words, just a bit ago.
Funny how things can change, huh?

rehajm said...

Not even WI protesters had their heart in this one.

traditionalguy said...

Thank goodness Walker was not elected.

Drago said...

eric: "This is my America is a slogan?"

Yes. It's a corollary to "It's not over until we win!".

My name goes here. said...

Have a snickers

mockturtle said...

As Churchill [or perhaps someone else] once said: If you aren't a liberal when you are 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you are 40, you have no brain.

mccullough said...

They want the world to be in uniform and stand in moral attention to their cause forever

David said...

I usually try not to be crass and insulting in my comments, but will someone please explain to this overwrought harridan that it's everybody's America, not just hers?

mockturtle said...

BTW, I have listened to my heart. It says, 'Lub-dup, lub dup...'

DUSTER said...

The chant isn't the same without the bell.

Roughcoat said...

Since the Cubs won the WS and Trump won the election, I've developed a huge affection for 2016. I'm just all smiles about it. And a lot of laughs too.

DUSTER said...

The chant isn't the same without the bell.

Meade said...

Those protesters must be from California or Illinois or some state where the majority voted for Clinton. In the free fair open and democratic election held here in Wisconsin on Nov. 8 the popular vote went for Trump. Jill Stein protested so we counted the vote twice and both times Donald Trump had the most. In fact, Jill's recount found a net 131 votes for Trump that were missed in the original count that gave Clinton 131 votes she didn't deserve. In fact, why don't they recount California? What makes them so sure Trump didn't win there as well. Don't they like democracy in California the way we do here in Wisconsin?

Todd said...

It is always about the feelz with these folks. Right, wrong, legal, constitutional, justice (actual not faux justice which is really just "I am right, shut up") all have nothing to do with it. These folks are very "I want it and I want it now, cause" and they can go no from there because FEELZ!

Roughcoat said...

Here's what I think ought to be done about loudmouth leftist protestors. We should show up at events that they're likely to attend armed with cowbells. As soon as the lefties start blabbering we should ring our cowbells loud and hard and unceasingly, until they sit down and shut up. More cowbell, that's the ticket.

mockturtle said...

Since the Cubs won the WS and Trump won the election, I've developed a huge affection for 2016. I'm just all smiles about it. And a lot of laughs too.

Me, too, roughcoat! I'm lovin' it! :-) Hope 2017 will be at least as good.

Wince said...

"I Can't Listen To That Crap. It's Got No Heart!"

SukieTawdry said...

Kinda lame but I imagine this might be happening in all the states that swung for Trump despite rightfully belonging to Clinton. And even in some states that were always Trump's. God bless America.

I was young once and I've always had a heart, but I never loved everybody. I would have found anyone who did highly suspect. Even a child is capable of discernment.

SukieTawdry said...

More cowbell, that's the ticket.

I like it.

Anonymous said...

I tried to listen to my heart but some shrieking harpy kept drowning it out.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I just mailed my ultra-liberal sister a Judicial Watch calendar. When she freaks out like this lady [Judicial Watch is the group that files lawsuits and FIFA requests of Hillary and the DNC etc], I will just play dumb and say I am sorry I meant to send yo the Rails To Trail calendar.

Fernandinande said...

"Take me out, I don't care!" is a good slogan.

Bay Area Guy said...


If these idiot protestors in Wisconsin were indeed from California, would you do us a favor and please keep them there? Thx in advance!

Paddy O said...

"Don't they like democracy in California the way we do here in Wisconsin?"

We like democracy just fine, as long as the people vote the way our betters approve of. And if they don't, they'll keep finding more democracy wherever they can until the people vote correctly.

Greg Hlatky said...

What a 2016!

- Brexit
- Cubs win
- Trump wins
- Army beats Navy

2 weeks left. The Browns?..

walter said...

As a child, she bumped her head on the table. A lot.

Meade..have you no heart? Gettin' all numbery and stuff.

Paddy O said...

Also, California is the sin-eater of the country.

We take liberals from all the states to shape our version of paradise.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Greg Hlatky said...

Hillary Clinton:

2008, FAIL!
2016, FAIL!
Recount, FAIL!
"Hamilton" electors, FAIL!

At least Harold Stassen stretched his futility over several decades.

Unknown said...

If you aren't a liberal when you are 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you are 40, you have no brain.

Could the liberal agenda of promoting perpetual adolescence through a massive effort of dumbing down be a brilliant scheme in undermining such thinking?

Anonymous said...

rehajm: (rehajm fights to take in air laughing so hard)

"One would have to have a heart of stone..."

walter said...

That shame "chant" was so weak. They're phoning it in. George isn't getting his $$ worth.
George, could you please send some of that cash towards more engaging protesters? Like Femen?

MacMacConnell said...

Meade said..
"In fact, why don't they recount California?"

I'll wait for AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions' audit of voter rolls between prosecuting Hillary, the Foundation and IRS employees.

Note: most rogue Electors today are leaving Hillary.

Jim said...

See this is how you know Trump isn't a fascist. A fascist would have beat her up with a baseball bat.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

rehajm said...
Not even WI protesters had their heart in this one."

That room isn't filled with spring chickens. They're old, their Days of Rage were a long time ago, the frigid cold is bothering their joints and they're wondering if the diner with the Early Bird Special is open today.

The screeching woman probably has a UW Madison faculty parking sticker on her car - sharing space with the "Love Trumps Hate" "Coexist" and "Well Behaved Women Don't Make History" stickers.

khesanh0802 said...

It is always surprising to me how self centered and inconsiderate people like this woman are. They are so damn sure that they are right; that they have all the answers; and that everyone else is a dunce. God, I get truly tired of these assholes.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"It is always surprising to me how self centered and inconsiderate people like this woman are."

Wisconsin's votes were recounted and Trump got a few more. He clearly won Wisconsin. But this woman screams that it's HER America. She's well into adulthood and yet she believes that only her opinions and beliefs and the opinions of people who think like her should count.


Jake said...

That person (the female in the first video) is unstable.

Quaestor said...

That person (the female in the first video) is a "progressive" (i.e. unstable).

robother said...

"Can i take my things with me?" There's a rallying cry that's sure to carry Biden-Bernie to victory in 2020.

Unknown said...

The woman looks like a nightmare for herself and anyone unfortunate enough to draw near, a broken child never able to come near a mature sensibility. Keep them from growing up and we've got them forever. Hopefully SNL will have a real zinger skit mocking Trump this weekend, providing some solace for her.

Quaestor said...

Scratch a liberal, find a crybaby wannabe-fascist, apparently.

Too many self-identified liberals aren't.

Quaestor said...

Hopefully SNL will have a real zinger skit mocking Trump this weekend, providing some solace for her.

They'll need a new crop of writers for that to happen. Gone are the days, may friend... gone are the days,

Yancey Ward said...

Another Trigglypuff.

Etienne said...
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exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Yancey Ward said...
Another Trigglypuff.

12/19/16, 4:00 PM

Trigglypuff lite.

Lighter by about 100 lbs. Same bullshit, less filling.

Matt Sablan said...

Wow. Just saw the "You just gave us Adolf Hitler" from PA. Also some Clinton delegates voted for Colin Powell and an eagle. So... Trump may win with an even BIGGER EV margin than anticipated.

Anonymous said...

Problem is - when she goes back home, wherever that is, her friends will be congratulating her on her unhinged outburst. Embarrassment is an underrated quality.

mockturtle said...

Jim suggested: See this is how you know Trump isn't a fascist. A fascist would have beat her up with a baseball bat.

Maybe I'm a fascist. Or a fascist wannabee. ;-)

khesanh0802 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

Shame! Shame! Shame! Each of those 10 electors should be forced to do the Cersei Lannister 'walk of shame'.

khesanh0802 said...

While this woman gets to play her little role we have three Muslim attacks in the real world. I really have to carry my pistol more.

Michael K said...

What a 2016!

- Brexit
- Cubs win
- Trump wins
- Army beats Navy

My wife and I got remarried after 25 years. Good year for us.

Does anyone know who that woman is ? The "faculty parking sticker" is a good guess. Maybe the "Department of Women's Studies ?"

Something with "Studies" in it, anyway.

walter said...

Hey..were the capitol singers there today?

Rusty said...

Shame! Shame! We didn't get our way! Hillary was supposed to win!
We've just survived eight years of fascism. Trump hasn't taken the oath of office yet and these clowns are comparing him to Hitler.

Alex said...

Shaming is a useful tactic, I think all conservatives should be shamed 24/7.

MacMacConnell said...

Jim said...
"See this is how you know Trump isn't a fascist. A fascist would have beat her up with a baseball bat."

That would have to be a Trump signature "Make America Great Again" baseball bat. Could this be a business opportunity? Party favors for Republicans attending the Inauguration, they'd come in handy if confronted by the Fat D-bag M. Moore's army. For self defense only, wink wink.

Team America! Fuck Ya!

Comanche Voter said...

Well I'd say that indeed it is that woman's America---she apparently keeps her head in an alternate reality--a place where the sun don't shine. But if she wants to live there, far be it from me to say that she can't live there. Kinda tough to breathe though.

Kyzer SoSay said...

And Trump has officially passed 270 Electoral votes. Suck it up, Buttercups.

Alex said...

No! I will stamp my feet forever! La-la-la-la. I can't hear you.


khesanh0802 said...

Before getting final results it appears that many more electors tried to desert Hillary than Trump. There were four in Washington, one in Maine, one in MN and I am sure we will find out about more. Those who were "faithless" were replaced or forced to vote for the witch.

glenn said...

The American Psychiatric Associiation estimates that 20% of the American population is walking around with diagnosable mental illness. I've got the over for $100 Alec.

JAORE said...

This is MY America!

Well then, lady, you owe someone $20 trillion bucks. Will that be cash or check?

Clyde said...

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, "One must have a heart of stone to watch the tantrum of the little protester without laughing."

Clyde said...

Gotta admit, though, that was pretty schadenfreudelicious!

heyboom said...

Is that guy behind her one of those "angry white males" Bill Clinton was talking about?

Swede said...

That poor woman.

It's almost like the press lied to her or something.

Michael K said...

I'd still like to know ho she is. I bet we find out soon and she is a UW faculty member.

My money is on Women's Studies or some Media Studies gig.

mockturtle said...

I'd still like to know ho she is

;-) I'd like to know whose ho she is.

Rick said...

a protestor began shouting "This is my America" and

Why aren't reporters asking Obama and Clinton if they disavow these racists who support them?

Biff said...

Look at all the old, angry white people!

Real American said...


Francisco D said...

"I would still like to know who she is."

I think that is my cousin the social worker. She has been on SS disability for the last 30 years due to depression, but she makes it to every Madison rally. Not surprisingly, she has a lot of friends in Madison (where she lives in a condo bought by her family) who are in a similarly oppressed situation. They are oppressed by laziness and hysteria that is made comfortable by family wealth.

Bob Loblaw said...

Trump promises an effort to revitalize, rehabilitate, and reconcile.

Trump's a better man than I am. As far as I'm concerned the people who've been throwing all manner of unkindness my way for the last year or so can take a long walk on a short pier.

Fabi said...

I wondered what UnknownInga looked like -- now I know!

Quaestor said...

I tried to listen to my heart but some shrieking harpy kept drowning it out.

I listen to my heart. It says: HAND OVER THE MONEY AND SHUT UP!

I guess I should go home now.

Portlandmermaid said...

Attica, Attica!
Is this an audition for the Madison Playhouse presentation of Dog Day Afternoon?

Quaestor said...

Franklin Cerpico wrote: Yea, yea, yea bitch...finish up your tantrum already. Those men are hungry from doing their duty and the sandwiches they're having afterward aren't going to make themselves.

The best comment from Youtube.

Chris N said...

I'm convinced!

Chris N said...

Alas, I hope the authorities didn't confiscate the canvas library bag from the 2012 book drive she uses to go to Trader Joe's.

It had nothing to do with this.

mikee said...

When these protesters go home and get into a fight with their significant others, I hope they use a paraphrase of that line from Forrest Gump: "It's just that damn Trump and the Republicans that make me so mad!"

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