People inside the restaurant fled, and the police locked down the area, ordering patrons of a nearby bookstore and cafe called Politics and Prose to remain locked inside. Officers with rifles and protective gear surrounded the restaurant and apprehended Mr. Welch....The owner of Comet Ping Pong said:
“What happened today demonstrates that promoting false and reckless conspiracy theories comes with consequences.... I hope that those involved in fanning these flames will take a moment to contemplate what happened here today and stop promoting these falsehoods right away.”The co-ower of Politics and Prose said:
"This is one of the things we feared... That this could go from a social media attack to something much more dangerous and physical."This isn't just about Pizzagate. It's about all the crazy stuff people are cranking each other up about — including the freakout over the Trump election. There are unstable people out there who can get the notion that they need to take action.
AND: I'm not saying that good people have to tone it down lest they set off some nut. I'm for vibrant speech. Just think about the kind of person you want to be. If it's winding people up, ask yourself why.
There are unstable people out there who can get the notion that they need to take action.
'Action' apparently doesn't include making good on their promises to move to Canada.
Ann, what was/is the equivalent fake news employed against Trump?
Ann, people (on the left and right) being highly concerned about the rise of Trump in our country is understandable. A year from now it might be interesting to go back and read how uncritical you were of Trump during the campaign and during the transition.
Mick, we need to hear from you. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you did this.
The important thing to remember here is that the rhetoric of BLM had nothing to do with those cop killers, but Trump tweets have consequences.
Overreaction is the political meme of the day.
Oh, everybody knows that stories about well-connected pedophiles getting away with it for years & years because of their power are just nonsense.
Why, the BBC told me so, & they interviewed that charming man, Jimmie Savile......
A salad fork SWAT team is next. Outre means outrage.
And my "Althouse Hillbilly" meme is not winding people up. Instead, it was a prediction that we were headed to where we find ourselves now. And it was people like you Ann who threw red meat and got people in a lather. How about owning it?
True fact: I have no idea what pizzagate is.
Red meat! probably pepperoni.
From the linked article:
The misinformation campaign about Comet began when the email account of John D. Podesta, an aide to Hillary Clinton, was hacked and his emails were published by WikiLeaks during the presidential campaign. Days before the election, users on the online message board 4chan noticed that one of Mr. Podesta’s leaked emails contained communications with James Alefantis, Comet’s owner, discussing a fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton.
That's a poor summary of the controversy.
The trouble is that the left has no good arguments, so can't use any. It's like atrophy of the left foot since automatic transmissions came in.
Ann, it was always funny that you and your commenters always treated "hillbilly" as being the worst slur imaginable. Instead, it proved to be a prescient discriptor.
The libtards have been indulged and enabled in their nutsiness.
This fake news was faked by the Podesta e-mails and the Pizza Master's website comments and taste in Doing Pizza and art work.
It may turn out like Saddam faking having weapons of mass destruction. But investigating appearances of a child sex slavery ring faked by Podesta and friends is courage itself.
I gather from your inclusion of the pizza tag that you're not quite serious about this absurd situation.
This guy sounds like Walter from Big Lebowski, going in armed to investigate because he was going to blow the case wide open. We're living in a golden age for insane people.
"A year from now it might be interesting to go back and read how uncritical you were of Trump during the campaign and during the transition."
Oh, bullshit. I was critical of everyone.
This has false flag BS all over it. He went to investigate with a rifle and fired one shot at the floor? OK.
OWT says that if Althouse keeps exercising her unfettered right to free speech, people are going to die....
Well at least that's my interpretation.
It's just wrong that a family owned business is hounded by deranged members of the public for silly reasons like this for so long that they go out of business.
Pizza restaurants should only be hounded out of business for the right reasons, like Christian owners responding "no" to a hypothetical question as to whether they would make pizzas for a gay wedding.
What a silly hypothetical question! No gay couple would ever be so gauche as to serve pizza at a wedding reception!
"This guy sounds like Walter from Big Lebowski, going in armed to investigate because he was going to blow the case wide open. We're living in a golden age for insane people."
Yeah, it's funny because no one was hurt. Think how funny Adam Lanza and James Holmes would be if their bullets didn't hit anyone.
It's funny until somebody loses an eye. Then it's still funny, just not around that person. - USENET
I've been in Comet once, a few years ago. The pizza wasn't very good, which is the reason that it's only been "once".
I especially feel bad for Politics & Prose Bookstore being collateral damage in all this. They are one of the few surviving independent bookstores in the DC area, & really try to serve their clientele, with author talks & whatnot.
Are they a little leftward for my tastes? Well, yes, but in the DC area most things are a little leftward for my tastes. I'll probably go visit them & buy a book or two just to show support.
Here's a poll you could do:
Is it more likely that a right wing President would die from the bullet of a deranged leftist,
Or the opposite?
Outrage is entertainment so will always be the MSM choice.
Collateral damage is just more entertainment, more eyeballs, more advertiser charges.
Ann, what is you most critical post of Trump from the last week? Last four months? Given how crazy he behaves (who tweets about how they hate a comedy sketch making fun of them tweeting?) there was more than ample material.
And Ann, you blowing up with "bullshit" is a tell.
It's funny to see these two comments right in a row:
Once written, twice... said...
Ann, what was/is the equivalent fake news employed against Trump?
12/5/16, 8:59 AM
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
Ann, people (on the left and right) being highly concerned about the rise of Trump in our country is understandable. A year from now it might be interesting to go back and read how uncritical you were of Trump during the campaign and during the transition.
It's almost as if OWT... realized that much of the news employed against Trump is indeed fake fear-mongering, and needs to clear that up as understandable concern. It isn't fake fear mongering to say he's Fascist Hitler! It's prophetic!
Pizza Gaters need to take a clue from Moon Hoaxers and not try to shoot things.
David Brock and his Media Matters gang has ruined plenty of people's lives (see the WSJ article by ROGER PIELKE JR.) and these Brock associates use weapons every bit as dangerous as a gun. It should be toxic to associate with David Brock.
Sauce for the goose.
What was also funny was watching CNN talk about this, calling it "Fake News Story" as a part of their ongoing war against "Fake News", and their commenter Dean Obi-something said "They are paying all this attention to the fake PizzaGate story, and no attention on all the swastikas and reports of women getting their hijabs ripped off".
Pizza restaurants should only be hounded out of business for the right reasons, like Christian owners responding "no" to a hypothetical question as to whether they would make pizzas for a gay wedding.
"Yeah, it's funny because no one was hurt. Think how funny Adam Lanza and James Holmes would be if their bullets didn't hit anyone."
Isn't that the essence of comedy, though? A prim and proper guy falling down a flight of stairs is funny if he only bruises his ego. It becomes less funny if he breaks his neck and ends up paralyzed.
Unless you're Russian. Their sense of humor is based on pain.
You want conspiracy? I'll give you conspiracy!
NPR this morning refused to use the name "John Podesta" while discussing this story, linking the story back to Hillary Clinton. HRC had nothing to do with this! The link, innocent or icky, I know not which, was between Podesta & Alefantis. HRC had nothing to do with any of this!. Why mention her name & not Podesta's?
NPR has also had on talking heads from Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP), which they call "a think tank". Bullshit! If you want a liberal think tank, you call the Brookings Institute. CAP is a Democratic advocacy group, period. You do not pull someone from an organization founded & run by HRC's campaign chief, then put him on the air to bad-mouth the Trumpites, & then pretend the speaker is in any way "objective". You state the speaker's allegiances & affiliations up front.
The rifle was fired into the floor to determine if a there is a basement.
Both Donald Trump and Julian Adsange were accused of raping young teens (or soliciting one in Assange's case) this election cycle. Trump's accuser was championed by the high profile Lisa Bloom. Julian Assange's accusation went to the UN and had a big, preplanned group of conspirators behind it. So pizzagate isn't exceptional. The pedophilia is getting to be a common accusation and CNN and NPR should recognize that
William said...
The important thing to remember here is that the rhetoric of BLM had nothing to do with those cop killers, but Trump tweets have consequences.
And Ann, you blowing up with "bullshit" is a tell.
Haha. You're confusing blowing up with blowing off.
Far be it from me to speak for Althouse, but her comment to you reads derisive and dismissive, not angry.
Everyone needs to cool it.
Several media outlets have been spreading the fake story that American Muslims are being attacked by rampaging Trump voters. Then, a paranoid Muslim man tries to kill dozens of people at Ohio State University.
pizzagate sounds like a crazy internet meme. Except... there was a breitbart tweet where he was talking about child pornography/sex scandal and Podesta before he died. So what did he know at the time that would cause him to bring it up.
In 2011 Breitbart tweeted: "How prog guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class unerage sex slave op cover upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me"
In 2011. And then he died shortly afterward. There has been conspiracy theory that he was murdered and the death made to look like a heart attack. however, it does beg the question. What was he referring to when he made this claim?
This has been simmering under the surface for 5 years, therefore. and never really left. Only now, the wikileaks pizza references as code for child sex slavery makes a bit more sense.
It still sounds far fetched. But the fact that Breitbart brought it up so long ago,makes it sound like there's some there there.
Once written, twice: Ann, it was always funny that you and your commenters always treated "hillbilly" as being the worst slur imaginable. Instead, it proved to be a prescient discriptor.
It seems you are overinflating your presence here OWT. No one cares which slur you use to describe others. It is the fact you rely on name calling almost exclusively that makes people laugh at you and dismiss you. You are the commenter version of the MSM or MSNBC: unable to process this election as anything other than racists and homophobes putting the orange man in power. The voting was a specific rebuke to your kind of thinking, your kind of politics, your immature view of humanity.
In business we have a rule of thumb that 80% of our sales come from 20% of our customers, often shorthanded as "the 80/20 rule." It is more widely applicable, because often 20% of the products sold by a company account for 80% or so of sales; and the top 20% of sales people bring in about 80% of the top line revenue. So I find it interesting that 80% of counties in the USA (check out voted for Trump. So a slim 20% of counties account for all the concentrated progressive votes and 80% of all the bad ideas for government come from this slice* of the USA.
*More like discontinuous spots than a slice, really.
"Except... there was a breitbart tweet where he was talking about child pornography/sex scandal and Podesta before he died."
-- That's about ACORN when O'Keefe pretended to be a pimp of under aged sex workers and went to ACORN to get advice on how to best conduct his illegal business. Has nothing to do with the current -gate.
@Matthew Sablan-
I respect you enormously as a commenter here, and recall you being dismissive of Pizzagate. I'm agnostic on the topic, other than that I have read some of the relevant emails and they are indeed extremely odd. The pizza references sure seem to be code for something. If not child prostitution or pornography, what do you think they are referring to? Honest question. I find it all very puzzling.
Can we stop adding gate to every scandal, real or imagined?
I'm not sure; I'm unable to read the whole of the emails, so I only get bits and pieces. It sounds like something odd is happening, but that could just be that we're only getting parts of it. If Podesta and the Comet Ping Pong owner really are close friends, it's possible they just do talk about pizza a lot [especially since Podesta also, apparently, likes to do gourmet cooking.]
There might be something nefarious there; I just feel that claims require proof, and right now, we don't have proof. If Pizza Gate turns out to be true, I'll admit to being wrong. From the limited amount I've been able to read/listen to, I feel like I haven't gotten enough to say anything. Part of the problem is the Reddit/4Chan aren't exactly bastions of accurate reporting, and I'm naturally skeptical.
I'd like it if PopSci or Wired or someone did as thorough a debunking as they did of 9/11 Truthers, but I get the feeling that a lot of the "evidence" and "claims" are vague and not falsifiable.
I've gotta admit I found one thing strange about that one visit to Comet. I've never seen a pizza menu that listed "chicken hawk" as one of the toppings.
Then there are the additional tweets that Breitbart sent prior to his death:
"early on did Podesta imagine his baby @mmfa (Media Matters for America) would be covering up for underage sex slave ops and H8 crimes against blacks"
the Media matters reference is referring to David Brock (?), who is the ex boyfriend of James Alefantis; who owns Comet Ping Pong which is part of the whole Pizza gate story.
So, in 2011, there was rumblings of this issue.
Further Breitbart tweeted the following:
"How much longer until they kill me ("Heart attack" or "car accident")or frame me for a crime? Read me while you can."
Which sounds positively conspiratorial and paranoid. But then a few months later he actually died of a heart attack. And his coroner who said he died of a heart attack died himself only a short while later of arsenic poisoning (?).
So, this whole story is just bat shit insane. And I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories. But its odd that Breitbart would mention something in 2011, and even mention how he'd be killed. And then things come out in 2016 from leaked emails that suggest there might be something to this sex ring.
or it might be insanity. Who knows?
Tank and SDaly are both correct. This was hardly an investigation of anything. This was a demonstration calculated to draw press without harming anyone: "Look at what I am doing, look at how I am doing it, and look at why I say I am doing it."
That's all that's really needed to move the yearlings from one pasture to another.
Ann, what was/is the equivalent fake news employed against Trump?
He's involved with white nationalists.
What was also funny was watching CNN talk about this, calling it "Fake News Story" as a part of their ongoing war against "Fake News", and their commenter Dean Obi-something said "They are paying all this attention to the fake PizzaGate story, and no attention on all the swastikas and reports of women getting their hijabs ripped off".
He said that? Damn.
When discussing fake news, I usually mention how absurd stories about 1 in 4 women getting raped at college has led to the denial of due process rights to men on campus.
jr565 said... [hush][hide comment]
pizzagate sounds like a crazy internet meme. Except... there was a breitbart tweet where he was talking about child pornography/sex scandal and Podesta before he died. So what did he know at the time that would cause him to bring it up.
In 2011 Breitbart tweeted: "How prog guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class unerage sex slave op cover upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me"
About that Podesta ‘underage sex-slaves’ Tweet from Andrew Breitbart
I usually mention how absurd stories about 1 in 4 women getting raped at college has led to the denial of due process rights to men on campus.
Yes, that is perhaps the best example of all.
The affirmative consent law California passed is perhaps one great argument against giving them more power with a popular vote for US President.
Once written, twice...said...
And it was people like you Ann who threw red meat and got people in a lather.
Wait, is that bad, now? Has everyone apologized for perpetuating the "hands up, don't shoot!" lie, then? You know, the one that sparked riots, that inspired hatred and may have inspired violent actions (possibly including the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas)--that one?
I guessed I missed the Media apology for spreading that lie.
But yeah, no, "people like" Prof. Althouse are a real danger, spreading misinformation as they do. Totally.
Once written, twice... said...Ann, what was/is the equivalent fake news employed against Trump?
"Trump is Hitler."
"Trump will put us in camps."
"Trump is an existential danger to the people of America-his election will cause a nuclear war."
All of that's good enough to get some unhinged people to take violent action, don't you think? And all of that was pretty widely spread--you know that.
I only caught a few seconds of it (on the elevator this morning), but CNN had some interview today with (I think) a woman who as interned with other Japanese Americans during WWII...and the topic of discussion was her fears about Trump. You know, since there's such a very real danger Trump will begin rounding people up and putting them in camps.
This, mind you, isn't some fringe message board--it's CNN.
But yeah, "what's the equivalent?" Baffling.
White guy with a rifle disturbs the peace. The message is clear: "the media must never mention pizzagate again or someone may get hurt"
UVa Rape Hoax story results in mob breaking every window in the frat house and death threats against frat members. Not what MSM considers Fake News.
CNN endlessly repeating the "hands up, don't shoot!" lie, resulting in repeated ambushes of cops by young black men since Ferguson. Not what MSM considers Fake News.
And it turns out the shooter is a third rate actor, with a criminal record.
I'm just not sure why people feel compelled to dismiss these allegations out of hand..
I mean, VIPs have a history of covering up pedophilia. See: Zimmer Bradley, Sanduskey, Polanski
We know the Clintons have visited Jeffrey Epstein's island. (So did Trump apparently)
I mean, this doesn't amount to PROOF, but it also doesn't amount to "Accusations of pedophilia among the elites are totally crazy."
In other cases, years of whispers preceded a big expose and lots of "Why didn't anyone say anything?"
So, this could be something, or nothing, but.... it's not completely crazy to not dismiss it out of hand.
The NYT just wrote a story that tried to normalize pedophilia. Of course we believe pizzagate. The morals of the elite are topsy-turvy, and common sense beliefs are no longer allowed.
being made a celebrity has upsides (increased fame/business) and downsides (increased exposure to borderline crazy people)
perhaps places of business shouldn't be considered 'public figures' and thus fair game w/o their consent by the national media.
the mistake pizzagate people are making is that the particular pattern of dots they're connecting is complete garbage
notwithstanding that patterns *like that* exist.
if you're impressed by how much evidence there is, you must not have ever looked into it yourself whether jet fuel melts steel beams, etc
I'm assuming the shooter was a relative of AprilApple's.
So, sablqn does appear to be right. The tweet I linked to earlier does address ACORN and not specifically a child sex ring run by brocks boyfriend out of a pizza joint:
As I said, it sounded far fetched to begin with but there were some doubts because of this earlier tweet. This is the problem with conspiracy theories. You can look at things out of context and they do have a kernel of truth to them so can be used to fuel the cinspuracy theory.
So,I'm back in the camp that assumes this is crazy talk.
There are unstable people out there who can get the notion that they need to take action.
Such as Paul Schrader's Facebook post. (Since taken down)
Celebrities love to talk big — I'm moving to Canada, I'm moving to Spain, I'm moving to Jupiter — but rarely make good of their promises (blowjobs) or threats (punch in the face). Very un-serious people who need a signed and notarized contract for everything.
Pizzagate. Whether a story or a non-story, it's odd. Well, since it's in the news now, it is a story. The accusations of pedophilia? Yep, they sound odd and outlandish. Any individual thing all by itself seems, quite frankly, to be idiotic. But, if you go to the sites hyping it, and look at how they've carefully tied it together- showing that terms in the emails ARE used by pedophiles- you start to wonder. Is there a there there? And the artwork? Not what "normal" people would display in their homes. And if you're going to look at someone's artwork and guess at their sexual proclivities by looking at it...
But there's an item that's disappeared down the memory hole. Including, for now, the memory hole on the sites that push Pizzagate. The rumors that came from NYPD about contents of Weiner's computer. Those rumors fit right in with the Pizzagate allegations. With the election over, leaks and rumors have stopped. What's on the Weiner hard drive? Was there something to them? Are the leakers satisfied that Clinton lost, and now are biding their time waiting for an overhauled justice department? Or was there never anything there to begin with?
The opening months of the Trump administration might be very interesting on the justice department front. Or might not be. We're now in a great waiting game. Another question is- How many pardons, if any, will Obama sign on his last day in office? There's been all kinds of speculation about that.
The only real "pizzagate" going on in the DC area is that they don't have a lot of good pizza. Sure, you can find some good places that will do brick oven style but they tend to be a bit more fancy pants rather than the traditional no frills parlors that dot the "Pizza Belt" (a geographic area stretching from central New Jersey to Rhode Island).
There's your scandal.
Just saying go to the wikileaks site to Podesta's emails and search "pizza". yes there are some benign ones probably not in code but her are two strange ones ....there are more.
" Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it."
Right, a pizza-related handkerchief. This is code for something.
"Mary and John
I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.
Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb
Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? "
Either someone usually gets round boxes??? or this is in code.
"AND: I'm not saying that good people have to tone it down lest they set off some nut. I'm for vibrant speech. Just think about the kind of person you want to be. If it's winding people up, ask yourself why."
It doesn't take much to wind some people up, Ann. The prevailing meme on facebook now seems is that Trump is a dangerous narcissist. That seems to be the narrative among the liberal set anyway. It's almost like they got their information from the same source.
"What's on the Weiner hard drive? Was there something to them?"
-- It is nothing like child porn. Because if it was, the FBI/NYPD/Whoever would have come down hard, because every single agent who touched it would be looking to make their career. Or at least, not poison it forever for being "The guy who literally let a child pornographer go."
Pizzagate need have no basis in reality whatsoever for the Welch stunt to have been a successful false flag operation poisoning belief in alternate media accounts. Except for the real rifle making a real Bang! - Was there in fact a point of impact in the floor? Was the fired round recovered, or was the round merely a harmless blank? - everything else depends upon the theater of suggestion causing the audience to reflexively connect the desired dots.
Not saying this necessarily wasn't a genuine event as self-described by Welch, only that, whether it was or wasn't, it was scripted in such a simple, child-like cardboard way as to draw immediate suspicion as to its true motives.
The prevailing meme on facebook now seems is that Trump is a dangerous narcissist. That seems to be the narrative among the liberal set anyway. It's almost like they got their information from the same source.
Probably from R&B.
The more the media,and democrats talk about fake news, the more I think there is some real story that scares the hell out of them. It is too Clintonian, too "vast right wing conspiracy" not to be indeed a preemptive cover for something bad, could be the Clinton foundation, could be something on Weiner's computer, could be pizza gate. It is classic Clinton.
I see zero concern that claiming Michael Brown or Travon Martin were choir boys shot down in moments of innocence has caused riots looting and violent acts, in fact Hillary hosted would be cop-shooter Michael Brown's mom on stage with her at the DNC. The democrats love fake news like the wage gap, no more snow because of global warming, and every family will save $2500 while keeping their doctor.
The problem is the mainstream has gone mad.
In my local small-town paper today, the op-ed page featured editorials by the LA Times and Dana Milbank.
The LA Times editorial said that the big problem with the Omar Mateen Pulse nightclub shooting (motive and name of shooter not mentioned) was that gay men who had recently had anal sex could not donate blood to the victims. Because of bigotry!
The Milbank piece, well . . . I am afraid that the election of Trump has put Milbank in some kind of mental rubber room. His columns now include imaginary speeches, tweets, and conversations with Mr. Trump.
General Flynn's son still believes it's true, lol.
Russki's sneaking into polling places to change the votes tottaly needs to be investigated.
People who believe a pizza parlor is a front for a pedophile ring are nuts.
"If it's winding people up, ask yourself why."
My wife, a physician, has a way of detecting mental problems in her patients. If, after an interaction with the patient, she comes away feeling crazy, wondering what is wrong with her, she realizes the patient has mental issues.
I, for one, let crazy people be crazy until they do so too closely, too annoyingly, or too physically around me for my comfort and safety. As to those not mentally ill, I am not responsible for the "triggering" of others by my speech - that they cannot control themselves in public is on them, not me. Did their mothers never tell them about sticks, stones, bones and words?
"If it's winding people up, ask yourself why."
My wife, a physician, has a way of detecting mental problems in her patients. If, after an interaction with the patient, she comes away feeling crazy, wondering what is wrong with her, she realizes the patient has mental issues.
I, for one, let crazy people be crazy until they do so too closely, too annoyingly, or too physically around me for my comfort and safety. As to those not mentally ill, I am not responsible for the "triggering" of others by my speech - that they cannot control themselves in public is on them, not me. Did their mothers never tell them about sticks, stones, bones and words?
"I haven't seen any reasonable explanation for what that could possibly mean unless it is code for something."
But why a sex ring? How in the world could this work? Where are the victims? Why would a person believe in this pizzaria nonsense but not believe in UFO's, ghosts, the Bilderbergers, the protocols of the elders of zion, etc?
Looked up Pizzagate today. Really stupid. The Pizzagate people and the Trump opening concentration camps people should have a joint singles convention.
There's something freaky in that letter with the handkerchiefs, period. Maybe it's about tax evasion or horse races or X-Files or something but I'm good with putting Podesta on the rack until we know for sure. You have a right to have degenerate art on your walls, and I have a right to think you're a degenerate.
Gretchen said..
The more the media,and democrats talk about fake news, the more I think there is some real story that scares the hell out of them.
Agreed. The funny thing to me is they are actually using the term "Fake News". When CNN issued a news alert about the Comet Pizza guy, it actually said "Shooter said he was motivated by fake news". Not internet rumor, not supposed pedophile ring, not we may never know what his real motives were. No. The words "Fake News" as if that's a thing we have always said.
Agreed. The funny thing to me is they are actually using the term "Fake News". When CNN issued a news alert about the Comet Pizza guy, it actually said "Shooter said he was motivated by fake news". Not internet rumor, not supposed pedophile ring, not we may never know what his real motives were. No. The words "Fake News" as if that's a thing we have always said.
What I like is that they never blamed the Ferguson riots on fake news. Ditto the Baltimore riots. Ditto the frat house at U.Va being vandalized. Ditto the Trayvon Martin protests.
Like I said, it is not a coincidence that they are pushing the "Fake News" fake news. The Clinton team does this whenever there is something true that bubbles to the surface. Deny and act like the accusers are nuts. I also agree that it might not be a sex-ring, but the pedo symbols, etc. certainly are weird. There is a code for something they wanted to keep secret in those emails. Pizza-related handkerchief????
If there is anything on Weiner's laptop that implicates Clinton or her crew and Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York gets a hold of it he won't back down. He is a badass.
They might wait until Obama is out of the White House and we have a new FBI director & AG before anything is investigated. I agree that whatever--if anything--it's about has been blown up beyond proportion [maybe to discredit any real evidence] but it should be looked into. Podesta and Weiner are not normal guys. While they both have a right to be weird, pedophilia is serious--and big--business.
Someone raised the point that if in fact the rumors about child rape are true, Then showing up with firearms would seem to be a moral person's duty.
This link claims to show an FBI document that identifies symbols associated with pedophiles from 2007. Some of the images are similar to or the same as some posted on now deleted (though internet permanent) pages from Instagram of folks commenting on Instagram images of some of those named above / connected to people in the Podesta emails (such images may be found on websites that have posted archives of the (disturbing) Instagram photos and related comments.
This is seemingly a big moment in history - probably akin to the post-Gutenburg occasion where Martin Luther permanently broke the power-through-intermediation of the Catholic Church. The powers that be are not blind to a similar dislodgement now happening to them. Maybe the Russians - or heck the Nigerians - will start a global satellite network outside land based controls so that the people can read what they wish and seek to discern what they might as these new speech controls become legitimized by more terrible judges.
Ann Althouse said...
"This guy sounds like Walter from Big Lebowski, going in armed to investigate because he was going to blow the case wide open. We're living in a golden age for insane people."
"Yeah, it's funny because no one was hurt. Think how funny Adam Lanza and James Holmes would be if their bullets didn't hit anyone".
So why hasn't Alefantes filed a defamation suit against the hundreds of people who have posted videos about Pizzagate on youtube?
How does a pizza shop owner become one of the 50 most influential people in DC?
What business does Alefantes have in visiting Obama in the White House 5 times?
Why does Podesta and his brother have child torture art in their homes?
What is the purpose of the satanic wall art in a family pizza restaurant (now deleted)?
Why is Alefantes posting pictures of babies, him naked covered in blood, phallic symbols spurting pizza, on his Instagram account (now locked) as the owner of a "family restaurant"?
When did the MSM disprove any of the suspicions of pedophilia brought forth by pizzagate?
Why was Andrew Breitbart talking about Podesta and pedophilia on Twitter right before he died (was murdered)?
What happened to the evidence found on Weiner's laptop?
As for Lanza and Holmes, both obvious false flags. Adam Lanza may not even have existed, and if he did, how did a 115 lb. uncoordinated autistic kid fire 20 odd kill shots without injuring anyone? Where was the medivac? Where were the 600 odd kids that were supposedly in school? Why is the coroner news conference so bizarre (see youtube)? No pics of Lanza dead? No pics of his body under a sheet? who cleaned up the biohazard? Who bought all of the homes around the school on Christmas Eve? How were the same "witnesses" at Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon hoax? Why do no parents ever shed a tear in describing their "tragedy" to the media? Where is the guy in fatigues that was arrested behind the school in the initial moments? why does the media not ask about him?
As for Holmes. Why was it not reported that his father was due to testify in the Libor scandal? Why has no one claimed to a have sold or validated upon entry the ticket of the flame red haired white guy in the theater? Why has no one claimed to have seen the flame red haired white guy in the theater? Who was the guy described by Corbin Dates (witness-- see Youtube) in the 4th row who took a phone call and went to the side door and opened it, apparently talking to someone? Was that the flame haired white guy? why does Chris Matthews not ask him that question (see youtube)? Can anyone place Holmes in the theater during or before the "shooting"? Who were the 2 other shooters described in the initial police reports? why were gas masks found at the far end of the theater from where Holmes was found standing dazed next to his car, minutes after the shooting? Would Holmes have been coherent enough to pull off this rampage considering the extremely dazed condition he was in even days later (as evidenced by his appearance in court)? Why do his court appointed attorneys railroad him as guilty when NO ONE can even place him in the theater?
You are a person of the law, so I'm sure you must have thought of these things.
False Flags and Political Theater are specialties of the Usurper and his fellow travelers.
Missing children stats in Virginia and Washing town DC area are more than 5 times national average.
Who wrote the editorial in the WAPO with NO BYLINE dismissing the veracity of Pizzagate (for no reason)?
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