November 29, 2016

Trump is going out on what he's calling a "Thank You Tour."

Beginning in Cincinnati on Thursday evening.

IN THE COMMENTS: Yancey Ward says:
And this is the explanation for his tweet about burning the American flag. Just watch what happens at every stop he makes.


Yancey Ward said...

And this is the explanation for his tweet about burning the American flag. Just watch what happens at every stop he makes.

rhhardin said...

WKRP could kick it off with a turkey drop.

Yancey Ward said...

What, Hillary! being pushed out of helicopter?

traditionalguy said...

That sounds like a great news event. I only hope that Kellyann tells him not to name Kasich Secretary of State while he is in Ohio.

Quaestor said...

Trump has announced his destination in advance in order to troll the worst of the Fuck Trump/Kill White People crew. There will be rioting, arsons, looting, and shots fired at police on Thursday. MSNBC will also be triggered into covering the anti-Trump violence non-stop. Americans will watch and be reminded once again of what a big fucking bullet we dodged on the 8th of November.

mezzrow said...

@rhhardin - second post, thread winner.

(reads third post, reconsiders)

I'm feeling a bit like Les Nessman right now...

"Oh, the humanity!"

you're right about that flag thing, Yancey

eric said...

The guy has endless energy.

I suspect this will be his presidency. Giving speeches. Talking. Tweeeting. Letting g the government be run by politicians. While he moves the overtone window to the right.

mccullough said...

Trump is one-upping Obama on the perpetual campaign.

Alexander said...

Trump is maintaining the high energy of his support. Smart move.

He's also apparently the only person other than Schumer who understand there's political capital to be had in actually meeting your electorate outside of the election window.

Hope he comes down my way. I don't know how close he'll hold to the 'swing' states - seems like he's savvy enough to make a point of showing up in the midwest/mountain states.

mikee said...

I look forward to the comparison and competition of Trump and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Could lead to a 60+ Republican Senate in two years.

Kevin said...

He should tie it in with a Toys for Tots drive. I wouldn't put it past him.


Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spiros said...

Mr. Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare, which works, and replace it with an idiot's alternative that is guaranteed to fail. Mr. Trump will waste all his political capital in repealing Obamacare. The vast majority of the people attending Mr. Trump's "Thank you, tour" do not want this to happen and did not vote for this. We want secure borders and less immigrants, better trade deals and better jobs, and an end to the needless confrontation with the Muslim world and Russia. The Silent Majority tolerates the gun nuts and the Pro-Life people and gay panic people, it's a free country after all. But we don't want to spend the next two years in a brutal fight with the Democrats and the healthcare lobbies just because a few Republican Senators haven't come to grips with a Black President who enacted a modest healthcare reform over their objections. This is bull...

traditionalguy said...

At least Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive will not be closed down while The Golfer-in-Charge does his other job of Raising Hollywood Cash.

n.n said...

Trump spends time with the People, in person. A kind of mobile "fireside chat". Then January comes, and it's on to State's business.

Curious George said...

In stark contrast to Obama's "Thank Me" tour.

Mattman26 said...

A smiley face for Curious George.

Bob Boyd said...

Good idea: The Thank You Tour

Better idea: Finish the various Hillary investigations and hold her accountable.

Best idea: Bring Hillary along on the Thank You a cage.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Couldn't he just tweet spasibo in Russian?

tcrosse said...

Thank You Tour is so much nicer sounding than Victory Lap.

mezzrow said...

Todd said...

And in a news dispatch from "alternate reality world", we have:

Spiros Pappas said...

Mr. Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare, which works, and replace it with an idiot's alternative that is guaranteed to fail. Mr. Trump will waste all his political capital in repealing Obamacare. The vast majority of the people attending Mr. Trump's "Thank you, tour" do not want this to happen and did not vote for this. We want secure borders and less immigrants, better trade deals and better jobs, and an end to the needless confrontation with the Muslim world and Russia. The Silent Majority tolerates the gun nuts and the Pro-Life people and gay panic people, it's a free country after all. But we don't want to spend the next two years in a brutal fight with the Democrats and the healthcare lobbies just because a few Republican Senators haven't come to grips with a Black President who enacted a modest healthcare reform over their objections. This is bull...

11/29/16, 10:56 AM

What, are you like 12 and don't pay attention to anything other than X-Box and what your mom and her girl friends discuss while watching the soaps?

dmoelling said...

Let the Kremlinology begin! How about we just observe that Trump has few firm political, philosophical or religions beliefs that he feels obliged to defend. Thus the details of his cabinet selections are not important to him. He does want people to say nice things about him, and loves his supporters adulation. It sounds like after a two weeks of transition work he's ready for a vacation. Let Mike Pence do the hard work now.

The higher rank cabinet jobs (Defense, State, Treasury) have not been filled and may not be for some time. Conflict of interest and legal requirements seem to be irritating to the Donald. But a victory tour is just what the doctor ordered!

Matt Sablan said...

"Mr. Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare, which works,"

-- I think we have a different definition of "works."

"Mr. Trump will waste all his political capital in repealing Obamacare."

-- That would be poetic justice, since Obama spent all of his in getting it passed.

DanTheMan said...

>>What, Hillary! being pushed out of helicopter?

With God as my witness, I thought witches could fly!

MadisonMan said...

*As* God is my witness....that's how Mr. Carlson starts that line.

Thorley Winston said...

What, Hillary! being pushed out of helicopter?

Like in Scarface?

Sebastian said...

@MCC: "Trump is one-upping Obama on the perpetual campaign." Careful what you wish for: O will be tat-for-titting for the next 4 years. It's his meal ticket, along with Michelle's threat to run, and the Dems have few alternatives, so he remains leader by default.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I don't understand why Trump hasn't just kicked Obama out of power already and started to really show who the damn boss is up in that there House Sans Color. Trump is wild and crazy and wacky and weird, so why not?

The imbecilic dolt cannot control himself sexually, verbally, or around alcohol so what could explain his actually waiting until Jan. 20th according to law and tradition to dictate ALL the power (in the world) to himself like Sir Michael Starr of Steel Panther?

I honestly can't think of a single reason, much less two or more.

mikee said...

Obama might just listen to the advice of the living former presidents, and female presidential candidates, who will no doubt point out to him both the long tradition of not commenting on the current officeholder (because the job is hard enough without backseat drivers) and the difficulty in garnering graft without controversy while still in the public spotlight. Bill & Hill can certainly tell him about the latter.

Obama has a long career ahead as a corporate board member, a corporate speaker whose speeches will never be made public, a political fixer (behind the scenes), and the role of beloved last Democrat president to his Stalinist progressive admirers for the next 24 years or so. He should enjoy his life, not ruin his legacy by reminding everyone how bad a president he was. Carter could help him in this, except that Carter kept nosing into politics, too.

eric said...

Blogger Spiros Pappas said...
Mr. Trump wants to get rid of Obamacare, which works,


deep breath


Todd said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

The imbecilic dolt cannot control himself sexually, verbally, or around alcohol so what could explain his actually waiting until Jan. 20th according to law and tradition to dictate ALL the power (in the world) to himself like Sir Michael Starr of Steel Panther?

11/29/16, 12:44 PM

I am not sure I can tell who you are describing here. If you mean Trump; someone that could not control themselves sexually, verbally, or around alcohol would not have been able to build the business he has. Someone with all of those "qualities" can go far in politics, especially if they have the right handlers but out in the real world, that is a quick road to ruin. The Trump that lives in your head is not the "real" Trump. Seek help...

sunsong said...

If true that Trump wants to attack flag burners - it is just more blatant hypocrisy from little boy Trump and his Trumpites. Trump has benefited mightily from our fierce protection of free speech. His hateful, accusatory rhetoric and lies are on par with flag burning.

Perhaps he is simply bored with the transition and wants some adulation or to change the subject?

gadfly said...

Actors pretend.

readering said...

If Romney hasn't already been picked by then he'll be toast. Trump will use the rally to take the temperature of his followers on decisions he has to make.

mwothe said...

@Spiros Pappas

"This is bull..."

I certainly can't come up with a more apt description of your comment.

Who do you think you're speaking for?

Jim said...

American flags burning and Mexican flags waving. It will be great TV!

Spiros said...

Mr. or Mrs. mwothe, I'm speaking for Bernie voters who got suckered into voting for this creep. We want economic justice and we don't give a hoot about the social issues that get the Christian freaks worked up.

khesanh0802 said...

@spiropappas Obamacare doesn't work worth a damn and it is most of the House and Senate that want to change it not just R's. i hope you are just being perversely ignorant and that is not your permanent state.

To get a better feel for how wrong you are jus make an appointment with your doctor and ask him what he honestly thinks about Obamacare. The education will be worth the money.

khesanh0802 said...

@spiropappas Here's a question for you. What is economic justice? If your going to throw that cliche around it would be helpful for others here to know what you mean so they can respond. Does it mean "you work and I get paid" or something like that?

jaydub said...

@mezzrow, Hillary didn't just support one year imprisonment for flag burning when she was in the senate, she sponsored the effin bill that would have made it law! Someone is going to come out of this controversity looking foolish, and I'm not so sure it's going to be Trump.

Fabi said...

Does sunsong not know who co-sponsored the Flag Protection Act of 2005? Lulz

Spiros Pappas said...

Khesanh0802, why would I ask my doctor for anything other than medical advice? He's not an economist so he doesn't know a damn thing about moral hazard and risk aversion and why insurance markets totally fail to provide healthcare. He doesn't care about assymetric information and market concentration and all the reasons why markets fail to provide healthcare at anything resembling the marginal cost of doing so. These guys are ripping us off. End of life care? The hospitals take everything. A lifetime of work for a few weeks in a hospital. Bull!

sunsong said...

George Takei responds to Trump's tweet:

George Takei ✔ @GeorgeTakei

I pledged allegiance to the flag every morning inside an internment camp. I would never burn one, but I'd die to protect the right to do so.

tcrosse said...

If you burn a flag to piss off the squares, then you shouldn't be too shocked if the squares are, indeed, pissed off. Likewise if you decide to bait the bien pensants, as Trump does.

BJM said...

Man, Trump is living rent free in the Left's head.


Trump doesn't consume alcohol.

BJM said...

@SP > These guys are ripping us off. End of life care? The hospitals take everything. A lifetime of work for a few weeks in a hospital.

Wait, what? I thought one of the reasons for the govt to intervene in healthcare was to protect us from predatory providers? How can this be happening? Oh I know, they lied.

Jason said...

Insurance isn't supposed to "provide healthcare" you stupid clown. It's designed to transfer risk.

Jason said...

LOL @ "Obamacare, which works"

Spiros said...

BJM, the predators set the price. What are you going to do when you're rushed to the hospital with a heart attack? Say wait a minute folks, I'd like to get a second quote from your competitor down the street? Fat chance! You get a heart attack and you're going to lose your house. It's market failures all over the place: a doctor and a few nurses spend an hour or so on you, you take a few pills and you get a bill for tens of thousands of dollars? That's bull! It's market failures all the way and that's the reason we need more and better government intervention into healthcare.

sunsong said...

From Antonin Scalia:

“I mean that was the main kind of speech that tyrants would seek to suppress. Burning the flag is a form of expression — speech doesn’t just mean written words or oral words — burning a flag is a symbol that expresses an idea. ‘I hate the government, the government is unjust,’ or whatever.”
~ Antonin Scalia

Spiros said...

Jason, you're an idiot. So what if the purpose of insurance is risk management and not "providing healthcare." What does that even mean? It's not like you can get sick and tell the insurance company: give me the money, I'll just take my chances. And, do you really think people can rationally manage the risk of getting sick? Most Americans have bank balances of around $ 1,000 or so and believe they're immortal. That's not enough for anything, much less a trip to the ER with a broken arm. Healthcare is too expensive and Trump is about to triple the cost!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

With the genius political understanding of Spiros Pappas, it is no wonder that Greece is such a well run country with a bedrock of fiscal stability.

Beware of retards bearing nonsense.

BN said...

Insurance is a means to pool and share "risk." It is not meant to be a payment-sharing plan for regular health care. Or it shouldn't be. Paying for a known regularly occurring expense is something sentient beings should plan for and provide for.

Planning for catastrophic POSSIBLE health care costs in the future with insurance is also something grown-ups should do. But... some gotta have their T.V. and other shit like that first. Then it's, oops, I can't afford no insurance.

The idea that insurance should pay for birth control, etc., is absurd. Might as well pay for tooth paste.

khesanh0802 said...

Spirospappas: I am not impressed with all your jargon. Your doctor, since he is the front line guy, can tell you exactly how Obamacare has impacted the medical care of the people he treats as well as the impact on the organization for which he works. In both cases the impact will be negative. I find it helpful to talk to the people who actually do the work to find out how things are going, that's why I recommended you talk with your doctor. Apparently you don't like researching primary sources.

But to deal with one of your terms: the concentration in both the provider and insurance industries since Obamacare was passed has been accelerating. I don't think that's a good thing, but it is the natural outcome the incentives built into Obamacare.

AllenS said...

Do you want to know who also thought that burning the flag was a punishable offense? LINKY

JAORE said...

If Trump is anywhere near them in his "Thank You" tour, Guild O' Balls, Unknown, Spiros Pappas, sunsong and others should go with signs that say, "You Are Welcome".

Reactions like you have displayed before the election, and continuing to this day, are a primary reason so many fence sitters broke for Trump.

I know you make me feel much more confident I voted correctly.

MacMacConnell said...

Any truth to the rumor that at the Trump Victory Tour you can trade your MAGA hats in for Trump MAGA baseball bats. Seems it has something to do with not actually prosecuting flag burners, but prosecuting burners for exciting riots.

Anonymous said...

i googled up Obama Victory Tour to see if he had done the same thing. Although $GOOG is often slammed for it's left-leaning ways, this ever-so-smart search brought up almost nothing but Trump Victory Tour ref's. But anyway I had no recollection of the O ever doing such a thing.. I was kind of back-checking to confirm my bias that he would never be out thanking others for his elevation. The Greek column period was too early... and it was interesting to see that they wheeled in a full-scale replica of the Air Force One fuselage at Invesco Field before he spoke... (ha, now Sports Authority Field...)

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HT said...

khesanh0802 said...

Spirospappas: I am not impressed with all your jargon. Your doctor, since he is the front line guy, can tell you exactly how Obamacare has impacted the medical care of the people he treats as well as the impact on the organization for which he works.


The expansion of medicaid has been highly appreciated by many doctors as a move toward improving community/public health. I know firsthand of its benefits to the patient, community, and yes, to organizations. I appreciate what you say, but there is no, one YOUR DOCTOR out there.

Rusty said...

"Healthcare is too expensive and Trump is about to triple the cost!"

A bold assertion. I would like to see proof.

Todd said...

Spiros Pappas said...

11/29/16, 6:07 PM

You talk a good game of pre-intro econ 101 but that won't impress anyone outside of grade-school. As others have pointed out "health insurance" was meant to be [and still mostly is] a risk management tool. Individuals (normally) choose to have health insurance because they weight the risks of not having insurance + getting sick against having insurance + not getting sick. Mixed in with this are their perceived odds of catastrophic illness. If the odds of me getting sick are zero and the cost of insurance is zero, I take the insurance. As the costs of insurance goes up, the odds of me paying for something I don't think I will need goes down. If I think I will get sick and think that it will cost me more than the insurance will, I get insurance as that saves me money.

That was part of the point of Obamacare. Force young people to get insurance even though they mostly elect not to due to their relatively small odds of needing it (versus older age groups). The point of making them get it is to increase the percentage of the insured pool that were least likely to actually need it, enabling sicker/older people to pay less for their insurance than the true cost based on usage/need.

In the "old days" most health insurance was of the catastrophic variety. Everyone paid out of pocket for nearly all routine care. Insurance only "kicked in" when the per incident costs exceeded a designated amount (i.e. your heart attack scenario). This generally worked. I believe this all started to change when the states started mandating levels of minimum coverage that began including things like preventative care. If insurance needs to cover routine visits, prescriptions, chiropractic visits, etc. these things started to drive up the price of insurance as it is not just for emergencies any longer, it was for maintenance too.

Imagine what your car insurance would cost if it had to include gas, tires, wipers, car washes, oil changes, etc. Not just damage but maintenance too. That would naturally result in the cost of insurance increasing because the company needs to now bake in these maintenance costs into the premium. Instead of you paying the mechanic, you pay the insurance company more, they pay the mechanic and so they have extra overhead to account for the extra effort. Additionally, if the car insurance industry required additional forms and paperwork from mechanics to justify the charges, that increased effort and overhead would result in mechanics needing to charge more. So what was a direct transaction becomes a less efficient process that increases costs due to merchant costs and middle-man costs. You wind up getting less for your money.

Due to the way the health insurance is often treated as an employment benefit, the cost sharing between the company and the employee means that the employee does not get all of the salary they are worth and the company has the overhead of managing these additional regulation and benefits packages costing them as well, leaving less for salary or anything else.

Notice, none of this has anything to do with "care". It is all risk management and cost containment. States have been screwing with this for years, making it less efficient and increasing the foundational costs. Obamacare is the natural end result of years of bad decisions piling up. As a solution to the insurance problem Obamacare has failed miserably.

The scariest words in the world are "we are from the Government and are here to help."

ken in tx said...

Most of the exaggerated cost in hospital/health care is a result of government intervention. A certificate of need is required before any new medical facility can be built. This reduces competition and increases costs. Hospitals can and have been fined for having too many beds. Again, this increases costs. There are a myriad of things like this in the US medical system. There are huge books published and masters degrees granted in the field of how to navigate all the restrictions and requirements.

Largo said...

"The imbecilic dolt cannot control himself sexually, verbally, or around alcohol"

It seems that he is able to control himself exceptionally well around alcohol.

Do think before you write please.

Largo said...

"And, do you really think people can rationally manage the risk"

Spiro seems to want my betters to manage me. At least if he thinks I am American. I am not.

He probably wants *your* betters to manage *you* though.

Hi Spiro!

Largo said...

"Healthcare is too expensive and Trump is about to triple the cost!"

I wonder if Spiro mean 'triple the price."

I assume he knows the difference.

Bad Lieutenant said...

sunsong said...
George Takei responds to Trump's tweet:

George Takei ✔ @GeorgeTakei

I pledged allegiance to the flag every morning inside an internment camp. I would never burn one, but I'd die to protect the right to do so.

11/29/16, 4:23 PM

And yet, he's still alive! Imagine how many things Lt. Sulu would die to protect, but he couldn't even save the Enterprise, three or four times. Is Mr. Takei really the bulwark of freedom that he imagines? Or is there really not as much threat as he's worried about?

Todd said...

Bad Lieutenant said...

Or is there really not as much threat as he's worried about?

12/1/16, 9:25 AM

That is a common observation of mine that usually falls on deaf ears as in if the left were really as afraid of the right as they claim, why do they feel so free to express it? In Russia (back in the day) no one DARE say anything against the Government because you really could just disappear in the night. People really were sent to Siberia or wound up in shallow graves.

The right owns the bulk of the guns, has the bulk of the training and skills. If you are actually, truly worried about the right and about retribution, why do you advertise it?

The fact that they feel so free to discuss their fear while at the same time calling the right such vile names means that their fear of the right is not real...

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