November 14, 2016

The theory that Hillary Clinton did not win the popular vote.

Rush Limbaugh was propounding it today.
They're trying to tell us that some states still haven't been called and we're gonna end up winning, they say, the popular vote by a significant number of votes, which they are going to try to say delegitimizes Trump's presidency, and they're going to use that to try to deny every Trump policy initiative on the basis that in terms of the population of the country, he was rejected. So we need to get rid of the Electoral College and all this.

I don't think that's gonna hold up.... It's gonna be awhile before we actually have the total vote count. And the reason for that is that the Obama forces are still out there trying to massage the results so that they can get this popular vote majority that they want....

So my prediction is that when all of the votes are counted, we're going to find that a significant number of illegal immigrants voted. I wouldn't be surprised if the number is as high as two million illegal immigrants....


Original Mike said...

"So my prediction is that when all of the votes are counted, ."

My understanding is that all the votes are never counted. They don't count absentee ballots if it won't change the electoral college result.

I voted "early" in Wisconsin as opposed to absentee. Don't know if they counted my vote or not.

Original Mike said...

re: illegal immigrants voting, Trump and Congress need to address this while they have the levers of power. Clean up our voting rolls.

David Begley said...

It is so easy for illegal aliens to vote that the three million number doesn't surprise me at all.

JackWayne said...

At this point what difference does it make?

Drago said...

David Begley: "It is so easy for illegal aliens to vote that the three million number doesn't surprise me at all."

"wouldn't" > "doesn't"

Lets wait for the evidence.

Original Mike said...

"At this point what difference does it make?"

It makes a difference in future elections. Fix it.

Big Mike said...

Well, we know that illiterate Spanish-speakers voted in Fairfax County, Virginia. The chances that they were legal immigrants is so close to zero that you need to resort to epsilon-delta proofs.

mockturtle said...

This past year, nearly half of all driver's licenses in CA were issued to illegal immigrants. Orange County Register Article And licensees are automatically registered to vote.

Drago said...

Jack Wayne: "At this point what difference does it make?"

Dems bring this up every day in every conversation and venue as a bludgeon to delegitimize the Trump victory.

See if you can connect the dots.

One of the biggest political mistakes during the W admin was when they decided it would be best to not respond to the "no weapons of mass destruction were ever found" charges which have continued to this day.

Abandoning the field while your political opponents are making hay with an issue where you might have the upper hand is simply dumb on its face.

PB said...

I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of illegal aliens voted. Many states make it easy to register and don't really validate registrations, waiting for challenges. Toss in that no positive verification is required in the polls, you have a situation where there is great upside and low risk of being caught. This means the likelihood of fraud is high.

Original Mike said...

"Lets wait for the evidence."

Lot's of evidence already. Illegals vote in numbers sufficient to swing elections.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The proper term is undocumented voters.

mockturtle said...

Round them up and send them back. Better late than never.

Original Mike said...

I have bookmarked a lot of articles on non-citizens voting, but am not in a position sitting in this airport to post them all.

But if you want a demonstration of the dishonesty of the current administration on this issue, read this one.

Drago said...

OM, we know that illegals (and felons) have voted. The question is in what numbers?

Even if its millions cross referencing databases could provide a reasonable estimate.

I expect the CA DMV to suddenly "lose" lots of records and "accidently" destroy alot of systems hardware.


Fen said...

Again, anyone making the But The Popular Vote Won! argument is an idiot.

Because the Popular Vote determined this election, both campaigns would have had entirely different play call for the last 2 years. So whatever numbers the Popular Vote has now would be completely different.

This is what comes from the reflexive laziness of calling your opponents "racist sexist homophobe!" every time they disagree - your Critical Thinking skills perish.

Original Mike said...

"OM, we know that illegals (and felons) have voted. The question is in what numbers?"

Captain Drano said...

Also need to factor in the college students that are SJW's and voted twice, absentee in home state, and again at college. My hunch is there could be close to 100,000 dup votes right there. Somehow they morally justified this in their twisted minds.

O/T, just watched this wonderful short tribute to Justice Scalia by Fed Soc that I thought I'd share

320Busdriver said...

It seems that all absentee votes are indeed counted, regardless of how close the margin is. Snopes has a recent piece backed up by sources.

It means nothing though. Hillary lost.

cacimbo said...

To encourage illegal immigrants to vote in California they even wrote into the law that they would be presumed to have done so by "accident" and not be prosecuted.
2268. If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to
vote pursuant to this chapter in the absence of a violation by that
person of Section 18100, that person's registration shall be presumed
to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault
of that person.
2269. If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to
vote pursuant to this chapter and votes or attempts to vote in an
election held after the effective date of the person's registration,
that person shall be presumed to have acted with official
authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting or
attempting to vote pursuant to Section 18560, unless that person
willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not
entitled to vote.

Drago said...

OM, I do not need to be convinced that illegals are voting or that those illegal votes have swayed some elections.

At this point I am only focused on the total illegal vote count for the Presidential race.

cacimbo said...

That is from the CA motor voter law.

D. said...

If Hillarity was running to win the popular vote then she was playing checkers and the Trumpster was playing chess during a chess match.

Original Mike said...

Gotta go catch a plane.

chickelit said...

Drago admonished: "Lets wait for the evidence"

But the evidence will come from states like mine -- California. I live here and I don't trust the results. San Diego county went blue for Hillary? since when? since illegals began to vote with encouragement, that's when.

chickelit said...

@Drago: You're not going to get impartial voter data from the state of California. you're just not. It is a one party state, just like Jim Crow South.

HT said...

It certainly looks like the evidence is overwhelming.

To vote illegally, you'd have to register illegally. How do they do that?

Michael said...

Look at it this way:

If the Seattle Seahawks lose the Super Bowl this year 20-10, and Pete Carrol comes out and says "Yeah, so we lost the game. But we gained more yards that they did!" - how do you think the fan base would react? The popular vote is a statistic from a game that no one was playing.

Rick said...

Delegitimize the delegitmizers.

madAsHell said...


Oh, you dumb fucking bastards. It takes several days to count the ballots. She lost!! a landslide!!!

Brent said...

Of course illegals vote. I saw it in person. I've told the story here before,but it really doesn't matter does it.
Back in the '92 election , I areived at my polling place , a nearby church, to see one of my former employees from 2 years before come out of a voting booth, put his ballot in the box, take the tags. As he turned from the box he saw me, and his dace became like a ghost. He walked right by me quickly with out any greetimng or acknowledgement and joined two other men who moved so quickly they were almost running. I know he was illegal when he worked for me. Yep, I hired him knowing it. There was no way he was a citizen now after arriving from Honduras with 3 others I also hired leas than years ago. I told rhe people at rhe table about him, and two of them tried to tell me to shut up but one of them siad he would consult the person over his area. I went ahead and voted. I told them I wanted to see his name and signature on the roll and the guy in my favor said he signed in the front of the roll (he shouldn't have said it, but I looked at the roll in front of this guy and as there were only 4 names on the front page, I knew he wasn't one of those names for real. I went to the Election Office downtown two days later and basically got the mind your own business attitude. I also wasted my time talking to an attorney friend who said "no one is going to check and no one is going to believe you anyway.
It turned out that the helpful guy at the church recognized me from high school and told a common friend I could call him. He --- again illegally --- told me the name the guy signed for. He also said the person with that name never showed that day. And he wondered why an obviously dark skinned hispanic had the last name "Abbott".
Finally, I called my the place I sold part of and the new owner said "Jose" still worked there, and no, he had not become a citizen.
Yes, illegals vote. And I'm pretty sure the other 2 guys with him had voted illegally too.

Brent said...

Of course illegals vote. I saw it in person. I've told the story here before,but it really doesn't matter does it.
Back in the '92 election , I areived at my polling place , a nearby church, to see one of my former employees from 2 years before come out of a voting booth, put his ballot in the box, take the tags. As he turned from the box he saw me, and his dace became like a ghost. He walked right by me quickly with out any greetimng or acknowledgement and joined two other men who moved so quickly they were almost running. I know he was illegal when he worked for me. Yep, I hired him knowing it. There was no way he was a citizen now after arriving from Honduras with 3 others I also hired leas than years ago. I told rhe people at rhe table about him, and two of them tried to tell me to shut up but one of them siad he would consult the person over his area. I went ahead and voted. I told them I wanted to see his name and signature on the roll and the guy in my favor said he signed in the front of the roll (he shouldn't have said it, but I looked at the roll in front of this guy and as there were only 4 names on the front page, I knew he wasn't one of those names for real. I went to the Election Office downtown two days later and basically got the mind your own business attitude. I also wasted my time talking to an attorney friend who said "no one is going to check and no one is going to believe you anyway.
It turned out that the helpful guy at the church recognized me from high school and told a common friend I could call him. He --- again illegally --- told me the name the guy signed for. He also said the person with that name never showed that day. And he wondered why an obviously dark skinned hispanic had the last name "Abbott".
Finally, I called my the place I sold part of and the new owner said "Jose" still worked there, and no, he had not become a citizen.
Yes, illegals vote. And I'm pretty sure the other 2 guys with him had voted illegally too.

David Begley said...

Original Mike

Correct. This needs to be fixed as it is lawless and wrong to allow foreigners to vote in our elections.

Jupiter said...

The filthy treasonous bastard son-of-a-bitch (all of those things) Barack Obama encouraged non-citizens to vote illegally. Well, maybe not filthy.

Gabriel said...

@HT:To vote illegally, you'd have to register illegally. How do they do that?

When they get or renew a driver's license.

Jupiter said...

The question that is not discussed is, Why is it the Democrats who are so eager to encourage and count illegal votes? And the answer is, the Democrats are well aware that their policies are very popular with criminals and parasites. They designed their policies to be popular with criminals and parasites. Because they are themselves criminals and parasites, not merely willing, but eager to purchase power with the property of their fellow citizens. Shooting is too good for Democrats, we should use traps and poison.

Darrell said...

It wouldn't matter if you absolutely prove that 3 million or 14 million illegals vote. Althouse would never support subtracting those vote from Hillary.

David Smith said...

What the losers don't seem to consider is that, were the electoral college abolished and simple majority nationwide the method of electing presidents, Republican voters (or at least, anti-progressive voters) would be motivated more to vote in Maryland, Illinois, California, Oregon, etc. where today there's no chance that their vote will be decisive. There's simply no way, today, to tell what the count would have been were simple majority the game.

Gabriel said...

@David Smith:What the losers don't seem to consider

I think you fundamentally misunderstand them. They use whatever justification is convenient for the desired outcome. Four years ago, in Slate, the Electoral College was liberty's bastion, and now in Slate it's a tool of racism and slavery.

Same thing the NYT did with the Senate filibuster. Like clockwork.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Rush Limbaugh can only legally vote because he avoided a felony drug abuse charges by paying a prosecutor $30,000 to "defray" the expenses of the investigation.

Gabriel said...

@Left Bank of the Charles:Rush Limbaugh can only legally vote because he avoided a felony drug abuse charges by paying a prosecutor $30,000 to "defray" the expenses of the investigation.

Are you saying that people who plea bargain down from felonies should ALSO be deprived of the right to vote?

That's a pretty hard line, I don't think any conservative is calling for anything as tough.

walter said...

Gabriel said...
@David Smith:What the losers don't seem to consider
I think you fundamentally misunderstand them. They use whatever justification is convenient for the desired outcome.
Right. Not a gun owner, I still tend to view them as holding a revolver with different types of shells to fire off.
Racism, class warfare, etc etc.
Look at Brazille's lame invocation of Christian persecution when confronted. Severely off balance, she just figured that was the best chamber to fire from at the time.

Real American said...

It doesn't fucking matter. We're not the United Cities of America. The election ground rules are crystal clear. Those bitching about the electoral college or the popular vote are just telling you they are stupid partisan hacks.

Jupiter said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
"Rush Limbaugh can only legally vote because he avoided a felony drug abuse charges by paying a prosecutor $30,000 to "defray" the expenses of the investigation."

Betcha that prosecutor was a Democrat.

cubanbob said...

There were fifty separate elections for president and Trump won the majority of the popular vote in the states that gave him the electoral college win. Isn't civics taught in middle school anymore?

retail lawyer said...

Trump job number 1: shut off federal funds to sanctuary cities. And I live in San Francisco. A billion dollars a year, or illegal immigrants. Make my city decide.

walter said...

Um..does that tie into bullying?

walter said...

re: cubanbob's

Darrell said...

Obama told illegals to vote and promised that nothing would happen to them. He called Dreamers citizens and talked about the secrecy of the vote. So why should anything think that large numbers of illegals didn't vote. Do you think Sanctuary cities enforced the law?

narciso said...

no cubanbob, 'no ensenan moral y civica,'

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I am aware that this is going to make me sound like a a xenophobic hater, but it is nonetheless what I observed. My town is about 40% Hispanic, virtually all Mexican. And by Mexican, I mean born in Mexico.

When I voted I saw two groups, one of four, one of six, Mexicans voting. They were almost certainly not Mexican-Americans. It is true that, for all I know they had become citizens years ago, but I really doubt it. I would really have liked to know that they were legally entitled to vote. If they were, more power to them, vote away. But no one will ever know, and their votes were counted.

Achilles said...

HT said...
It certainly looks like the evidence is overwhelming.

To vote illegally, you'd have to register illegally. How do they do that?

California has motor voter laws as well as other states. When you get a drivers license you are automatically registered to vote. Half of new licenses in California went to Illegals this year. Illegals are clearly voting.

Thank god we have the electoral college to protect us from corruptocrats running blue states like California and Washington State.

n.n said...

It's hard to say without Democratic accountability. All that we know for certain is that Trump overcame the Democratic margin of fraud and was selected by the black letter of The Constitution. No penumbras hiding a peculiar faith. No rites to cover a peculiar quasi-religion. Neither People nor Posterity excised from The Constitution through liberal misinterpretation.

BN said...

When (if) the popular vote loses, that's a good thing. It shows the founders wisdom re decision making in a closely divided country. If Lincoln had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college, there would have been no Civil War. And slavery would have still been eradicated, but yes, it would have taken a lot longer.

Calculating Right and Wrong, divided by the square root of misery, i guess.

You count'em up. I can't do imaginary numbers.

tom swift said...

Hillary's edge in the popular vote is less than one percent. It's almost inconceivable that voter fraud averages less than about two percent at the best of times. In this election, I'd expect something approaching ten percent in some areas.

America dodged a bullet this time; the Democratic candidate was so repellant that she lost even with the Al Franken Effect in play. We can't always count on being so lucky.

BN said...

Oh, and if slaves had been counted as "full" human beings, then the South would have won the Electoral College.

So... uh...that means something... probably.

Mike Sylwester said...

I live in New Jersey, but much of my family lives in Oregon. My Dad in Oregon raved about Oregon's decision to conduct all voting my mail.

I remarked that non-citizens would be able to vote easily. My Dad said that was impossible, because when you register on-line, you have to affirm that you are a citizen.

So, I went to the website, and I saw that there is a question (I am speaking from memory) something like "Are you a US citizen?" followed by a YES box and a NO box.

When I scoffed at that, my Dad didn't see any problem with such an affirmation, because practically nobody would answer the question falsely.

Yes, my Dad was a Scientific Progressive, but I loved him all the same.

Mike Sylwester said...

Here is the relevant webpage for registering to vote in Oregon.

MayBee said...

If you were here illegally why would you not vote if you could? There is nothing stopping you in California.

mockturtle said...

It's totally insane not to demand proof of citizenship to register to vote and identification when voting. As constituents, we need to demand of our elected officials that this be rectified. Soon!

Achilles said...

This is what we missed out on: Hillary got drunk and attacked her staff on election night.

And CNN spiked the story. Imagine that.

I hope you douchebags keep rioting and keep destroying your own little enclaves. The entire left is in a drunken violent rage. You are ugly people. If you come out of your little enclaves and try to attack areas where Trump voters live you are going to get smashed. ANSWER is back for another round. Can't wait until we all just get tired of you people and your douchey little rants.

SteveR said...

In my state, NM, the path for an illegal to vote is pretty smooth. The actual numbers in this years elections, nationally, are likely off enough to sway the popular vote. One of the most compelling reasons - besides that pesky Constitution - for retaining the EC is that is makes these types of shenanigans harder to pull off. There is no doubt the Democrats will not let another presidential election go bye without some significant tweaking. The media's not going to look into it.

William said...

I think the clearest way to determine the winner of a football game is to proclaim the team with the most ground gained as the winner. All that touchdown and field goal crap only obscures the issue.

David Begley said...

Mike Sylwester

Exactly what I thought. When a person crosses the border illegally, what's the big deal of checking a box? Scalia laid it out in an opinion.

cornroaster said...

This is a claim that 300,000 voters were turned away by the WI voter ID law. I can't find the figure verified anywhere. Any thoughts?

Gideon7 said...

We know that illegals (and felons) have voted. The question is in what numbers?

There was a study that showed that the illegal felon vote in MN was just enough to tip the election to Al Franken, who provided the 60th vote to get Obamacare passed.

eric said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
This past year, nearly half of all driver's licenses in CA were issued to illegal immigrants. Orange County Register Article And licensees are automatically registered to vote.

Here in Washington State you can go online and see who voted. It's a surprisingly easy system to use (Although could be much better) and I'm actually very surprised that the Democrats in Washington allow it to be used.

It's really easy for me to see if the legal Immigrants and Non-Immigrants I encounter voted in any election here in Washington State, as long as I know the county that they would have voted in.

Under our previous administration, it's not allowed (Technically it is, but practically it isn't). I'm hoping that the restraints are removed soon and we're able to start looking again for those who voted illegally.

readering said...

Talk is cheap, except on RL's show where it's supremely expensive.

The Vault Dweller said...

The best things the Republicans in any state can do is implement commonsense voter-protection laws. And promise to protect ALL their citizens votes by ensuring that no one can fraudulently and illegally take away another persons vote by casting an illegal ballot. This should include things voter ID laws and laws aimed at limiting absentee ballots. Also it should look at cleaning up the voter registration rolls. I think a Trump administration would be very cooperative in working with states to determine if any individual citizen is dead.

Etienne said...

Every four years people bloviate about the electoral college.

I haven't voted in 40 years for electors. I don't vote for President because my state has so few electors, and it is winner take all.

Every four years my state goes Republican. Not only that, if we should somehow go Democrat, it wouldn't matter. 7 votes is noise.

We need to educate our young, that a pure Democracy is evil. We are a Republic for a reason, and that reason is why we still exist and have the same basic Constitution.

Getting rid of the electoral college would be like jumping off the 86th floor of the Empire State building and expecting a good outcome.

Here's a picture of Evelyn McHale who landed on a Cadillac. Not a good outcome.

chickelit said...

Vault Dweller: I don't think there's much that Trump can or should do at the Federal level regarding voter fraud in the big blue states. Remembe that voter fraud enables/empowers Dems in those states; no way Jose they are going to be told what to do by the likes of Trump. Unless of course an across state lines case could be made. The corruption in states like California is so well-entrenched that only failure will cure it or set it straight. With Si Valley feeling threatened, that's a real possibility.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Vault Dweller said...

chickelit, Oh I'm not saying the Trump administration should talk about states getting voter ID laws or any of the other things I mentioned, but they can work with states to share information.

But what the Trump administration DOJ should definitely do is investigate fully and properly cases of non-citizens voting. See here.

The left's argument against Voter ID laws is that "oh there is no fraud occurring!" But the thing is they probably know fraud is occurring and don't want to cut their legs out from under them.

So investigate and when applicable prosecute. If the states are so bad at regulating it, like perhaps Virginia is, then maybe they can get a nice consent decree to ensure proper precautions are taken. And to give political cover to all other state legislatures to enact voter-protection laws like Voter ID laws.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic talking points on election outcomes:

- If they win, the system worked great, the results are totally legit no matter how close, Americans are the smartest voters on the planet, there's an emerging Democratic majority, and shut up we won.

- If they lose, they find some other metric by which they should have won, insist the rules be changed because of the loss, they try to delegitimize the results, the voters are racist sexist homophobes, there's still an emerging Democratic majority, and they won't shut up ever.

The national popular vote is a red herring, as we didn't run one, just 51 separate state/DC elections. If we really did just have a national popular vote, McMullin's not even in the picture given his role as a 1-state spoiler (and probably neither are any of the other candidates not on the ballot in all 50), there are no longer states where it is "safe" to vote 3rd or not vote at all and not impact the outcome, the campaigns would have a completely different strategy of how and where to allocate resources, and voters would have different motivations and strategies.

It's not valid to take the results of the 51 real elections, add them together, and claim they represent the results of a theoretical national election under different rules. The idea that Clinton "won" in any sense is to ignore the agreed upon rules. It's like claiming that a country "won" a war in which it inflicted more casualties and outperformed the enemy even as it signs the surrender documents.

skybill said...

How about yer and my "Dead Grand Ma!!!! They voted ya' know Only I know both of them had they been alive would have voted for "The Don!!
PS anything else is a lie!!!

Rusty said...

HT said...
It certainly looks like the evidence is overwhelming.

"To vote illegally, you'd have to register illegally. How do they do that?"

Oh. My dear naive boy.
First you have a democrat city or municipality.
Then you declare yourself an "sanctuary city."
Now when an illegal miraculously makes it to your doorstep they are eligible for food stamps, housing assistance, and get this, are walked through the drivers license process where they are asked to register to vote. Since they can't read or write their own language let alone English they don't know what they're signing.
They now have a legitimate form of ID with an address.
The best part, for Democrats, is that the newly minted voter doesn't even have to show up at the polls. The democrat machine will insure that they vote.
It's a beautiful system.
It's the "Chicago way"

David said...

How does anybody know? That's part of the problem with the loosey-goosey registration and voting procedures we have in some places. They undermine confidence regardless of how widespread the cheating is.

MikeR said...

"This is a claim that 300,000 voters were turned away by the WI voter ID law. I can't find the figure verified anywhere. Any thoughts?" Sounds ridiculous. If it would have been true, good. Next time bring ID.

David said...

"My understanding is that all the votes are never counted. They don't count absentee ballots if it won't change the electoral college result."

Not true. Laws in most states (all?) require that all votes be tabulated.

David said...

"This is a claim that 300,000 voters were turned away by the WI voter ID law. I can't find the figure verified anywhere. Any thoughts?"

Based on what? Don't they keep track?

damikesc said...

I would be less than surprised if her win was removed if you take out the votes of illegal immigrants.

Rush Limbaugh can only legally vote because he avoided a felony drug abuse charges by paying a prosecutor $30,000 to "defray" the expenses of the investigation.


Here in Washington State you can go online and see who voted.

Not a bad resource. As long as you don't see how they voted, this should be required for all states.

Curious George said...

"David said...
"This is a claim that 300,000 voters were turned away by the WI voter ID law. I can't find the figure verified anywhere. Any thoughts?"

Based on what? Don't they keep track?"

It's crap. It was a claim made in one of the left's lawsuits and of course accepted by some lefty judge. Although unsubstantiated, the 300,000 represented not people turned away, but those residents that lacked the necessary ID to vote. So they lied about a lie.

Gabriel said...

@eric, damikesc:Here in Washington State you can go online and see who voted.

What Eric linked to is a one-time database release from 2012. As far as I know there is no current state system for letting people see who voted.

Henry said...

So my prediction is that when all of the votes are counted, we're going to find that a significant number of illegal immigrants voted.

No. We are not going to find that out.

Freder Frederson said...

I can understand how you are so against censoring fake news. You would have to stop citing Rush.

Qwinn said...

Freder proves the point. To a liberal, liberal opinion presented as fact is "real news", and republican opinion presented as opinion is "fake news".

Jaq said...

Whatever Freder. You know all about him and never listen to him, right? All of the quotes you hear come with complete context, amIright?

Jaq said...

Still and all, I don't think Rush bats 1.000 and this is probably an example where he might have missed.

Fritz said...

William said...
I think the clearest way to determine the winner of a football game is to proclaim the team with the most ground gained as the winner. All that touchdown and field goal crap only obscures the issue.

And don't forget that one of the teams has the right to change the rules after the game ends.

Bruce Hayden said...

The basic problem, in my view, is that the Dems want illegals to vote, as well as other ethnic groups to vote multiple times, plus maybe setting up a polling place at the grave yard. They can get away with this in fewer and fewer locations, as they lose control of more and more states, which seems to mean that they have to allow ever more egregious fraudulent voting to keep their national vote totals high. So, this time you had the VA governor (and long time Clintonista) pardoning 60,000 felons, and the President telling illegals that they could vote, and no one would care or go after them for it. After all, they deserved to be citizens, or some such justification.

Protecting against voter fraud is fairly straight forward - require photo IDs (provide them free to those who don't drive), don't give illegals DLs, purge voting rolls on a periodic and routine basis, and throw illegal voters in jail. The problem is that voting requirements are state level for the most part, thanks to our Constitutional federalism. The Republicans may be able to control Congress and the Presidency, but the Dems are going to continue to control CA and NY for the foreseeable future, and there is little that the Republicans in DC can do about the rampant voter fraud in those, and other dark blue states. Notably, the voting age, nation wide, was dropped to 18 by the Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It couldn't be done legislatively, due to federalism.

johns said...

The drivers' license issued to illegals in California says "Federal limits apply" on the front and has other identification on the back to indicate that it is different. So i don't see that it facilitates voter registration in Cal. Of course, Democratic-leaning election officials may register them anyway, but they could do that regardless. It may be difficult to eliminate illegals from voting rolls. I am not optimistic about it regardless of the electoral gains by Republicans.

Gabriel said...

@johns:The drivers' license issued to illegals in California says "Federal limits apply" on the front and has other identification on the back to indicate that it is different. So i don't see that it facilitates voter registration in Cal.

You don't use your driver's license to apply for voter registration. You renew your driver's license, and then they register you to vote, and it's up to you to stop them from registering you if you are not eligible.

Tim said...

I too would not be surprised if 2 million or more non-citizens voted. But 1 million are in Cali, where it does not matter in Presidential elections. So, Florida and Texas do matter, and those states actually have competent governments who can and should clean up the voter rolls. We can go ahead and write Cali off since they will never do anything about it.

GWash said...

i know i'm late to this conversation but there is so much misinformation being spread here it's astounding given the level of supposed intelligence i come to expect from this blog... everything i've read about vote fraud is that yes it happens on both sides (one of those stories) but NO ONE can prove (that's the tricky word) that voter fraud is rampant. i've gone to many of the links presented here and they are right wing batshit sites full of conspiracies and heresay... very little evidence and the evidence is usually disproven. this has been studied over and over and if it was real problem, i'm sure that we would see the arrests and prosecutions. also the story about the california drivers license thing is also being misrepresented here...did you here the one about martians tipping the election in ohio? you guys are great but very ideological.. you'll make great tools in the new administration...

Ken B said...

I am not an American citizen though I live here (legally). I was told by a nice man I could vote (though he might not have meant me, since I am here as I said legally). I like to think therefore not that I was unable to vote for a candidate but that I refused to.

Largo said...

Fen said...
Again, anyone making the But The Popular Vote Won! argument is an idiot.

Because the Popular Vote determined this election, both campaigns would have had entirely different play call for the last 2 years. So whatever numbers the Popular Vote has now would be completely different.

Fen wins most salient comment prize.

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