And if there is no basis — I don't think there is — then Lesley Stahl — ironically — should be condemned for the very thing for which she is blaming Trump — making black people feel targeted.
ADDED: Stahl was crafty in the way she phrased her question — nonquestion, really:
I want to ask you all about something that’s going on right now around the country. A lot of people are afraid. They’re really afraid. African Americans think there’s a target on their back. Muslims are terrified.There's just this fear out there. She's not saying who scared who. She put black people and Muslims together. Muslims heard some specific policy proposals that are the basis of an appropriate question about fear. She did not mention Hispanic people, some of whom could be said to feel threatened by immigration proposals. But what's the Trump-connected basis for fear in black people?
Trump's response was to say "it’s horrible if that’s happening" and to direct an attack at the press: "they’ll take every single little incident that they can find in this country," even things that might have happened if he wasn't "around doing this," and "they’ll make into an event because that’s the way the press is."
Stahl does not frame a follow-up question that specifies how she's tying Trump to the fear going on right now. She merely invites the Trump offspring " to say anything about this fear that’s out there." "Out there" is an embarrassing tell.
Donald Trump, Jr. steps up: "I think the fears, you know, while they may be there, some fabricated, some not-- are totally unfounded."
ALSO: "Trump transition team begins minority outreach with 'new deal for Black America.'"
Another example of a biased dishonest liberal media.
I'll leave the condemning to others but the news media has been selling fear for as long as I can remember.
I don't recall any provocation either. He even reached out.
But it doesn't matter, because Republican.
Has anyone asked hillary or obama abt the violent side of the protests? Linked it to their tone?
Another example of the media trying to drive the narrative. Anti-Trump thugs spray paint Nazi symbols on buildings and Trump supporters are accused of being Nazis and the Southern Poverty Law Center reports a hate crime and attributes it to Trump. Leslie Stahl refers to "a lot of people" and stirs the fear among the stupid. "African Americans think there's a target on their back" is an absurd and evil comment. They do not so think.
I don't get it.
People need to remember that the fact they are afraid does not mean their fears are based on reality.
Don't suggest good character to blacks. It might raise them out of the dysfunction the left needs.
Lesley Shahl pay the price for unsubstantiated reporting? Not on your life.
So,she also said that there were lots of reports of Trump supporters committing "hate crimes". That's unsubstantiated, too. But, Trump looks right in the camera to say "Stop it" to his supporters, if this is true.
If Lesley REALLY, REALLY wanted these "hate crimes" to stop she would have "leaked" that part of the interview on Friday when they taped it. But noooooo! They held it until Sunday night so they have "more incidents of hate crimes" to talk about.
The media wants the riots and hate crimes to continue because if they stop what else can they blame on Trump? (I know they'll find something but this is pretty good for now!)
Politically, we all see it as a shot across the bow. Keep the "diversity" programs and we won't protest as much. We won't constantly call you racist. But remember when you are president, Trump, that we can play the race game with you whenever we want.
Liberal media 'fighting back' by baiting Trump into saying something they can twist into racism.
More battlespace prep. Democrats expect Trump to propose roll backs for Obamacare, food stamps, student loan guarantees, etc., and they're planning to accuse him of targeting blacks and other minorities.
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland....all these things happened in Barack Obama's America, right?
The murder rates in Baltimore, Chicago....those went up in Barack Obama's America.
Why is Trump so scary when Obama's America was killing black people with no repercussions
Yes, exactly Lance.
Interesting to watch the forked tongue media hypnotists trying to recast a trance on their African American allies that Trump just broke.
It won't work. Now what will
They do? Run O'Malley?
Michael Moore is steering them straight. Run Opra and a Hispanic.
Trump made a lot of ugly bigoted statements but this is absurd. Some asshole allegedly does something ugly - something we all condemn if true - and immediately he becomes a Trump supporter driven by Trump's statements? This isn't guilt by association; this is guilt-by-presumed-association. Even McCarthy didn't go this far.
Where does the racism charge come from? And the anti-gay/homophobia charges?
I think the people who elected him made a horrible decision, just horrible. The man is ill-suited for the presidency. I hope he changes, that the magnitude of his election makes him realize what happens when he says things.
The media said after the election that they needed to take a step back, to realize the mistakes they made in covering this election.
Well, how about starting right now?
Trump won more of the black vote than Romney and McCain.
The Muslims live in fear because the fear exposure of their plans to kill unbelievers before they are ready could draw a rational counter strike us
My favorite thing the media is doing right now is fantasizing that Obama is going to hover around Trump and Trump is just going to do whatever Obama says.
Because *they* love Obama so much.
OMG Jonathan Gruber is back.
"The Muslims live in fear because the fear exposure of their plans to kill unbelievers before they are ready could draw a rational counter strike us"
We have millions of Muslims living here and 99.9999999% don't harm a fly.
Just because Trump got elected doesn't mean you supporters can spout nonsense.
It's stuff like this that the Trump people need to condemn.
At best you could point to "stop and frisk" policies. As president, Trump would not initiate them, but could have a Justice Dept that won't officially oppose them in court.
Then you have to ask who is made "afraid" of those policies and who is made more "secure" as they affect African Americans. I'd say law abiding African Americans are made more secure and, if not, they'd oppose them locally.
Whereas Obama has tried to make gun purchase and ownership into a criminal offense unto itself in many cases, why does the left oppose enforcing bans on illegal carry?
Also... Anybody see the video of buses by the block load that brought "spontaneous" protesters to Chicago via Wisconsin Badger Bus? The anti-Walker forces were ready!
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
God, I am tired of you White People. It ain't enough you try and tell us how we Black People supposed to live, but then you even go and try to tell us who we are supposed to be afraid of...
Newsflash, bitches: I can figure this shit out on my own. I don't need a White Journalist or a White Politician explaining to me which White People I can or can't Trust: I don't Trust ANY of you, and that seems to work out just fine...
I see Brothers get their shit all worked up, and it's because some White Journalist or some White Politician is telling them the Sky is Falling, you feel me? Then the 'Black Leaders' who get paid by the same people who pay the White Journalists and the White Politicians go and say the same damn shit. YOU ALL IS FUCKED...
Just stick to telling White People about White People, alright? You ain't helping me out here on the streets with all your shit, motherfuckers...
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
NO Leslie -
White spoiled leftwing a-holes in Portland are afraid.
Like this? Leslie?
she's just another hack. It's time to fire the hacks.
A lot of people are afraid. They’re really afraid. African Americans think there’s a target on their back. Muslims are terrified.
This is what happens when a Scientific Progressive is allowed to interview Donald Trump.
Sometimes the obvious need restating: some jerk does something horrible and he immediately, with no evidence, becomes a Trump supporter motivated by something Trump said.
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of jerks are rioting in streets across America and no on in the media ask liberal leaders about it.
I cannot imagine a greater double standard.
I'm White, and I'm a little scared too, but much less now than before the election. I'm also worried that I may get tired of winning. That would really suck.
I'll leave the condemning to others but the news media has been selling fear for as long as I can remember.
Eric's correct in what he's referring to, but this passive-aggressive My Dysfunction is My Virtue phenomenon is relatively new. Or not: both Aristotle and Nietzsche would recognize it easily as a function of a particular type of character-driven slave revolt in morals.
Now stretching unbroken from college campus trigger warning and safe spaces to venerable CBS and much of the media at large, basically it works like this: my weakness is now by strength over you.
I am afraid of you, therefore you are immoral and must yield your strength to me so that I may change reality to accommodate my needs.
I am ugly, therefore you must declare me beautiful or become guilty of hating me.
And so forth, a value inversion depending upon native compassion becoming guilt in order to trade relative positions of power.
If Trump thinks the leftwing pro-D hack press is going to be nice to him, fair to him, and refrain from every cliche lefty meme, he has another thing coming.
"African Americans think there's a target on their back" is an absurd and evil comment. They do not so think.
Black Lives Matter has been stirring this pot, not Trump. I hope the $500 million lawsuit by the Texas cop's family gets some good discovery. I'd like to know where the funding is coming from.
We have millions of Muslims living here and 99.9999999% don't harm a fly.
Just because Trump got elected doesn't mean you supporters can spout nonsense.
I assume you don't live in Minneapolis.
I have a muslim friend who sincerely- at least I think sincerely, but she was also big on Binders full of Women- thinks Trump wants to make her and her children "register".
The problem is, you can't tell her that's not true because then you are "outed" as a bigoted hateful Trump supporter and you lose a friend.
So this really destructive bubble is happening. But people want to feel scared, I guess. It's pleasurable in the way sticking your tongue in that weird painful gap when you have a loose tooth is pleasurable.
Hacks won't be fired, and hacks gotta hack. Whether anyone pays attention is another question.
Trump has no support in NBSABCCBSCNNNYTWAPO, and they will be trying to get him. He just showed that he is not afraid to go into the lion's den and start showing the animals who is boss. But they are still animals. Trump won in the electoral college, and he has the votes of a bit less than half the voters. He has at least two years to accomplish some things with a GOP congress. He is going to pick his spots. His future --and ours--depends on the spots he picks and the results obtained.
Maybe black people are worried because Trump's chief strategist is a white supremacist.
Oops. should be NBCABCCBSCNNNYTWAPO. But you know what I meant.
"Fear is a totally rational reaction to the Donald Trump presidency"
Ask yourselves why white supremacists are celebrating. 'Nuff said.
Muslims in Minneapolis are attacking non-believers?
Some people are worried - like me - because there ARE Trump supporters who spout nonsense and ugly stuff.
Did Stahl ask Obama about the fears that he was a Muslim or not born in the US, implying that either were his fault?
Ask yourselves why white supremacists are celebrating. 'Nuff said.
Black supremacists, such as the Black Panthers, celebrated Obama's win.
"What Trumpism inspired in the American people is every bit as terrifying as what Trump would do
The word that defined Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, to me and many others, was this: emboldened.
White supremacist organizations are rejuvenated. People feel less constrained by “political correctness” to speak their minds about the problems with society — even to the point, occasionally, of confronting strangers. A generation of children of color is being bullied by threats that the president-elect will send them back — the policy’s appropriation into everyday life is nearly as chilling as the policy itself.
People of color saw this coming. Even in the early months of Trump’s campaign, when it looked like he would try to build a white-black coalition united against the immigrant threat, most black Americans had no interest in hearing what Trump had to say, because they knew that the people responding well to Donald Trump didn’t tend to have warm feelings toward black people, either.
They were right. Trump has won, and former Klansman David Duke celebrated. Many have already reported harassment from Trump’s biggest fans.
Donald Trump’s presidential administration wouldn’t have to do anything to allow these things to happen. Quite the opposite: It would simply need to do less to prevent them."
Some people are worried - like me - because there ARE Trump supporters who spout nonsense and ugly stuff.
There are. It's true of both the right and the left. You only have to be worried if you really think their ideas are
b) something Trump or the Congress is interested in acting on
I don't think either thing.
If this is an example of how Trump is going to deal with a media still hell bent on destroying him, I think he'll do just fine.
Could he have done better? Only if someone had been kind enough to give him the questions ahead of time.
Still I do think it was somewhat kind of them to remind him that there is and will remain in place an adversarial relationship between himself and the press for the duration of his presidency. An appropriate relationship that has never existed with Obama. It also serves as a reminder to Trump voters as to which side they're on.
Trump could have been thin skinned, and taken the questions as a personal insults (which they were intended to be). Instead he chose to be the anti Obama and swallow his pride.
At no point during the campaign was I optimistic as to either the possibility of, or I the event that it were to happen, a Trump presidency that would be beneficial to America. At this point I see a small glimmer of hope.
Where does the racism charge come from?
Perhaps his insistence, despite DNA evidence and the confession of the perpetrator, that the Central Park Five are still guilty?
White supremacist organizations are rejuvenated.
I would guess they are "rejuvenated" because so many- in an effort to hurt Trump- have raised their profile.
Do you think David Duke really liked Trump so much, or do you think he realized putting Trump's name in tweets got his tweets national exposure?
The liberal media know that George Soros is funding a lot of these riots but yet they're using the riots to try and diminish Trump, totally crrupt.
"A lot of people are afraid. They’re really afraid. African Americans think there’s a target on their back."
"I see OJ, man, he looks scared!"
Steve M. Galbraith said...
"We have millions of Muslims living here and 99.9999999% don't harm a fly.
Just because Trump got elected doesn't mean you supporters can spout nonsense."
Indeed. The right to spout nonsense is reserved to Steve M. Galbraith, and such others as he may choose to appoint.
@MayBee, some friends are worth losing.
"Indeed. The right to spout nonsense is reserved to Steve M. Galbraith, and such others as he may choose to appoint."
Point out my nonsense, please.
The floor is yours.
Unknown said...
"Fear is a totally rational reaction to the Donald Trump presidency"
Ask yourselves why white supremacists are celebrating. 'Nuff said."
First of all it's Vox so agenda noted.
Now you know how the rest of the country felt when the openly racist Holder was appointed to the DOJ or how the openly partisan IRS treated people of conservatism.
I'm going to declare conservatism a race.
You racist bastard!
"Bottom rail on top now, massa."
Trump's retweet of racist memes.
"Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims
A day after a black activist was kicked and punched by voters at a Donald Trump rally in Alabama, Trump tweeted an image packed with racially loaded and incorrect murder statistics.
The image shows a masked, dark-skinned man with a handgun and a set of points, ostensibly about deaths in 2015:
"Blacks killed by whites -- 2%"
"Blacks killed by police -- 1%"
"Whites killed by police -- 3%"
"Whites killed by whites -- 16%"
"Whites killed by blacks -- 81%"
"Blacks killed by blacks -- 97%’
The image cites the "Crime Statistics Bureau - San Francisco"
None of the numbers are supported by official sources. The figures on black-on-white homicides and white-on-white homicides are wildly inaccurate. And, as several news organizations quickly noted, the "Crime Statistics Bureau" doesn’t exist. We looked for that agency as well and the closest we found in San Francisco were a number of crime scene clean-up services."
I recognize that most Muslims are law abiding citizens. They're even willing to take a stand and condemn those other Muslims who stab random strangers in the neck in order to propagate the faith. I would, nonetheless, be reassured if they would go a step further. I would like too see Mr. Khan, the Gold Star father, hold up the constitution and tell a group of assembled Muslims that they live in America and Americans have the right to draw cartoons of Mohammed........I question why it is necessary for Trump to reassure Muslims, but there is no counterbalancing necessity for Muslims to reassure Americans. Despite Leslie's best efforts there's been no case of a Trump supporter committing mass murder for his cause.
"There are. It's true of both the right and the left. You only have to be worried if you really think their ideas are
b) something Trump or the Congress is interested in acting on"
True and true.
But right now the right has almost all of the political power.
The ugly element on that side - these alt-right bigots - is of more concern for me now.
Politically they are not the mainstream; I want to make sure they stay that way.
It's a cliche among the right-wing crowd to flip the script but I am going to do it here and ask us all to imagine Leslie Stahl asking equally aggressive questions to a newly-elected Barack Obama. You can't imagine it because we aren't even permitted to think that way.
Everyone who hasn't should watch Jonathan Pie's epic rant on why the left is losing elections.
Big Mike- no, she really is a wonderful person. I'm not going to lose friends over politics, and eventually she'll realize she's not going to have to register.
Telling blacks they have "nothing to lose", so they should vote for him. The disrespect for the black community in that statment speaks volumes.
"Maybe black people are worried because Trump's chief strategist is a white supremacist."
-- So was Romney, I was told. So was Palin. So was George W. Bush. I remember 2012 with the left threatening to riot if racist Romney got elected.
Unfortunately, that has taken the sting out of these protests. They're not anti-Trump. They're just anti-Democrats not winning. If the left wants me to take their claims seriously, they need to deploy them more carefully.
As usual, the left has decided the only way for Trump to make minorities feel "safe" is to bring all the left's appointed diversity leaders to the white house to listen to them.
Maybe Black Americans are afraid of losing all the gains they've made under the first black POTUS. Let us count the ways.
If you are a black gun toting felon terrorizing your own community in a city like Chicago or Milwaukee then yes, you should be fearful. Just as any criminal alien should be fearful of being deported.
I haven't watched "60 Minutes" since Dan Rather pushed the forged Texas ANG memo, and I have no plans to change that. Can somebody tell me whether Trump responded by asking Stahl something along the lines of "Why do think there is a target on their backs? Have they committed a crime?"
If he didn't, he should have. He needs to make Stahl and people like her defend their unsupported assertions.
re Bannon: I don't know anything about him, but Obama got all his Think-Progress related CAP people to fill his Administration so I don't care if Trump has a Brietbart guy.
Here is Roger L Simon's take on the Lesley Stahl interview, it could happen.
"Donald Trump will prove to be one of the greatest and most consequential American presidents, at least since Ronald Reagan and possibly before. No one will ever approach Washington or Lincoln, but Trump is positioned to be one of our most important leaders and be a true change-maker, turning this country around at a time when American power and greatness were on the wane.
Although I had previously suspected as much, I was convinced of this watching his performance on 60 Minutes Sunday. What we saw was Trump in the presidential mode he has long promised and he slipped into it remarkably easily, as if it had always been there and needed no coaxing. The daffy Donald of the primaries and later was far in the rearview mirror. (Was it ever real or just a masquerade?)"
I think the cleaners put too much starch in my hood. I really hate when that happens!
Valerie Jarret has lead a harassment campaign against college men, and we hardly ever have to hear about her place in Obama's White House.
Steven Galbraith,
I'll bet that your school had common core math, right?
3.3 million Muslims in the United States. According to you, .0033 of them (i.e. 1/300th of one person) harm flies.
If they are so upset about Trump building a wall, they should move to New Zealand, where, you know, they have a moat thousands of miles wide.
Unknown -
The father of the Islamic radical who killed many many innocents at a gay nightclub in Florida is VERY disappointed Hillary, his gal, did not win.
"Trump wants to make her and her children "register"."
When this doesn't happen, she'll probably credit all those brave rioters for blunting the edge of Trump's tyranny.
Gee Unknown, too bad you Democrats couldn't find somebody without a lifetime of corruption to run against Trump! But it was more important for the insiders to have the woman who could be bought! You have no one to blame but yourself!
Just about any other Democrat could have beaten Trump, but you had to have the one who was the most divisive and most unacceptable to large portions of America. You had to try to rub the election in the noses of the people!
Too bad it didn't work out!
Unknown said...
"Telling blacks they have "nothing to lose", so they should vote for him. The disrespect for the black community in that statment speaks volumes."
OK, Unknown, maybe you could make a little list of all the things the "black community" should be respected for. You know, just kind of a "greatest hits compilation" type thing. Main accomplishments, chief claims to fame. All that great stuff they stand to lose if they stop voting for Democrats. Here, I'll start it for you;
75% illegitimacy rate!
A lot of people are afraid because they listen to democrats (and their media allies), and democrats are very good fearmongers.
@MayBee, your call, of course. At my age there's not enough years left to me to be bothered with people who don't understand America and can't be bothered to learn.
Imagine if the media had reported on Trump's pussy grabbing comment during the primaries? Naah! They saved it until he had the nomination safely in hand.
Imagine if the press hadn't elevated Trump by covering his every word! Oh wait! We find out from Wikileaks that Hillary judged him to be the most beatable, and asked her friends in the press to keep him at the center of the story, depriving the more reasonable Republicans of oxygen.
Imagine if the press had gotten all of the crap on Hillary out prior to the primary, instead of covering for her! We could have been spared this whole clusterfuck of an election!
Naaah! It had to be a Clinton!
Wikileaks shows that the Trump presidency is largely a creation of Hillary and Bill's network of supporters in the press, Unknown. Own it!
David Duke is relevant to... who exactly? oh right- no one - except leftists.
Millions vs 99.9999999%
Steve M, I understand your point. But your math skills leave a lot to be desired.
Or your "9" key sticks.
Maybe black people are worried because Trump's chief strategist is a white supremacist.
Or maybe you're just a blithering idiot. Because there is not one shred of truth to the statement above, in any way, shape or form.
Ask yourselves why white supremacists are celebrating. 'Nuff said.
They were celebrating when GWB was elected. Communists and anarchists were celebrating when Obama won. So frigging what?
Good God, you idiot lefties don't learn, do you?
Unknown has gone full drama queen. Never go full drama queen.
White supremacist organizations are rejuvenated. People feel less constrained by “political correctness” to speak their minds about the problems with society — even to the point, occasionally, of confronting strangers.
So let me see if I have this straight - political correctness exists to keep the fringes from saying what's on their minds. Or at least the right fringe. Never mind that it inhibits freedom of speech for everyone else too. Or is that a feature with you lefties?
Telling blacks they have "nothing to lose", so they should vote for him. The disrespect for the black community in that statment speaks volumes.
Yes. The disrespect by white liberals who have treated African Americans like pets that come out every 4 years to vote for them. The kind of disrespect that the Great Society foisted on them, ruining nuclear families and making a race dependent on the government.
They have nothing to lose because white liberals like you have already taken everything.
Plantation KKK liberals have ruined the black family, and the Clinton Crime Family is still corrupt.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...
I'll leave the condemning to others but the news media has been selling fear for as long as I can remember.
I've been afraid to buy any.
A friend of ours had to talk his daughter down from the ledge, who was lamenting about how all of her gay friends are terrified of Trump. She had moved to San Francisco several months ago.
Where are these people getting this message from? I'm looking at the media, who have gotten their marching orders to pass on rumors, the same as the paid protesters in the street. We are witnessing the rage of the left who are using surrogates pushing social upheaval. We saw it in Ferguson. We saw it in Baltimore.
Moveon dot org, a.k.a. Soros, put out the call the day after the election. He is behind blacklivesmatter and he is behind this.
Obama can come out and try to stop the crazy, but he won't. He will egg them on like he did with BLM, tell them to keep up the good work. It's what community agitators do.
Btw, did you see the leaked documents of his and how he's dumped millions to manipulate our elections, laws, and process?
I would guess they are "rejuvenated" because so many- in an effort to hurt Trump- have raised their profile.
Do you think David Duke really liked Trump so much, or do you think he realized putting Trump's name in tweets got his tweets national exposure?
This is absolutely true - read sites like Vox Popoli, for example, which is using Trump to drive its T-shirt concession - but there's an upside for Trump buried in it.
The more people froth out silly things like "Steve Bannon is a white nationalist" instead of "Steve Bannon is an alternative media promoter", the more the Left systematically amalgamates itself with the Got It Wrong/Why Should I Listen to You Now? industry.
Being vocally irrational becomes its own self-applying punishment.
Bannon, the alt-righter, worked for a media company created by a Jewish man that's most famous employee/promoter is an openly gay man.
That takes some SERIOUS deliberate cognitive dissonance.
Freder: "Perhaps his insistence, despite DNA evidence and the confession of the perpetrator, that the Central Park Five are still guilty?"
Tawana Brawley fan says what?
Duke lacrosse accuser fan says what?
UVA Rolling Stone supporter says what?
Blogger Matthew Sablan: "Bannon, the alt-righter, worked for a media company created by a Jewish man that's most famous employee/promoter is an openly gay man."
The "spiritual" leader of the Alt-right (might as well just say "aggressively anti-PC and would it be too much to ask to control the borders a bit more") is a English fellow who is gay who appears to prefer black men.
So you know, it's just like the SS and everything.
Blogger Steve M. Galbraith said...
..I think the people who elected him made a horrible decision, just horrible. The man is ill-suited for the presidency. I hope he changes, that the magnitude of his election makes him realize what happens when he says things.
Hillary was even more ill-suited with all the baggage, lies, and crimes following her around. As far as Trump saying things, it's the media who blew everything he said out of proportion. It was a tactic they used to help their own side, hillary. You really need to go study the Soviets did things. Masters of manipulation and propaganda. Quit falling for it.
The media said after the election that they needed to take a step back, to realize the mistakes they made in covering this election.
Well, how about starting right now?
How about starting eight years ago? How about treating democrat politicians/candidates the same way they treat republicans? Had they done that, obama most likely would not have gotten as far as being nominated, much less elected. And without the damage obama has done, Trump wouldn't have gotten as far either.
Here's what I think is driving this all-encompassing fear on the left side:
Yes, the press & activists are feeding it, but clearly the seeds of fear are falling on fertile soil. Why?
It's because last Wednesday, for the left-leaning side of the country, the laws of physics stopped working. They thought they had it all figured out. They were "on the right side of history". And they got this message re-enforced over & over again from the top, i.e. the media, to bottom, i.e their friends.
On Wednesday, reality broke through the bubble. If they had ever paid attention to any righties, they would have known that there was trouble in Paradise, but they never did or do. Even educated lefties now know nothing about the history of conservative thought. They even ignored "contrarian" voices on the Left, like the old school Marxists & Democrats like Mickey Kaus.
And now it's all blown up. They're walking down the street wondering if the laws of gravity will hold or if they're going to float off into space. How could they have been so wrong? What happened? Surely, there must be major evil forces afoot for this to come out of nowhere...
Societal level cognitive dissonance like this is a dangerous thing. It's gonna take a while to burn itself out, if it ever does.
"Mister Trump... now that we've spent 6 months scaring black people and Muslims 24x7, when are you going to accept responsibility for that?"
There's more. I rarely read Infowars, but there is this tidbit:
'During the CBS 60 Minutes interview recorded on Friday afternoon, CBS correspondent Lesly Stahl badgered President-Elect Donald Trump about the false MSM narrative of Trump supporters intimidating people:
Lesley Stahl: Do you want to say anything to those people?
Donald Trump: I would say don’t do it, that’s terrible, ‘cause I’m gonna bring this country together.
Lesley Stahl: They’re harassing Latinos, Muslims–
Donald Trump: I am so saddened to hear that. And I say, “Stop it.” If it– if it helps. I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: Stop it!'
Over and above the fabricated narrative, CBS held this bite back, instead broadcasting some fatuous remarks from President Community Organizer right after his meeting with Thug Enabler Creamer (lol).
The mediaswine are not only dishonest, they are dishonorable.
Here are some mug shots of the protesters in Portland. Best rated comment, nailed it, "What I imagine a meth family album would look like."
John Hinderaker in spot on with his 'Democrats: Vicious, violent, anti-democratic', post. The title says it all.
"The mediaswine are not only dishonest, they are dishonorable." But Trump knows and he will push back.
hombre, what is amazing is, his supporters aren't doing any of that. The media is egging this on with lies.
Annie said...
A friend of ours had to talk his daughter down from the ledge, who was lamenting about how all of her gay friends are terrified of Trump. She had moved to San Francisco several months ago.
Where are these people getting this message from?
They are expecting Trump do do what they were hoping Hillary would do if she got elected; destroy the losing side.
Steve M. Galbraith said...
"The Muslims live in fear because the fear exposure of their plans to kill unbelievers before they are ready could draw a rational counter strike us"
We have millions of Muslims living here and 99.9999999% don't harm a fly.
In fact an alarming percentage of Muslims even in the US support violence as an expression of politics:
More generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq. In the United States, a 2011 survey found that 86% of Muslims say that such tactics are rarely or never justified. An additional 7% say suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified in these circumstances.
Pew Research
As usual it's those who wish to wave away reality who are unfamiliar with the facts. Note how Pew lumps "rarely" in with "never" to obscure the result. In fact only 81% of US Muslims say suicide bombings are never justified (compared to 72% worldwide).
Trump should have responded by agreeing that it's "so sad" that there are places where Trump supporters legitimately fear showing their faces -- parts of Portland, for example, or pretty much any place where there is a "mostly peaceful protest" going on. I mean, if you walked around one of those protests wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, what do you think would happen?
Blogger YoungHegelian said...Yes, the press & activists are feeding it, but clearly the seeds of fear are falling on fertile soil. Why?
Go look at the mugshots in the above link. Explains it all. Add in some weed and $15/22 hour, voila!
"What I imagine a meth family album would look like."
So, who's going to pour my Starbucks coffee today??
Class diversity (e.g. institutional racism, sexism) under the left's Pro-Choice quasi-religion has left people understandably fearful. Reducing people to a colorful clump of cells, then torturing, and disarming them, has that effect. Still, until they start hanging tire necklaces on people, there is still an opportunity for reconciliation, maybe.
Steve M. Galbraith:
We have millions of Muslims living here and 99.9999999% don't harm a fly.
Just because Trump got elected doesn't mean you supporters can spout nonsense.
Well that's misleading. Pew polls Muslims here and around the world and an overwhelming majority of them believe in Sharia as "the supreme law of the land" regardless of what land they live on. And surveys show between 25% and 67% believe that violent attacks on non-Muslims is justified. Those New Black Panther (Muslim) members "patrolling" the polls in Philly sure looked "harmless" didn't they? The community that supports such thuggery makes up a larger portion than you think.
Excellent article on how the university environment encourages and fosters emotional fragility:
Its crystal clear why so many are fearful: if you've been taught to crumble in response to microaggressions, the results of this election are simply too much to bear.
The problem is, you can't tell her that's not true because then you are "outed" as a bigoted hateful Trump supporter and you lose a friend.
Or you can say, "that's unamerican and neither political party would do that. The American people wouldn't let the government 'register' people in that sense."
You could also add a couple of examples from history where Democrats DID do those bad things (jim crow and internment camps) but the "good American people" always correct such aberrant anti-American behavior over time.
None of my Mexican family members have said one thing about being afraid. some of the half white ones, half Native ones voted for Trump.
The SHE's have forgotten that there's always been a deportation force out, even if it wasn't really doing anything for 8 years. It's called la migra and we've been dealing with them in our communities for a long time.
Everyone needs to go rewatch Born in East LA and relax.
One thing that I really hope comes out of the Trump DoJ is a criminal investigation of some of the Soros funded organizations. I think that they have probably violated RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), by organizing and facilitating terrorism (which is loosely defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims"). Not just post-Trump-election across the country in liberal bastions like Portland, of course, but also with the BLM riots. Funding or organizing protest marches is perfectly legal. Protected under the 1st Amdt. But, the funding or organizing of riots are arguably predicate acts for RICO. Throwing George Soros, and some of his people, in prison for a couple decades (per racketeering count) would do a lot to quell a lot of the violence.
People of color saw this coming. Even in the early months of Trump’s campaign, when it looked like he would try to build a white-black coalition united against the immigrant threat, most black Americans had no interest in hearing what Trump had to say, because they knew that the people responding well to Donald Trump didn’t tend to have warm feelings toward black people, either.
So Mr. Projecting-his-feelings-on-minorities, please tell me, why did Black voters give Donald Trump more votes than they did GWB or McCain or anyone since 1984?
This smells like the old "what's the matter with Kansas" bullshit where enlightened progressives try to explain why people vote the "wrong" way instead of examining why they themselves make such arrogant unsubstantiated assumptions about other people based on nothing more than their feelings and "good" intentions.
The evidence that Trump is a racist is pretty thin. For the most part, it consists of taking non-racist statements by Trump and then declaring "what he really means" to be some racist thought. Remember, the left is the same people that claimed "Chicago" and "golf" were racist terms and that all conservative criticism of Obama was racist because he's black. They simply have no credibility on this issue.
The other evidence is that the KKK supports Trump so he must be a racist, though he denounced the KKK and David Duke. Again, the line of thinking on this is that is denunciation is insufficient or some such nonsense, as if the level of objection matters. Trump didn't call a press conference with the rainbow coalition as a backdrop, so he must be a closeted klansman. Of course, they said that about Romney and McCain and Bush and Scott Walker and Dole and Bush and Reagan and Ford and Nixon and Goldwater and Ike.
They say that about all Republicans and conservatives. These are the same people who say Clarence Thomas isn't really black because he's not a leftist. They call him uncle Tom. The left is also the same people believe government contracts and educational opportunities should be handed out on the basis of race.
these people lack any sense of proportion or credibility on issues of race. If black people or Latinos or whatever group feels threatened and scared its because they've been lied to by people on the left - politicians, media, colleagues, friends, themselves. Trump has been called Hitler and his supporters Nazis. they've been told there will be mass deportations of Mexican (regardless of status) and Muslims will be forcibly removed. They actually believe there will be interment camps. Why would anyone believe this nonsense? They're gullible and they believe their own lies. Where are the right wing death squads? they don't exist, except in the leftist's imagination (which is why they're again resorting to hoaxes.)
The bottom line is the vast majority of the violence that has arisen out of the election (before and after) was perpetrated by leftists and Democrats - not Trump Supporters.
Unknown: "None of (Trump's ) numbers are supported by official sources."
Given the penchant both Unknown and Politifact have for spewing bullshit, it would be nice for the former to give us the real facts or at least a link. Maybe the omission is because while the "official" facts may differ from Trump's, they still portray a radically disproportionate level of crime perpetrated by young black males.
But enough of Unknown's usual misdirection. Do any of the news followers here have reason to believe that there is any truth to Stahl's claims? I don't. I'm sure gasbags like Van Jone's would make the claims. I remember a time when 60 Minutes was not part of the mediaswine circle jerk, but actually investigated stuff.
BTW, Unknown, the election is over. It would be appropriate for you ignoble lefties to stop campaigning and begin to judge Trump by his actions. Your Soros drivel is wearing thin.
White supremacist organizations are rejuvenated. People feel less constrained by “political correctness” to speak their minds about the problems with society — even to the point, occasionally, of confronting strangers. A generation of children of color is being bullied by threats that the president-elect will send them back — the policy’s appropriation into everyday life is nearly as chilling as the policy itself.
And let's address your problem.
Your side calls ALL Republicans racists and bigots.
NOBODY believes you now.
"This time, we're serious. Dude is totally terrible" no longer is effective for large swaths of people. You also tend to support racist groups like BLM.
Perhaps his insistence, despite DNA evidence and the confession of the perpetrator, that the Central Park Five are still guilty?
The confessions of a liar means nothing. And that there was another who got away was known at the time of the trial as well.
these alt-right bigots
Hey, they called the Tea Party racists and bigots too. Forgive me if I don't buy that.
A group with no "members" that the media is obsessed about can be falsely claimed by other groups, Yawn.
Telling blacks they have "nothing to lose", so they should vote for him. The disrespect for the black community in that statment speaks volumes.
Their cities are murderous hellholes. Black unemployment is staggering.
What, EXACTLY, have the Dems done to improve anything?
If a group claims that they are targeted for death by police and that the government hates them --- why would you keep electing these same groups?
Did CBS play 'gotcha' with Obama when he was the prez-elect? These people are digging their own graves. Are there enough snowflakes to keep their snowmen standing?
The left and Democrats are really amping up the racist rhetoric. It's not working anymore so they are doubling down.
They are even making stuff up out of whole cloth. Someone flies a Nazi flag and the Democrats scream, that's proof! Racists are emboldened! Then someone finally talks to the guy flying the flag and find out he is a Clinton supporter who is mad Trump won and the reason he is flying the flag is because he is making a counter statement. He isn't a Nazi. He is decrying the Nazis he falsely perceived are now taking over.
Same goes for all the grafitti in all these liberal cities. It's all put their by democrats. Not by Trump supporters.
Did CBS play 'gotcha' with Obama when he was the prez-elect? These people are digging their own graves.
I was listening to NPR & BBC World earlier today, & believe me, they have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, from Wednesday. They're just doubling down on stupid now.
African Americans are not all Americans. They're not even African, North, East, West, or South, generally. Americans, black, white, brown, or whatever color, shape size, or sex, under an individual name, for example: "Donald J Trump", are not so easily indoctrinated by the Church and Party's class diversity orientation.
They said that a Trump win would open the floodgates of Hate and Intolerance, and they were right.
Drove downtown to work and saw lots of highway patrol vehicles readying for the next demonstration. I'd say it's a good day for speeding but the traffic's too dense as per usual.
YoungHegelian: "I was listening to NPR & BBC World earlier today, & believe me, they have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, from Wednesday. They're just doubling down on stupid now."
The left has one play in their one playbook.
Their only hope was and is to import a sufficient number of voters who are by and large uneducated and in desperate need of "free" services.
Let's face it, the left has been pretty good at that and is just about there for a permanent majority.
The Trump win will probably, in the long run, just be speedbump on the way to our future banana republic reality.......of course, hope still exists that can be avoided.
I wonder what the Secret Service would put the odds at for a Trump assassination attempt?
We have Hollywood types writing that Trump must not be allowed to assume office. There really is only way now that can be achieved and the left does not seem to be shying away from that possibility.
"I wonder what the Secret Service would put the odds at for a Trump assassination attempt?"
-- In the future? Hard to say. Ever? 100%. Even if it was a terribly planned one.
More "liberal" party-line BS--no more, no less. Ms. Stahl is just being a loyal little attack dog for the Hive.
"White supremacist organizations are rejuvenated. "
Well,Moslem groups killed almost 100 people in 2016 in the USA in the name of Islam. And note that moslems are very, very peaceful people, and a very small percentage of the population in USA. How many people the white supremacist groups killed in the USA in 2916?
It seems like American white supremacists are more peaceful than American Moslems.
We should all take these claims of harassment, threats, and graffiti directed at muslims, women, and minoroties by "Trump supporters" with and extra dose of extreme skepticism. Lefties have an established history of manufacturing fake attacks. It's part of the playbook.
I don't believe a single report I've heard so far.
- Krumhorn
We have Hollywood types writing that Trump must not be allowed to assume office. There really is only way now that can be achieved and the left does not seem to be shying away from that possibility
If such a thing came to pass, the liberal pundits would shake their heads in sadness but would not fail to imply that Trump had it coming for his inflammatory rhetoric.
And then they would move their vitriol onto Pence who is really just as bad and probably worse.
Blogger Krumhorn said...
I don't believe a single report I've heard so far.
I don't believe a single report I've heard so far.
Some probably are, in any large group there are a few nuts. The media is continuing their bias though. While hyping every aggressive statement by a presumed Trump supporter they minimize physical attacks by presumed Democrats / leftists.
Remember the "teenage girl" who claimed that she was "sexually assaulted" at a Trump rally? It dominated the news for days. She was a paid agitator, wasn't sexually assaulted, and wasn't a teenager. I don't believe a single claim of violence being blamed on Trump supporters. It's all lefty agitprop.
I don't believe a single claim of violence being blamed on Trump supporters.
As far as I can tell there aren't even assertions of violence against Trump supporters [except in the sense of "my feelings are hurt therefore violence"]. The claim was about "harassment, threats, and graffiti". While some reports of these are undoubtedly false or caused by Mobys some will undoubtedly turn out to be true and accurately attributed. You ruin your credibility asserting no one who supports Trump could do anything, especially when you claim it in advance.
"these people lack any sense of proportion or credibility on issues of race."
These are the same people who are fully responsible for both slavery and Jim Crow in this country. They never should have had any credibility in the first place.
Oh, but wait. Southern Strategy! All the racists moved from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party!
To that, I have 3 responses:
1) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Democrats project 200 years of vile anti-black racism onto Republicans - you know, the party of Lincoln. What's their extraordinary proof that all the racists switched parties? Their word, oh, and one tape recording of one Republican who they conveniently never accused until after he died so he couldn't respond. This does not meet the "extraordinary proof" test. It doesn't even meet the "that's a hell of a stretch" test. What exactly did the Jim Crow Democrats ever do to deserve the benefit of the doubt re: these claims? What the hell did Republicans ever do to lose it?
2) If both parties effectively completely switched during the 60's, how come Democrats continued to revere every single Democrat leader -prior- to this great switch? They still love them their FDR, he of the internment camps. It's only VERY recently that they've turned their backs on Wilson. Why did it take them 50 years after this supposed realignment to stop worshiping that guy? What Republican, other than Lincoln himself, prior to this realignment do lefties have a single kind word for, which you presume they would with all these former Republicans switching to the Democrat party?
3) Why didn't Al Gore switch parties, given his dad filibustered the Civil Rights Act? How did Grand Kleagle of the KKK Robert Byrd get to within 3 heartbeats of the Presidency without switching parties? How come ALL of these historical segregationists are still all in the Democrat Party, and none in the Republican Party?
The lie that the racists ever left the Democrats is the most Orwellian rewrite of history in our lifetimes. They just moved blacks to a different plantation. That Republicans, who gave half of the 650,000 lives lost in the Civil War to free the slaves, now get the blame for that history is so utterly disgustingly unjust that I literally get sick to my stomach if I think about it too long.
As with the little boy who cried wolf, no one will ever believe their lies again and they will be devoured. I hope.
Oh, and one more thing. RE: "The Southern Strategy"... Richard Nixon *campaigned heavily on, and enacted, Affirmative Action and Forced Busing*!!!!!!!
Those Southerners must've had a hearing range far beyond your average canine if they could hear racist "code words" through all the bellowing about the pressing need to force everyone to fire white people and give their jobs to black people.
WTF WTF AFRAID OF WHAT??????????????? Tell me ONE thing in his Speech that does NOT need done! Put your Fathers face on him, doesnt matter facts are just that facts.I am SO sick of 'being afraid' OF WHAT?? OR are you speaking about Ilegals? THEN THEY DAMN WELL SHOULD BE AFRAID, GO HOME
I think I recognize Inga and the unknowns. (Portland Police Department mug shots)
Jon, they look like typical Portlandians to me. Vile place.
Portland is where people go because San Francisco is too conservative.
We're gonna need more busses!
He should have said something like "Well..they're right. Look at Chicago. Feeling that way is understandable."
I suspect that any one of those mugs could belong to Inga.
Fabi said...
Remember the "teenage girl" who claimed that she was "sexually assaulted" at a Trump rally? It dominated the news for days.
At this point I wonder how long a list it would be if all the recanted accusations, false flags etc were catalogued.
a recent gem was the young Muslim woman claiming to have been attacked due to her clothing/being Muslim i.e. due to Trump. Lets compare how many people heard the original accusation vs the recant.
Sort of on-topic.
The media are oh-so-responsible in stoking the flames of racial animosity.
Democrats still advocate, uphold, and zealously defend institutional racism, sexism, etc. with their [class] diversity policies. They probably lost sight of humanity when they reduced human life to colorful clumps of cells to be aborted and Planned/cannibalized. Their quasi-religious instruction from the twilight zone has been a first-order cause of degraded dignity and debasement of human life, and scientific corruption.
"I just got here."
Jon Ericson, your linked YouTube vid was preceded by the first ad I ever allowed to go more than 6 seconds - a website apparently promoting the Veliskovskian Hollow Earth conspiracy theory! What a gem of a find you have posted! Thanks!
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