The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.I'd say this is why artists should maintain their separation from politics, but Jay Z chooses to be involved and Hillary's campaign chooses to use him as a tool to access a segment of the population that seems to be hard for her to reach.
"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.
“If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."
Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"
At the link, there's video of Jay Z's performance, with the words uncensored. I'd like to see that video spliced into this much-played Hillary Clinton ad:
Use the same children, the same innocent, sweet faces, watching Jay Z and ending with Hillary's solemn intonation: "Our children and grandchildren will look back at this time -- at the choices we are about to make, the goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by -- and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us."
IN THE COMMENTS: AReasonableMan said "Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions." And I say:
Yes, but the criticism is of Clinton. Should she be attaching these words to herself? I think an edgy artist ought to stay separate, but I don't know that Jay Z cares about being a rebellious social critic. The words he uses have been the norm in his genre for decades, so his using them says nothing. I'd have to read more about him to know if he's talking about anything that I'd have to disapprove of.So that made me go over to Rap Genius and read the lyrics to "Dirt off Your Shoulder." An annotator explains: "Brushing dirt off your shoulder is just a 'pimp' gesture, it shows that yeah, you got knocked down, but you don’t care." So, I get it. It's the same message as the corny old song "Pick Yourself Up" — "Nothing's impossible, I have found/For when my chin is on the ground/I pick myself up/Dust myself off/And start all over again." Same idea. Here, listen to Nat King Cole. You want to say, no, it's not the same as "Pick Yourself Up" because Jay Z is talking about being a drug dealer? Well, then check this out:
UPDATE: Trump talked about it today:
"[Jay-Z] used every word in the book last night... He used language last night that was so bad and then Hillary said, 'I did not like Donald Trump's lewd language.' My lewd language. I tell you what, I've never said what he said in my life. But that shows you the phoniness of politics and the phoniness of the whole system."
It's hypocrisy only if you have underlying morals and principles to contradict.
Lewd language...horrors. Did Jay Z just see his Obamacare bill?
This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions.
Visual artists often focus obsessively on the female form. This is not a recipe for success in most jobs, including applicants for the position of the president of the United States.
"AReasonableMan said...
This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions.
Visual artists often focus obsessively on the female form. This is not a recipe for success in most jobs, including applicants for the position of the president of the United States."
Let me translate. It's okay because shut up.
So what, Hillary has the Pimps and Hos vote. Trump has the Dangerous Faggot vote.
Haha. What a fantastic take down. Steve Bannon better get on this ad, stat!
They record his hate, and sell it to 14 year old girls.
Yeah, ARM, just ask all the moms Hillary was going for with that ad how they feel about rap lyrics...I'm sure the first words you'll hear are, "artistic license."
Fuck is just a coloring word, a verbal form of impressionism.
Why there are news stories about it is beyond me.
Words, words, words. That nasty Trump jerk just demeaned blind people. He said if Hillary is elected, she will rob our country blind.
How does JayZ qualify as an artist? He's has zero talent.
JayZ is no Dylan.
"Ladies is pimps too"
Jay Z is a feminist.
He's black and Progressives don't view blacks as being equals. So, expecting behavior like an adult of them is just not an option for Progs.
This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions.
If HER condemnation of Trump is how coarse Trump's LANGUAGE is, then the language of HER advocates is a worthy issue. Why is Trump saying "grab them by the pussy" so much worse than what Jay-Z raps? Who do you REALLY think is being more serious in their comments?
Also, Trump wasn't a candidate when he made his comments.
Visual artists often focus obsessively on the female form. This is not a recipe for success in most jobs, including applicants for the position of the president of the United States.
Has Trump said a word in this campaign, when he's trying to be President, that approaches what Hillary advocates her supporters say in supporting her?
They record his hate, and sell it to 14 year old girls.
And who has more impact on pop culture: Trump or Jay-Z?
Trump has 99 problems.
And the bitch is number one.
"Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions."
Yes, but the criticism is of Clinton. Should she be attaching these words to herself? I think an edgy artist ought to stay separate, but I don't know that Jay Z cares about being a rebellious social critic. The words he uses have been the norm in his genre for decades, so his using them says nothing. I'd have to read more about him to know if he's talking about anything that I'd have to disapprove of.
Hillary always wears pearls to rap concerts, and clutches them in horror at each obscenity. Its a thing she got from Mooschel
I'm sorry to channel rh when even rh isn't even channeling rh, but that famous Hillary ad is targeted squarely at, as rh puts it, "soap opera women". As part of being a soap opera woman, one is very selective & careful about the targets of outrage.
Trump as a rich white male gets no slack. But, Jay-Z is a fashionable (he's married to Queen-Be for gosh sake!), powerful, black artist, & well, everybody knows they live by different rules. I mean, what's more essential to THE BLACK EXPERIENCE than the extended discourse on the ubiquity of "bitches & hoes"?
Yet another example of double standards. Three days before the election, can anyone stilled be surprised?
The words he uses have been the norm in his genre for decades, so his using them says nothing.
And if that's the case, Trump's words should also mean nothing. Men say far worse than he has in private.
Back in September them media made a huge deal out of Don King using the "N" word while introducing Trump at a Cleveland rally. Same place, black audience, but they didn't think in the correct manner approved by liberals so it was deemed racist.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Matt Yglesias: Long, convoluted piece absolving Hillary.
JayZ: "It aint no thing".
Use the same children, the same innocent, sweet white faces, watching the scary vulgar black man
-You think that's gonna sway Hillary voters? You are not thinking about how you look to the people you need to convince. Here’s a clue: You look ugly.
Should she be attaching these words to herself?
Yes, she should. She should own it. Organizing that rally and listening to the hip hop language is about the most honest thing she has done this entire election. She is expressing her firm belief in the soft bigotry of low expectation. Its why Dems can own the African-American vote, without ever delivering for them.
There is a lot of stink and corruption attached to Hillary. Yesterday's hypocrisy nothing.
As a public service I figured out what the dashes and such stand for...
"F—" = ?
"Fa" is the only two-letter (scrabble) word starting with "f", so that musta was
The others were easy:
"You're tuned into the motherfarina greatest,"
“If you feelin’ like a pimp ninny"
"Niacin is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you."
"Jigga My Nerds," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherfuttocks!"
damikesc said...
"And who has more impact on pop culture: Trump or Jay-Z?"
Lamar explained this very issue here: People don't think about the President most days, but they be boomin' the beats non-stop, understand?
I am Laslo.
Ann Althouse said...
Yes, but the criticism is of Clinton. Should she be attaching these words to herself?
The members of Led Zeppelin were honored by the President at the Kennedy center. Was this also an endorsement of their appalling real life exploitation of young women during their career?
I am not a fan of rap, but I am also too old to make a sensible judgement on how rap's audience interpret their art. I would guess that it is quite different to how I interpret it.
Lyrics include glorification of pimps who profit off desperate women, giving the middle finger to the law (perfect for Clinton) glorification of obtaining wealth.
Sounds like it was written about Hillary.
Check out this video.
So deep!
Do it for the children. Holly fucking shit, you've got to vote.
"Actresses Rachel Bloom, Elizabeth Banks, Mayim Bialik, Jane Lynch, Adam Scott and Jesse Tyler Ferguson and musicians Moby and Patti LuPone star in a pro-Clinton music video released by liberal comedy website Funny or Die Friday called “Holy Sh*t (You’ve Got to Vote),” in which the group urges Americans to vote against “orange talking STD” Donald Trump.
“Holy f*cking sh*t, you’ve got to vote,” the group sings over a piano-based melody in the video, one of many anti-Trump projects released on the Funny or Die website in recent weeks."
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
Jay-Z does his thing and of course all the White People get the vapors and shit: you are SO predictable, White People. A woman running for President finds she needs the help of a Strong Black Man, and you try to bring him down because he says the things a Strong Black Man says...
Sure, you needed us all when we were all slaves to get your shit done, and then after we weren't slaves any longer you tried to act like you don't need us no more, that we are a fucking inconvenience to y'all. So we adapted in our own way, and you hate that, you hate that -- until you take what we've done and try and make it your own: I'm looking at you, gangsta-wannabe White Boys, and the White Business Men in their expensive suits talking about their 'Pimp Hand'...
You don't even see the Real Problem, do you? You White Men have let your women run all over you: the Black Man don't put up with that shit from bitches and hos. Then you White People get jealous, and you hide your sad-assed jealousy by condemning our Strong Words, even though you so desperately want to say them yourselves, just once...
White Men: brush your damn shoulders off, you'll feel better, I promise...
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
I was shaken to my very core by these lyrics.
That big blue H and the play arrow on the screen capture, and the person being dragged off in the orange jumpsuit? Sweet juxtaposition, Drudge level or better.
Hey, remember all that artistic license and leeway afforded Clint Eastwood?
Fen's Law, over and over and over again.
Too bad HRC didn't say the words herself, that would have made Althouse's mashup video more compelling.
Anywho, what are the odds that the HRC folks would love to have the DJT folks go all in w/ calling out naughty blacks who get to say the N-word, but political correctness frowns on them for doing this? Rally the whites who are told that they can't say the N-word because of PC culture. I.e., rally the base.
The stench of desperation on the Left is getting intense. HuffPo headline right now is blaming white guys for America's problems. Yesterday that horse's ass Ana Marie Cox blamed white guys, too.
This brown immigrant would never have considered immigrating to America if it had not been a predominantly white country (30 years ago, that is).
ARM said...
The members of Led Zeppelin were honored by the President at the Kennedy center.
The whole Kennedy Center Honors thing is just a made-for-TV creation. Kennedy Center Honorees are selected by an Executive Committee of the Kennedy Center Board of Trustees - the President has no say one way or the other. He merely participates in the ceremonies as the representative of the people of the US - not in any personal capacity.
It is the hypocrisy of Clinton and the Left. They pinned the p-word on Trump as a mortal sin, but have no compunction attaching themselves to people who say things much more vile.
How did you get administrative control to deleted your mis-posts completely?
Neat ability.
"Neat ability."
Being a 400# dude in the basement has some advantages.
This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions.
Up next on the program, Marina Abramovic.
Claim your prize, whosoever uses the sockpuppet PB&J.
Birkel said..PB&J:
How did you get administrative control to deleted your mis-posts completely?
Neat ability.
11/5/16, 10:52 AM
Heh. I love it when Althouse gets caught out like that.
Fraud with an artistic license.
I am surprised nobody has posted this. Here's Jay-Z hitting a girl at last night's concert. Can you imagine the saturation news coverage if this has been some principal at a Trump event?
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Too bad HRC didn't say the words herself, that would have made Althouse's mashup video more compelling.
PBJ explains it perfectly. The words do not matter. It is WHO says the words.
Laws do not matter. It is who breaks the law. Scooter Libby can go to jail for lying to the FBI. Manning can go to jail for taking secret level information off the secure server and distributing it. Dozens of service members can go to jail for having pictures of themselves on their own computers in sensitive places. But Hillary does not go to jail because for the left it is about the WHO. She is powerful and wealthy. Those other people are not.
The left is being open and honest about one thing. It is all about power. They do not care about standards, equal treatment under the law, or liberty in the true sense. Liberty must conform to their demands for power.
They are bad people.
You are responsible for the words and ideas of your surrogates if they are doing your bidding in using them.
All you have to do is ask yourself this question- did the Clinton Campaign ask JayZ to perform- if the answer is yes, then artistic license is no excuse since Clinton is no artist outside the attached to a scam.
Hillary thinks if she trots out enough entertainers she will win 95% of the black votes. How insulting is that?! My racially-mixed daughter is on a Blacks for Trump FB forum and their estimate is 25% of the black vote for Trump. Many of the younger blacks see through the Democratic Party perennial promises and plantation politics. Let us hope it's enough.
Hillary Clinton gets support from the Obama's cherished guest list at the W/H: The list includes Jay Z and Robert Creamer and their respective fan bases. Everybody else -- not being paid to play -- is jumping ship.
ARM: "This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions."
It's only weak to people like ARM. ARM and Hillary can be proud of the examples set for our children in a world dominated by the viewpoints of godless, amoral liberals. Part of that world is the crap reflected in his comment above. These "artists" ARE the people influencing our children's behavior. The entertainment industry trades on sex, profanity and violence.
The incongruity here is the impression that progressives like ARM and Hillary might well prefer to have my grade school age granddaughters exposed to 50 Shades of Grey or JZ rap than a Donald Trump speech.
Artistry, you know.
hombre said...
It's only weak to people like ARM.
So, should we ban Led Zeppelin from the radio because of their well documented exploitation of young women? Are we all weak for listening to music produced by these degenerates?
If Hillary doesn't have the pimps, bitches and hoe votes sewn up by now, isn't she in serious trouble? I guess that setting up that server and murdering Vince Foster weren't seen by here base as all that baddass after all.
The members of Led Zeppelin were honored by the President at the Kennedy center. Was this also an endorsement of their appalling real life exploitation of young women during their career?
Were they out trying to drum up votes for him?
If yes, then he is tied to their behavior. If he wished to criticize Romney for his behavior towards women, then using them as advocates and surrogates for him is a big problem.
I am not a fan of rap, but I am also too old to make a sensible judgement on how rap's audience interpret their art. I would guess that it is quite different to how I interpret it.
But Trump is just beyond the norm? How does that work, exactly? Who is permitted to discuss ho's and bitches? If it's entertainers only, then hey, Trump was an entertainer and businessman when he talked to Stern, so you're holding him to a higher standard than you hold a black man to.
liberal comedy website Funny or Die Friday
Given their track record, they should've been dead years ago.
Anywho, what are the odds that the HRC folks would love to have the DJT folks go all in w/ calling out naughty blacks who get to say the N-word, but political correctness frowns on them for doing this? Rally the whites who are told that they can't say the N-word because of PC culture. I.e., rally the base.
Except he isn't criticizing Jay-Z at all. He's criticizing Hillary for having him be surrogate for her to an audience. You don't criticize a criminal for doing a criminal act as much as you'd criticize the person who put the criminal in a position to do so. It's why Lay and Skilling got charged more for Enron than Andrew Fastow, who actually did the crimes. Because they put him in a position to do the illegal things and did little to rein him in.
So, should we ban Led Zeppelin from the radio because of their well documented exploitation of young women?
Jay-Z isn't being criticized by Trump. That he is a misogynist is already known. It's just odd that a hyper feminist would pimp him out to gain votes. Explains her behavior with Bill, huh? Let him rape and fuck any vagina with a pulse if it gives her a possibility of electoral power.
I'd also ask why David Duke's "endorsement" of Trump was such a huge issue, given the views of ARM. He is also a publicity whore and nothing more.
Blogger damikesc said...
I'd also ask why David Duke's "endorsement" of Trump was such a huge issue, given the views of ARM.
I had not realized that David Duke was widely viewed as a successful artiste. I guess it was his sympathetic portraits of Adolf Hitler that put him over the top.
I had not realized that David Duke was widely viewed as a successful artiste
Oh, you have carte blanche if you're successful. Got it.
I guess it was his sympathetic portraits of Adolf Hitler that put him over the top. opposed to the Hollywood Blacklist's sympathetic portrayals of Communists who killed far more people. Those people were HEROES....
So no problem with Led Zeppelin's abuse of young women then? All good with that?
ARM still supports Bill Cosby. Sure, Cosby did some bad stuff, but he was very funny for a long time so just like all other liberals ARM separates the artist from the art. Right?
What the fuck does Led Zeppelin have to do with anything?
HoodlumDoodlum said...
ARM still supports Bill Cosby.
Want to provide some documentation for that, or just admit that you are a lying piece of shit?
Despite the desperate attempts to deny it here, we all make some leeway for the lives of artists that we like (not those horrible rappers). This is how it is. We can't all live the life of an artist but the lives of artists act as a safety valve for frustration and disillusionment with our own mundane lives.
No love for Pick Yourself Up? An old, corny Fred and Ginger song....ah, well, they wouldn't like Breaking Bad anyway....
"What the fuck does Led Zeppelin have to do with anything?"
Not sure. Maybe ARM thinks they're big Trump supporters. Anyway, his main point seems to be that artists who gross over some as-yet-to-be-determined amount of income are thereby Nietzschean supermen, beyond petty notions of good and evil, and have license to do whatever they want.
AReasonableMan said...
So no problem with Led Zeppelin's abuse of young women then? All good with that?
That old fishwives' tail?
Paco Wové said...
"What the fuck does Led Zeppelin have to do with anything?"
Not sure. Maybe ARM thinks they're big Trump supporters. Anyway, his main point seems to be that artists who gross over some as-yet-to-be-determined amount of income are thereby Nietzschean supermen, beyond petty notions of good and evil, and have license to do whatever they want.
No. I am saying that almost every generation glorifies a set of convention-defying artists as a right of passage. And, like clockwork, when they get older they condemn the next generation's own convention-defying artists. It is a hard argument to sustain that JayZ is morally worse than Led Zeppelin, or many of the other hair metal bands of that time. Or reaching back further, the drunken misogynists of the Rat Pack.
After reading Miles Davis's autobiography my son tried to convince that I shouldn't listen to his music. Possibly the stupidest thing he has ever said to me.
Oh, sorry ARM, you don't support Bill Cosby? My bad.
See, I am trying to figure it out. Popular culture is cool with Zepplin and JayZ as you mention, and also people like R Kelly, Rob Lowe, Roman Polanski, etc. But it is not OK with Bill Cosby.
I don't really understand why that would be, but apparently it is very easily understood by smart people, especially liberal smart people. So, you know, i struggle.
That old fishwives' tail?
That's good! Fishwive's 'tail'. A fishwife is a mermaid, perhaps?
I enjoy listening to Mozart even though he was an asshole as a person. His music is magnificent. I must say, though, that I'm glad JS Bach was a better man and probably as good a composer.
mockturtle said...
That's good! Fishwive's 'tail'. A fishwife is a mermaid, perhaps?
"One girl, a pretty young groupie with red hair, was disrobed and tied to the bed. According to the legend of the shark episode, Led Zeppelin then proceeded to stuff pieces of shark into her vagina and rectum."
ARM, or Shiloh or PBJ or Ann or whoever writes your shtick,
1. Grant arguendo that LZ did every bad thing you say.
2. There is an excluded middle between President Obama honoring them at the Kennedy Center in 2012, and censoring them from the airwaves (which I wonder if it can even be done).
3. If you wish to say that Obama is as scummy and rape enabling for pimping LZ, as is Hillary for suckling votes off Jay-Z's teat, I will not argue with your late but welcome burst of honesty.
4. Orwell as always to the rescue: Yes, Salvador Dali epitomizes the fact that you can be a skilled draughtsman and a loathsome human being.
5. Even if you are a skilled draughtsman/musician and a tolerable human being, neither qualifies per se to give much weight to your opinion on a Presidential race.
6. Common human failing to think otherwise, wherefore the trick is done (by all sides to be sure).
ARM: No. I am saying that almost every generation glorifies a set of convention-defying artists as a right of passage. And, like clockwork, when they get older they condemn the next generation's own convention-defying artists.
Impressively pompous -- and successful! -- diversionary maneuvers you've got going here, ARM.
Elevates what would just be another tedious "it's not vulgar/misogynist/racist/uncivil when we do it" exercise to the level of entertaining absurdities.
'You don't criticize a criminal for doing a criminal act as much as you'd criticize the person who put the criminal in a position to do so. It's why Lay and Skilling got charged more for Enron than Andrew Fastow, who actually did the crimes. Because they put him in a position to do the illegal things and did little to rein him in."
damikesc you do realize the import of what you are saying.
ARM you do realize the irony of the Kennedy Center..... and the old Hoe cling wrapping herself to her Strong Pimp for protection from the authentic Gangsta.
Anglelyne said...
Impressively pompous -- and successful! -- diversionary maneuvers you've got going here, ARM.
It's a slow day here in the ARM household. I need a proper hobby. I was thinking of building a small boat but I'm so old it is hard to get sufficiently motivated. I'm going for a swim at some point, so the regular programming will resume soon.
ARM: It's a slow day here in the ARM household. I need a proper hobby. I was thinking of building a small boat but I'm so old it is hard to get sufficiently motivated.
Yeah, but if you did that then I'd have one less excuse for not getting off my arse and getting the laundry done today.
I finally get it!
Mead is Shiloh and ARM!
Jon Ericson said...
I finally get it!
I doubt that's ever gonna happen.
Shiloh and ARM are not to be confused. ARM often makes credible arguments.
Snappy rejoinders r us.
Truth is a ho an a bitch!
So no problem with Led Zeppelin's abuse of young women then?
I'm not a fan of theirs, so I don't listen to their music. Not sure what more you expect me to do.
No. I am saying that almost every generation glorifies a set of convention-defying artists as a right of passage. And, like clockwork, when they get older they condemn the next generation's own convention-defying artists. It is a hard argument to sustain that JayZ is morally worse than Led Zeppelin, or many of the other hair metal bands of that time. Or reaching back further, the drunken misogynists of the Rat Pack.
Funny, they ALL likely support Hillary. Ironic, no?
Did Led Zeppelin make songs glorifying mistreating women? I can't say I'm familiar enough with their work to know.
Led Zeppelin then proceeded to stuff pieces of shark into her vagina and rectum.
Led did it? I thought Page or Plant did it. Don't forget that the story came from Carmine Appice. I don't recall if that was before or after he felt rejected for being passed over for drummer after Bonham croaked.
"Should she be attaching these words to herself?" Should, should? Sounding a little moralistic here. As if here are norms, as if they should be applied consistently. Sorry, no. Prog linguistics, like prog ethics, is entirely situational.
I should like to hear Mrs. Obama read the lyrics of some of her houseguests's "songs" to her daughters. I would like to see it televised. It would be interesting to see the reaction of all concerned. Probably puzzlement that it would be disturbing to some.
The long fabled Trump says the N word tape is about to drop...
"It's a slow day here in the ARM household. I need a proper hobby. I was thinking of building a small boat but I'm so old it is hard to get sufficiently motivated. "
Lazy and afraid.
"That big blue H and the play arrow on the screen capture, and the person being dragged off in the orange jumpsuit? Sweet juxtaposition, Drudge level or better."
"Phoniness in politics" is right. The display of Bey-Jay-Hillary mutual affection and admiration is about as phony as it gets.
My friend retired as a carpenter, and built himself a boat. His first trip out he caught an 11 pound walleye. He was a first rate carpenter too.
Michael, that ship has sailed, at least at least one of the Obama girls, on more than one occasion. has been photographed twerking and doing blunts. Now if Barack or even Michelle slapped them straight, I would give props, but I'm guessing, no.
Like Dylan, JayZ is a future Nobelist, bitches.
Of course, Trump is right... not sure how many people who would vote for Clinton care about it, though.
Chicagoan here...I was thrilled about the Cubs World Series Championship. Then, Rizzo, Ross and Fowler showed up on SNL, apparently without the benefit of a good agent. The first skit was vile. Strippers desecrating the body of an elderly woman. Joined by Rizzo Ross Fowler. Explain THAT to your children. Chicago Tribune fails to link that in a retweet. Coach Maddon, the enterprise shaved millions off the net worth. #iaintbuyingyour...
"AReasonableMan said...
This is a weak line of attack. Artists get a lot of leeway in how they express themselves that is not open to most other professions.
Mel Gibson call your office ...
Or did you mean liberal artists ...?
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