November 8, 2016

Election night. I know you're not all watching.

You took my poll:

And alan markus said:
I will be watching the discussion here - much more interesting than what any talking heads on TV will have to say.
And I said:
Hey, good point! I should have provided that option: I will be hanging out on Althouse and seeing whatever is visible from this vantage point.
The option wasn't available on the poll, but it's available right now. Hang out here and watch with me. I know we can't all get what we want, but if what you want is company and conversation, you can get that here.  My vote is secret, and I'm sympathetic to everyone's feelings.


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shiloh said...

Fired Up! ~ Ready to Go!

shiloh said...

"My vote is secret, and I'm sympathetic to everyone's feelings."

You will feel their er our pain regardless?

Freeman Hunt said...

Of course I plan to be here.

cbuds said...

Apparently W and Laura voted present. What's Ann's take on that?

campy said...

Here's hoping against hope tonight is more fun than the blog's big Mittens Landslide Bash of 2012.

whiskey said...

I'm here and there but not on any msm site. Althouse, isty, Hotair, Ace, Decision desk. Thems the places for me.

mockturtle said...

I certainly don't hate Hillary supporters & voters but I'll never be able to respect her.

rehajm said...

CNN just reporting 98% of Democrats with no prostate trouble will pee their pants if Trump wins.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

CNN reporting 100% of Democrats who promised to move to Canada/flee the country will renege on their promise if Trump wins.

shiloh said...

1,101 total

It appears you have many more lurkers than (4) years ago.

robother said...

I will follow mostly at a distance, monitoring the comments here with an eye on some cable. Honestly, though, if it looks like a Trump Landslide is starting, I will be glued to MSNBC and CNN. Schadenfreude is a dish best savored hot off the presses.

rehajm said...

CNN reporting that thing on Dana Bash's lower lip is 'definitively' not herpes.

shiloh said...

Keep hope alive!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'll bet that poll wins the althouse most evenly split poll award.

Freeman Hunt said...

There is no possible good outcome. There is only bad and very slightly less bad.

Bay Area Guy said...

"There is no possible good outcome. There is only bad and very slightly less bad."

I respectfully dissent.

If Trump wins, a lot of bad lefties and media phonies will suffer catatonic injury to their collective psyche - (i.e., the political round table on CNN , Harry Reid, La Raza)

That is a good outcome, in my book

Howard said...

It will be over early. InfoWars is reporting that Podesta got 500,000 illegals and 200,000 dead retirees to put Hillary over the top.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'll take the Althouse option also. I know I don't always give you enough credit for hosting a forum like this.

As for the talking heads, they are indeed worthless.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There is no possible good outcome. There is only bad and very slightly less bad.

Nonsense. Any third party that exceeds 5% of the popular vote is eligible for federal funds and the power to grow its base to a point of perhaps even getting a place at the debates. Breaking the two-party duopoly is the most important priority now and the third parties have a greater shot at expanding their power and share of the electorate this year than ever before.

Even if they don't, it gives them much more power to force the two parties to co-opt their agendas. It's a definite win.

mccullough said...

I didn't like any of the choices so I did a write in

Freeman Hunt said...

"If Trump wins, a lot of bad lefties and media phonies will suffer catatonic injury to their collective psyche"

I admit, the media would be most entertaining after a Trump win. Seems like a long shot though. More likely to be a night of starry-eyed triumph in Media Land.

Lyle Smith said...

There probably won't be a better Presidential campaign year then this one for the rest of our lives. I am with Scott Adams; this year has been a lot of fun.

mccullough said...

If the Libertarians get over 5%, will they accept public funding?

tim maguire said...

I vote in New York and so have the luxury of casting a symbolic anti-Hillary vote. If I voted in Ohio, where I grew up, I would have no choice but to cast a meaningful anti-Hillary vote and may God have mercy on my soul.

mccullough said...

The most effective way to send a message to the media is to boycott their product. The NFL and ESPN are panicking

Bill Peschel said...

If I'm going anywhere, it'll be here or Drudge.

Four years ago, I was in a newsroom listening to CNN while editing copy. I can't tell you how happy I am this time around, editing my wife's book and listening to mashups. Later this evening, my wife and I will be on the couch watching Captain America: Civil War.

It's a good life.

Prediction: If Trump wins, we may be pleasantly surprised. The media's heads will collectively explode. That and the Rolling Stone verdict will inspire a lot of head-scratching. A few of them might even learn something from it.

If Hillary wins, expect the economy to still head south (more part-time and government jobs, fewer full-time jobs), Obamacare to collapse and be replaced with single-payer, open borders, and a flash war in Syria against Russia.

bagoh20 said...

"There is no possible good outcome. There is only bad and very slightly less bad."

I bet many wives feel that way about it now and then. I don't keep up on current events, so why is this erection night special?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If the Libertarians get over 5%, will they accept public funding?

If they're smart they would. There's no point changing the system if you refuse on purely symbolic grounds to work within it in order to do it.

But then again, maybe their purity and theories are more important than the reality of what they'd like to do.

It's definitely a question for them to answer, not me.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why would a libertarian-ish Republican want the Libertarians to become a strong party?

Freeman Hunt said...

"I bet many wives feel that way about it now and then"


Browndog said...

Well, our favorite lefty political insider reporter (Tim Skubik) here in Michigan was just on the local news-

For the first time I've heard these words from a democrat this election: "Michigan is in play for Trump"...followed by "The Clinton Campaign is nervous."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Thanks for giving us a place to be, Professor A! I really do appreciate it.

I meant to link to this song in an earlier thread (about identity and work selves v. true selves), may as well put 'er here:

YT The Who: The Real Me

Also, just because it is tremendously good, here:
YT The Who Woodstock - We're not gonna take it

BarrySanders20 said...

If Hillary wins I'll be happy for my wife.

Just like when the Cubs won.

buwaya said...

"If Hillary wins I'll be happy for my wife.
Just like when the Cubs won."

My situation exactly.

HT said...

The numbers don't seem promising for the Trump team.

I don't understand why you won't say who you voted for Ann. Are you contemplating another career in the media? What is the rationale for not saying? My guess was going to be Trump, but I really do not know.

bagoh20 said...

Everybody has at least one enemy on each side who is desperate for either a Trump or a Hillary win, so just imagine that person and how unhappy they are at the results. That should make your own pain much better, and give you great satisfaction. God Bless America!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

bagoh20 said...I bet many wives feel that way about it now and then.

You bet many wives? Will you wager your wives against my collection of camels? Fine camels, only the dopest and most dapper dromedaries. Are we on?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For the first time I've heard these words from a democrat this election: "Michigan is in play for Trump"...followed by "The Clinton Campaign is nervous."

Anyone who's smart will do their damnedest to find a way to make that work for them after tonight.

Tonight doesn't mean all that much. What is most important is finding a way to pressure President Hillary to be less of a tyrant. Or President Trump to be less of a moron.

Of course people like horse races so I have every confidence that they will forget about the importance of these priorities after tonight. They will wake up in a year asking credulously how President 2016 Disaster just got away with the newest abomination.

Both of these primitives will need immense pressure to do anything resembling the right thing. And with healthy threat of censure and/or impeachment every other day.

Jaq said...

Tonight doesn't mean all that much. What is most important is finding a way to pressure President Hillary to be less of a tyrant. Or President Trump to be less of a moron.

Both hopeless tasks.

TomHynes said...

I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am currently chugging an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with gatorade. I just wanted to share that with everyone.

rehajm said...

Fox News reporting 55% of Clinton voters are first time voters. They neglected to mention how many of those first time voters are first time legal voters.

bagoh20 said...

"Will you wager your wives against my collection of camels? "

It depends. Do your camels snore and vote Democrat? If not, then I think you got yourself an entrepreneurial bonanza there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks, Tom!

Chuck said...

A story worth your blogging, Althouse; this viral thing about Trump supposedly giving wife Melania's ballot the "side eye" while they were voting in Manhattan.

What bullshit. Your readers know how unsympathetic I am to Donald Trump. But just watch the video. It's nothing. A thoroughly unremarkable polling-place video.

One of the last, best examples of Trump derangement syndrome; in USA Today.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I would like to suggest that we make predictions and see who is closest tomorrow. I predict Clinton wins the total vote by 3%.

320Busdriver said...

I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am currently chugging an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with gatorade. I just wanted to share that with everyone.

Lime gatorade?.....smoove

Did it this summer...enjoy

Balfegor said...

On the one hand, I find that I am excited to see how this election turns out. But on the other hand, I'm pretty much checked out as far as caring who wins. I've articulated before the reasons I support Trump in the end (largely the sheer awfulness of the Democratic party's activists and their Sturmabteilungen who have gone about fomenting violence and intimidating political opponents this year), but Clinton II herself is not an unacceptable alternative. She's a lot more tarnished than she was in 2008, but I still just don't see her as the ogre so many others do.

Anyhow, I'm overseas now, so I'll go shopping for a bit (looking for some new walking shoes), do a bit of work, and check in again to see what doom has befallen us around noonish.

mockturtle said...

Per TomHynes: I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am currently chugging an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with gatorade. I just wanted to share that with everyone.

Hope everything comes out OK. ;-)

mccullough said...

I predict that for the 4th time in the last 8 elections, neither the GOP nominee nor the Dem nominee reaches 50% of the popular vote.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I would like to suggest that we make predictions and see who is closest tomorrow. I predict Clinton wins the total vote by 3%.

Wow, bold prediction there, ARM. What could have prompted you to choose that number?

HT said...

Who wins Hillsborough County?

SukieTawdry said...

Here's hoping against hope tonight is more fun than the blog's big Mittens Landslide Bash of 2012.

I didn't watch anything on tv or the Internet in 2012. When I heard in the morning who was turning out, I knew it was over. This one's still got everybody guessing.

shiloh said...

Had a colonoscopy (5) years ago. The actual procedure is unremarkable, but the preparation er liquid intake sucks!

We now return you to indecision 2016 ...

HT said...

Florida coming in now.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Cracker Emcee said...
Wow, bold prediction there, ARM. What could have prompted you to choose that number?

While I take note of the sarcasm I will ignore it and answer sincerely, from the heart. I used the Huffpo poll set on 'more smoothing'. This has been at roughly 3-4% for the entire election cycle. Based on this analysis very little happened during the election to change minds, which is my view.

HT said...

Colonoscopia - enjoy the demerol. It was delightful.

JAORE said...

Don't forget Florida includes central time in the panhandle. Final results might be a while.

Howard said...

neck and neck in Fla 43% reporting

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Here, this one is painfully good, too:

YT Talking Heads: Naive Melody (This Must Be The Place)

Howard said...

panhandle red

HT said...

Yeah, but I think their polls close at 7 pm central, so 30 more minutes. I renew my question: why do they begin showing results before the polls have closed?

Francisco D said...

I agree with alan marcus.

As to the result, I expect Hillary to win and the MSM will have one big orgasm, something Hillary knows nothing about.

Well ... there was Webster Hubbell.

SukieTawdry said...

Fox News reporting 55% of Clinton voters are first time voters.

I'm finding that a little hard to believe. What's it supposed to mean? That the traditional Democratic base is not turning out for her? That Millennials are suddenly surging for her? That the illegal vote in this election is yuuuge??

320Busdriver said...

Colonoscopia - enjoy the demerol. It was delightful.

They used propofol on me....lights ou

mockturtle said...

So far, so good! :-) Trump ahead in early voting.

320Busdriver said...

NC too close

HT said...

That's good too, not as good as the demerol IMO. It's what MJ was addicted to, and what killed him.

Howard said...

Early returns and early voting not the same thing

Jaq said...

Don't forget Florida includes central time in the panhandle. Final results might be a while

Announcing it neck and neck will increase turnout in the panhandle. I thought they were supposed to wait until the polls closed, but hey, all's fair, right?

I think it means that 55% of first time voters are voting for the Peronist candidate.

shiloh said...

Nate currently has Hillary winning by 3.6%, but as mentioned Nate is conservative.

I have Hillary winning nationwide by 4+%.

An aside Clinton '92 campaign crunched the #s and determined if you win by at least by 1.5 percent it's pretty much mathematically impossible to lose the electoral college.

2000 Gore won the popular vote nationwide by .5% and Bush squeaked by in FL.

carry on

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

shiloh gets off on indecision.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"While I take note of the sarcasm I will ignore it and answer sincerely, from the heart. I used the Huffpo poll set on 'more smoothing'."

And about a zillion other polls. The result of this election was foreordained in 2012 when we passed the "people voting themselves the people's purse" Rubicon.

320Busdriver said...

Fox News reporting 55% of Clinton voters are first time voters

I heard it as of first timers, 55% are voting for Clinton...not good

le Douanier said...

"Fox News reporting 55% of Clinton voters are first time voters.

I'm finding that a little hard to believe. What's it supposed to mean? That the traditional Democratic base is not turning out for her? That Millennials are suddenly surging for her? That the illegal vote in this election is yuuuge??"

When I read that comment, that's what I thought, too. If true, it means HRC is toast. It's hard to see how having more than half of you voters being folks who are voting for the first time will overwhelm everybody else voting for the other guy.

mockturtle said...

Early returns and early voting not the same thing

That's what I meant. Trump leading in NC and VA, unexpectedly.

HT said...

Hillary winning in Hillsborough!

Jaq said...

Great photobomb

You have to watch the voter behind the Democrat shill, err, I mean the CNN reporter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nate currently has Hillary winning by 3.6%, but as mentioned Nate is conservative.

I have Hillary winning nationwide by 4+%.

That's awesome!

So. Which right-wing policies do you think she'll start off implementing?

Remember, her husband deregulated Wall Street, pushed DOMA, NAFTA, mass incarceration, and welfare "reform."

For Hillary's part, she's gloated about assassinating journalists, pushed regime change in a benign country (Libya) to turn it into an al Qaeda safe-haven, laughed about its leader getting bayoneted in the ass, is pushing for WWIII in Syria and sold climate change all around the world. And wants a "private" position on Wall Street and TPP that's different from her "public" position on those things.

So, what do you say, Shiloh? War with Russia by... May 2017, maybe? Mass refugee crisis to follow by summer?

Do let me know how quickly she can implement this very important agenda of hers.

mockturtle said...

So far, Hillary's only leading in VT.

shiloh said...

And speaking of FL ***if*** Hillary wins FL it's ballgame, game over thanks for coming. Please have a safe drive home ...

HT said...

You're right shiloh, but she ain't doin so well there now.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

mccullough said...I didn't like any of the choices so I did a write in
Who'd you write in? I didn't write anybody this time--it was 8 minutes from the front door to the exit for me (the primary took about 25 mins due to a line) at about 5:15 this afternoon. Last midterm I wrote in Ronald Reagan & Milton Friedman for some local (unopposed) offices.

TomHynes said...I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am currently chugging an entire bottle of Miralax mixed with gatorade. I just wanted to share that with everyone.
Best of luck with the results--from what I understand the actual procedure's not bad at all but the prep you're doin' now is no fun. You'll be ok, though.

Here, semi-related: YT Fletch: Bend Over Mr Babar

shiloh said...

Ritmo, have you already conceded the election to Hillary?

Matt Sablan said...

Florida and Virginia are going to give lots of people ulcers tonight it looks.

320Busdriver said...

. It's what MJ was addicted to, and what killed him.

Thats why I asked the gas passer about it. She didnt recommend it for home use:)

And that was the last thing I remember...

instant wake up and no ill after effects though ymmv

HT said...

Trump up 3 in Fla. Uh oh.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Please have a safe drive home ...

Lol. What if she drones you on the way? Hands behind the wheel of that 20-year old Saab, whistling your favorite ABBA songs. And then, BOOM!

The least she could do is laugh you off the way she did Qaddafi. Or lie about the outcome like she did to the Ben Ghazi families.

Matt Sablan said...

I know time zones are confusing and all, but you'd think, at least one election year, everyone wouldn't start reporting on Florida's votes until all of Florida had voted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, have you already conceded the election to Hillary?

Have you conceded that you have zero policy interest and only care to diddle your candidate for the one night in four years that you have nothing else to defend or fight for?

rehajm said...

You're right shiloh, but she ain't doin so well there now.

She needs a better differential in Broward than Obama in 2012. She's pretty much out of blue counties..

mockturtle said...

Tim in VT calls this video to our attention:
Great photobomb

You have to watch the voter behind the Democrat shill, err, I mean the CNN reporter.

Looks like the guy is wearing a Trump cap, doesn't it? Hee-hee!

MaxedOutMama said...

I am very disappointed, because I thought Ann's rat collection would get one more airing tonight.

Not even a drawing of a rat making a concession/acceptance speech (whisker language is important), or trying to spin on TV coverage? Seriously, no RATS, Ann?

Meade is letting you let yourself down. He should have you working away on the evening rats right now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have conceded that Hillary will cheat her way through this election and her stranglehold of the media's coverage of it no less than she did through her party's primary election. Her lawyers have already admitted that they lied about their mission and defended it on the grounds that lying is protected political speech.

THis is shiloh's favorite candidate. Save the nobody who went by the name "Martin O'Malley."

shiloh likes stuffed suits like that.

rehajm said...

Browards in - she's leading by 30,000 or so, but she's out of 212 blue counties...

HT said...

Fla is really bad news for Hillary.

Matt Sablan said...

I don't know if 30k votes can be made up in the panhandle because I know nothing about Florida's political leanings.

SukieTawdry said...

That was great, Tim!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

This is a good version, too, from a Sean Penn movie:

Talking Heads: This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)

The less we say about it the better
make it up as we go along

I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another
Did I find you, or you find me?

I'm just an animal looking for a home and,
Share the same space for a minute or two

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump nationwide at 5% on a wave. Or a freaking nailbiter.

Howard said...

trump up 2.9% @ 71% in Fla

Jaq said...

Looks like the guy is wearing a Trump cap, doesn't it? Hee-hee

Yes, under his hoodie. Trump is the outlaw candidate, that's for sure. For people who really care about their brand, anyways.

I hope if he wins, he bulldozes the White House and builds condos for yuppies on that beautiful Lafayette Square address. Hillary would do the same thing, only instead of actually building something, she would just be selling power.

I am pulling for the plucky old wench to finally get to billionaire status based on peddling her power. It's an ancient tradition, goes back to Tallyrand, at least!

Howard said...

Abba always reminds me of G Gordon Liddy

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I usually work late and another manager at my office is usually there late, too. He's rabidly anti-Hillary (though not a big fan of Trump) so I bought a small Hillary 2016 Rosie the Riveter sticker (3rd party, no campaign $ and I waited until last week just to be sure) and stuck it onto his bumper (with a removable pad) this afternoon when I left "early" to vote. He just called and that's the hardest I've heard him laugh in a while.
So, you know, a couple of smiles anyway.

Howard said...

Same as it ever was
Once in a Lifetime

HT said...

Panhandle should go Trump solidly. The Post is giving different numbers. Now CNN's saying Clinton is ahead. But again, panhandle goes to Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We know you're a queen, shiloh, and that you can dance on graves.

Other than that, I think your taste in music is probably just as bad as your taste in everything else.

Hillary hates you. How soon after the inauguration will you wait until your offer her your firstborn kitten?

rehajm said...

Panhandle should go Trump solidly.

I'm trying to add up the panhandle from the 2012 map to see if it's still's very close

shiloh said...

"trump up 2.9% @ 71% in Fla"

73% = Hillary leads by (3%).

HT said...

The thing is, even if a county's been declared, doesn't mean all the votes have been counted - so Miami Dade etc could still be adding to the numbers (hopefully).

Simon said...

I have a case of miller lite and plenty of bourbon. Let it begin. :)

rehajm said...

I can get a 130,000+ differential for Trump with the biggest counties in the panhandle...still looks very possible for Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I wish I could be hopeful about Trump winning. I mean I think he can win, but I wish I was excited about the candidate who stuck the final knife in Hillary actually winning himself.

Hillary helps of course. That fireworks show over NYC she was planning? Queen Elizabeth? Sure, she can have one on her coronation, but not an American President. It was just the most terrible idea.

campy said...

I know time zones are confusing and all, but you'd think, at least one election year, everyone wouldn't start reporting on Florida's votes until all of Florida had voted.

But that wouldn't help democrats.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

People who feel they have something to gain by a Hillary presidency: William Kristol, most neoconservatives, the Bush family, Koch Corporation, and shiloh.

What magic is possible with that combination of winners!

Jaq said...

My daughter is making me a drink called a "Schrodinger's Cat." A capital idea!

HT said...

here come de panhandle...

Howard said...

CNN: republican source says Trump loses Fla by 2%

Oso Negro said...

It is always interesting to me how some states can be called with zero percentage reporting and others, such as VA right now cannot be called with Virginia (13) Clinton 40.9 Trump 54.4 (30% reporting)

mockturtle said...

Trump is leading [overall] in popular votes, Hillary in electoral. But it's early.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you liked wasting a trillion $ on bad intelligence to invade Iraq, you're gonna love shiloh's Hillary!

How much will she spend and how many countries are on her list, shiloh? Since you seem to be locked in a Vulcan mind-meld with her, perhaps you can let the normal people know what your Lizard Queen has up her sleeve - as far as invasions go.

Just skip the stupid stuff about renaming post offices. Let us know what she's going to do insofar as actually running the country goes.

Not that you care or anything.

shiloh said...

btw, Hillary doesn't need FL to win.

HT said...

I know Shiloh, but it would be a relief if she did.

Howard said...

Southeast Fla democrat country still not reporting She's in

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


With cannabis prohibition being abandoned on ballots tonight by like, now half the country, can you tell us how many black males HIllary plans to lock up under the DEA with her whole "Get Tough on Cannabis" approach?

I mean, you're basically her press secretary. And she's notoriously secretive about what she actually wants to do.

So a little insight would be nice.

Birkel said...

A relief, how, exactly? What great things do you expect to happen? And on what past positive accomplish do you have your porojections?

HT said...

Hillsborough went from solid to baby blue!!!!!! Oh no...

Inga said...

Amazing how well Clinton is doing in NC, huh? Hi Althousians! I dropped by in honor of election night and to celebrate the first woman President. Don't get mad, she's more better suited to be President than Trump, the country will survive her, can't say the same for Trump.

Birkel said...


HoodlumDoodlum said...

tim in vermont said...My daughter is making me a drink called a "Schrodinger's Cat." A capital idea!

You won't know if you're inebriated or not until you stand up?
Getting quantum superpositionally-drunk sounds like a good idea.

HT said...

Sweetie, I'm just watchin the returns.

le Douanier said...

"I mean, you're basically her press secretary. And she's notoriously secretive about what she actually wants to do.

So a little insight would be nice."

So, now you're interested in her own version of what she'd do.

It's more fun when you get all worked up inventing her evil plans for her.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


THere are a LOT of neocons out there. Which neocons favorite regime-change candidate will Queen Hillary invade?

Also, there are a LOT of investment banks on Wall Street. Which one will your Queen Hillary allow to own the entire U.S. economy?

Questions, questions. shiloh's queen don't got time for that. But he can still field the question.

Birkel said...

Ah, Inga dropped its many sockpuppets.

Inga said...

Mo betta, lol.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Inga said...Hi Althousians! I dropped by in honor of election night and to celebrate the first woman President.

Hi Inga. Where've you been?

Jaq said...

Hi Inga! The legend returns!

Birkel said...

I am not your anything. Save your condescending bull shit for people who give a good God damn.

Now, would you offer a positive vision for a Hillary presidency?

tcrosse said...

Hillary Clinton can break the glass ceiling by becoming the first Woman president to be impeached. Sisterhood is powerful.

Bryant said...

Florida just flipped to Trump in the lead!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, now you're interested in her own version of what she'd do.

It's more fun when you get all worked up inventing her evil plans for her.

So she has evil plans for herself? THat would be a nice change. Balance it out against her evil plans for everyone else.

Feel free to tell me what good her interest in further deregulating Wall Street, more regime change wars, more fracking, more targeting of political enemies (like Julian Assange) will do.

Feel free. Any time, now.

Any day.

Jaq said...

So now that it's all over, which accomplishment will Hillary build on in her presidency. What was her finest hour, and what lessons can we draw from that as to what kind of president she will be?

Michael K said...

If Trump wins, a lot of bad lefties and media phonies will suffer catatonic injury to their collective psyche - (i.e., the political round table on CNN , Harry Reid, La Raza)

That is a good outcome, in my book

Yes, it would be delightful to see Harry locked in the nuclear depository for a few years. At least until he glowed in the dark.

Inga said...

Don't be grumpy conservatives, it will all be OK, lay back and enjoy it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's interesting to see how silent Hillary supporters are any time you ask them about her policies. They shut up quicker than a Warner Bros. cartoon character accidentally ingesting Alum.

Just all puckered up.

Howard said...

just coming for Hillary with Dade, Broward and Palm Beach

Achilles said...

Florida is insane on the NBC link.

If we had an honest opposition we could call it for trump now.

Inga said...

Florida just flipped back, lol.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Inga said...Don't be grumpy conservatives, it will all be OK, lay back and enjoy it.

What an ugly, rapey thing to say. Must be an impostor!

Jaq said...

I think her biggest accomplishment was destabilizing the EU through the brilliant stroke of a massive wave of refugees from her military adventures!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't be grumpy conservatives, it will all be OK, lay back and enjoy it.

And HIllary's primary demographic chimes in: Post-menopausal women exacting psychological vengeance against their bad memories of boorish male bosses in the 1960s.

Really important issue to run an election on in 2016.

HT said...

I am not a Hillary supporter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Raise your hands, anyone here who has confidence in the integrity of Florida's voting machines and ballot counting procedures.

shiloh said...

Interesting, and I thought this for some time, it's reverse coattails in OH/FL as Portman/Rubio helping Trump in both states. Strickland was an absolute train wreck in Ohio and many wonder why the powers that be ever thought he would be a good candidate for the senate.

Plus Portman outspent him about 2.5 to 1.

Jaq said...

That was pretty rapey. Most of the stuff lefties say is bullshit. They don't really care about anything but power over everybody else.

Howard said...


HT said...

Trump is winning by THIRTY votes in Fla

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
There are a LOT of neocons out there. Which neocons favorite regime-change candidate will Queen Hillary invade?

This is Brett Stevens in the WSJ today: "Donald Trump is a demagogue. Period. The fervor of his crowds recalls Nasser’s Egypt. His convictions are illiberal. His manners are disgusting. His temper is frightening."

The neocons attacks on Trump have been the biggest surprise of this election cycle. You would have thought that they would have worked to co-opt him rather than simply attack him. Something I am not getting there.

Jaq said...

But hand it to Inga to lead with a rape joke!

Howard said...

R&B: like I said, they got 1/2-a million illegals to vote plus a couple hunny dead retirees from Boca

Inga said...

Oh please, I'm so sure you are concerned about rape victims.

le Douanier said...

R&B, I don't think she'd actually order the assassination of Assange. Likewise, as best as I can tell, your other predictions are unmoored.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

2016: The Election for the Old Ladies.

Seriously. THey actually think HIllary Clinton is like Joan of Arc or a suffragette. Amelia Earhardt.

Hillary is Everywoman. All individual female identities will now be relinquished and sublimated into the persona of the Queen Bee. Your spokesperson has been chosen.

Birkel said...

What great things can I expect from a Hillary presidency?

Name the things, collectivists.

Achilles said...

Stick a fork in Florida. It is done.

Jaq said...

Something I am not getting there - ARM

That's a beginning. If you start thinking that Hillary's embrace of a proxy war with Russia in Syria and her overthrow of stable government in Libya because freedom! You will start to get why neocons figure that Hillary is their best bet.

Oh yeah, and read the Goldman Sachs speeches. It's not really illegal to read them.

Inga said...

At least I didn't say Clinton should grab you by the dick, now did I?

Jaq said...

Oh please, I'm so sure you are concerned about rape victims. - Inga

Well, I didn't vote to put a forcible rapist in an office in the West Wing like you did, Inga.

Howard said...

25% reporting from palm beach, 0% Broward

Achilles said...

Blogger Inga said...
Oh please, I'm so sure you are concerned about rape victims.

We do. People who support bill and Hillary obviously don't.

rehajm said...

Trump +60K in Okaloosa early voting and incomplete count of vote by mails...

Browndog said...

Here we go with Broward County again....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B, I don't think she'd actually order the assassination of Assange.

So Assange is someone she'd treat differently than Qaddafi. You have a lot of faith. Read the WikiLeak on how serious she was about exploring the "droning" option. Others laughed, she was serious. Read it.

Likewise, as best as I can tell, your other predictions are unmoored.

LOL! Hey, I'm just going off of her past. Suffice it to say, I have less faith than you do that her past policies were just a lie to convince people of what she had the shamelessness to do, rather than what she'd prefer to keep doing.

But nice of you to believe in this Magic Hillary who Will Transform into a non-Neocon Warmongering Corporatist the night of the election. I'm sure she really appreciates your faith. Abandoning objective rationality is a really important prerequisite for believing whatever a pathological liar tells you.

Fun Challenge: Name the one time that Hillary ever took a consistent stand on a policy she said she wanted and actually implemented. You know, that one time.

I know you can do it!

Sebastian said...

@ARM: "The neocons attacks on Trump have been the biggest surprise of this election cycle. You would have thought that they would have worked to co-opt him rather than simply attack him. Something I am not getting there." As a #NeverNeverTrumper and former neocon, I agree. Especially compared to the main opponent: did they really mean to say that Clinton & Co.. are less demagogic, less ethically challenged, less insulting to women, and more sensible in their judgment of foreign affairs?

320Busdriver said...

I'll take mass muslim refugee importation for 200 Alex

Jaq said...

Likewise, as best as I can tell, your other predictions are unmoored.

That's what we like about the Clinton trolls, the specific and cogent arguments. Hows about you give the thread a single prediction that he made that you think is "unmoored" and tell us why?

HA HA HA! I am just kidding. I know you don't have the wattage to do something like that. It's OK. Nobody expects it.

320Busdriver said...

Whats the delta to force a mandatory recount in Fla?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

HIllary would never grab a man by the dick. She already has a plastic version that she shares with Huma.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim in vermont said...
That's a beginning. If you start thinking that Hillary's embrace of a proxy war with Russia in Syria and her overthrow of stable government in Libya because freedom! You will start to get why neocons figure that Hillary is their best bet.

But this doesn't explain why they were so hostile from the start. It would have made more sense to flatter Trump and steer him towards their own goals rather than just burn down the house. Set up are few meetings with Henry Kissinger and they could have had him vowing to nuke Iran and the Saudis on day one. It's not like the Donald's views on foreign affairs were either closely held or well thought out.

Jaq said...

The Pegging of America.

Howard said...

Broward and Palm Beach holding out until they figure out how many votes Hillary needs

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Likewise, as best as I can tell, your other predictions are unmoored."

That's what we like about the Clinton trolls, the specific and cogent arguments.

I challenge any Hillary booster/defender to tell me a single policy that they have at least 90% confidence that she will do her most to implement.

They can't do it. And they don't care. For them, it's ONLY about persona, partisan team cheerleading, and gender/identity issues. Nothing else.

They are the low information voters to end all low information voters. The absolute bottom of the barrel of policy information.

Achilles said...

NC looks like the big D counties have all reported. Should know soon there.

shiloh said...

May have spoke too soon about Portman and Trump as currently in Ohio Hillary leads Trump by over 100k w/31% reporting.

ie split tickets. Ohio ~ Ohio ~ Ohio er Florida ~ Florida ~ Florida

Stay tuned ...

Howard said...

Little Marco sweeps Fla

le Douanier said...

R&B, I'm sure she had some high lib voting percentage from her years in the Senate, so there's no reason for me to google it.

Presumably, you think a lib voting record is a good thing.

HT said...

Yeah, but whither Virginia. Even if Arlandria not in, pretty bad showing, it would seem to me.

shiloh said...

Indeed, it would be poetic if Hillary wins FL by 500 votes!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Let YT autoplay and it served up: The Who: Don't Get Fooled Again

rehajm said...

Broward and Palm Beach holding out until they figure out how many votes Hillary needs

Paging Hanging Chad...

HT said...

Shiloh, she's losing by nearly 1 % point now.

Inga said...

Shiloh, it would truly be poetic justice if Clinton won Florida by 500, so agree!

Jaq said...

MS. CLINTON: Well, you up the pain
that they[Iran] have to endure by not in any way
occupying or invading them but by bombing their


facilities. I mean, that is the option.
- HRC to Goldman Sachs

What's not to like neocons? Why go with the wildcard Trump?

"Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran!" - HRC (OK, I paraphrase_

You could read her speeches to Goldman Sachs, and maybe neocon support for Hillary would not be such a mystery.

Make no mistake, this Wikileaks crap is a shot below the waterline of the whole Clinton oligarchy. I wish there was a more modern sounding word than that, but Sanders nailed it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B, I'm sure she had some high lib voting percentage from her years in the Senate, so there's no reason for me to google it.

Presumably, you think a lib voting record is a good thing.

Invading Iraq? Very liberal.

She was a NY US Senator. Wall Street's spokesperson in the Congress. Was it liberal for her to back out of Elizabeth Warren's bankruptcy bill? To leave on the day of the vote?

Real courage there.

The things you people don't bother to learn about Hillary could fill a Google Server farm.

Chuck said...

The decidedly un-Trump Republicans are doing great. Rubio, Portman, and Todd Young with big wins. Todd Young beating Evan Bayh is big.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary's foreign policy, in a nutshell:

Bomb an Arab country, make refugees out of millions of them, flood other countries with the refugees, and then bitch about how mean the population is to not want to compete with them for jobs or that special brand of political "activism" many of them like to bring with them.

Bombing the hell out of the Mid East is like Hillary's own jihad. It keeps the cycle going. Kill people, praise the poor refugees, flood the labor markets with the jobs they'll compete for, and blame any resistance to that hysterical madness on what's known as "Islamaphobia".

She really has her work cut out for her, doesn't she?

LYNNDH said...

I spent the day doing for myself. Exercising, shooting, shopping, gas in the car, liquor store, washing the car and going to see a good movie. I saw Hacksaw Ridge. Mel Gibson did a fairly good job in doing this movie. Won't get awards because - God, Valor, Principles, Military, War. And of course Mel himself.

320Busdriver said...

<.5% diff means mandatory recount in fl

I remember the night on the couch in 2000

MaxedOutMama said...

Oh, Please God, no. Not a recount in Fl. Please. We have suffered enough. Can't we just have the two candidates shoot at each other at 20 paces? Anything but a recount.

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