It's too bad that Scott Walker couldn't bring himself to say he would try to do something to fix birth-right citizenship. He would be cruising to a victory in the Presidential election on Tuesday.
Manufactured news with an attempt to make a negative out of nothing. With a little effort (Ha! Ha!) the reporter could have seen that Trump is scheduled to be in Tampa at 1000hrs; in Wilmington, NC at 1300hrs; in Reno at 1700hrs and in Denver at 2130hrs. I'd say he would have had a very difficult time fitting in WI and, if one weren't consumed by negative thoughts, one might decide that Trump thought Ryan could carry the ball for them both.
I would send Pence to all these pre-election events now in WI instead of Trump. Wisconsinites like Pence much better than Trump. A vote for Pence is a vote for Trump.
Trump trails by six points. People keep thinking of Winsc as a "Swing state" but in fact since 1976 Wisconsin had only voted Republican twice - for Reagan. IOW, 32 years ago.
Trump trails by six points. People keep thinking of Winsc as a "Swing state" but in fact since 1976 Wisconsin had only voted Republican twice - for Reagan. IOW, 32 years ago.
Nothing is written. If all you Sconnies whose souls, per Achilles, have not been flushed down a toilet, vote for Donald Trump, Trump can win Wisconsin.
My bad. It's Sunday's schedule that got screwed up. Trump's schedule for Sunday is Sioux City at 1200hrs, Sterling Heights, MI at 1800 hrs, Moon Township, PA at 2000hrs. Sterling Hts, MI is considerably north of Detroit so it appears Trump will either have to travel by car or chopper. West Allis would be a tough fit. The distance from Sioux City to Detroit is about 800 miles. Call it a two hour flight. Milwaukee is about an hour flight. So if Trump left Sioux City at 1400 he might have made it to West Allis around 1500 if everything went just right. Then if he left West Allis at 1700hrs he would never be able to make Sterling Hts at 1800. Following the travel time you can see that if he stopped in West Allis there is a good chance that he would not be in PA until 2200 or later and all the papers and evening news would have shut down by then. If I had been reviewing Trump's schedule I would have dropped WI as well. There is going to be a rally there anyway and it won't hurt for Johnson to have top billing. The important part of the story which, of course was buried, is that Ryan was ready to campaign with Trump if their schedules worked out.
Ann, you are usually a much more astute reader. You're OOO, Ouch is misplaced!
I wrote here shortly after the publication of the sex-talk tape and after Trump declared the gloves off, that the abandonment of Trump by the GOP leadership might cement his status as the true outsider in the election. His snub of Ryan confirms that. He doesn't need Ryan and he is letting him know it.
Bush came within 10000 votes in both 2000 and 2004 of winning Wisconsin, so it isn't impossible for a Republican to carry the state- in 92 and 96, a majority of Wisconsinites voted against Bill Clinton, though he carried the state both times.
However, I doubt campaigning with Ryan helps Trump's cause in the state, and it is probably going to vote for Clinton anyway, so I can't see any real upside to carrying through with the stop, especially given Ryan's announcement.
Whether sanders was a willing participant or not he clearly was never meant to be a viable option to Hillary. Wikileaks's has destroyed the corrupt current form of the DNC one way or another.
Lucy pulling the football off the tee of Charlie Brown seldom happens again to DaTrump twice. Why would any winner trust Ryan to re-join the ship so he can lead the mutiny to throw Trump overboard one more time.
Ryan needs to develop loyalty to somebody besides the Koch Gang.
Ryan's been playing both ends against the middle for far too long. His equivocation is about to upend his political ambitions. One wonders how someone with so little evident foresight could end up Speaker of the House. One way or another Nature is about to correct that error.
@ David Begley From the signs I've seen around MN this makes sense for Trump and it fits his travel needs. If signs are any indicator ( fairly doubtful) Trump is generating a lot of enthusiasm in MN
The Cap Times is a joke. Fuck Paul Ryan. At the last minute he deems Trump worthy for a West Allis photo op? Ryan must be thinking Trump might win, and getting nervous about it.
Trump has a better chance at MI or Pennsylvania. I wouldn't bet on Wisconsin going for Trump. Either way, Ryan has screwed Trump this entire election. Trump owes him nothing. At least Walker got on board the train earlier.
Ryan and Walker are very different men. Walker a ham sandwich guy with not a lot of money. Ryan a kept man, propped up by his Democrat wife's family money. Ryan is part of the establishment problem that Trump is trying to topple. Ryan has been corrupted by Washington seeking cooperative hugs from Pelosi. Walker has remained in Madison and reminded constantly of how bat shit crazy and dangerous liberals really are.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Ryan won't be speaker next year and his national political ambitions are over.
Blogger Quaestor said... Ryan's been playing both ends against the middle for far too long. His equivocation is about to upend his political ambitions. One wonders how someone with so little evident foresight could end up Speaker of the House. One way or another Nature is about to correct that error.
Ryan was placed in leadership of the GOP by the GOPe because he does that specific job. He talks the talk and pretends to be conservative and then he pushes for open borders and ignores regular order on budgets to pass Obamas budgets on voice vote. He is a false flag. He is the Bush wing of the party. A false alternative to the democrats and agent of the aristocracy.
Ryan is not a good person. He showed his true colors when he did everything in his power to get Hillary elected this election.
"mockturtle said...Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
I was born there and lived there until I was 23. I don't understand their preference for Hillary."
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
IOW, maybe your thinking is what's not on mark.
Just sayin'
A guy who talks and writes books and thinks very highly about his accomplishments. Unexpectedly! he is retiring this year after the election. After all of his blabbering he still can't say why Hillary will be better for the country. And he is suddenly 1000 times more popular and interesting than he has ever been in his career. He got an interview with Vox!
You people are so boring and dishonest. I want entertainment.
Please give me one Hillary success or accomplishment anyone would be proud of.
Dance monkey. You pretend to be so many things. How about you pretend the candidate you support is a decent human being and support that. With anything. Oh that's right you didn't vote for Hillary so you won't even do that.
It is time for Michael or Meade or whoever is running this sock to retire it. It is boring.
Yeah, and he only doubled the national debt to do it. That bill will never come due though, will it? As long as the right people are getting rich off of all of the borrowing, it's all good!
Hillary is perfectly acceptable to liberals though, right PB&J? Hundreds of millions of dollars acquired while on the public payroll, mostly through selling inside information about her true positions, you remember from Wikileaks that she always has two positions. One is available for free to the people, the other, her true position, can be learned by paying her or Bill to speak for half an hour.
DJT's policy that adds $5 trillion more to the debt than HRC's policy is really going to hurt them.
Yeah, and economics is an exact science and I am sure that that analysis was done in a completely even-handed way. I love how you throw BS numbers out there as if they were facts of nature.
Obamacare didn't cost America "one dime" either! Isn't that right? And everybody's premiums have come down! Economists know everything! Whatever.
Hillary is a fucking criminal who took millions of dollars from people, met with them as Secretary of State, burned the logs of those meetings in state department burn bags, google it. Those were Federal Records that she burned. This is a Federal crime.
She lied to Obama about taking this money as well.
PB&J posted: "mockturtle said...Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
I was born there and lived there until I was 23. I don't understand their preference for Hillary."
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
IOW, maybe your thinking is what's not on mark.
Just sayin'
If you're going to quote multiple posts, at least get your posters straight. Only the first sentence was mine. I was not born in Wisconsin.
I think it is adorable when a Democrat talks about the national debt. I saw Obama do it, once. He started to sweat and babbled like like a toddler. It was so cute! When he was done he grabbed his spoon like it was a hammer and pretended to hit things. Next thing, PB&J will tell how Trump's policies will restrict free speech, freedom of region, and the right to bear arms!
"How about you pretend the candidate you support is a decent human being and support that. With anything. Oh that's right you didn't vote for Hillary so you won't even do that."
How about this fool named Achilles names DJT traits that make him a "decent" man. The more I read from Achilles the more I'm convinced he is one of the worst of the deplorables. The absolute lowest most vile of the deplorables.
"More likely that the conflict with the Packers game caused the cancellation"
I'll buy that theory.
The #NeverTrump movement — strong back at primary time — has completely collapsed in Wisconsin over the last few weeks. Paul Ryan voted for sociopath Trump. Sen. Ron Johnson is supporting sociopath Trump. And, finally, former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson is supporting sociopath Trump.
So that's about all she wrote for Wisconsin NeverTrumpers. Now it's all about stopping the corrupt crooked Clintons. I'm most curious to see if my Bernie friends here in Madison end up turning out for Hillary. My gut says... no.
My gut also says most of what's left of WI NeverTrumpers will be voting for Mike Pence and will simply "not notice" that sociopath Trump's name is somehow attached to that particular line on the ballot.
My scientific study of yard signs in Madison shows, for every yard with both a Hillary sign and a RUSS (Feingold) sign, 7 with only a RUSS sign and no Hillary. Madison Berners hate Clinton even more than Trumpians do.
Meade - how can your Bernie friends vote for Hillary now that we know (via Wikileaks) she wanted to "stick a knife" into him? I can understand them not voting for Trump, but in light of what has come to light how can Bernie himself support her any longer?
"I can understand them not voting for Trump, but in light of what has come to light how can Bernie himself support her any longer?"
I know. I have the same question. I think a few will vote for Hillary in order to ensure a peaceful Thanksgiving with family and friends in case sociopath Trump wins. But most of my Bernie friends will not. They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
"The #NeverTrump movement — strong back at primary time — has completely collapsed in Wisconsin over the last few weeks. Paul Ryan voted for sociopath Trump. Sen. Ron Johnson is supporting sociopath Trump. And, finally, former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson is supporting sociopath Trump."
They tried to damage Trump as much as they could, but have to go through the motions of perfunctorily supporting Trump at the end - because its close.
Do you think people like me will ever forget how Ryan tried to destroy trump after the "grabbing Pussy" tape came out?
The NEVER TRUMPERS are dead to a lot of conservatives like me. Trump may lose, but he's changed the Republican party forever. I used to like Glenn Beck, now he will forever be Cheetos McCuck.
I know. I have the same question. I think a few will vote for Hillary in order to ensure a peaceful Thanksgiving with family and friends in case sociopath Trump wins. But most of my Bernie friends will not. They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
Since losing an election is by definition not getting what you want, or rather, getting what you don't want, if Hillary loses this year, will you feel electorally raped?
Interesting. Madison Socialists with integrity can vote Jill Stein on Tuesday knowing it helps Trump, who they do not think is as sociopathic as they publicly proclaim. I'd imagine the virtue signaling required in Madison is exhausting.
And they know damn well that much of his battle against entrenched elites is the same as Bernie's. His fight for the working middle class much the same as Bernie's. Trump's working middle class are miners and steel workers, Bernie's faculty and students. Trump's fight against voter fraud and Clinton corruption is where they split. Bernie is now part of the corruption. Engulfed by it. Stockholm syndrome perhaps.
When the Clinton machine kicked in to screw Trump, the sociopath pushed back. Bernie bent over and abandoned his movement and his $27 supporters. Bernie enjoyed the soft petting from the media during the primary, and never intended to fight it out. He was the 'good' outsider. There must be some shock and shame in that among Bernie enthusiasts who thought he was genuine. He flopped like a fish. No socialist is truly genuine. Deep down they know it, and why they shout Shame! at everyone else.
If Madison's socialist have enough integrity to risk Hillary losing Wisconsin, then it's true they have more integrity than Bernie.
Achilles: A guy who talks and writes books and thinks very highly about his accomplishments. Unexpectedly! he is retiring this year after the election. After all of his blabbering he still can't say why Hillary will be better for the country. And he is suddenly 1000 times more popular and interesting than he has ever been in his career. He got an interview with Vox!
Yah, I already nuked the sockpuppet's Vox angle in that thread. And now you are making the rubble bounce. Nicely done.
Sykes would be well-advised to keep a low profile in his new retirement. If Trump loses, the only thing left for people like me to do is tear down the GOPe. Sure, the Dems are thieves. But the GOP has betrayed us. There is a reason we only incarcerate thieves. Traitors we hang.
They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
Counter-intuitive. Embracing a philosophy that has failed over and over again while being responsible for the most horrifying genocides and highest global body count is not the mark of anyone with integrity and self-respect.
Actually, there is a huge group of Bernie supporters on Trump's reddit page rooting for him. They understand that this election is about the People Vs the Political Class. They experienced firsthand how the Establishment Party (E) rigged their primaries to select Hillary.
Good to have them on board. They have given us useful tips.
"Trump rushed off stage, apparently someone had a gun."
He didn't have a gun but is an idiot. He was apparently trying to hold up a "Republicans for Hillary" sign and, of course, all the left wing press is now interviewing him, just like the Dayton incident last August.
They keep hoping if they give these idiots enough publicity, they will find a real assassin.
shilo is so confident of the voters for Sanders. When confronted with the cheating that Clinton did to win the primary, more cheating came out in yesterday's Wikileaks BTW, he said the thing that Clinton supporters always say when caught bending or breaking the rules "Politics ain't beanbag." It's a big saying among Clinton operatives. He exulted at the "grind Sanders to a pulp" leak. But now he wants them to "put some ice on it" I guess, and not vote for Stein, or whatever, and vote for the head from which the fish rots.
By the way, winning six coin tosses in a row in a single run? Sure. Happens every day! No cheating there! At least they weren't playing beanbag for those delegates!
I do not know where your mental health training comes from. Calling Trump a sociopath seems ridiculous to me, a long-time licensed psychologist. He is a narcissist (like all politicians) and an oaf who does not understand many nuances of politics and policy, nor does he care to.
The Clintons are clearly sociopaths, from the beginning. There is no question about that.
I am hoping that you were being sarcastic or ironic or ... whatever. If otherwise, my respect for your intelligence has greatly diminished.
You are technically correct. I cannot make a diagnosis without a clinical interview. I called upon clinical training and experience which makes my PERSONAL OPINION pretty easy.
I was making a pretty good guess, based on 30+ years experience. You were making a pretty bad guess (IMHO) based on what?
I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this: Seek professional help for your emotional issues. You might be clinically delusional.
The good news is that if you are under the age of 40 and you're able to find a competent psychotherapist to work with you, you stand about a 70% chance of overcoming your issues. I sincerely wish you well.
Meade scolds me, attempting to school me: Is that really what I'm saying? In my non-professional unlicensed opinion, it would behoove you to read more carefully and think more critically.
I've heard from an actual Moby that Donald Trump is a sociopath.
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Isn't there some sort of bad news tag for Ryan, like there is for BHO?
If DJT wins, that could get a lot of use.
It's too bad that Scott Walker couldn't bring himself to say he would try to do something to fix birth-right citizenship. He would be cruising to a victory in the Presidential election on Tuesday.
I talked to somebody operating on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail in WI this morning and he failed to mention this news.
No matter what happens Tuesday Ryan is out as speaker. Open borders is no longer a plank in the new GOP.
Manufactured news with an attempt to make a negative out of nothing. With a little effort (Ha! Ha!) the reporter could have seen that Trump is scheduled to be in Tampa at 1000hrs; in Wilmington, NC at 1300hrs; in Reno at 1700hrs and in Denver at 2130hrs. I'd say he would have had a very difficult time fitting in WI and, if one weren't consumed by negative thoughts, one might decide that Trump thought Ryan could carry the ball for them both.
I would send Pence to all these pre-election events now in WI instead of Trump. Wisconsinites like Pence much better than Trump. A vote for Pence is a vote for Trump.
Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
mockturtle said...Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
I was born there and lived there until I was 23. I don't understand their preference for Hillary.
This is much funnier than a stupid non-story about the guy who won't be speaker much longer.
Hold Up!
Trump trails by six points. People keep thinking of Winsc as a "Swing state" but in fact since 1976 Wisconsin had only voted Republican twice - for Reagan. IOW, 32 years ago.
Trump trails by six points. People keep thinking of Winsc as a "Swing state" but in fact since 1976 Wisconsin had only voted Republican twice - for Reagan. IOW, 32 years ago.
Regarding Achilles' link from Youtube:
I liked this comment to Obama's speech:
He had EIGHT YEARS to fix things! Yet he DID NOTHING!!! Don't fall for the same DNC lies again. Hope & Change my ass.
Nothing is written. If all you Sconnies whose souls, per Achilles, have not been flushed down a toilet, vote for Donald Trump, Trump can win Wisconsin.
My bad. It's Sunday's schedule that got screwed up. Trump's schedule for Sunday is Sioux City at 1200hrs, Sterling Heights, MI at 1800 hrs, Moon Township, PA at 2000hrs. Sterling Hts, MI is considerably north of Detroit so it appears Trump will either have to travel by car or chopper. West Allis would be a tough fit. The distance from Sioux City to Detroit is about 800 miles. Call it a two hour flight. Milwaukee is about an hour flight. So if Trump left Sioux City at 1400 he might have made it to West Allis around 1500 if everything went just right. Then if he left West Allis at 1700hrs he would never be able to make Sterling Hts at 1800. Following the travel time you can see that if he stopped in West Allis there is a good chance that he would not be in PA until 2200 or later and all the papers and evening news would have shut down by then. If I had been reviewing Trump's schedule I would have dropped WI as well. There is going to be a rally there anyway and it won't hurt for Johnson to have top billing. The important part of the story which, of course was buried, is that Ryan was ready to campaign with Trump if their schedules worked out.
Ann, you are usually a much more astute reader. You're OOO, Ouch is misplaced!
The thing about grasping the nettle is, you have to do it firmly, the half-assed approach is how you get a handful of pricks.
But then, maybe Ryan likes a handful of pricks...
but in fact since 1976 Wisconsin had only voted Republican twice - for Reagan. IOW, 32 years ago.
More than enough students at Marquette alone admitted to voter fraud in Wisconsin to have given the state to Bush in 2000.
Trump in St. Paul, Minnesota on Sunday at 2 pm. Airport rally.
Trump doesn't need Ryan- that is the message.
I wrote here shortly after the publication of the sex-talk tape and after Trump declared the gloves off, that the abandonment of Trump by the GOP leadership might cement his status as the true outsider in the election. His snub of Ryan confirms that. He doesn't need Ryan and he is letting him know it.
Bush came within 10000 votes in both 2000 and 2004 of winning Wisconsin, so it isn't impossible for a Republican to carry the state- in 92 and 96, a majority of Wisconsinites voted against Bill Clinton, though he carried the state both times.
However, I doubt campaigning with Ryan helps Trump's cause in the state, and it is probably going to vote for Clinton anyway, so I can't see any real upside to carrying through with the stop, especially given Ryan's announcement.
This is even more interesting.
Sanders was blackmailed.
Whether sanders was a willing participant or not he clearly was never meant to be a viable option to Hillary. Wikileaks's has destroyed the corrupt current form of the DNC one way or another.
Paul Ryan turned out to be overrated.
More likely that the conflict with the Packers game caused the cancellation
Lucy pulling the football off the tee of Charlie Brown seldom happens again to DaTrump twice. Why would any winner trust Ryan to re-join the ship so he can lead the mutiny to throw Trump overboard one more time.
Ryan needs to develop loyalty to somebody besides the Koch Gang.
Ryan can have Reince as his headliner.
Ryan's been playing both ends against the middle for far too long. His equivocation is about to upend his political ambitions. One wonders how someone with so little evident foresight could end up Speaker of the House. One way or another Nature is about to correct that error.
@ David Begley From the signs I've seen around MN this makes sense for Trump and it fits his travel needs. If signs are any indicator ( fairly doubtful) Trump is generating a lot of enthusiasm in MN
The Cap Times is a joke. Fuck Paul Ryan. At the last minute he deems Trump worthy for a West Allis photo op? Ryan must be thinking Trump might win, and getting nervous about it.
Trump has a better chance at MI or Pennsylvania. I wouldn't bet on Wisconsin going for Trump. Either way, Ryan has screwed Trump this entire election. Trump owes him nothing. At least Walker got on board the train earlier.
Ryan and Walker are very different men. Walker a ham sandwich guy with not a lot of money. Ryan a kept man, propped up by his Democrat wife's family money. Ryan is part of the establishment problem that Trump is trying to topple. Ryan has been corrupted by Washington seeking cooperative hugs from Pelosi. Walker has remained in Madison and reminded constantly of how bat shit crazy and dangerous liberals really are.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Ryan won't be speaker next year and his national political ambitions are over.
Blogger Quaestor said...
Ryan's been playing both ends against the middle for far too long. His equivocation is about to upend his political ambitions. One wonders how someone with so little evident foresight could end up Speaker of the House. One way or another Nature is about to correct that error.
Ryan was placed in leadership of the GOP by the GOPe because he does that specific job. He talks the talk and pretends to be conservative and then he pushes for open borders and ignores regular order on budgets to pass Obamas budgets on voice vote. He is a false flag. He is the Bush wing of the party. A false alternative to the democrats and agent of the aristocracy.
Ryan is not a good person. He showed his true colors when he did everything in his power to get Hillary elected this election.
"mockturtle said...Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
I was born there and lived there until I was 23. I don't understand their preference for Hillary."
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
IOW, maybe your thinking is what's not on mark.
Just sayin'
"mccullough said...
More likely that the conflict with the Packers game caused the cancellation"
"He had EIGHT YEARS to fix things! Yet he DID NOTHING!!! Don't fall for the same DNC lies again. Hope & Change my ass."
At least he plugged the damn hole.
And, at least one other thing got plugged.
DJT grabs the hole, so that's something.
Trump is not gonna be Ryan's lackey.
The Republicans didn't want to support him, ok, he don't owe them a DIME.
Tough shit RNC.
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
IOW, maybe your thinking is what's not on mark.
Just sayin'
A guy who talks and writes books and thinks very highly about his accomplishments. Unexpectedly! he is retiring this year after the election. After all of his blabbering he still can't say why Hillary will be better for the country. And he is suddenly 1000 times more popular and interesting than he has ever been in his career. He got an interview with Vox!
You people are so boring and dishonest. I want entertainment.
Please give me one Hillary success or accomplishment anyone would be proud of.
Dance monkey. You pretend to be so many things. How about you pretend the candidate you support is a decent human being and support that. With anything. Oh that's right you didn't vote for Hillary so you won't even do that.
It is time for Michael or Meade or whoever is running this sock to retire it. It is boring.
At least he plugged the damn hole
Yeah, and he only doubled the national debt to do it. That bill will never come due though, will it? As long as the right people are getting rich off of all of the borrowing, it's all good!
Vox is always the place I go to learn who is and is not conservative. Thanks for your concern.
"As long as the right people are getting rich off of all of the borrowing, it's all good!"
Right, DJT's policy that adds $5 trillion more to the debt than HRC's policy is really going to hurt them.
Plus y'all would get to keep being DJT apologists the whole time it (w/ Rs in congress) is happening.
non-RINO all the way!
Sounds good to me.
Hillary is perfectly acceptable to liberals though, right PB&J? Hundreds of millions of dollars acquired while on the public payroll, mostly through selling inside information about her true positions, you remember from Wikileaks that she always has two positions. One is available for free to the people, the other, her true position, can be learned by paying her or Bill to speak for half an hour.
DJT's policy that adds $5 trillion more to the debt than HRC's policy is really going to hurt them.
Yeah, and economics is an exact science and I am sure that that analysis was done in a completely even-handed way. I love how you throw BS numbers out there as if they were facts of nature.
Obamacare didn't cost America "one dime" either! Isn't that right? And everybody's premiums have come down! Economists know everything! Whatever.
Hillary is a fucking criminal who took millions of dollars from people, met with them as Secretary of State, burned the logs of those meetings in state department burn bags, google it. Those were Federal Records that she burned. This is a Federal crime.
She lied to Obama about taking this money as well.
She should be fit for an orange jumpsuit.
We had a little talk about budget forecasts, if you recall.
IIRC you agreed. Is nothing settled?
PB&J posted: "mockturtle said...Trump already sees Wisconsin as a lost cause so why waste time there?
I was born there and lived there until I was 23. I don't understand their preference for Hillary."
You should dig up Sykes interview w/ Vox. I already stuffed in it one of these threads, so that's enough. But, check it out. I know many here find it impossible to imagine, but DJT is a really shitty, to the point of unacceptability, conservative.
IOW, maybe your thinking is what's not on mark.
Just sayin'
If you're going to quote multiple posts, at least get your posters straight. Only the first sentence was mine. I was not born in Wisconsin.
I think it is adorable when a Democrat talks about the national debt. I saw Obama do it, once. He started to sweat and babbled like like a toddler. It was so cute! When he was done he grabbed his spoon like it was a hammer and pretended to hit things.
Next thing, PB&J will tell how Trump's policies will restrict free speech, freedom of region, and the right to bear arms!
Ouch in a lot of ways. Wisconsin is not in play.
"How about you pretend the candidate you support is a decent human being and support that. With anything. Oh that's right you didn't vote for Hillary so you won't even do that."
How about this fool named Achilles names DJT traits that make him a "decent" man. The more I read from Achilles the more I'm convinced he is one of the worst of the deplorables. The absolute lowest most vile of the deplorables.
I wonder what happened to the Wikileaks about the Clinton's satanic sex exploits. I heard we were going to hear all about today. What happened?
Oh boy fool unk#55, you would really like that, wouldn't you?
Ah, but you brought it up!
Tell us all about it!
Meade, this should be right up your alley. Turn loose the flying monkeys!
Probably raking the leaves. I'll wait.
"More likely that the conflict with the Packers game caused the cancellation"
I'll buy that theory.
The #NeverTrump movement — strong back at primary time — has completely collapsed in Wisconsin over the last few weeks. Paul Ryan voted for sociopath Trump. Sen. Ron Johnson is supporting sociopath Trump. And, finally, former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson is supporting sociopath Trump.
So that's about all she wrote for Wisconsin NeverTrumpers. Now it's all about stopping the corrupt crooked Clintons. I'm most curious to see if my Bernie friends here in Madison end up turning out for Hillary. My gut says... no.
For a state that's supposedly decided both are running tons of ads.
My gut also says most of what's left of WI NeverTrumpers will be voting for Mike Pence and will simply "not notice" that sociopath Trump's name is somehow attached to that particular line on the ballot.
My scientific study of yard signs in Madison shows, for every yard with both a Hillary sign and a RUSS (Feingold) sign, 7 with only a RUSS sign and no Hillary. Madison Berners hate Clinton even more than Trumpians do.
Just out: Big lead for Trump in Iowa. Why won't Wisconsinites follow suit?
Meade - how can your Bernie friends vote for Hillary now that we know (via Wikileaks) she wanted to "stick a knife" into him? I can understand them not voting for Trump, but in light of what has come to light how can Bernie himself support her any longer?
"I can understand them not voting for Trump, but in light of what has come to light how can Bernie himself support her any longer?"
I know. I have the same question. I think a few will vote for Hillary in order to ensure a peaceful Thanksgiving with family and friends in case sociopath Trump wins. But most of my Bernie friends will not. They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
Bernie followers are voting for Hillary because.....Trump.
"The #NeverTrump movement — strong back at primary time — has completely collapsed in Wisconsin over the last few weeks. Paul Ryan voted for sociopath Trump. Sen. Ron Johnson is supporting sociopath Trump. And, finally, former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson is supporting sociopath Trump."
They tried to damage Trump as much as they could, but have to go through the motions of perfunctorily supporting Trump at the end - because its close.
Do you think people like me will ever forget how Ryan tried to destroy trump after the "grabbing Pussy" tape came out?
The NEVER TRUMPERS are dead to a lot of conservatives like me. Trump may lose, but he's changed the Republican party forever. I used to like Glenn Beck, now he will forever be Cheetos McCuck.
Even socialists will vote for Hillary to ensure Trump loses.
Bernie followers are voting for Hillary because..... they're left-wing assholes who never honestly oppose what they say they do.
They say, they're for the working class and oppose Wall Street, but will vote for Hillary.
They're insincere clowns.
@Mada Gasper -- good article you linked to. Thanks.
One elector decides to keep his soul.
Blogger Meade said...
I know. I have the same question. I think a few will vote for Hillary in order to ensure a peaceful Thanksgiving with family and friends in case sociopath Trump wins. But most of my Bernie friends will not. They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
This is why Hillary will lose.
Since losing an election is by definition not getting what you want, or rather, getting what you don't want, if Hillary loses this year, will you feel electorally raped?
Bernie followers are voting for Hillary because.....Trump.
Talking to a lot of them in person are you? Because I don't think so. Maybe some, but not all by any means.
Interesting. Madison Socialists with integrity can vote Jill Stein on Tuesday knowing it helps Trump, who they do not think is as sociopathic as they publicly proclaim. I'd imagine the virtue signaling required in Madison is exhausting.
And they know damn well that much of his battle against entrenched elites is the same as Bernie's. His fight for the working middle class much the same as Bernie's. Trump's working middle class are miners and steel workers, Bernie's faculty and students. Trump's fight against voter fraud and Clinton corruption is where they split. Bernie is now part of the corruption. Engulfed by it. Stockholm syndrome perhaps.
When the Clinton machine kicked in to screw Trump, the sociopath pushed back. Bernie bent over and abandoned his movement and his $27 supporters. Bernie enjoyed the soft petting from the media during the primary, and never intended to fight it out. He was the 'good' outsider. There must be some shock and shame in that among Bernie enthusiasts who thought he was genuine. He flopped like a fish. No socialist is truly genuine. Deep down they know it, and why they shout Shame! at everyone else.
If Madison's socialist have enough integrity to risk Hillary losing Wisconsin, then it's true they have more integrity than Bernie.
Achilles: A guy who talks and writes books and thinks very highly about his accomplishments. Unexpectedly! he is retiring this year after the election. After all of his blabbering he still can't say why Hillary will be better for the country. And he is suddenly 1000 times more popular and interesting than he has ever been in his career. He got an interview with Vox!
Yah, I already nuked the sockpuppet's Vox angle in that thread. And now you are making the rubble bounce. Nicely done.
Sykes would be well-advised to keep a low profile in his new retirement. If Trump loses, the only thing left for people like me to do is tear down the GOPe. Sure, the Dems are thieves. But the GOP has betrayed us. There is a reason we only incarcerate thieves. Traitors we hang.
They might be socialists but they're socialists with integrity and self-respect.
Counter-intuitive. Embracing a philosophy that has failed over and over again while being responsible for the most horrifying genocides and highest global body count is not the mark of anyone with integrity and self-respect.
Bernie has lectured them to think of the poor and downtrodden working man.
From the porch of his 3rd multi-million dollar house.
Why is it always this pattern with the Elites of socialism?
Boxer always gets sent to the glue factory by the Pigs for a case of beer (Animal Farm).
Hey Meade, ask your Socialist Friends With Integrity if they have been invited yet to tour Bernie's new house. I bet they don't even know its his 3rd.
Actually, there is a huge group of Bernie supporters on Trump's reddit page rooting for him. They understand that this election is about the People Vs the Political Class. They experienced firsthand how the Establishment Party (E) rigged their primaries to select Hillary.
Good to have them on board. They have given us useful tips.
Conference call.
Trump rushed off stage, apparently someone had a gun.
So 3 days before the election, Rat Ryan decides to support Trump? Too fucking late, loser! Fuck Paul Ryan, fuckin' rat!
this guy,
"Trump rushed off stage, apparently someone had a gun."
He didn't have a gun but is an idiot. He was apparently trying to hold up a "Republicans for Hillary" sign and, of course, all the left wing press is now interviewing him, just like the Dayton incident last August.
They keep hoping if they give these idiots enough publicity, they will find a real assassin.
he apparently appears in the wiki files, re some promotion for george friedman's book,
James Cook was murdered by restless natives in 1779. I've touched his obelisk.
"I've touched his obelisk."
shilo is so confident of the voters for Sanders. When confronted with the cheating that Clinton did to win the primary, more cheating came out in yesterday's Wikileaks BTW, he said the thing that Clinton supporters always say when caught bending or breaking the rules "Politics ain't beanbag." It's a big saying among Clinton operatives. He exulted at the "grind Sanders to a pulp" leak. But now he wants them to "put some ice on it" I guess, and not vote for Stein, or whatever, and vote for the head from which the fish rots.
By the way, winning six coin tosses in a row in a single run? Sure. Happens every day! No cheating there! At least they weren't playing beanbag for those delegates!
Tim in Vermont backs up wild claims with "google it."
Par for the course.
I do not know where your mental health training comes from. Calling Trump a sociopath seems ridiculous to me, a long-time licensed psychologist. He is a narcissist (like all politicians) and an oaf who does not understand many nuances of politics and policy, nor does he care to.
The Clintons are clearly sociopaths, from the beginning. There is no question about that.
I am hoping that you were being sarcastic or ironic or ... whatever. If otherwise, my respect for your intelligence has greatly diminished.
Francisco D,
A long-time licensed psychologist who diagnoses individuals without ever meeting them? Or have you actually met the Clintons and Donald Trump?
@Meade: But weren't you doing the diagnostics with your label?
I'm not even a short-time licensed psychologist. Nor have I ever held myself out to be such. So, no, I was not doing diagnostics.
Ah, so what you're saying Meade is that only licensed professionals should be viewed with skepticism. This conveniently excludes you.
Is that really what I'm saying? In my non-professional unlicensed opinion, it would behoove you to read more carefully and think more critically.
You are technically correct. I cannot make a diagnosis without a clinical interview. I called upon clinical training and experience which makes my PERSONAL OPINION pretty easy.
I was making a pretty good guess, based on 30+ years experience. You were making a pretty bad guess (IMHO) based on what?
: ... it would behoove you to read more carefully and think more critically."
You have become more pretentious than your law professor wife. You waste my time.
"You have become more pretentious than your law professor wife. You waste my time."
Psychological projection.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. You have no idea of what you are talking about.
Sadly, I am disappointed.
Maybe it's a precursor to your mutual cruel neutrality. You will both vote for Hillary!
She gets the stupid pseudo-intellectaul vote.
I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this: Seek professional help for your emotional issues. You might be clinically delusional.
The good news is that if you are under the age of 40 and you're able to find a competent psychotherapist to work with you, you stand about a 70% chance of overcoming your issues. I sincerely wish you well.
To repeat myself, you waste my time. I have no use for pretentious idiots. You really have no clue.
I fully expect that you and AA will decide that Hillary is the only sane choice.
Its a binary decision. When and if the pretentious announcement comes, I am done with you guys.
Meade scolds me, attempting to school me: Is that really what I'm saying? In my non-professional unlicensed opinion, it would behoove you to read more carefully and think more critically.
I've heard from an actual Moby that Donald Trump is a sociopath.
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