November 9, 2016

At the Elephant and Donkey Café...


... can we all please get along?


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Wince said...

...can we all please get along?

To all the pundits who dwelled on the "revolt of white, less educated voters" last night...

The lyrics, politically correct when the Clash sang it, you have to admit are so spot on.

White Riot

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own

Black man gotta lotta problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick

An' everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
And nobody wants
To go to jail

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own

All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it

And everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
And nobody wants
To go to jail

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own

Hey, you, standing in line
Are we gonna sign an agreement?

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of my own

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

We are being offered eternal Mexican peace in exchange for the western half of the States. Since we get to keep Wisconsin in that offer, I demand we accept that peace agreement so long as we get to keep the oil, the butter, and the cheese and also get to build a wall along the Mississippi.

Limited blogger said...

For 8 years Republicans were accused of "not getting along".

For the next 8 I'm sure Republicans will continue to be accused of "not getting along".

Hagar said...

Why should we?

Jaq said...

This is what they were selling when Obama was on top:

So, sure, I will not gloat to heavily IRL.

rehajm said...

We can try, but let's not let it distract us from the work that needs to be done.

Also, I already have enough friends.

Jaq said...

My Hillary loving friend and his now horrified wife took all their money out of the stock market this morning. It probably won't come out 'til the end of the day, since it is in funds, so they won't miss out on the near record highs. Good for them.

Static Ping said...

Yes, I can get along.

Please note that this requires not being insulted and disparaged every five minutes. Disagreements are fine. Calling me an idiot for no particular reason... not going to be friends.

Static Ping said...

Also, the figurines are adorable. Good taste.

le Douanier said...

Even though it was obvious, I bit my tongue in the thread w/ the worn out floors and trim paint, and cheap rugs.

But, now it's impossible to note that having ancient single hung windows is inexcusable.

I keep thinking of the image of the completely dilapidated shack that was posted as having something to do w/ the, then, burgeoning Meadhouse courtship.

The appeal of squalor escapes me.

Anywho, yes, smile on your brother.

le Douanier said...

"For the next 8 I'm sure Republicans will continue to be accused of "not getting along"."



or both?

Birches said...

So here's something I was thinking about this morning. I read somewhere that the Hillary campaign intentionally de-emphasized yard signs. After last night, it seems like it was a bad idea. Not everyone is on twitter and facebook pledging their allegiance.

buwaya said...

Signs of normalcy -

Shares of gun manufacturers took a big hit Wednesday morning, after news that Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election.

Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger & Co. each fell more than 12 percent after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, and the Republicans retained control of the House and the Senate.

Nothing better indicates calming of the waters than a significant decline in gun sales.
Its too early for background check figures, but I predict this over the next three months or so. The California laws may bump it up higher than they would be though, due to panic buying in that State.

Jaq said...

What the fuck were these "secret facebook pages" Hillary referred to? A place for hothouse flowers to be wound up for the election? Now she wants these SJWs to get in their friend's faces next election. Great!

Curious George said...

The predictable pleas for civility after the left gets their ass kicked.

Laslo Spatula said...

Andrew Barnes for says:

Let's face it: you've seen them on the news, on the internet, maybe even in a protest in your own town or city? Who am I talking about...?

I'm talking about college students. Specifically, I'm talking about the ones who work for organizations that prevent speakers from being heard on campuses, the ones interviewed as spokespeople for a violent protest or riot, the ones who falsely called rape or created false racial incidents, the ones who demanded a professor be removed or a test not taken because of hurt feelings...

Now you may ask yourself: what does this have to do with me? Well, if you do hiring for a company it can mean the difference between success and failure. Hiring is one of the trickiest decisions an employer has to make: will this person fit in and work to the company's best interests, or will they be a trouble-making wrench in the works...?

Here at we have the biggest, most accurate data list in the Nation of these College and University Trouble-makers, Complainers, and Miscreants, culled from countless media and social-media sources...

The student who was interviewed while blocking three lanes of highway? We got him in our database.

The man who threw eggs at a speaker on campus? We got him in our database.

The woman who falsely claimed rape and then walked around everywhere with a piece of furniture? We got her in our database.

In other words: we know the Snowflakes.

You know it to be true: if you made the mistake of hiring one of these people your company will suffer for years, from simple incompetency to unending lawsuits...

For just $7.99 a name, we at will run your prospective employees through our database, and let you know about the extracurricular activities that they DIDN'T put in their resume...

Or you can just hope for the best and wait until you have to figure out who flattened the tires of your controversial client... because a Single Snowflake Can Cause An Avalanche...

I am Laslo.

Rick said...

Curious George said...
The predictable pleas for civility after the left gets their ass kicked.

Why no civility bullshit tag?

Anonymous said...

Lots of fretting today about Trump gaining control of nuclear weapons, from people who previously thought we were a bunch of bedwetters for worrying about Khamenei gaining control of nuclear weapons.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ilya Somin makes some worthy points in a Washington Post column today, re. the problem of low information voters.

The larger an election (local, state, national) the less sense it makes for an indvidual voter to become informed on the issues. The larger the voting population, the lesser the influence of one vote.

Bluntly put: "The Feds is gonna do what they's gonna do. Best just bend over and take it, spend yer time tryin' cope with 'em 'cause ya sure aint gonna control 'em."

Libertarians! The solution to the problem of low information voters!

Nonapod said...

Right now emotions are far too raw to hope for any kind of reconciliation. Maybe things'll be different in a few months, I don't know.

I've read a ton of posts from younger liberals today who are in disbelief and don't seem ready to reflect meaningfully on their side yet. They currently don't seem to be finding any fault with Hillary Clinton or the current hostile culture they have helped create. They seem to be concerned with things like "I can't believe we have a President who believes climate change is a hoax". Their doesn't seem to be any self analysis or self awareness...yet.

Rusty said...

... can we all please get along?
It's not that I'm not capable. It's just that I don't want to.

Sydney said...

I'm amazed at how many people really believe that Trump is a hateful bigot and a Nazi. The mainstream media really do this country a disservice when they engage is such hyperbole.

Meade said...

"Since we get to keep Wisconsin in that offer, I demand we accept that peace agreement so long as we get to keep the oil, the butter, and the cheese and also get to build a wall along the Mississippi."

I can go along with that. But in addition, I want the Upper Peninsula of Michigan returned to the Badger state. How Michigan ever managed to steal it from us without a single shot being fired continues to baffle my mind. Right of return for the Yoopers! Make Wisconsin Great Again!

traditionalguy said...

Seriously, people get along when the have boundaries and live among a place of law abiding folks that enforces laws to be boundaries fences.

Paddy O said...

I think Tradguy should get his fair share of applause, for sticking it out and making the argument for Trump since the beginning of the process.

Malesch Morocco said...

Ain't gonna happen Meade. We here in Michigan don't want Toledo back!

shiloh said...

No, but I see the light!

Nonapod said...

Paddy O said...

I think Tradguy should get his fair share of applause, for sticking it out and making the argument for Trump since the beginning of the process.

Agreed. Against a lot of naysayers (myself included, although I wasn't ever #nevertrump, just trump skeptical), Tradguy and Achilles have been big Trump boosters since at least the beginning of the year if not longer. I'm sure they're feeling pretty vindicated today.

Meade said...

"Also, the figurines are adorable. Good taste."

Thanks. I picked them up on impulse at Farm & Fleet which was even busier than Whole Foods this morning. The difference was, at WF, you would think you'd just walked in on a very mournful funeral. Crying everywhere, long soulful hugs, grief counselors down every aisle. (Not grief counselors literally but just trying to paint the mood for you.)

By contrast, at F&F there was a wide diversity of people looking upbeat and on task — gathering up and purchasing necessary supplies to go out to their respective work sites to do their part to again make America great.

tcrosse said...

A lefty friend pointed out that if the Jill Stein vote in WI and MI had been added to HRC's vote, HRC would have carried both and denied Trump the win. Anything to avoid blaming HRC Herself for being a miserable candidate. Anyway, you fight a campaign with the electorate you've got.

Larry J said...

"can we all please get along? "

For too long, compromise or "getting along" has meant that Republicans are supposed to give the Democrats everything they want in exchange for nothing. If that's the case, then no. If you want genuine cooperation and compromise, then let's talk. If you lose the elections and still demand to get your way on everyting, fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Get along? Hell No. time to join the underground.

clint said...

"traditionalguy said...
We are being offered eternal Mexican peace in exchange for the western half of the States. Since we get to keep Wisconsin in that offer, I demand we accept that peace agreement so long as we get to keep the oil, the butter, and the cheese and also get to build a wall along the Mississippi."

I wonder if Trump could negotiate them down to just Southern California.

Meade said...

"I think Tradguy should get his fair share of applause, for sticking it out and making the argument for Trump since the beginning of the process."

Aye to that. He stuck it out with good humor, charity, patience, and tolerance — true liberal values that illiberal self-identifying Liberals could bear to learn something from.

Rick said...

Paddy O said...
I think Tradguy should get his fair share of applause, for sticking it out and making the argument for Trump since the beginning of the process.

Unless just getting elected is the goal maybe we should wait to see what he does first.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left must stop calling everyone who disagrees with them "racist." It's old.

Prediction: they won't.

shiloh said...

"WI and MI had been added to HRC's vote"

Actually no, without WI/MI, but adding AZ's (11) Trump would have 280. Your lefty friend is forgetting Trump won PA ie (20) electoral votes.

Anonymous said...

Canada's immigration site crashed last night, so far 10 million applications have been submitted. I plan to stay and fight. What the right did to President Obama will be done to Drumpf, in spades. The obstruction will be historic. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Racists and misogynists, how's that? That's what you are, own it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...



Why? she's a corrupt liar.

Birches said...

The Super Secret Facebook group is called Pantsuit Nation. You have to be added to join, a couple of my fb friends were talking about it. People posted inspiring stories about why they were voting for Hillary! and pantsuit selfies.

Yeah, it was a real thing....I wish I would have petitioned to join. That place is probably hilarious today.

CWJ said...

I just read Andrew Sullivan's embarrassing, hysterical article in New York magazine. I can't summarize it, because it's not just embarrassing and hysterical in total. It's embarrassing and hysterical in each of its parts as well. He sees electing Trump as the death of the Republic (as if we weren't well on our way with the current PTB), and literally accuses the American voter of embracing tyranny.

Paddy O said...

Canada's immigration site crashed last night, so far 10 million applications have been submitted


Rick said...

Unknown said...
Racists and misogynists, how's that? That's what you are, own it.

This reminds me of Mel Gibson's drunken tirade.

Paddy O said...

Rick, I'm not yet convinced Trump should get applause. So, wait and see indeed. I was wrong about Trump's chances and wanted to give credit to those who pushed his possibilities. I still loathe him as a person, but am open to him doing something positive with his election.

We'll see.

Spiros said...

I hope Trump dumps Mike Pence and replaces him with Hillary. I'd feel a lot better about all of this! (Mike Pence is kind of a dummy.)

Patrick said...

You know who was not in "Pantsuit Nation?"

The cashiers at Walmart. Hmmm.

Not asked to join.

Sydney said...

Until now, I never realized how many of my relatives are hate-filled ideologues.

buwaya said...

"Canada's immigration site crashed last night, so far 10 million applications have been submitted"

This would guarantee Republican domination for a generation at least.

Also help Canada a bit; they need a replacement population as their birthrate is dreadful.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Also not asked to join Pantsuit Nation: the waitress at Perkins.

Asked to join: A couple attorneys I know.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I live in Oakland, and work in San Francisco --Yes, I do have to get along:)

The CENTRAL problem why Hillary lost is because increasingly the Left does not listen to and/or actively suppresses opposing viewpoints. As a result, they underestimate the forces arrayed against them, and lose important battles.

Althouse, to her immense credit, actively seeks out opposing, non-conventional viewpoints, and does not shy away from them. That's why, she has piece of mind, whereas most college/law school professors are in deep crisis mode this morning.

Oso Negro said...

Elections have consequences.

n.n said...

The long awaited Klose to a Decade of [class] diversity including institutional racism, sexism, etc. Well, perhaps not immediately. The special and peculiar interests are entrenched. A Baby step to judging people by the content of their character (e.g. principles), not the "color of their skin".

That said... Revitalization. Rehabilitation. Reconciliation.

Clyde said...

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

-- Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address

Mick said...

You have to grind the Progressives into the ground and destroy them. They will never give up. Kindness is mistaken for weakness.

Meade said...

"Ain't gonna happen Meade. We here in Michigan don't want Toledo back!"

I know — let's make Illinois take Toledo. If the Illini learn their lesson and turn red, we'll let them sell Toledo to New York. Or California.

CWJ said...

This is perhaps my favorite bit from the New York Magazine Sullivan piece.

"But hope fades in turn when you realize how absolute and total his support clearly is. His support is not like that of a democratic leader but of a cult leader fused with the idea of the nation. If he fails, as he will, he will blame others, as he always does."

Though describing Trump, has Sullivan been asleep since 2007?

buwaya said...

"Or California"

California is broke. Try NY.

Freeman Hunt said...

I hope so!

tcrosse said...

What the right did to President Obama will be done to Drumpf, in spades. The obstruction will be historic. Can't wait.
Except the Dems don't have the votes. You're going to have to wait, maybe a very long time. In the meanwhile, tough shit.

rehajm said...

Story from The New Yorker: What do you say to your children when a man they have been taught to regard as monstrous is suddenly the President?

You tell your children their parents are kinda assholes who exploited them for their own self gratification and political gain. Then you tell them you won't ever do it again...

buwaya said...

On the Spanish Civil War theme - what you sing while gloating -

For almost four years Madrid held out, and the Republican slogan was “No pasarán!” (They shall not pass).

Come 1939 Madrid surrendered. This prompted, of course, a popular ditty in the Nationalist ranks - "Ya hemos pasado" - (We have passed)

This version by the cabaret singer Celia Gámez - who said Franco had no sense of humor?

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The lyrics, politically correct when the Clash sang it, you have to admit are so spot on.

It was somewhere around 1980 that The Clash made a public statement asking their fans to stop trashing the concert halls during their performances because it was The Clash who were on the hook to pay for the repairs afterwards.

shiloh said...

"That's why, she has piece of mind"

Her life would not change no matter who won ie no skin in the game. Again she's liberal, but not an avid ideologue.

She will continue to cater/kowtow to her 90/10 con minions regardless.

Clyde said...

I just hope that when President Trump takes office, he doesn't make the mistake of his predecessor and refuse to work with the other party at all. Obama's "I won" attitude, his party-line ramming through of Obamacare without a single Republican vote, his use of executive orders to get around having to deal with Congress on things like the Iran "deal", all set the tone for Trump's victory; and all of Obama's accomplishments are written in sand, ready to easily be whisked away. It would be a serious mistake to emulate Obama's style.

mockturtle said...

From King5 News, Seattle:

NOW: Thousands of students at Berkeley High School in CA walked out of class with their teachers, to say that he is not their president.

'With their teachers'.

mockturtle said...

Actually, Trump isn't anyone's President yet. I just pray he won't be assassinated before he is inaugurated. Or after. These people are self-righteous, raving lunatics.

mockturtle said...

If Mexico would take California in return for paying for The Wall, that would benefit nearly everyone.

shiloh said...

"'With their teachers'."

Pretty sure the right to protest Constitutional.

And if our Founding Fathers did not protest England's tyranny, there would be no America.

Jaq said...

Pretty sure the right to protest Constitutional

What about dragging other people's minor children into it? Not a problem, right?

mockturtle said...

Shiloh, save your flatulence for after the inauguration. Obama is still your beloved President.

Freeman Hunt said...

I couldn't understand why my Facebook feed seemed hysterical. People talking about being terrified, worrying about hiding people if their demographic is suddenly rounded up, starting civil wars, the number of rapes going up, gay people losing their legal marriages, etc.

What in the world...

Then I saw a clip of some television news. How shameful! They were scaring the hell out of people. If television "news" is how many people find out about things, I can see why they're scared. The people at television media outlets need to think about what their hyperbole for ratings is doing to their viewers.

Etienne said...

mockturtle said......walked out of class with their teachers...

Hopefully they'll go home to Mexico.

Jaq said...

Racists and misogynists, how's that? That's what you are, own it. - Unknown

Yeah, I am going to "own" the opinion of some anonymous internet troll who has been shown to be wrong on so many things.

Mark Nielsen said...

Mockturtle says: Actually, Trump isn't anyone's President yet. I just pray he won't be assassinated before he is inaugurated. Or after. These people are self-righteous, raving lunatics.

Yes, there's certainly a non-zero chance of at least an attempt on Trump's life between now and inauguration day. I have a constitutional question: what if he *were* to be killed? Who would become president in January? Pence? Maybe, but it's not clear to me. And what if both Trump and Pence were to be killed? What then?

wendybar said...

It's so funny online today...We are being asked to be civil, and be kind...but then when we are...we get called all the normal liberal names they love to call us....
Racists, bigots, misogynists ect....Is that their idea of being civil and kind?? From my experience they are the LEAST tolerant people...

Jaq said...

You supported a forcible rapist enabling war monger. Own it.

shiloh said...


Who was dragging who. Interesting CA will increase Hillary's popular vote total over Trump.


Yea I know, Althouse cons think Obama was/is Satan, etc. But he easily won the popular vote both times. And currently has +13/+14 job approval Rasmussen/Gallup respectively.

Neither Hillary or Trump will/would have any grace period.

Tread lightly.

rhhardin said...

Armstrong and Getty began "The FCC announced that for one day only broadcasters are allowed to use the f-word and the s-word."

Jaq said...

You supported a couple who made hundreds of millions of dollars peddling influence entrusted to them by the United States of America. Own it.

mockturtle said...

Then I saw a clip of some television news. How shameful! They were scaring the hell out of people. If television "news" is how many people find out about things, I can see why they're scared. The people at television media outlets need to think about what their hyperbole for ratings is doing to their viewers.

Freeman, these lefties would have had more to fear had Hillary won.

buwaya said...

"The people at television media outlets need to think about what their hyperbole for ratings is doing to their viewers."

"...the process of polarization
between ‘reds’ and ‘whites’ allowed
both political extremes to increase their
own power by manipulating fearful, if
not apocalyptic, images of their enemies.
Their Manichaean propaganda fed off
each other. ... The process stripped their
‘traitor’ opponents of their humanity as
well as their citizenship. This is why it
is wrong to describe the Spanish Civil
War as ‘fratricidal’. The divisiveness of
the new ideologies could turn brothers
into faceless strangers and trade
unionists or shop owners into class
enemies. Normal human instincts were
In the tense spring of 1936,
on his way to Madrid University, Julián
Marías, a disciple of the philosopher
José Ortega y Gasset, never forgot the
hatred in the expression of a tram-driver
at a stop as he watched a beautiful and
well-dressed young woman step down
onto the pavement. ‘We’ve really had
it,’ Marías said to himself. ‘When Marx
has more effect than hormones, there is
nothing to be done.’

- Anthony Beevor, "The Battle for Spain"

Jon Ericson said...

Sure, just give me a few more days.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lyle Smith said...

Hugs to all the people who call complete strangers racist, Trumpkin, and hillbilly. Hugs and kisses to all.

Jaq said...

Watching MTP on MSNBC, Chuck Todd claims that Trump said that Obama "literally founded ISIS" Like he had meetings, raised capital, and recruited leaders. Maybe Chuck is one of those people who thinks that "literally" means figuratively, but I doubt it.

A lady says that Trump said that every single Mexican immigrant, and their loved ones, however the math on that works, is a rapist.

Then they wonder why they can't understand what happened.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

NBC exit poll:

Do you think Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy?

Yes 33% / No 63%

Do you think Donald Trump is qualified to serve as president?

Yes 38% / No 60%

Do you think Donald Trump has the temperament to serve effectively as president?

Yes 35% / No 63%

And yet he still won. He should give Hillary a big hug!

Paddy O said...

"to say that he is not their president."

Just like South Carolina back in the day!

paminwi said...

Shiloh says : Obama has a +13/14 approval rating. So NOW we are supposed to believe those polls when every other stinking poll was so wrong? Those approval ratings are BS. But, if it helps you get through the continue to support your crazy delusions.
Obama is really disliked as are his policies.

Jaq said...

And yet he still won. He should give Hillary a big hug

Sure, and you covered your ears when told that she was too divisive, too corrupt, and beyond the pale and supported her through the primaries. Next time your party decides to run a candidate with a stink of corruption that strong, my suggestion is that you stand up and say "That will be a big fat nooo!"

But Keep Hope Alive! Maybe Nate Silver can pull this out for you!

Etienne said...

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is proposing that she and President-elect Donald Trump “put aside our differences” and work together to rebuild the American economy for working people.

Gosh, just gosh. Can't we get along? yes, just gosh yes.

I hope she dies on a chicken bone.

shiloh said...

t in v

Hillary received more votes than Trump as elections come down to choices and both were frickin' train wrecks.

When Bush got 48% in 2000 at least he was likable.

Again, tread lightly as all fame is fleeting.

Jaq said...

Well, had Democrats stood up to the power brokers in their party and said, you know what, there are a lot of people who might vote Democratic who really fucking hate Hillary, maybe she is not the best candidate to win this!

But Hillary wanted it, and Clinton privilege trumps all!

Don't learn, I don't care. It's over, you guys have some soul searching to do, if you don't do it, well you will lose again.

shiloh said...

Althouse, aren't you glad most voters don't reflect the hate/nastiness displayed daily by your con flock?

SukieTawdry said...

I'd happy to get along if Democrats would accept that compromise doesn't mean they set the terms and Republicans capitulate. Or that my embrace of conservative principles of governance doesn't mean I'm a misogynic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, evil sorry excuse for a sub-human being.

tcrosse said...

A few questions for Disappointed Liberals wishing to move to Canada:
1. You know it gets really cold there, right ?
2. How's your French ? It better be good if you want a job.
3. Do you have an in-demand skill that is in short supply among Canadians ?
4. Or do you have a bucketload of money to invest in Canada ?
5. Can you show that you would commit to Canada even if the US eventually elects a Democrat president ? Or is the move just opportunistic.
6. Do your hurt feelings entitle you to entry more than, say, somebody from a really dangerous place, like Syria or Libya ?
7. Any health conditions ? Better get them fixed before you leave the USA.
8. Think you're going to live someplace really cool like Vancouver or Toronto ? You can't afford it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Lyle Smith said...
Hugs to all the people who call complete strangers racist, Trumpkin, and hillbilly. Hugs and kisses to all.

11/9/16, 4:31 PM

Yeah, calling half the country deplorable is a winning strategy! Keep it up!

And I think they will. They're that stupid. Much easier to blame it on the racism of others than to reflect and wonder if perhaps you're the one who got it wrong.

Jaq said...

But I am curious about one thing shiloh, now that you are responding instead of just taunting, do you think Hillary did not break this law to cover up meetings as Secretary of State with donors to her foundation?

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Remember that she burned public records in State Department burn bags.

You think that is all a nothingburger?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Poor, poor Shiloh, still clinging bitterly to his polls.

My dear dumbbell, didn't it occur to you at some point last night that polls can be wrong?

shiloh said...

t in v

Suffice it to say, neither nominee was Mother Teresa.

themightypuck said...

That was kind of sweet.

Jaq said...

Althouse, aren't you glad most voters don't reflect the hate/nastiness displayed daily by your con flock?

Quote some "hate/nastiness."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"And what if both Trump and Pence were to be killed? What then?"

President Paul Ryan.

Jaq said...

Because I can quote plenty of racial slurs and other nastiness by you Clinton trolls.

mockturtle said...

Suffice it to say, neither nominee was Mother Teresa.

Mother Teresa would have made a terrible President.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

shiloh said...
Althouse, aren't you glad most voters don't reflect the hate/nastiness displayed daily by your con flock?"

Excuse me, you've shown up here for months to taunt and mock - because you were so sure Hillary would win. I'm sure you were savoring the prospect of coming here today to jeer at us cons in our little bubble. (Who's the one in the bubble, bubblehead?) Now you're whining about our "hate?" Go fuck yourself, you hypocrite.

I remember the gloating in '08 and '12. What comes around...

shiloh said...

"Go fuck yourself"

The prosecution rests!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mother Teresa would have made a terrible President.

11/9/16, 5:04 PM

shiloh wouldn't like her views on "reproductive rights" very much.

Original Mike said...

" I want the Upper Peninsula of Michigan returned to the Badger state. How Michigan ever managed to steal it from us without a single shot being fired continues to baffle my mind. Right of return for the Yoopers! Make Wisconsin Great Again!"

To the barricades!

Freeman Hunt said...

Canada is the Shangri-la of the American imagination.

It's also extremely white.


Jaq said...

Right, that's what you do, you take the fewest words possible, strip the context of your provocations, and claim you have made your case.

Guess what? People don't like you pissing on their backs and calling it sweet rainwater.

Jaq said...

I know, FH, why don't they move to Mexico?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

shiloh, I don't hate you. I have contempt and pity for you.

Because you are stupid.

Jon Ericson said...

Group shot of our trolls.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tim in vermont said...
I know, FH, why don't they move to Mexico?

11/9/16, 5:09 PM

Or Venezuela, where they can experience Socialist heaven to the fullest degree.

Ken B said...

Where's the civility bullshit tag?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Speaking of hate, there have been protests and marches in Oakland and on college campuses and a crowd gathered in Lafayette Park across from the WH last night to chant "Fuck Trump."

Conservatives were depressed and angry in 2008 and '12, but somehow I don't remember anybody doing that.

campy said...

I hope you Trumpkins are aware that Hillary! only needs to bribe/threaten/otherwise flip 42 electors to win this thing.

Are you really sure she can't?

rhhardin said...

Millennnial tweet, via Armstrong and Getty, "There's no emoji to describe how I feel."

Jim at said...

"The obstruction will be historic. Can't wait."

That will be a neat trick considering you have no power whatsoever.

You wanted the nuclear option when you thought you would going to win? Well, guess what? You're going to get it. Good and hard.

Now, go to the back of the bus, sit down and shut up.

Jaq said...

The left needs to stop ignoring people’s inner pain and fear. The racism, sexism and xenophobia used by Mr. Trump to advance his candidacy does not reveal an inherent malice in the majority of Americans. If the left could abandon all this shaming, it could rebuild its political base by helping Americans see that much of people’s suffering is rooted in the hidden injuries of class and in the spiritual crisis that the global competitive marketplace generates

They will never get it.

Jon Ericson said...

Watch Bill Whittle's reaction

Alex said...

Anyone else worried by Trump's big infrastructure promise? Why should the federal government be building roads & bridges that are the domain of states and localities? Does Trump not believe in state's rights?

Original Mike said...

"Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is proposing that she and President-elect Donald Trump “put aside our differences” and work together to rebuild the"

Another comforting result from last night. Warren is a first-term Senator. From whence does she get her authority? Trump's response should be to simply ignore her.

Michael K said...

Why should the federal government be building roads & bridges that are the domain of states and localities?

Have you ever heard of the National Defense Highway Act?

I didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Filibuster you idiot.

Michael K said...

Come on you guys. Leave poor shiloh alone. He/she has had a death in the family.

The death of the Clinton Crime Family. They may not know it yet but they are as dead as a doornail.

Saint Croix said...

Always wondered why the Democrats adopted the symbol of the donkey.

It turns out that people thought Andrew Jackson was a jackass!

Ironically, people still think Andrew Jackson was a jackass, and so we are now removing him from our money.

Anonymous said...

"In an interview with WTMJ's Charlie Sykes surfaced by CNN, Walker said he was excited for Trump's presidency but worried about Democratic obstructionism.

"My biggest concern is that they not allow some of these arcane rules that have nothing to with the Constitution," he said.

"So you want to see them eliminate the 60-vote filibuster rule?” Sykes asked.

"Yeah, I've said it last year," Walker responded. "To me, I think that would really upset the electorate of the people who not only elected Donald Trump and Mike Pence but the people who elected Ron here and elected other members of the House and the Senate.”"

Fucking hypocrites. Embrace the filibuster Democrats, use it against them like they did to us. In spades. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Payback is a bitch.

Jaq said...

"Polls indicated Senator Rubio, Governor Kasich, or almost any other establishment Republican would likely beat Clinton in a general election.

"Clinton and Democrats expected the FBI investigation into her private email server would serve as a major obstacle to Clinton’s candidacy, and the public’s familiarity with her scandals and flip-flopping political record put her at a disadvantage against a newcomer.

"Donald Trump solved these problems.

"All the Clinton campaign had to do was push the mainstream media in the general direction of covering and attacking Trump as though he was the star of the Republican presidential primaries.

"As the presumed Democratic nominee, whomever she decided to dignify by responding to whether the comments were directed at her or not would be presumed to be the spokesperson, or nominee, of the Republican Party.

"Several media outlets criticised the mainstream media obsession with Trump, but despite a few concerns that the media was propping up his legitimacy as a candidate with their constant news coverage, it continued unabatedly.

"The mainstream media was more than willing to do the Clinton campaign and DNC’s work for them by creating a narrative that the 2016 presidential elections was about Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.

HRC, too clever by half!

Alex said...

No Unknown the GOP will eliminate the filibuster. You lost, deal with it!

Jaq said...

Ever wonder why he got non-stop press coverage?

BTW, if all he does is repeal Obamacare through reconciliation, the way it was passed, side stepping any filibuster, if the Dems really thing that, nearly to a man they will stake their re-election on this monstrosity, if that is all that he accomplishes, it will be great.

Nobody expects him to pass a shit ton of laws to spend money. That's what Democrats do, if he can't do that, that's fine.

Anonymous said...

We'll see. Trump may not even make it to being sworn in.

Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia.

"Contrary to earlier reporting in the New York Times, which cited FBI sources as saying that the agency did not believe that the private server in Donald Trump’s Trump Tower which was connected to a Russian bank had any nefarious purpose, the FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses related to the server. The first request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank. While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons."

Jaq said...

Senate Democrats took the dramatic step Thursday of eliminating filibusters for most nominations by presidents, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further.

Democrats used a rare parliamentary move to change the rules so that federal judicial nominees and executive-office appointments can advance to confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators, rather than the 60-vote supermajority that has been the standard for nearly four decades.

The immediate rationale for the move was to allow the confirmation of three picks by President Obama to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — the most recent examples of what Democrats have long considered unreasonably partisan obstruction by Republicans.

In the long term, the rule change represents a substantial power shift in a chamber that for more than two centuries has prided itself on...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown is suddenly very concerned about servers. Funny, she never seemed to think they were very important before.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."Filibuster you idiot."

Let's see, what did Harry Reid say about that?

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Remember when liberals were saying "Let's stop talking about Trump!" and yet stories about him, elevating him appeared day after day? Well, guess what? It was Hillary egging them on, as we know now from Wikileaks! Own it!

mockturtle said...

It's over, Unknown. You can go back to knitting shrouds.

Anonymous said...

"“The warrant covers any ‘US person’ connected to this investigation, and thus covers Donald Trump and at least three further men who have either formed part of his campaign or acted as his media surrogates. The warrant was sought, they say, because actionable intelligence on the matter provided by friendly foreign agencies could not properly be examined without a warrant by US intelligence as it involves ‘US Persons’ who come under the remit of the FBI and not the CIA. Should a counter-intelligence investigation lead to criminal prosecutions, sources say, the Justice Department is concerned that the chain of evidence have a basis in a clear warrant."

Maybe Trump can borrow Hillary's bleachbit.

n.n said...

With the loss of Democratic representation, the Pro-Choice Church, the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood, selective exclusionists, social injustice adventurists, "peace"-mongers, and class diversitists (e.g. racists, sexists), institutional and individual, have suffered a major setback.

Merkel is concerned that she has lost cover for Obama and Clinton's illegal wars in Iraq (revisited), Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. She may be held accountable for the mass abortions and immigration "reform" (e.g. refugee crises) that accompanied their social injustice adventures.

Anonymous said...

It's only just begun you dumbass.

Original Mike said...

"Embrace the filibuster Democrats, use it against them like they did to us. In spades. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Payback is a bitch."

Much can be done through reconciliatin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ding dong the witch is dead..

Hillary should be in prison.

Jaq said...

Maybe Trump can borrow Hillary's bleachbit

President Pence appointing Supreme Court Justices is fine with me. If it is real, I promise you one thing, I won't ignore it and pretend it isn't happening like you did with Hillary.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."It's only just begun you dumbass."

This is why you lost.

n.n said...

The Pro-Choice Church, selective and opportunistic, unprincipled and vindictive has lost its patron Party. The Ass is braying a little quieter about its class diversity/wars, liberal fiscal schemes/welfare industry, progressive/illegal wars, immigration "reform"/crises, abortion rites/scientific mysticism, and Planned Parenthood/clinical cannibalism. Baby steps.

Jaq said...

If Trump is so bad, why did Hillary work so hard to get him the nomination?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The fascist democrats used procedural maneuvers to collectively lie to us and shove the ridiculously named ACA down our throats, on party line vote - in the dead of night after Al Franken stole his seat.

Guess what - pay back, bitches. Free the people.
It's gonna be a big F'ing deal.

MadisonMan said...

Meade, Farm and Fleet is one store I can browse for an hour in. It's great.

This past weekend I had an hour to kill in Verona -- my wife was busy and I was the chauffeur -- and to my regret I forgot about the Farm and Fleet there! I went to the Aldi and Target in Fitchburg instead. What a missed opportunity.

rhhardin said...

Sorry about that...

No, that's fine. I was going to
steal one myself but now I've changed
my mind. Signed by the author, I see.

Yes, we couldn't stop him. If you
can find an unsigned copy, it's
worth an absolute fortune.

She smiles. Suddenly the thief is there.

Excuse me.


Can I have your autograph?

What's your name?


She signs his scruffy piece of paper. He tries to read it.

What does it say?

Well, that's the signature -- and
above, it says 'Dear Rufus -- you
belong in jail.'

Nice one. Would you like my phone

Tempting but... no, thank you.

Thief leaves.

- Notting Hill

Original Mike said...

I loved it when they opened the Verona F&F.

Spiros Pappas said...

Man bites dog.

William said...

I wonder if Miley Cyrus recruited a single, solitary vote for Hillary. With Katy Perry, I can imagine it's theoretically possible, but it's hard to conjure much of an overlap between Miley's fan base and Hillary's supporters.......It will be interesting to see if visa applications fall off from Muslim and Hispanic lands because of Trump's election. If it happens, it would demonstrate that there really are fears of Trump's presidency extant in the world. If not, it would demonstrate that the left is full of crap.....Hillary had a number of reverse Sister Soujah moments. A reverse Sister Soujah moment is when you tell off white people for their bad behavior. As an election strategy, it's not effective-- at least not as practiced by Hillary. Obama was pretty good at it.

StephenFearby said...

Huffpost forensic examination:

These Michigan Voters Said They Didn’t Love Trump. But They Hated Clinton.

A morning spent with some of the people who swung the election.

'...Some Trump voters made blunter criticisms. Ken Lisiecki, 34, who works at a technology company, said he too was unenthusiastic about Trump ― but simply couldn’t stand Clinton. “I’d rather shove a wet noodle up a bobcat’s ass than listen to another one of her speeches,” he said.'

Googling yields this more complete variation: "I’d rather shove a wet noodle up a bobcat’s ass in a phone booth than...'

To which I append, "...than listen to Obama giving another one of his sanctimonious speeches again.

n.n said...

Without the ability to compensate for financial schemes through national and global redistributive change, the frequency of catastrophic anthropogenic economic implosions/explosions will diminish, but the Democratic enclaves will need to address, not avoid, the consequences of their Choices to foment and exploit Democratic leverage (e.g. class diversity/wars).

Night Owl said...

Freeman Hunt @ 4:20 pm said:
"I couldn't understand why my Facebook feed seemed hysterical... Then I saw a clip of some television news. How shameful!"

I couldn't agree more. The media pundits on CNN and MSNBC were awful today. It was all accusations of racism, sexism, the usual divisive crap they always spew. The politicians were all about, "we are one team, let's work together", and the media propagandists were all hate all the time.

The MSM own most of the blame for the polarization of the electorate. They have become a disease infecting our nation.

Jon Ericson said...

As Iowahawk put it:
"Hillary Clinton got her dream opponent,
a barely literate reality show orangutan,

Night Owl said...

Mockturtle said:
"I just pray he won't be assassinated before he is inaugurated. "

Me too. Trump is all too aware of this threat, which is probably why he issued a special thanks the secret service in his speech this morning.

mockturtle said...

Why are Arizona, Michigan and New Hampshire still not called???

Matt Sablan said...

Looking at the vitriol spewed at Trump voters, it is no wonder there really were that many shy Trump voters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. I got along more with Republicans this year than with Democrats.

Do Democrats even exist any longer? What do they stand for? Do they even know?

The Republicans have it all. The legislature. The courts. The states. And a raging egomaniac at the top of it all - the likes of which we've never seen before.

If Hillary had won - as the incompetent media had convinced me to expect - no one would have done more to hold her accountable than me. And gosh, would she have had opponents! And opposition! She always does. It seems to be a pattern.

I just wonder if my Republican friends will do the same - and institute some sort of check/balance function on Trump.

Because right now, politically, there's no one available to do it.

Godspeed, America.

Alex said...

Ritmo - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at President Trump. He'll give you most of what you want, minus the race wars.

Matt Sablan said...

R&B: Trump is significantly more likely to have people check and balance him than Hillary.

Look at how corrupt the DNC, FBI, DOJ and media were in protecting and colluding for her benefit.

Trump owes no one but the voters anything for his win -- well, and Clinton's complete and utter incompetence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary won - as far as voting numbers go.

She just wasn't competent enough to figure out which states to win them in.

The first function of a competent chief executive. Getting the job. And the first order of business in a functioning democracy: Prevent your working class from being hollowed out.

She failed.

And she did it, on behalf of - as an emissary/ambassador of - all America's women. Or so she said.

God damn it must be embarrassing to be a woman in this country. I feel nothing but pity.

Now it's back to the men to keep fucking things up and getting the blame for it. A role I was finally welcoming the opportunity to outgrow.

Good luck, America. And goodnight.

Matt Sablan said...

Did a single Democrat senator/representative/governor/candidate for anything, run AGAINST Clinton?

Republicans might hold Congress, but Trumpublicans do not. Trump is, at best, an uneasy ally to much of the Congressional GOP. And the media hates him. He did worse than just stand against them. He made them look stupid, time and time again.

Then, he made them WRONG. It's personal now.

Alex said...

Ritmo - maybe if the Democrats weren't demonizing white men 24/7 they wouldn't have lost the white morking class vote?

Big Mike said...

@mockturtle, do they realize what sort of deal they'd get from a Mike Pence who could wave Trump's bloody shirt (figuratively of course)? A this point there is no one in the line of succession who is not a Republican!

Matt Sablan said...

CNBC reports Trump spent about HALF what Clinton did.

He won the election on the cheap.

Matt Sablan said...

Trump winning the election on the cheap will do more to get "dark money" out of politics than anything Clinton was planning to do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who, Matthew? Paul Ryan?

I thought the Trump faction hated him.

All the Republicans who supported HIllary? And you know many of their establishment did exactly that.

As for who supports and works with him - I noticed Chris Christie was the first of the vanquished to jump right on board. Subserviently and pathetically. Not that there's anything less pathetic I could expect of the man.

Is this going to be his coalition? A governor who blocks traffic into the largest city and kills the patients in their ambulances in order to settle a political grudge? Who bellows at teachers at town hall meetings and yells at voters? Who failed lap-band surgery?

Please tell me there's a better Republican who can help steer this rudderless man right.

mockturtle said...

He made them look stupid, time and time again.

Not that hard to do if you're willing to take the flak without backing down. Trump took on the media unapologetically and it was a joy to behold.

Original Mike said...

Mockturtle said:..."I just pray he won't be assassinated before he is inaugurated. "

The Secret Service is protecting Trump Tower with a barricade of dump trucks. These people know the left from close up.

Matt Sablan said...

Maybe Paul Ryan. Maybe someone else. The Republican party is a loose confederation [Hah!] of political ideologies that had an uneasy truce until they came out of the political wilderness. Now that that's happened, they're ready to go for the long knives.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo - maybe if the Democrats weren't demonizing white men 24/7 they wouldn't have lost the white morking class vote?

Yes. I said a billion times that Hillary's obsessive genderif-i-cation of the campaign was offputting, obnoxious, and counter-productive. Even moreso (for women) now that she lost so stupidly.

But more importantly, the working class is the working class. Just take race/ethnicity out of it and address them as a class - which they are and which is all they need. Hillary failed spectacularly to do that - all across the midwest to mid Atlantic states that she needed to win in an economy this dysfunctional for them.

47% of white women voted for Trump. The issues should be clear. Women need money too, I notice. Whether it's them breaking their backs or the men they rely on.

THere wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that they'd forget that all for the sake of feeling a false political "pride" just in something as arbitrary as gender.

Hillary committed political malpractice of the highest order. The good news is that, hopefully, this will help end the scourge of obsessive identity politics.

The bad news is that Democrats are lazy and never seem to learn.

Think FDR, not LBJ.

Stupid Democrats. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

mockturtle said...

I know these riots are not spontaneous but a ploy to incite 'police brutality'. I remember the 60's.

heyboom said...

If Mexico would take California in return for paying for The Wall, that would benefit nearly everyone.

How about if we just give them L.A., San Fran, Sacramento and Berkeley? The rest of California is red.

Just asking from a very conservative California resident.

George Grady said...

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

Nobel Laureate in Economics Paul Krugman, ladies and gentleman.

mockturtle said...

R&B, most exit polling data show that 53% of white women voted for Trump.

Matt Sablan said...

And by never, Krugman meant, maybe tomorrow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm eating hummus straight out of the container that I just bought, BTW. I think this is called "depression."

mockturtle said...

The Dow, incidentally, is up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The perception of Clinton's untrustworthiness was gender neutral, I'm pretty sure. For a reason.

wildswan said...

The Democrats/media have put together this terrifying scarecrow made with shreds and patches of things Trump supposedly said. Based on what I read this morning they now believe this scarecrow is Trump and cannot think of it as election propaganda. So they are like little kids who have listened to ghost stories at bedtime and now they can't sleep because Trump is gonna get you if you don't watch out. EEEEEEEEEE.

I used to challenge the cherry picking being done by people around me but they would turn on me in a frenzy when they heard I supported Trump and not listen to any arguments or discussions about whether the media represented Trump fairly. Shiloh is pretty representative. Even when 50% of the country supports Trump, Shiloh and Co. still think its OK to think of that 50% in the most ugly and demeaning ways they can dream up.

But it's early days. They're quite upset and after all I'm not exactly busy with reconciling when I keep looking at that Rachel Maddow video and other treasured moments from November 8, 2016. Next week I'll start getting along.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

50% of the country doesn't support Trump. 50% didn't support Hillary. Most of each candidate's support was simply due to a greater hatred of the other one. Jill Stein made this fact perfectly clear - though we knew it already.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now that that's happened, they're ready to go for the long knives.

Let's better hope they do it in public, and as vitriolic as during the campaign. So many of these Republican internecine squabbles are so obscure to us. We need to see these fights play out loudly if you're to get any assistance from us for the side in them that happens to be right that day.

Saint Croix said...

Interesting that Trump started off his campaign with Sympathy For the Devil, and along the way switched to another Stones song

And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need!

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Thanks for the nice comments guys. You touched my heart.

I seem to be getting sensitive to the Zeitgeist of courage lately. We have been watching the BBC channel to see what they say about crazy Americans. Tonight the BBC newsreaders all wore a silk, red poppy, and the wife asked me what they were wearing.

So I pulled up for her the Wiki article on Scotsman John McRae's 1915 poem, "In Flanders Fields." It explained in detail the Brits wearing of Red Poppies on Remembrance Day ( November 11th.)

The funny thing was I could not read her the poem itself without stopping over and over to control myself from crying over lines. Honoring a man's courage to do his duty for his Country still moves us 101 years later.

And that's why I supported DJT. He is also a Traditionalist.

wildswan said...

All the same I do wonder based on what happened when Walker was elected whether we'll BE able to get along or whether we have to go through grief and anger and bargaining and denial and seizure of government buildings and drum circles and death threats and union thugs moving about in large groups and John Doe investigations of innocent citizens and all the rest of it again, only nation wide. Maybe you could repost some of the posts from those days - as examples what the right had to put up with when the left lost power in Wisconsin.

mockturtle said...

Well said, tradguy.

FullMoon said...

I see CNN is still stonking the fires, playing old Trumpvids promising to build wall, remove illegals, etc.
Hillbullies out in force.

tcrosse said...

Some people are throwing a big tantrum about Trump's win. This is the toughest of shit. Grow up, kids.

Patrick said...

I feel certain that HRC would've prevailed had she has maybe 3 or 4 very high profile celebrities who were with her, maybe Kim Kardashian would've made a difference. The Democrats should try that next time, but more so, because us rubes are totally into that.

HT said...

Which one is Trump?


Rhythm and Balls said...

Let's better hope they do it in public,

So that's not going to happen. Alabama born McConnell said through his barely opening mouth that the disputes will most definitely NOT happen in public.

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