October 20, 2016

"It Happened to Me: The Alt-Right Turned Me Into a Meme."

It's "Kevin, a New Yorker and vocal Clinton supporter who woke up on Sunday morning to discover an old picture of him from a Clinton campaign event had been co-opted by alt-right Twitter, labeling him a 'truly disgusting specimen' and an 'it.'"

Example of what this young man saw:

New York Magazine interviews him:
So what was your initial reaction?

I screamed. My roommate actually came in to see what happened. Then I started laughing because it’s so amazing to me.

It is pretty great. You look very, um, angelic in that picture.

I’m beaming. I didn’t realize Hillary was going to stand right next to me until it happened, so I’m in full shock and awe....


mccullough said...

Chicken legs. Lift some weights or ditch the shorts

Michael K said...

He would look good in footie PJs.

David Begley said...

And that's about as close as she gets to real voters. Even if they are wearing shorts.

robother said...

Is that a No2 pencil in his pocket, or is he just glad to see her?

Achilles said...

John Podesta discussing illegal immigrants voting:

"I think Teddy's idea scratches the itch, is pretty safe and uncomplicated.

On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

JP "
--Sent from my iPad-- john.podesta@gmail.com

It is a giant Russian plot for sure

rhhardin said...

Shorter inseam shorts would look better. 5" does best.

He could lose the beard.

Achilles said...

Every one of the people in that picture has flushed their soul down a toilet.

cremes said...

"I screamed. My roommate actually came in to see what happened. Then I started laughing because it’s so amazing to me."

That comment certainly makes him an alpha male in my book. Screaming is totally a manly thing to do. I think "squeal" is probably a better word. Heh.

David Begley said...

Podesta, "On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections."

This is how the election will be stolen. About 10 states lets illegals get driver's licenses. No big deal to lie on a voter application and state you are a citizen. Heck, illegals broke the law to come here.

I knew this all along but to see it confirmed is profoundly depressing.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The men in Wonderfalls seem to me to be inordinately flimsy. Maybe a week ago we watched a rerun of the old Frazier TV show and then an episode of Wonderfalls immediately thereafter. The contrast was so jarring that I exclaimed to my wife: "Holy crap! Niles Crane is more of a manly man than these guys! What is going on?!" It wasn't a rhetorical question. I'd really like an answer because I'd like to rule out the possibility that I'm taking crazy pills.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

"That comment certainly makes him an alpha male in my book. Screaming is totally a manly thing to do. I think "squeal" is probably a better word. Heh."

I bet he would really squeal if Trump grabbed that pussy.

dreams said...

He could be the inspiration for pajama boy.

Etienne said...

"species" is code obviously.

Nasty woman...

Her bus dumped its toilet into the street before a storm drain in Georgia. Hazmat teams have spent two days trying to prevent it from reaching the river.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Where does he get off accusing someone else of turning him into a meme?

dbp said...

Kevin is famous because he looks exactly like one would expect a young white man who loves Hillary! to look.

I am not quite sure why it always strikes me as funny, but when a person so precisely matches a stereotype, it is one of those "funny because true" moments.

Mick said...

The paradigm of the Beta male.

Otto said...

See this is what AA has been fighting against all her life.That is why you see that icon of her at this website, never a full frontal. You young men don't know how much emphasis was put on looks when when AA was growing up. That's why the late 60s and dylan were her salvation. It's not the poetry stupid.

Bob Boyd said...

"rednecks" and "rich fatcat" Republicans are stereotyped all the time.

He's probably a great kid, but the shoe does seem to fit in this case....

Deb said...

"Her bus dumped its toilet into the street before a storm drain in Georgia. Hazmat teams have spent two days trying to prevent it from reaching the river."

But Donna Brazile apologized to the "city" of Gwinnett (which is a county; I think Grayson was the town) so it's all good. Is there a better metaphor for this election?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Hi, Kevin. First, can you tell our readers a little about yourself.

I'm 23, white, and male ( obviously, given the photo )...

Micro-aggression! How can anyone possibly determine your gender based on your physical appearance? Back to sensitivity camp for you!

Bob Boyd said...

I think this guy could truthfully answer "yes" to the question, "Would I get beaten and arrested if I went into a Ladies Room in North Carolina"....so he's got that going for him.

LYNNDH said...

Shock and Awe! Is he going full Rumsfeld?

buwaya said...

The psycho-sexual crowd has a complex system of definitions of male pschological identity these days. Maybe its a parallel of the LGBTxxxxx alphabet soup.

So a "beta" these days isnt so bad. Betas are followers, not leaders, who pick up the female leavings after alphas are done with them or who scoop up the women alphas never bother with. Then there are deltas, who are decent enough fellows but are too self-effacing and lacking in self confidence, too low on the pecking order to score. Then there are the bitter gammas, who adopt many female behaviors and utterly lack male charms, and rarely if ever score. And then there are lamdas and who knows what else, of whom the less said the better.

Someone claiming expertise in this system, say Vox Day, would probably rank this poor fellow somewhere in the Gamma rank or below.

Yancey Ward said...

This is a simple case where a stereotype is laughingly demonstrated by the reality. The Alt-Right picked up the visuals of it, and the boy (and I picked that description intentionally) himself nailed it down with the "I screamed" reaction.

Wince said...

I parse the cited Tweet differently.

The male Hillary voter is a truly disgusting specimen. Is it even the same species as us?

Isn't "the male Hillary voter" categorical, rather then specific as in "this male Hillary voter"?

Michael K said...

He is the perfect Hillary follower. She should put him in an ad. They would flock to the polls.

Or is that "Flounce?"

Rick said...

If he wasn't wearing shorts this never would have happened.

Susan said...

You don't usually see that level of adoration for Sec. Clinton outside the press pool.

I can see why they want to get this out there.

See how the common folk love her!

Rick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
holdfast said...

Isn't that the hypochondriac extreme-nerd lab tech from NCIS: New Orleans?

He could only aspire to be a beta male. Somewhere south of gamma currently.

Rick said...

I’m beaming. I didn’t realize Hillary was going to stand right next to me until it happened, so I’m in full shock and awe....

Your ancestors would be embarrassed. They left some shithole to get away from a culture where commoners were expected to adore the aristocracy.

Lyle Smith said...

Christopher Hitchens hated the Clintons.

hombre said...

Alt-right? Screamed? Angelic? Beaming? Awe?

I don't know about "meme," but a card carrying member of Brainwashed Idolatrous Pussies for Hillary seems likely.

Achilles said...

Blogger Rick said...
"I’m beaming. I didn’t realize Hillary was going to stand right next to me until it happened, so I’m in full shock and awe...."

He was so awed he forgot to dump the bucket of water over her head.

Achilles said...

Blogger David Begley said...
"Podesta, "On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections."

This is how the election will be stolen. About 10 states lets illegals get driver's licenses. No big deal to lie on a voter application and state you are a citizen. Heck, illegals broke the law to come here.

I knew this all along but to see it confirmed is profoundly depressing."

Time for Americans to get over this emotion and do what our founders had the courage to do. The best outcome for those people who are committing this fraud is a trump victory.

Curious George said...

I'll be Kevin finger bangs himself into a coma while thinking of that photo.

walter said...

"You look very, um, angelic in that picture."
Heh..would love to hear the delivery on that.

"I’ve been a pretty obnoxious Hillary supporter online for the last year, so this honestly feels like karma. I’ve been asking for it."

"I’m familiar with the routine. Stay perfectly still until they lose the scent."
Here comes the next round...

Bilwick said...

He's only sorry he didn't wear his footie pajamas to the occasion.

walter said...

"Were you or were you not promised sex in exchange for your attendance? "

Ok Ann..time to parse the word "promise"

mockturtle said...

The male Hillary voter is a truly disgusting specimen.

I've been saying that for over a year now.

tcrosse said...

Obama is probably too macho and rough-hewn for this guy.

Ann Althouse said...

I knew the shorts would make this one difficult for you guys.

JRoberts said...

It's karaoke night at the Pizza Barn!

What's Hillary singing?

Darrell said...

Thank goodness Hillary has so few male supporters.

Sydney said...

I felt sorry for the guy until I read his description of finding the tweet. Then I snickered. Inadvertently. Before I knew what I was doing.

mockturtle said...

Thank goodness Hillary has so few male supporters.

Why should she have ANY?!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

99% - un-date-able!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's weird seeing evidence that there are people, actual people, who look up to her?
She's a liar, a fraud, a disaster, and a money-grubber. did I mention she's a liar?

David53 said...

Hillary's left hand looks puffy or swollen. Her ring seems embedded in the flesh.

Roughcoat said...

Compare and contrast -

World War II, Marine Raiders, average age 19 years old:


Young Marine, World War II:


walter said...

David53 said...Hillary's left hand looks puffy or swollen.
Whoa! Didn't notice that! More like monstrous...maybe Godzilla-esque. WTF.

Michael said...

What is up with this "Alt-Right" meme for this silly man? I wonder if this little boy could tell us two things about the Alt-Right other than it is evil?

Although I must admit that one look at the guy suggests he is not a candidate for membership

Gusty Winds said...

Pictures like this give Putin the confidence he's going to be able to do whatever the hell he wants if Hillary is elected.

Known Unknown said...


Scott said...

This guy is internet meme material ONLY because Hillary Clinton is is running as the token woman candidate. She has accomplished nothing unrelated to her gender or her relationship to Bill Clinton. So, any guy who supports her is easily labeled a "beta male."

walter said...

I had to laugh about this article when I just saw one on Madonna's "promise" to give blowjobs to Hillary voters.
But..I guess that's not sex anymore.
Wonder if slack-jaw Bill will want find out if she's as good at it as she claims. 58 yrs young..far more experienced than Monica.
Dunno..might be the best announcement with custody battle ongoing..

walter said...

Oh..meant to say might not be the best announcement..but who knows, right?

RAH said...

Recall those ads for the classic 98 lb weakling male in comics. That is him. That is also Steve Rogers before he was duper sized into Captain America

Achilles said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"I knew the shorts would make this one difficult for you guys."

Some men can wear shorts and still look like men.

Not the average thing voting for Hillary though.

Achilles said...

I wonder if chicken legs are a side effect of flushing your soul down a toilet.

Mad Boston Arab said...

for those that don't remember Pajama Boy


Fabi said...

First time I've ever agreed with Ann about men in shorts. If you have incredibly attractive legs like mine -- just do it; but that boy needs an intervention.

retail lawyer said...

A normal man finds Hillary to be an extra strength boner shrinker. Something is amiss with this dude.

madAsHell said...

Something is amiss with this dude.

Remember, that his first reaction was to scream. He may be voting with his vagina.

Andrew said...

In related news, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith revealed he is gay in an interview with the Huffington Post. Who was surprised?
It's always good to have one's GAYDAR tested and re-calibrated when such things are announced, mine needed no re-calibration.

mockturtle said...

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith revealed he is gay in an interview with the Huffington Post.
What a shock!!!! I'm flabbergasted! Who'da thunk? ;-)

cubanbob said...

Which males vote for a Clinton? Parasites, criminals and Men Without Chests.

Scott said...

Or a chinless ninny.

CWJ said...

Why is this person newsworthy?

The contrast is stark. Become an alleged alt right meme, and you're a 15 minute star. Become a left wing meme, and you lose your reputation, livelihood, and perhaps life savings. Call me when the "death threats" come in.

Christopher B said...

He wouldn't look a bit out of place in a group photo with the Hillary fanbois I know.

Qwinn said...

That Hillary claw hand is going to give me nightmares.

walter said...

Qwinn..maybe it's time to reconsider the body double rumor. ;)

Thuglawlibrarian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thuglawlibrarian said...

"i screamed"

Here are a couple other males about his age from a few years ago. I wonder if they screamed like him.


holdfast said...

Re: Shep.

I can't believe Fox is reinforcing stereotypes of Gays like that. Sure, make the panicky, hysterical, freak-out prone ninny be the gay guy. If Fox really cared about the LGBT community they would have made Bret Baier be gay.

Buncha Reichwing Bastards, the lot of them.

Rusty said...

cubanbob said...
"Which males vote for a Clinton? Parasites, criminals and Men Without Chests."

Both men and women with public sector jobs. Teachers, professors. municipal employees. People who depend on the rest of the working public to provide for their paychecks and pensions. If you polled the usual suspects on this site you'd find the majority of them have public sector jobs. So of course, for them, the economy is going swimmingly. They don't have to participate in it.

Rosalyn C. said...

He looks like a young John Podesta, AKA the beta male who could.

Michael K said...

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith revealed he is gay in an interview with the Huffington Post.
What a shock!!!! I'm flabbergasted! Who'da thunk? ;-)

I was pleased to see that Shep's AIDS a couple of years ago is under control.

He was pretty sick looking there for a couple of months.

walter said...

I too wondered what was going on with his health. And that was with makeup/stylist support.

The Vault Dweller said...

Real men are unafraid to display their legs in public with shorts. Either that or effeminate men, I can't remember which.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, come on. He is a bit goofy looking and down on the testosterone department for his age.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sensing a meme here, myself: Beta males for Hillary.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

let's keep the alt-right in perspective. i think the members of the alt-right often believe they're like some kind of new uprising and are trying to enjoy a little celebrity because businesses like breitbart cater to their world-view. but they're as they've always been a minority reactionary element in typical conservatism in the us that's always catered to a right wing, white fringe and their nationalist and authoritarian allies (see the elite in korea, for example.)

the alt-right are the sycophants of the mainstream right. they speak all the worst aspects of conservative ideology. it takes a lot to make paul ryan appear like a good guy when paul ryan is traditional white supremacist misogynist asshole, too.

the right wing in the us, for a while, has been an increasingly bigoted social force. the effect peak-conservatism's popularity had in the reagan era was so strong and alluring to the white establishment that even the democrats established a political movement within their party to embrace right wing policy as a means to maintain relevance. the clintons were the result. not progressives, but conservative liberals, who would reach far rightward for popularity.

we now have a candidate for president representing democrats who was proudly talking about protecting decent people from super-predators in the 90s. hrc smugly embraced white supremacist rhetoric to argue for increasing police forces around the country and incarcerating more people for longer terms. this is a time when charles murray's the bell curve was a new york times best-seller; white people were learning to believe they were the smartest, the most law-abiding, the healthiest, again, and due to science. like american eugenics science never really went away.

where are we now? mainstream us politics is republicans who are hardcore social darwinists who'll use the free market as an excuse for every one of their explicitly problematic positions against workers and people who aren't white. their approach to policy is utterly bigoted. democrats are at best third way centrists who habitually lean right and at worst rehabbers of a neoconservative vision for global democracy.

the alt-right represents a reaction to the failure of the popular right wing in the us; as such, it's a group of people who are always present. they don’t feel emboldened; they feel displaced. they aren't new. just because many alt-right people on the internet are under 25, doesn't mean this is a new, young social movement. it's the same one that bubbles up into popular political discourse every twenty years.

social media, social networking, social app culture, blogging, and so on, are still very new features in public discourse. it's not surprising that it seems like a new thing.

glenn said...

Nothing wrong with Mookie that a year or two working in the peach orchards wouldn't cure.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

all the people in that photo look like knuckle dragging taker hillbillies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At what point can we expect these betas to self-castrate, tattoo their removed scrotums with a heart sign saying "Hillary!" and tan it until hard like leather to use as a vase for displaying flowers?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Sheryl Attkinson (ousted from CBS for not towing the DNC line)

She strings it all together. The media are in bed with the Clinton campaign. Full stop.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

From the "interview":

There we go. So what was your initial reaction?

I screamed.

Apparently RINOs and DINOs aren't the only acronym necessary for this political age. We also have "males in name only."

He screamed, everybody. Screamed.

He might have shrieked also. Or squealed.

But no. He went all out and actually screamed.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing. It's gender neutral.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That’s sound advice. So I guess the last question here, and the one on all of our minds: Are you — the male Hillary voter — the same species as us?

Yeah, right. Like she'd ever fuck him. Let alone procreate.

walter said...

Hey maybe it was a bold, masculine sort of scream. You now..like Kiefer Sutherland does in everything he's in.
But if it was more like a squeal..

walter said...

Blogger vicari valdez said..
takes a lot to make paul ryan appear like a good guy when paul ryan is traditional white supremacist misogynist asshole, too.

buwaya said...


Well, Im a traditional misogynist sort-of-not-quite white supremacist asshole too. Pretty much all of us are, really, white or not, its natural. We're cool with it.

So is everything else in modern politics and society. There is nothing new in any of this, it is ingrained, human nature, all within the scope of past performance. Nothing new is bubbling up in any direction. Which is why one really should study history.

Anyway, your note is, lets say, not entirely informed by perspective, and ignores a mass of important matters pertinent to the questions.

Tony said...

Former rough neighborhoods of Brooklyn are now filled with these people. It breaks my heart.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"paul ryan is traditional white supremacist misogynist asshole"
The Irish are considered white these days? Who knew?

rcocean said...

Why doesn't "Kevin" tell us his last name?

Surely, in the Left-wing stronghold of NYC, he'd get even more positive publicity for being a "Boy in shorts for Hillary".


Somehow, I don't think he's just your average, random, white male Hillary supporter.

effinayright said...

Blogger holdfast said...
Isn't that the hypochondriac extreme-nerd lab tech from NCIS: New Orleans?

He could only aspire to be a beta male. Somewhere south of gamma currently.

Well, he does live in the Delta...

effinayright said...

I bet this guy screams like Ned Flanders.


David said...

Troll? False flag?

mockturtle said...

Rusty put his finger on the truth about Hillary supporters: Public sector. Most people who work in the public sector have never held a private sector job, other than maybe waiting tables while in college. And we have to ask ourselves: Are there THAT many people working for the government? Scary, isn't it?

Jon Ericson said...

Who? vicari?

Valentine Smith said...

Did HillyBilly just offer a blowjob AND a muff munch to anyone who in the room who will vote.

Don't ever trust anyone with 3 last names: Madison Malone Kircher. He she or it is slumming wherever they are.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The young women in that photo don't realize it but when he screamed for Hillary, their Fallopian tubes curled up and their eggs dissolved. They no longer have need of free birth control or abortions.

Original Mike said...

Blogger holdfast said..."I can't believe Fox is reinforcing stereotypes of Gays like that. Sure, make the panicky, hysterical, freak-out prone ninny be the gay guy. If Fox really cared about the LGBT community they would have made Bret Baier be gay."


cubanbob said...

Rusty said...
cubanbob said...
"Which males vote for a Clinton? Parasites, criminals and Men Without Chests."

Both men and women with public sector jobs. Teachers, professors. municipal employees. People who depend on the rest of the working public to provide for their paychecks and pensions. If you polled the usual suspects on this site you'd find the majority of them have public sector jobs. So of course, for them, the economy is going swimmingly. They don't have to participate in it."

You also forgot the welfare state industrial complex worker. The better the private sector economy is the less need for them. Not for nothing leftist policies always insure that those workers are never facing unemployment.

rcommal said...

& so on

Interesting, but not surprising, on account of my always having known that men can be every bit as catty as women.

Daniel Jackson said...


damikesc said...

Anybody who is that enthralled that a politician is standing near them really needs to not reproduce. Ever.

He is the perfect Hillary follower. She should put him in an ad. They would flock to the polls.

Or is that "Flounce?"

Prance, most likely.

Thank goodness Hillary has so few male supporters.

Why should she have ANY?!

Solid question. With all of the talk of how Republicans "hate" women, why no concerns about how viciously anti-male Democrats are? It's not Republicans championing laws controlling bedroom activity (and the "affirmative consent" laws are the most draconian bedroom laws out there --- anti-sodomy laws were less intrusive) and making rape a charge a man cannot conceivably disprove, even if he follows the "required rules" of the law.

What is up with this "Alt-Right" meme for this silly man? I wonder if this little boy could tell us two things about the Alt-Right other than it is evil?

He probably also thinks "neocons" are evil because they are "war mongers" while going nuts for a massive war monger whose wars seem to do nothing to help the US.

it takes a lot to make paul ryan appear like a good guy when paul ryan is traditional white supremacist misogynist asshole, too.

OK, I'll bite: HOW is he a "traditional white supremacist misogynist asshole"?

Don't worry, I'll ask you that everywhere until you answer. You can ignore it in this thread if you wish.

Former rough neighborhoods of Brooklyn are now filled with these people. It breaks my heart.

As a Southerner, when I hear of how "tough" New Yorkers are, I remember that wet dishrags like him HEAVILY populate in NYC and laugh.

Nothing worse for them than police enforcing the law less as the least masculine men in human history populate a city.

If I was a criminal, I'd have a damned field day.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger cubanbob said...

You also forgot the welfare state industrial complex worker. The better the private sector economy is the less need for them. Not for nothing leftist policies always insure that those workers are never facing unemployment.

People with graduate degrees go overwhelmingly for Democrats, including Hillary.
What, exactly, is the breakdown of number of bachelors, masters, and doctors degrees awarded by discipline? And how about the MF breakdown in degrees awarded?
Fascinating stuff in there. For example, you will notice that men out number women in computer science by about 4:1, and women outnumber men in education by the same ratio, yet no one is trying to get more men to go into education. Why is that, I wonder?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Engineering technologies/construction trades/mechanics and repairers
Total Men Women
17,158 15,441 1,717

Clearly, we need industry and government to join hands and work together to get more women to enter the automotive repair and construction laborer trades.

bridgecross said...

With those knobby knees, of course he's a Hillary supporter.

damikesc said...

Funny how the right is always "hateful", yet the right is always the ones who become the Emmanuel Goldstein-of-the-day in pop culture. They've hated "paleo-cons", "neo-cons", and now "alt right", all of whom are quite different, with similar levels of intensity.

Glory said...

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Zach said...

I really cannot stand the Alt-Right. What the heck is wrong with that guy? He's got a big, natural smile next to his candidate. He's physically fit, reasonably good looking...

I think "truly disgusting specimen" is code for "Jew," and not very good code, either. More on the level of Pig Latin. And I hate how antisemitism has bubbled up to the surface in recent years -- right and left. Not microaggressions, either -- real, vicious stuff like gas chamber jokes.

Vendetta said...

Wow @ me next time

Fen said...

Zach: I think "truly disgusting specimen" is code for "Jew," and not very good code,

This is parody I hope. Because its a great example of how liberals hear dog whistles and see nazi code that no one else can discern. I've watched groups of liberals on social media work their way up into a froth by deliberately misrepresenting whatever the Right says into something horrible. And a funny correlation is that the more we learn of Hillary's corruption through FBI leaks and Wikileaks, the more grotesque and horrible these false characterizations of Trump become.

Those "boogey men" on the Alt Right, the ones you are so quick to demonize with ignorant hatred and bigotry, are simply pointing at another Pajama Boy.

It's not their fault the Left's "men" look like metrosexual losers living in Mommy's spare bedroom. Sidebet that he' one to shave his chest but not his beard. So rugged!

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