The FBI already had a warrant to search Weiner's laptop, but that only applied to evidence of his allegedly illicit communications with an underage girl.
October 30, 2016
FBI gets a search warrant to look at the Huma Abedin email on the Anthony Weiner computer.
NBC News reports:
Obviously Hillary will be charged and Obama will pardon her, making her eligible for the office again. Needs to happen before January whatever. But they need the charge, I think.
The thing about the crooked Dems is they know that with the help of the crooked liberal media that they can do anything and get a way with it.
Stating to look like a vote for Hilary is a vote for Kaine.
OK, Huma forwarded official email to her Yahoo account. Why is the story about "emails on computer" ? Yahoo email can be accessed from any computer. Unless she copied the body of email and saved it in a word-like document the email is not on the computer , it is on the Yahoo server. What am I missing here?
Check out this superb C-SPAN appearance today by Ann Coulter -
How many emails?
"Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, and underlying metadata suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter."
Ann Coulter makes the astute observation that the hero is not really Comey. She names the guy. Watch it.
I told you. The FBI had this stash all along. Since revelation of that stash is inevitable with a Trump Presidency, they are just using Huma and the Weiner Man's laptop as an attractive distraction answer to the question, " Where was it being hidden for so long?"
FullMoon said...
OK, Huma forwarded official email to her Yahoo account. Why is the story about "emails on computer" ? Yahoo email can be accessed from any computer. Unless she copied the body of email and saved it in a word-like document the email is not on the computer , it is on the Yahoo server. What am I missing here?
You can have a program like Outlook automatically download new emails from a Yahoo account to your hard drive every time you open the Outlook program.
This is why classified government information isn't supposed to get out of the sandbox IN THE FIRST PLACE!
This is why the State department has a secured email system, with a staff that keeps it safe around the clock, instead of an unsecured and ill-managed email system in someone's personal bathroom. This is why the State department issues secured Blackberrys.
Good God, how far do we have to lower the bar, just for the Clintons? How much national security must we endanger, just for the Clintons? How much pay-for-play, corporate shakedown, and trips aboard the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island must we tolerate, just for the Clintons? How much paid and planned for political violence must we tolerate, just for the Clintons?
Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?
Preetinder Singh "Preet" Bharara (born 1968) is an Indian-born naturalized American attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Hillary is a major fuckup who was so paranoid and secrecy obsessed that she never should have been given the nomination. Any questions?
Didn't we recently here that Yahoo was hacked a few years ago?
it is on the Yahoo server. What am I missing here?
If it's on the Yahoo server, it can be deleted from any computer. She must have downloaded it onto her laptop.
I am pretty sure that she had inadvertently set some option to maintain the files locally. The kind of thing that wouldn't have happened with email addresses and related software. This is on Hillary. Huma, who has a trace of shame, and doesn't seem to lie egregiously in this matter, unlike her mentor and boss, gets a little sympathy from me. Chelsea, also, who wrote her dissertation on how foundations like her parents get corrupted, and who actually tried to clean up the Clinton Foundation, before getting steamrollered by old time Clinton cronies, also gets my sympathy.
But as far as I am concerned, the Red Queen can burn in Hell.
@Michael the Magnificent, your last question has puzzled a lot of us since well before the Iowa caucuses.
Charlie Brown
A football
MtheM: "Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?"
As with Maduro/Chavez/Che/Castro/Mao/Stalin et al, it is precisely the degree to which leftist totalitarians use their power to "punish" their enemies that is most attractive ti the leftists.
The left knows that Hillary and Clinton Crime Inc is what it is and they always have.
That IS the reason for their support and affection for the Clintons.
It is simply not possible for there to be a better validation of Fens Law than that which we are witnessing now in real time.
The question on the ballot is whether or not we have "progressed" to full blown banana republic status. We will know soon enough.
Talking about being hacked - I saw today how John Podesta, Crooked Hillary's campaign manager, was hacked. It was a simple phishing. Several at the campaign got emails telling them that their accounts had maybe gotten hacked, and so they should change their passwords. And, so, despite receiving notification that he should not do it, he clicked on the link in the email, which took him to a fake site, that collected his new password and passed it on to, I believe, Yahoo. The rest is history. These are the brains who are trying to run the country.
" Preetinder Singh "Preet" Bharara (born 1968) is an Indian-born naturalized American attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York."
The Great Preetinder
Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?
I understand that Weiner is now cooperating with the FBI. I am not surprised.
"Nothing concentrates the mind so well as the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight."
Or the gray bar hotel as a child molester.
Preetinder Singh "Preet" Bharara sent Right-Wing Pundit Dinesh D’Souza to prison
Interesting speculation at CTH:
The laptop in question, found to be containing all of the tens-of-thousands of emails, was a Huma Abedin laptop – picked up as part of the electronic device capture.
Obviously, this would not have been the currently used Abedin laptop, unless she was still living with Weiner at the time of investigative disposition, and happened to be in the residence at the time the subpoena/warrant was executed. More than likely, the laptop in question was one remaining in the residence absent of Abedin’s physical presence.
Yes, given the nature of their profession, and the extensive use of electronic devices, it would not be odd to find multiple laptops within such a household.
Which begs the question, was the laptop in question one of the missing laptops from the Clinton email investigation? One can easily imagine a scenario where this could be the case…. One can also easily imagine a scenario where the content therein would be kept by Abedin for a reason; especially by a person who knows EVERYTHING about the extent the severe black hat Clinton’s are willing to go to retain their power.
Outlook copies your outgoing e-mails into a "Sent" file. The Weiners may never have deleted this file, or the FBI recovered it (or them) when going into the harddrive looking for evidence of Carlos Danger's sexting. The "Sent" file shows each e-mail sent with time and date, addresse(s), and subject line. This must be what Catherine Herridge is referring to as "meta data." The FBI may have refrained from clicking on the e-mails and bringing up the texts, but they obviously have looked at the "meta data," since they have at least an approximate count, 50,000, of Huma's "work related" e-mails out of the 650,000 total. Now that the FBI has a warrant, they can start bringing up the text of each message to see what is in it. This is going to take a lot of time for 50,000 messages.
I think Comey may as well state what there was so alarming about the names and subject lines that it constituted an "important development." It is going to leak anyway.
And, of course, a lot of people would consider that the discovery of 50,000 "work related" e-mails on Huma Abedin's home computer is in itself a major development, never mind what is in them.
The computer was jointly owned by spouses Weiner and Abedin. Search was proper. Admissible. They will soon be divorced. Spousal privilege will not apply.
The file was labeled “Life insurance.” Huma kept all of these emails to blackmail Bill, Hillary, Podesta, Mills et alia, if necessary. She knew she was swimming with sharks.
Hillary fires her soon.
Huma is looking at perjury and obstruction of justice. She will cut a deal to rat them all out. She will save herself. The best of it is that Trump’s AG will prosecute or appoint special prosecutor.
Today was the tipping point. Hillary’s finished.
A vote for her now means a constitutional crisis.
Obama needs to say he won’t pardon Hillary. Hillary needs to – but won’t say – that she won’t pardon herself. Too much of an admission.
You read it here first. America is saved and at the last minute. Thank God.
Does anybody remember that Yahoo email was hacked in 2014, with millions of accounts and passwords compromised? That it is likely that a foreign government did so? And that Huma was sending emails to her Yahoo account? And since these were found on the laptop this month, they hadn't been deleted from the Yahoo account and are therefore among those that could have been hoovered up by China, Iran, Russia, or any number of foreign intelligence services and their supported cyberhackers? My God, how can these people expect to govern a country when any ordinary citizen would be in a Federal penitentiary, or if a soldier, being held at Ft. Leavenworth? Lots of questions, and no answers from the Clinton sycophants...
God bless Anthony Weiner. Hillary's scandals were, imho, far worse than those of Trump, but they weren't salacious. People always want to read about beauty contestants being groped, but who can get into these Clinton Founsation donations with a double reverse twist for State Dept. access. But you can depend on Weiner to squeeze the sleaze. It's one thing to compromise national security with a bathroom server but it's quite another thing to compromise national security while sexting a fifteen year old whilst at the same time cradling your infant child. This is beyond optics and into peripheral vision. The olfactory senses are in play as well......While this doesn't match the Oval Office bj, this is, nonetheless, an impressive scandal. I would certainly rank it higher than Trump's groping allegations.
That "life insurance" thing seems pretty thinly sourced, to say the least. I would love it if it were true, to finally drive the stake through her heart, but I will wait until I hear it from a news source. Even ZeroHedge.
Bruce Hayden said...
These are the brains who are trying to run the country.
Lawyers. They should never be in charge of anything important. The Supreme Court, sure, but not anything that has a material affect on our lives.
Lawyers. They should never be in charge of anything important. The Supreme Court, sure, but not anything that has a material affect on our lives.
I would tend to agree with you, ARM.
Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?
It is not just the Clintons, although it does feel that way sometimes. The Democrats circle the wagons and protect all of their fellow travelers. When is the last time the Democrats ever held a Democrat responsible for anything, or punished a Democrat for his misdeeds? If Nixon had been a Democrat, he would have never resigned and would have finished out his term. If Packwood had been a Democrat, he'd probably still be in the Senate.
Obama will pardon her
How could Obama do that without torpedoing the entire Democratic Party?
Obama needs to say he won’t pardon Hillary. Hillary needs to – but won’t say – that she won’t pardon herself. Too much of an admission.
If Hillary is impeached, she can't be pardoned.
There is a reason Huma or Weiner held on to all these emails. They knew they would be a bargaining chip against the law or the Clintons when the time came.
Perhaps the FBI is merely trying to be efficient:
Hillary could pardon herself on January 21, 2017.
"Our long national nightmare is over. I need to get to work for the American people and do the job I was elected to do."
rhhardin said...
Obviously Hillary will be charged and Obama will pardon her, making her eligible for the office again.
Certainly charging does not make her ineligible for office. Nor does conviction, as best I know. If we want to elect a felon, we can do so.
"Huma is looking at perjury and obstruction of justice. She will cut a deal to rat them all out. She will save herself. The best of it is that Trump’s AG will prosecute or appoint special prosecutor."
This is too much to hope for.
I would love to be able to go back to trusting our government to at least pretend to care about the rule of law.
FullMoon said...
OK, Huma forwarded official email to her Yahoo account. Why is the story about "emails on computer" ? Yahoo email can be accessed from any computer. Unless she copied the body of email and saved it in a word-like document the email is not on the computer , it is on the Yahoo server. What am I missing here?
Very good question. Just how skillful were the inquiries to Huma about "devices" that she used?
Its too bad we don't have a Praetorian Guard. This would all be over in a heartbeat.
Instead, we get to spend months listening to lawyers explain the definition of "is"
Can you imagine 8 years of this bullshit?
I am not sure why anyone would share a keyboard with Carlos Danger. I'm sure that half the keys are sticky.
They might have needed a warrant to search Weiner's computer as part of an investigation of Weiner. But once they have that warrant, they can use whatever they find against anyone and everyone else.
Neither Huma nor Hillary have standing to object to a warrantless search of another person's computer. Neither has any expectation of privacy in another person's computer. A warrant is not needed. This is Criminal Procedure 101. All this discussion about warrants is nothing more than obfuscation.
"Lawyers. They should never be in charge of anything important. The Supreme Court, sure, but not anything that has a material affect on our lives."
Not a John Adams fan, eh?
"Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?"
In the case of the insiders, political pros and manipulators of the system, it is greed and fear. Greed for the benefits supporting a winning Hillary would bring. Fear of the retribution that would come to those who oppose her.
OK, Huma forwarded official email to her Yahoo account. Why is the story about "emails on computer" ?
Because the computer that held those emails is not part of the State Department's secure email system. Not allowed under any circumstances, until this summer when it became allowed if your name ended with "linton".
As part of their investigation, the FBI required Huma to disclose all the devises that held potentially secret info. It seems she didn't.
I would love to be able to go back to trusting our government to at least pretend to care about the rule of law.
Hi everyone.
I was wondering if you could help me out with a very serious question. I don't really understand all the IMAP POP whatever stuff, but say I were to open Yahoo and accidentally spill 12 gallons of bleach into my ISP thingy, would that ruin all my emails?
Asking for a friend.
L. Lynch
Is the file really labeled "Life Insurance?" That would be telling.
John Hinderaker at Power Line has an interesting speculation that this file was created by Weiner not by Huma. That would square with the "life insurance" tag more neatly.
You think I kid. Just wait. They will be lost, deleted, whatever. Just like the last 3 times.
Fine by me, no Rule of Law means I finally get to play.
is currently being passed around. If true, Trump wins. If true, it seems that an FBI agent's oath to " and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic../" or the similar oath taken by police officers would require them to make this known before an election if true, as an obligation over and above the Hatch Act.
And as to the above, I also wonder if This is something that was also going to dump in the final days of the wikileaks constant drip, drip, drip as the really bad gush.
Some evening fun, compliments of Donald Trump Jr.:
I think you seriously underestimate the Democratic Base's willingness to ignore any inconvenient facts they need to in order to vote Democratic.
Gahrie, to your question of when the last time the Democrats threw one of their own under the bus... ironically enough, I think it was Anthony Weiner.
And I don't think Huma will turn on Hillary. But I think Weiner will.
That's ridiculous. Are you trying to troll us?
Lawyers. They should never be in charge of anything important. The Supreme Court, sure, but not anything that has a material affect on our lives.
As a lawyer I gotta say . . . yeah, it's true. Oh, there are some folks who attend law school but who never really learn to "think like a lawyer" or folks who can set it aside. Those folks can be trusted with top executive roles, but in general lawyers are just to risk averse and lawyerly to make good leaders - and a few go the other way and try to out-slime their worst clients (i.e. the Clintons).
The Cracker Emcee said...
That's ridiculous. Are you trying to troll us?
I'm not even sure what to make of it. But, it's being passed around. And if even half true- and it only documents Bill fooling around- it's still a bombshell. And I think it was Gennifer Flowers who said something to the effect that Bill said his wife had eaten more, well you know what, then he had.... So who knows?
I think the liberals are so scared at this point that they're putting out the Lolita stuff so that the reality can't possibly be as bad, and then they can shriek about how vile Republicans are for spreading those vicious rumors. I wonder how much Harold is being paid.
yes, it's near beer, compared to the compromises that have been made to oligarchs, warlords, borderline criminals, through the foundation,
Noone seems to note that Huma is a Iranian Muslim who fully supports Islam.
Qwinn said...
I think the liberals are so scared at this point that they're putting out the Lolita stuff so that the reality can't possibly be as bad, and then they can shriek about how vile Republicans are for spreading those vicious rumors. I wonder how much Harold is being paid.
It's going to be an interesting week- in the Chinese Curse meaning of interesting. And as I've said before, I'm voting against Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, corrupt alcoholic enabler of her sexual predator husband, by filling in the circle for Trump and feeding it through the scantron. I got the link from voxday, and outspoken Trump supporter. No idea who Carmen Katz or the David Goldberg who retweeted it are, but if voxday saw it to post on his blog, he apparently trusts the source.
You know the theory that it was set up by Anthony Weiner rather than Huma makes a lot of sense. I can see him being the sneaky sort of bastard who would want a dirt file to protect himself, and he clearly had no problem going behind Huma's back, and it wouldn't shock me if this was another marriage of political convenience.
Technically easy to do. These people seem lazy enough to use the "remember me" function on webmail, so if Huma used the laptop even once Weiner could log on at will. Combine this with using an email client that downloads everything on logon and you've got your answer as to why the emails exist on the laptop even though Huma appears genuinely confused as to how they got there.
Of course they're both lying ratbastards so its equally believable that its Huma's backup and "protection" as well.
Well, if it turns out to be true, I'll apologize. I also did briefly confuse you with uberliberal troll Howard who posts here often, which is what kicked off my initial suspicion that it was a moby attack.
Still, I'd caution everyone to not go with that until it's better sourced. The Left is guaranteed to try to drum up sympathy for her if there's anything less than ironclad proof of it.
Seriously, lefties, what is it about the Clintons that make you so willing to flush your morals, your ethics, and your patriotism so willingly right down the shitter?
The left has no morals, ethics or patriotism.
Indian muslim, father was educated in the kingdom, they had ties to nasseef, who ran the journal that huma's mother edited,
the ties were available almost a decade ago,
So the Dems will vote for her even if she documents criminality in her emails. But will the indys? I sincerely doubt it. And it would also greatly reduce the Never Trump vote on the R side.
Bryan Suits of KFI radio in LA reported FBI insiders told him:
US attorney for NY was about to go public with his cooperative agreement with Weiner, which would have exposed the fact they found "tens of thousands" of emails from Hillary's server there.
The FBI has evidence that Russia hacked Hillary's server and are in possession of all the contents.
Russia was going to release all the emails this week, whether the FBI admitted they had them or not, and the evidence would have "destroyed" Comey's career too, according to insider in NY US attorney office.
All 33,000 emails from Hillary's shithole server previously thought to be deleted and bleach bitted are there. Found. About to be made public. Stored in a folder titled "Life Insurance." Hee hee hee.
My take is that odds are there will be no emails about yoga or Chelsea's wedding. Unfortunately for Huma she testified under penalty of perjury that all emails in her possession on any devices had already been turned over in June.
"Russia was going to release all the emails this week, whether the FBI admitted they had them or not,..."
If true, they're still going to have to release them. We're certainly not going to learn anything about the contents from the FBI within the next 8 days.
Can you imagine 8 years of this bullshit?
Many of us LIVED through 8 years of this bullshit the last time the Clintons were in the WH, with the coup de grâce being stolen WH furniture, and vandalized WH office equipment.
But lefties still love them! Go figure.
HuffPo is going insane and I find it hilarious.
James Pawlak notes: Noone seems to note that Huma is a Iranian Muslim who fully supports Islam.
Her mother was/is a radical Muslim activist:
"HuffPo is going insane and I find it hilarious."
Went over there to read the comments. Couldn't get too far because I found it depressing. Many of them seem to have no problem with Hillary's actions regarding her email server.
I think the FBI should simply count the number of classified E-mails of various levels in the 650,000 by doing search. If there are none, that's one thing. Fire Comey. If there are thousands then that's another. Fire Huma.
Further if Huma allowed Anthony Wiener access to thousands of classified e-mails even after the July investigation then Hillary should not be President. Obviously anyone working for her can do what they please about national security as long as no goddamn FOIA requests breach Clinton security.
What did Huma know and when did she know it? Nothing, I swear on my mother's grave I am incompetent and thought e-mails disappeared like snow every spring.
There's a little tray thingy on the side of your 'puter and you pour the dried bleach bits in there, then slam it shut quickly and start the cycle by pushing the button marked ESC. You can find the bits in the little place on your washing machine where the detergent goes. After awhile spray some Windex into the same place and you're done.
Bill says the money is in the usual place, whatever that means. The rigging is going fine, how's the cover-up? I'd wink but my eyes cross when I do that. Screw America.
I love the hypocritical whining about the Hatch Act. When Lois Lerner is in jail, maybe we can discuss it. Until then, STFU.
Blogger Fen said...
"You think I kid. Just wait. They will be lost, deleted, whatever. Just like the last 3 times.
Fine by me, no Rule of Law means I finally get to play."
It sounds like this latest activity is being driven by the New York local division of the FBI. It seems like at least one person in the field office has more of a soul than all of Comeys handpicked DC investigators. They have a lot of people to keep quiet.
The file the emails were in was named life insurance. I bet there are copies. I don't think Comey would have sent that letter if he wasn't absolutely forced to by people inside the FBI willing to leak the information and take Comey down. I bet he tried to get them to play ball. I just hope the people forcing this out are smart enough to know how much their lives are in danger.
For your run of the mill federal employee a trump victory is the best outcome. If Hillary is elected it will go downhill fast for everyone.
What is the source for the "Life Insurance" directory name? Sounds "too good to be true".
Looks like Democrats are starting to back off of their support for Hillary.
Not that she will step aside. But I wonder if this will finally crack the lockstep Democrat party?
OrigiMike: My news is third hand:
Senior FBI employee within NY office familiar with case and communications between DOJ and FBI management and field personnel
Bryan Suits (KFI AM640 in LA / I Heart Media app), a reliable media figure on military affairs and law enforcement with good sources. He'll be back on Monday morning between 5-8 a.m. on Bill Handel show which streams on I Heart Radio app. I'm sure Bill will grill him about this news and the sources.
Me and few million others listening to the Dark Secret Place last night. Which was more like listening back to a digital recording I made of the show and re-listened to on a drive down to Salton Sea to look at the beautiful sky and cloud and lake tableau today. And personally, I'm way more interested in hearing more about the proof the Russians hacked HRC and have it all. It's been a long running dark joke on the right that they do. It's almost beyond bad Hollywood script material now as-is.
What a year. We damn well do live in interesting times.
[corrected spelling error, added a note about Suits and deleted 11:58 post]
After reading the days news...
I'm thinking Reid, Pelosi, and Clinton have just destroyed the Democratic party.
But then again, The Hungarian György Schwartz isn't dead yet, and even I accepted money from gangsters in my youth.
Tomorrow I'll learn that Trump grabbed some pussy again...
oops, it's tomorrow already, guess it's time to cork this bottle and head for bed...
"oops, it's tomorrow already,"
I'm in Australia. Its been tomorrow for 16 hours.
The Aussies are fascinated with our election.
The whole world is fascinated by this election.
I'm still going to be here on election day. I was thinking it might be hard to follow the returns, but apparently that's not going to be the case.
I better wake up in the morning and be impressed. If the Clintons skate and some FBI agents are arrested or sent to the bureaucratic gulag it starts early.
Why this came out Friday.
This is the most corrupt administration ever. This makes Nixon look like a saint. Everyone who supports Hillary Clinton at this point is pathetically and obviously evil. If any democrat is elected before there is a complete and thorough investigation of this entire administration it is go time. These people are trying to steal and destroy everything this country should be.
Call me a fool, but I still think Comey did what he had to under the circumstances at every point of the process given that he was unwilling to resign.
Think about it- it isn't his call whether or not an investigation gets a grand jury and subpoena power. It isn't his call whether or not a witness gets immunity. It isn't his call whether or not a case that has been investigated gets an indictment or not. All of these things are in the domain of, at a minimum, a US Attorney, and more likely an official in the DoJ in D.C. Now, Comey could have made a big stink about the hamstringing that was done to the original investigation and threatened to resign and go public, but that is likely what the Obama Administration would have most liked to happen- they could have smeared Comey as a partisan, and given that the investigation didn't have the proper tools to get cooperating witness testimony from the weakest links, Comey would have had to resign with next to no evidence to present to the public, so he stayed on the job, sent the report to the DoJ knowing with no doubt that they intended to bury it until after the election if not forever. When Lynch was caught secretly meeting with Bill Clinton 5 days before his wife's FBI interview and was forced to recuse herself, Comey used that opening to at least let the public know just how utterly stupid Clinton was in the most favorable interpretation of her behavior and practices, and probably a criminal in the least favorable interpretation. I think he made the decision to recommend against prosecution for two reasons- first, he already knew the recommendation would not be followed and, secondly, he probably believed his outlining of the malfeasance might be undercut by charges of partisanship if he did recommend prosecution. In my opinion, that belief isn't irrational or even wrong.
In trying to defend his actions, he made a promise to Congress in sworn testimony and in writing that he would update them if there were any material changes in the state of the investigation. He probably didn't expect that the conditions for an update would arise, but they did, and he had no choice but to follow through on that promise- not doing so is the same as lying under oath to Congress- DoJ rules don't override this either. I speculate that the initial requests for a court order were turned down by the DoJ- there is a curious gap in time between when this material was discovered and the warrant obtained apparently today. I think Comey forced the warrant by going public. I don't think it is a coincidence that they get it on a Sunday 2 days after it became public knowledge. Also, it was probably going to be leaked anyway, so it is best to have it done this way so the public doesn't have to speculate whether or not it is true that new source of relevant e-mails may have been discovered.
My theory is that Weiner has been archiving his wife's e-mails for a long, long time. If I were that close to the Clintons, I would have done the exact same thing. Those people are utterly corrupt and untrustworthy, and simple common sense would require one to take some extraordinary actions in self-preservation.
1/16, 12:05 AM
Blogger Original Mike said...
The Aussies are fascinated with our election.
For 2020, the parties should change their names from Democrat and Republican to Kang and Kodos.
"So . . . how you votin' this year, neighbor? Kang or Kodos?"
Yancey: My theory is that Weiner has been archiving his wife's e-mails for a long, long time. If I were that close to the Clintons, I would have done the exact same thing. Those people are utterly corrupt and untrustworthy, and simple common sense would require one to take some extraordinary actions in self-preservation.
My wife is currently mocking my political analysis. At least its in a fun way.
See, when Weiner was caught the first time and driven from office, all my conservative friends wanted to show him mercy and let him get on with his life. I yelled at them about how we needed to finish him publicly, or he would be back again. He did try to run for mayor, but that didn't go well. Anyways, I wanted him hounded out of public life. But I didn't get my way, and what happens? Almost the opposite of what I predicted:
Weiner comes back, sexts minors again, and his _corruption_ opens the door to take the Clintons down.
Same thing in reverse with the Clintons, as you mention Yancey - the Clintons are so _corrupt_ that even the most loyal aide would be a fool to not secure a "blue dress" for when its their turn to be scapegoated. Sounds like that is what Weiner was setting up. Insurance.
So in both instances, we have examples of corruption coming back to bite the wicked in the ass. LISTEN CAREFULLY DEMS - this is why you don't embrace corruption. You may win a few in the beginning, but it weakens you and always comes back home.
The file was labeled “Life insurance.” Huma kept all of these emails to blackmail Bill, Hillary, Podesta, Mills et alia, if necessary. She knew she was swimming with sharks. Hillary fires her soon.
I agree that the emails could have been Huma’s insurance against Hillary throwing her under the bus but will Hillary fire the one person who knows every skeleton in the Clinton closet? I doubt it. Hillary’s only hope is if Comey somehow manages to smother this new aspect of the FBI Clinton investigation.
Just saw the author of the WSJ piece, Devlin Barrett, on Morning Rino.
He stated (paraphrasing) while some higher level FBI officials (read:Comey) have not seen the actual emails in question, the metadata reveals the sender and the recipient. And that is where the Clinton private server surfaces.
Check out this superb C-SPAN appearance today by Ann Coulter -
Coulter is one of my favorites. I notice she carefully avoided answering the question at 13:04 on why she’s no longer seen on FoxNews.
Let me answer for her:
She’s far too knowledgeable about the facts and too easily knocks over the false narratives that the news producers and their brainless parrots the talking heads and pitiful pundits try to promote about Trump. She’s way too effective a debater for those lightweights.
It’s not just Fox; she used to appear on other cable shows. She’s blacklisted. Can you imagine what damage she could do to the credibility of a typical silly Sunday morning panel?
I wonder if the Federal Prosecutors who indicted Caspar Wienberger three days before the election, even though the statute of limitations had passed on any sort of possible misconduct, signed that open letter criticizing Comey? Or the ones who won the conviction of Ted Stevens right before the election, the one that was vacated, and those prosecutors were reprimanded for misconduct? I wonder if they signed the letters?
If there was Lolita Express stuff on there, that would be hysterical. Seriously funny shit. Remember that the Clintons gave us Trump the pussy grabber too. If ever a couple had earned banishment to some cold dark prison far out of the way, the Clinton Correctional Facility in the Adirondacks comes to mind, it is those two.
"Same thing in reverse with the Clintons, as you mention Yancey - the Clintons are so _corrupt_ that even the most loyal aide would be a fool to not secure a "blue dress" for when its their turn to be scapegoated. Sounds like that is what Weiner was setting up. Insurance."
Could be, but another explanation is that these people - the ones who want to rule over us and tell us how to run our lives - are simply feckless and incompetent and not very bright.
I think the purpose of Comey's letter was so that immediately after the election - which Clinton will win anyway - they can say, "This is all old news; let's move on. The people knew this when they voted, so they have made the decision it does not matter." It's not an investigation, it's an inoculation.
I'm with Yancey Ward. Comey has said a few things during his announcement in July and his later testimony to Congress that seemed like he'd sold out and joined the cover up ("no reasonable prosecutor", for instance) but those parts of his statements were so incongruous with the rest that it seemed like a hostage video.
Meanwhile, the fucking Attorney General, who met with Bill Clinton, famously, on the tarmac at that airport, has just TAKEN THE FIFTH! Nary a peep from the press! Can you imagine if it were a Republican who had done that days before the election?
When we let the Chicago people cheat their way into the White House, it was game over. It's like a car wreck on ice. You have lost control on ice, there is nothing you can do to regain control, and you are sliding toward impact in slow motion. That's where we are, or a train wreck.
In fact, if anybody writes a book about this election, the title should be "Train Wreck!" with the exclamation point.
Lost amid the the 650K emails in question, the FBI has five (count 'em five) field offices investigating the Clinton Foundation.
"FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Little Rock, Ark., are investigating the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of pay-to-play financial and political corruption, according to a report at The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Sunday." (Miami is mentioned later in the article.)
If Clinton gets elected, this investigation will go pffft.
tim in vermont said...Meanwhile, the fucking Attorney General, who met with Bill Clinton, famously, on the tarmac at that airport, has just TAKEN THE FIFTH!
To be more accurate, tim, she simply refused to answer questions from Congresspersons. It's actually worse that way, to me--if she was actually taking the 5th regarding a matter that might criminally incriminate her personally that'd be bad but she'd be entitled to that right (she is, after all, a citizen). She's not doing that, though--she simply decided she didn't need to answer valid questions from duly-elected government officials--from representatives of the people who are there in part to ask exactly those kinds of questions! Her refusal is a subversion of the government's structure; I don't remember any SchoolHouse Rock songs about the AG getting to decide not to cooperate with the fucking Congress, do you?
It is truly stomach-churning...but look out there in TV-land: no outrage. No protests, no calls for her resignation, no pressure on the Obama White House to repudiate his appointed AG for her bad behavior--nothing.
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