October 24, 2016

At the Icee Café...


1. You can talk in the comments about anything you want. That's what "Café" in the post title means.

2. Please consider doing your shopping through the Althouse Amazon Portal (which you can always find in the banner to this blog) or the Amazon search box in the sidebar.

3. Why did I take a picture of an Icee truck? I'm fascinated by the brand name "Icee," which I'd only ever noticed before in crossword puzzles, where it is one of those words — like aloe and oreo and aria — that have convenient letters and are used way too much. And I liked the graphic design — the way the product flows splashily indicating forward motion of the truck (even when the truck is parked).



Earnest Prole said...

Brain freeze

Floris said...

I have never eaten an Icee. Years ago I saw a Slurpee machine at a 7-11, but the entire Slurpee apparatus and its associated peripherals just screamed communicable disease at me.

buwaya said...

Its one of those brand names that turned into a noun.

PB said...

An Icee is good. A Dairy Queen "Arctic Mist" is much, much better. They used to call them "Mr Misty"

dbp said...

I haven't really made a habit out of having a Slurpee (there were no Icees where I lived) since I was a kid. Back then the machine was behind the counter and the clerk had to serve it to you--that seemed more sanitary than how it is now, where you serve yourself. I imagine these frozen drinks are like the stuff in soda fountains: I don't think germs can live in the stuff.

Sydney said...

The convenience store down the street from the house I grew up in had ICEEs. We used to ride our bikes down there every day in the summer to buy one. Loved it. Nice memories. And the graphic design is attractive.

mccullough said...

The Drought-Will-End-For-One-Team World Series starts tomorrow. I feel bad for the fans of the team that will lose. They should declare both teams Co-Champions

Nonapod said...

Icees are superior to Slurpees. Their texture is smoother, with ice crystals of a much finer granularity, and they're less watery. Slurpees are bits of ice suspended in water and Icees are frozen foam.

buwaya said...

Recommendations for the Althouse Amazon Portal, some personal favorites; fairly popular works, all easy and fun reads - books related to the current political situation - arm yourself with knowledge !

- Donald Kagan "The Peloponnesian War" - Thucydides + the rest of the story. How an empire fell.

- Simon Schama "Citizens" - The engaging, chatty, and absorbing history of the French Revolution. Ca ira.

- Anthony Beevor "The Battle for Spain" - What happens when a people learns to hate itself.

- Robert Graves, "I, Claudius" - Personal perversion goes public. Again and again and again...

- Colleen McCullough, "Rome" series - to be fair the first three or four are best. The fall of the Republic, more or less as soap opera, but a damned good soap opera.

"The First Man in Rome"
"The Grass Crown"
"Fortunes Favorites'

traditionalguy said...

Snow Cones were the forerunner. Does that make me old?

Anonymous said...

Shave ice is much, much better than Icee. They are worlds apart.

SteveR said...

Icees are good -- they were widely available a long time ago.

I question what people mean when they say Hillary is qualified because she has lots of experience, or some variety of that. Not at governing, or being a leader, right? I don't it means what you think it means.

David Begley said...

The Kingdom of Speech by Tom Wolfe. Althouse wrote about it here.

You will enjoy it.

Nonapod said...

traditionalguy said...

Snow Cones were the forerunner. Does that make me old?

Yeah. When it comes to sweetened ice treats have a much longer history than I would have suspected. According to Wikipedia

The first documented "shaved ice" dessert was made in 27 B.C.E. The Roman Emperor Nero sent slaves to collect snow from nearby mountains that he then flavored with a fruit and honey mixture.[1][citation needed]

In imperial Japan, the dessert was also a treat reserved for royalty, as it was made of natural ice formed during the coldest period of winter, which was stored in icehouses. This made it very rare, and a supreme luxury available only to the Heian nobles; ordinary people could not afford it.[2] As Japanese immigrated to Hawaii, they brought this tradition with them. Like Rome and Japan, in Hawaii warm areas are close enough to snow-capped mountains that snow can be brought into the warm areas without melting.

traditionalguy said...

Which brings to mind a Nutty Buddy with a round scoop of ice cream on top covered with dark chocolate and peanuts. It was worth skipping three snow cones to buy one Nutty Buddy.

Sadly, the Nutty Buddy today is emasculated and not worth much.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Icees used to be $0.10, which was the highest amount you didn't have to pay sales tax on. We learned to buy them one at a time even in a group setting to save those precious pennies..

They also had some type of coupon graphic on the cup you could clip and save for a free icee when you got enough. They knew only one in 100 kids would have it together to do that..

Nonapod said...

Many slaves died retrieving Nutty Buddy's for Nero.

Humperdink said...

Ever wonder why Richard Trumka, fellow PSU classmate, president of the AFL-CIO, former president of the United Mine Workers Union, joined at the hip to President Obama and Hillary Clinton ......... stood idly by while the current administration destroyed the coal industry and coal mining jobs?

I wish someone would pose that question to him.

Curious George said...

"mccullough said...
The Drought-Will-End-For-One-Team World Series starts tomorrow. I feel bad for the fans of the team that will lose. They should declare both teams Co-Champions"

Let's just declare your idea stupid and play the games.

buwaya said...

We are going to hear about this of course - -

O'Keefe's latest is about collusion between the Clinton campaign and outside non-profit activist groups, as usual caught on video.

And, I gather, the Podesta stuff is simply chock full of instances of this collusion.

Exactly the sort of thing alleged in the Wisconsin "John Doe" investigation and raids, unless I missed the point there.

Whether this stuff is actually illegal or not ... well, you all are lawyers. Let us know.

rehajm said...

From today's Wikileaks:

Bernie is beating us up over Rahm's record on schools in Chicago. The Chicago school system is overloaded with debt and likely to run out of cash before the end of the school year. As a result, they are withholding their pension contributions, and laying off teachers and support staff. I reached out to Randi W and she suggested that she tweet something tomorrow making clear that Rahm and Rauner have been bad for Chicago schools and then HRC retweets. That sounded like a toxic idea to me given Rahm's endorsement, but I don't think this issue is going away.

Illinois insolvency is going to be yet another crisis during the next president's tenure.

If it weren't so serious I'd make a joke about electing a president with bankruptcy experience...

rehajm said...

I recall the Chilly Willee frozen concoction. Unfortunately, today it's an Urban Dictionary listing...

buwaya said...

"I wish someone would pose that question to him."

He will have an answer along the lines of the Clinton administration will restore the jobs through a government program of some sort. Thats been their standard answer.

I have dealt with industrial unions - not Trumkas, but they are similar.

Trumka and the gang are NOT dependent on their constituency. They are not elected in a legitimate process and they don't depend on the will of the workers for their budgets. The whole thing is about, primarily, blackmail vs employers, supported by threats of govt. action.
Its all about the bureaucracy, not the workers.

Trumka and his kind know on which side their bread is buttered.

Humperdink said...

Speaking of Bernie and Icee, I suspect Bernie has been duct taped and put on ice until Nov, 9. Maybe longer.

He's feelin' the ice, not the burn.

jacksonjay said...

What in the Hell did Mr. Trump say about "the wall" on Saturday. I read what he said and I heard what he said, but I've been reading posts and comments at this site long enough to know that what he said was not really what he said. You know, he is such the persuader and media manipulator. Ann Althouse says he's cagey.

He said that we are gonna pay and Mexico will pay us back. He also said something like "don't worry about it." Now, I know that he is not a politician and he really, really tells it like it is, so I'm sure I've got it all wrong. But he said something about an immigration act that would fully fund the wall and then we would make Mexico pay us back. He's gonna get Congress to pass such an act? Really? What happens if the Trumpets vote out the Republican Senate? Oh yeah, I fugot about it, he's a persuader, he'll talk the Democrats into building a wall.

Will it still be ten feet taller than originally envisioned? Election day is coming up and someone at this site told me long ago that immigration is the only issue, so now I'm really confused.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

buwaya said...

O'Keefe's latest is about collusion between the Clinton campaign and outside non-profit activist groups, as usual caught on video...

Whether this stuff is actually illegal or not ... well, you all are lawyers. Let us know.

Not a lawyer, but...
Coordination with non-profits is legal. However, if the non-profit is organized as a 501c4 ( Social Welfare Organization ) then there is a limit on how much it is allowed to engage in election activities. If it is organized as a 501c3 then it may not engage in any election related activity ( but may engage in lobbying. )

buwaya said...

"so now I'm really confused."

You should be. By this time nothing is real. Everyone is working on raw emotion.
On all sides its all about the monsters from the Id.

"Forbidden Planet"

Available on Althouse Amazon portal ! Streaming, DVD etc.

Original Mike said...

State Dept. IT Director who orders subordinates never to talk about Hillary's private server takes the Fifth.

Wince said...

I remember how the jagged edge of the torn plastic at the end of a freeze pop would become part of the taste and texture of the freeze pop experience. I grew to look forward to it, especially when sucking the melted fluid through the remaining frozen ice chunks. The freeze pop ice also was much more crusty than Popsicles.

eric said...

Currently polling says Clinton wins in a landslide.

Swing state Polls

AZ Clinton +1.3
CO Clinton +7.2
Florida Clinton +3.8
Georgia Trump +4
Iowa Trump +3.7
Maine Clinton +5.2
Michigan Clinton +10
Minnesota Clinton +4.3
Missouri Trump +6.7
Nevada Clinton +4.2
NH Clinton +8
NC Clinton +2.1
Ohio Trump +.6
PA Clinton +6.2
Virginia Clinton +8

We are two weeks from the election. I'll update these averages next week and the Monday before the election.

I'm interested to see how these averages change, or don't change.

bagoh20 said...

Can we stop calling academics "elites". "Elite" means better right?

Siri gets paper on nuclear physics accepted at conference.


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The 1984 election was an actual landslide. This looks like a sound trouncing for Trump, but still there are going to be an awful lot of Trump voters, and HRC is going to have to deal with them, "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and "not American" though they be.

By the way, does she really think there are no "deplorables" voting her way? Only the good, only the pure? I doubt that's so.

I've been out of town for most of the last week, so wanted to address something from the debate. In speaking of abortion, both HRC and DJT used the word "mother" for the woman involved. Can we please, please stop this? A "mother" implies a "child," and for better or worse, that's the one thing abortion is specifically designed to snuff out. Whatever the woman is, she's not a "mother," unless the abortion is "botched" and (inconveniently) results not in a dead fetus, but a live baby. Laws have been proposed, btw, to deal with that situation, by making clear that a fetus born alive is an actual child and no longer "products of conception." You'd think it would be obvious to any physician that if it's completely separate from the (this time actual) mother, a baby isn't her responsibility any more, and she has no right to tell the doctor to kill it. But these bills keep getting voted down, or stuck forever in committee. Obama voted against one in the IL State Senate.

Kermit Gosnell (remember him?) actually made it a practice to deliver fetuses alive, and then snip the spinal cord once the baby (a born fetus is a "baby") was out. Quite apart from being ueber-creepy, and making him probably the worst mass murderer in US history apart from the 9/11 hijackers, doesn't this render suspect the idea that you can't just deliver a late-term fetus, because the head won't go through w/o full dilation?

A woman desiring a late-term abortion does not simply want to be not-pregnant; she wants the fetus to be dead. This is why abortions resulting in live births are called "botched" in the first place.

Robert Cook said...

When I was a kid in Florida, ICEEs were sold only at 7-11. I never really cared for them.

David Begley said...

Wikileaks today released an email where Podesta asked about Hillary's head.

Folks, she is sick. Really sick. But the MSM covers for her.

Darrell said...

Poll showed Remain 8 points up and pulling away Two days before the referendum. Trump is our Brexit.

Darrell said...

Wikileaks today released an email where Podesta asked about Hillary's head.

A fish rots from its head down.

Original Mike said...

"Siri gets paper on nuclear physics accepted at conference."

Is that the same Siri that when I asked her for the location of the nearest 7-Eleven replied, "seven minus eleven is negative four? (I kid you not.)

Darrell said...

My Siri calls Hillary "Crooked Hillary." She became sapient.

HT said...

The coca cola icees were sooo good.

Sydney said...

When I was a kid in Florida, ICEEs were sold only at 7-11.

The convenience store in our neighborhood (central Ohio) that sold them was called Short-Stop. It was the 1970's.

Sydney said...

Can anyone recommend a Doris Lessing novel for someone (me) who has never read her work? I looked over her works on the internet and couldn't decide what would be a good introduction. I see that she wrote several science fiction works. I was hesitant to try one of those because I find most writers can't cross genres so well. Unlike Lazslo or Betamax.

grackle said...

I voted early this AM. The polls opened at 8AM; I arrived at 8:45. I’ve voted early for several Presidential and off-year campaigns. One of the reasons I vote at this location(early voters can vote in any precinct) is because it is never crowded and the most time I’ve ever spent waiting there is 15 minutes – tops.

But this AM I spent over an hour in the line to get into the door – where there was another long line. When I left the line was growing longer. This indicates to me that we are in store for a record voter turnout in this election. Turnout favors Trump. I think Trump wins by a landslide. I think we may have finally reached a point where the MSM are seen as the vicious political whores they are and are largely ignored by most Americans. O joyous day!

I voted for one GOP candidate – Trump. I voted Libertarian and Green on all the rest. Ryan, his eGOP and Democrat buddies are lying cunts who deserve the pussy-grabbing they are going to get. The cascade is here.


HT said...


I think the Golden Notebook is a classic Doris Lessing novel, but that's just what I've heard from friends. I never read her books.

eric said...

. Turnout favors Trump.

Why do you think this? Turnout has never favored the Republican in an election year. It's why democrats do so poorly in the off years.

buwaya said...

" I see that she wrote several science fiction works. I was hesitant to try one of those because I find most writers can't cross genres so well."

Most of her reputation is from the Science Fiction works, the "Canopus in Argos" series.

Start with "Shikasta"

I personally am not a fan.

HT said...

eric perhaps he was referring to the enthusiasm gap.

My own response to the comment:
"I think Trump wins by a landslide. I think we may have finally reached a point where the MSM are seen as the vicious political whores they are and are largely ignored by most Americans."

is that I think the writer is tying these two concepts together and pinning his hopes that one leads to the other. I do not think if Clinton wins the media will no longer be seen as vicious political whores. Also, please remember, the media has served puhlenty of Republican administrations, causes, interests.

Personally, I selected the "I'm confused" option in the recent Althouse poll because there are one or two or three who are convinced (or say they are) that Trump wins in a landslide, meanwhile the media or MSM whatever are saying it's Clinton. I don't claim to know what's what

buwaya said...

"Turnout has never favored the Republican in an election year."

It depends on who is turning out.
Low Republican turnout hurt Romney.

grackle said...

Why do you think this?

Look at the turnout in the primaries. Trump set records in voter turnout. Hillary? Nada. There has been a very large, noticeable enthusiasm gap since the beginning of this campaign. Now I see long lines in the early voting. I simply do not believe all these folks are there to vote for Hillary. On November 8 the lines will be even longer. I'm not in the habit of denying the obvious.


grackle said...

Also, please remember, the media has served puhlenty of Republican administrations, causes, interests.

Plenty? Not that I remember. As a rule the MSM is biased against all but Democrats. To deny this is to deny reality.

grackle said...

Almost forgot ...


rhhardin said...

Has anybody noticed how bad Clint Eastwood films are.

HT said...

Although I think it is probably not productive to continue talking about this, I will mention just offa the top of my head: NAFTA, GATT, Iraq War - so many media cheerleaders. Remember, the Republicans in Congress were the supporters of NAFTA, drafted by Bush I. If what you mean is a media free of revulsion of Republicans, then you are correct. Some in the media revile Republicans, that is correct.

HT said...

May I ask what is the obvious you are not in the habit of denying?

buwaya said...

" Also, please remember, the media has served puhlenty of Republican administrations, causes, interests."

Used to be there was a partisan media - there were at least a few reliably Republican newspapers, the Chicago Tribune for instance. But thats no longer true. Even the WSJ has been at least intermittently hostile.

Ditto re business magazines (the significant part of the magazine market, politically). Once you had, say, Fortune with Seligman and etc. Now they are all Dem.

As for TV, there is Fox, and thats about it for Republican support in the last 30 years or so. And Fox at the moment is reliably anti Trump.

What was once so no longer is; being a news junkie my whole life (I was grabbing "Time" and the "Far East Economic Review" out of my dads attache case when I was in the fourth grade) I have never seen an MSM so united.

buwaya said...

"Some in the media revile Republicans, that is correct."

Most, or rather nearly all.

HT said...

The editorial bd of the Wash Post is or was fairly conservative. I think they've blown the paper to bits, literally bits of information as opposed to articles, now, so I don't know what's going on over there in terms of editorial.

I make a point of listening to talk radio which in DC right now is nearly all conservative, save one or two. I always get a chuckle listening to Larry Connor and Brian Wilson on WMAL (which is mostly commercials) as they spend 85% of their teeny tiny allotments of time bemoaning the bias in the media and the other 15% urging everyone to go vote for Republicans. I also listen to Rush when I'm home until I can't stand hearing "Democrat Party" anymore. If he could only use correct English, he'd get so many more listeners. But maybe he wants to live inside his little box.

buwaya said...

" If he could only use correct English"

What is correct English?
I am genuinely curious. English is a wildly diverse thing.

I grew up listening to more flavors of English than I can count without thinking through it.

Filipino - which is its own thing, and comes in media, popular and academic flavors.
British media English - We were huge Anglophiles
British Ulster - my uncle - no, he didn't sound like the BBC. They have different words there, and sayings and constructions.
US media English
Indian English - and THAT comes in flavors. Sindhis do it different than Tamils than the folks in Chennai I'm dealing with these days.
Chinese English from those "Englishmen" in HongKong
Australian English
and etc.

I really wonder what that amazing self-taught Pole Joseph Conrad sounded like. Something weirdly British I think, but definitely not BBC.

The American language landscape is very diverse too - you have lots of varieties, and I have heard them all. Personally I think the North Carolina dialect is the prettiest and most musical. The internal status-anxiety concerning English flavors seems like such a petty, silly thing.

Mark Twain would probably have annoyed people today with his accent and dialect, granting he spoke as he wrote, but from where I sit, thats a treasure so many are simply leaving in the dust.

Limbaugh is brilliant, or was, when I was listening yea these many years ago, at his best he has the clever layers of tongue-in-cheek of Twain, everything he says is deliberately structured for irony upon irony. Tom Wolfe and Limbaugh, I think, can't really be understood unless you are smitten by Twain, or come straight out of their milieu. That's the most American of American language.

buwaya said...

Re the WaPo - " I don't know what's going on over there in terms of editorial."

Its simple - they are an arm of the corporatist system. Their point of view is utterly predictable.

Fen said...

"Currently polling says Clinton wins in a landslide."

Can't trust those numbers. Polling reports are no longer being used to report stats, they are being faked to manipulate voters. We already have the media admitting that since Trump is "Hitler", the end justifies the means. If you think these are honest polls, you are naive. We just got a Wikileak of the Dems doing exactly this - telling media where to go to oversample Dems, where to censor by omission. Not with their own internal polling of course. But hijacking the public polls to present a false narrative.

It's very much like Brexit. The used false polls to demotivate the other side an get the undecideds to join the "herd". If you recall, the actual vote was very different from the poll data. So of the "Remain" group is still in shock over how badly that was called.

That doesn't mean I think Trump is winning. And I think the EC looks grim. But its much tighter than this. FWIW, I also throw out the LA Times poll that has had Trump ahead, something wrong with their weighting.

Rush talked about this at length today on his show. These polls are being use to herd public opinion, not to report on it.

Fen said...

"The editorial bd of the Wash Post is or was fairly conservative."

Uhm I've been reading WaPo for the last 30 years. I use their op-ed section as opposition research to see what BS the Left will be floating this week. If you think their editorial board is conservative, you need to broaden your information brokers.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hagar said...

I am getting to think that Barack Obama is a bigger liar than Bill Clinton without having Clintons smarts and talents. He seems to be going with the "big lie" and relying on his skin color tp protect him from being challenged.

Now we find very definitely that he has been e-mailing Hillary! right along on this account he did not know she had.

Hagar said...

If Hillary! gets elected, the government is going to be run like Wall Street meets Chicago.

I don't think this is sustainable. We are going to have to either drain the swamp or lose the Republic.

wildswan said...

Michelle D Th:
"In speaking of abortion, both HRC and DJT used the word "mother" for the woman involved. Can we please, please stop this? A "mother" implies a "child," and for better or worse, that's the one thing abortion is specifically designed to snuff out. Whatever the woman is, she's not a "mother," "

In abortion a woman decides not to mother her child but to kill it. She decides to make it an it and an unperson - first and foremost to herself and then to everyone else. But what if you can't just decide to make another human being an unperson and and an "it?" It the same issue as slavery. You can't make a slave a chattel, even if the law allows it. And you can't make a child an unperson even if the law allows it. But you can in blind stupid selfishness try to do it. You can close your heart and confuse your mind long enough to to kill the child physically. Then you can spend the rest of your life trying to keep it a dead thing in your emotions. If you succeed, you can think that your child died without a hand lifted to save it or name it or weep for it and no one cares then or now - you, its mother, care least of all. That's success in abortion land. You can listen to people saying: "Whatever the woman is, she's not a "mother." Or you can say: "I'm a bad mother, I lost my child through my own blind selfishness (assisted by liberal fuckwits) but still that was a child, my child, and I prefer to think its death was murder and was sin rather than go on denying its humanity. It was a human being entrusted to me and lost by me through criminal selfishness. But do not tell me my child was not a child. Do not do it. The Child's Mother"

grackle said...

May I ask what is the obvious you are not in the habit of denying?

At the risk of unnecessary repetition:

The obvious enthusiasm gap between the Clinton and Trump campaigns, evidenced by heavily attended rallies characterized by Trump supporters waiting in line for hours and thousands more having to be turned away for lack of space; also reinforced by long lines at early voting polling stations that normally see only a few voters throughout a normal early voting day. These folks are not there to vote for Hillary.

The enthusiasm gap is why Obama and his spouse are out flogging the relatively indifferent “party faithful.” But I think this kind of grassroots enthusiasm is difficult to transfer from one political figure to another.

Hillary has had to hire popular rock bands to get anything other than lackluster attendance at her events.

In addition I believe it is becoming obvious that the polls are shit. Every poll oversamples Democrats. They don’t even try to hide it. They DO try to hide the cherry-picking of certain demographics and are reluctant to mention that the design of the polls are based on previous voting patterns, voting patterns that Trump AND Bernie have confounded and contradicted since the beginning. And the Bernie supporters are pissed at his poor treatment by the DNC and Hillary.

The underlying but unstated assumption of the pollsters seems to be that Hillary is going to capture the same amount of support from blacks, Latinos and other demographic groups as Obama did. She’ll never do as well as Obama did, to believe otherwise is to be naïve.

There are more mundane reasons, having to do with the history of Presidential campaigns, as outlined in the URL below:


Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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