On normal "Hillary" yard signs, the arrow points to "Hillary" or "Clinton/Kaine," but there are these signs that are intended to be read as Hillary signs. The familiar arrow is there, but it points at "Wisconsin." What is the aversion to saying the name? Is it something like what we were discussing one post down — the taboo on saying the name of the beast that might hunt you down if it heard you say its name?
In Hillary's case, less name recognition is a good thing.
Association is important. Associate the arrow with all things good.
Then put the arrow on the ballot, instead of the name Clinton. She would do much better.
No decent human being with a conscience could vote for Hillary and not feel soiled.
You have to flush your soul down a toilet to support her.
James Taranto tweeted, "Wisconsin Hospital next right."
@ Eric - 1st thing that popped into my mind too. "H" for "hospital" for "Hillary". Is this something Trump funded?
The love that dare not speaketh it's name.
@ Eric and Alan Markus- I know! With all her health problems in the news it is truly weird that she chose a logo that looks so much like the "Hospital" street sign. Makes me wonder if her team thought of it while they were gathered around her hospital bed.
yeah, saw AA post on this on twitter, funny and sad at the same time.
I was struck by those signs too. They're embarrassed to be "supporting" Hillary.
That H sign is gonna send lots of people who need a hospital the wrong way.
Or is it code that Huma will be our real President as long as Illery is breathing on a ventilator and the Body Doubles are good.
Can't be too careful, some voters might subliminally see the word LIAR in Hillary's name.
Connected Democrat who expects to gain materially from the election puts out signs like that.
It's risky to put up a Trump lawn sign, and it makes you look like a fool to put up a Hillary one.
It might be a helipad.
Democrats love them some dog whistles. 'Twas ever thus.
I like the story of the guy who had a "Hillary Prison 2016" sign on his car. I have a tee shirt like that. I wonder if I could get a bumper sticker ? Some black guy walked up to him and said, "I love your bumper sticker." He hadn't noticed the "prison" part.
The one thing (only thing?) that seems to unify a vast majority of Americans this presidential election year is the general lack of yard signs and bumper stickers. Very few people seem to be happy about their choice this election. That said, there are certainly far more very enthusiastic Trump supporters than very enthusiastic Clinton supporters.
As for Hillary, the one rule that still holds true is that her approval tends to go down the more she is seen. For a lot of people, the idea of Hillary is more appealing than the actual person.
I live outside the outerbelt in central Ohio. Current yard-sign/bumper sticker tally:
Trump: 42
Clinton: 8
Johnson: 3
To add, Romney also had a huge lead in signs in my neck of the woods in 2012, so this isn't proof of anything.
I was in North Central Ohio week before last in a relatively small town. I did not see many yard signs. The only ones I did see were for Trump. Nothing for Crooked Hilary in particular or Demmies in general.
I was in a huge (all 5 halls of McCormick Place) manufacturing trade show last week. In a large booth, showing highly sophisticated and inexpensive CNC machine tools I saw a Trump sign on one of the machines. One of the salesmen was goofing with a prospect by holding up an anti-Hilary sign and calling it to passersby's attention. (It got me into the booth.
First rule of selling: Never, Ever, Under any! circumstances, talk politics with an unknown potential customer. And yet here was a Trump sign in a major booth. Here was Hilary being mocked in a major booth.
The company is Korean and is a name everyone here would recognize. The salespeople were all American that I saw.
John Henry
"Very few people seem to be happy about their choice this election"
I think a lot of Trump supporters don't want vandalism of their cars.
The paucity of Hillary signs suggest turnout effect,
The worst yard sign to put up is a secret David Duke sign. It's all white.
Very few Hillary signs around here. But very few Trump also. Mostly local races.
Cher, I read last week, has taken to using an unflattering emoji instead of writing out T-r-u-m-p
Some other celeb is doing something similar but I forget who it was.
Over at Isthmus Forum, perhaps the funniest interactive site on the web, people get upset the way I speak of Crooked Hilary. They say I am disrespectful. I say I give her all the respect she deserves. In any event, I've taken to referring to her as "She who I cannot name". I think I'll mimic Cher if I can find a suitable emoji. Perhaps a steaming pile of shit?
John Henry
Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.
Well, that didn't work.
Hillary. Hillary. Hill--
Michael K -- true. One candidate's supporters feel fully justified in vandalizing the property of the other candidate's supporters; a decent summary of this election.
Trad Guy,
Your comment about Huma reminds me of Dunesbury from about 1975. Mao was in a coma and Raul Duke's Chinese girlfriend Honey was his nurse and the only one who could understand what he was saying. The strip was about how she could say he said anything and people would believe her. "It's almost like I am running the country." was the punchline.
In real life, when President Woodrow Wilson had his stroke and was completely incapacitated the press covered it up. Edith Wilson "spoke for" the president, conveying "his" wishes to the various cabinet officers.
Do we really want Huma to be president? Especially with her mother essentially a hostage in Saudi Arabia?
John Henry
The big news locally is that Donald Trump is holding a rally here in Fort Myers, Florida. The local news stations are covering it wall-to-wall. The arena holds 8,000 and is packed with a cross-section of the community. Newt Gingrich is about to warm up the crowd...
"Connected Democrat who expects to gain materially from the election puts out signs like that"
Gotta wonder. The original purpose of yard signs is to put the name out in front of the random public. This one seems designed to signal to the faithful. Yard sign as secret handshake.
Who does that?
A candidate who spends 19 of 31 days in August off the campaign trail, who only rises in the public's esteem when she hides herself away, whose one last hope for election is to STAY OUT OF SIGHT. That's the kind of person who uses a crappy MS Word drawing utility-created logotype to stand in for her name. Cheap, stupid and untrustworthy is the message. I see a lot of those little H stickers on tiny cars around town, although they are rainbow-hued not blue (Palm Springs has a rather loud gay population that mistake themselves for a majority) so I've pondered this conundrum before.
Who does that?
I think a lot of Trump supporters don't want vandalism of their cars.
I don't doubt that's true. I anecdotally know a lot of people who plan on voting for Trump who won't quickly admit it. Some of that may be chalked up to general peer pressure. People don't like causing a fuss. Better to keep quiet, be polite, and not be the source of acrimony. Whether that translates to some sort of overwhelming silent majority is anyone's guess at this point.
To be fair, there are many Trump bumper stickers and few spell out "Ready for" and then use the H again. The best thing is Rocky's, the local chain of pawn shops, has about 10 billboards around town that say "Make America Great, from a legal immigrant to the USA!" These are all in well-traveled places. You can see one at the link.
"One candidate's supporters feel fully justified in vandalizing the property of the other candidate's supporters;"
It goes with the progressive mindset. "Safe Spaces" and so forth.
I found some "Hillary Prison 2016" bumper stickers and we'll see.
Michael K, put them on other people's cars first to see what happens. Find a nearby Prius.
No one likes Hillary. She has minimal contact with real voters. The five (!) times I saw her, she didn't once take questions. Too risky.
Poetry with Donald!
I interpreted the arrow sign as a Go To Hell sign........no?
I regularly drive around the Wesleyan University campus here in Connecticut, which should be prime Clinton territory. There is literally one Hilary sign on campus. They are just as scarce off campus. I see many more Bernie bumper stickers and one die-hard still has a Bernie sign in his front yard. There are a few Trump signs out in the more rural areas, but as you would expect, very few of those. Around here, you be hard pressed to know there was a presidential contest going on.
"Find a nearby Prius."
Maybe my daughter's. She called her mother last week to ask her to stop watching Fox News. She says it's a cult.
I still love her but am slightly concerned. I bought her a Prius last year.
Did the storm knock the signs down?
I see a lot lot lot more Russ for Us signs than Hillary signs.
I'm tempted to put up a Trump sign simply to see the reaction.
The spelling in Cyrillic of the Russian word for bear is correct. But, the pronunciation is closer to "medved" like Michael Medved; the difference being that in American English we pronounce the "e" as a flat "eh." In Russian the "e" is more closely pronounced as "yeh."
Aw crud. I was going to ask if "Hillary" was the love that dare not speak its name or was it more like Beetlejuice. Y'all beat me to it, even if in separate posts. I noticed that in our burg (eastern panhandle of WV) the Dem Party HQ has a Hillary sign and a large cutout of her, but placed in a back corner of the storefront window case, barely visible in the shadows.
Hellary is off the campaign trail for the next six days to prepare for the debates, or get her new chip inserted. Trump will be everywhere, like he was last time.
Vote for Lady Voldemort: She Who Must Not Be Named
The writer Joyce Carol Oates refuses to tweet his name.
Aside from the hospital interpretation at first glance, closer examination suggests Hell is coming to Wisconsin.
I know one Broken Berner who is a member of a Facebook group named F@CK YOU HILLARY CLINTON, I HATE YOU!
Just my own anecdote, but someone in the neighborhood has been defacing some Hillary! signs by painting over the H.
Meanwhile, a new line of evidence implicating Hillary in obstruction of justice turns up
Mark this down: Wisconsin goes for Trump.
The new evidence is another success for Conservative Tree House, the best right wing blog. They have a number of scoops. I started reading it after the Trayvon Martin shooting.
I spent one entire day reading all the posts and it was the best coverage I saw.
They have their share of nuts but there are many good techy types on there, too.
"I still love her but am slightly concerned. I bought her a Prius last year."
She probably thinks you got it from the government. It is much easier to support democrats when people give you free stuff.
I interpreted the arrow sign as a Go To Hell sign........no?
I'm seeing Wisconsin getting reamed by a strap on!!
Tell me no one else has those thoughts!! Apologies to Lazlo.
"It is much easier to support democrats when people give you free stuff."
She is a good kid but old enough to know better. I think the "free stuff" theme is really important to the young.
The "cancel student loans" is probably at the heart of Hillary and Bernie's support among the young.
I have another, younger, daughter who seems immune to this.
Many traditions hold that taking a demon spirit god's name on your lips speaks a defilement into your soul. It's First Commandment territory.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
"No decent human being with a conscience could vote for Hillary and not feel soiled.
You have to flush your soul down a toilet to support her."
These are the thoughts of someone who has lost his damn mind. What will he do if Hillary wins? Would he think he was justified in killing the people that voted for her, seeing as he considers them as without conscience or soul, dehumanizing them? Good God man get a fucking grip. He is no different than any jihadist.
Unknown, what will you do if the Trumpster wins? Got your bags packed and your ticket purchased?
Allow a little hyperbole from some of the Deplorables. They are feeling a bit disrespected.
Good news! Hillary now on board with that whole racist vetting of immigrants from...you know...certain countries!
It's almost as if she has political advisors telling her that she's beginning to really get walloped on this issue so it's time to break out "Seriously all about protecting our borders"-Hillary. And just in time for the election!
She totally means it of course.
These are the thoughts of someone who has lost his damn mind.
Did he call 1/4 of the country "irredeemable" and "not American"?
Unknown, why do you think the media won't give Hillary her due credit for "serpentining" her way from the plane to the hangar while avoiding sniper fire?
Is it simply that she is a woman that keeps them from noting Hillary's extraordinary courage under fire?
I'm seeing Wisconsin getting reamed by a strap on!!
The pegging of America!
Maybe the Bosnian sniper knew all about Hillary totally trying to join the Marines but couldn't 'cuz "men" and that sniper wanted to knock off our female version of Audie Murphy.
Angela Merkel on Monday admitted she would turn back the clock, if she could, on her refugee policy after her Christian Democrat party [got their ass handed to them]...
But not Hillary!
The Hillary "vetting" comment sounds and smells like panic to me. It would be interesting to see her private polls.
She is going to be under enormous stress in that debate next week. Will she freeze?
By the way The Mexican peso is in free fall.
Those billions of remittances may go to build a wall.
"What will he do if Hillary wins? Would he think he was justified in killing the people that voted for her, seeing as he considers them as without conscience or soul, dehumanizing them? Good God man get a fucking grip. He is no different than any jihadist."
Hey, he is a deplorable and unredeemable. You know what they said about fascist, grifter, criminal traitor supporters, the only good ones are the dead ones.
tim in vermont:
It wasn't all the rapes that gave Merkel pause, it was the electoral defeat. Tells me everything I need to know about her.
(And every other politician too.)
Well, Birk, she's an Ossi, rape is like breakfast over there. Google "Komm, Frau," an homage to their Russian visitors during the late unpleasantness. A few thousand violations of chastity over there was a lazy afternoon in 1946. The Muslims don't even register.
Now, votes, that's serious. That's messing with her money.
Yesterday I drove across Massanutten Mountain from New Market to Luray and then across the Blue Ridge to Sperryville and Little Washington (all in Virginia). I saw at least four large Trump-Pence signs west of the Blue Ridge, but no Hillaries. East of the Blue Ridge I saw two or three large Clinton-Kaine-Dittmar signs, and at least four smaller Jane Dittmar signs, but absolutely no Clinton-Kaine signs without Dittmar. It looks like local Democrats may be more enthusiastic about electing Jane Dittmar (whoever she is - don't care, not my district) to Congress in the 5th district than about the top of the ticket - even with Kaine being a former governor.
Well, the signs look like they weer paid for by the Russ feingold campaign.
The question is: Why do they even hint at Hillary?
"Just my own anecdote, but someone in the neighborhood has been defacing some Hillary! signs by painting over the H."
I have seen two TRUMP signs with the T and P colored in. RUM. Make America Great Again.
"The pegging of America!"
The correct term is "schlonged."
"I bought her a Prius last year."
What were you thinking?
"What were you thinking?"
Indulgent dad. It fits her personality, like a Bernie vote.
She is gorgeous and smart and I can tolerate one weakness.
I find Drudge's current layout intriguing. It's not a Drudgtaposition per se, but the middle photo of the UN is cropped in such a way as to mimic 911 with a plume of smoke (it's just a tree branch) pouring from the upper floors.
The lede, of course, is all terror cells and ISIS among us. Interesting mental reinforcement in the UN photo.
"The lede, of course, is all terror cells and ISIS among us. Interesting mental reinforcement in the UN photo."
Do you think this is Drudge manipulating us? Or is it Drudge truth telling?
EMD said: I have seen two TRUMP signs with the T and P colored in. RUM. Make America Great Again.
My Trump sign has just the T colored in.
I am not Laslo.
I still think it's odd and funny that the arrow in Clinton's H logo points to the right.
It reminds me of some of the very understated, low profile McDonald's.
(Jim Gaffigan whisper)
"Psst. McDonald's"
Actually, in this configuration, it's trying to connect "Russ" back to Wisconsin. He's comin' home! (with a few more bucks)
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