September 13, 2016

"Colin Kaepernick is great/Cops are pigs, cops are pigs/Wait, someone just took my stuff, I need to call the cops..."

A national anthem parody:

You can watch the whole episode here on Wednesday.


AllenS said...

Remember the shooting in a burb of St Paul MN a short time ago? Well, the story isn't over. Guess who had to call the police?


ndspinelli said...

South Park is fearless. Too many people in comedy consumed by fear of PC Police. I wonder why South Park gets little push back from the PC Police? Or, do they?

ndspinelli said...

Maybe they'll be doing a Hillary has Parkinson's to the tune of, Shake, Rattle and Roll.

Michael The Magnificent said...

BLM activist gets robbed by black man, calls cops.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"He's not even any good." - lolz

Rick said...

I noticed you found Colin Kaepernick less interesting right when he was pictured wearing socks with cops depicted as pigs. Two articles before, then nothing until now. It sucks when people whose actions we want to praise undermine their message by accidentally revealing what they really think.

William said...

God bless South Park. What drives me crazy is not that people on the left frequently behave in a ridiculous manner, but that they live in a ridicule free zone.......Colin Kaepernick has led a life that is absurdly privileged on just about every level a life can be privileged. Wealth, fame, health, athletic ability. Of his success, it can truly be said that he didn't build that. He will, however, be responsible for its demolition.

Jupiter said...

Stupid little asshole is about as "black" as Rachel Dolezal. The only way you can tell he is a wannabe thug is by the tattoos.

Laslo Spatula said...

Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:

The police came by my home once to see me.

Turns out some girl had told them that I was stalking her.

I wasn't stalking her, I just liked to be at the places she was at. I made it a point to get to those places first, so you could say she was stalking me, really.

Yeah, the police didn't believe that, either.

I mean, sure, I looked at her, but I wasn't staring: I was mostly just looking in that general direction while imagining what it would be like to pee on her.

I didn't tell the policemen that last part.

They were very respectful, but I could tell they thought I was a weird loser. I know that look. Even my Mom gives me that look: Thanks, Mom.

I once thought about becoming a policeman, because then I would have Authority and Respect. Then I realized I'd have to deal with big angry black men all the time, and I didn't want that.

Like no one else thinks these things.

I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.

I am Laslo.

ndspinelli said...

Kaepernick has a background similar to Obama. His mother white, father is black who abandoned them. Raised by white family. Only Kaepernick has athletic ability and Obama only dreams of being an athlete. Both hate America.

ndspinelli said...

There are actually many black men who have similar background. "No good deed goes unpunished."

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

"ndspinelli said...
South Park is fearless. Too many people in comedy consumed by fear of PC Police. I wonder why South Park gets little push back from the PC Police? Or, do they?"

JCC said...

it's funny because it's true.

rhhardin said...

There are two issues, (1) the playing the national anthem at sports contests and whether you have to stand up or is it all idiocy, and (2) cops are pigs.

(1) anthem as idiocy people don't care whether he stands up and think they should do away with anthems, but disagree with him that not standing up means anything;

(2) people agree with or disagree with independently of the anthem. Football players aren't smart, mostly, so who cares in this case.

The care is counting on the anthem-care people.

Michael K said...

"The only way you can tell he is a wannabe thug is by the tattoos."

Most of his tattoos are Bible phrases. I wonder how his Muslim girlfriend likes them ?

damikesc said...

OT, but the NCAA is pulling all championships from the state of NC due to the HB2 bill.

You WILL be made to care, peons.

Perhaps it's time to seriously investigate the NCAA on how it handles concussions and injuries for football players.

Maybe it's time to REALLY investigate how athletes are compensated in college.

Maybe it's time to REALLY investigate how the NCAA determines punishments, as it seems really, really random and largely based on how small you are.

I have no problems with burning the whole thing down.

Robert Cook said...

But then, the South Park parody lyrics go right to the contradiction that causes the conflict: the police are supposed to be public servants, helping citizens who have been victims of crime, and most of them, most of the time, do this. However, there are a significant number of police who are essentially lawless thugs, by innate temperament, (married to professional license), with the poor and minorities as their primary targets, (though we can all fall victim to them).

Almost everything exists in a continuum, and almost nothing is ever either/or.

(Moreover, in the wake of our poisonous wars of terror, the police are being trained to act as a domestic military force, and are being provided the weaponry and military tech to aid them in this. A domestic military cannot be public servants, as they are trained to regard the citizenry as their enemy, not as those they serve.)

M Jordan said...

When Fox News guy Jesse Watters was waiting at Bill Ayers house for him, Ayers got out of his car and said to Watters, "Get off my property or I'll call the police."

This from the man who 1) doesn't believe in private property and 2) held a Day of Rage rally against the pig - cops.


damikesc said...

This from the man who 1) doesn't believe in private property

Correction, he doesn't believe that YOU deserve private property.

He is one of the good people. He will make sure he does well.

Note that Lenin, Stalin, etc all did quite well under Communism.

Brando said...

Fading QB managed to buy a lot of fame on the cheap. We'd all have been better off ignoring his stunt.

A wealthy celebrity can put their concerns for social justice to work by trying to help out in their community via any number of worthwhile charities. Sitting during the anthem, for most of us, just seems like petulant grandstanding and we really don't care to learn what your reasons were.

Hope it's a good South Park season--there's a target rich environment this year.

Sam L. said...

I watched one ep. That was more than enough.

cacimbo said...


Episode 200/201 caused plenty of controversy because they mention Muhammed. Following the standard threats from practitioners of the religion of peace Comedy Central heavily censored episode 201 and has since refused to rebroadcast. A 2010 Times Square bombing was also thought to be directed at Viacom for airing images of Muhammed wearing a bear costume on South Park.

narciso said...

yes, revolution muslim, directed by jess morton, who is now part of homeland security, 'are you scared yet' encouraged this attack,

narciso said...

the problem is most of these celebrated cases, are people exhibiting dysfunctional behavior, often with criminal records,

madAsHell said...

Kap's game went to hell when the Niners traded Frank Gore, and Kap could never throw accurately beyond 20 yards.

Bobby said...


"A 2010 Times Square bombing was also thought to be directed at Viacom for airing images of Muhammed wearing a bear costume on South Park."

You might want to go back and watch that episode. It wasn't actually Muhammed in the bear costume- if I recall correctly, it turns out to be Santa Claus, and the kids explain they had no choice but to get Santa to stand in because of their promise to Jesus (that they wouldn't let Muhammed be seen).

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Just reading BSPN's breathless account of the courageous NFL players who are shitting on our country. Some fans booed, and a 49ers player says that just because a man is taking a public stand on social issues, people do not have the right to criticize him. So that asshole has learned his progressive dogma thoroughly: Scumbags have every right to give America the finger, and Americans have no right to respond. Fuck them, the NFL, and progressive democrat party politics.

grimson said...

They should have taken this further. In addition to mocking liberals' condemnation of police until they need them, as well as Kaepernick, they also should have noted the absurdity of singing the National Anthem at sporting events.

George Grady said...

If you watched the Niners-Rams game last night, you'd think that Kaepernick and the one other guy were the only people in the whole stadium during the national anthem. The camera was on them kneeling almost the entire time. You could practically feel the ESPN producers having a controversorgasm.

Seriously, ESPN, treat it like you do when someone runs on the field during a game. Just don't show it. Of course, we know why you don't want to do that.

Brando said...

Taxpayers subsidize the NFL through paying for their stadiums and the feds allow the NFL an exception to anti-trust laws, all resulting in ever-overpriced tickets to games so that normal people cannot afford to attend them. And with the FCC's approval, the NFL will black out any locally televised game if it does not sell out at the stadium at their jacked up prices.

And the NFL repays our country for this sweet deal by allowing its overpaid and overcoddled athletes with their overinflated sense of self esteem to figuratively poop on this country's traditions.

I don't much blame the NFL, the media, or the football players for their moneygrubbing ingratitude and complete contempt for their fans and this country. It's our own fault for tolerating politicians enabling all of this with our tax dollars and sweetheart deals.

Blame ourselves.

Brando said...

"Seriously, ESPN, treat it like you do when someone runs on the field during a game. Just don't show it. Of course, we know why you don't want to do that. "

Someone running on the field might interrupt their broadcast or anger the NFL, so they don't want to encourage that. A player making a childish point doesn't bother them in the least.

damikesc said...

This is making my new football boycott really easy. My ESPN boycott has been easier than I expected as well. Fucking useless channel.

Brando said...

"This is making my new football boycott really easy. My ESPN boycott has been easier than I expected as well. Fucking useless channel."

We just stick with broadcast and the internet channels (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu) so my ESPN boycott doesn't amount to much. But I'd like to see a local politician campaign on fighting any tax subsidy for professional sports teams, because the idea that they help the local economy is bogus.

Anonymous said...

You would stand for the national anthem for the same reason you pray at a friends funeral. There are people in the country who do go fight for the benefit of the rest of us. And some of them lose their lives. They do so knowingly.

The one relative who attends the friends funeral and is drunk or raises a stink just reveals a very bad character that needs a lot of improving. It is the type of person everyone else pities silently. The anthem is built on sorrow not slavery.

ndspinelli said...

ESPN is as liberal as MSNBC. They ENCOURAGE this type behavior and will always show it.

damikesc said...

We just stick with broadcast and the internet channels (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu) so my ESPN boycott doesn't amount to much. But I'd like to see a local politician campaign on fighting any tax subsidy for professional sports teams, because the idea that they help the local economy is bogus.

I love watching pols, who decry welfare for the rich all of the time, giving stadiums to multi-billionaires for next-to-nothing. The NFL is the American example of the Olympics --- viewed as being a "prestige" thing for reasons nobody can fathom but has costs that far exceed its benefits.

When they start trying to inject messages into my sports, then I can walk away from the sports without a huge problem. I'll watch their documentaries on Netflix ("30 for 30" tended to be good) but I won't watch their life broadcasts unless my job puts them on and I'm stuck dealing with it.

Brando said...

"I love watching pols, who decry welfare for the rich all of the time, giving stadiums to multi-billionaires for next-to-nothing. The NFL is the American example of the Olympics --- viewed as being a "prestige" thing for reasons nobody can fathom but has costs that far exceed its benefits. "

It's one of the biggest crocks--they always talk about how many jobs the new stadium will bring, and more than justify the tax breaks and even spending taxpayer money to put up the stadium and provide city/state services for it. But the cost is almost never worth it, and it ignores the opportunity cost of allowing other developers to bid for the space and try to put that space to other more efficient uses (housing, commercial developments, whatever the market will bear). And local morons screech about losing their favorite team when the owner threatens to pull up stakes--as if that's any real loss.

Play hardball--we can survive just watching on TV if we have to, it's not like we can afford to go to the games (and who needs the stadium traffic?). If an owner really thinks it's a good investment, let them pay market price like everyone else. Football isn't sacred (much as I enjoy watching it).

"When they start trying to inject messages into my sports, then I can walk away from the sports without a huge problem."

My issue with the NFL is they can either take a "we won't comment on anything but the sports, if you want to get political we don't care" or a "we have to stick to morals for the game and want nothing to do with controversy, so stay away from politics while you're involved with us" approach. Instead, they seem to only hate controversy if it's right wing controversy, but otherwise seem okay with politics.

ALP said...

Thank you Ann. Thank you thank you thank you.

As a South Park addict, you've given me my first taste of the new season. Now can go about the rest of my day, with withdrawal symptoms somewhat abated. I just have to hold out a little while longer....

Robert Cook said...

"There are people in the country who do go fight for the benefit of the rest of us."

What fights have any of our military services been involved in post-WWII that have had the slightest thing to do with benefitting (by which I assume you mean "defending") the rest of us?

mockturtle said...

These black athletes have privilege. They make millions for playing a game they enjoy and are treated like royalty. Oppression? Give us a break!

Jupiter said...

Robert Cook said...

"What fights have any of our military services been involved in post-WWII that have had the slightest thing to do with benefitting (by which I assume you mean "defending") the rest of us?"

While we're on the subject, why stop with World War II? I don't really see why that criminal Roosevelt thought it was worth my Uncle's life to pull Joe Stalin's chestnuts out of the fire.

damikesc said...

My issue with the NFL is they can either take a "we won't comment on anything but the sports, if you want to get political we don't care" or a "we have to stick to morals for the game and want nothing to do with controversy, so stay away from politics while you're involved with us" approach. Instead, they seem to only hate controversy if it's right wing controversy, but otherwise seem okay with politics.

ESPN is even worse about it than the NFL. But, yeah, sports leagues seem all about placating progressive concerns. Why does the NBA give a damn if NC won't demand government buildings allow anybody to use any restroom they want? The population is dramatically opposed to the NBA and NCAA stance.

As somebody noted: You won't see the NBA or NCAA refuse to take the money that is generated for them in NC.

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