August 12, 2016

"Someone offered this man a preferred seat for elderly people..."

"... so he did this."


Original Mike said...

"Last time I try and be a nice guy ..."

glenn said...

I bit the guy who did it to me.

Etienne said...

Trumps wife can do that naked.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

That'll teach those asshole kids, always being so polite and well-mannered!

le Douanier said...

He looks short. Some shorts are good at stuff, like gymnasts.

I wonder if Meade noticed that it's ok for a small man to wear clothes that fit rather than oversized clothes. A lot of smallish men seem to think they need to have an L on their labels, but that only emphasizes that they're tiny because their clothes don't fit. To help out, couldn't Althouse throw away the oversized jacket that Meade has been pictured wearing? If shorts are terrible because they make a man look like a boy, oversized clothes can't be too much better.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Diagram this sentence:

Marcus Schrenker, who was a money manager from Indianapolis, he staged a plane crash and he had actually emailed a friend two days before detailing his plan.

tim maguire said...

Bullshit. (Prof. I may not respect your vote for Obama and find your position on abortion morally and intellectually frivolous, but I enjoy swearing in your comments. This is the only place I do that--on the internet AND in the real world.) He's older, but you can tell at a glance he's not decrepit. Nobody offered him a seat because he's old.

Just another internet lie to trick people into clicking the link.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I thought gay guys stopped matching their shoes to their belt to their eyeglasses a long time ago.

Otto said...
