Aldermen Khalif Rainey said that the section of Milwaukee he represents has become "a powder keg" and:
"This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country. Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue – continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? … The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They’re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children. Now what has happened tonight may have not been right; I’m not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there’s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis., that have to be closely, not examined, but rectified. Rectify this immediately. Because if you don’t, this vision of downtown, all of that, you’re one day away. You’re one day away."I'm sorry to be so crass as to connect this to the presidential election, but Wisconsin is a swing state, and Hillary Clinton is counting on the people of Milwaukee to feel motivated to come out and vote for the Democratic Party candidate, because what else is there but the Democratic Party?
How is that going to happen? Are you going to "pull them by their ears"?!
Tom Barrett is, of course, a Democrat, and he's been mayor of Milwaukee for 12 years.
ADDED: "But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go." — Thomas Jefferson.
So, a man with a criminal past carrying a recently stolen gun in his hand runs from the police for reasons yet undetermined. The officer chases him, and ends up shooting the man (in the front of the body of reports are correct).
This is now "racial oppression."
Elected officials not only encourage violence as legitimate, but threaten the downtown areas with violence.
There is a definite link between things like this and statemetns from the left-leaning politicians at the national level.
I supposed this falls into the "Trump gets another reprieve" category...
Hmm, the residents on the democrat plantation got a bit rambunctious last night.
Hillary needs to swing through the area and promise some job training $$$. And then lead the crowd with the chant "eight more years".
". . . witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country."
I see.
And what political party has controlled ALL urban, inner cities throughout the country including Milwaukee and nearby Chiraq [CODE WARNING, DOG WHISTLE, RACISM ALERT - the writer means "black" so therefore he's a bad, bad person for observing] for decades upon decades.
Ann Althouse wrote:"Tom Barrett is, of course, a Democrat, and he's been mayor of Milwaukee for 12 years."
So Barrett is, then, the white supremacist in charge of Milwaukee's Black people?
Democrats campaigning for Hillary.
No riots in Madison last night but hipster patrons in shorts and beards at Salvatore's were screaming at each other. I guess better than rioting.
Sugar River was nice but at least four people brought their iPhones!
Rioters are role models for black males, as the MSM always plays it. It's good copy, and it's self-perpetuating. Small price for blacks to pay to keep the news biz afloat.
What we have done to black people in this country is indeed a tragedy. No one can possibly achieve or sustain a sense of honest self-worth while simultaneously being slathered with goods, privileges, and unearned money AND told that they are oppressed. The gravy train should stop, and the lower black economic class should root, or die. State-mandated charity is a great evil.
Alderman Khalif Rainey: "“Do we continue – continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? … The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They’re tired of living under this oppression. ..."
Do we continue he asks? Why yes we do. Why would the democrat leadership change their playbook? They've owned the black vote for years.
Read further accounts of this. Guy shot by the cops had stolen a car, shot another person and was told to drop his loaded gun when the law shot him. Justified.
Blacks need to stop committing crimes and using drugs.
Of course, I'm reminded of this. However, Milwaukee is not represented, so I had to look that up. If you think the former is scary, consider that Milwaukee hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1906, and in the interim has had three outright Socialist mayors (properly colored red).
If you were a writer of fiction, you wouldn't dare make this stuff up, for lack of believability.
Clearly it is time for the evil honkies to pony up billion$$ in reparations, or they
will get more totally justified Chimpouts™.
Milwaukee had its last Republican mayor in 1908.
Amazing how that has tainted the city all of these years.
If they'd stop punishing crime, all these getaway-related shootings could be avoided.
"They’re tired of living under this oppression."
"This oppression" being the leadership of one Khalif Rainey, I presume?
Scott Walker was Milwaukee County Executive for a couple terms, wasn't he?
"Oppression." Ha! Governed -- locally -- by Democrats for two generations.
Professional victim said Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here?
Burning down a gas station is a good start.
"Alderman Khalif Rainey said that the section of Milwaukee he represents has become "a powder keg" and:
"This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country.""
Probably because of Alderman Khalif Rainey and other like minded idiots.
Memo to Khalif: You own it, now fix it.
Professional victim said that creates these byproducts that we see this evening?
Did he just call his constituents "byproducts"?
Why, yes, yes he did.
On one level, it's a human tragedy and I have the greatest of sympathy for all involved - inner city blacks, cops, firemen, business people.
On another level, it's democrats in a democrat town doing what democrats do on both sides. Nothing will change unless somebody there stops voting democrat.
So all the Section 8ers from Chitown didn't work out eh.
Chicago Tribune: "Man fatally shot during traffic stop"
Even Bomani Jones is piling on: "The most segregated city in America."
Wisconsin is an open carry state, right? Probably they just shoot down the blacks who open carry and leave the whites alone.
"under-education?" then stop taking money from the teachers' union!!
For many decades the best, brightest and most morally decent citizens of all races have fled from our inner cities.
Those left behind behave as stupid people do, and then play the victim card. The excuse that "my dog ate my homework" quickly grows old. So does the excuse that I'm an oppressed, under-educated, poor victim grow old.
We waste billions of dollars every year trying to help those that won't be helped.
@ Mark
Scott Walker was Milwaukee County Executive for a couple terms, wasn't he?
Yes, and once you get out of the City of Milwaukee, most of Milwaukee County is awesome. Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, River Hills, Oak Creek, Greendale, Glendale, Hales Corners, Franklin, St. Francis, Bay View. Brown Deer, not so much. West Allis & Wauwatosa, kind of "edgy". More than once it has been suggested that Sheriff David Clarke and the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department assume enforcement in the City of Milwaukee.
Btw, just to note - NAEP testing shows remarkably poor results for Wisconsin blacks, vs other blacks in the US, way below the US average, slightly better only than Alabama. Mississippi does much better than Wisconsin. Presumably much of this is Milwaukee.
So something is going on over there.
Yep, alan. The County Government has some clear racial disparities and shockingly thwork supporters brag about how large those differences are.
Wasn't just a few months ago when one of the Milwaukee Bucks had the cops called on him for trying to visit a jewelry store in one of those 'nice' suburbs? Yeah, no racial problem outside the city in Milwaukee County lol
"thwork supporters" ....?
Other remarkably bad states for black test scores (not quite as bad as Wisconsin or Alabama) - Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee.
School Test scores track peoples general welfare pretty well on the whole.
When you look at black peoples condition the patterns are not what one would think. There are no real regional patterns.
Best for blacks - DOD schools, Alaska, Arizona, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Texas
Seems like an internal Democrat leader / constituent dispute. Nothing for regular people to be concerned about.
Well, I was looking at Math only, which seems a more valuable test to me. But for reading for blacks, Wisconsin is still at the bottom of the pile, sharing it with Mississippi, Arkansas and Washington DC.
Tops are DOD schools (by far), The Dakotas, Hawaii, Colorado.
There is something peculiarly unhealthy for black people in Wisconsin.
Blogger David Begley said...
Blacks need to stop committing crimes and using drugs.
Well, so do white people!
John Cunningham said...
Clearly it is time for the evil honkies to pony up billion$$ in reparations, or they
will get more totally justified Chimpouts™.
8/14/16, 7:57 AM
Yes, an idiot alderman said as much last night. "Give us more money or we will continue to burn down businesses in our own neighbhorhood!" Note, these are the same people who complain about "food deserts" in the inner cities because racist businessmen are strangely reluctant to open up grocery stores in these areas.
No, Wisconsin does not have Open Carry, unless you count the dudes like the guy who got shot by the cops last night. He was carrying his (stolen) gun pretty openly.
Well, so do white people!
8/14/16, 9:08 AM
I haven't noticed white mobs burning down gas stations, banks and auto parts stores.
Tommy Duncan said...
For many decades the best, brightest and most morally decent citizens of all races have fled from our inner cities.
The Effect of Urban Flight on IQ Distribution
10 to 15 IQ points dumber.
buwaya puti said...
Tops are DOD schools (by far),
The parent(s) have to pass the ASVAB/AFQT, so not the same pool of students as other schools.
Btw, many years ago tried La Griffe's urban-exurban thing with California test data, which is even better.
Does not work here in CA, not in LA, SF, SJ, Sac, etc.
Its a Baltimore thing or his process is not universal and depends on specific conditions that arent always present.
Since 1900 Milwaukee haz had 6 years of republican mayors, 4yrs of republican/democrat fusion.
There have been A few terms of socialist mayors but the rezt have all been dems.
Why are democrat cities such cesspits of racism?
Still probably not as racist as Madison
John Henry
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Effective Dealing With Rioters
The recent mob actions in Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Londonistan lead to the question of how to deal with rioters as individuals and groups. The "stuck in the 1960s" social theories and resultant actions do NOT do so.
AS INDIVIDUALS AND SMALL GROUPS: The police appear usually too few or too late OR too politically afraid to take such EFFECTIVE actions as will protect innocents from death or great bodily injury or life-destroying property damage by such individuals or small groups or larger mobs..
However, citizens in some places can assist the police my marking such rioters as evidence. The most effective way of doing so is by putting 0.32-inch (The size of "OO" buckshot) or 9mm or .223/.38/.45/.30-inch holes in the bodies of such thugs.
Thereafter and when danger is past, the police can take out their little note-books and record the evidence left for them. (Please Note: A hard touch of a triangular file to the lands of a gun barrel and light touch to the tip of a firing-pin and extractor will neutralize the usual forensic evidence.)
(OH YES---The same "marking" of criminals can be utilized as to home-invaders, robbers, rapists, threatening drug dealers & gang-bangers, those followers of Mohammed who attack others who criticize them or their ideology or even include then in general photos in public places) Etc.
IN LARGE GROUPS: The proven best tactic is to have them (By their own actions or by external force) gathered together in one place (eg. A stadium as in the "Nike Riots" in Constantinople, for which see) and use it as a "surrender or die killing zone".
Mark said...
Scott Walker was Milwaukee County Executive for a couple terms, wasn't he?
Which doesn't make him mayor.
Tommy, Fernandinande:
(Anecdote warning) Some decades ago, about 1978, my father had occasion to fly a very short-range small plane from Princeton NJ to Mountain View CA. He hopped from one town to another, about 150 miles apart. After he got home, he remarked that in most of those places, it seemed like most of the folks with brains or ambition had left (presumably headed for bigger cities).
I wonder if that was a real trend, and if it perhaps started reversing in about 1968?
Wouldnt it be difficult to hide that a file was used to mar barrel lands? That would be a dead giveaway of an attempt to hide evidence. Also, would be irrelevant to buckshot.
I can see the light touch on the firing pin/extractor, but it seems less suspicious to simply change these out, and that would be undetectable. Numrich has spares for nearly anything.
OK, let's go through the list again: Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Newark, Baltimore, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, Sacramento, Dallas, Houston, and...New York (yes, NY had Rudy, then Bloomberg, but it's definitely back to the socialist side today with de Blasio).
There are so many more, but what do these Mayors have in common? Even wealthy Seattle, though beautiful and with tremendous resources, is now so filled with ultra-Left leadership that I give it about 8 or so years before it becomes unlivable in the city. Remember San Francisco? It's a dump now. An expensive dump. Philly? Detroit? Baltimore?
This took decades of one-party rule, with liberal policies arm in arm with teachers and other unions to create such a horrid cesspool of crap education, mismanagement, and corruption that the black community never stood a chance. The kids born in those communities are mostly screwed before they even learn how to stand. Now- just changing the party affiliation of the Mayor is not enough. It took decades of ruinous liberal policies to get us to this point. It won't change overnight by changing the party of the Mayor. But- it's a start.
There is something peculiarly unhealthy for black people in Wisconsin.
I see two very big elephants in that room.
SF is, in parts, a dump.
But its been a dump for thirty years.
But its not a dump because of black people.
Interestingly its got less than half its former black population %, they have been moving out (or been driven out by high rents) for decades.
If young black males who are 6% of the population and commit more than 40% of the crime were to offend only at the average rate posted by other races, the reduction in the nation's crime rate the prison population and black homicide victims would be mind-boggling. Tackling that issue would have been the most important contribution our first black President and Attorney General made. Certainly more important than being cheerleaders for the whining.
Of course, preserving the voting bloc for Democrats was more important and antithetical to solving the problem. Responsible African-Americans, unfettered from the debilitating effects of uncontrolled crime and victimization, would feel no compulsion to vote for Democrats.
And for that matter California cities have been getting much less black. Not often mentioned is that there is not only white flight from CA, but also black flight.
"Scott Walker was Milwaukee County Executive for a couple terms, wasn't he?"
Lefty logic. Impressive. Also shows the typical lefty's ignorance of how political subdivisions operate.
One other thing: At some point, we all have to acknowledge that we've completely lost our standards: respect for life, for education, for family. We allow the 'leaders' to tell us the main thing we should worry about is the .0002% of our population that cannot decide which bathroom to use in a public building. And that we should respect that they cannot decide if they're a man or woman.
I'm sorry, I don't respect that. I don't hate it, but that's about number 9,000,000,000 on my list of things I should be worried about in our county and world.
What has bothered me for decades now is that we have thrown away, and continue to throw away generations of black Americans. All of us do: Black, White, and everyone else. We have generations of those who could have been the one to find the cure for cancer, the ones who write great books, discover a new star, create new architecture, whatever. We've tossed away generations, and we all know it, drive around it, and accept that it just is.
At what point do we all make it a priority to change our standards? At what point does someone make it a point to raise the level of education in the cities. Not just throw more money at it, but real education. At what point does the black community say: no more single-family homes. No more making fun of kids striving to get an education and saying they 'act white' (WTF?). It has to start with the black community itself, but we all have to be part of the answer. This cannot go on. Let me tell you: I'm not a liberal (by today's definition). I'm not a Dem (the last Dem I voted for was in 1972). But if I was living in these situations I would be PISSED, TOO. You would too. The young in the cities don't even know the world that could be for them. They don't know what they cannot know- unless they are shown the way. And who's there to show them? Some local congressperson who tells them every two years "I'm bringing home the bacon for our community"? How's that bacon tasted over the past 40 years?
This has to end. Not with blank words from the same old politicians like Hillary. If you think Hillary is going to change your world for the better, you're allowing another generation to be lost. Know that.
I don't think it's a coincidence that we're seeing a these riots break out as the Obama administration winds down to a close. I think the black community had great hopes for President Obama, that he would improve their situation in some meaningful way.
Well, it's over now, & he didn't do squat & blacks are in the same crappy situation they've always been.
Could President Obama really have done anything to improve the situation of poor blacks? Probably not much, but that rational doubt wasn't part of the package that got Obama 95% of the black vote. Besides, considering the candidates of both (hell, all) the parties this year, no one's in any position to lecture blacks on their lack of "rationality" in what they expected from their candidate in 2008/2012.
It would be interesting to see the answer, somewhere, anywhere, to the question: What have the residents of Khalif Rainey's section done to improve their lives? Are they so intrinsically incapable that only a handout will do?
71% illegitimacy rate in the black community isn't a racial problem.
@J Mac,
Are they so intrinsically incapable that only a handout will do?
Basically, uhhhhhmmm, yeah.
I live outside of DC. The DC metro area is kind of "economically insulated", thanks to the continuous influx of your tax dollars (thank you & keep 'em comin'), so unemployment stays relatively low.
But, even in the halcyon days of yore when the economy, & was going great guns, & unemployment in the DC area was 4%, with the wealthy suburbs down to 2%, unemployment among the inner city blacks was still appalling. The problem was, they weren't unemployed. They were unemployable. With a continuous influx of immigrants (mostly Hispanic), it was just much easier to hire immigrant labor that to try & straighten out the deep dysfunction of the underclass black community.
"This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country."
Sat back and witnessed. There's a good chunk of the problem, right there.
IMO, Khalif Rainey's remarks should be viewed as a threat. This kind of situation, much like Watts in the 60's, is a form of extortion. And if the authorities cave to this type of behavior, it is no different from negotiating with terrorists.
Wisconsin also has black high school graduation rates well below average - Oregon and Nevada are much worse though, but I suspect small sample sizes there skew things. On this metric, btw, Texas is best by far.
Using educational attainment as a proxy, the condition of black people in Wisconsin, and probably largely so because of their condition in Milwaukee, seems especially bad compared to the rest of the US. Some people there really do have something to complain about, though its not clear to whom they should direct these complaints.
NAEP archived test scores shows this is a long term condition, going back at least two decades, black scores in Wisconsin have never been good.
I don't really think it is fair to blame Democrats for black people. The arrow of causation almost certainly points in the opposite direction.
"This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country. Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue – continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? … The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They’re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children. Now what has happened tonight may have not been right; I’m not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there’s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis., that have to be closely, not examined, but rectified. Rectify this immediately. Because if you don’t, this vision of downtown, all of that, you’re one day away. You’re one day away."
You and yours have been voting straight Democrat for how many decades now? You live in a city surrounded by Democrats, governed by Democrats, and educated by Democrats. How's that working out for you? Serious question! Ask yourself, how is that working out for you? How's life on the Democrat plantation?
The thug life, robbing a house of guns and ammo, stealing cars, shooting people, running from the cops and pointing your gun at the cops (didn't have much to say about any of that, did you?) gets you killed? You expect a different result? And you're threatening downtown if we don't leave the thugs to their thug ways? I think you are in for some serious disappointment.
What I find, interesting, for lack of better words, is the black/democrat politicians stoking the flames instead of fixing things. Black congressman leading a sit in at the US congress to "get change" ? I'm sorry, you won. You're running things. You have to lead instead of perpetually protesting. Who are you protesting? Yourself? Your own incompetence or oppression? Can you oppress yourself? Not sure fighting "the man" works when you ARE the man.
Now here's alderman Khalif Rainey and a, what, 3 time mayor (also a democrat), and this alderman is talking about how the city is oppressing blacks and it's a powder keg? Will he ever fix things, or does he just want a greater percentage of "his people" to get to suckle at the teat of corruption? I wonder if these shysters ever retire with their gov. Pensions and think "wow, what a difference I made in the city/state/country" or whether (as I suspect) they retire and think "wow, I'm glad I got mine, this city/state/country is and will always be f'd up"?
And yet they keep voting for their oppressors.
Say, aren't these rioters/arsonists afraid the white cops will shoot them?
Time for BLM to swoop in and warn them.
Blogger Roughcoat said...
There is something peculiarly unhealthy for black people in Wisconsin."
Bratwurst, deep fried cheese curds, and frozen custard?
No mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he steals a car and a gun and runs from cops.
Jupiter said...
"I don't really think it is fair to blame Democrats for black people. The arrow of causation almost certainly points in the opposite direction."
Very pithy. What in the hell does it mean?
Temujin said...
"What has bothered me for decades now is that we have thrown away, and continue to throw away generations of black Americans. All of us do: Black, White, and everyone else. We have generations of those who could have been the one to find the cure for cancer, the ones who write great books, discover a new star, create new architecture, whatever. We've tossed away generations, and we all know it, drive around it, and accept that it just is."
You've got that exactly backwards as well. Vast resources have been deployed in attempts to improve the lot of American blacks. All of these attempts were predicated on the assumption that black people are just like white people, except for the outermost five millimeters. And all of them failed.
The American institution that has been most successful in integrating blacks is the military. And as Ferdinande pointed out above, the military is very careful to select only the most intelligent blacks.
It's time to accept it. Drive around it. Because if you try to drive through it, it will pull you out of your car and beat you.
No mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he steals a car and a gun and runs from cops.
Good one, Char Char!
Sure sure we are all mostly smarter than the pukes rioting and begging for the pain to be ended forever through sweet death's release, but those doing the plotting are smarter than us.
This is relativety to me, but I am not certain anyone else understands the term to mean as I do.
So the barbarians are looked down by average folks as being so stupid as to throw away the only thing keeping them alive: sympathy for their malformed morals and inability to reason, based on a congenital lack of capability.
Yet the plotters feel the average folks are the dumbshits as they are unable to reason that any response of any sort to the savages by the averages can be used to portray the averages as deserving of violent hate because they threw away their perceptions-by-others that they should be seen as fellow decent humans.
My personal solution, turning from average (well slightly below but you get the drift) into the barbaric savage myself, disregarding former average aspirations contemptfully, is what I learned from several classic 80's movies ought be "crazy enough it just might work."
Or, think Mike Keaton in Batman grabbing the fire stoker and telling Jack "you wanna get nuts, let's get nuts!"
buwaya puti said...
Btw, just to note - NAEP testing shows remarkably poor results for Wisconsin blacks, vs other blacks in the US, way below the US average,
To some extent the very bad results of Milwaukee schools are an artifact of school choice.
In Milwaukee you can go to any school you choose. 23,000 students are outside the MPS system and their grades are not part of MPS statistics. These are the students with the most motivated parents. The children left behind are, of course, being victimized by the Teacher's union which is solely interested in teacher's pay (high) and teacher's workload (low) but not in successfully teaching inner city blacks. But the teacher's union is part of the Democratic establishment and consequently nothing is expected of it.
The rioters are blaming whites, not Democrats or the teacher's union for the MPS schools and they will vote Hillary and then Hillary and the Democrats will do nothing for them. This what we are "sitting back and looking at" in relation to MPS schools. But no one can fix this except the Democrats and the only fixing Democrats know how to do is fixing elections.
The statistics on segregation are also somewhat of an artifact. Blacks are about 3% of Wisconsin's population and they are concentrated in Milwaukee County and Madison (Dane County). The segregation index wants them scattered throughout Wisconsin so that counties everywhere are three percent black. That would mean the blacks being farmers and woodmen which is what Wisconsonites are outside several big cities. Another statistical index has been proposed which would measure how many were living in a community which was 20% black or 20 % white and Milwaukee is not at the bottom by this measure
Finally black unemployment in Wisconsin is high because blacks came to work in manufacturing which the Democrats, like Hillary continue to decimate with trade deals she and the others get paid for expediting. So she and her kind caused the unemployment afflicting Milwaukee blacks but they will vote for her so why should the Democrats change anything. And what can the Republicans do in Milwaukee City?
Beating up whites who happen to drive down Sherman Street will not cause a single Democrat in Milwaukee to challenge the teacher's union or Hillary's trade deals. And until the Democrats do challenge the Democratic beatdown of the blacks, the rest of us are powerless spectators of a very lamentable and tragic disaster. Which is preventable.
hombre inquired...
"Very pithy. What in the hell does it mean?"
It means that elected Democrats are not responsible for the behavior of black people. Rather, the black people are responsible for the election of the Democrats.
Does anyone really think these people would all be law-abiding and productive citizens if some means could be found to impose a Republican mayor on them? What's he supposed to do, replace them with Mexicans? That appears to be the favored solution of the current crop of Republicans.
Meant to saty:
"And until the black Democratic politicians of Milwaukee City and County challenge the Democratic beatdown of the blacks, the rest of us are powerless spectators of a very lamentable and tragic disaster. Which is preventable."
This is rather typical when you have one party rule, isn't it? It doesn't seem to make any difference what town it is, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, etc, are all the same in one respect, they are all ruled by one party and have been that way for decades. Until you change one party rule, one should not expect anything else will change. This is not complicated.
Curious how all the hotbeds of racist police and abject poverty are all run by entrenched Liberal Democrats. And not just recently. Most haven't been run by Republican governments in 50 years.
Weird, eh?
8/14/16, 11:27 AM
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Blogger Roughcoat said...
There is something peculiarly unhealthy for black people in Wisconsin."
Bratwurst, deep fried cheese curds, and frozen custard?
Now you are just making me hungry.
John Henry
Blogger Jupiter said...
I yield place to none in my contempt for Democrats, but the fact is that democracy, as a political system, is designed to allow people to choose their leaders. The founders of American democracy claimed to believe that people would choose based upon the best interests of the larger community, rather than their own selfish interests. To what extent that belief was ever justified is open to question. But it should hardly surprise us that a clearly identifiable minority, assured since birth that they are unjustly oppressed by the larger society, should use their electoral power to choose leaders who promise to pursue their interests at the expense of the majority.
You can call it the glorious working of popular democracy, or you can call it corrupt racial pandering. It is both.
Apparently they want money --- this is where the divisive racial politics have led. And its right where power-hungry politicians want it - where their voters are DEMANDING that money and power be taken from the private sector for use in the public sector, where it will be easily co-oped and used for the benefit of the politically powerful and their crony friends. That's exactly how Hugo Chavez came to be worth about $2 billion.
Blogger Jupiter said... but the fact is that democracy, as a political system, is designed to allow people to choose their leaders. The founders of American democracy claimed to believe that people would choose based upon the best interests of the larger community....
Jupiter and many others have a fundamental misunderstanding about our system of government. We are a representative republic, expressly NOT a 'democracy'. Our founders feared democracy, calling it 'mob rule'. Yes, we can elect our representatives, but there are also ground rules - the constitution being the primary one. The Bill of Rights (1st 10 amendments) constrain government's power against you, and therefore constrain your neighbors ability to force abusive crap on you at the ballot box.
When we push the constitution away, we will lose this safe-guard, and we will be at the mercy of the mob and at the mercy of self-interested politicians.
I know I can't have been the only one to read "...there’s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis." and start singing "We got trouble right here in River City!"
Already lots of $ going to the area:
(75million not properly accounted for, loose accounting controls, susceptible to hacking to change financial data, etc.) (Note highlight on pg 7)
(Maybe a new federally funded "game" will help?)
They’re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life.
It is a life chosen by the voters of Milwaukee, a life of expansive government that per se must equate to a narrower range of choices for individuals.
Since 1908 the mayor has been:
..four years (1912-1916) Republican-Democrat fusion ticket;
..six years (1942-48) non partisan;
..thirty eight years (1910-12, 1916-40, 1948-60) Socialist;
..60 years (1908-10, 1940-42, 1960-present) Democrat.
Not a Libertarian in the bunch!
I blame the voters.
LilyBart said...
"Jupiter and many others have a fundamental misunderstanding about our system of government. We are a representative republic, expressly NOT a 'democracy'."
Were, LilyBart. We *were* a representative republic. In which adult male property-owners elected legislators, and legislatures elected Senators. And you are correct, the citizens of Milwaukee are at the mercy of the mob.
Franklin said, A republic, if you can keep it. We couldn't.
To be clear, the NAEP numbers are for all of Wisconsin and include public, charter and private schools. NAEP is a random survey type test. Blacks in WI, across the whole population, do very badly compared to the national black average and vs blacks in nearly every other state.
I dont think WI (hey, someone at UW Madison! In Black Studies! This, if anything, is worth a study!) has properly studied why they are in such a peculiarly awful condition, in WI.
Looks like I came late to the party.
Alderman Khalif Rainey — who represents the district — said early Sunday that the city's black residents are "tired of living under this oppression."
He's the alderman, so he must doing the oppressing. The tree of liberty needs watering.
But black urban politics, machine politics, teachers unions, deindustrialization, social degeneracy and all that jazz are universal across the country.
None of these address what makes WI so extremely bad.
"We got trouble right here in River City!"
With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool...
Yes, what Milwaukee needs is a BOY'S BAND! ;-)
Can we re-visit midnight basketball?
This is how Democrats win elections. They stir up resentments and hatred. This gets people motivated to go to the polls.
But how do they do it? How do they stir it up against the other guy, but not against themselves?
There must be a way for Trump to capitalize on this. To get into these communities and say, "I'm pissed off too! For how long have Democrats run this town and this is what you get?!"
Let's play what if?
What if a "heartless" conservative was elected mayor of Milwaukee. And what if a group of like-minded conservative alderpeople (aka aldermen) were elected. Could the results be any worse? Think about that.
Oh forget it, results don't matter.
This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country.
"Delta's ready when you are."
Edward Banfield, Professor of Government at Harvard, wrote an essay "Rioting Mainly for Fun and Profit" in 1969-70 (I've forgotten the date) in which he threw well needed ice cold water on all the socio-economic and racial explanations for the 1960's riots. It had consequences. The forces of the left and their "free speech for me but not for thee" standards forced Banfield out at Harvard. This despite that Banfield was well supported by data and research. His colleague James Q. Wilson ("Broken Windows"), was not far behind. Another colleague in the Government Department was Daniel Patrick Moynhan also thought that all the racial rhetoric had become overheated and counter productive. He advocated a period of "benign neglect" and facing a similarly hostile environment at Harvard became an Urban Advisor to President Nixon and later a Democrat politician when he thought Nixon had gone too far.
One way or another, I think this is likely where we are headed again. Many of Obama's failures as President are because he doubled down on ideas that made things worse the first time around. This time around, In order to break the leftist gridlock, we need to confront the intellectual stranglehold the left has on the media and higher education. Use their methods against them. Expose them, mock them. All Trump has to do is keep showing that ad of Hillary proposing to raise taxes on the middle class with Warren Buffett clapping like a silly seal.
@jupiter (11:40 AM): Thanks for the clarification.
I'm not sure Democrat elected officials aren't responsible for the behavior of blacks.
Remember the comment of the Democrat Mayor at the time of the Baltimore riots? "We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.” Democrats seem to have a huge investment in the status quo in black neighborhoods. Occasional riots with arson, rampant crime, illegitimacy, welfare, lots of drugs and homicides. Any tampering by elected Democrats, particularly effective riot control, might have a negative effect on the voting bloc.
Blacks are the most reliable voting bloc in America. There are black voting districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote. African-Americans can be counted on to continue to elect the party that is committed to maintaining the circumstances giving rise to the behavior in question.
I don't see good things ahead for cities.
Let's take Seattle for a minute, because I know it best. Main problem is lack of a middle class-white, black or purple. Middle class families = stability and paths to upward mobility, for everyone of any color. There is no middle class in Seattle anymore. Only wealthy and connected lefties, their footsoldiers the SJWs, and the very poor. In the same city you have those completely absurd indoor dog parks alongside an infestation of homeless people. Miles and miles of tents under the freeways and studio apartments on South Lake Union renting for $3k a month.
My mother was born and raised in a family of longshoremen; my grandparents raised ten children in a roomy house in Wallingford. There used to be children and families there. The Bartell's down there across from MOHI doesn't even have a section for baby stuff. Large selection of dog toys however, and next door there is an enormous "dog lounge" for the childless to bring their "fur babies" (how I loathe that phrase) while they toil away in nearby tech jobs. Those with families never see them because they get home at 8:00 at night to the nearest house they can afford which is in the damned Cascade foothills.
I've posted here before about our frustrations in trying to find a place to live. My husband is in talks for a tech job for which the total comp would be close to half a million dollars, and we're struggling to find a home that we can safely afford that would reasonably accommodate our family of seven without his commute being 90 minutes or involve a boat. You know your city is off the rails when a well paid member of the main industry in town can't even afford to raise a family there anymore.
I don't know how this will all end.
buwaya puti said...
"But black urban politics, machine politics, teachers unions, deindustrialization, social degeneracy and all that jazz are universal across the country.
None of these address what makes WI so extremely bad."
It's like asking why Detroit was worse off than other cities in Michigan or other states. Manufacturing was very important there and the more important manufacturing was in a given area the worse the Nineties trade deals were for that particular place. Then the collapse of manufacturing jobs means self-respecting people either left on ended on welfare which ends self-respect.
Wisconsin was one of the states most heavily dependent on manufacturing despite its image as a "dairy state." In terms of land use farming is important to the state. But the cities have the population and they had a lot of manufacturing - all destroyed in the Nineties due to trade deals such as Hillary and the Democrats are supporting and being paid off for supporting. Milwaukee and Wisconsin lost hundreds of thousands of good jobs and it is only under Walker that there has been any turnaround. But the people who lost those jobs are still in Milwaukee with their children, doing badly and voting still for the Democrats. The teachers unions were and are so strong that no black Democrat even considers challenging them and the bad teaching they enable. The flight of the motivated black students is accelerating but even when they leave and get to a better place they come from bad schools and they have a lot to make up.
In other words certain national problems are bound to be worse in Milwaukee just as they were in Detroit. And black Democratic Milwaukee politicians support the policies trapping Milwaukee children, support the anti-business policies of the Democrats and, nationally, support politicians, like Hillary Clinton, associated with destructive trade deals which took manufacturing jobs from the black Milwaukee community. They oppose Governor Walker and would end charter schools if they were able to do so and pro-business policies. It is certain that if Milwaukee black politicians called on Democrats to reform or lose the black vote, there would be reform. But they haven't the guts to do it.
The biggest mistake being made right now is that this sentiment black people are feeling is unique.
There are black voting districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote.
..and Obama got more than 100% of them.
The founders of American democracy claimed to believe that people would choose based upon the best interests of the larger community, rather than their own selfish interests.
Not always, which is why they built in so many safeguards against unfettered democracy, most of which have been removed.
This also did not believe in universal male suffrage, let alone female suffrage. Ever since the 19th Amendment it has been feelz over facts.
@Gahrie This also did not believe in universal male suffrage, let alone female suffrage. Ever since the 19th Amendment it has been feelz over facts.
While I am glad to have the vote, I would assert that women's suffrage has not resulted in any improvement in our nation's policies or practices.
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