August 24, 2016

I finally learned how to notice goldfinches in time to not flush them.

Got this picture today.


Took one more step to try to get a better picture, and they flew away. They're always in twos.

The picture makes it clear why they're so hard to see, despite the bright yellow. The dark portions seem like dark leaves or other background.


Hagar said...

The AP, being pressed about their article about private contributors to the "Clinton Foundation" (this is presumably the "Clinton Global Initiative" one), notes that a number of foreign states also contributed another 170 million dollars to the foundation.

To my mind his is worse - a lot worse - than the 156 million dollars from private individuals and companies.

FullMoon said...

Ya know, you can catch those birds by putting salt on their tail. My Grandfather told me that, and he would not lie.

Original Mike said...

Since I planted cone flower and gayfeather, goldfinches have become regular visitors to my garden. I love them.

n said...

Yum yum. Echinacea purpurea seeds. A Finch Favorite.

Bob Ellison said...

They're not always in twos. I see them in ones every day.

More difficult: call that sound!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...They're always in twos.Always two

Jaq said...

But don't worry, the likely next president of the United States will still be accepting donations right up to inauguration day! So it's not too late to buy influence!

Hagar said...

In other news, I had one young "top gun" hummingbird brush my right ear with his wings today.

Fritz said...

The gold finches have taken a shine to the Verbena they ignored last year.

Quaestor said...

It's the principle of dazzle camouflage, the starkly contrasting colors break up the silhouette into meaningless shapes.

Big Mike said...

Two males is unusual in my experience. I have a thistle seed feeder and they normally come in multiples, but twosomes are normally a bright yellow male and much drabber female (except winter, when both are drab). Threes and fours are not rare.

Curious George said...

I actually let weeds grow because the two pair of goldfinches feed constantly on their seeds. Rh identified the plants (another reason why I love this blog).

Tonight for the first time two bats where going to town in the backyard. That and some single malt scotch and a good cigar...magic!

le Douanier said...

"some single malt scotch"

More specific, please.

Palladian was always good for such.

JOB said...

Hear, Here, the Goldfinch at the End of All Fence Lines

Autumn cries its hues, both burnt and hurry-harried –
Fox kit’s brassy exile-cry wassailed on spring’s wind.

Here, too, sloughed straw is drawn out and quartered, carried
Houselessly by goldfinch through canebrake, bracken-shinned,

Where crows shelter in a famine-branch of absence,
Tarry in tarry clumps amid tree-limbs’ smoke-pitch.

The gilded goldfinches flit in flame-tipped chevrons,
A panoramic whole, yet more a part by much

Of house-search, home lust, at the end of all fence lines
Where weathered wood of corn-crib and tobacco shed

Posts fascinations, falling slant with manqué rains
At the end of all fallow fields, marking what could

Make the finch declaim with barren bran, golden tare,
Harvest’s hatch, winter-cinched, abiding by its fire.

buwaya said...

For the little birdies, DSLR, 300mm-400mm lens, lots and lots of practice. Long long experience in an unremunerative, highly frustrating hobby.

SteveBrooklineMA said...

I have a thistle feeder that requires birds to hang upside down to get at the seed. It's great... goldfinches have no trouble doing this but other birds can't seem to manage.

Christy said...

So that's what they were! I swear the ones bouncing between the purple coneflower and the birdbath last week were lime green. Had me totally confused.

The coneflowers were a carefully watched treat this year. They came down with aster yellows in '14 and I ripped them all out. When I saw this one come up I let it stay, but was ready to tear it out at the first sign of deformity.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If you don't flush them, how can you shoot them?
You need a clear backstop.

Jaq said...

Great... Gary Johnson is an idiot.

US Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson wants to impose a government enforced carbon fee to combat climate change.

At least Jill Stein is hot. Wouldn't mind seeing her on the TV every day.

Karen of Texas said...

Thanks, Tim. Government enforced carbon fee. Well there's the virtue signaling to the enviro crowd. He'll get points for that. Woo!! Sigh.

Karen of Texas said...

Libertarian? Government enforced fee? More government intrusion?

Am I missing something about what libertarians purport to support? Hmm, Gary? Idiot.

Hagar said...

The Clintons = The American Talleyrands.

Hagar said...

And Slow Joe Biden said some very remarkable things in Ankara; among other things referred to the "coup instigators" as despicable traitors, etc. This language was absolutely unnecessary and I think a big mistake in Turkey and vicinity - especially as there seems to be some doubts as to just who instigated "the coup attempt."

Henry said...

Our bird feeders this summer have been besieged by finches. It started with house finches, but since June the goldfinches are there every day.

Overall I've identified 10 to 20 birds. I never bother with pictures. I prefer to take pictures of things that don't move, like rust and concrete.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann Althouse said...They're always in twos.Always two"

Very cool. Thanks.

Curious George said...

"PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
"some single malt scotch"

More specific, please."

Glenlivet 12

Paul Sand said...

Oh. Thought you said "goldfish". Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Hang a thistle sock and you'll see more finches than you can shake a stick at.

Ann Althouse said...

Meade made fun of me for liking goldfinches. Like they are among the so-called "trash birds."

Ann Althouse said...

But they are so yellow, I protested.

Curious George said...

I saw a single male goldfinch on a wire in my backyard. The female was nearby in a bush. Three what I think were House Finches, but in any event small brown birds, were surrounding him and flapping their wings. He would fly off, reland on the wire, and the three birds would follow and repeat the harassment. This act was repeated many times before the goldfinch flew away.

"Ann Althouse said...
But they are so yellow...."

My thoughts exactly.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

There is nothing classier than gold.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, I've had Eastern bluebirds on my sunflower seed feeder (in the early spring the insects they normally eat may be a little scarce), I've had woodpeckers, I've had house finches, cardinals, and blue jays. But those lovely little goldfinches are about my favorite.

Rick.T. said...

Wah WAH wah!
Pretty birds....