July 18, 2016

Trump's ghostwriter — telling "all" to The New Yorker — says he's giving his 2016 royalties from "Art of the Deal" to charities...

... charities chosen with an eye toward undoing the damage he feels he's done by leveraging Trump's career...
... the National Immigration Law Center, Human Rights Watch, the Center for the Victims of Torture, the National Immigration Forum, and the Tahirih Justice Center. He doesn’t feel that the gesture absolves him. “I’ll carry this until the end of my life,” he said. “There’s no righting it. But I like the idea that, the more copies that ‘The Art of the Deal’ sells, the more money I can donate to the people whose rights Trump seeks to abridge.”
Since there's no righting it, there's no use donating anything more than the royalties from just this one year, 2016. How much has Tony Schwartz made from all these years of getting half the royalties from "Art of the Deal"?

Is Schwartz a reliable storyteller? His current story is that the story he told back then was total trash, but he was useful — was then and is now, to different people.

Interestingly, Schwartz got the co-writing job in the first place after he'd "published a piece in New York called 'A Different Kind of Donald Trump Story,' which portrayed him not as a brilliant mogul but as a ham-fisted thug." Trump, we're told, "loved the article.... and sent a fan note to Schwartz." Not long after that, Trump asked Schwartz to write his book for him. Schwartz, a "lifelong liberal" who "was hardly an admirer of Trump’s ruthless and single-minded pursuit of profit," decided to do it for the money, even though he felt "his journalism career would be badly damaged." He "knew [he] was selling out."

When The New Yorker called Trump about Schwartz's "critical remarks," Trump said "He’s probably just doing it for the publicity," and "Wow. That’s great disloyalty, because I made Tony rich. He owes a lot to me. I helped him when he didn’t have two cents in his pocket. It’s great disloyalty. I guess he thinks it’s good for him—but he’ll find out it’s not good for him."

Because who's for Tony Schwartz now? Certainly not the people who got him to trash Trump.


eric said...

They, the Democrats calling themselves reporters, are treating this as if it's some huge revelation.

Even though the dudes name is on the book.

damikesc said...

All we have that he us giving to charity is the word of a man who admits to lying for profit.

Gahrie said...

Somebody has been reading the David Brock lifestory.

YoungHegelian said...

There's nobody who complains more about other people's lack of chastity than a repentant whore.

MadisonMan said...

My experience is that authors trying to up sales will say anything.

Original Mike said...

"Is Schwartz a reliable storyteller? His current story is that the story he told back then was total trash, but he was useful — was then and is now, to different people."

Shades of David Brock.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Leftists are frequently huge hypocrites and often attack the very people and systems that make them personally safe and materially well off.

Not exactly a new phenomenon.

YoungHegelian said...

So, if we are to believe Trump's ghostwriter on what a shit he is (as if we don't know...), are we then to believe all the "tell-all" books on the Clintons?

i mean, who's gonna come out ahead in that game?

rehajm said...

decided to do it for the money, even though he felt his journalism career would be badly damaged.

Biting the hand that feeds you not a great idea, either.

Original Mike said...

Gahrie beat me to it.

Does Schwartz have a stupid hair cut, too?

David Begley said...

I read the whole story by that liberal hack Jane Mayer.

Schwartz claims he will give 2016 royalties to certain liberal causes. How will we know if he follows through with his future gifts?

The Left never rests and will do everything to stop Trump.

When do we get the hit pieces from Hillary's ghost writers, Jane?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"... the National Immigration Law Center, Human Rights Watch, the Center for the Victims of Torture, the National Immigration Forum, and the Tahirih Justice Center"

So pat and carefully selected that it has to be a shuck. Lefties don't even try to be nuanced anymore.

Anonymous said...

He created the myth of Trump, the monster, now he wants to destroy it? A little late buddy. Giving away his royalties is the least he could do for unleashing this fraud upon the American people. Of course the left will do whatever they have to to stop Trump, he is a menace to the Country and the fact that so many on the right don't understand this is mind boggling.

David Begley said...


The facts that the Left wants to install a lawless and corrupt liar as President is way more disturbing. Hillary is doing it for the money. And ISIS goes wild with Hillary in charge.

Fernandinande said...

That's it. I'm voting for William J. Sidis.

"Art of Money Getting" --> "The Art of the Deal"

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oh dear, Trump's a menace.

Michael said...

This is entry level virtue signaling. If he would like to progress to the next, serious, level he will claw back all of his earnings from this book which is such a pile of shit, such an embarrassment to a pure soul such as he. What a fucking asshole.

fivewheels said...

A good example of what's wrong with the modern left. Fundamental unseriousness about actually accomplishing anything, and self-flattery above all other goals. "Hey, I tweeted with the right hashtag. My work here is done."

Joe said...

Schwartz is arrogant as hell to believe that he made Donald Trump. He didn't create shit.

Hagar said...

Apparently Hollywood is not the only place where there is real tinsel beneath all that fake surface tinsel.

readering said...

Is the story he tells Mayer out of line with the many other stories about Trump the businessman? No. But clearly Trump was a shrewd judge of talent because the ghost-written book did so much for his celebrityhoood.

Jim said...

The ghostwriter for Dreams From My Father blew up the Pentagon. Top that Trump!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

This article paints Trump is a very bad light.

Trump doesn't read. Has zero attention span. It's only animated by self promotion.

Freeman Hunt said...

"I lied to you before for lots and lots of money, but I wouldn't lie to you now that I'm rich to distance myself from an extremely unpopular candidate and work myself into the good graces of those who don't like him. I knew everything about him, nothing was too personal except a major affair that would end his marriage. Sure, I can pass the salt."

Bill Peschel said...

Tony Schwartz did well by Trump. His home at 7 Ploughmans Bush in the far north of the Bronx valued on Zillow at $2.3 million, and the Trump book is by far his biggest.

Not that it matters. I just love to know how people like him support themselves.

What I find fascinating is this: despite having the attention span of a gnat and perhaps a private reputation as an untrustworthy businessman (according the Schwartz), he's been able to close deals for more than three decades.

I also find the prospect of lying in business fascinating, because of how many times I've been seeing this. Clive Cussler doubled his book sales when negotiating with producers for the movie "Sahara." A famous hip-hop producer, back in the '90s, had to testify in a lawsuit, and had to reveal that he added one or two zeroes to his annual sales. Indie writer John Locke bragged to The New York Times that he hired a company to write 300 five-star reviews for his books on Amazon.

When Matte World recently went out of business, they told the story of how they fooled HBO with a fake right out of "The Sting":

"Barron, Pangrazio, and others of ILM's matte department had talked about forming their own matte-painting company. With a core group they found a "hole in the wall" space next to a Domino's Pizza outlet in Marin County. The new crew jokingly dubbed their endeavor "Matte World," and delivered three shots for the 1988 HBO feature Steal the Sky. Then came the big break-a fifty-shot assignment for an HBO Cold War period epic, By Dawn's Early Light. The catch was the producers wanted to visit the Matte World facility to make sure they could handle the job. The fledgling MW team knew they could do it, but a hole-in-the-wall space wouldn't be reassuring to their potential clients. Barron likened what happened next to the stunt in The Sting, wherein the heroes set up a phony gambling hall in order to look like high rollers.

"They set up a fake studio facility, leasing warehouse space and filling it with rented office furniture. Functioning phone lines were installed in case one of the visiting producers needed to make a call (this was the pre-cell phone era), while an adjacent bicycle factory let them use their shop outlet for power. The space was dressed to look like a working studio, with rented movie cameras and lights and easels with matte paintings. Like actors in a play, company personnel and friends choreographed a bustling atmosphere, from a fake crew working the cameras and lights to a friend calling to keep the office phone ringing every few minutes. The "sting" worked to perfection—the HBO producers arrived, were impressed by the busy atmosphere, and awarded them the job on the spot. When the HBO team left, everyone in the fake studio applauded."

Freeman Hunt said...

Odd the idea that not wanting to answer questions about childhood = short attention span.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

How much has Tony Schwartz made from all these years of getting half the royalties from "Art of the Deal"?

Who gets the other half? Trump? Not really all that noble of a gesture in my opinion.

Thorley Winston said...

“There’s no righting it. But I like the idea that, the more copies that ‘The Art of the Deal’ sells, the more money I can donate to the people whose rights Trump seeks to abridge.”

It should go without saying that “can donate” does not mean “will donate”.

Just like it should go without saying that the more of copies of “The Art of the Deal” that get sold, the more money that goes to Donald Trump personally.

YoungHegelian said...

Schwartz had written about Trump before. In 1985, he’d published a piece in New York called “A Different Kind of Donald Trump Story,” which portrayed him not as a brilliant mogul but as a ham-fisted thug who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized tenants from a building that he had bought on Central Park South. Trump’s efforts—which included a plan to house homeless people in the building in order to harass the tenants—became what Schwartz described as a “fugue of failure, a farce of fumbling and bumbling.” An accompanying cover portrait depicted Trump as unshaven, unpleasant-looking, and shiny with sweat. Yet, to Schwartz’s amazement, Trump loved the article.

So, Schwartz writes an article that beats Trump up one wall & down the other, and Trump, who in reality is the very model of the modern major narcissist, likes it so much he agrees to write a book with Schwartz. Because, ya know, that's what all narcissists & megalomaniacs do when you publicly bad-mouth them -- they tell you how much they admire your work....

Somebody wake up rhhardin, because this article just cries out for a Derridean deconstruction.

StephenFearby said...

Best snippets:

' "...it’s impossible to keep [Trump] focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then . . . ” Schwartz trailed off, shaking his head in amazement. He regards Trump’s inability to concentrate as alarming in a Presidential candidate. “If he had to be briefed on a crisis in the Situation Room, it’s impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time,” he said.'

'Often, after spending the day with Trump, and watching him pile one hugely expensive project atop the next, like a circus performer spinning plates, Schwartz would go home and tell his wife, “He’s a living black hole!”'

Amadeus 48 said...

Help! Help! Donald Trump is on the loose! How could he have any notoriety outside Queens? Let's take those traitors who have helped him promote himself out and hang them from lampposts! All you book writers and publishers! All you TV executives who booked him for his colorful brashness! How could you bring him into our homes night after night? How could you treat him as a business guru? How could you go to his wedding? Help! Help!

Let's get that nice Jane Mayer to write a story about him and how bad he is for The New Yorker! That'll show him! No one will ever vote for him after they see what his ghost writer says about him in The New Yorker!

Meanwhile, the presumed Democratic candidate has been "extremely careless" with Top Secret information, maybe even getting American agents killed. We need a nuanced view of that.

rhhardin said...

Trump's customers also have a single minded pursuit of profit, and both they and Trump come out ahead. It's a voluntary exchange, and an organizing principle for cooperative economic activity.

Socialism uses guns to produce economic activity and both sides don't come out ahead.

mockturtle said...

Clearly, Schwartz is a credible man of solid integrity. :-D

bagoh20 said...

Having principles is so damned expensive. The secret to success is making sure you make good money violating your principles before you pretend to have any. Consider it a small gilt tax. I learned that in "The Art of the Deal"

Anonymous said...

"It was a successful company, with clients such as Facebook, and Schwartz’s colleagues urged him to avoid the political fray. But the prospect of President Trump terrified him. It wasn’t because of Trump’s ideology—Schwartz doubted that he had one. The problem was Trump’s personality, which he considered pathologically impulsive and self-centered.".

“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.

If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.

It didn't take most of America very long to recognize that the man was a sociopath and a fraud. One must ask what is wrong with those people who bought the scam hook, line and sinker.

hombre said...

After Trump makes him rich, disloyal Secular Jewish Liberal reverts to secular Jewish liberalism. Dog bites man.

Fodder for left-wing bedwetters.

Peter said...

So, he says he was lying, but, now we should believe him when he says he's not lying when he says he was lying?

Gusty Winds said...

Did Pontius Pilate wash his hands before or after he took the money?

Amadeus 48 said...

"The Sociopath"? Trump would love it. He's a sociopath!

You need a better argument.

Darrell said...

Schwartz is arrogant as hell to believe that he made Donald Trump.

Yeah. Just like Kanye made Taylor Swift. Just ask Kanye.

traditionalguy said...

So Trump has two sides to his personality. Most of us have more than the normal two that are our fighter persona and our lover persona. Big damn deal. The relevant skill is enemy recognition, and The Donald is a master at that.

hombre said...

Erika: "It didn't take most of America very long to recognize that the man was a sociopath and a fraud. One must ask what is wrong with those people who bought the scam hook, line and sinker."

"It didn't take most of America very long to realize that the [woman is] a sociopath and a fraud...." There, fixed!

The difference between Trumpkins and HillBillies is that most Trumpkins can see his warts and don't care because he provides an escape from Obama and the Queen of the Grifters. HillBillies, OTOH, deny that Hillary has warts and that she is a grifter despite a plethora of evidence. (E.g. How did she become a multi-millionaire?)

Trumpkins are resolved. HillBillies are dupes.

Amadeus 48 said...

There are three reasons to vote for Donald Trump: HC, PC, and SC.

HC--he is not Hillary Clinton.

PC--his election would be a blow against political correctness.

SC--you will like his Supreme Court nominations better than Clinton's.

If you come up with a fourth, let me know.

Martin said...

So, he lied then, but tells the truth now?

Or, is it that he told the truth then, but lies now?

Liberal, Democrat writer makes money off Trump association, then bad-mouths Trump to his erstwhile friends.

I think it best to just ignore him.

Known Unknown said...

"When the HBO team left, everyone in the fake studio applauded."

Ad agencies do similar stuff all the time for pitches. Got a bloc of empty cubes? Hire in people to simply sit in them the day of the visit. Ta-da, you're super busy and all geared up to take on their work.

Anonymous said...

“Trump didn’t fit any model of human being I’d ever met. He was obsessed with publicity, and he didn’t care what you wrote.” He went on, “Trump only takes two positions. Either you’re a scummy loser, liar, whatever, or you’re the greatest. I became the greatest. He wanted to be seen as a tough guy, and he loved being on the cover.”

That makes sense, maybe that's why Trump used to call in to radio talk shows pretending to be his own publicist.


Anonymous said...

"The first session didn’t go as planned, however. After Trump gave him a tour of his marble-and-gilt apartment atop Trump Tower—which, to Schwartz, looked unlived-in, like the lobby of a hotel—they began to talk. But the discussion was soon hobbled by what Schwartz regards as one of Trump’s most essential characteristics: “He has no attention span.”"

Obvious every time the man opens his mouth.

Anonymous said...

"Trump has been written about a thousand ways from Sunday, but this fundamental aspect of who he is doesn’t seem to be fully understood,” Schwartz told me. “It’s implicit in a lot of what people write, but it’s never explicit—or, at least, I haven’t seen it. And that is that it’s impossible to keep him focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then . . . ” Schwartz trailed off, shaking his head in amazement. He regards Trump’s inability to concentrate as alarming in a Presidential candidate. “If he had to be briefed on a crisis in the Situation Room, it’s impossible to imagine him paying attention over a long period of time,” he said."

This doesn't concern anyone?

Francisco D said...

I will take a "single minded pursuit of profit" over a single minded pursuit of graft and other people's money any day.

You would think that Hillary! and Obama use "Atlas Shrugged" as a model for state socialism rather than a cautionary tale about the dystopian future.


Known Unknown said...

"And that is that it’s impossible to keep him focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then . . . ” Schwartz trailed off, shaking his head in amazement.:

I find it hilarious the guy who is telling us about Trump's short attention span has a short attention span.

And get a profile, troll.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

Yesterday's troll names


Today's troll names


But there's still time to enter!

Amadeus 48 said...

Erika--Do you think this is an improvement or a step down from Obama, who apparently won't go into the Situation Room (unless there is an Osama related photo op)? Is it worse to have a president with a short attention span, or one who can't be bothered with intelligence briefings? Have you considered that Trump could be a step up from what we have now?

Fabi said...

Welcome back Erika / Miriam / Amanda / Inga / Annie!

Anonymous said...

"He then tried to amplify the material he got from Trump by calling others involved in the deals. But their accounts often directly conflicted with Trump’s. “Lying is second nature to him,” Schwartz said. “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.” Often, Schwartz said, the lies that Trump told him were about money—“how much he had paid for something, or what a building he owned was worth, or how much one of his casinos was earning when it was actually on its way to bankruptcy.”"

Again, does this comcern anyone?

Anonymous said...

"Schwartz can understand why Trump feels stung, but he felt that he had to speak up before it was too late. As for Trump’s anger toward him, he said, “I don’t take it personally, because the truth is he didn’t mean it personally. People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world.” If Trump is elected President, he warned, “the millions of people who voted for him and believe that he represents their interests will learn what anyone who deals closely with him already knows—that he couldn’t care less about them.”

We liberals already knew this. It wasn't difficult to figure out.

mockturtle said...

Amadeus48 There are three reasons to vote for Donald Trump: HC, PC, and SC.

HC--he is not Hillary Clinton.

PC--his election would be a blow against political correctness.

SC--you will like his Supreme Court nominations better than Clinton's.

If you come up with a fourth, let me know.

GW--George Will hates him. :-)

Jon Ericson said...

"People are dispensable and disposable"
Now who does this remind you of?

YoungHegelian said...

People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world.

Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment....

Jon Ericson said...

Neither was Vince Foster.

Anonymous said...

Is it that Trump has a short attention span or, unlike those men who focus like a laser beam, is he just very much better at multitasking like a woman? That's one of the significant differences between the brains of men and the brains of women, they say.

Dude1394 said...

Blogger Erika said...
We liberals already knew this. It wasn't difficult to figure out.

Yes...Hillary cares so much she and her boss are responsible for millions of families ruined and hundreds of thousands dead.

Now Hillary and Obama's Democrats are murdering policemen and gays. Yes, they care so much

YoungHegelian said...


As I pointed out the other day, the Hillary trolls need to up their game & give a positive defense of Clinton. What I've noticed is that, everywhere, every HRC shill is not even attempting to defend her except by saying that Trump is a menace (e.g. the Daily Show lecture on why one must vote for HRC, because nothing says "comedy" like some foreigner hectoring me on who I simply must vote for).

Clearly, the word has come down from on high, and the drones are working in lock-step. I expect that we're going to see this tack of "Trump --- bad man!!!" all the way until election day because, I mean, really, what positive do they have to say about her?

Titus said...

I just flipped on the convention. The entire audience is old and white.

Titus said...

And they are trying to dance. They ain't got any groove.

YoungHegelian said...


Just wait until the Democratic Convention. Aside from a state teachers union convention, you've never seen so many teachers in one place at one time. Why? Because they have the summer off, paid.

Same reason it's old white people at the Republican convention: they're retired & can take a week off because they ain't working anyway. 77% of the population (includes Hispanics who self-identify as "white") of the US is "white", after all.

It really isn't that whites are so over-represented in the Repubs. It's that blacks are so over-represented in the Dems that makes for the striking difference.

shiloh said...

"I just flipped on the convention. The entire audience is old and white."

FoxNews major demo ~ Hey old white folk watch con cable news, whereas young folk like to be entertained.

btw, it would be whiter and older but many white Reps, like Kasich/Rubio/Bush(s), just don't like Trump.

Anonymous said...

Lets imagine what the ghostwriter of 'It Takes a Village' would donate to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world."

Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment....

Oh, you may yet find out how many more people will become unavailable for comment once you put Trump in the role and give him that power.

(Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of Hillary. Everything I can say about one candidate I can also say about the other, or any other. But since this is partisan bickerfest time, many Althousian keyboard warriors will forget that a non-endorsement for one schmuck does not amount to an endorsement of their opponent/enemy).

Jon Ericson said...

You're Fired!

Francisco D said...


Is there anyone at the convention whose hog you would suck?

I am not watching. Just interested in your opinion.

Lewis Wetzel said...

" . . . the more copies that ‘The Art of the Deal’ sells, the more money I can donate to the people whose rights Trump seeks to abridge.”

That would include the rights of foreigners, living abroad, to emigrate to the US, and not the rights of American citizens to set immigration levels to their country.
Somehow I doubt Mr. Schwartz has spent as much as a millisecond considering the unjust, bigoted immigration laws of Latin American countries that prevent an honest Yankee from moving south of the border, buying as much property as he or she wants, working at whatever job he or she wants, and voting in local elections. The immigrant has to live under their laws, after all. Their government has no right to disenfranchise the immigrant based on his or her immigration status.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"I just flipped on the convention. The entire audience is old and white."
The Democrats avoid this issue by actively by actively discriminating against delegates based on ethnicity and perceived gender.
It goes without saying that Democrats want the US government to similarly discriminate against citizens when it comes to contracting, employment, and education opportunities.

rcocean said...

What's funny is i knew the guy was Jewish before I even saw his name. Jews voted 65% for Obama and they dominate book publishing.

And many of them love open borders, for some reason.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Jim said...
The ghostwriter for Dreams From My Father blew up the Pentagon. Top that Trump!

Actually, Ayres conspired to kill working Americans who had never done him the slightest harm.
What is it with these Lefty 'rebels'? They kill workers and let the bosses off easy. They all seem to be trustafarians or scumbags. Ayres' father was the CEO of Commonwealth Edison and had a college named after him. Ayres told his fellow revolutionaries that his father 'worked for the power company.'
The head of the SLA was a convicted thief who abandoned his wife and children. C'mon Lefties. You can do better! At least you could find leaders who were actually wrongly imprisoned!

William said...

Mussolini's mistress, Margharita Sarfatti, was a journalist and writer. She wrote the official biography of him. It was quite admiring. Ms. Sarfatti was Jewish. When Mussolini passed his race laws, she had to flee to Argentina. These things happen. Sometimes a writer's first impression of a subject is mistaken.

RMc said...

Today's troll names


Well, I thought that was kind of clever.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world."

Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment....

"Oh, you may yet find out how many more people will become unavailable for comment once you put Trump in the role and give him that power."

I am counting on it. I cannot wait for an independent investigation of in no particular order:

Fast and Furious
The SEC and the big 5 banks
Fannie and Freddie.

Or the entire executive branch if you want to get down to it.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Martin said...

So, he lied then, but tells the truth now?

He says he was not an admirer of Trump’s ruthless and single-minded pursuit of profit but produced a book that was.

He says the boook was total trash. In other words, he lied then but he didn't think it really mattered) How did he lie? He lied in that he portrayed Trump as knowing what he was doing while in reality he would see him pile one hugely expensive project atop the next, all sorts of things going on at the same time, giving him in his mind the analogy of a circus performer balancing spinning plates, all the while getting money, to the point he told his wife, “He’s a living black hole!” (sucking in money and destroying it)

YoungHegelian said...


In other words, he lied then but he didn't think it really mattered

No he lied then to make money, just like he's lying now to make money.

Apply Occam's razor. It's the one principle that explains all the phenomena, isn't it?

cubanbob said...

YoungHegelian said...

In other words, he lied then but he didn't think it really mattered

No he lied then to make money, just like he's lying now to make money.

Apply Occam's razor. It's the one principle that explains all the phenomena, isn't it?

7/18/16, 10:58 PM"

Yes sir. Hit the nail on the head. Your comment is even more pertinent to Hillary Clinton. Funny thing is the rubes that support her think she won't lie to them. Same fools that voted twice for Obama. Heinlein was right about stupidity.

rcocean said...

He says the boook was total trash. In other words, he lied then...

Was he lying then, or lying now?

Lying now certainly is to his advantage. He's probably under some pressure from his left-wing buddies "how could you work for that Fascist? He's just like HITLER!!"

What better way to defuse the pressure and win a few brownie points from his left-wing publishers then issuing a mea culpa regarding Trump?

gadfly said...

My take on the Schwartz story is that he is describing everything that I personally believe about Trump, having consumed a great deal of my time reading about him. So if the Trump Trolls do not grasp the scary things about Trump, they will suffer the disappointment of finding out what some of us already know: Trump is for Trump, money and power and that's it folks. The country can only get worse - starting with his proposed isolationist worldview and his dangerous proposed economic tariffs. Der Donald is a sick, sick man and he hasn't changed a bit since 1986.

gadfly said...

@rcocean said...
He says the book was total trash. In other words, he lied then...

Was he lying then, or lying now?

Are you talking about Schwartz or Trump? It seems to me that if there are fictitious elements in the book, it has both names on the front cover, but the publisher says Schwartz wrote every word and Trump approved publication. Trump brags about "his" book that "he" personally wrote. We know that Trump has never written a book despite the dozen or so with his name affixed as author.

Inga said...


The Trump Trolls will have a very sad awakening when he causes the Republican Party to lose control of the House and Senate. There will be gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, sackcloth and ashes. It won't be pretty.

Jon Ericson said...

Troll Patrol here,
This Unknown has No Profile so, troll.

Josephbleau said...

Freeman Hunt, thee are some who get the point much earlier than others. You are one who has a clarity of thinking. My family is from Springdale btw.

Skeptical Voter said...

Donating a year's royalties, or his half at least, from his Trumped up book? Chump change. I would like to see the hack writers who did Bill O'Reilly's books donate their royalties. Don't care where--the SPCA, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, or you name it. The amount contributed would dwarf this little putz's pathetic cri de couer.

But then a pox on all the hack writers houses. Come to think of it, could we get Erika to donate her pay?

walter said...

Ok gadfly,voting Hil?

walter said...

(or not voting..win/lose..whatevs)

walter said...

shiloh said...
"I just flipped on the convention. The entire audience is old and white."
Yay! Way to focus on the short sighted ageist crowd.
I do hope you are young enough to feel immune somehow.

walter said...

To translate: Age shaming

walter said...

(won't focus on the racism..we all know "whites" can't claim that one)

gadfly said...

walter said...
Ok gadfly,voting Hil?

Nope - Big L Libertarian. If I have to waste my vote, I might as well vote for honesty and smaller government. Too bad that Rand Paul didn't put his hat in the ring over there.

lonetown said...

Self hatred is the liberals ouroborus.

GRW3 said...

Of course, he means his current royalties. Sell off all his stuff and donate that money? No way...

Curious George said...

"Titus said...
I just flipped on the convention. The entire audience is old and white."

Some day so will you. Well, if you don't end up on a quilt.

damikesc said...

Can we trade Titus for Milo Yiannapoulos, who is a far more entertaining gay guy?>

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