Said Sarah Silverman at the Democratic National Convention tonight.
It made me say, quoting the old Bill Clinton line, "Put some ice on it."
I don't think they meant to evoke that. Maybe it was only me.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
As far as Bern is concerned:
Oh, somewhere in this liberal land the Occupy folks march by;
The president's playing golf somewhere and somewhere taxes are high.
And online the Left goes LOL, and Obamacare costs make men shout,
But there is no joy in Philly, Mighty Bernie... has... sold... out.
I would love to know what they paid him to shut up. His supporters are furious. All those donations, all that time and effort, all that dedication....for nothing. Wow!
You know what it's like when you burn your hand, taking a cake out of the oven, or lighting one of them godless cigarettes? And it stings with a fearful pain, aye? And you run to clap a bit of butter on it to take the pain away, aye? Well, I'll tell ye, there'll be no butter in hell!
I loved Sarah Silverman's comments to the Bernie crowd chanting madly away in their despair. Get the hell over it already. Time to move on to stopping Trump. Bernie understands this, he could've been stronger in getting his followers to see what is at stake here.
If wasn't for nothing. Bernie got a lot of what he wanted on the Democratic platform.
Cold Comfort Farm!
Im looking for some Quivering Brethren to preach at, myself.
As for party platforms, there is an old Tagalog saying - laway lang 'yan. Means "its nothing but spit".
@buwaya: :)
"I would love to know what they paid him to shut up" Fat book contract, right? Working title: "Sandernomics, Or: How the US Can Catch up with Venezuela." Maybe the Russians can tell us a little more about the negotiations involved.
Just so I'm clear on this, recycling a joke is edgy and not plagiarism, right?
So much is made of the platform. No one ever pays the least attention to a platform once elected. EVER!
"Trump thinks it's "crazy" to claim Putin is behind DNC leak (as evidence shows) but plausible that Rafael Cruz helped kill JFK."
Althouse has gotten strange. She listens with a jaundiced attitude to Democrats' remarks for the faintest allusions after going through weeks of Republican crazy talk without blanching in the least. Those are very specialzed antennae she's workig with.
It's the old Clinton frenemy gets lucrative book deal (terms were not disclosed) trick. Duh.
For me, the more political Silverman gets the less funny she is. This "quip" is a good example. It's awkward but not in a tittering giggle type of awkward. It's too clinical. She reduces Bernie to a condition that can be assuaged with a poultice. But there's no funny hook or angle. It's the old "I got over it and so should you" the Trumpsters tried to flog Cruz with.
IDK. Maybe I shoulda listened to Sarah and see if the context adds any humor. Maybe not.
Readering demonstrates how Democrats want only one media message to be heard and objects to Althouse doing anything that bucks the manufactured consensus.
The Fiftyville parady of "Casey at the Bat" was well played, but the location, "Philly" didn't protect the rhyme. May I suggest that" Loserville" might better suit our times - or possibly "Fiftyville" if the political bent fits the poster.
"For the last year, I’ve been feeling the Bern. Relax, I put some cream on it."
Said Sarah Silverman at the Democratic National Convention tonight.
Sarah does the Howard Stern show from time to time, so perhaps she was taking about Howard's famous Whipped Cream Bikini contests.
Ann your allusion to the Juanita Broderick incident immediately w j ipped me to the scene in Uris' "The Last Battle" wherehe discussing the collective punitive rape of every woman from eight to eighty by the Red army.Horrible imagery I know but the Bern honeymooned in the USSR.
If her point was to try and convince Bernie supporters to rally around Clinton, it was pretty weak. Harranguing people who have serious (and justified) qualms about your party's candidate to "grow up" is highly unlikely to make them say "yeah, I guess I should grow up!" It's just red meat for Clintonite hacks.
Much like the pitch Trump fans have to make to Trump skeptics, the Clintonites have to make the claim that not only (a) the alternative is far, far worse but (b) their nominee is really not so bad. Belittling people who are understandably disgusted may make you feel good, but all you're going to do is make them want nothing to do with you or your candidate.
The Democratic platform is nuts.
Free college for those making under $125,000? For that I'd demand I never get a raise to go over $125,000.
Democrats know that and $15 minimum wage is nuts, right? Please Dems, tell me you know its nuts. (My husband the Dem agrees)
I was glad to see Silverman fall flat. Actually, she was more than flat; she was insulting. I once admired her but she has gone beyond the pale in recent years. Franken sucked as well but not as bad as Silverman. He was somewhat endearing.
Michelle did a great job, however. Great speech in composition and delivery.
Althouse has gotten strange. She listens with a jaundiced attitude to Democrats' remarks
You know that Broaddrick had five contemporaneous witnesses, one of whom found her in her hotel room bleeding and with torn clothes, right? You know any of the five, plus Broaddrick could have gone to jail for lying to the FBI, just like Scooter Libby, right? Besides, the internet is full of sites that listen "with a jaundiced attitude" to every word Trump says, does it bother you that a site exists that examines Hillary's words with the same skeptical eye?
We know from the DNC leak that Politico runs stories past the Democrats, the true editors, before even running them past the putative editors. In the email where this was mentioned, was there the first bit of surprise expressed that "OMG! They gave us this story before it was even published!"? Nope. It was business as usual, and the Democrats coordinated the response with Politico.
So get over it. What next, are you going to diagnose her with some psychiatric condition for rejecting your view on politics. Have you appointed yourself "political officer" for this site, or maybe mind guard? IDK.
Much of the DNC has been evoking things they didn't mean to.
So, basically, Silverman thinks people with principles, who believe in something and work to acheive it, should get over themselves, take what the party elites are feeding them, and swallow it with a smile.
If wasn't for nothing. Bernie got a lot of what he wanted on the Democratic platform - Unknown
LOL, for weeks she has been assuring us that Bernie's words alone would steer the flock right. Bernie supporters should join us in the fight against money in politics. Hillary has assembled a money "Death Star" but it has a weakness...
So, basically, Silverman thinks people with principles, who believe in something and work to acheive it, should get over themselves, take what the party elites are feeding them, and swallow it with a smile.
She is a doctrinaire leftist, like Hillary, so yeah. Come the revolution, these Bernie kids are going to be lined up against the wall, just like us Trumpers. (That's the first time I have admitted to myself I am going to vote for him.)
Democrats know that and $15 minimum wage is nuts, right? Please Dems, tell me you know its nuts
No. They honestly believe it. They have no idea what 'rich 'is. They have no idea where wealth comes from. They have what I like to call, " a scrooge McDuck " view of wealth. Rich people have a special room in their house filled with currency and gold coins in which they occasionally bathe. In other words, they think like peasants.
Come the revolution, these Bernie kids are going to be lined up against the wall, just like us Trumpers.
I doubt that. Trumpers, on the the whole are much better armed. More like the kids in 'Red Dawn', I think...
Readering is upset that Althouse isn't following the lead of the rest of the media in suppressing "bad optics" for the Democrats.
IT’S A RIDDLE, WRAPPED IN A MYSTERY, INSIDE AN ENIGMA: Facebook Quickly Admits to Censoring WikiLeaks DNC Links, Doesn’t Say Why.
Meanwhile, #DNCLeaks is pulled by Twitter from trending topics.
And finally, as of the time of this post, Yahoo’s Tech page has plenty of references to Trump and even Twitter banning Milo. But nothing on Wikileaks. I wonder why?
Does it bother you at all that you only hear part of the news readering? Or are you quite content to leave the choosing of what you will hear, and thus of what you will think, to others?
By their reaction, it is becoming clear that these DNC leaks are huge. We threw out our party elite, you should do the same Dems.
Rusty wrote: ...they think like peasants.
If they thought like peasants then at least they could raise a crop of turnips, which leaves me dubious. If given a simple plough and an oxen, I think the typical proglodyte would, in a transport of vegan rapture, free the beast from its stall to raid the neighbors seed corn, and try to use the plough as a giant planchet to contact the Earth Mother. In other words, birdbrained behavior.
Birdbrained? Eureka!
In other words, they think like pheasants. FIFY
Bernie understands this, he could've been stronger in getting his followers to see what is at stake here.
Cuckolds cannot actually lead a movement.
He is why Cruz didn't make himself into Trump's bitch. Who would EVER take Sanders seriously again?
Then again, who ACTUALLY took him seriously in the first place?
If her point was to try and convince Bernie supporters to rally around Clinton, it was pretty weak. Harranguing people who have serious (and justified) qualms about your party's candidate to "grow up" is highly unlikely to make them say "yeah, I guess I should grow up!" It's just red meat for Clintonite hacks.
Especially since their candidate --- who, again, had NO desire to win at all --- had the DNC still conspire to fuck him over.
Free college for those making under $125,000? For that I'd demand I never get a raise to go over $125,000.
As somebody who just paid his student loans a few years ago, the Dems are trying to make me the biggest sucker on the planet.
All demands for press shield laws should be laughed at. Heartily.
Russian intelligence agencies are suspected in the hacking, and metadata from the released emails suggests that the documents passed through Russian computers. (NYTimes)
Ummm. Lots of leakers pass documents through Russian servers to cover their tracks. If this is the only evidence that we have that the Russians hacked the DNC, it's pretty thin. Climategate went through Russian servers. Russia benefited by Kyoto greatly, due to the collapse of their economy. Russia would benefit from a Hillary presidency working to limit supplies of oil and natural gas through things like keeping Keystone from being built. I am sure we can trust Comey's FBI that this investigation isn't a political show, righ?
It doesn't make any sense, but they are pushing the narrative, flooding the zone.
Her humor must just kill one-on-one, thus her constant opportunities, but when it comes to delivery to larger audiences, her humor seems just off enough to make one think, "She's trying to be funny, should I laugh?"
"Bernie got a lot of what he wanted on the Democratic platform."
That's like saying he got to change the 8th paragraph in the Apple terms and agreements...
I tried to watch a little of the convention, but when I tuned in, Al Franken and Sarah Silvermen were on, I heard the "cream" line and then turned it off. My thought at the time: Life is too short.
The right punchline is that she got an antibiotic.
Maybe it's only me.
Not only you, but the set of people who have even heard of that Bill Clinton line and the set of potential Hillary voters do not intersect.
"If wasn't for nothing. Bernie got a lot of what he wanted on the Democratic platform - Unknown"
Yes, what he got was a chance to "save face". But the platform is no binding document and means nothing.
"Democrats know that and $15 minimum wage is nuts, right? Please Dems, tell me you know its nuts
No. They honestly believe it."
Of course they believe it--in their minds, businesses have these big profits and underpay workers, but if they were required to pay more they'd grudgingly do so and the workers would be better off. What's lost on them is that even if these businesses do have big profits and can afford to grudgingly pay more (which some businesses can) that does not mean that the work itself is WORTH $15 an hour, and if it is not then they simply won't hire.
The example I use is "you can afford to pay someone $100 to carry your groceries to your car. Why don't you? Clearly the kid who helps you could use that money." Most people would rather keep the $100 and walk the groceries themselves.
What rhhardin said. My first thought was inflammation. My second thought was eeeuuwwww.
Sarah Silverman actually earns money as a comedienne, which I find enigmatic to say the least.
Maybe the folks who pay her are deaf-mutes. That's my theory.
Meanwhile, France experiences the beauty of Diversity, yet again.
As you may know Bernie is a diminutive form, something I find distasteful in a elderly socialist.
From now one Senator Sanders should introduce himself using his name as documented by his birth certificate.
Hello, My name is Painful Bladder Infection Sanders.
Of course they believe it--in their minds, businesses have these big profits and underpay workers, but if they were required to pay more they'd grudgingly do so and the workers would be better off. What's lost on them is that even if these businesses do have big profits and can afford to grudgingly pay more (which some businesses can) that does not mean that the work itself is WORTH $15 an hour, and if it is not then they simply won't hire.
This is all for their union goons whose contracts tie their pay to percentages of the minimum wage. They have never cared, and still do not, if the less-skilled non-union labor get fucked over.
Silverman was funny, and hot. Great combination and rare. Lady Gaga used to make good dance music that was still listenable on the radio. Charles Grodin used to be funny, then he caught BDS. It happens to so many of them you would think their agents would warn them. But then, if they warned them, they might lose their cushy 10%.
I would love to see Sarah Silverman versus Dan Hedaya in a dark, hairy nostril dilating throwdown.
Ann Althouse said...It made me say, quoting the old Bill Clinton line, "Put some ice on it."
I don't think they meant to evoke that. Maybe it was only me.
It was just you, Professor. The people at the DNC convention never think about the fact that Bill Clinton was credibly accused of sexual assault and rape. They never think about the fact that, by the standards they apply to others, Bill Clinton is a rapist. If they did they'd have to admit that they support a rapists and are currently working hard to get a person who helped cover for a rapist (including by attacking victimized women) win the Presidency.
That's not something they think about, at all.
So, Bernie supporters.
How's it feel to be treated like Republicans?
Apparently a large percentage of democrats suffer from short term memory loss.
Also intermediate term and long term....
Sarah's got an STD. I'm glad she had some cream handy.
She's so gross.
Darcy: Sarah's... so gross.
An effective reminder that pretty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
What Michelle Obama actually said was, "Because this, right now, is the greatest country on earth." [Emphasis mine]. In other words, she was qualifying the statement. She doesn't love America, never has.
"That warm, wet feeling down your back is just tropical rain. You should enjoy it!"
What Michelle Obama actually said was, 'Because this, right now, is the greatest country on earth.'
Translation: It's been a great country only while my husband Barack has been in office. She's had some fantastic sounding vacations, so who can blame her?
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