July 3, 2016

Did Trump mean to tweet a Star of David?

Criticized, he replaced that tweet with the "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!" in a circle instead of a star.

Could it have been a mere failure to perceive a Star of David? It is missing the internal lines showing intersecting triangles. It is stupid to fail to perceive even the unintentional image, and a candidate's operation should not be that stupid. And I'm the one who held Hillary Clinton responsible — back in the '08 campaign — for the letters "NIG" on the pajamas of a black/possibly black child in her 3-a.m.-in-the-White-House ad:
Is the campaign responsible for sending out a subliminal message to stimulate racist thoughts in the unsuspecting viewer? It is either deliberate or terribly incompetent. There is no other writing on screen until the very end of the commercial, and if letters appear in any place in a commercial, they should be carefully selected letters. Certainly, each image is artfully composed and shot and intended to deliver an emotional impact. Could this be a mere lapse?...

The intense scrutiny of [GWB's] "RATS" ad heightens the assumption that presidential candidates these days pay close attention to any incidental lettering that appears in their ads. "RATS" as part of the word "bureaucrats" in an ad criticizing Gore's prescription plan is nothing compared to "NIG" isolated on a sleeping child's shoulder in an ad intended to create doubts about a black man's ability to take an urgent phone call at 3 a.m., an ad authorized by a candidate who has already heard accusations that her campaign is slipping racial material into its attacks on her opponent.

This is either a revolting outrage or shocking incompetence.


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Lewis Wetzel said...

I can still remember the days when my fellow Minnesotan Gus Hall was head of CPUSA. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Hall said that American communists should look to North Korea for a model. I think that Hall spent most of the money the Russkis sent him to build the CPUSA on his race horse collection, lol.

Jon Ericson said...

All the "Unknows" are too.
What a co-inky-dink!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh boy! Jon Ericson came by to get a taste of his sloppy seconds. As usual.

Let's leave him to slurp everything up in peace.

Jon Ericson said...


Jon Ericson said...

Where's "Unknown" to say "what a witty reply!"
Truly pitiful.
So, Question. How did you come down on the side of evil in the first place?
Dada, Mama, or an embarrassing encounter with a pedophile in your formative years?

Jon Ericson said...

What's this?
Just when it was getting personal.

iowan2 said...

Trump is supposed to be too stupid to not see the Star of David. Lynch and Clinton, are the smartest legal minds of the century, and we are to forgive their little accidental meeting.

John henry said...

A couple of comments:

The "red Star" of communism is a 5, not 6, pointed star.

I find it hard to believe that the artist, however naive they may or may not have been (I said earlier and believe it was done on purpose to get attention) would have taken an image from the web. There is the whole question of permissions and what would happen if someone could prove they had drawn that particular star. Most likely, they would have an account with Getty images or the like.

However, in any graphics program more sophisticated than MS-Paint, you can easily create a star. In Corel Draw it takes me 3 mouse clicks to create a star with any number of points from 3 to 300 or more. So why wouldn't the artist just create a star? They could then color it, size or remove the line etc however they like. And no jaggies like you would get with a JPG or PNG from the web.

I think Unknown Asshole#? has no idea what sheit is talking about.

John Henry

Jon Ericson said...

Pace yourself, ballboy, you gotta kick out the jams tomorrow. It would be un-liberal to be snoozing, when you could be a star playa, injecting talking points like crazy, on My Country's totally bad, bad non-liberalness.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I propose that Independence Day be expanded to to create a four day weekend, with the day after Independence Day officially recognized as 'Whittaker Chambers Day.' The day will be celebrated by doing all the of the things that people can't do in socialist countries. Eat meat to excess. Go to the shooting range with your assault rifle (California and New York residents, check your local laws). Drive an SUV or an ATV through a pristine landscape. Write a letter to your congressman telling him that he is a loser. If anyone objects to your activities, tell them "This is America, you fucking commie. Go back to Russia where you belong."

Michael S. Kochin said...

When will Hillary Clinton disavow Jew hater and pogrom cheerleader Al Sharpton?

Jaq said...

I've done no such thing. I've just called out idiotic Trump supporters. - R&B

I keep wanting to disagree with you, for tribal reasons, I guess, but I have to give you that one. I think you do make one error though, I don't think there are a lot of people who will vote for him that believe most of the shit he says, or that they lockstep support him like some kind of Obama true believer who can easily overlook his illegal firing of an Inspector General who was looking into the doings of one of his supporters. I don't think they will be disappointed by him if he wins if he turns out to be what he looks like he is. But Hillary is going to be president of a country that largely hates her. I don't just mean it will be a plurality that hates her, as will be the case with Trump, probably.

I read about a poll where the choices were Trump, Hillary, and a giant asteroid, and the asteroid one. Might have been satire, whatever, I don't care.

jr565 said...

It's a star icon. Even if it were a Star of David versus a generic star what is the context whereby using it is problematic? It says nothing about Jews. Is the assumption that he was coding a special message to Jews by using the Star of David?
I highly doubt the person who made the icon had any concept of the significance of the star other than that it was a catchy icon to use to express a sentiment about Hillary that people would notice. The same reason, why anyone would a star icon in a graphic.

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

What about the fact that Ivanka, her husband and their children are Jewish???!!! Does anyone really believe Trump is anti-Semitic?

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