"'Donald Trump Birthday Celebration, All Items 50% + 10%, Make America Great Again' only 'America' was crossed out and "Malinda Customers" was written in (it was for a furniture company?)."
ADDED: Balfegor took a picture:
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Why would the words, "Make America Great Again" be on a billboard in Jakarta?
Of course Trump's ban is temporary, and I would guess 'focused' (profiling?). The creators of this billboard will obviously move to the front of the line.
"Why would the words, "Make America Great Again" be on a billboard in Jakarta?"
Because America is weird and fascinating.
America is weird and fascinating because some of you wrestle pigs.
Or did, anyway.
Now, maybe, less weird and fascinating.
They wrestle Miriam in Jakarta.
Does that mean people in Jakarta like Trump? You don't celebrate your enemies birthdays.
Hahaha Balfegor!
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