Yesterday, I was experimenting with the 105mm lens that I hadn't touched in years because it's heavy and is almost impossible to use without a tripod. This one was done with a tripod. The one yesterday, of the purple berries, was done without a tripod, but would have been much better with a tripod.
The Lance Corporal seems to know his flowers. I love the photo. The details of nature are endlessly fascinating. How about an electron microscope for Christmas for Althouse?
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Looks like a cake.
Cool photo. Did you do that without a tripod?
"Did you do that without a tripod?"
Yesterday, I was experimenting with the 105mm lens that I hadn't touched in years because it's heavy and is almost impossible to use without a tripod. This one was done with a tripod. The one yesterday, of the purple berries, was done without a tripod, but would have been much better with a tripod.
a poppy seedpod?
The Lance Corporal seems to know his flowers. I love the photo. The details of nature are endlessly fascinating. How about an electron microscope for Christmas for Althouse?
So, where do you sell the raw sap, Althouse, or do you process it yourself into heroin?
As a fellow grower of poppies, my neighbors give me this question all the darn time, so I feel obliged (almost) to share it with you.
That poppy belongs to the City of Madison.
Hey, if they aren't using it themselves, then nullum bonum applies, and it is yours.
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