"The move, a day after Mr. Trump scored unexpectedly wide victory margins in sweeping five East Coast states, amounts to the grandest diversionary tactic a presidential candidate can stage...."
ADDED: In choosing Fiorina, Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency.
Does bargaining come before or after denial?
So much for principle.
amounts to the grandest diversionary tactic a presidential candidate can stage....
No bias here...
Desperation is never pretty.
Sarah Palin won't take his calls.
I like Fiorina and would have chosen her over Trump or Cruz, but I don't see how this helps Cruz's current situation at all.
"Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency."
If that was ever going to be a 'key argument,' Cruz was already a dead man walking in the Rep party.
Wonder why he didn't do this yesterday, or the day before.
Come on, Ann. Tell us how you REALLY feel about Cruz.
But number one, that argument isn't working right now; and number two, it's just not true that he has to abandon it. He can push it as strongly as he wants and if the return fire hits Carly, he can point out that she would have experience as Vice President before becoming President. Besides which, she isn't an amoral, narcisstic sociopath whose best qualities can be described as a witches brew of the cunning and deftness of a con man with the emotional make up of a two year old on a temper tantrum.
You know what she delivers? Vicious attacks on Hillary that don't nauseate other women.
Next, Kasich will announce George Pataki as his VP to energize his campaign.
Love the comment over at the Post: "If Ted Cruz loses Indiana he will pick his Cabinet"
Too late, Ted. Too late, GOP. Too late, America?
But by all means let's play. What does Fiorina bring to the table?
The ability to hit Hillary Clinton very hard and the willingness to do so, without poor, dear, wittle Hillary being able to tearily complain about that big, mean Republican patriarchy.
Has Cruz really made that argument, that business background isn't sufficient? I don't really see a one-term Senator really playing the experience card.
Not a fan of the Fiorina pick--she always came across too nervous and upset and scolding during debates. If they're going to beat the Dems, they need humor and confidence to contrast with Hillary's doom and gloom (and fear-based strategy).
Congratulations to Carly Fiorina, for finding a way to lose twice during one presidential primary cycle!
I get why Cruz would want to make Carly the face (That Face!) of the #NeverTrump plank of his campaign. Likewise, I can see Fiorina's interest in staying relevant and for going after Hillary. (I'd have voted for Carly if she had still been campaigning for herself when Wisconsin came around.)
The timing of the move, coming right after Cruz was mathmatically eliminated from winning on the first ballot, and the day after he couldn't win a single county in 5 states worth of primaries, is downright tone-deaf.
Re this, from our hostess: "In choosing Fiorina, Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency."
Nobody in the GOP would ever make, or buy, or consider that argument. It's a very stupid argument, and frankly insulting to the business world.
I consider myself one of the most thorough-going Trump opponents in the universe. I think he's not one-fiftieth the business success he pretends to be, and that he's in fact a poor businessman, as evidenced by his many bankruptcies, failed businesses, hyper-litigiousness, and generally dodgy reputation in the business community.
But that's all criticism specific to him, not criticism I'd apply to most or all businessmen.
You're barking up the wrong tree, imagining what you think Republicans and conservatives might believe is important, Prof. Althouse. You're guessing wrong.
Why in the world should poo poo businessman. Let Clinton and Sanders do that.
But by all means let's play. What does Fiorina bring to the table?
Traditionally, the VP role has been to serve as the “attack dog” of the campaign in the ways that the Presidential nominee cannot as a matter of society propriety. Fiorina is smart, well-spoken and as a woman it would be somewhat more difficult for the Clinton campaign to cry “war on women” which seems to be her “go to” anytime people make the mistake of treating her like an adult.
That being said, I think picking Fiorina is a mistake. She will not help deliver California, doesn’t bring in a lot of new voters who wouldn’t otherwise support Cruz and her time a HP is very controversial and even though it’s probably the case that she made difficult choices that put the company in a better position in the future than it otherwise would have been, a presidential campaign is not the time and place to try and make that case.
Cruz picks Carly so that at the convention when he's trying to win on a 2nd ballot -- a proposition which assumes Trump hasn't won outright -- delegates will feel assured he can beat Hillary in the general because Carly, as a woman, can attack with impunity.
Even Spock is rolling his eyes at this 3D-level chess game.
Now's the time for Trump to say he wants to run with Fiorina, too.
I'd hate to think that all business careers are unsuitable experience for the presidency.
But Donald Trump's "business experience" ought to be a disqualifier.
"Trump University" ought to be a disqualifier all by itself.
The argument of "I'm still trying to win this" is the only one that matters for Cruz between now and Indiana. He needed to signal that for anyone who doesn't like Trump, it is still worthwhile to go out and register that dislike. With this maneuver, if he loses it's over. Hail Mary passes rarely work, but football teams don't worry if doing it'll make them look desperate. Cruz is desperate, and he's appealing to whatever part of the electorate is also desperate.
*loses Indiana
Beldar said...You're barking up the wrong tree, imagining what you think Republicans and conservatives might believe is important, Prof. Althouse. You're guessing wrong.
Beldar, how dare you accuse Prof. A. of being like Trump! I mean, it's accurate in this case, but how dare you?!
He needed somebody like Christie or Rubio.
More moderate, more human, more fun.
If the half mil was for this, it was wasTED.
Carly will skewer Trump. Just watch.
Mark my words.
Blogger Chuck said...
"Trump University" ought to be a disqualifier all by itself.
4/27/16, 2:31 PM
Quite likely but in a just world, a tape of someone (Hillary!) laughing about getting the person that raped a teenage girl off would be too.
Trump University case set for trial this summer. That should cost him 2M votes.
@Beldar: "Nobody in the GOP would ever make, or buy, or consider that argument." It is interesting, isn't it, that even a very smart non-Republican who is relatively sympathetic to people unlike her would so thoroughly misunderstand. I don't even mean that as a personal criticism: it shows the puzzling limits of understanding the Other. (Though the blog occasionally displays traces of the Dunning-Kruger effect in that regard.)
One thing I hadn’t considered (which may help explain her as Cruz’s VP choice) is that while she lost the general election in California (as any Republican probably would), she may be popular enough in the Republican primary that she makes Cruz more competitive. California is a State that Trump is expected to win quite handily and if Cruz wins Indiana next week and has moment going into California that cuts into the number of delegates Trump otherwise would have won, then it makes it much more likely Trump won’t go to Cleveland with 1237 delegates committed to voting for him on the first ballot.
Too little too late. Which is basically the motto of every GOP candidate for President not named "Trump".
"in a just world, a tape of someone (Hillary!) laughing about getting the person that raped a teenage girl off" But we don't live in that world, so only one person will end up disqualified by the MSM.
"Trump University case set for trial this summer. That should cost him 2M votes." And Hillary! only needs a couple 100K in FL, OH, and VA. Piece of cake.
"ADDED: In choosing Fiorina, Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency."
It's certainly a better preparation for president than community organizer.
Todd I feel certain that you are earnest, and aren't trying to troll me.
I respect your distaste for the Democrat front-runner. But her failings do nothing to make Trump any more acceptable. At best, it makes Trump, who doesn't yet have a majority of delegates bound to him (and even fewer supporting him) nothing more than the lesser if two evils in the pathetic event that voters would have to choose between Clinton and Trump.
I really am less than interested in hearing how bad Hillary is. She is not running for the Republican nomination.
Can't wait to see who Trump picks for his VP. I'm guessing someone along the lines of a Ted Nugent would be a natural fit.
Chuck said...I really am less than interested in hearing how bad Hillary is. She is not running for the Republican nomination.
I dunno, Chuck; under the rules of #NeverTrump, I think she'd get some Republican primary votes if she were, no?
"Nobody in the GOP would ever make, or buy, or consider that argument."
More arguments you could never make in a GOP primary: Bush lied to get us into Iraq. Planned Parenthood does wonderful things. Government has a responsibility to provide great neighborhoods. Government has a responsibility to provide healthcare. Who needs NATO? We should be neutral between Israel and the Palestinians. Etc.
Ugly and Uglier 2016
Thorley is right, I suspect. Fiorina turns a few Trump districts over to Cruz in CA.
The media so desperately wants a Trump nomination, isn't it obvious now? Did anyone expect Cruz to do well last night? Yet somehow he's a dead man walking.
But Cruz cannot name a running mate until he has a way to run. And first his $500,000 was payment for prior services in the heat of the campaign.
Maybe Fiorina shopped herself around, but Kasich was broke and Trump wanted a younger woman.
The Enquirer's Headline on this arrangement will be magnificent.
ADDED: In choosing Fiorina, Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency.
I'll never get how a VP candidate trumps a Presidential one. The VP will learn on the job. Presidents cannot. This is the same nonsense that people used to claim Palin was as bad as Obama. Palin wasn't going to be the one in charge.
"Thorley is right, I suspect. Fiorina turns a few Trump districts over to Cruz in CA."
I wonder though--she's from CA but does she really have a base there? Usually longtime politicians have lots of relationships with activists, donors and voters in those states, but just being from there doesn't add much.
"The media so desperately wants a Trump nomination, isn't it obvious now? Did anyone expect Cruz to do well last night? Yet somehow he's a dead man walking."
Yeah today's analysis is just the usual bleating--no one expected Cruz to do well yesterday, and now they act like this is some kind of game changer.
A game changer would be Cruz losing by big enough margins in Nebraska, Indiana, on through California to give Trump over 1237 pledged delegates. Short of that, Cruz achieves what he's trying to do here.
Chuck said...
Todd I feel certain that you are earnest, and aren't trying to troll me.
I respect your distaste for the Democrat front-runner. But her failings do nothing to make Trump any more acceptable. At best, it makes Trump, who doesn't yet have a majority of delegates bound to him (and even fewer supporting him) nothing more than the lesser if two evils in the pathetic event that voters would have to choose between Clinton and Trump.
I really am less than interested in hearing how bad Hillary is. She is not running for the Republican nomination.
4/27/16, 2:55 PM
I am trolling no one. I have no love for Trump but I would not piss on Hillary if she were on fire. That said, I will vote "anyone but Hillary" and if that means I pull the lever for Trump, so be it. As awful as he could be, she is a sure bet to make Obama look competent, which is a high bar indeed and likely the only thing she would ever succeed at.
I have not had an opportunity to pull the lever for my preferred candidate since Reagan. I had the distinct pleasure to be able to vote for him in my first and second national election opportunities. It has been compromises ever since.
Can't wait to see who Trump picks for his VP. I'm guessing someone along the lines of a Ted Nugent would be a natural fit.
No, I am afraid that the Motor City Madman is too establishment, and too much of a doctrinaire conservative for the job of Trump Veep.
Instead, it calls for somebody who can channel the anger of the forgotten middle class. Somebody who cares about American jobs above all. Somebody who shares Trump's views on taxes and national health care. There is only one man for that job description: Bernie Sanders.
> Lyssa said...
> I like Fiorina and would have chosen her over
> Trump or Cruz, but I don't see how this helps
> Cruz's current situation at all.
Ditto. I presume it was to chip out some of the California support?
So Todd who was your preferred candidate in 2012? 2008? 2000 and 2004? And previous?
Cruz/Fiorina was my hoped-for ticket -- I think it's perfect. It's also too late. It does get points for disrupting the news cycle of Trump's significant victories yesterday.
Chuck seems to like Hillary, I doubted it at first, maybe he doesn't want to burn any bridges, paid troll work is likely hard to come by.
I don't see what this does for Carly.
- 1996: thrilled about none of the runners
- 2000: Bush, best of available options
- 2004: no option but Bush
- 2008: Fred Thompson
- 2012: was leaning toward Mitt
The closest I came to being as enthused as I was for Reagan was Bush Sr's first term as I thought he was to be Reagan's third-term (he let himself get rolled by the Dems). I also had high hopes for Fred and would have been happy to vote for him. The rest were just "least bad option" picks for me.
When a cult leader is trying to take over your church, you're naturally more concerned about that than you are the corruptocrat who already runs the church across town.
Carly has become Ted's consigliere defending him from The National Enquirer. She handles Bimbo Eruptions better than Rodham did for President Bill.
But if President Cruz gets impeached, then his VP will have won it all.
Cruz may not be all that smart.
Chuck said...
So Todd who was your preferred candidate in 2012? 2008? 2000 and 2004? And previous?
4/27/16, 3:24 PM
I showed you mine, what were yours?
Well if your church is the Republican Party, then sure, but if your church is America, the calculus changes.
Who said a business background isn't sufficient? How could a businessman do worse than run up $8 Trillion in debt, or have amoral and dysfunctional breakdowns in the VA and IRS? And businesspeople usually do not alienate their strategic partners to the extent that Obama has. They also typically have a strategy, which is more than you can say for Obama, the red-line-drawing, vacuum-creating dork who wears a "kick me" sign around.
If Obama is an example of a politician having the resume that matters, then I'm looking elsewhere.
A businessman or a governor have had the executive responsibility to run something. A senator? Not so much
I needed a laugh today.
And then I read this:
Next, Kasich will announce George Pataki as his VP to energize his campaign.
Heh! Thanks, Amexpat!
So far today I've received 4 requests, via text and Email, from Ted Cruz's campaign for donations.
I don't really think at this point it's about winning anymore. His only chance to win is if Trump doesn't get the delegates (And I think he will) and then, if he doesn't, somehow finagle them into his camp during one of the subsequent votes.
Conclusion? Cruz is just pushing for more donations at this point and knows he can't win.
I really hope Cruz does the right thing and endorses Trump when the time comes. I'd hate to see my candidate go never trump.
Blogger Todd said...
- 1996: thrilled about none of the runners
- 2000: Bush, best of available options
- 2004: no option but Bush
- 2008: Fred Thompson
- 2012: was leaning toward Mitt
Such a long time ago!
I think mine were Forbes, Keyes, Bush, Romney, Gingrich.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
I don't see what this does for Carly.
If she has campaign debt to pay off and Cruz is getting lot's of donations from this, it helps her pay off her campaign debt.
I really hope traditionalguy is getting paid for that ridiculous horse shit.
Here is the plan:
1) The Cruz-Florina ticket gets elected by a small electoral margin.
2) At the Election (by the Electors, not the people), a Congressman from CA objects to Senator Cruz because he does not meet the eligibility standards.
3) Congress debates this for two hours (the time the law allows) and agrees.
4) The Vice Presidential candidate becomes President and Paul Ryan is voted in as Vice President because by then he needs a new job.
All this does for me is make me wonder who Trump is going to name as his VP.
2012: Romney
2008: Romney
2004: The President
2000: Kasich, then G.W. Bush
1996: Wilson, Gramm, Dole
1992: The President
1988: G.H.W. Bush
1984: The President
1980: Baker
1976: Ford
Let's all sing it now:
Trump should announce his daughter as VP candidate.
Change approved. I was a Carly guy, so this is fine by me.
Think about it, the official candidate(s) of the "Stop Trump" campaign can now cover twice as much ground in the same time.
There's only two ways to stop Trump, and nominating Cruz is the only one that's legal.
Still valid: A career in politics is inadequate preparation for the presidency.
Close, David, but Trump should counter Cruz's obviously pandering choice, with his own -- a good looking woman with big tits.
Bad move by Fiorina who could have been a good addition to Trump. How about Joni Ernst as an alternative? She's got the military experience which would be a plus.
Let's see a campaign poster with Ted and Carly's mugs. That'll be a vote getter fer sure.
"ADDED: In choosing Fiorina, Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency."
I assume this comment was made by someone whose career has been firmly ensconced in a tenured government job.
I suppose the counter to the argument is that a short career as a community organizer is adequate preparation.
Given the circumstances I think this is a good choice and the timing is what it is. If she can help in California denying the nomination to Trump, good.
I wonder how much she will appeal to women voters, given her position on Planned Parenthood. Still, she does take some of the luster off the idea a woman must vote for Clinton because...woman.
Her time at HP was controversial-- in large part due to a basic ignorance of business and how businesses operate. She's smart, sharp and articulate-- at least the little I've seen her speak.
Close, David, but Trump should counter Cruz's obviously pandering choice, with his own -- a good looking woman with big tits.
I was going to suggest Kim Kardashian as a Trump running mate at the beginning of these comments, but thought it too low-brow. Which only proves that it is practically impossible to parody the self-parodying Trump campaign and the Trump supporters.
The Onion could well go out if business in a Trump Administration. Can you see the headline? "Onion Closes Doors, as Writing Staff Finds it Impossible to Create More Ridiculous Headlines than Trump Himself."
And here I was thinking Cruz would have some honor and have the best interests of the country at heart. I was wrong. I started this campaign supporting Cruz. It is clear now that power is more important to him than the country.
All you nevertrumpers are just working for Hillary now. Trump is going to be the nominee. It is time to focus on defeating hillary. The overwhelming majority of Republicans think the person with the most votes and delegates should be the nominee.
I know it is a lost cause telling a lawyer to grow up but you lawyers need to grow up. You are not as smart as you think you are, but most of us are guilty of that. The difference is how far out of touch with reality you are.
Chuck said...
"Close, David, but Trump should counter Cruz's obviously pandering choice, with his own -- a good looking woman with big tits."
"I was going to suggest Kim Kardashian as a Trump running mate at the beginning of these comments, but thought it too low-brow. Which only proves that it is practically impossible to parody the self-parodying Trump campaign and the Trump supporters."
Allen was making a joke you retard. You really are not that smart. He was making fun of Cruz's desperation not actually suggesting trump do that.
But lawyers generally vastly overestimate their intelligence.
I don't know if they have a chance, but they both gave great speeches about their position as the constitutional conservatives in the race. And unlike Hillary, her voice doesn't bring on an immediate desire to shove an icepick into one's ears. If Hillary gets elected, God forbid, I may have to poke my eardrums out so I don't have to listen to her, and have the deaf woman at work teach me sign language.
Now, now, Achilles, Chuck is all butt hurt about Trump getting most of the votes. His candidate NeverTrump, got zero votes.
Cruz throws away a key argument that should be usable against Trump — that a career in business is inadequate preparation for the presidency.
Hmm...an observation that attempts to completely invert the more common sense notion that adding a business experienced person to the ticket trumps Trump's angles.
Plus..Vagina...like the painting.
But you know..the Trumpsters will just think their "Trump that bitch!" shirts have broader application.
It's a move that oozes weakness and desperation. Unfortunate timing, because Cruz/Fiorina is a good ticket. Some disconnect from the present system of a Ruling Political Class would be beneficial to our Country.
Watching the early debates, the only thing not to like about Fiorina was her rabid anti-drug position. We understand her personal tragedy, but charging Government with preventing individual moral failings is unrealistic and unhealthy.
Strange times, these. Hillary is patently disqualified on the grounds of personal avarice and disrespect for the Rule of Law. Trump is no better than Obama; apathetic as to the health of the Nation, and ignorant of our fundamental governing principles.
Them Canadians are a funny sort... eh?
It's like the TV show Veep becomes reality!
Carly will help Cruz with who?
She's a a zero in California, and I don't think she goes over well in Indiana.
But maybe the Hoosiers are a bunch of rubes, impressed with the big business Lady from Cali-forn-ia.
Cruz and Carly - they'd better be smart but they ain't much in the looks department.
Fiorina had 4.5 million votes cast for her in her failed Senate run.
If Cruz wants a real game-changer that would really cut into Trump's support, he should:
1. Announce he's divorcing his Hispanic wife.
2. Apologize for ever having fallen in love with a Hispanic.
3. Announce he's dating a blonde, blue-eyed "real American" named Brunhilda.
Is Carly blackmailing Cruz? First he gave her campaign 500K and now this.
Great. Now we get to see both of these faces on the stage at the same time.
Two of the ugliest candidates, and that says a lot, running for Pres/VP.
Which is the man and which is the woman?
He has the body and face of an elderly woman and she looks like a man baby!
And she is sporting a new hideous hair job...poor thing, a new hairstyle doesn't cover up ugly.
Has she had a job since getting fired? If so, why not?
"Fiorina had 4.5 million votes cast for her in her failed Senate run."
Bill Jones (R) got 4.5 million votes running in 2004 running against Boxer (D).
Bruce Herschensohn (R) got 4.5 million votes running in 1992 running against Boxer.
Matt Fong (R) got 43% of the vote in 1998 running against Boxer. Fiorina got 42% in 2010.
Conclusion: Carly is a big zero in California.
Why aren't people laughing at this new Cruz gambit? Just saw Fiorina saying she accepts Cruz's offer. She looked so stupid. It all looked so stupid and crazy. They are doing it with a straight face.
"Trump University case set for trial this summer. That should cost him 2M votes."
No one fucking cares. Crooked Hillary will get very low traction out of it.
My mother just voted for Trump in the PA primary. Her sole reason is "we need someone who is not a politician."
These are normally quiet, unassuming, middle-of-the-road conservative types who have finally had it with the Capitol District and it's political class.
Trump is the only candidate who qualifies.
Sorry for the ' on its. I hate making that mistake.
Fiorina on Megyn Kelly tonight finally made Cruz look better in comparison to her. He is no longer the nastiest liar in modern political history. She is.
"Has she [Carly] had a job since getting fired? If so, why not?"
She's rich, Titus.
All I see is a John McCain re-run. And that is a znooze since McCain's Sarah Palin gig didn't work.
Are all the Trump supporters as nasty as the man himself?
BrianE said...
"Are all the Trump supporters as nasty as the man himself? "
"OK kids, look over there under the bridge. You see that? It is a troll. Don't feed the trolls."
BrianE said...
Are all the Trump supporters as nasty as the man himself?
I'm a Trump supporter, and I'm probably one of the dirtiest bastards you'll ever meet.
AllenS, I hope that your support of Trump extends to the vilification and destruction of the Clinton machine. It sometimes takes the dirtiest of bastards to stop the depredations of a merely dirty bastard.
The difference between a pro-Trump dirty bastard and a pro-Clinton dirty bastard is that the goal of the Trump supporters is at least in part to stop the ongoing attacks by the Clintons, while those supporting Clinton want ONLY to be able to continue their attacks.
This is the comment that got my goat.
"Great. Now we get to see both of these faces on the stage at the same time.
Two of the ugliest candidates, and that says a lot, running for Pres/VP.
Which is the man and which is the woman?..."
I see now that the comment was made by Titus, so it wasn't a Trump supporter, but my general point that Trump comes across as a crude, nasty man.
I can understand spreading rumors about Cruz having multiple affairs, that's just dirty politics. But the attacks on the candidates physical attributes is just juvenile and should be beneath a presidential candidate.
There's plenty of positions to object to regarding the individual candidates. There is no need for the playground bullying.
Ah, BrianE, what if Cruz did have multiple affairs?
It would be unfortunate and it would reveal a flawed character that would demonstrate itself in other ways. He would certainly not get my vote in the primary.
I like the positions that Cruz has articulated. I'm not anti-immigrant, just pro legal immigration, and while I don't think we should ever offer citizenship to those here illegally, I'm not sure it's practical to round them up and deport them. In some cases, we'd have ghost towns. Right now there is a labor shortage due to the H2B process.
Where I live migrant farm labor is critical. These are not jobs Americans can do, since for the most part these laborers start working in the southern states and work their way north.
I have my doubts that he can be elected because looks/style work against him. Some American voters are that shallow.
I like Kasich, because he has a history of bringing federal spending under control. He did it once and I think it reasonable he could do it again. But he disappointed me with his remarks about Garland, since the next supreme court justice may tip the balance to the executive which would render the legislature somewhat irrelevant.
Maybe Cruz thinks this is like math, where you can multiply a negative number by a negative number and get a positive.
He is losing, so he adds someone who lost even earlier than him - and somehow this turns into a win!
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