March 22, 2016

The world’s wealthiest failed state... a population that’s complicit.... a very strong implantation... politicians who don't want problems....

"[D]espite its success in arresting [the alleged leader of the Paris massacre Salah] Abdeslam, Belgium continues to present a special security problem to Europe."
The country of just 11.2 million people faces widening derision as being the world’s wealthiest failed state — a worrying mix of deeply rooted terrorist networks, a government weakened by divisions among French, Dutch and German speakers, and an overwhelmed intelligence service in seemingly chronic disarray....

“This shows the limits of the actions you can undertake in a state of emergency,” said Philippe Hayez, a former official with the D.G.S.E., the French external intelligence service.... But unless you occupy it militarily, you don’t hold a town just by circulating police cars. We’re talking about guerrilla terrorism. And there’s a population that’s complicit.”...

[Alain Juillet, who helped reorganize the D.G.S.E., said:] “We can easily see that Belgium has become a hub. So that when you arrest someone” — he referred to the arrest Friday of Mr. Abdeslam — “there will be a reaction... All of this is to say that the implantation of the network is more firm than we thought... The police were efficient — and yet this happened. So, there is a very strong implantation in Belgium"....

“The Belgian police are excellent,” said another former D.G.S.E. official, Alain Chouet. “The problems are political. They let develop violent Islamist currents. They were not disrupted because they didn’t want problems with the Muslim community.”


exhelodrvr1 said...

As we stare uncomprehendingly at the dead canary on the floor of the mine shaft ...

Sebastian said...

“The problems are political. They let develop violent Islamist currents. They were not disrupted because they didn’t want problems with the Muslim community.” See also: Berlin, Minneapolis, Rotherham, Malmo . . .

Belgium was always an odd duck. But it only starting failing for real due to the "implantation," aided and abetted by Prog European elites. But Merkel et al. want more.

Anonymous said...

"They let develop violent Islamist currents. They were not disrupted because they didn’t want problems with the Muslim community.”

Sound familiar?

This will be the West's epitaph.

Nonapod said...

I fully expect that it will get much, much worse in Belgium. And much worse in Europe overall.

n.n said...

So, Belgium is raped and class diversity rears its ugly head. Blaming the victim or mitigating risk?

Gahrie said...

How long before Muslim immigrants are driven out of town with pitchforks and torches?

Sooner than you think.

Alexander said...

It is fitting that the wealthiest failed state also plays host to the wealthiest failed superstate.

A continent of EUnachs, who Islam is only too happy to displace.

And yeah, that might mean your culture erased from the face of the earth, your children (those Europeans bother to have, at any rate) slaughtered, raped, and enslaved; your ancestors forgotten, your blood and kin and history defiled...

... but at least nobody could call us racist! And when they threw cheap ethnic restaurants and welfare benefits in as well, it wasn't even a contest.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

How long before Muslim immigrants are driven out of town with pitchforks and torches?

Sooner than you think.

They don't have the balls.

Gahrie said...

They don't have the balls.

I think the European people will surprise you...don't judge the people by their governments....would you want someone to judge you based on our government?

cubanbob said...

I believe in June the UK will hold a referendum to stay or leave the EU. This act and the Belgian and EU policies towards Muslim immigration will no doubt add to the out vote. It would not surprise me if Belgium eventually dissolves and re-forms itself into two or more states.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think the European people will surprise you...don't judge the people by their governments....would you want someone to judge you based on our government?

No of course not. Yet, what serious response from "the people" has there been yet to any of this bullshit? Keeping the streetlights on? A few angry German grandpas yelling at small town mayors? Other than that, not a fucking thing. As Anglelyne has pointed out in many smart comments on this topic---and Alexander does above---the Europeans are not defending their culture at all, even to the point of not passing it down to the children they are not having.

Nonapod said...

@Gahrie: Yeah, I think it's a little myopic to assume that there won't be some very harsh reactions from the European people. Not their governments, the people. Chaos is coming.

smitty said...

Belgium is just one of a number of wealthy failed states in Europe. Germany and Sweden come to mind as does England. Nations with aging populations (but young Muslim populations) hoping things won't completely collapse until after they are dead.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"How long before Muslim immigrants are driven out of town with pitchforks and torches?

Sooner than you think."

I agree. You can wallpaper human nature with political correctness all day long, but sooner or later reality insists on being addressed. Islam in the West is untenable and, within a generation, things are going to get very ugly for it's adherents in Europe. Not if, just when.

Jaq said...

Pshaw! Donald Trump is an idiot! I know what you racists are thinking.

Etienne said...

I don't see a solution here, without France, Germany, and the UK invading Belgium.

Short of that, they're screwed if they don't declare martial law, and go house to house.

By martial law, I mean summary executions. The real deal.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

For decades Europeans have deliberately imported a culture that acts on a calling to rape and murder, not to mention tamp out two thousand years of educational and cultural progress/enlightenment. Why on earth would you expect them to do a 180 now and somehow rise up against their "governments" which they have put into place and they continue to support?

Europe as we have known it is lost, my friend.

Bob Boyd said...

“We just don’t have the people to watch anything else and, frankly, we don’t have the infrastructure to properly investigate or monitor hundreds of individuals suspected of terror links, as well as pursue the hundreds of open files and investigations we have,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said.
“It’s literally an impossible situation and, honestly, it’s very grave.”

Anonymous said...

a couple of random comments on the topic
1. The Flemish (aka Dutch types) despise the lazy French labor union southerners

2. The Belgian Commando/Para's are very good. In 1964, 350 jumped into Stanleyville, Congo in operation Dragon Rouge to rescue more than 2,000 Western hostage, from cannibal Simbas.

3. The Commando's give their jump commands in English English, as a tribute to their origins and training in England as English(Belgians in Exile) Commandos during WWII.

Dan Hossley said...

Yeah, but they have free health care.

Bob Boyd said...

Second look at xenophobia?

Curious George said...

"They were not disrupted because they didn’t want problems with the Muslim community.”

The only solution then is to not have a Muslim community.

buwaya said...

The Belgian problem is that they have a political side that includes Muslim block-voters in their coalition.
So they have been politically constrained from harassing them quite as much as the French have. Not that that is going to be more than a short term strategy anyway.
The Belgian cop is right, once you have such a large number of potential conspirators operating within a hostile population it's no longer a police problem. It's more like the IRA. Only these people are even less constrained or limited by public opinion than the IRA was.

Birches said...

I believe in June the UK will hold a referendum to stay or leave the EU. This act and the Belgian and EU policies towards Muslim immigration will no doubt add to the out vote. It would not surprise me if Belgium eventually dissolves and re-forms itself into two or more states.

There is no way Britain stays now. And that will be the start of a cascade.

dreams said...

"That leaves the West with unpleasant choices. America has had few large-scale terrorist incidents since Sept. 11, 2001 because it spends $80 billion a year on intelligence operations, including intensive monitoring of Muslims living in the United States, and because it admits very few immigrants from prospective centers of terrorism. American public opinion overwhelming favors less immigration. One poll shows that a majority of Americans support Donald Trump’s proposal for a temporary ban on all Muslim immigration by a margin of 46% to 40% (with 14% undecided). Today’s events are good news for the Trump presidential campaign."

Bob Boyd said...

Let's play Guess Who's Talking

"got hit"
"I was stunned"
"I stayed in the conference room for a few minutes as it sunk in"
"planning for asymmetrical warfare against an opponent who doesn’t follow the same rules as you do. Who doesn’t believe in rules."

A)Belgian counter terror official
B)WAPO reporter after being complemented by Donald Trump

Gahrie said...

It would not surprise me if Belgium eventually dissolves and re-forms itself into two or more states.

Belgium is an accident of European history. It is comprised of territory fought over and claimed by every country in the area, until they realized nothing there was really worth it. Probably the most natural thing would be for it to become part of the Netherlands.

Sammy Finkelman said...

The plot wasn't stopped by the arrests. Saleh Abdeslam told them there was something else he was planning. They actually caiught him somewhat by surprise - there was one or more additional terrorism informers, but all that source had known s taht teher was somebody hiding somewhere, not who it was.

They knew there was a suicide bomb builder, because these things can't be built by amateurs and another they suspected another person involved with Abdelsalm whose DNA was found in place bombs were found.

They knew that the scale or the size of terrorist group was bigger than they thought. They were learning something new every day.

They thought the high level associate might be the same person who was the bomb builder - although I think it is unlikely that the same person would be both a ringleader and a bomb builder, which is a technical skill.

And then this happened:

Brussels Airport and Subway Attacks Kill 34; ISIS Claims Responsibility


Sammy Finkelman said...

The fact is, "liberal" societies have lost their antibodies against crime.

The crime came before the terrorism, and the terrorism was built on that.

And Molenbeek had been allowed to become close to an inteligence free zone.

Sebastian said...

"Probably the most natural thing would be for it to become part of the Netherlands." Except that the key part of what's left of their national identity is that they are not part of the Netherlands. See monuments in Brussels.

Sammy Finkelman said...

There are actually a lot of separate law enforcement agencies in Belguim, and everybody wants anything difficult to be somebody else's job.

mccullough said...

Sounds like the ticking time bomb scenario after the arrest. Abdeslam knew about this. How harsh was his interrogation?

Sammy Finkelman said...

If Belgium - if teh european Union - had the death penalty, they could have told Saleh Abdeslam that if he didn't give the information they needed to prevent a terrorist attack, he would get the death penalty (and we knew he didn't want to die)

That's what would have happened in the United states if an important terrorist was in the costody of teh FBI.

Of course the problem is he would already be almost guaranteed the death penalty, but he could have been told or would be more certain, and, if he prevented something else, maybe he'd be able to cite it as a mitigating circumstance.

mccullough said...

What percent of Muslims are integrated in to Belgium society? France? UK? Germany? Looks like a high percentage of them live in ghettoes

Unknown said...

Bob Boyd at 11:05 -- a devastating observation

Grant said...

A little light reading if you care to understand the bureaucratic spirit that rules in Brussels in particular, especially with regard to policing.

hawkeyedjb said...

"How long before Muslim immigrants are driven out of town with pitchforks and torches?"

Pitchforks and torches won't go far against a government that will be more than willing to take arms against its own citizens to protect their multicultural experiment. In Holland, Geert Wilders sounds the alarm and he's prosecuted. What do you think the state will do to someone who actually takes physical action?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

a government weakened by divisions among French, Dutch and German speakers

Unpossible! Diversity Is Our Strength! Someone needs re-educating, fast.

The Western world's death wish is something to behold.

buwaya said...

"The fact is, "liberal" societies have lost their antibodies against crime."

"How long before Muslim immigrants are driven out of town with pitchforks and torches?"

a. A "liberal" society is not especially proof against crime or terrorism. They never had any special antibodies. There are plenty of illiberal societies that do just fine on this. It just needs to be a competent society.

b. Probably never. There will be a new normal of ethnic/religious conflict. This can go on for a very long time. Where I come from its been going on so long that the leftovers are investigated by archaeologists.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ha, ha, I remember when those Fox News idiots talked about "no-go zones" and everyone had a good laugh at their ignorance and pants-peeing fear of others. Ha-ha-ha!

Video: 60 Minutes Crew Attacked by Migrants in Sweden

buwaya said...

"Pitchforks and torches won't go far against a government that will be more than willing to take arms against its own citizens to protect their multicultural experiment."

True. The stable element of significantly sized ethnic colonies within a state is that there will always be an interest in using them in the local politics. So they will always have opponents and protectors. This is not unlike the condition of the Jews in Europe, where in spite of general opposition to them there were always powerful interests that protected them, often the crown. Germany in the 1930's was the unique case where the power balance slipped so badly off normal that they no longer had an effective protector.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

That mean old Trump man is calling the Muslim Religion the problem. Apparently the Religion teaches killing infidels whenever you can.

But the Obama/Hillary Ambassador in Belge said the idiots like Trump are wrong to blame Muslim immigrants and that only the children born to Muslim immigrants and raised Muslim are carrying out the attacks.

That is all. And he considers us to be the fools.

JT said...

In January, Trump labeled Brussels a hellhole in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business due to Belgium's liberal open borders policy that has allowed yuge numbers of Muslims into the country. The next day, the New York Times ran an article that was critical of The Donald's "insults."

The liberal media is so busy trying to ridicule, embarrass and mock Trump and the people who support him that they can't see he's often right on the money with his assessments. It's like the guy actually might not be a complete idiot and know something about the subjects he's talking about.

Imagine that!

Nah, couldn't be.

JCC said...

Several random thoughts:

The photo accompanying the NYT article, shows a man walking out with his valise, ignoring another bloody, wounded man laying on the floor unattended. Cold. No comment from the Times either.

Brussels, of course, the capital of the EU which no longer even pretends to be a democracy, whose bureacrats have schemed over and again to defeat the majority will of national populations when that majority voice would have conflicted with the opinion of the Brussels overlords. See also multiple votes in Ireland, popular will on immigration, more.

Etienne said...

...ignoring another bloody, wounded man laying on the floor unattended.

What makes you think he's wounded? More likely he is a Christian martyr.

Big Mike said...

If any of my friends or relatives died in that attack, I'd certainly want to know why the Belgian officials didn't water board Salah Abdeslam when they caught him.

n.n said...


They are neither integrated nor assimilated. The worst possible combination, which combined with the sexual revolution and class diversity schemes has produced a dysfunctional society.

Then there are premature evacuation, progressive wars, impulsive regimes changes, refugee crises, extrajudicial killings, mass immigration, etc. to stoke the flames.

pm317 said...

Let us elect Bernie..what a joke!

khesanh0802 said...

Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling for the Second Amendment.

Quaestor said...

The problem is terrorism works. And it works in a way that is a paradigm case of counter-intuitiveness. I think we're all aware of the so-called Stockholm syndrome, if not allow me to recap. In 1973 four bank employees were held hostage for six days by a pair of robbers who repeatedly threatened to kill them if their demands were not met. The hostages were freed and their captors were arrested after police fired tear gas grenades into the building. Later the hostages stated they were more afraid of the police than the criminals, even though it was the criminals who threatened violence against them. The phenomenon is known as capture-bonding, and instances can be identified throughout human history, perhaps beginning with the story of the Sabine women. Capture-bonding also explains why slave revolts are rare in history.

A large minority of Americans and perhaps a majority of Europeans have capture-bonded with ISIS and Islam. Visit a venue frequented by hipsters and one will discover that Islam is an object of admiration, if not outright devotion. Among Sanders supporters Islam is more respected than Christianity or Judaism, the irony of which has escaped Sanders himself. This situation is even worse among Europe's ruling elite. Leftist parties enjoy majority support in most of the EU, and as a group they are much more motivated by the increasingly unlikely eventuality of catastrophic climate change than the clear and present danger of Islamic colonization.

Perhaps Aristotle was right to divide humanity into natural citizens and natural slaves. The natural slaves in our midst are gravitating to their masters.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I sure hope one of his aides reminded President Obama not to mention in his remarks that he thinks Belgians just need to be more like the resilient population of Israel....

(The ultimate irony of that, of course, is that the anti-terror steps the Israeli population & government have taken to allow them to cope are precisely the ones Obama's Leftist allies decry as colonial, racist, and tools of apartheid. So sure, he wants us to be more like them, but he also wants them to be less like them. Such is what passes as deep thinking on the Left.)

[Quote from the Atlantic Jeff Goldberg interview/article: Several years ago, he expressed to me his admiration for Israelis' "resilience" in the face of constant terrorism, and it is clear that he would like to see resilience replace panic in American society. Nevertheless, his advisers are fighting a constant rearguard action to keep Obama from placing terrorism in what he considers its "proper" perspective, out of concern that he will seem insensitive to the fears of the American people.]

Alex said...

of course Ritmo will blame the Belgians for "Triggering" the terrorists who murdered them.

Quaestor said...

It would not surprise me if Belgium eventually dissolves and re-forms itself into two or more states.

Belgium is essentially a contrivance intended to prevent France from dominating Europe by making one of the world's best seaports the property of a small neutral principality.

Europeans like to believe that they have banished the economic and geopolitical facts that have stirred their continent to war -- so often in that very cockpit known as Belgium -- so that their future as a single entity living in permanent peace and prosperity, and yet their unity is so transparently false that they can't address a deadly threat that has plagued the West since the 7th century.

buwaya said...

"as a group they are much more motivated by the increasingly unlikely eventuality of catastrophic climate change "

No, I think they are much more motivated by the increasingly likely victory of right-wing parties.
They hate their own local political opponents much more than they do foreign terrorists.
Which is why they need to hold on to the considerable Muslim voting blocks.

Sammy Finkelman said...

traditionalguy said...3/22/16, 12:50 PM

That mean old Trump man is calling the Muslim Religion the problem. Apparently the Religion teaches killing infidels whenever you can.

That's what I think Vladimir Putin would like people to believe.

Not even osama bin Laden exactly taught that.

And those terrorists kill people in cities populated by Moslems quite readily.

The real locus classicus of any of that are the fatwas written in Gernman by Max von Oppenheim in Berlin in 1914, and translated into Arabic, Turkish and other languages that urged Moslems to kill any citizens of enemy countries. And that depended on them following a caliph.

Sammy Finkelman said...

"Soon after the Sultan’s declaration of war, Morgenthau writes,

17. Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story (New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1919), pp. 161–66.

"....the Sheik-ul-Islam published his proclamation, summoning the whole Moslem world to arise and massacre their Christian oppressors...."

"The Sultan’s proclamation was an official public document, and dealt with the proposed Holy War only in a general way, but about this time a secret pamphlet appeared which gave instructions to the faithful in more specific terms. […] It was printed in Arabic, the language of the Koran. It was a lengthy document […] full of quotations from the Koran, and its style was frenzied in its appeal to racial and religious hatred. It described a detailed plan of operations for the assassination and extermination of all Christians—except those of German nationality."

Theranter said...

They have got what they wanted -- "they" being the Socialist politicians in Belgium who, for decades, in many cases making clear they were trying to influence demography for political reasons, allowed Islam to grow, become native, and grow once more, and radicalize, while at the same time alienating the Catholic culture that was the only thing which had made Belgium (that is, the unity of Dutch-speaking and French-speaking Catholics of the Low Countries) possible.

The Passion of Europe now goes on before our eyes, day after day. Let us pray for the dead today in the Brussels airport and in the Brussels subway system. But let us remember that war has come, and that it has not yet been won by Islam, as strong as it may seem today.


JCC said...

@ Sammy Finkelman -

Fundamentalist versions of both Shia and Sunni Islam share some common traits, mainly a belief that all truth & power comes from Allah, and that any attempts to govern or rule via man's own authority are apostasy and punishable by death. So, democracy in any form is heresy. Likewise, such fundamentalism preaches a duty to proselytize and convert. There are strains, like the Taliban, which have mixed up tradition and verbal history with theology into a kind of Frankenstein religion that has (unknowingly) absorbed tribal tenets into Wahhabi radical beliefs.

Anyway, much like the umbrella term "Christianity", Muslim covers a lot of territory, but the more fundamentalist sects share, at the least, a tolerance for violence towards those who do not share the specific beliefs of the respective sects, whether other Muslims or those outside who practice politics or religion consider a violation of Sharia, such as living in a democracy or violating norms of behavior regulated by the Quran. So making a blanket statement that Muslims do or do not teach the killing of infidels is really not a yes or no question. It's political and religious, and covers all kinds of shades of belief, and even what some might tolerate even if they might not indulge themselves.

But certainly some within the larger term "Muslim" believe it's a religious duty to kill those who refuse to convert or conform. And that's not because some early 20th century German diplomat said so....

buwaya said...

JCC is right.
The more common manifestation of Islam isn't actually fundamentalist religion in the strictly literal reading of the Koran, Hadiths, and etc. a la Sayyid Qutb, OBL or ISIS.

The more usual case is for the "folk" tradition to include a strain of acceptable hostility to the non-Muslim communities. In Muslim countries (and much of the world, irrespective of Muslims) "integration" in the American sense never really happened. One had parallel communities which largely kept to themselves socially, and often physically and economically. Thus one had Jewish quarters and Armenian quarters in cities, etc.

Deep in the Muslim tradition, is that of raiding and opportunistic harassment. This is seen pretty much everywhere and is the major reason, more so than religious conquest, why Islam has "bloody borders". In the Philippines for instance, for 400 years the Moro nations/tribes favorite pastime was to raid their Christian and pagan neighbors for booty slaves and hostages to hold for ransom. This was not about spreading Islam, nor were the raiders very devout (being devoted to arak, among other things) its just that the neighbors were considered fair game. So much so that this was the basis of the local economy.

This has not changed much, the only mitigating factor is that the business of raiding is much more dangerous. It has been overlain with a small layer of OBL/AQ/ISIS, but the old pirate frebooter ethic is still there.

As above, this was the case all over, to whatever degree the circumstances permitted. Whenever law and order broke down anywhere in the Arab world, the mob, feeling unconstrained, would loot the Jewish quarter, or whomever else seemed vulnerable.

Back in the early days of Jewish settlement in old Palestine this sort of thing, not religious fundamentalism, was the earliest start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Banditry was ubiquitous, and the early unarmed and undefended Jewish settlers were natural targets for their neighbors should the whim strike them, fair game.

JamesB.BKK said...

It has a name. Its name is "jihad." It is carried on everywhere the controlled territory and population meets uncontrolled territory and population. It is carried on by self-segregating adherents to an expansionist political ideology of total control, but which is somehow described as a religion and somehow also gets one subjecting it to scrutiny called a racist. That ideology is somehow also defended by apparent non-adherents who are plainly irreligious or merely posing as religious for political theater or supporters of the elements of control perhaps. These quoted folks' ancestors would be appalled by the active denial of the issue. Will there be a second Reconquista or just lots of severed heads and 5x per day coerced activities in this geographical area called Western Europe? Will the Western Europeans turn the attacking adherents into apostates or backsliders? No will to do so has so far been shown. The Eastern Europeans still have fresh memories of oppression and enslavement and stolen children under Ottoman rule, so my money's on them not allowing their "leaders" to create this needless violence in the streets of formerly great cities.

JamesB.BKK said...

But don't worry about Germany. Remember, these "refugees" will be engineering and building Siemens turbines, Siemens trains, Daimler trucks, Mercedes, BMW, and VW cars, BASF chemicals, and Zeiss lenses, among other things. You know, just like they've been doing for years at these multinational companies with global recruiting platforms.

Michael K said...

" It is comprised of territory fought over and claimed by every country in the area, until they realized nothing there was really worth it."

Yes, I was there in September. The Grand Place, which is the center of Brussels has been rebuilt a half dozen times since 1600.

Molenbeek is just across the canal from where we stayed. Lots of Muslims.

"Deep in the Muslim tradition, is that of raiding and opportunistic harassment. This is seen pretty much everywhere and is the major reason, more so than religious conquest, why Islam has "bloody borders".

Yes, and this is the source of the coming war. I don't see how they assimilate. Britain is dealing with indigestion. We stayed with friends in England and saw it up close. They are self-segregating into southeast England. Housing prices are astronomical, even compared to southern California. The only part of Britain that has a positive GDP is around London and south. The rest of Britain is all on the Dole. Muslims most of all.

Belgium has seen lots of wars. We visited Ypres which was flattened in WWI and rebuilt. Waterloo is just a few miles away and the whole area was a battlefield in multiple wars.

We avoided Calais because of "migrants," and took the surface ferry to avoid them trying to get into Britain by the "Chunnel."

I expect we will probably have a big incident this year and it will elect Trump.

Gospace said...

dreams said...

"That leaves the West with unpleasant choices. America has had few large-scale terrorist incidents since Sept. 11, 2001 because it spends $80 billion a year on intelligence operations, including intensive monitoring of Muslims living in the United States
How could anyone write that obviously false statement? How did it get past the "layers of fact checkers" that make the MSM superior to bloggers? A quick google search of the phrase- police prohibited from monitoring mosques- brought this up as the first hit: Remember, according to official training put out to homeland security and the FBI, veterans like me are the primary terrorist threat in the United States.

Quaestor said...

Philippe, King of the Belgians, has gone on television to say that Belgians will meet the terrorist threat with calm and dignity,,, in other words nothing. ISIS is quaking in its sandals, afeared to further affront the mighty forces of Benelux outrage. Right?

I've done the research. Assuming Belgian police capture the third bomber, and assuming the courts can convict him, the third bomber is facing a soul-chrushing 150 months imprisonment

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paco Wové said...

"failed state"

Transcript of a bizarre statement made by some associate prof. at Georgetown:

FAIR: Well, as I said, you know, a number of minutes ago, Belgium has a lot of problems. It has really, in the words of one of my colleagues in Canadian intelligence of all things says, it's really stopped functioning as a state. As I said, it has very lax gun laws. It has a very vibrant gun market. And you have - you know, there's no nicer way to put it - you have a lot of anti-Muslim hostility. I've always been amazed when I go to Belgium the things that, for example, taxi drivers will tell you about the Muslim population.

Got that? Belgium is a failed state because... lax gun laws! Islamophobia!!

Clyde said...

"A strong implantation..." Sounds like something out of the movie Alien.

Clyde said...

I've always been amazed when I go to Belgium the things that, for example, taxi drivers will tell you about the Muslim population.

That's not Islamophobia, it's Islamotruthia!

Rick said...

Got that? Belgium is a failed state because...lax gun laws! Islamophobia!!

She was referring to the fact parliament hasn't met in a year or more because the election winning party can't form a coalition. Equally ridiculous, as if new laws not passing somehow inhibits law enforcement. It shows the reliance academia places on the political process rather than execution.

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