February 29, 2016

Marco Rubio suggests that Donald Trump has a small penis.

"Another thing he says is he's always calling me little Marco. And I'll admit, he's taller than me. He's like 6'2", which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who's 5'2". Have you seen his hands? They're like this. And you know what they say about men with small hands?" Pause. "You can't trust them!"

Terrible, low comedy. I know Rubio's people must think he's giving back what he's received from Trump. And Trump is constantly calling him "little Marco" these days. But it's not an established, natural instinct for Rubio. It feels phony, and it seems desperate. And his delivery is poor. He's so pleased with himself for seemingly getting off a joke. He beams, boyishly... which, ironically, underscores the characterization "little Marco."

By the way, why do you want to antagonize small-penised men? They vote too.


pm317 said...

Poor little Marco. He really should have waited another 5-10 years to run.

traditionalguy said...

The mind of Marco is revealed by the words of Marco. Or maybe that was a joke by his Miami writers that he was proud of getting away with. It sounded more likean Italian joke than a Cuban...so maybe Little Marco is the Secret Mafia guy.

Little Marco sounds like a name for one of Tony Sopranos family.

MadisonMan said...

So it's come to this, now.

Where's LBJ and his legendary penis when you need it.

Unknown said...

Who do you think you are going to satisfy with that, asked the woman.
"Me" said the S.P.M.

dreams said...

"By the way, why do you want to antagonize small-penised men?"

The silent majority?

Ann Althouse said...

"Where's LBJ and his legendary penis when you need it."

If we were deciding who not to trust based on penis size, we'd have to debate which penis size most untrustworthy.

Also... what is Marco saying about those of us in the no-penis group?

Martha said...

when oh when will this primary end....

mccullough said...

This campaign is getting too bizarre

Ignorance is Bliss said...

They vote too.

Yeah, we really need to do something about that...

dreams said...

Rubio and the pundits think attacking is winning but only if it causes damage, to swing and miss is losing.

Ann Althouse said...

"The silent majority?"

Right! They are the majority of men. The majority is average or less, and those who are at average or a bit above probably still worry that they maybe be less than average or that average isn't enough.

That's a whole lot of men you're disparaging!

I'm thinking of the time Trump exclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" and imagining him saying "I love the poorly endowed!"

And by the way, Marco spoke of Trump wetting his pants and now of Trump's small penis. He seems awfully interested in another man's penis.

Curious George said...

Big Hillary!

Original Mike said...

"when oh when will this primary end...."

I had such high hopes. We're getting rid of Obama! But it's just become sad.

robother said...

Same people who told Marco not to worry about his future, it'll be cool to be shill for the Gang of Eight Immigration bill are now turning him into a blunt instrument to stop Trump. Yeah, no one will remember these attacks 4 or 8 years from now, Marco, and they erase the internet every couple years....

What a tool.

traditionalguy said...

Does this mean Trump cannot schlong Hillary like the black man did? And where is Marla Maples when The Donald needs her testifying about his testicles.

Nasty Little Man Rubio is lowering the TONE.

Nonapod said...

When are the yo mama jokes gonna get busted out? Let's turn this campaign turn into an episode of Jerry Springer. That's apparently all that a lot of voters respond to.

Tank said...

Hey, this is fun. He just wants to be an entertainer too. Just makes him more of another kind of guy I don't want to be President. He is now the small penis candidate. Bigoted against small penis holders. Also, of course, amnesty and he is a lying, double crossing, weasel and a con man. But, entertaining. Isn't that the main theme of the Republican campaign this year. The Democratic theme is everyone is a victim and they're going to give them all the money that Tank, Althouse and all of the commenters here (except Amada and Garage and their friends) have. Also free money from the money tree.

rhhardin said...

You've got big feet.

Yes. Always have had.

You know what they say about men with
big feet?

No. What's that?

Big feet -- large shoes.

- Notting Hill

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Yeah, we really need to do something about that...

They need signs outside the poling place like at the amusement park: You must be at least this long |<--------->| to ride this ride...

rhhardin said...

The penis is mightier than the sword.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...the poling place...

See what I did there?

Bob Ellison said...

It's a guy thing. We kid, we joke. Penis-size is part of it. You joke about it, and your target is supposed to laugh and joke back. Small-penised men won't take offense.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

You must be at least this long |<--------->| to ride this ride...

Of course, that would probably be unconstitutional, as it would tend to disproportionately disenfranchise whites...

Nonapod said...

Nasty Little Man Rubio is lowering the TONE

The "tone" was already low. It's just now Marco is dropping to Trump's level too (or arguably lower). This is what voters want now.

dreams said...

Rubio is listening to his political consultants which is what got Romney beat, Romney let the Candy Crowley/Obama infamous debate stand thinking he could coast on to the election. Trump wouldn't have let that happen.

Bob Boyd said...

BPM: How come you never shower and change with us in the locker room, but just go home in your sweaty workout clothes?

SPM: Well, the truth is I'm ashamed because my...uh...pecker...it's...well...not very big.

BPM: Does it work?

SPM: Oh yeah. It works just fine.

BPM: Want to trade it for one that looks good in the shower?

rhhardin said...

The vagina is only 3-4 inches long. So unless you're into cervix jostling, it doesn't matter past that.

bleh said...

"Does this mean Trump cannot schlong Hillary like the black man did? And where is Marla Maples when The Donald needs her testifying about his testicles.

Nasty Little Man Rubio is lowering the TONE."

Just suck the Donald's small dick already, why don't you

Limited blogger said...

The MSM is not using Marco's stuff. Show's how dreadful it is.

Big Mike said...

By the way, why do you want to antagonize small-penised men? They vote too.

I wouldn't know.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rubio always aims to please. The anti-Trump oligarchs said, 'go get him tiger', and off he went. He will get a nice job on Wall Street and the cycle will be complete.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
I wouldn't know.

You don't vote?

Jaq said...

They are all making Kasich look better by the day.

tds said...

This has reminded me about rumours, that Marco Rubio shows unusual interest in cocks for a hetero guy. Good job, Marco!

Anonymous said...

This isn't even good theatre but it reminds me that the executive is supposed to be just that, executing the wishes as written in law by the congress, which is really your House of representatives, not the Senate who is supposed to only say no, try again. The President used to wait hat in hand outside of the House waiting for something to do, so the his or her size really didn't matter What was important was a demonstrated ability to complete tasks As assigned by your representatives of the people To do things like make the trains and other things run on time. Not to hand out gifts. Or you should switch to a non-political civilian with a short term before considering reappointment who is appointed by the house City Manager model, and is paid very well like the Mandarins in Singapore. Not that different than Korea having their major firms bid for the job. You're far from that nowadays. Over here you look like Venezuela. I think one fix would be to have a 1 of 3 model where every two years you switch to Parliament and let the Parliament's ministers run things just to clean the mold off of your executive. And if you like a Parliament, stick with it. You could do with a lot less drama over electing a king, or worring about how well they joust, or size of things.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, Professor! Sometimes lil' hands with stumpy fingers are just little, childlike hands!

This is a meme people have been working on the internet for a few weeks now. I myself have referenced it a few times in your comment threads.

Origin: Donald Trump Sends Vanity Fair reported Picture of His Hands

Example: GOP Senator Expertly Trolls Trump Over Small Hands

I hope that's not mansplaining, but Rubio's just picking up on a funny line of attack that apparently bothers Trump. It's crazy to see it in our mainstream political discussion, though--maybe people are starting to drop the pretense that our recent presidential elections (or really any government elections/appointments) are in any way debates about ideas as opposed to popularity contests (for people) and expressions of group power (where interest groups compete to see who can control the gov).

rhhardin said...

There's been a University of Michigan snow penis incident as well.

rcocean said...

This will win him votes with Evangelicals. Not.

rhhardin said...

Penis envy used to be limited to women.

Tank said...

@Tim re: Kasich:

•It's a silly argument to ship 11M illegals back to Mexico. (Nov 2015)
•Focus of immigration should be to keep families together. (Sep 2015)
•Latino immigrants will continue to play critical role in US. (Sep 2015)
•Focus on border & guest workers, not birthright citizenship. (Sep 2015)
•1993: end birthright citizenship; 2015: not part of approach. (Aug 2015)
•Seal the border with Mexico, support legal immigrants. (Jul 2015)
•Open to pathway to citizenship, but doesn't like it. (Feb 2015)
•Post-Sept-11 open-door melting-pot is essentially intact. (May 2006)
•Limit the number of legal immigrants, and their benefits. (Nov 1996)
•Voted YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers. (Sep 1998)
•Declared English the official language of the US. (Jan 1999)

Right from his website.

Kasich = Amnesty.

Brando said...

What do you expect? Try talking about policy and ideas and character and you'll get the big snooze. Trump has proven that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. Rubio is going for pixels and headlines. It may not work, but what does he have to lose?

I laughed with everyone else when Kayne West said he would run for president in 2020. Now I'm thinking that's not so unrealistic.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I thought we finally had a Republican contender who wasn't stupid. All he had to do was not say anything stupid, and he could have gotten the vote of everyone who is afraid of a Trump or Cruz nomination. It's a minor gaffe, but it shows his childish side.

Writ Small said...

It's a low point we've come to, but the blame lies with the Trump apologists. You get more of what you reward.

Look at Trump assert his dominance. What an alpha male. So original.

Maybe Marco is doing some good here in this sense. A lot of people can't see what is wrong with something until it is turned on them. Although even as I write this, I know the powers of rationalization are very strong with some.

I do believe this about Marco. He would never use these sorts of cheap attacks against someone who didn't use them first against him.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"By the way, why do you want to antagonize small-penised men? They vote too."
That may be true, but no man believes that he has a small penis.

FullMoon said...

The spray tan and small hands stuff is pretty funny. Donald counters with Marco has big ears. Lame.

Trump should turn it around and laugh at Rubios insults and say, "That's pretty damn funny, I don't care who you are" Trump is no match for Rubio or his joke writers in the funny insult game.

Disclaimer. I have big ears and was tease as a child. These days, I could have sued someone for hurting my feelings and and the associated emotional distress.

Always late to the party.

Paul said...

Not enough people will know what this means but Rubio has exposed himself as a gamma. Barack Obama is one as well. Any personality type is more fit to lead than the gamma.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Rubio hit Trump hard on Trump University and his questionable business practices, but now he's stooping to Trump level.

Ann Althouse said...

"This is a meme people have been working on the internet for a few weeks now. I myself have referenced it a few times in your comment threads."

I remember it being a thing in Spy magazine, long before we had internet memes.

It was always "Short-Fingered Vulgarian."

"Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.” Which I can only assume gave him fits."

James Graham said...

Rubio is replaying a meme originated in the old Spy magazine which repeatedly called Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian."

Bay Area Guy said...

Rubio should've tried this type of casual jocularity (or something like it) two months ago. But, like many others, he underestimated the appeal of Trump, and now we are on the cusp of Super Tuesday, where the South will go heavy for Trump. It's a bit late for this. That's life.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Frat boy humor. Just what we need in the White House. He would be better served by coming off as the adult in the room, instead of donning his sheet, and shouting TOGA TOGA TOGA

Michael K said...

"He seems awfully interested in another man's penis."

They are saving the gay stories for the general election if Rubio is the candidate. Of course, with Democrats, one never knows what appeals.

Paul said...

"Rubio hit Trump hard on Trump University and his questionable business practices, but now he's stooping to Trump level."

No. He's a gamma trying to emulate the alpha's behavior and failing badly.

James Graham said...

Gee, the blog owner beat me by one minute. Damn my short fingers!

MayBee said...

Everything Donald Trump says is clever and good marketing.
Everything Marco Rubio says is embarrassing and low.

Yeah, I get the theme here lately.

Fabi said...

With the disclaimer that I wish it hadn't come to this -- I think Marco landed a blow.

Sebastian said...

OK, so Rubio making a bad joke about Trump's endowment alienates men who are below average, but Trump's "I love the poorly educated!" does not alienate men who are above average. Must be a preference cascade thing.

Dan Hossley said...

The Donald has admitted he had a low self esteem problem. Maybe that's why he's such a bully. I think Rubio's campaign against Trump's already low self esteem is working. Trump was on FoxNews Sunday and he was reduced to blather.

dreams said...

"Everything Donald Trump says is clever and good marketing.
Everything Marco Rubio says is embarrassing and low.

Yeah, I get the theme here lately."

Don't let them see you sweat, Rubio is trying too hard.

Big Mike said...

@ARM, I certainly do vote. I gather that you don't.

Ha! We're having a debate at the Marco Rubio level of discourse.

Unknown said...

Has Marco not seen Tiffany and Ivanka? WOW! Looks like The Donald's penis works better than most!

Titus said...

I think penis size is important and feel bad for men with small meat. I don't know if Trump does have a small cock and neither does Rubio. Rubio should not make light of another man's dick.

Small penis's are a real detriment to men's health. They can be shunned, laughed at and embarrassed because of the size of their hog.

A Rod needs to make an impact and a statement.

Most important a penis had to have them coming and clamoring back for more.

Specifically, the penis need to satisfy and excite the hole it is fucking.

I have a large penis and I am grateful for it everyday.

I wake up in the morning and say-hi big penis, thank you for being attached to me, coochie, coochie coo-I love you!

Mary Beth said...

Considering the rumors about Rubio, the less he shows he's thinking about Trump's penis, the better off he'll be.

CStanley said...

"The silent majority?"

Right! They are the majority of men. The majority is average or less, and those who are at average or a bit above probably still worry that they maybe be less than average or that average isn't enough.

Wait, what? This is reverse-Lake-Woebegone. All the men are below average.

Anonymous said...

"Let me add a certain virile reply recorded by De Quincey (Writings XI, 226). Someone flung a glass of wine in the face of a gentleman during a theological or literary debate. The victim did not show any emotion and said to the offender: `This, sir, is a digression: now, if you please, for the argument.' (The author of that reply, a certain Dr. Henderson, died in Oxford around 1787, without leaving us any memory other than those just words: a sufficient and beautiful immortality.)"
(J.L. Borges, The Art of Verbal Abuse, 1933)

Skeptical Voter said...

Well the girls all call Marco "short round". That is if they can get foam party boy interested at all.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...I remember it being a thing in Spy magazine, long before we had internet memes.

Right, the "Origin" link in my post goes to a People article interviewing the current Vanity Fair author who formerly worked for Spy and apparently started the short figners/small hands insult quite a while ago. My point was that it's something that's been picked up and kicked around mostly on the internet recently and it's surprising and funny to see a mainstream candidate use it now.

Fabi said...

This headline would be a fine addition to this whacky primary season.

"Trump doesn't measure up. Ends presidential run."

StephenFearby said...

Rubio would have done better just to quote Spy Magazine's most famous description of Trump, "Short-Fingered Vulgarian".

Reviewed in:

The short-fingered vulgarian cometh: When Spy met Trump

'F]orget just about everything concerning Donald Trump except the stupid things he says:

“It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles. . . . I think I know most of it anyway.”—On his desire to handle nuclear-non-proliferation negotiations for the United States.

“They weren’t even sculptures. They were stones with some engraving on them. They were nothing. Just junk.”—Trump’s rationale for destroying Ely Jacques Kahn’s art moderne frieze on the front of the old Bonwit Teller building....

In the next issue, November 1986, SPY started getting a bit more serious—a smallish article on Trump real estate bullying and sleaze, relegated to one of the columns towards the back of the book, a sharpened six-paragraph boxcutter titled “Will Trump Get Spanked?” The article describes how Trump tried to bully and bury a respectable Manhattan law firm for the crime of successfully defending tenants in a Trump property from unlawful eviction. After losing the lawsuit, Trump launched a RICO civil suit against the winning law firm, using a law designed to dismantle violent mob organizations:

Trump essentially argued that the opposing lawyers were racketeers because they opposed him—that their intention to “prevent, frustrate and inhibit” him from making larger profits by evicting the tenants constituted “extortion.”

A New York federal court told Trump to get lost, dismissing his case.

Trump’s lawsuit so offended even Ed Meese’s Department of Justice that they tabled a new law restricting RICO civil suits only to those defendants actually convicted of criminal RICO racketeering crimes, while the courts considered sanctioning Trump’s company for violating federal rules of civil procedure. For SPY, this augured well:

Thanksgiving approaches. Where should gratitude be affixed? As far as we’re concerned, any setback encountered by casino operator Donald Trump is providential, always cause for merrymaking.

Later, SPY reported on some of Trump’s sleazy slum lord tactics used to try to evict his tenants from his 100 Central Park South property so that he could tear it down and build what’s now known as Trump Parc East:

In 1984 tenants refuse to move out of a building that well-fed condo hustler Donald Trump wants to tear down and replace with something a bit more, well, Trumpish. He tries to speed them on their way by filing lawsuits, eliminating services and letting the building get shabby. Next he disingenuously offers to let the city house homeless people in vacant apartments in the building.

Trump planned to pack his Central Park South building with homeless people to drive tenants out. But instead of placing homeless people in Trump’s building, the city offered to put Polish refugees there instead. Trump countered with some early immigrant-bashing, saying he’d only allow “people who live in America now, not refugees [from Communism].” Who knew that Trump’s patriotism was such that he preferred signing leases with red-blooded homeless Americans over Polish refugees from Soviet occupation, because after all, they’re all just a bunch of rapists and drug addicts.'

"...By 1993, the end is nigh: Trump files for Chapter 11. Marla Maples leaves him for the aged corpse-like chairman emeritus of Sony, Akio Morita. And his nine-year-old son, Eric Trump, is arrested on 173rd Street in possession of three stolen Blaupunkt car stereos at a notorious fencing operation run by a criminal known as Sweet Pea. “I did it to help my dad. He’s been having some trouble lately,” the nine-year-old boy reportedly tells police.'

The article also has a revealing photo of what Trump's real hairline looked like 20 years ago, published by the NYT in 1996:


bleh said...

Here's a video from 1991 of welfare queen Donald Trump whining about Reagan's tax reform and begging Congress to raise tax rates and provide new real estate subsidies. You can tell as the pitch of his voice got higher that his tiny pecker was ascending into his body.


Hagar said...

Trump has developed this peculiar persona - probably part brought along from his TV acting shows - and can get away with this slanguage that with him does not sound as vile as it rreally is when you see it in print.
Cruz and Rubio make a big mistake when they try to match it; for them it really sounds that vile, and maybe even worse, and they are hurting themselves.

rehajm said...

With Trump Doral hosting the PGA tour stop this week, the timely burn would have been to refer to Trump's Cadet sized golf glove.

averagejoe said...

This lying dirtbag is an embarrassment on every level. Can't believe the support both these bogus creeps are drawing. People just refuse to believe their own lying eyes...

Ann Althouse said...

"Wait, what? This is reverse-Lake-Woebegone. All the men are below average."

Yes. Just like the average man is considered short. Look up the average height for a man in the U.S. Men that height are told they are short and believe they are short.

That height is 5'9".

There are many countries in the world where the average height for a man is only 5'4" or 5'5" (e.g., Iran).

These men are routinely made to feel that they are short.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

“Rubio’s staff said in 2013 explaining the [guest worker expansions in Gang of Eight] bill ‘American workers can’t cut it.’

Rubio will never be POTUS.


This election is about jobs, jobs, jobs. The middle class is feeling the squeeze of globalization and they don't like it.

Demonizing Trump is not going to change that. Trump is right, he could shoot someone on live tv and his supporters would be fine with it. I was joking with my wife months ago that he could eat a baby on tv and his supporters would tell you that real men eat babies.

They will ignore every negative thing about him as long as they trust him to end the import of cheap labor and the outsourcing of work overseas. God help him if he doesn't.

Hagar said...

If you want to run for president, you should present yourself as some sort of leader and a personality in your own right; following someone else's example won't do.

Brando said...

If I were Hillary I'd be loving every bit of this and thanking Bill for coaxing their old friend Donald into the race. Who would have thought an election season that might have otherwise been about the GOP convincing Americans to reject a third Obama term and addressing its failure to connect with many voters could turn into penis jokes? Entertaining as hell, but gives me a flashback to 2012, when Newt, Rick and Mitt mudfought their way through the primary season, turning off so many voters that ole Romney never had much of a chance.

Fabi said...

Is it fair to say that Rubio "micro-aggressed" Trump?

Fabi said...

In the year 2036 --

Mom: "What did you study in History today, Billy?"

Billy: "We talked about the 2016 presidential primaries."

Mom: "That's very nice, Billy. What did you learn?"

Billy: "That Donald Trump was hung like a golf pencil."

[with apologies to Laslo]

Amexpat said...

What's disturbing is that Rubio seems to enjoy being liberated from the restraints of decency. I can't see him as a national political figure after this.

Brando said...

"What's disturbing is that Rubio seems to enjoy being liberated from the restraints of decency. I can't see him as a national political figure after this. "

I think we're long past "restraints of decency" here. Did the GOP once have a reputation as the boring party of stuffy old men? It now resembles a rowdy house party. They should really be shotgunning beers during their debates.

Big Mike said...

Is it too late for Rubio to drop out and file for reelection as a senator?

Although after talking to friends who are from Florida, I am starting to suspect he ran for president because he couldn't be reelected to his seat in the Senate.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

They should really be shotgunning beers during their debates.

Sounds pretty awesome to me except Trump doesn't drink. I make it a point to never trust teetotalers.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Yes. Just like the average man is considered short. Look up the average height for a man in the U.S. Men that height are told they are short and believe they are short.
That height is 5'9"

I think the average height is about 5'10" and the median height is 5' 8.5".
Women aren't shallow, though--they wouldn't routinely put "6' or taller only" in personal ads/dating apps, especially when less than 15% of the US male population is that tall or taller.
When men prefer younger, fitter women, though, it's a sign of the patriarchy (well, really rape culture, but you know what I mean).

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Although since Latinos have historically been much shorter, maybe this plan to keep importing millions of 'em (immigration laws be damnmed) is really a backdoor way to reduce the avg male height?
Hmm, I'll have to run some numbers on this one.

William said...

Napoleon's penis last came up for action in 1977. It only fetched $3000 back then. It should be put on the market again. Interest in men's penises has grown exponentially........Napoleon was of average height, but his penis was only 1.5 inches long. Did this have anything to do with his quest for world domination?......Who knows, but one can certainly say that being Emperor of France is a compensatory device that works. When he was just another general, Josephine cheated on him openly. After he became Emperor, she remained faithful even after he divorced her........Perhaps if Trump becomes President he will reach a measure of peace with himself and stop with the elaborate comb overs.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Both parties collaborated to create Donald Trump by refusing to address the very real anxiety that huge parts of the electorate have concerning globalization and its effect on them.

In the past one of the parties would see that there was an opportunity in addressing unmet needs and work to address them, therefore bringing in new voters. However, both parties seem to be determined to further globalization at the expense of the American lower and middle classes, apparently because doing so would adversely effect the people actually running the parties.

So now we have a very real possibility of Donald Trump becoming POTUS.

Thanks Republican and Democrat party establishments. Geniuses all.

Hagar said...

I make it a point to never trust teetotalers.

One of the first things I learned in this country was not to drink while playing poker.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

One of the first things I learned in this country was not to drink while playing poker.

Yep, unless you want to be the sucker.

madAsHell said...

Freshman Senator with an empty CV.

Does this sound familiar??

trumpintroublenow said...

I assume a "boner contest" is not far away. $69.00 on closed-circuit TV. All money goes to charity.

Michael K said...

"Both parties collaborated to create Donald Trump by refusing to address the very real anxiety that huge parts of the electorate have concerning globalization and its effect on them. "

It's not just globalization. We have a ruling class that is willing to destroy the economy to fulfill fantasies of "clean power" and "no coal" and "No GMO food" and other nonsensical fads that cause gas prices and electricity prices to spike.

Rules on environment have decimated manufacturing or driven it to Mexico or China. Land use rules drive real estate prices in California out of reach.

Even licenses for hair braiding are keeping people from middle class lives.

It is as though the ruling class had a death wish.

Jaq said...

Women aren't shallow, though--they wouldn't routinely put "6' or taller only" in personal ads/dating apps, especially when

They are the guardians of the gene pool. That's what they do. But fortunately, once you get by their initial defenses, they fold like a house of cards and accept you for what you are. I read about a short guy who said he only wore lifts the first time he met a girl. After her initial, probably subconscious screening, she didn't care.

The essential difference between women and men though is that all a woman has to do to get laid is lower her standards. If a man wants to get laid, he has to meet a woman's standards or defeat them. That's why women have such a hard time understanding male psychology. The evolutionary stakes are huge for men. For women? Not so much.

Carol said...

The hand-size memo was extant in my youth, in the sixties anyway.

It reminds me of the gun-control snark that gun lovers are compensating for small penii. It's psychological! But how do they know this? Surveys? Clinical studies? Undergrad experiences?

It invites all sorts of inquiry.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Both parties collaborated to create Donald Trump by refusing to address the very real anxiety that huge parts of the electorate have concerning globalization and its effect on them."

I largely agree with this too. The real anxiety is palpable. Obama and the Dems are whistling through the graveyard on this. It's much harder to work and raise kids in the modern era. Those who aren't doing it, may be a little detached from the day to day struggles.

On the more superficial level of politics, the GOP miscalculated by: (1) splintering the vote among several qualified candidates and (2) underestimating the appeal of Trump to the folks noted above.

MaxedOutMama said...

It's high school humor, at best. Is he working as hard as he can to make Trump look like the adult in the room? Or Hillary? I can imagine her campaign making an ad out of this clip in the general, should Rubio get the nomination.

Something like "Tired of the old boys club? Tired of the same old thing in politics? (clip plays) "For real change, vote Hillary!"

It would work, too.

Fabi said...

It's not called the Stupid Party for nothing, MaxedOutMama!

Jaq said...

Maxed out Mamma is exactly right.

Ken B said...

Is Laslo dead?

Amexpat said...

Didn't Rubio recently make a big deal out of being embarrassed to explain Trump's "obscene" reference to his son? How will explain this to his son?

Barry Dauphin said...

When Rubio commented in the debate that he didn't know anything about bankrupting businesses or running a fraudulent university, those were good zingers and fair game in an election. They cut right to Trump's claim of managerial prowess, which has been one of his selling points. But the strange name calling and grammar school playground stuff is ridiculous. He will cost himself supporters who thought he was a more steady person and he will not win any converts. Trump supporters won't abandon Trump over this. It starts to make Katich look better.

With respect to the general election, I think Trump has peaked. He will be the Republican nominee, but I don't see how he wins in the general unless Hillary is indicted over the summer.

Titus said...

I think it would be cool in the next debate if the moderator asked each candidate to pull out their hog to prove if they are up for the job

"Marco accused you of having a small cock Donald, care to prove it?"

"Marco, how long have you been thinking about the size of Donald's prick? Have you thought about other pricks and when and who? How does it make you feel when you think about another man's cock?"

Big Mike said...


Kansas City said...

Surprised that Ann apparently does not have a good sense of humor. I realize humor is very subjective, but I thought the gag was funny and the delivery was very good for a politician.

Peter said...

There obviously are no small penises, because if there were there would be small condoms. Whereas condoms actually are available in Large, Extra Large, and Jumbo.

Wince said...

Austin Powers: Only two things scare me. And one is nuclear war.

Basil: What’s the other?

Austin Powers: Huh?

Basil: What’s the other thing that scares you?

Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands

Saint Croix said...

Bizarre that Trump voters(?) would take shots at Marco for a clean joke that is G-rated. Yes, there's a dirty subtext. So what? That's the nice thing about subtext. If you get it, you're the one with a dirty mind. And if you're innocent, no harm and no foul. But go ahead, potty-brain intellectuals, tell us how "awful" this joke is, and how you can't stand the bad, bad man who told it.

My radio station, on the way to work, an alternative rock station that is almost never political, started doing a routine about Donald Trump's "endorsement" from, I don't know, one of the Backstreet Boys. They're like, "Stay home, America! No need to vote! It's all over."

And then they started reading from Tentacles of Trump, which is so rude and crude that I have no doubt there will soon be yet another lawsuit filed against the artist responsible.

Gloria arrived at the planet Cumquat to accept the job from sextillionair Donald J. Trump. He owns the planet, now he owns Gloria. Trump is an alien creature that has tentacles. Lots of tentacles. He uses them on Gloria in several different ways, that she would never have imagined. From his glorious orange spray tanned skin and his caterpillar hair piece, she grows to like her new boss, and just might be falling in love with him by the end of the day.

But no worries! I'm sure the whole country will love him, once they get to know him. Hey, have you tried some of his meat?

Saint Croix said...

when oh when will this primary end...

If Trump is the nominee, then you'll be saying...

when oh when will this election end...

And if Trump is president, then you'll be saying....

when oh when will this presidency end...

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"It invites all sorts of inquiry."

At the start of Hell Week in my fraternity, we used to tell the pledges to line up by penis size. It was hilarious seeing them fidgeting around about how to do that. They finally figured out that you just line up in random order and dare the actives to check.

walter said...

Blogger Titus said...
I think it would be cool in the next debate if the moderator asked each candidate to pull out their hog to prove if they are up for the job
This would not address the grower vs shower issue. These things are complicated..and important. They could arrange a circle-jerk..but the Trumpster's in the crowd would instinctively join in.
Yeah..Marco is piling up the gravitas now.
Does he still have that Chippendale's outfit?

Titus said...

Marco, can you prove what they say about the Cuban sausage is true?

Does it know any tricks?

Can you hold snacks in your foreskin while on the campaign trail and sneak a little bite hear and there?

Tom said...

Dick move.

jr565 said...

Apparently it's well known that trump has small stubby fingers. Trump said Rubio had the biggest ears. So, what's wrong with say trump has the smallest hands/penis.

Bobby said...


"By the way, why do you want to antagonize small-penised men? They vote too."

But I don't think it works like that. My guess is that most small-penised men do not view themselves as being "small-penised" -- certainly not publicly. It's, like, in my entire life I have never met a single person who believes that his or her intelligence level is "below average" or lower - never. I have met a humble handful that describe themselves as being of "average" intelligence, but the vast majority believe themselves to be more intelligent than the average American. And yet, statistically, that cannot possibly be true.

Jason said...

It's all they have left.

They think Trump is a blustering hothead (he is), and if they can get inside his head and rattle him they can force him to make a mistake.

It's a long shot (HAR!), but there's nothing either Cruz or Rubio can say or do to close a gap that big, that quickly. They HAVE to provoke Trump into overreacting. It shouldn't be either Cruz or Rubio. It should be a third party who becomes the attack dog (and draws the fire before bowing out. But Kasich and Carson are too full of the milk of human kindness.

Trump is like Clubber Lang in Rocky III. He hits hard, and he's never going to be on the defensive for long. He's a counterattacker, par excellence. But he could make a big mistake in anger if you get him rattled.

veni vidi vici said...

"He's so pleased with himself for seemingly getting off a joke. He beams, boyishly..."

This is why despite his getting off a few zingers at Trump, he still lost the last debate. It was counterfeit and amateur, and so reactive to Trump that he could never win going down that line of attack -- Trump owns the insult comic schtick.

Jaq said...

My guess is that most small-penised men do not view themselves as being "small-penised"

Whatever you do, don't google it.

Jaq said...

OK, I googled it. It would seem that many more men believe they have small penises than women believe their partners have small penises. Many many many more. This is probably due to the fact that most straight men have never seen an erect penis aside from their own except in the context of porn with carefully selected camera angles. Most women have seen at least a few non-porn erect penii and have a valid sample set from which to compare.

Bobby said...

tim in vermont,

Since I'm not about to Google it and your findings seem to make sense, I will defer to your research and concede that my guess appears to be wrong.

However, I still find it odd that in the tens of thousands of Americans that I have met throughout my life, not one of them purports himself to be of "below average" or lower intelligence. It just appears the analogy was particularly inapt.

Jaq said...

Your original point stands sir.

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Thank you,
The Messer Family

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