February 27, 2016


"The Great Auk Pinguinus impennis surrounded by its true relatives Pinguinus impennis Alca torda Fratercula arctica Cepphus grylle Uria aalge Alle alle," by Archibald Thorburn.

"An auk is a bird of the family Alcidae in the order Charadriiformes....They are good swimmers and divers, but their walking appears clumsy. Modern auks can fly (except for the extinct great auk)...."

Auks are not awkward, except from a land-based perspective.


Laslo Spatula said...

Walking was, for them, an Auksiliary thing.

I am Laslo.

RMc said...

The bird is the (auk) word!

rehajm said...

You didn't see anything...

Fernandinande said...

My computer simulation indicates that, statistically, it's nearly impossible for more than one auk to exist.

Mark Caplan said...

The picture threw me. I was expecting to see Rubio, ¡Jeb!, McCain and the rest of the auks.

bbkingfish said...

The Atlantic Puffin (upper right) is fratercula arctica, in breeding plumage.

My favorite auk.