"This squid was not damaged and looked lively, spurting ink and trying to entangle his tentacles around me. I guided the squid toward to the ocean, several hundred meters from the area it was found in, and it disappeared into the deep sea."
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"I gasped soundlessly; I hadn't expected it to be beautiful. Glowing like a perfectly iridescent pearl, the squid was a gleaming white with glittering dots of blue pigment around its tapering barrel. I estimated it was about twenty inches from its pink-flushed glans to the tips of its tentacles. Crisp little red hairs peeked out from under its arms, and formed a most flirtatious set of eyelashes around its luscious blue eyes."
Entangle his testicles......?
Japanese porn on Althouse?
Looking forward to clicking the link, once the kids leave.
Amazing animal.
Oops !
Thought I had my dyslexia under control
This video has been removed by the user.
In Japan you are not allowed to draw a penis in a cartoon. Very famous artist there uses squid tentable instead. Translated into Japanese this would be very erotic!
It looks like the Youtube video has been removed...perhaps CNN licensed it, as it is available at http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/28/asia/toyama-japan-giant-squid/.
@Biff, thanks.
Thanks Biff.
Un-dead Calamari? That gal sure was hungry.
Wow! That is a lot of calamari!
"Wow! That is a lot of calamar"
Calamari my @ss. Or, rather, a pig's.
Everyone knows the calamari you get at a restaurant is really pork bung (a.k.a. "imitation calamari").
Forward to about 4:30 of the recording above.
Pig rectum as calamari? Urban legend: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/food/2013/01/calamari_made_of_pig_rectum_the_this_american_life_rumor_isn_t_true_but.html
Pfffft...Yeah, I saw that article, and you can't believe anything you read on Slate. It's one of those "outlets for liberals and lefties" Althouse was bemoaning a couple of days back. Of course they don't want to believe one of their snooty foodie favorites could possibly be swapped out with something like pork bung. That would mean some evil capitalist conservative somewhere who can get washed pig rectums for half the price of actual squid had pulled one over on them.
Think man! Think!
The squid leaves his mark on the sperm whale, from their battle in the dark, cold depths, but the sperm whale still eats the squid.
There is a life lesson in there somewhere, I'm sure.
Well CNN sort of ruins the video with GIANT SQUID!!!!!!!! blocking the actual squid. Way to go. Jerks.
JT- I worked in a good restaurant. It's squid. At the worst, less quality restaurants cookie cutter up skate (still yum) in rings instead paying for squid or bad places buy frozen (tasteless). I even eat the curled up fried tentacle.
Think about it. The amount of calamari served in one appetizer would be 50 pigs. Never mind being pork. I am surprised anyone fell for that.
@ Catherine
I'm not really serious about the pork bung thing. My wife told me about the broadcast when it aired back in 2013, and I listened to it a day or two later online. I thought it was pretty amusing, and I must confess I love bringing it up whenever the subject of calamari is mentioned. The story works because it's plausible, and people have a tendency to wonder if it's true in the back of their minds. It's a "how do you really know?" kind of thing.
I will say, however, that my father used to be very involved in the meat industry. He's retired now, but used to be the top executive of meat operations for a very large grocery chain. I asked him about it when the story aired just to see what he thought about it. If anyone knew, I figured it would be him as he's been to the packing plants of all the big corporate meat suppliers.
Long story short, he had never heard of it and thought it was unlikely, with the caveat being that, those meat suppliers let NOTHING on the animal go to waste. If they can package it up and sell it, they will, and there's not a scrap of the beast left when all is said and done. So, like the story on This American Life, there's a glimmer of a chance there.
So, enjoy your "calamari."
Nobody knows what A. dux eats, but all well-known squid are voracious predators. Even the relatively small Humboldt squid can mess you up...
Well, the Japs are known for suicidal behavior, are they not?
""My curiosity was way bigger than fear, so I jumped into the water and go close to it.""
I was hoping that was a link to this year's Darwin Award winners. Very disappointing.
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