"I'd like to say this: What's happening on college campuses today, you know, with what happened at the University of Missouri where the football players got together and said unless the president resigns, they weren't going to play... I think a sex strike could really work on college campuses where there’s an abundance of sexual harassment and date rapes. Second semester it’s going to happen. Once people come back from Christmas, there are going to be sex strikes at universities and colleges across this country, I believe it."
He's promoting his movie "CHI-RAQ" about a sex strike in Chicago.
It would merge the campus anti-rape movement with the race-related protests that seem to have overshadowed it.
Wait, men are going forsake their duty of pleasuring women? Wonder who will be the campus scabs. Surely the women can find some volunteers somewhere.
The problem with a sex strike is, you have to control your lust.
But we are overwhelmed with the message (unless you are religious, but even then) that we are to indulge. Always indulge.
College kids won't want to control their lust. Therefore, their will be no sex strike. Even if there are rallies, and posters, and meetings, you can be sure those people are still having sex at the same rate they were before. But they will be just fine with their hypocrisy, because they will convince themselves that someone else is taking a hit for the team.
Aristophanes, please call your agent.
That is ... the stupidest thing I've heard all week.
Impressive, Mr. Lee.
Bringing Victorian mores back, one step at a time. That's right. Abstinence for everyone until the eschaton is immanentised.
My ex was a sex striker long before these jennie-come-latelys...
Lee will say/do anything to promote his movies. If any of these college students fall for this, there's no hope for this country or the planet.
Don't worry. It will only last until all women are are happy.
Nothing better could happen for men on campus. We all know to stay away from crazy, the problem has always been identifying it. Problem solved, thanks Spike!
College students voluntarily refrain from risky behaviour!?!?!?! What is the world coming too? Next you'll tell me that cats and dogs are living together in harmony.
No chance. A sex strike would mean a social life strike. ( Did you think you were being invited to those fraternity parties and provided free drinks in exchange for your scintillating personality? )
And any woman who was willing to give up their social life in exchange for dropping their chance of getting raped to near-zero already had that option.
Plus, women are in competition for the alpha males. Plenty of women would publicly support a strike, then try to hook an alpha male who wasn't getting any from his girlfriend.
A men's Lysistrata! Why ever not?
Look, men can masturbate. (Women, too.) Why should they associate themselves with people likely to go nuts w/o notice? Better celibacy than forced conviction for things that they almost certainly haven't done. Let them just take the bad and roll with it? Just leave it. Go away. Leave women with absolutely nothing to complain about ... unless, of course, "refusing sex" becomes another offense, which I gather it already is in some places.
I can't think of anything better for my in-college son and his friends than bat crazy feminist, SJW, mattress girl types taking a chastity vow. Its not always easy to spot whether the cute ones are crazy until its too late and this would help a lot.
The oversupply of women on your average campus, plus the availability of townies, along with the lack of sanctions against non-conforming females means zero chance of a sex strike ever happening. Leftists have only themselves to blame...
Which sex will be striking against which?
Let's see, due to the Chinese one child policy and worldwide access to sex selective abortion, there is a global shortage of women. Maybe we can pawn off American women on the competition. The ISIS fellows seem especially needy.
Spike Lee is just trying to remind us that in a world of celebrities saying incredibly stupid things, he can still rank with the best of them.
There will be no such strike, because (1) this is an era of hashtag activism where no sacrifices or risks must be taken; (2) the people who would strike would punish...who exactly? The sort of people that they otherwise would want to have sex with? That's sort of like me refusing to feed my children until my neighbor does something I want.
The only real "sex strike" I can see happening is men simply avoiding sex altogether out of fear of being accused of rape.
I guess the fact that neither one is actually happening, you know, is not actually TRUE makes a difference?
Have you seen some of these unattractive feminists on college campuses today? Jeez, I'd support a sex strike by the boys:)
A fair percentage of any protest movement consists of people trying to bed another protester by showing how down with the movement they are.
I predict a short life span for this movement.
You can't have a sex strike because:
1. There's not enough solidarity within one sex. The opportunity for scabbing is so obvious that you'll never get enough people to sign onto the group interest.
2. There's no unified management on the other side capable of agreeing to demands.
3. There's no way to come to agreement or to enforce any kind of agreement.
4. It's offensive even to propose that the sexes are divided into 2 groups with different interests possessed in group form and that can be bargained to an agreement because each person must retain his or her sexual autonomy. It's not a solution to rape, but something that drives us further away from thinking about sex in antirape terms.
I know there's an idea of "men on strike," but it's not the same strike idea. It's more just men dropping out and giving up on trying to get a permanent female companion.
Men are getting smarter?
Flinging feces at the wall to see what sticks.
I leiked the fact that he was getting under Rahm's skin highlighting the runaway black on black violence in Chicago that its former resident in WH ignores.
But now he's getting all rapey.
Knock it off "Spike".."Do the right thing"
Does he think the women are putting out as gifts to men? That sex is something women give men? That sex is a favor from the woman bestowed on the man?
That's a disordered view of sex, I think.
Does Mattress girl make a cameo?
Except that there's not an abundance of rape on college campuses. Rapes are more likely OFF campus.
They tried this already at Duke with Crystal Mangum and it ended up costing them $60 million and the infamy of their name.
It amazes me that I know how to spell "Lysistrata" without having to look it up, but I always look it up anyway.
Anyway, if Mr. Lee would read the source material, the sex strike in the play really did not work all that well. The female solidarity started to break down almost immediately and was preserved mainly due to the necessities of the narrative. Not that fictional comedies should be considered authoritative in such matters. For instance, it is actually somewhat difficult to slip on a banana peel, the Spanish Inquisition had neither comfy chairs nor big Broadway musical numbers featuring swimming nuns, and last I knew - and honestly I do not keep tabs on such things - there are no people carrying around nuclear reactors and capturing ghosts. Then again Spike Lee thinks that ancient Greek farces are excellent guides for activism, so I have that going for me at least.
So if we hold out long enough, with the strikers not breed? That may be a sacrifice worth having.
Its not always easy to spot whether the cute ones are crazy until its too late and this would help a lot.
You can tell by the eyes, Virgil. Always the eyes.
He could call it Lysistracago.
I think a sex strike could really work on college campuses where there’s an abundance of sexual harassment and date rapes.
What a goofy doofus.
These campuses and these.
The date rape crisis of a fraction of 1%?
I can remember when I was in college reading internet articles (I believe it was the old Salon) stating that women should go on a sex strike until their partners confirmed they were voting for Al Gore.
Hopefully whoever is servicing Mr. Lee will join in the strike. But there is no solidarity among women, only verbiage.
RE: Althouse:
I thought a sex strike would be impossible because everyone knows it is the height of absurdity to think that young people could ever abstain from sex. Abstinence -- ha! It is to laugh. Young people are rutting beasts.
I thought men should go on strike and not hit on girls. Since its men that are going to be accused of rape. just go MGTOW for a semester.
Just don't go on a makingmeasammich strike.
Wait until the girls figure out that they'll be paying for their own dinner and drinks. World's shortest strike. And as mentioned above: girls actually like sex and want it almost as much as the guys. Spike's a true moron.
Aristophanes was smarter than Spike Lee.
"Except that there's not an abundance of rape on college campuses. Rapes are more likely OFF campus."
What are you doing trying to insert facts here??? There's a SJW theme to promote, we'll have none of that!
"The date rape crisis of a fraction of 1%?"
Do you expect Spike Lee to be bothered by such things as reality?
First, the ratio on many campuses of 70-30% female to male makes this seem HIGHLY unlikely. Second, can we please agree to keep the word "scabby" out of any discussion of college sex? I still have work to do today and can't keep wasting brain power getting that image out of my mind.
This is just dumb. The only guys who would not be getting any would be the dumb lefty guys who these dumb sex-withholding feminazies would even be attracted to in the first place. The dumb sorority chicks would still be doing the dumb date raping football payers and fraternity bros on campus.
He can call it Lysistracago.
Re: Static Ping:
Anyway, if Mr. Lee would read the source material, the sex strike in the play really did not work all that well.
I dunno, it led to all those Scythians defectating in terror. That's really all I remember of Lysistrata -- I found that hilarious when I was younger (now the amusement is, alas, leavened with disgust).
First you would have to do a quick magic wand cure of all the daddy issues.
It will have some effect on the long term birth rate.
I suspect all of this is already having an effect on the more, er, marginally committed members of both sexes. Some proportion of the kids currently at school have been and will be switched to a track (celibacy through unresolved shyness, homosexuality, onanism) whereby they will never reproduce. This is a time when kids are still vulnerable to imprinting.
Everything, just everything, has consequences on the margin.
If there is going to be a sex strike, there is going to have to be a getting drunk strike first. Which would actually do a lot to solve the sexual assault problem.
Blogger Sigivald said...
That is ... the stupidest thing I've heard all week.
Impressive, Mr. Lee.
Nonsense. Have you read Ezra Klein's comment on Obama ISIS strategy?
If there is going to be a sex strike, there is going to have to be a getting drunk strike first. Which would actually do a lot to solve the sexual assault problem.
Indeed. Apparently, for them, "Teaching men not to rape" is a valid idea to resolve the problem, but "teaching kids not to drink themselves dumber" is just insane.
Balfegor: My scatological memory was the female chorus dumping bedpans on the male chorus. Alas, it appears I remembered wrong and they were water pots, though the male chorus did complain that they looked like they pissed themselves. Then again, it may depend on the translation and the good taste of the translator.
But, yes, Scythians in need of a change of tunic is always a good outcome.
Not understanding what is and what is not a suitable cause for collective action is a hallmark of modern progressives.
A few years ago I took a biology class at a state college. When we got to chapter 11 of the text (reproduction and reproductive systems), the instructor put a presentation on the big screen. It showed medical images of the human male and female pudendae in their non-aroused and aroused states.
After a minute or so, in a voice meant to be overheard, I said 'is it just me, or did it just get warm in here?'
Stony silence. My classmates looked at me as though I had just popped a set of antennae out my head and started talking to my home base on Mars.
Kids these days.
"Blogger Gusty Winds said...
First you would have to do a quick magic wand cure of all the daddy issues.
11/25/15, 2:03 PM"
Where's Laslo when we need him.
Re: Static Ping
I checked my recollection too ... if you google "Scythian defecates in terror" you can see the somewhat more vulgar translation I read as a child.
"4. It's offensive even to propose that the sexes are divided into 2 groups with different interests possessed in group form and that can be bargained to an agreement because each person must retain his or her sexual autonomy. It's not a solution to rape, but something that drives us further away from thinking about sex in antirape terms. "
Are you no longer a feminist then?
It is clearly their goal to divide men and women.
If male college students really have been "raping" female college students, how would a "sex strike" end the rapes? I thought the whole premise of the "crisis" is that much of the sexual activity on campus is nonconsensual.
Orwell predicted this with Oceania's Junior Anti-Sex League.
Lysistrata! A farce then, and a farce now. Nothing new under the Sun. Nice to see that some commenters had Classical Education somewhere along the way. Now, that play would be banned as a "Micoagression".
Can we even mention a Greek play from the Classical era and be accused of "appropriation"?
Spike Lee is an Evangelical right wing Christian? Who knew?
This is just as nuts as Hawaii ceeding from the union. Again, like crazy rightwing nut jobs in Texas Who knew?
Do liberal progressives even notice that puritanical Bostonians from the 1700's are to the right of todays progressives?
Ann Althouse said...
"You can't have a sex strike because:"
So much for undisguised rejection of plain idiocy.
Indeed, this whole fashion (if what one can call such a carefully engineered meme) can be seen as a very clever genocidal weapon. Make a high proportion of the high status females hate and despise the high status males of their tribe, and scorn family formation through the most fertile years. Those affected females who recognize the problem (most probably will, eventually, but too late) will be at the edge of, or beyond, their fertility window.
Hence the rather desperate fertility industry.
It doesn't have to work perfectly to succeed, being a matter of marginal incentives. There will be survivors, in dwindling numbers over time, reducing the tribes numbers and more importantly, by targeting the elite, the talent pool. This is an extermination being conducted by very patient entities.
The only effective male response, I think for the bulk of those affected, is to actively seek foreign mates, and thereby create a more robust hybrid. The power of the memes affect males too, but to a lesser degree.
Balfegor: Oh, yes, I do see it. Frankly, I still find it funny, possibly to our hostess's dismay.
For the record, the Scythians were public slaves used as the Athenian police force. Yes, Athens had slaves as police. Apparently this worked. Then again, slaves could actually be paid very well in some roles.
Of course, it makes perfect sense to merge racial hysteria with sexual hysteria. A few generations from now, Ph.D. candidates will have a goldmine of raw data to work from in developing new and improved theories about mass hysteria.
Who says it's the girls who will go on strike? Guys may be slow learners, but they ultimately learn not to "stick it in crazy". And since "crazy" seems to be all that's available on campus these days, they'll just have to take their love to townie. Townies will benefit-college girls not so much.
So they're going to combat rape, an act which by definition requires the absence of consent, by refusing to have sex?
It strikes me that there may be an inherent flaw in Spike Lee's strategy.
I suppose the argument goes that the pressure on the men will cause them to act but this only works if you genuinely believe that they aren't taking it seriously in the first place.
Ahh, yes. I knew a chick like that once. Briefly. Very briefly.
A Sex Strike with Spike just rolls off the tongue. The Hollywood guys are probably planning to sell Spikes collectible sex toys in both sizes. Marketing, Marketing, marketing.
Let's play to the Cliche:
Women withhold Sex.
Men withhold Money.
Who lasts the Longest?
I am Laslo.
Have the frat guys simply have a party with girls brought from outside the campus. And don't let any girl on campus intot the party. Some girls want to go there. Just don't invite them.
And engage in some solidarity. The guys who would normally go out clubbing. For one weekend, don't. Do it en masse as a movement. All the girls at the bar waiting to be hit on by the guys will have to pay for their own drinks.
Guys really need to toughen up. You don't have to be slave to the vagina. You can do without. It get it on your terms. Don't put your dick in mattress ladies vsgina though, or your life will be ruined. If the campus is overrun with mattress ladies. it's time to zipper up.
"Hey, girl."
"I'm on Strike."
"You're on Strike? I hope your Union helps you."
"Wait: my Union is the One of Men. Men do Bad Things. I'm on Strike -- Sex Strike -- until that stops."
"Wow. How long do you think it will be until that happens?"
"Not THAT long: my movie is gonna solve it."
"Your movie?"
"Don't you recognize me? I'm Spike Lee."
"I knew Spike Lee was short, but you're even shorter than that."
"That's funny, yeah."
"No, I'm serious: I didn't know Spike Lee actually made movies -- I just thought he was some clingy friend of Samuel Jackson and Charles Barkley that got to be in those Capital One Credit Card ads."
"I do those commercials to Show the Man I have Power."
"Power? You get a lower interest rate?"
"No, no: Power. HOLLYWOOD Power."
"So what movies have you done?"
"Have you ever seen "Do The Right Thing?"
"Well: that was me."
"That was the one with the pizza joint, right?"
"I saw it on Cable for awhile, but then I clicked over to 'Titanic'."
"Do you know Denzel Washington?"
"Hell yeah I know Denzel!"
"Well: he starred in my film 'Malcolm X'."
"'Malcolm X'?"
"Is that the one where he is the troubled bad-ass that has to kill and fuck over a bunch of guys to rescue the white girl?"
"No, that isn't it."
"Because I think Denzel has done three or four movies like that. I like those."
"Mine was about a Historical Figure of Great Importance."
"I think killing and fucking over a bunch of guys to rescue a white girl is pretty bad-ass, Historically Great Importance-like."
"Can we stop talking about the white girl?"
"No white girl? You telling me Denzel was in 'Precious'?"
"No, no --"
"Cause I remember that fat girl and Monique, but I don't remember no Denzel."
"That was a different movie --"
"Have you seen "The Hunger Games"? Cause I like that shit."
"That's not --"
"I mean, if "The Hunger Games" had Denzel that would be SO much better, but Kat's my bitch. You know?"
"I'm trying to work on a different level --"
"Different level? You trying to get me to do Porn for you, you Little Fuck?"
"No, I --"
"Cause you are A. Little. Fuck. and I ain't showing my asshole to you or any of your friends: Samuel Jackson included!"
"That's not what I --"
"Have you made a movie with Tom Cruise?"
"Cause I would do Porn with Tom Cruise: I'd show HIM my asshole."
"I never worked with Tom Cruise..."
"Ha! And you say you have Hollywood Power? You're less than Chris Rock, and everyone knows that Chris Rock is a Little Bitch."
"Now you're getting abusive --"
"Abusive? What are you going to do, Little Man, are you going to go Denzel on me?"
"No, I am not gonna go Denzel on you..."
"Damned right. You ain't GOT no Denzel in you, Little Bitch."
"I --"
"Just walk away now; go find Urkel..."
I am Laslo.
The classic movie THX 1138 is now worth watching again.
I'm all for this sex strike idea, but they'll first have to decriminalize the ravishment of strangers
It's a great idea. I recommend to every college guy that he join the movement.
They won't even have to give up sex. Just sex with females from their school.
I'm assuming that he meant heterosexual sex. There might be an increase in LUGs and GUGs, but hey, it's probably safer.
Nice one Lazlo
I hereby propose a new Master Race.
Because there can be only one Clark Gable, but anyone can be a cowboy (even a girl).
You know all those gorgeous, glamorous, Hollywood Golden Age starlets? Gable fucked them all.
The hormones that make them crazy also make them horny, It's like a little govt research project. Keep covering this for us AA.
I don't know that I'm down for any sex strike but if anyone wants to form a line for a Spike Strike I've been on board for that for at least ten years.
Months ago I suggested in various forums that college guys boycott (girlcott?) college gals - for college guys' own safety.
"It's offensive even to propose that the sexes are divided into 2 groups with different interests possessed in group form and that can be bargained to an agreement because each person must retain his or her sexual autonomy."
If we didn't already have confirmation that Althouse isn't a gender feminist (as defined by C. H. Sommers), we have it now. Mainline feminism = gender supremacism.
The campus rape epidemic that does not exist?
Why did Spike Lee say something so wrongheaded?
1. He'll say anything to get publicity for his new movie.
2. He'll say anything because he is in many ways a fool.
3. He'll say anything because he is in many ways a scumbag.
People over 50 are always predicting that young people are going to lose interest in sex, but it never happens. It's amazing, the power of hormone levels to affect values, and the power of projection to impute hormonally-powered feelings to others.
Spike Lee is paying his dues to the Feminist faction. It's a quid pro quo arrangement, where the Feminist faction covers for Lee's prejudicial beliefs in class diversity that degrades individual dignity, and Lee covers for the Feminists' role in fostering a rape culture through proselytization of libertinism, abortion rites, and superior rights.
"They won't even have to give up sex. Just sex with females from their school."
I knew a man in college who, impatient with the shallowness and silliness of fellow college students, only dated the women contemptuously referred to by my liberal friends as "townies". He found that women who actually had to work for a living tended to have a much more adult view of the world.
At the University my daughter graduates from in a week, early, the STEM students ignore the protesters and go about the business of graduating this term and next. Those high-paying STEM jobs are as racism-free and diversity-tolerant as any rational person can desire, and did I mention high-paying?
The rush this term to develop on-campus leftist Cultural Revolutionaries centered around racial issues and rape crises is organized battlespace preparation for the 2016 election, and the smart kids know it, and ignore it.
Much like the defunding of ACORN when their shenanigans were exposed, state legislatures won't put up with political activism on the taxpayer dime for long.
I'd guess all the campus hoohaa ends the first Tuesday, next November, just like all the antiwar protests ended the day Obama was elected, despite the actual war continuing. It is political activity, nothing more, nothing less.
In order to build attraction in one of my female classmates that I liked, I once casually remarked during a party that I was only going to hook up with townies. This was 2004, well before this hysteria began, but the girl I liked was a budding feminist and I wanted to see her squirm a bit (only works if you suspect they like you back). Later that night, I did just that, finding a cute townie chick at the next party we bounced to who responded well to my flirting. The girl I liked was around to see it happen. No actual sex happened, but the townie girl and I fooled around some and were not discreet about our making out and such.
The next day - repeat, next day - my classmate crush was at the door of my dorm suite at 9AM carrying waffles and scrambled eggs that she'd pilfered from the dining hall, asking if I would "teach her how to play that football game on the XBOX." (She was referring to one of the first NCAA titles that came out). We ate breakfast together. Then my roommate left for football practice, leaving me with a room all to myself. Then I got laid. We never even turned on the TV, nor the XBOX; it went from light flirting to bow-chicka-wow-wow in the span of about 45 seconds.
Women are just as driven by their vaginas as men are by our dicks. Cracking the code is not always easy, but jealousy and making it public that other girls find you desirable will work just about every time. Unless you're in the "friendzone". Only once have I climbed out of the friendzone, out of probably 5 or 6 attempts, and it wasn't even worth the effort in the end.
Oh, I also ended up nailing the townie girl later that month, but the noises she made in bed were not appealing to me at all. I never dipped my bucket in that well again.
Women abstaining from sex campuswide, due to a rape crisis that most of them know deep inside to be a massive hoax, is about as likely as Spike Lee winning multiple Oscars for "Chi-raq". College girls are just about the easiest girls to bed in the world, and once you have them on the defensive, competing with the "townies" that they all regard as inferior specimens of femininity, it's game-set-match. If a sex strike does happen, men will learn this real quick, and thus the sex strike will end. It'll take no more than 2 consecutive weekends - maybe less.
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