November 13, 2015


The headline in the NYT. "Multiple Attacks Roil Paris; President Hollande Is Evacuated From Stadium."
Shootings and explosions erupted in the Paris area on Friday night, and French news services said at least 39 people were dead, dozens wounded and others taken hostage in what appeared to be coordinated militant attacks.

French television reported that one of at least two explosions had struck near Paris at the country’s main sports stadium, forcing the hasty evacuation of President François Hollande. The explosion occurred during a France-Germany soccer match.

And, yes, I do, see a distinctive difference between those headlines, even though when I saw the NYT headline, I thought: It looks like a Drudge headline. All caps. Shocking.


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Doug said...

Uh oh, somebody cartooned inappropriately again!

Sebastian said...

"militant" attacks.

What kinds of "militants," I wonder, and what might they be "militant" about?

We can't win the war without naming the enemy.

[And yes, I do realize Drudge does. But you get my drift.]

campy said...

Is this the long sought-after Tea Party violence?

Ann Althouse said...

The Al Gore connection: "Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is hosting a 24-hour live webcast from the foot of the Eiffel Tower to drum up attention for this month's international climate summit in Paris."

sean said...

The Times article has now been updated to include the "60" number. (Advantage Drudge.)

lemondog said...

France 24/Watch Live

Virgil Hilts said...

I'm sure its racist (or something like that) to assume that these were the acts of Muslims as opposed to say Jews or Seventh Day Adventists.

Karen of Texas said...

Will this be the opening salvo in our march towards President Obama declaring martial law? It would be for our own good...

Laslo Spatula said...

Did we somehow not think that Mizzou would affect the African-American-Syrians in Paris?

I am Laslo.

Wince said...

Maybe the gunmen are just looking for a "safe space"?

And the Gore Effect strikes again.

Karen of Texas said...

Is it just me or is it a bit disturbing that there is an air of "whatever" from people. Like me. Because, duh, y'all just now maybe getting a clue?

chuck said...

Tomorrow's headline: Increasing popularity of Mari le Pen roils French intellectuals.

Quaestor said...

Does cruel neutrality extend to Europe?

Hagar said...

I don't think it is appropriate to be flippant about this.

There are coordinated attacks on at least 6 locations in Paris and constitutes an assault on France itself. This is no small thing.

Quaestor said...

Notice that the Muslims have not attacked Budapest.

dreams said...

Just think how bad it would have been if Obama hadn't contained ISIS.

Quaestor said...

Well, not since the days of Jan Sobieski and the winged hussars.

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's not shocking, it's absolutely expected.

Hagar said...

ISIS to Obama: Contain this!

Drago said...

The future must not belong to those who insult Islam!

Now would be an opportune time to discuss the crusades, poop swastikas, the tea party and sarah palin before people get the wrong idea about the religion of peace.

rcocean said...

The price of diversity.

Balfegor said...

I am not particularly fond of the French, but this is quite horrifying.

A few thoughts ripple through my mind --
1. Is this everything? Are there other shoes to drop tonight?
2. Did the perpetrators slip in pretending to be Syrian refugees, or are they vipers nursed in Marianne's bosum?
3. I wish I were reading about this from overseas.

Balfegor said...


BarrySanders20 said...

While we navel-gaze and focus ridiculous amounts of attention on adult children seeking "safe spaces" and on manufactured tribal grievances, the jihadis are out reminding people of what safe space really means to their tribe.

rcocean said...

"I wish I were reading about this from overseas."


exhelodrvr1 said...

Thank God Al Gore is on site - tip of the spear that he is. No doubt this is due to climate change.

chuck said...

>I don't think it is appropriate to be flippant about this.

On 9/11/2001, 2,977 people were killed in the US. Since then we have been assured that Islam is a religion of peace, that we are colonialist bigots and had it coming, and that it was no big deal, automobiles kill more. Of course we are cynical. The amount of bullshit piled upon us by moronic academics -- which is most of them -- and political hacks seeking power is one of the wonders of the age.

traditionalguy said...

The French are more pro freedoms than the USA. They are the ones who spoke the truth about Fifth Columnist Obama's authorization for Iran to become a dominant power in the world. Iran is now released, so they are spending their loot to wipe out the French.

We are next. Thanks Traitor Obama.

Michael said...

The Times cannot bear to name Islam, Muslims, Jihadists. They just can't. Pathetic.

FullMoon said...

Every single time I see a bird's eye view of a packed stadium, I thing: Terrorists wet dream
Only a matter of time.

Bay Area Guy said...

Terrible, just terrible. My heart goes out to the victims in France.

Here, in the US, it is vitally important that the President and NY Times describe these evil-mongers as "Muslim Terrorists." The reluctance to do so emboldens the bad guys.

True, not all Muslims are terrorists -- but these particular terrorists, shouting Allahu-Akbar, were Muslims. Let's not get politically correct when lives are at stake.

Grackle said...

Deportation time, come on!

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the best the NYTimes can do:

There was no claim of responsibility, but Twitter erupted with celebratory messages by members and sympathizers of the Islamic State, the extremist group based in Syria and Iraq that is under assault by major powers including the United States, France and Russia.


A witness quoted by BFM television said he heard rounds of automatic rifle fire and someone shouting “Allahu akbar!” at The Bataclan.

Karen of Texas said...

Finally. Thank you Hagar and Balfegor and Bay Area Guy. And Chuck, you are spot on.

FleetUSA said...

Time for water boarding

StoughtonSconnie said...

In the midst of an attack by islamic terrorists, we hear of "universal human values" from our President.
Well. These and other attacks over the past 20+ years underscore that islamists don't share these values, and that should be evident to anyone who has two brain cells to rub together. The fact that Obama, Hillary, Bernie and the rest on the progressive left cant's see this argues that they are either daft or dangerous. Their views on this and any serious matter should be given as much weight as my 9 year-old son's.

Skipper said...

All was provoked by a YouTube video!

Anonymous said...

Not unprecedented. Very reminiscent of Beslan and Moscow theater massacres.

Michael K said...

" Increasing popularity of Mari le Pen roils French intellectuals."

Yes and, in spite of jokes about French cowardice in WWII, the security services of France are ferocious. Examples are DSGE and the French commando outfit called "Rip'em."

Heir to the traditions of the Paratroopers Units of the Special Air Service of Free France and French Indochina; the regiment is the only metropolitan unit besides outremer French regiments to use the motto « Qui ose gagne » translated from HM's Government British Army SAS motto « Who Dares Wins "

They will leave a wake of dead Muslims. But they will not talk about it like you-know-who.

Karen of Texas said...

President Obama declares the attacks "outrageous". I feel better now. He's on it. Words are going to slay they who must not be named. Whew. Idiot.

clint said...

The main difference between the headlines that I can see is the NYT considers the lead to be the danger to an important personage while Drudge considers the lead to be the deaths of many innocent people.

What's the difference that you see?

Anonymous said...

The French president has closed France's borders.
I wish our president could emulate him.

Fernandinande said...

"FRANCE ON HIGH ALERT" -- As predicted by Dave Barry.

Balfegor said...

I can't stop reading the updates from Figaro and LeMonde. The counterattack on Bataclan is apparently finished, and two terrorists killed.

madAsHell said...

It's just the JV team.

Browndog said...

"A heartbreaking situation"

-Commander in Chief,
United States of America

Karen of Texas said...

You've no idea how many attempts were averted during GWB's tenure after 9/11, MEG. And while there have been none on our soil since the current occupant took over, we aren't at the end of his reign yet, now are we?

But do let's change the subject to something ither than death, chaos, and destruction...

James Pawlak said...

Gee Whizz! You mean that the followers of "The Religion Of Peace" were involved in such mass murders?

richard mcenroe said...

Karen, have you forgotten the Boston Marathon?

MAJMike said...

Religion of Peace.

Balfegor said...

Selon des sources policières citées par l'AFP, une centaine de personnes ont été tuées dans l'attaque de la salle de concert du Bataclan. François Hollande, Manuel Valls et Christiane Taubira se rendent sur place.

100 dead at Bataclan.

Hagar said...

I think you have to understand - and I wish the MSM would - that the jihadists who went into this attack, like the 9/11 highjackers, did not expect to survive the counter-assaults.

Also every large European city - maybe, maybe not excpting Russian - will be expecting similar events and react accordingly. And it may not be restricted to Europe, I certainly would expect this to alarm city administrations in this country too, if not the Obama administration.

There is going to be a changed world tomorrow.

Balfegor said...

I had not thought I would find this quite so affecting. I guess somewhere deep down, I love Paris too.

Birches said...

This is disgusting. I hope all the rich kids in college now figure out their problems are completely minuscule in comparison.

Terrorism has no religion is trending on twitter. Idiots.

MAJMike said...

No attacks since the start of the Obama Regime? I recall Ft. Hood, military recruiting center attacks, the Navy Yard attack, the Washington D.C. snipers and the Boston Marathon attacks.

Perhaps more of us should secure and exercise concealed carry permits. Armed citizens are harder to kill than unarmed sheep.

garage mahal said...

Thanks Obama.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Aluakbar shouted as one uses bullets and grenades to kill the innocent Christians and Jews means they are being killing in obediance to ALLAH, their black rock in Mecca moon god.

Worshiping rocks makes one as dumb as a rock. Hence the saying that Muslims never miss a chance to do the wrong thing.

Why we elected and follow a Muslim President is the question. As Trump says, we are fools.

YoungHegelian said...

I have cousins in Paris. I guess I had better try & get in touch with them to see if they're okay.

MrCharlie2 said...

Has the solemn march of dignitaries, with speeches and selfies been scheduled? Which luminous figure is going to represent us this time? Have we got our girls back yet?

I'm waiting with bated breath.

David Begley said...

The Islamists will not stop during our lifetimes.

We need to quarantine the West from Islam.

Bomb ISIS back to the Stone Age.

And make no mistake about it. Obama's failure to crush ISIS early only encouraged their boldness and attacks. Doing nothing in Syria brought on the migration. What a f%#cking failure he is. And Hillary would be more of the same.

Anonymous said...

Balfegor: I had not thought I would find this quite so affecting. I guess somewhere deep down, I love Paris too.

Me, too, Balf. (But I'm an unrepentant francophile.)

Montjoie St. Denis!

Big Mike said...

I don't know whether this is the night that the open borders people lost their argument, but it certainly seems to be the night that the gun grabbers lost. First words out of my wife's mouth was that terrorists would have problems taking 100 American hostages would find five to ten guns pointed back at them.

garage mahal said...


walter said...

Hey now..all caps is a form of "bullying".

Gusty Winds said...

Al Gore will probably claim the militants are climate deniers.

virgil xenophon said...

With his usual exquisite timing Obama only this morning just hours before the attack came before the tV cameras on ABC Good Morning America (Drudge has the link) to declare to butt-boy George Stephanopoulos that "ISIS is contained." Phew, good to know! Attaboy Obama!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PRO-DEMOCRAT Hack press will never ever use the words "Islam" or "radical Islam" and they will fall all over themselves to avoid telling the truth.

Yancey Ward said...

I fear this is only the beginning.

John henry said...

Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...

Thank God Al Gore is on site - tip of the spear that he is. No doubt this is due to climate change.

I know you were being sarcastic but you are dead on. I heard a clip the other day that claimed that the invasion of Syrian migrants (they are NOT refugees) is caused by climate change. It was someone important though I just rolled my eyes and didn't pay attention to who.

It might even have been AlGore.

The UN says that over 218,000 migrants arrived in Europe in October alone. It will be more, maybe even double, in November.

If 1% are bad actors, that it 2,180 more terrorists. That is going to end well.

Will we, the US, need to save Europe for the 3rd time in a century? I hope not. Fuck 'em. Let Europe rot.

Gonna go pull Oriana Fallaci'sw books off the shelf and reread them. She predicted this 20 years ago. She called it Eurabia.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Under Siege by who, New York Times?

Big Mike said...

Je suis Charlie.

exhelodrvr1 said...

John Henry,
That was only partially sarcastic - we will go out of our way to make excuses for them, and to minimize what is actually happening. And we don't realize that we are in WWIII.

Clyde said...

Those who oppose the sort of open immigration policies that have led to this kind of event are often accused of "xenophobia." It should be noted that xenophobia wouldn't be so common if it weren't a survival trait. In the past, those people coming from the other side of the hill or the river or from across the ocean often were looking to rob you and kill you, rape your women and enslave your children. If they had more benevolent motives, they still might be bringing horrible diseases with them to which you might not have any immunity. Being leery of foreigners who might bring disaster in their wake has not been unreasonable in the past, and it still isn't in the present.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Really terrible stuff, the reports so far remind me of Beslan, though thankfully with a lower body count so far. I like to poke fun at the French as much as the next guy but it's sad to see them targeted again, just sickening.

Ann Althouse said...The Al Gore connection: "Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is hosting a 24-hour live webcast from the foot of the Eiffel Tower to drum up attention for this month's international climate summit in Paris."

Fighting climate change is the equivalent of a world war, or so the smart people tell me. Fighting militant murderous ideologies, well, that's problematic, you see, what with religion and ethnicity and colonialism all mixed in there. But carbon dioxide, see, that's something we can all fight. Don't take your eye off that warming ball, kids.

John henry said...

exhelodrvr1 said...

And we don't realize that we are in WWIII.

You sound like a guy with no agenda.

The No Agenda guys JC Dvorak and A Curry have been saying this for months now. That we are already in WWIII

If you are not already listening, Twice weekly podcast.

John Henry

David said...

The dreaded Fox News is doing a great job of coverage, specifically Shepard Smith and Catherine Herridge.

Shep Smith is very impressive.

Karen of Texas said...

smdh. Yesss... I did forget the Boston Marathon. I am ashamed that I did.

Gusty Winds said...

Has Hillary! uncovered the YouTube video that caused this yet?

madAsHell said...

The Eagles of Death Metal??

furious_a said...

I had not thought I would find this quite so affecting. I guess somewhere deep down, I love Paris too.

Me, too. Unfortunately alot of neighborhoods where the killers can blend and alot of resentment over secular rules like the Hijab Ban.

The mujahs are going after the French because the French are mounting the most robust campaign against them of any of the Euros, especially in francophone Africa and their professional military (the paras and the Legion) are suited for off-the-grid fights like Chad and Mali.

David said...

"If America had not intervened, Syria's Bashar al Assad could have put down the rebels easily. But noo... we had to intervene, and ISIS had room to come in, and taking al Assad ought is somehow an American national security interest."

Your ignorance is massive. If we just stand aside they will leave everyone alone? You have no idea of the forces that underly the radical Muslim attacks. There is a deep angry conflict within that world that arises from Muslim history. They are at war with each other, and this attack is part of that. The attacks on the west are also of long standing.

Wars are won when the other side loses the will to resist. You have already been defeated.

Etienne said...

Where's Ross Perot when you need him.

I'm tired of this giant sucking noise out of Washington and the Pentagon.

Big Mike said...

Put your faith in God.

If God had shown up at the Bataclan concert hall to save the Christians and Jews who were slaughtered without reason and without mercy, perhaps I would. For now I'll remain an atheist.

David said...

garage mahal said...

He has been doing things. This is one of the results.

khesanh0802 said...

One can only guess how much of this tragedy was made possible by the waves of refugees passing into Europe. Obviously planning for this has been going on for some time, but the foot soldiers may have been infiltrated lately. Failure to contain the problems of the ME will get us all. France happens to be first on the list.

Big Mike said...

Death toll is up to 140 and climbing.

khesanh0802 said...

I am interested in how the Germans react to this. Their commitment to peace since 1945 will be sorely tested if serious attacks take place on German soil. The need to actively defend themselves will probably change their attitude toward their armed forces.

Ken B said...

"You wouldn't catch me dead there."


Michael K said...

Feeding trolls is a pretty useless exercise.

Big Mike said...

@jr565, sad to say, but there's a report that Jihadi John was not in the car that was blown up.

furious_a said...

A few thoughts ripple through my mind --
1. Is this everything? Are there other shoes to drop tonight?

2. Something planned for the Climate Summit? Or will security then be too tight.

rsbsail said...

After seeing a few photos of people covered in white sheets, with pink high heels poking out, I find the snarky comments here reprehensible. Some of you are truly sick.

Sebastian said...

Report from paris on Powerline:

"No one – and I mean not one person on TV or in the print media – has mentioned the fact that the terrorists are of Arab origin [and] are Muslim"

Can't vouch for the report, but: if you don't name the enemy, you can't win the war.

Humperdink said...

Whatever the post, whatever the topic, when Ritmo shows up, it's OVER.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike: I don't know whether this is the night that the open borders people lost their argument, but it certainly seems to be the night that the gun grabbers lost.

I would dearly love to believe that both the above were the case. But people talked like that right after 9/11, too. It didn't last; they didn't change. London, Madrid, Montauban, Charlie Hebdo, Fort Hood, the endless trickle of smaller scale attacks (beheadings, for God's sake, on London streets, Isére factories, down the memory hole for these people, if they paid them any mind in the first place).

You have to understand, these people suffer from a psychological disorder -- or, perhaps more accurately, a sickness of the soul. The great atrocities might knock them off their stride for 48-72 hours, but then they scurry right back to their "narratives" as soon as their brains have had a chance to re-wire the interrupted synapses and reconstruct the familiar world view.

(Example: I had prog acquaintances who immediately after 9/11 were not talking at all about what everyone in the world was talking about. It had had the effect, briefly, of shutting them up. But within the space of 48 hours the prog hive-mind of the small city I lived in had hallucinated into existence, and latched onto, an urban legend involving some locals being assholes to a Muslim restaurateur. That, they were all a-burble about. It was like a pacifier, or a hit for a junkie, calming their anxiety. I do not exaggerate when I say "hallucinated". The restaurant and the owner did not exist.)

The PTBs are hell-bent on mass-migrating the nations of Europe out of existence. This isn't going to stop them. If their project is going to be stopped, somebody else is going to have to do it.

MayBee said...

I love Paris. So much.

dreams said...

"I am not going to blame Barack Obama entirely for what happened in Paris Friday – but mostly. And that’s not just because he famously called ISIS the jayvee team, when they are now unequivocally the New York Yankees or the Manchester United of terror, repellent as that analogy may be (he started it)."

Paul said...

No doubt Obama will say it's 'workplace violence'.

See what you get when you open your borders?

Amazed you liberal stupes don't see that.

Browndog said...

It's going to be interesting to see how France handles their 9/11 compared to how we handled ours.

Humperdink said...

Let's not lose sight that the current administration has labelled climate change as our greatest threat. On that alone, he should be removed from office.

Or how about (after the most recent shooting here), Obama: "This doesn't happen in advanced countries".

sane_voter said...

The US is legally allowing tens of thousands of people every year to immigrate here from countries that have a substantial fraction of the population who approve of these types of acts. It is inevitable that among them are many who would carry similar acts if they could. And then the left will complain when the FBI is not able to keep them from doing this to us. It is Fucking insanity.

David Begley said...

ISIS is *entirely* Obama's fault. Make no mistake about that.

He had a chance to crush them when it was small and weak.

But he delayed and allowed ISIS to seize territory and become rich and powerful.
Barack just wanted to stall and run out the clock.

Today Obama said ISIS was "contained."

Elect Hillary and expect more failure.

sane_voter said...

No doubt Obama will say it's 'workplace violence'.

See what you get when you open your borders?

Amazed you liberal stupes don't see that.

Dems are playing a long game. They know these vibrant Muslim immigrants will vote Dem when the time comes and will accept the inevitable carnage the most violent among them cause as the price of "progress". The ends justify the means.

Anonymous said...

Blog Kill File is your ally. Use it wisely.

sane_voter said...

I think Trump's poll numbers will jump after this. the speech writes itself.

Jim Gust said...

First a Russian airliner, now this. ISIS is really, really asking for it, don't you think?

This is way beyond the Charlie Hebdo atrocity. This is, and I'm sorry, there is no other word for it, this is war. You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.

I'm going to predict that tomorrow Hollande and Putin are going to have a chat. Before the end of November, ISIS will be nuked by a joint French-Russian force. I suggest that they nuke Mecca while they are at it. Muslims only respect force.

The last politician to understand clearly how to deal with muslims in Europe was Queen Isabella. She succeeded.

Browndog said...

On this day, 1307-

King Phillip IV of France, Pope Clement V, carry out the systemic murder of the Knights Templar.

Friday the 13th has not been good to Catholics in France that do not submit to islam.

Bill said...

Kind of puts microaggressions in perspective, doesn't it?

Michael K said...

I think I'm going to buy an AR-15 tomorrow. Maybe I can beat the rush. Gun sales in October set a record. Thanks Obama.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

Blogger Browndog said...
It's going to be interesting to see how France handles their 9/11 compared to how we handled ours.
11/13/15, 8:25 PM

Think bodies floating down the Seine. France has been expertly capturing, interrogating and I do mean torturing, and killing enemies of the state for a very long time. The President of France himself was hustled out of a bombed stadium. Imagine Obama at a Redskins game getting frog-marched at a run down the service tunnels at FedEx Field when some Black Sunday terr scheme blows ten thousand holes in people. I daresay that would stir him. ...kinda like Stalin waking up that 6/22 to learn his mancrush Hitler had, like the worm, turned.

john said...

Blogger Browndog said...
It's going to be interesting to see how France handles their 9/11 compared to how we handled ours.

I think how we "handled" our 9/11 was to hand the terrorists an absolute slam-dunk victory, then, and today. I hope and pray the French can do better.

Has Obama said "We are all French now?" I don't think so, but I haven't checked the latest news.

Krumhorn said...

Why isn't it crystal clear that the likelihood of, or at the least, the impact of these kinds of events would be very substantially reduced if those set upon mass murder had to deal with the possibility of return fire from the sheep?

You won't find the Colorado theater shooter trying this in a Florida theater. The outcome of the massacres in France would have been substantially different had any of those in the concert had a firearm in a pocket. Why do the lefties insist so fervently that we remain helpless?

- Krumhorn

Anonymous said...

Chris: I'm trying to think why this "muslims attack" headline feels slightly inappropriate to me, doesn't it play right into their hands to say simply say muslims and not terriorists that's actually "to nice" not all muslims are terriorist and when you imply that they are you just spread their message and agenda in the way they want you to.

Profound insight there, Chris. What are you drinking tonight that's making your thoughts so deep?

You're right, of course. You know what Europe needs to do? Let in a jillion more Muslim "refugees" to demonstrate that they totally know that not all muslims are terrorists. That'll foil ISIS's dastardly agenda!

Nichevo said...

Also. Has everyone forgotten Bombay? The terrs ran wild for hours or was it days?

It seems the French were ready. I have not stirred the internet pot yet, who has any assessment of the engagement? I heard they took the nightclub without losses, or not so? First three reports are always wrong, of course.

Nichevo said...

My prediction: our time will come on Election Day 2016. A hundred American cities up in flames, I wonder how their doubtless incomprehensible, random distribution will affect the election.

The Godfather said...

We Americans bear some responsibility for the events in Paris. In 2008 we elected an unserious president, who claimed that the United States was the cause of many of the world's problems, not a bulwark against some of them. We re-elected him 4 years later. By then, he had squandered the victory won in Iraq by the blood of American troops. Coupled with his failure to enforce his own "red line" in Syria and refusal to support Syrians who sought to oust the dictator Assad, this created the vacuum that made the Islamic State possible.

Yet look at the nature of our presidential pre-election discussions. Hillary Clinton, who has already flunked her real world test in Libya, is the inevitable nominee of the Democrats (and if the inconceivable should happen, and she doesn't get the nomination, would Sanders, or O'Malley, or Biden be any different?). On the Republican side we have an egomaniac businessman who talks the kind of "good game" that rich men are able to talk, but has given us not the slightest reason to think he would be capable of putting together and directing a coalition of nations to defeat our enemies. We also have a good Christian man, whose skill has saved many lives, but who has even less capability than the egomaniac businessman to organize a force against these evil forces. And these are the leading candidates of the Republican Party!

And you wonder why Rome fell!

Browndog said...

I think how we "handled" our 9/11 was to hand the terrorists an absolute slam-dunk victory, then, and today. I hope and pray the French can do better.

I understand the sentiment.

Personally, I think we, the American voter, handed the terrorist a "slam dunk victory" as you put it, in November of 2008, at the ballot box.

But, that's just me.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

The inane drivel we will hear tomorrow from Obambi will be the same as we've heard before. I am tired of hearing it.

Anonymous said...

Chris @11/13/15, 8:57 PM:

Go sleep it off, Chris.

Browndog said...

I just can't help to think back on how our American youth protested over the need of "safe spaces" all over college campuses this week.

dreams said...

"We Americans bear some responsibility for the events in Paris. In 2008 we elected an unserious president, who claimed that the United States was the cause of many of the world's problems, not a bulwark against some of them. We re-elected him 4 years later. By then, he had squandered the victory won in Iraq by the blood of American troops. Coupled with his failure to enforce his own "red line" in Syria and refusal to support Syrians who sought to oust the dictator Assad, this created the vacuum that made the Islamic State possible."

As far as I'm concerned, those who voted for Obama have blood on their hands too. I have family members who voted for him and I wouldn't personally say that to them but it is what I believe.

Browndog said...

Obama will tee off on Sunday. Bank it.

Tee'd off he can't tomorrow......Or, can he?

Michael K said...

" I do mean torturing, and killing enemies of the state for a very long time."

Yes, and they will not be on TV wringing their hands.

Obama is irrelevant. This is war. I don't know if the Democrats will see it but embody will see it.

Michael K said...

Somebody will see it.

Autocorrect must have had the code written by communists,.

Big Mike said...

Latest report puts the death toll at 163 and still climbing. Hollande has pledged to wage a "pitiless" war against radical Islam. Talk's cheap, however.

Meanwhile Viktor Orbán is looking more and more prescient, isn't he?

@Anglelyne, the problem is not to win over the crazies (and progs are nothing if not crazy). The problem is to win over the people whose instinct it is to compromise, to get them to understand what's at stake and why compromise is a non-starter.

@Chris, Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the assault on the World Trade Center, had been invited to Germany for postgraduate studies by a German couple who knew his father, and they put him up in their own home. He had a fine career ahead of him in urban planning, but he chose suicide and mass murder instead. The failure of Muslims to integrate into European societies means ... what? That Europeans should adopt the failed culture of the Islamic Middle East instead? Should they make honor killings legal? Should a shop owner be content to see a Muslim clerk snub a female customer whose attire is deemed by the clerk to be too immodest? I hope there's a solution this side of "kill them all and let Allah sort them out," but I think it will take more effort on the part of the European Muslim communities to adapt to the modern reality of the Western world.

sane_voter said...

Obama wants lots of Syrians to come on over to the US. They happen to be young males, yearning to be free. Nothing bad will come out of that.

dreams said...

"I guess the internet didn't work, or maybe it did. Whose side is the internet on in this dispute, Althouse?"

I guess the internet is cruelly neutral.

sk2322 said...

From the Guardian.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared Saturday that France was at war with radical Islam after the harrowing sieges that led to the deaths of three gunmen and four hostages the day before. New details emerged about the bloody final confrontations, and security forces remained on high alert.

“It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity,” Mr. Valls said during a speech in Évry, south of Paris.

Etienne said...

I'm hoping "Flanby" will take some cargo ships to the Port de Calais and take all the fucking migrants to Murmansk. Let Putin deal with the infidels.

Todd Roberson said...

I suggest President Obama meets with his military advisors and then 1) takes away the safe room of ISIS and 2) unleashes one hell of a hashtag on the religion of peace.

Browndog said...

Hollande has pledged to wage a "pitiless" war against radical Islam.


Did he actually say "war"?

Browndog said...

Democrats are said to have a "debate" tomorrow.

war on rhetoric

Humperdink said...

Obama visited my hometown (Pittsburgh) a few weeks ago. He had a meeting with Mayor Peduto (D-Commie Pinko). Shortly afterward, this headline appeared in the Tribune Review:

Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto prioritizes taking in Syrian refugees

chickelit said...

sane_voter said...
Obama wants lots of Syrians to come on over to the US. They happen to be young males, yearning to be free. Nothing bad will come out of that.

Well, Mr. Obama's wish should be opposed at this time. He is our president, not our tyrant.

And I agree with all who are saying this helps Mr. Trump and Dr. Carson. as it should. let the other shilly-shally, shall we.

Original Mike said...

"It's not shocking, it's absolutely expected."

Yes it is. And it will enivitably get worse and worse and worse. At my age I don't expect to see this, but someday one of these monsters will unleash a biological weapon which will kill off humanity. It remains to be seen if Allah will be pleased.

rhhardin said...

It's youths.

eddie willers said...

If the election were tomorrow, Trump would win in a landslide.

dreams said...

"Go sleep it off, Chris."

I think Chris needs to wake up.

Browndog said...

It remains to be seen if Allah will be pleased.

If Allah is who I think he is, I'm sure he will be.

dreams said...

"If the election were tomorrow, Trump would win in a landslide."

Why, Trump wants to leave it to Putin to deal with ISIS.

rhhardin said...

The media reaction is how this is handled, and it will go on for a week if the ratings bear it out.

The Obama spin group will take that into account.

Go with the plan.

chickelit said...

Browndog said...
Hollande has pledged to wage a "pitiless" war against radical Islam.


Did he actually say "war"?

Well, his Prime Minister uses the word guerre: link, though he is careful to describe against whom.

Why do I get the feeling that Althouse doesn't take any of business this seriously? What would a hippie do?

Anonymous said...

I heard an ex-FBI agent say tonight that we won't get serious until there's lots more American dead.

Browndog said...

Humperdink said...

Obama visited my hometown (Pittsburgh) a few weeks ago. He had a meeting with Mayor Peduto (D-Commie Pinko). Shortly afterward, this headline appeared in the Tribune Review:

Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto prioritizes taking in Syrian refugees

As it turns out, the Student President of Mizzou had been at the White house several times in the weeks prior to that debacle.....nothing to see there.

Everything he touches, turns to Gold.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"If you have some thing intelligent or interesting say about immigration let's hear it because all I hear is the fear"

Immigrants slaughter a shitload of innocent people and all you hear is fear? Well, no shit.

Paco Wové said...

"Did he actually say "war"?"

He said "Nous allons mener le combat, il sera impitoyable" which I believe translates to "We will lead the fight, it will be without pity".

sane_voter said...

Well, Mr. Obama's wish should be opposed at this time. He is our president, not our tyrant.

I harbor no illusions on what will happen regardless of the empty platitudes that spill out of Obama's mouth in the aftermath of the French attacks. He has shown no inclination to obey US immigration laws. He writes his own via executive orders. Many of our civil servants are a cabal of leftists who know that Obama wants them to let in people who are against conservative principles.

We are truly fucked.

narciso said...

Carson was pretty resolute in the first debate, and gen Hayden is pretty impressed, to the shock of morning joke.

Browndog said...

chickelit said...

"Are we at war?....The question is really rhetorical."

That's what I figured.

Fucking French-

Known Unknown said...

"I don't know a lot about the immigration situation over in Europe but what I've read specifically about france is that there are whole communities that have been living there for generations now in isolation, discrimination and unemployment not surprising the disenfranchise act out, not in mass shootings of course but in general unrest and that some men would be lured into religious extremism and so forth."

This is not that. This is newer. This is the hand of ISIS.

Also, these muslim immigrants kept in the banileues tend to self-segregate without respect to Western law, standards or tradition.

Known Unknown said...

""Are we at war?"

This is World War 4. It's been going on since 1979, at the very least.

Anonymous said...

The Obama spin group will take that into account.

I eagerly await the report from the French detailing exactly how this was Obama's fault. Because surely it is. And he's not saying the right things again!

chickelit said...

Chris said...

If you have some thing intelligent or interesting say about immigration let's hear it because all I hear is the fear

Hey Chris, Nazis were human beings too (technically). That doesn't mean we had to invite them into America before, during, or after WW II. We fought against their ideology. We held them to ridicule and scorn. The least you could do is decide that there is a faction of people opposed to the West and help oppose them, even if you are too cowardly to name them for whatever reason. Or you could go over to their side. There is no cruel neutrality.

Anonymous said...

Combat is not Guerre

sane_voter said...

Stay away from Gun Free Zones. I am willing to bet all the French attacks occurred in such zones.

Known Unknown said...

" I am willing to bet all the French attacks occurred in such zones."

isn't all of France basically a gun-free zone?

eddie willers said...

Why, Trump wants to leave it to Putin to deal with ISIS.

Let the Mexicans pay for the Wall and the Russians kill the Muslims. A win/win.

Seriously though, if you can think of a candidate more suited to saying, "Screw it...I've had enough" let me know.

This is (I hope) the end of the namby pambyism that has crept in with the rise of the looney left and Obama. I imagine thousands of emails arriving in Congressmen's mailboxes as we speak saying. "Don't you dare bring in one more Muslim to this country".

And with any luck, this will also end the silly whining about "microaggressions". A big assed MACRO aggression like this put things into perspective.

chickelit said...

I eagerly await the report from the French detailing exactly how this was Obama's fault. Because surely it is. And he's not saying the right things again!

Well Gasrage, Obama and your love interest, Hillary!, stirred up Syria didn't they? Surely Obama is to blame for the whole Syria mess as much as Bush is to blame for Iraq. Same logic. But that's not really me talking. That you talking --I'm just holding the mirror.

It will be interesting to see if Obama calls for importing thousands of unemployed Syrian males.

walter said...

Holy crap, Ann. Laying down some bizarre Sharia style mass deletions.

Meade said...

"I eagerly await the report from the French detailing exactly how this was Obama's fault. Because surely it is. And he's not saying the right things again!"

This time maybe he can send you, garage, along with John Kerry and James Taylor, to sing You've Got A Friend.

chickelit said...

LarsPorsena said...
Combat is not Guerre

Guerre is war. What's your point?

Birches said...

I don't think this helps Trump or Carson; I think it helps Cruz.

Browndog said...

This is World War 4. It's been going on since 1979, at the very least.

The Muslim Brotherhood thinks your short by 50 years-

Everything you see today are fruits of their labor, that continues, quite successfully today.

Look it up....if you CAIR.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Once these teeming masses yearning to be free get their German, Austrian, French, etc. papers they will have no problem coming to America. So even if no ME immigrants are allowed into US we still have problems. They will be coming in with valid passports.

chickelit said...

It will be interesting to see if Obama calls for importing thousands of unemployed Syrian males.

And I'll add that if it were up to me, I'd let the Syrian males in last. It should be "Women and Children First." But then, I believe in chivalry.

Meade said...

Hillary's relative hawkishness will now come to the fore.

Todd Roberson said...

You think this is bad: just wait until that raunchy fluid-soaked three way with James Carville, Eleanor Clift and Donna Brazille surfaces and goes viral. Now that'll spark some "unrest"!

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Birches said...
I don't think this helps Trump or Carson; I think it helps Cruz.

I am somewhere between a low information voter and a person who cares about the election and I don't see it that way. Cruz is an ideologue and not a demagogue. This election belongs to the latter.

Sebastian said...

Y'all are wrong if you blame this on Obama. He just told us ISIS is contained. Therefore, if there are any loose militants running around, that's not his fault and not his problem.

Besides, as he also told us, Yemen is a model of how to deal with Islamist strife, Iran is becoming our friend, ISIS is JV, and al Qaeda is still on the run. What more could we want from a president?

Browndog said...

Blogger Meade said...

Hillary's relative hawkishness will now come to the fore.

Somehow, I think George Bush will come to the fore.

Anonymous said...

This time maybe he can send you, garage, along with John Kerry and James Taylor, to sing You've Got A Friend.

I bet this never would have happened if we had sent Ted Nugent instead. Terrorists will respect if you TALK TOUGH.

Browndog said...

John Kerry was in Paris for Charlie Hebdo.

Al Gore is in Paris now.

Both came within an inch from being our President.

I just find it kinda wierd.

Meade said...

"Somehow, I think George Bush will come to the fore."

France could use a Georges Bush right now.

JSF said...

This is the world the Anti-Bush protesters wanted.

The blood of Paris can be laid directly at their feet.

Had Bush done half of the President of France just declared, how fast would ARM and Garage and Ritmo be out protesting?

But don't worry, President Obama took all troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan! He made a nuclear deal with Iran that will give them unlimited funds! Who cares what happens to the civilians in the nations with dictators? Or warlords from ISIS?

ISIS bombs a Russian plane, Putin responds.
There is an attack on civilians of Paris, Hollande moves to war footing.
If there are attacks on civilians (or Iran keeps Americans as hostages), what does President Obama do?

Isolationism by the Democrats.
But "Microagressions" are scary!!! Say Liberal Professors and students in Yale.

Welcome to the Democratic party foreign policy.
How many more civilians will die because they wanted protests rather then action?
How many Arab counties will fall because the Anti-Bush protesters would rather a Dictator rule a country in the Middle east then try an old FDR/Truman goal of spreading democracy to where it never was?

The blood is on ARM. Never forget that.

sane_voter said...

Any European country that keeps their borders open (per the Schengen agreement) at this point is committing extreme negligence against their native populations.

cubanbob said...

Birches politically speaking it may help most of the republicans and definitely works against all of the democrats.

Browndog said...

When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month, when the world's leaders will fly in to "solve" a "problem" that doesn't exist rather than to address the one that does. But don't worry: we already have a hashtag (#PrayForParis) and doubtless there'll be another candlelight vigil of weepy tilty-headed wankers. Because as long as we all advertise how sad and sorrowful we are, who needs to do anything?
-Mark Steyn

Achilles said...

EU Commissioner's Dire Warning: "The Only Alternative To Europe Is War"


Support the EU. Or else.

These attacks change nothing. The IRS will still be targeting the true enemy. The EPA will still be keeping the focus on the true enemy, climate change. The wealthy of the world will keep the focus on eroding all borders. They will remind us that Islam is the religion of peace and the worst thing that can happen now is islamophobia. And don't forget the poop swastika. Always remember the poop swastika.

The real enemy are still those people who bitterly cling to their guns and religion. The left will always keep these things in perspective.

We should do the same.

Sal said...

It's youths.

There needs to be more jobs programs for young Muslim men in France. Flight training, for example.

Browndog said...

France could use a Georges Bush right now.

I'm sure many in France will blame him too-

sane_voter said...

The only positive I can take from this is that those pitifully inane college protests will be out of the news for a while.

chickelit said...

Meade said...
Hillary's relative hawkishness will now come to the fore.

Ten years ago or so, Glenn Reynolds was musing the same way. I remember his talk about a future battleship named her or some such.

But I think it's too late. Even though she has the primary all but clinched, she still has yet to differ one iota from Mr. Obama on practically anything except for that trade deal. And Obama doesn't do "hawk" well. It's just not in his mom jeans.

M Jordan said...

Borders will be closed across Europe by Monday. The true Europeans will begin to reassert themselves.

The pendulum has swung. The Left's moment is passed. A Republican will be our next president.

Wince said...

Meade said...
Hillary's relative hawkishness will now come to the fore.

But won't that rip apart the leftist coalition she's trying to build?

These events will only unite Republicans.

Steven said...

I'd be more impressed with the French PM if he hadn't already declared war after the Charlie Hedbo attacks. Okay, you're at war; where's the mobilization?

I remember his talk about a future battleship named her or some such.

He was referencing the "Axis of Time" series by John Birmingham, where the USS Hillary Clinton was an aircraft carrier named after "the most uncompromising wartime president in the history of the United States".

Browndog said...

Funny, isn't it?

The islamification of Europe runs through the desk of one-

A woman-raised under E. German Stasi

The Leader of the "Free World" raised a muslim in Indonesia is a whole different can of worms....

traditionalguy said...

President Holland basically promised that France is going to bomb the shit out of them.

As usual, Trump's instincts got there first.

William said...

I don't think Obama has much in the way of strategic vision when it comes to the Middle East. He seems a bigger failure than most, but no one since Genghis Khan has had an entirely effective middle eastern policy......What I truly don't understand are the Muslims. How does massacring random strangers advance their cause? There will be some disapproval voiced by the native French Muslims over this act, but it will be muted compared to their outrage over other issues......I didn't think France is in any danger of becoming a nihilistic shithole like Libya, Syria, Iraq and pretty soon Lebanon again, but it's a possibility. Not since the Middle Ages have we seen a religion produce so many murderous psychos. It's like Charley Manson had attracted a mass following.

Browndog said...

In my lifetime, there has been only one leader of a country that put themselves in harms way, experiencing the carnage first hand, without regard for personal safety.

She lives today.

Gahrie said...

How does massacring random strangers advance their cause?

If they aren't Muslims, it earns them a speed pass to Heaven.

Ken B said...

Browndog, you were born after Bush left office? After Havel left office? After Mandela left office? You seem older.

traditionalguy said...

Trump channels George Patton's way of putting a good plan in action today and not waiting a week to develop a perfect plan. He can do that because he has already analyzed the problems before the stupid focus group politicians know they exist.

Michael K said...

""Are we at war?....The question is really rhetorical."

That's what I figured.

Fucking French-"

No, the French will see that there are many unidentified bodies floating down the Seine and in the Mediterranean. No headlines. No speeches. Just dead Muslims.

Browndog said...

So, I was listening to the Red Wings game on the radio. We lost.

Now, I'm listening to the night shift on sports radio trying to talk about today's events in Paris.

"It's not about religion--except the Christians--they kill people. It's just a couple nutjobs!"

So on, so forth...

Hence, I feel the need to post this, once again. If you've never seen it, take the time.

Watch 3 minutes, you'll watch it all. It's called knowledge.

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

SukieTawdry said...

A couple of things: Today's news dump included the administration's plan to establish facilities in the ME to facilitate processing of Syrian "refugees." The new Canadian PM plans to admit 25,000 Syrian "refugees" before year's end even though he has no way to vet them and no place to put them. We should consider taking to the streets on this issue. These fools masquerading as leaders seem bound and determined to drop the terrorists right in our laps.

And, the BLM/snowflake protest crowd is righteously peeved that the events in Paris have not only stolen their thunder, but also have reminded the public how really fatuous their grievances are. They are imploring us to remember that while the events in Paris are tragic, there are equally important issues to address right here on American campuses. Their tweets on the subject are really quite pitiable.

Oh, and I think this might be Andrea Merkel's political death knell.

The last time I saw Paris, her heart was young and gay...

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