October 1, 2015

Somebody at Cornell Law School stole a law student's Ruth Bader Ginsburg lunch bag.

Email sent to everyone:
"If you let my lunch bag go now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill yell at you. To the low life who literally stole my lunch and dinner, please have the decency to at least return my WLC lunch bag to the kitchen. I just want Ruthey to get home safely."
The sad thing about this, other than that theft exists, is that if anybody else has an RBG lunch bag, they can't use it without looking like a thief. And I would think that a lot of people, upon learning that there is such a thing as a Ruth Bader Ginsburg lunch bag might want to get one...

... and now — at the very point of desire formation — they must leave that desire unrequited, because it is linked inextricably with looking like a thief.


I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

People swipe stuff. Just go buy another one.

rhhardin said...

Go for the Ruth Buzzi lunchbag.

rhhardin said...

It's a shaming culture. The obvious zinger response is go around with two RBG lunchbags.

Etienne said...

If I saw a bag like that, I couldn't stop myself from destroying it. I assume she checked the trash barrel at the end of the counter.

Brando said...

Looking like a thief isn't the worst thing about going around with that lunch bag.

Laslo Spatula said...

" I just want Ruthey to get home safely."

I'm sorry to inform you that Ruthey was raped in the sandwich and left in a shallow grave in the woods.

I am Laslo.

Fritz said...

Senile old lady misplaced her lunch bag and wants to make a Federal case out of it.

Etienne said...
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mccullough said...

I dig the Taken reference.

James Pawlak said...

`The thief deserved what s/he got.

lgv said...

OK, I'm not a Ginsburg fan, but it is a cool lunch bag. You could wash down lunch with a Clarence Thomas water bottle.

Curious George said...

I want to get a RBG lunch bag:


damikesc said...

Fucking hell, progressives and their love affair with officials.

MadisonMan said...

Things from which I would be blessedly shielded before the intenet: Some whiner losing their lunchbox at Cornell.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Looking like a thief isn't the worst thing about going around with that lunch bag."

Some 23 or 24 year-old is walking around with that and thinks it's cool? Talk about infantilizing.

We moved my older son into his freshman dorm at the U of W (the real one in Seattle) last week. Incredibly, the rules, notices, and door name tags in his hallway had all been made with a Harry Potter theme. References to Quidditch, potions, and such. Are you shitting me? I read these books aloud to him when he was 5 or 6 and now, as he starts what is ostensibly the first stage of adulthood, there's a fucking Ravenclaw shield on his room door? Unreal.

JSD said...

No wonder why so many can’t pass the bar exam. They’re still in grade school showing off their kewl lunch box. You’re in fucking law school, grow up!

Unknown said...

trying hard to not say, "who knew Ginsberg is a bag."

MadisonMan said...

See, they'd never do something stupid like that here at the Real real UW. :)

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Cracker Emcee--just this morning I was thinking about my grandfather and the civil engineering degree he earned from the University of Washington (yes, Seattle; I'm fifth generation) on the GI Bill. He didn't work as an engineer, but rather as a union longshoreman for the rest of his days to support a wife and ten children, some of whom had already arrived by the time he matriculated. It's a sad and amusing mash-up to compare my serious and intelligent WWII veteran grandpa as a twentysomething freshman vs the spoiled and silly children who now inhabit that same campus.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

My ire was more about the people running the place than the students. It's almost as if they fear their charges and so seek to infantilize them as a means of control. Pants, when I saw the dorm hallway one of my first thoughts was of my Dad, whose dive bomber was being holed by Japanese ground fire when he was just a year older than than the kids living in the dorm.

MadisonMan said...

they fear their charges and so seek to infantilize them as a means of control.

That is exactly what they are doing. Making them dependent on "The University" to make decisions for them.

They close the Gym here if it gets too hot and humid -- as if a person can't make that decision for himself/herself. Is there a Tornado Warning? You *have* to go to the basement.

Re: the dorm decorations. Whatever happened to students personalizing their space the way they wanted. I suspect the people in charge are trying to make it *"fun"* because some Education PhD a while ago used bad statistics to show a *fun* atmosphere helped retention rates. It's the kind of thing my kids (and any thinking kid) would rebel against.

Gahrie said...

Well..it is slightly better than a Che Guevara lunch bag.........

BN said...

"They close the Gym here if it gets too hot and humid -- as if a person can't make that decision for himself/herself. Is there a Tornado Warning? You *have* to go to the basement."

Duh. Ever heard of lawyers? I'll bet they can only drink iced coffee too.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

The Cracker Emcee said...

Incredibly, the rules, notices, and door name tags in his hallway had all been made with a Harry Potter theme.

Kind of reminds you of the first day of 3rd Grade, don't it?

William said...

This is not in keeping with the true spirit of R.B.G. Our little sister of the Supremes would be glad to share her lunch with someone less fortunate and recognizes how much damage our punitive society inflicts on the less fortunate. There's no way of knowing if that bag was stolen by a Republican. Until such time as that can be ascertained, I would recommend a gentler, more forgiving attitude.......I wouldn't steal the lunch from such a bag. You just know it's avocado paste and jellied soy beans on gluten free bread or some such hideous crap.

Bill said...

Is "kill yell" like a rage spiral?

Etienne said...
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madAsHell said...

the spoiled and silly children who now inhabit that same campus.

Take a walk through the HUB, and tell me if anyone is speaking English?

Sydney said...

The funny thing is that's a really small law school. What do they have- 40 in each class?

Smilin' Jack said...

And I would think that a lot of people, upon learning that there is such a thing as a Ruth Bader Ginsburg lunch bag might want to get one..

Only if they really, really want to stick to that diet.

Mike Sylwester said...

lgv at 9:48

OK, I'm not a Ginsburg fan, but it is a cool lunch bag. You could wash down lunch with a Clarence Thomas water bottle.

Thomas is famous for his Coke cans.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Take a walk through the HUB, and tell me if anyone is speaking English?

Good point. I was thinking about the local kids, not the Asian ones, who are anything but spoiled and unserious.

mikee said...

Why think the old bag was stolen? Somebody probably thought it was just wandering around confused again, and took it into protective custody.

Bayoneteer said...

Progressive fan boi/grrl probably glommed it. Gibsmedat is their MO.

Virgil Hilts said...

Another faked hate crime is my prediction. Also, a better Taken sampling: http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2012/02/16/decaf-rage/