October 30, 2015

"If you refuse to have more children, we will artificially inseminate your whole village!"

Chinese snark, after the government ends the one-child policy.


n.n said...

Money, pleasure, leisure, and progressive morality. Why would the Chinese want more clumps of cells to block their progress to libertinism?

I wonder if they have a Planning protocol to complement their version of selective-child.

wildswan said...

So let's see. In China girls have been aborted in such numbers that there's going to be a catastrophe unless some kind of action is taken. That's OK. Some men can become women like Caitlyn Jenner. OK. Then there aren't enough babies so we issue a rule that women can have two children so then the caitlyns just have more, no wait ... the non-caitlyns are told to have more children and more husbands while the caitlyns swank about doing nothing but look good. And the non-caitlyns just do it. Yeah, certainly. I see that happening.

rehajm said...

Central planning always fails.

chickelit said...

If you refuse to have more children, we will artificially inseminate your whole village!

It Takes A Pillage

Achilles said...

Capitalism failed again.

Unknown said...

wildswan killed it. Wicked.